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Thread: Epic Hero [PrC]

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    Troll in the Playground
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    Default Epic Hero [PrC]

    Epic Hero

    The most ancient and powerful of heroes are beyond the ken of mere mortals, capable of performing superhuman feats of strength or wit, and possessed of power comparable to that of the gods. Any can take up the epic hero’s mantle, be they swordsman, knave, or mage, but only after long ordeals and great quests.

    d12 HD

    To qualify to become an Epic Hero, you must fulfill all the following criteria.
    Character Level: 17th

    Class Skills
    All skills are class skills for an Epic Hero.

    Skill Points at Each Level: 4 + Int modifier.

    {table=head]Level|BAB|Fort Save|Ref Save|Will Save|Special

    |Epic Virtue

    |Epic Virtue

    |Epic Virtue[/table]

    Class Features
    All the following are class features of the Epic Hero prestige class.

    Weapon and Armor Proficiency
    You gain no additional weapon or armor proficiencies.

    Epic Virtue
    At each level, you choose a particular talent, ability, or virtue to cultivate, raising it to epic heights. Choose from one of the following abilities to gain. Some abilities have certain requirements you must take in order to gain them; these are listed in their description.

    Epic Ability (Ex)
    Choose a single ability score. That score increases by 2, and you may always take 10 on any check made with that ability, or on any skill check made with a skill based on that ability. In addition, you gain one additional benefit based on the ability you chose, listed below. You may gain this epic virtue multiple times; each time, you must choose a different ability to apply it to. You must have a score of at least 18 in the ability you choose in order to gain this epic virtue.

    You are treated as being one size category larger in many situations. Whenever you are subject to a bonus on a check (but not a penalty) based on your size, you are treated as being one size larger. You are also treated as one size larger when determining whether some abilities, such as improved grab or swallow whole, will effect you. You can wield weapons designed for a creature one size category larger than you with no penalty. This ability’s effective size increase stacks with effects that actually increase your size, but not with effects that cause you to be treated as larger, such as the powerful build ability or the Monkey Grip feat. In addition, you gain Improved Bull Rush, Improved Grapple, and Improved Overrun as bonus feats, even if you do not meet their prerequisites.

    You gain a +5 enhancement bonus on initiative checks. In addition, whenever you make a successful Reflex save on an effect that allows a save for half damage or partial effect, that effect is instead negated. Even if you fail the save, you still only take the reduced effect.

    You gain immunity to death effects and to death by massive damage. In addition, whenever you make a successful Fortitude save on an effect that allows a save for half damage or partial effect, that effect is instead negated. Even if you fail the save, you still only take the reduced effect.

    You gain 30 skill points, which you must immediately spend. When spending these skill points, you treat all skills as class skills for determining how many points you must spend to buy ranks in them (but not for determining the maximum number of ranks you may have in them). In addition, you may use vision once per day as an extraordinary ability, with caster level equal to your character level and no material components or XP cost.

    You gain blindsense out to 30 ft. In addition, whenever you make a successful Will save on an effect that allows a save for half damage or partial effect, that effect is instead negated. Even if you fail the save, you still only take the reduced effect.

    You gain the Leadership feat as a bonus feat. If you already have that feat, you instead gain a +5 bonus to your Leadership score. In addition, you may use mass suggestion three times per day as an extraordinary ability, with caster level equal to your character level, and a DC equal to 20 + your Charisma modifier.

    Epic Arcana (Su)
    Choose a single arcane spell you know or have in your spellbook. You may cast that spell once per day as a supernatural ability. In addition, you may cast all spells of 0th, 1st, or 2nd level that you know or have readied at will as supernatural abilities. All caster levels are equal to your character level, and all save DC’s are equal to 10 + the spell’s level + your Intelligence or Charisma modifier. You must still pay the XP cost of any spell you cast as a supernatural ability with this epic virtue. This ability can be taken multiple times, choosing a different spell each time. You must be capable of casting 9th-level arcane spells in order to gain this epic virtue.

    Epic Artifice (Su)
    Whenever you craft a magical item, the material component price and XP cost are reduced by 25% (this does not stack with any other cost decreases granted by other abilities). In addition, the time it takes to create the item is reduced to 1 day per 10,000 gp of the item's market price, to a maximum of 7 days. In addition, once per day, you may cast a spell from a spell trigger item without using a charge or charges. You must be capable of casting 9th-level spells or 6th-level infusions in order to gain this epic virtue.

