Quote Originally Posted by MrAbdiel View Post
But taking a shot for someone doesn't necessarily just add another gem to the crown of King Melee Swift Attack, it just allows some primative 'tanking' mechanics. I'm more inclined to do something like say "When you take Parry Stance, you can use your parry to defend yourself or anyone immediately adjacent to you". That would mean you can't swift attack in the same turn you are actively bodyguarding someone, but that would be the tradeoff. Instead of berserking into the enemy lines, you are holding back for caution's sake. I don't think I'd charge a talent for that necessarilly, it'd just be an adjustment to Parry Stance as it is.

As for taking arrows and bullets for an ally by electing to take the hit, that feels like something best resolved in a stance too. Maybe we make a talent that permits "Bodyguard Stance" which is a upgrade to Parry Stance, in that it permits you to spend your dodge to take hits for your adjacent allies.

So that would play out like.. if you were desperate to protect an ally, you could Bodyguard stance next to them, spend your parry catching the first attack at them, spend your dodge bodyblocking the next one, and after that ... well there's only so much you can do to protect someone against a determined foe. This is all speculation for now.
I like the Bodyguard Stance talent maybe it has the completion of Bodyguard career as a prerequisite. I am a fan of tradeoffs and choices. I think these give options when Swift Attack isn't a possibility.