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    Barbarian in the Playground

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    Default Witch Razor [Discipline]

    Witch Razor
    The Witch Razor discipline was invented and developed by a coven of hexblades, warlocks, and, of course, witches. It’s members were nothing if not power hungry, so when a few among them caught wind of the invention of blade magic, spies were sent to the temple of nine swords in the hope of learning its secrets. They were relatively successful; when they returned they had at least a rudimentary understanding of martial power. The other members of the coven soon began studying under the spies. Over time, they learned to augment and enhance their strikes with their own natural magic, and their fighting style eventually came to look more like magic invocations than any of the existing disciplines. The coven was eventually broken up by a party of well-meaning heroes, but initiators of the discipline still remain, wielding their own baleful magic and occasionally teaching its use to the next generation.

    The favored weapons of the Witch Razor discipline are the shortsword, dagger, rapier, butterfly sword and sai. Its associated skill is Spellcraft.

    Eldritch Swordsage
    Prerequisite: 1st level only, Must have trained under an initiator of the Witch Razor discipline of at least 5th level or higher.
    Benefit: You gain the use of the Witch Razor Discipline, however, you are permanently barred from using either the Desert Wind or Shadow Hand disciplines (your choice). In addition, you always treat Spellcraft as a class skill.

    1st Level:
    Sickening Strike: Strike- Baleful attack may leave the struck foe sickened.
    Baleful Blast: Strike- Fire a ray of destructive magic.
    Witch’s Eye: Stance- Gain the ability to see magic effects and avoid them more easily.
    Traitorous Return: Counter- Force a failed melee attack to turn on the initiator.

    2nd Level:
    Mystic Edge: Boost- You weapon deals untyped damage for a short time.
    Entropy Shield: Counter- Deflect mundane projectiles for one round.
    Blade of Terror: Strike- Attack a creature and cause those nearby to be overcome with fear.
    Warlock Burst: Strike- Deal 2d4 damage to all nearby foes and potentially knock them back.

    3rd Level:
    Vengeful Repulsion: Counter- Propel a creature that harms you backward.
    Cloak of Fear: Stance- Gain bonuses against foes who fear you.
    Dread Visage: Strike- Phantom image causes nearby creatures to become shaken or frightened.
    Hexblade’s Knife: Strike- Deal 3d4 extra damage and place a curse upon the target.

    4th Level:

    Misdirection: Boost- Turn invisible and leave behind an illusion of yourself.
    Antimagic Razor: Strike- Your attack deals extra damage to spellcasting creatures and hinders their spellcasting ability.
    Distant Slash: Strike- Attack a distant foe with a melee weapon.

    5th Level:
    Curse of Alienation: Strike- Cause allies near the struck creature to become sickened.
    Venomous Edge: Boost- Your weapon is poisoned for one attack.
    Kill Magic: Counter- Destroy a spell before it can harm you.

    6th Level:
    Otherworldly Knowledge: Stance- Gain limited insights into your foes’ abilities.
    Half-Death: Strike- Deal an extra 8d4 damage and animate the foe if you kill him.
    Deathly Malady: Strike- Flood of sickening energy may render the foe nauseated.

    7th Level:
    In the Stars: Strike- You receive a bonus to hit your target and invoke a terrible curse should you miss.
    Blink: Counter- Gain 25% miss chance or better against one attack.

    8th Level:
    Being of Magic: Stance- Gain immunity to effects which target humanoids and other bonuses.
    Wizard’s End: Casters you threaten cannot cast defensively and you are treated as having a readied action to disrupt spells.

    9th Level:

    Hope Destroyed: Strike- Force your enemy into a position of utter weakness and fear, demoralizing his allies.