    Epic Divinity (Su)
    Choose a single domain granted by your deity (or, if you worship nature, choose from Air, Animal, Earth, Fire, Plant, and Water). You may the 1st and 2nd level spells of that domain at will as supernatural abilities. You may use the 3rd, 4th, 5th, and 6th level spells of that domain once per day as a supernatural ability. Finally, you may use either the 7th, 8th, or 9th level spell of that domain once per day as a supernatural ability. All caster levels are equal to your character level, and all save DC’s are equal to 10 + the spell’s level + your Wisdom modifier. You must still pay the XP cost of any spell you cast as a supernatural ability with this epic virtue. You must be capable of casting 9th-level divine spells in order to gain this epic virtue.

    Epic Healer (Su)
    Any cure spell you cast is automatically quickened, without increasing its level (however, other spells of the Healing subschool, such as heal or regeneration, are not affected). Whenever you apply a metamagic feat other than Heighten Spell, to a spell of the Healing subschool, the increase in the spell's effective level is reduced by one, to a minimum of +1. In addition, whenever you cast a spell of the Healing subschool that has a material component, you may instead pay an XP cost equal to 1/25 of the material component's gp value. You must be capable of casting 9th-level divine spells in order to gain this epic virtue.

    Epic Magic (Su)
    Choose a single class you have levels in that grants spellcasting (or manifesting, infusion-using, or any similar magical ability). You are treated as having an effective level in that class equal to your character level for determining your spells known and spells per day (or their equivalent for another magical ability). If you have levels in prestige classes that advance your spellcasting in that class, their advancements do not stack with the increased caster level. You may gain this epic virtue multiple times; each time, you must choose a different class to apply it to. You must be capable of casting 5th-level spells (or their equivalent for another magical ability) in order to gain this epic virtue.

    Epic Metamagic (Su)
    Whenever you apply a metamagic feat to a spell you cast, the increase in the spell's effective level is reduced by one, to a minimum of +1.

    Epic Pact Magic
    You may bind yourself to one additional vestige, and you automatically succeed on all binding checks. The DC of any ability granted to you by a vestige is increased by 2. In addition, when you gain this epic virtue, choose a single vestige of 1st or 2nd level. As long as you are bound to any vestige, you gain all of your chosen vestige's granted abilities, even though you are not bound to it. Yo must be capable of binding to 8th-level vestiges in order to gain this epic virtue.

    Epic Prowess (Ex)
    Your base attack bonus becomes equal to your character level, to a maximum of +20/+15/+10/+5. In addition, you become proficient with all weapons. You must have a base attack bonus of at least +12 in order to gain this epic virtue.

    Epic Psionics (Su)
    You gain bonus power points equal to your character level, and may apply metapsionic feats to powers you manifest without expending your psionic focus. In addition, you may manifest any power you know of 1st or 2nd level without paying its power point cost, although you may not augment it or apply metapsionic feats to it when you do so. You must be capable of manifesting 9th-level psionic powers in order to gain this epic virtue.

    Epic Shadow Magic (Su)
    Choose an master path, an initiate path, and an apprentice path of mysteries. You must know at least one mystery from each path you choose. Once per day, you may use a single mystery from the master path you chose as a supernatural ability. You may use each mystery from the initiate path once per day as a supernatural ability. In addition, you may use each mystery from the apprentice path at will as supernatural abilities. All caster levels are equal to your character level, and all save DC’s are equal to 10 + the mystery’s level + your Charisma modifier. You must be capable of casting master mysteries in order to gain this epic virtue.

    Epic Spell Specialization (Su)
    Choose a school of magic. Any spell of that school that you cast has its DC increased by 2, and you gain a +5 enhancement bonus on caster level checks to overcome spell resistance when casting spells of that school. Whenever you cast a spell of that school that is of 0th, 1st, or 2nd level, it is automatically quickened, without increasing its level. In addition, you gain one other benefit, based on the school you chose. The caster level of any supernatural ability granted by this epic virtue is equal to your character level. If this epic virtue grants you the ability to spontaneously cast a spell not on your class spell list, you treat its level as being the lowest it is on any base class's spellcasting list. You may choose this ability more than one time, choosing a different school of magic each time. You must be capable of casting 9th-level spells of the school you choose in order to gain this epic virtue.

    Whenever you cast an abjuration spell targeting yourself, you gain a deflection bonus to AC and a resistance bonus on all saves equal to that spell's level for its duration. In addition, you may spontaneously cast dispel magic, greater dispel magic, and antimagic field, even if they are not normally on your class spell list.

    Any creature you summon or call has maximum hp per HD, and gains a +4 enhancement bonus to Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, and Wisdom. In addition, you may spontaneously cast any summon monster spell except for summon monster IX, even if they are not normally on your class spell list.

    As a swift action, you may grant yourself the benefits of the true seeing spell for one round, at will. In addition, you may spontaneously cast arcane sight, analyze dweomer, and moment of prescience, even if they are not normally on your class spell list.

    Any mind-affecting enchantment spell you cast can still affect creatures normally immune to mind-affecting abilities, although they receive a +5 bonus to their save. In addition, you may spontaneously cast suggestion, mass suggestion, and mass charm monster, even if they are not normally on your class spell list.

    The damage dice of any evocation spell you cast are increased by one step. In addition, you may spontaneously cast fireball, chain lightning, and polar ray, even if they are not normally on your class spell list.

    As a swift action, you may render yourself invisible, as the greater invisibility spell, for one round. In addition, you may spontaneously cast major image, permanent image, and screen, even if they are not normally on your class spell list.

    Any undead you create has maximum hp per HD, gains a +4 enhancement bonus to Strength and Dexterity, and gains turn resistance equal to the level of the spell used to create it. In addition, you may spontaneously cast animate dead, create undead, and greater create undead, even if they are not normally on your class spell list.

    As a swift action, you may take on the form of another create, as the alter self spell, for one round. In addition, you may spontaneously cast fly, transformation, and polymorph any object, even if they are not normally on your class spell list.

    Epic Soul (Su)
    The essentia capacity of each of your soulmelds increases by two, and you gain 5 bonus points of essentia. Any incarnum feats you have are always treated as having one point of essentia invested in them, which still counts towards their maximum capacity. In addition, you may use conjure greater midnight construct once per day as a supernatural ability, with caster level equal to your character level. You must be capable of binding soulmelds to your heart chakra in order to gain this epic virtue.

    Epic Tactics (Ex)
    Choose a single martial maneuver of any level. You may use that maneuver once per encounter. You do not need to ready it (and may use it even if you cannot normally ready maneuvers), and cannot recover it. You may choose this ability more than one time, choosing a different martial maneuver each time.

    Epic Truespeach (Su)
    Once per round, when you would make a Truespeak check, you may instead treat the result as a 20 without making the roll. In addition, you automatically succeed on all Knowledge checks made when researching a creature's personal truename. You must have 20 ranks in the Truespeak skill in order to gain this epic virtue.

    Epic Warrior (Ex)
    You gain a +5 enhancement bonus on all attack rolls. In addition, the first time in a round you damage an enemy with an attack, you gain a +20 enhancement bonus on the damage roll. The critical hit modifier of any weapon you wield increases by one. In addition, you become proficient with all weapons. You must have a base attack bonus of at least +18 to gain this epic virtue.

    Epic Weapon Mastery
    Choose a type of weapon. While wielding that weapon, any attack you make with it ignores all forms of damage reduction, except for epic damage reduction and damage reduction/–. In addition, creatures with regeneration are always damaged normally by any attack you make with that weapon. As a swift action, you may make a single melee attack with that weapon if you are wielding it at your highest base attack bonus. However, that attack only gains bonuses to damage from the weapon's base damage and enhancement bonus, and your Strength modifier–feats, maneuvers, class features, or other abilities cannot add damage to it. You may choose this ability more than one time, choosing a different weapon each time. You must have a base attack bonus of at least +18 and the Greater Weapon Focus and Greater Weapon Specialization feats for the weapon you choose in order to gain this epic virtue.
    Last edited by The Demented One; 2009-01-19 at 09:35 AM.
    I no longer actively read the forums, and probably won't respond to any PMs. I'm fine with people using my homebrew in anything, including fan-compilations and wikis, as long as you credit me.

    Homebrew by The Demented One.

  2. - Top - End - #2
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Epic Hero [PrC]

    Simple, clear and logical.

    I like it.
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  3. - Top - End - #3
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: Epic Hero [PrC]

    Yeas, I like this especially the entry requirements. They are as simple & elegent as the rest of the class. Also, by the time you're done with the class, you are guaranteed to be epic by all accounts. Kudos.