    1st Level

    Sickening Strike
    Witch Razor (Strike)
    Level: Swordsage 1
    Initiation Action: 1 standard action
    Range: Melee attack
    Target: One creature
    Duration: 1 round
    Saving Throw: Fortitude negates

    The most basic of all the Witch Razor maneuvers, a sickening strike leaves the foe vulnerable by channeling fell magic into their body. As part of this maneuver, you make a melee attack against an opponent. If the attack hits, the foe must make a Fortitude save, DC 11 + your Wisdom modifier, or be sickened for 1 round.

    Baleful Blast
    Witch Razor (Strike)
    Level: Swordsage 1
    Initiation Action: 1 standard action
    Range: 50 ft.
    Target: One creature
    Duration: Instantaneous

    An initiate of the Witch Razor discipline can use his training and skill to mimic the warlock’s most potent attack. By channeling ambient magic through your weapon, you can shoot forth a magical attack not unlike an eldritch blast. As part of this maneuver, you make a ranged attack against an opponent. If the attack hits, the foe takes 1d4 untyped damage, plus another 1d4 damage for every five ranks you have in Spellcraft.

    Witch’s Eye
    Witch Razor (Stance)
    Level: Swordsage 1
    Initiation Action: 1 swift action
    Range: Personal
    Target: You
    Duration: Stance

    One of the most important tenants of the Witch Razor discipline is an ingrained understanding of primal magic. While this stance is active, you may detect magic as per the spell as a full-round action. The effect lasts only as long as you maintain concentration, though you can simply renew your magical sight as another full-round action if your concentration is lost. In addition, you gain a +2 bonus on saving throws against spells while in this stance.

    Traitorous Return
    Witch Razor (Counter)
    Level: Swordsage 1
    Initiation Action: 1 immediate action
    Range: See Text
    Duration: Instantaneous

    A basic With Knife curse allows you to force a failed melee attack to recoil and strike the initiator. When an opponent tries and fails to strike you with a melee attack, you may initiate this maneuver as an immediate action. You make a standard melee attack against the opponent who tried to strike you, at the same bonus as the attack made against you. If you hit, the opponent suffers damage equal to half the damage you would have taken had you been hit. If the enemy fumbles his attack against you, he takes full damage from his weapon.

    2nd Level

    Mystic Edge
    Witch Razor (Boost)
    Level: Swordsage 2
    Prerequisite: One Witch Razor maneuver
    Initiation Action: 1 swift action
    Range: Personal
    Target: You
    Duration: End of turn

    Through intense meditative focus, you briefly attain a near-perfect attunement to the magic around you. Your weapon briefly becomes a thing of pure magic. All damage dealt with your weapon becomes untyped damage, even damage dealt due to a high strength score or damage from a separate magical effect, such as the flaming special ability. Attacks made with your weapon can successfully hit incorporeal creatures as a magical effect (but not a force effect).

    Entropy Shield
    Witch Razor (Boost)
    Level: Swordsage 2
    Initiation Action: 1 swift action
    Range: Personal
    Target: You
    Duration: End of turn

    The Entropy Shield maneuver allows you to cloak yourself in a field of protective energies for a brief time, deflecting normal projectiles. You initiate this maneuver as an immediate action in response to a ranged attack made against you, thereby gaining a 50% miss chance against ranged attacks for the duration of the effect.

    Blade of Terror
    Witch Razor (Strike)
    Level: Swordsage 2
    Initiation Action: 1 standard action
    Range: Melee attack
    Target: One creature
    Duration: 1 round
    Saving Throw: Will negates

    An initiate of the Witch Razor discipline knows how to inspire fear in those who watch him fight. The blade acts as a conduit for potent necromantic energy- when a foe is struck nearby enemies are overcome with doubt and fright. As part of this maneuver, make a standard melee attack. If you hit, the struck creature and all foes adjacent to the struck creature must make a Will save, DC 12 + your Wisdom modifier, or be shaken for one round.