  4. - Top - End - #4
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Epic Hero [PrC]

    Technically one level short, but who is counting?
    [Public Service Announcement]P.E.A.C.H stands for Please Examine And Critique Honestly[/Public Service Announcement]
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    My Homebrew is meant to be used, but, if you do, PLEASE tell me how it goes.

  5. - Top - End - #5
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: Epic Hero [PrC]

    Quote Originally Posted by DracoDei View Post
    Technically one level short, but who is counting?
    I am. If you must be 17th-level prior to entry, then you will have an ECL of 20 when you are done. That's epic.

  6. - Top - End - #6
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Epic Hero [PrC]

    Nope... Not Epic until ECL 21.
    [Public Service Announcement]P.E.A.C.H stands for Please Examine And Critique Honestly[/Public Service Announcement]
    Currently Running: Equestria Begins (A High Tactics campaign)
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    My Homebrew is meant to be used, but, if you do, PLEASE tell me how it goes.

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    Troll in the Playground

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    Default Re: Epic Hero [PrC]

    It's not balanced in the context of the full madness of D&D 3.5, at least compared to other classes, I think. It's like 3 levels where you suddenly become gestalt in some ways. Massive gish support, support for caster level losing PrC's, Theurges, etc. But then again, that's only the one virtue, which, incidentally, should probably note that you have to be able to cast 5'th level spells with the class you select.
    Epic divinity seems like there is an error in it. There is no difference between how often you can use 3rd, 4th, etc level and 9'th level spells, so why are they in separate sentences?

    But damn if it isn't cool.

  8. - Top - End - #8
    Troll in the Playground
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    Default Re: Epic Hero [PrC]

    Quote Originally Posted by Arbitrarity View Post
    It's not balanced in the context of the full madness of D&D 3.5, at least compared to other classes, I think. It's like 3 levels where you suddenly become gestalt in some ways. Massive gish support, support for caster level losing PrC's, Theurges, etc. But then again, that's only the one virtue, which, incidentally, should probably note that you have to be able to cast 5'th level spells with the class you select.
    Part of the goal was to make sub-optimal builds feasible at higher levels. Normally something like a half-caster level progression is pretty much unusable if you're trying to optimize your character; the Epic Hero's meant to change that.

    Epic divinity seems like there is an error in it. There is no difference between how often you can use 3rd, 4th, etc level and 9'th level spells, so why are they in separate sentences?
    You can use each spell of 3rd-6th level once per day. However, you only get one spell of 7th, 8th, or 9th level a day–so if you use the 9th level spell, you can't use the 7th or 8th.
    I no longer actively read the forums, and probably won't respond to any PMs. I'm fine with people using my homebrew in anything, including fan-compilations and wikis, as long as you credit me.

    Homebrew by The Demented One.

  9. - Top - End - #9
    Halfling in the Playground
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    Default Re: Epic Hero [PrC]

    Personally, I feel that three class levels would be more useful over taking this class and suffering the EXP lost per battle. Also three of them are not useful at all, its over kill unless you have multiclasses. I suggest instead of having them as a Prestige Class, and instead have them as Epic Feats. I feel it would work out better in the long run, because they will just end up being overshadowed by other abilities in epic levels, and not useful in the long run.

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    Troll in the Playground
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    Default Re: Epic Hero [PrC]

    Quote Originally Posted by Shalizar View Post
    Personally, I feel that three class levels would be more useful over taking this class and suffering the EXP lost per battle. Also three of them are not useful at all, its over kill unless you have multiclasses. I suggest instead of having them as a Prestige Class, and instead have them as Epic Feats. I feel it would work out better in the long run, because they will just end up being overshadowed by other abilities in epic levels, and not useful in the long run.
    For starters, prestige class levels don't count for XP penalties (and honestly, does anyone really use XP penalties?) And secondly, pretty much any character could benefit from Epic Hero levels, even if it's not all three–a melee type could take Epic Strength, Epic Constitution, Epic Tactics, or Epic Warrior; a caster could take Epic Intelligence/Charisma/Wisdom, Epic Arcana/Divinity, and Epic Magic...pretty much anything works, and they're pretty strong abilities.
    I no longer actively read the forums, and probably won't respond to any PMs. I'm fine with people using my homebrew in anything, including fan-compilations and wikis, as long as you credit me.

    Homebrew by The Demented One.

  11. - Top - End - #11
    Firbolg in the Playground
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    Default Re: Epic Hero [PrC]

    Quote Originally Posted by DracoDei View Post
    Nope... Not Epic until ECL 21.
    He is correct. 20th level does not count as epic.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Serpentine View Post
    Also I'm pretty sure you're GLaDoS now.

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    Troll in the Playground

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    Default Re: Epic Hero [PrC]

    Quote Originally Posted by The Demented One View Post
    Part of the goal was to make sub-optimal builds feasible at higher levels. Normally something like a half-caster level progression is pretty much unusable if you're trying to optimize your character; the Epic Hero's meant to change that.

    You can use each spell of 3rd-6th level once per day. However, you only get one spell of 7th, 8th, or 9th level a day–so if you use the 9th level spell, you can't use the 7th or 8th.
    Problem is, if this is actually used at higher levels, it can snap the game in two. There are some half-casters and so forth who actually would break the game, were it not for the loss of really high level spells. Even then, they're close. This may be because I use Swiftblade as my basic half-caster expectancy. Most half-casters aren't that potent, but any that are, like the class itself..
    Ah, now I get it. Not reading closely enough, apparently. Neat mechanic.

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    Default Re: Epic Hero [PrC]

    Quote Originally Posted by Shalizar View Post
    Personally, I feel that three class levels would be more useful over taking this class and suffering the EXP lost per battle.
    PrC's don't count for multiclass penalties. EDIT: Ninja'd

    Epic Warrior seems to completely obsolete Epic Prowess. Both give proficiency in all weapons. One gives up to a +8 bonus to hit, and the other gives a flat +5 past the +20 cap on BAB, gives you a +18-20 damage bonus, and increases your critical hit modifier.
    Last edited by Siosilvar; 2009-01-17 at 09:08 PM.
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  14. - Top - End - #14
    Troll in the Playground
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    Default Re: Epic Hero [PrC]

    Quote Originally Posted by Siosilvar View Post
    PrC's don't count for multiclass penalties. EDIT: Ninja'd

    Epic Warrior seems to completely obsolete Epic Prowess. Both give proficiency in all weapons. One gives up to a +8 bonus to hit, and the other gives a flat +5 past the +20 cap on BAB, gives you a +18-20 damage bonus, and increases your critical hit modifier.
    Epic Prowess is useful for classes like Swordsage or Monk, who are saddled with a 3/4 BAB despite being melee combatants. In addition, the bonuses from Epic Warrior are enhancement bonuses, meaning a +5 weapon makes the attack roll bonus from it completely redundant–not so for Epic Prowess.
    I no longer actively read the forums, and probably won't respond to any PMs. I'm fine with people using my homebrew in anything, including fan-compilations and wikis, as long as you credit me.

    Homebrew by The Demented One.

  15. - Top - End - #15
    Firbolg in the Playground
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    Default Re: Epic Hero [PrC]

    Epic Tactics is also silly now that I read it. If your level 17 and don't have above a 12 in B.A.B then you probably weren't going to take a combat ability in the first place.

    Any caster heavy class is going to go for Epic Magic, and most will then probably take Epic Charisma or Epic Int, and then Epic Arcana.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Serpentine View Post
    Also I'm pretty sure you're GLaDoS now.

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    Default Re: Epic Hero [PrC]

    Quote Originally Posted by Innis Cabal View Post
    Epic Tactics is also silly now that I read it. If your level 17 and don't have above a 12 in B.A.B then you probably weren't going to take a combat ability in the first place.
    The BAB requirement was just a short-circuit for things I couldn't anticipate–I had visions of someone homebrewing extra-action maneuvers and then casters gaining them and the whole world falling to ruin...but as for it being a silly ability, I hardly think so. I think Mr. Fighter 17/Epic Hero 1 is going to enjoy his Strike of Perfect Clarity or Strike of Righteous Vitality almost as much as Mr. Rogue 17/Epic Hero 1 enjoys his Time Stands Still.

    Any caster heavy class is going to go for Epic Magic, and most will then probably take Epic Charisma or Epic Int, and then Epic Arcana.
    That was the plan.
    I no longer actively read the forums, and probably won't respond to any PMs. I'm fine with people using my homebrew in anything, including fan-compilations and wikis, as long as you credit me.