    Warlock Burst
    Witch Razor (Strike)
    Level: Swordsage 2
    Prerequisite: One Witch Razor maneuver
    Initiation Action: 1 standard action
    Range: 15 ft.
    Area: See text
    Duration: 1 round
    Saving Throw: Reflex half, Fortitude negates

    Your innate understanding of ambient magic allows you to channel it through you and release it as a potent blast of energy. Warlock Burst is a release of energy which harms all creatures within 15 ft. of you. These creatures are dealt 2d4 untyped damage. In addition, the force of the blast may be enough to knock creatures back. All creatures that take any damage as a result of this attack must make a strength check. For every size category larger than medium an affected creature is, it gains a +2 bonus on this save. For every size category smaller than medium an affected creature is, it suffers a -2 penalty on this save. The saving throw for both effects is equal to 12 + your Wisdom modifier.

    3rd Level

    Vengeful Repulsion
    Witch Razor (Counter)
    Level: Swordsage 3
    Prerequisite: One Witch Razor maneuver
    Initiation Action: 1 immediate action
    Range: See Text
    Duration: Instantaneous

    When a foe strikes you in melee combat, you can channel your pain into potent mystical energy you use to strike back against him. When a foe successfully deals damage to you with a melee attack, you may use this maneuver to push him backward as if with a bull rush. Unlike a normal bull rush, you do not move with the creature, nor do you provoke an attack of opportunity. Your bonus for the purpose of resolving the bull rush is equal to your Wisdom modifier + your class level. The foe takes 1d4 untyped damage for every 5 feet by which the are knocked back.

    Cloak of Fear
    Witch Razor (Stance)
    Level: Swordsage 3
    Prerequisite: One Witch Razor maneuver
    Initiation Action: 1 swift action
    Range: Personal
    Target: You
    Duration: Stance

    The Cloak of Fear stance allows a Witch Razor discipline to exploit the uncertainty of his foes, mercilessly preying on those enemies most afraid of him already. While in this stance, you gain a +2 morale bonus on attack and damage rolls against foes suffering from some type of fear effect. In addition, such foes suffer a -1 penalty on all further saving throws made as a result of your use of maneuvers from the Witch Blade discipline.

    Dread Visage
    Witch Razor (Strike)
    Level: Swordsage 3
    Prerequisite: One Witch Razor maneuver
    Initiation Action: 1 full-round action
    Area: See text
    Duration: Instantaneous
    Saving Throw: Will negates

    Using your great understanding of fell magic and the intricacies of fear, you can create a fearsome illusion to lower the morale of your foes. The illusion causes all creatures within 15ft. of you to become shaken. Alternatively, if you opt to affect only creatures within 5 ft. of you, the targets become frightened. Either effect can be negated with a successful Will save, the DC of which is equal to your Wisdom modifier + 13.

    Hexblade’s Knife
    Witch Razor (Strike)
    Level: Swordsage 3
    Prerequisite: One Witch Razor maneuver
    Initiation Action: 1 standard action
    Range: Melee attack
    Target: One creature
    Duration: 3 rounds
    Saving Throw: Will partial

    The group of magic practitioners who developed the Witch Razor discipline included a fair number of hexblades, and it is their influence that is responsible for the creation of this maneuver. As part of this maneuver, make a melee attack. If it hits, you deal an additional 3d4 damage on top of your normal weapon damage. In addition, the subject is cursed as if by the bestow curse spell. As normal, the exact effect of the curse is up to you. However, the curse lasts only for 3 rounds. The curse effect, but not the extra damage, can be negated by a successful Will save, with the DC being equal to your Wisdom bonus + 13.