    Homebrew by The Demented One.

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    Firbolg in the Playground
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    I meant silly as in the last bit was somewhat needless, there are probably better ways to make sure people don't cheese it out. I just don't see anyone going for cheese with extra moves once a day over all the other things you presented. It would in fact be sub-optimal with this class to do so.

    And most class's that are gish fighter/mage will have more then 12 so you can't avoid it completly if people really want to break it.

    Its a great ability though for fighters and rogues as you said. Its not so for mages or divine casters with all the awsome other things you've presented them with.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Serpentine View Post
    Also I'm pretty sure you're GLaDoS now.

  18. - Top - End - #18
    Halfling in the Playground
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    Default Re: Epic Hero [PrC]


    Strength- it is simple to increase size catagories, such as spells, enlarge person, and there are numbers of items which can do the same thing.

    Dexterity- It basicly would be an Improved Evasion feat or class skill

    Constitution- Again Fast Healing 5 and Damage Reduction 5/- is easy at that level.

    Intelligence- 30 skill points are not too useful, in most instances anyone who would need them would have them, also being at level 18 would give you a total of 21 skill ranks per skill, sure you can get a new skill completely maxed out, but i see very little use in it.

    Wisdom- Reduced Will effects is a bit vague, how can you reduce death, or domination, i suggest throw in allowing them a second will save with a bonus.

    Charisma- Mass Suggestion should be only once per day not three times

    Arcana- giving free spells is a bit over powered, it is easier to use the Spell Point system to give casters more higher level spells at the cost of lower level ones.

    Divinity- same as above

    Magic- It is only good for multi-classing caster classes, but increasing the caster level of the class doesnt work out that much, and very few classes reach 5th level spells, so not needed

    Prowess- The reason why some classes have the 3/4 attack progression is because they gain other skills, such as sneak attacks, spells, and other class abilities to make up for it, also if it is really a problem they will have strength boosting items and spells they can cast, or if they need dex, just use Weapon Finesse

    Tactics- Only useful from the Book of 9 Swords, great book, but having a level 9 maneuver for free once per combate could be powerful, limit it to a 6th or lower level maneuver.

    Warrior- +20 damage per attack is very powerful, especaly if dule wielding that will increase to +160 for a full round action, change it to a flat increase, also take off the +5 to attacks, getting a +5 weapon at epic levels is easy and will most likly have a +5 weapon with another enchantment on it. Proficent with all weapons are not that useful ether, when you are a fighter, you want to focus on one type of weapon taking weapon focus and specilization, along with Improve Criticals, so as a warrior bonus ability is not too useful unless you are not a combate focused character.

  19. - Top - End - #19
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Epic Hero [PrC]

    With this class present everyone should play a gish ... hell everyone should play a dual progression gish. This class is made for cheese, it's purposely designed to remove all the downsides for gish and dual progression builds for a mere couple of levels before entering epic levels.

    Pure and utter limburger ... but I guess at level 17 the game is off the rails anyway, so who cares :)
    Last edited by PinkysBrain; 2009-01-17 at 10:15 PM.

  20. - Top - End - #20
    Troll in the Playground
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    Default Re: Epic Hero [PrC]

    Strength- it is simple to increase size catagories, such as spells, enlarge person, and there are numbers of items which can do the same thing.
    Powerful Build's a decent ability, it's worth a +1 LA for any race that gets it. Combined with the bonus to Strength and ability to take 10 on Str checks, I think its good.

    Dexterity- It basicly would be an Improved Evasion feat or class skill
    Yep. Between that and the nice initiative boost, I think it works out nicely.

    Constitution- Again Fast Healing 5 and Damage Reduction 5/- is easy at that level.
    Is that a flaw? If those two abilities are easy to get at that level, than making them available at that level...seems to make sense.

    Intelligence- 30 skill points are not too useful, in most instances anyone who would need them would have them, also being at level 18 would give you a total of 21 skill ranks per skill, sure you can get a new skill completely maxed out, but i see very little use in it.
    The 30 skill points is just a little extra; the real meat of this ability is the boost to Intelligence. What Wizard wouldn't want an extra +2 to his casting stat? The ability score boosts tend to be better for casters than melee-ers.