    4th Level

    Witch Razor (Boost)
    Level: Swordsage 4
    Prerequisite: One Witch Razor maneuver
    Initiation Action: 1 swift action
    Duration: 1 round
    Saving Throw: Will disbelief

    This underhanded maneuver allows you to step into a more favorable position - without ever letting your foes know you moved. Upon initiating this maneuver, you turn invisible, as per the invisibility spell. In addition, an illusion is created which appears exactly as you were when you used this maneuver. The illusion does not move out of its square, but it reacts in the most realistic way possible to attacks and hazards that come near it. Enemies who interact with it are allowed a Will save to disbelieve the illusion, DC equal to your Wisdom modifier + 14. They are allowed a retry to disbelieve the illusion every time they come in contact with it or interact with it physically in any way. Against foes who believe the illusion to be real, the figment can be counted as an ally for the purposes of flanking. The illusion disappears and you reappear after one round.

    Antimagic Razor

    Witch Razor (Strike)
    Level: Swordsage 4
    Prerequisite: One Witch Razor maneuver
    Initiation Action: 1 standard action
    Range: Melee attack
    Target: One creature
    Duration: 5 rounds
    Saving Throw: Will partial

    This maneuver was developed by some of the more paranoid members of the Witch Razor coven. With this maneuver, you can potentially shut down a spellcaster before they can unleash their strongest spells. Make a melee attack as part of this maneuver. If the attack hits, you deal extra damage equal to 3 × the highest level spell or spell-like ability your enemy is capable of casting. In addition, spellcasters targeted by this attack must make a Fortitude save or suffer a -8 penalty to concentration checks for five rounds. The Fortitude saving throw DC is equal to your Wisdom modifier + 14.

    Distant Slash
    Witch Razor (Strike)
    Level: Swordsage 4
    Initiation Action: 1 standard action
    Range: 40 ft.
    Target: One creature
    Saving Throw: Will partial

    Through concentration and some understanding of dark magic, you can inflict wounds upon a distant foe as if they had been struck by your weapon. As part of this maneuver, make a Spellcraft check against your target’s total hit die+10. If you succeed, make a melee attack as if your target was in reach of your melee weapon. The enemy is considered flat-footed against this attack.

    5th Level

    Witch Razor (Strike)
    Level: Swordsage 5
    Prerequisite: Two Witch Razor maneuvers
    Initiation Action: 1 standard action
    Range: Melee attack
    Target: One creature
    Duration: 1 round/ initiator level
    Saving Throw: Will partial

    The Witch Razor coven found that this maneuver proved to be quite useful for breaking up enemy formations and getting foes to stop working in coordination. Make a melee attack as part of this maneuver. If you hit, the struck creature emits a curse which affects only creatures he considers his allies. All allied creatures within 15 feet of him are sickened. They remain sickened as long as they stay within 15 feet, and the effect immediately ends when they exit the area. All affected creatures immediately become aware of the curse and how they can escape it. No saving throw is granted to the target of the curse of alienation when he is first struck, but he can attempt a Will save each round as a move action to end the curse. The Will saving throw DC is equal to your Wisdom modifier + 15. Allies within 15 feet of the alienated creature can also attempt a Fortitude save with the same DC to avoid being sickened. Entering and exiting the area of effect does not grant a new saving throw to creatures who have already failed, but a successful saving throw renders a creature immune to the effect for 24 hours.

    Venomous Edge

    Witch Razor (Boost)
    Level: Swordsage 5
    Prerequisite: One Witch Razor maneuver
    Initiation Action: 1 swift action
    Target: You
    Duration: 1 round
    Saving Throw: Fortitude negates

    With a quick moment of meditation, you can call destructive energies to your weapon and administer them with an attack. Your weapon is treated as poisoned for one round. You need not apply the toxin- the “poison” is actually harmful magic energy, and you apply it through concentration and force of will. The poison deals 1d6 primary and secondary ability damage. This may be either Strength, Intelligence, or Charisma damage, at your jurisdiction. The Fortitude save DC is equal to 15 + your Wisdom modifier. As this magical energy is not true poison, any bonuses to saving throws against poison or immunities to poison a creature may have do not apply.

    Kill Magic
    Witch Razor (Counter)
    Level: Swordsage 5
    Prerequisite: Two Witch Razor maneuvers
    Range: Personal
    Initiation Action: 1 immediate action
    Target: You

    Just as many techniques of the Witch Razor discipline were inspired by magic, so too were they designed to protect against magic. Through a supreme force of will, you can purge your body of baleful mystic energy before it would harm or debilitate you. You initiate this maneuver in response to the casting of any spell which targets you. It offers no protection against area-of-effect spells. As part of this maneuver, make a Spellcraft check against the DC of the spell you are countering. If you succeed, the spell is wasted entirely and you are unharmed. However, by initiating this maneuver you give up your chance at a saving throw. Should you fail your Spellcraft check, you take the full brunt of the spell as if you had failed your saving throw.

    6th Level

    Otherworldly Knowledge
    Witch Razor (Stance)
    Level: Swordsage 6
    Prerequisite: One Witch Razor maneuver
    Initiation Action: 1 swift action
    Range: Personal
    Target: You
    Duration: Stance

    Strange voices grant you vital insights into the strengths and weaknesses of your foes. While this stance is active, you can use all knowledge skills untrained. In addition, you can learn about your foes by watching them and listening to the whispered advice of the voices. You can determine the total hit dice of any creature simply by looking at it. In addition, you can gain further insights through prolonged study of your opponents. If you spend a standard action studying a specific creature, you learn what type it is and what subtypes it has. A full-round action will tell you this and any two of its vulnerabilities and resistances. Two full-round actions will provide you with all of the above information and an explanation of any two of its special attacks and special qualities. The information you learn is chosen by the DM. Unfortunately, though the voices can be heard only by you, they are quite distracting. You suffer a -4 penalty on Listen and Concentration checks while this stance is active.

    Witch Razor (Strike)
    Level: Swordsage 6
    Prerequisite: Two Witch Razor maneuvers
    Initiation Action: 1 full-round action
    Range: Melee attack
    Target: One creature
    Duration: Concentration
    Saving Throw: Will partial

    By using a weapon as a conduit for your own natural magic and ambient negative energy, you can kill a foe and simultaneously animate him. As part of this maneuver, make a melee attack. If you hit, you deal an extra 10d4 damage, half of which is untyped, and half of which is negative energy. If you kill the foe with this maneuver, they are immediately “brought back” as a zombie. The zombie is charged with the magic you pumped into it; its natural attacks are treated as magic for the purposes of overcoming damage reduction and it has a deflection bonus to AC equal to your Wisdom modifier. The zombie doesn’t attack you, but you don’t control it. It acts naturally, attacking nearby living creatures until they die and then moving on. It exists only as long as you concentrate, then falls inanimate. Any foe within 20 ft. who sees you initiate this maneuver must make a will save (DC 16 + your Wisdom modifier) or become shaken.

    Deathly Malady
    Witch Razor (Strike)
    Level: Swordsage 6
    Prerequisite: One Witch Razor maneuver
    Initiation Action: 1 standard action
    Range: Melee attack
    Target: One creature
    Duration: 1 round
    Saving Throw: Will partial

    Your skill at controlling baleful magic allows you to push a flood of sickening energy through your weapon and into your foe. As part of this maneuver, make a melee attack. If you hit, the attack deals an extra 4d4 acid damage and may render the foe nauseated if they don’t succeed on a Fortitude save (DC 16 + your Wisdom modifier). If the foe is nauseated, his adjacent allies must make a Fortitude save at the same DC or become sickened.

    7th Level

    In the Stars
    Witch Razor (Strike)
    Level: Swordsage 7
    Prerequisite: Two Witch Razor maneuvers
    Initiation Action: 1 standard action
    Range: Melee attack
    Target: One creature
    Duration: 1 round/initiator level
    Saving Throw: None

    You can twist the tides of magic, partially tricking reality into knowing that your attack is fated to kill the foe. As part of this maneuver, make a melee attack with a +4 luck bonus. Reality bends so that your attack strikes home. Even if you miss, you gain greater benefit than a simple successful attack as fate attempts to amend the “mistake”. The foe takes a -3 luck penalty to Armor Class and to all saving throws. If you use this maneuver, you can not intentionally accept a penalty on your attack roll.