    Wisdom- Reduced Will effects is a bit vague, how can you reduce death, or domination, i suggest throw in allowing them a second will save with a bonus.
    Reduced will effects are...abilities that have half or partial effect on a Will save. Just like for the other two save abilities.

    Charisma- Mass Suggestion should be only once per day not three times
    Given that the spell's 6th level, and the ability's only accessible by the time 9th-level spells are easily accessible, I think it's fine.

    Arcana- giving free spells is a bit over powered, it is easier to use the Spell Point system to give casters more higher level spells at the cost of lower level ones.

    Divinity- same as above
    I hardly think bonus spells are overpowered. I might trim it down to one use of the SLA for Arcana, though.

    Magic- It is only good for multi-classing caster classes, but increasing the caster level of the class doesnt work out that much, and very few classes reach 5th level spells, so not needed
    This seems unintelligible...for one, it's good for any caster class, as Epic Hero otherwise doesn't advance spellcasting. It's just better for casters who've multiclassed or taken PrC's that don't fully advance spellcasting. The thing about "increasing caster levels not working out" makes little sense to me, and as to few classes reaching 5th level spells...what, is Bard, Cleric, Druid, Wizard, and Sorcerer not enough for you?

    Prowess- The reason why some classes have the 3/4 attack progression is because they gain other skills, such as sneak attacks, spells, and other class abilities to make up for it, also if it is really a problem they will have strength boosting items and spells they can cast, or if they need dex, just use Weapon Finesse
    Yes, I know why not all melee-ers get full BAB. This ability just lets them get that nice little +5 and extra attack up at very high levels.

    Tactics- Only useful from the Book of 9 Swords, great book, but having a level 9 maneuver for free once per combate could be powerful, limit it to a 6th or lower level maneuver.
    I think at the level where an actual ToB character could be throwing scads of 9th level maneuvers down in an encounter, a strict 1/encounter won't be too bad.

    Warrior- +20 damage per attack is very powerful, especaly if dule wielding that will increase to +160 for a full round action, change it to a flat increase, also take off the +5 to attacks, getting a +5 weapon at epic levels is easy and will most likly have a +5 weapon with another enchantment on it. Proficent with all weapons are not that useful ether, when you are a fighter, you want to focus on one type of weapon taking weapon focus and specilization, along with Improve Criticals, so as a warrior bonus ability is not too useful unless you are not a combate focused character.
    The extra damage is very powerful, but it's a high level ability. The +5 enhancement is meant to free characters up to get magic weapons with more special abilities. The proficiency thing is just a little lagniappe, giving them ultimate versatility in weapon choice (plus, not all melee-ers are Fighters, and the Aptitude special ability lets weapon-centric feats apply to lots of types of weapons).

    With this class present everyone should play a gish ... hell everyone should play a dual progression gish. This class is made for cheese, it's purposely designed to remove all the downsides for gish and dual progression builds for a mere couple of levels before entering epic levels.

    Pure and utter limburger ... but I guess at level 17 the game is off the rails anyway, so who cares :)
    Except that you still have to go through 17 levels with a character who's going to be weaker than everyone else', an Epic Hero Gish is still going to be a worse meleeist than an Epic Hero Warblade or Barbarian, and a worse caster than an Epic Hero Wizard (and probably a worse gish than a normal Cleric or Druid).
    Last edited by The Demented One; 2009-01-17 at 10:20 PM.
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  21. - Top - End - #21
    Troll in the Playground

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    Default Re: Epic Hero [PrC]

    Ok, question:

    Is this class intended to function in the 3.5 paradigm of "balance", skewed as it is, or is it intended to function as a sort of add on, a "Here, everyone will take this. It's awesome"?

    Because as it is, I see no reason for any character not to take this at levels 17-20. Is this intended?

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    Default Re: Epic Hero [PrC]

    Quote Originally Posted by Arbitrarity View Post
    Ok, question:

    Is this class intended to function in the 3.5 paradigm of "balance", skewed as it is, or is it intended to function as a sort of add on, a "Here, everyone will take this. It's awesome"?