    Witch Razor (Counter)
    Level: Swordsage 7
    Prerequisite: Two Witch Razor maneuvers
    Initiation Action: 1 immediate action
    Target: You
    Duration: 1 round
    Saving Throw: Fortitude negates

    As your opponent attacks, you suddenly flicker in and out of existence, forcing the enemy to carefully time his strike. You initiate this maneuver when an opponent attacks you but before he rolls. Make a Spellcraft check as part of this maneuver. You gain a dodge bonus equal to every 3 by which your Spellcraft check exceeded your enemy’s average attack roll, that is, his total attack bonus + 10.

    8th Level

    Being of Magic
    Witch Razor (Stance)
    Level: Swordsage 8
    Prerequisite: Three Witch Razor maneuvers
    Initiation Action: 1 swift action
    Range: Personal
    Target: You
    Duration: Stance

    Your understanding and sensitivity to the flow of ambient magic allow you to partially transcend your mortal form and become a creature fueled by mystic energies. While this stance is active, you are no longer susceptible to spells and effects which specifically target humanoids (Such as charm person). You also gain resistance to fire, cold, and electricity 10 as well as spell resistance equal to 10 + your Charisma Score. Your eyes glow with a strange radiance and magic effects seem to veer away from your new form.

    Wizard’s End
    Witch Razor
    Level: Swordsage 8
    Prerequisite: Three Witch Razor maneuvers
    Initiation Action: 1 full-round action
    Target: You
    Duration: 1 round
    Saving Throw: None

    Champions of the Witch Blade discipline have practiced tirelessly combating spellcasters. Wizard’s End is the most powerful tool in the master initiator’s arsenal; with it, he can completely shut down a spellcaster as he is about to unleash his magic. You initiate this boost as a full-round action. As part of it, you ready an action to charge any creature within range who attempts to cast a spell or use a spell-like ability. If you use your readied action and charge a spellcaster, you gain a +6 bonus on the attack and ignore any magical bonuses they have to their armor class (including enhancement bonuses from enchanted armor, mage armor and the like). The spellcaster is treated as having suffered 20 extra points of damage for the purpose of making a Concentration check to cast their spell. While this boost is active, enemies you threaten cannot choose to cast defensively.

    9th Level

    Hope Destroyed
    Witch Razor (Strike)
    Level: Swordsage 9
    Prerequisite: Three Witch Razor maneuvers
    Initiation Action: 1 full round action
    Range: Melee attack
    Target: One creature
    Duration: 1 round/initiator level
    Saving Throw: None

    Total mastery of the Witch Razor discipline allows you to discharge an attack which does more than just kill your enemy: it forces them into a position of complete and utter feebleness. Rather than feel inspired to avenge the downed foe, your enemies‘ hearts sink as they see one of their own in a position of such total defeat. As part of this maneuver, make a single melee attack. If you hit, your enemy must make both a Will and Fortitude save (each DC 19 + you Wisdom modifier) Failure on the Will save renders you foe cowering. Even if they succeed, they are still shaken. Failure on the Fortitude save forces your enemy to become nauseated. Success on the Fortitude save still renders them sickened. All of the creatures’ allies within 60 feet and line of sight, must succeed on a Will save (DC 19 + your Wisdom modifier) or become shaken and suffer an additional -3 morale penalty on all attack rolls, damage rolls, and saving throws against fear effects. Should the struck creature fail both saving throws, they fall prone in addition to the other penalties and their allies take a -2 penalty on their Will save. This maneuver can never reduce the struck creature to below 0 hit points.
    Last edited by pyrefiend; 2009-01-27 at 04:26 PM.
    Witch Razor Blood Sage
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  2. - Top - End - #2
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Witch Razor [Discipline]

    haven't had time to read the specifics, but so far i like your idea.
    my own diabolical experiments (homebrew)

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    Watchtower––Volume III (running since 2008)

    Announcer— “Your cable television is experiencing difficulties. Please do not panic. Resist the temptation to read or talk to loved ones. Do not attempt sexual relations, as years of TV radiation have left your genitals withered and useless.”