    Because as it is, I see no reason for any character not to take this at levels 17-20. Is this intended?
    It's intended to give an effective capstone ability to classes that don't have one, like the Fighter or Sorcerer. A buncha core classes have nothing going for them at high levels–the Fighter, the Paladin, the Sorcerer. This is for them. For classes like the Warblade or Swordsage, where a straight 20 levels is perfectly sensible, it's not a "everyone takes it," although it's still a viable choice.
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    Default Re: Epic Hero [PrC]

    Quote Originally Posted by The Demented One View Post
    It's intended to give an effective capstone ability to classes that don't have one, like the Fighter or Sorcerer. A buncha core classes have nothing going for them at high levels–the Fighter, the Paladin, the Sorcerer. This is for them. For classes like the Warblade or Swordsage, where a straight 20 levels is perfectly sensible, it's not a "everyone takes it," although it's still a viable choice.
    Ah, this makes sense. Good, good. So for example, Factotum probably wouldn't take it, with IP loss and no Cunning Brilliance. But Rogues probably would... yes, yes, this makes sense now.

    Neat. I like it for that, because most classes without capstones are less powerful, excluding casters. Classes with capstones tend to have been designed later.

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    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Epic Hero [PrC]

    Quote Originally Posted by The Demented One View Post
    It's intended to give an effective capstone ability to classes that don't have one, like the Fighter or Sorcerer. A buncha core classes have nothing going for them at high levels–the Fighter, the Paladin, the Sorcerer. This is for them. For classes like the Warblade or Swordsage, where a straight 20 levels is perfectly sensible, it's not a "everyone takes it," although it's still a viable choice.
    It's so far better for the people who took dual progression prestige classes and gave up the ability to get BAB 20 (<--- this one especially) or full spellcasting at 20 than it will ever be for pure classes that I find it hard to believe you honestly believe this.

    Epic Magic and Epic Prowess are insanely good ... nothing else in the PrC remotely compares to the boosts they can give.
    Last edited by PinkysBrain; 2009-01-18 at 12:56 AM.

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    Default Re: Epic Hero [PrC]

    Quote Originally Posted by PinkysBrain View Post
    It's so far better for the people who took dual progression prestige classes and gave up the ability to get BAB 20 (<--- this one especially) or full spellcasting at 20 than it will ever be for pure classes that I find it hard to believe you honestly believe this.
    It is good for gishes, but it's also good for straight-up classes, or for casters who lost a lot of caster levels through PrCs. I still say a Cleric/Epic Hero with, say, Epic Divinity, Epic Prowess, and Epic Warrior is going to beat out Joe Gish with Epic Magic, Epic Prowess, and Epic Warrior.
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    Homebrew by The Demented One.

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    Default Re: Epic Hero [PrC]

    Isn't it somewhat sad that this single homebrewed prestige class so completely overshadows a whole book of epic character rules? Very well done indeed.

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    Default Re: Epic Hero [PrC]

    Quote Originally Posted by Satyr View Post
    Isn't it somewhat sad that this single homebrewed prestige class so completely overshadows a whole book of epic character rules? Very well done indeed.
    I'm pretty sure there never was a book of epic rules. There was a neat web supplement, but nope, no book.
    I no longer actively read the forums, and probably won't respond to any PMs. I'm fine with people using my homebrew in anything, including fan-compilations and wikis, as long as you credit me.

    Homebrew by The Demented One.

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    Default Re: Epic Hero [PrC]

    Quote Originally Posted by The Demented One View Post
    I'm pretty sure there never was a book of epic rules. There was a neat web supplement, but nope, no book.
    Yeah, other than the Epic Level Handbook, of course. You know, the one with like 300 pages on the topic?

    Admittedly, it's 3.0, but it still works fine.

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    Default Re: Epic Hero [PrC]

    I like it, over all... By the time you get to that level, the game is pretty unbalanced anyways, so just up the EL of encounters the party is gonna face if this class makes them too powerful.

    Oh the epic level handbook... with the cute little undead godling spawn of satan thingy that was soooo ugly you died from looking at it...

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    Pixie in the Playground

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    Default Re: Epic Hero [PrC]

    Quote Originally Posted by Innis Cabal View Post
    Epic Tactics is also silly now that I read it. If your level 17 and don't have above a 12 in B.A.B then you probably weren't going to take a combat ability in the first place.

    Any caster heavy class is going to go for Epic Magic, and most will then probably take Epic Charisma or Epic Int, and then Epic Arcana.
    In 1st/2nd/mix edition I play a dwarf cleric of thor. clerics are a partially melee class and would benefit greatly from Epic tactics!

    i mean, they would have a +12/+7/+2 BAB
    Last edited by Catattack; 2009-01-18 at 10:21 AM.
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