    Wiggum, checking— “Well I'll be damned.”

  3. - Top - End - #3
    Barbarian in the Playground

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    Default Re: Witch Razor [Discipline]

    No thoughts on balance? I don't do much homebrew, and this is my first ever discipline, so I would have thought that many of the maneuvers would be over/under powered.
    Witch Razor Blood Sage
    (Links both lead to ToB disciplines I made!)

  4. - Top - End - #4
    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Default Re: Witch Razor [Discipline]

    I like the idea. Just some thoughts as I read through the manuevers:

    1st level:
    I think traitorous strike will get a little overpowered at higher levels. If an ogre can shell out tons of damage, a 1st level manuever shouldn't be able to do half that. Maybe it should allow a save (albeit a high one) to negate the effect. Also check the wording in the first sentence. I think you mixed it up with something else.

    More to come later...
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  5. - Top - End - #5
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Witch Razor [Discipline]

    and i think just the opposite. i still haven't had time to read through them all, but i have read traitorous return, and think it is fine at 1/2 damage. i actually think that it is fine at full damage, but whatever.

    the foe's failed attack is a roll that he missed–in essence, his save. if he wouldn't have failed, he wouldn't have gotten screwed over in the first place.

    maybe give it an extra condition on a natural one, does full damage instead of half.
    my own diabolical experiments (homebrew)

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    Watchtower––Volume III (running since 2008)

    Announcer— “Your cable television is experiencing difficulties. Please do not panic. Resist the temptation to read or talk to loved ones. Do not attempt sexual relations, as years of TV radiation have left your genitals withered and useless.”

    Wiggum, checking— “Well I'll be damned.”

  6. - Top - End - #6
    Barbarian in the Playground

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    Default Re: Witch Razor [Discipline]

    Quote Originally Posted by Stycotl View Post
    maybe give it an extra condition on a natural one, does full damage instead of half.
    Very interesting and flavorful, I'll add it in now.
    Witch Razor Blood Sage
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  7. - Top - End - #7
    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Default Re: Witch Razor [Discipline]

    I finally got around to reading the rest:

    For Distant Slash you should specify any melee weapon they are holding that they are proficient with. Otherwise, they could be carrying some obscure exotic weapon just for those purposes.

    Alienation needs a duration.

    Half-Death sounds a little underpowered. Perhaps 10d4, or 5d8?

    Surprisingly, hope destroyed sounds a little weak for 9th level. It should deal at least a little extra damage. After all, a reasonable amount of manuevers simply kill the foe outright if they fail a save, or close to it. (IE +100 damage)

    Other than those the manuevers sound good and fit the class well.
    Natural 20's: 1
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    As of 9/30/09

  8. - Top - End - #8
    Barbarian in the Playground

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    Default Re: Witch Razor [Discipline]

    Quote Originally Posted by Gentoo44 View Post
    I finally got around to reading the rest:

    For Distant Slash you should specify any melee weapon they are holding that they are proficient with. Otherwise, they could be carrying some obscure exotic weapon just for those purposes.
    Well you still need to make an attack roll, so being nonproficient will still hurt you. The text was pretty unclear about that though, so I changed it.
    Alienation needs a duration.
    Changing it now.
    Half-Death sounds a little underpowered. Perhaps 10d4, or 5d8?
    OK, bumped it up to 10d4.
    Surprisingly, hope destroyed sounds a little weak for 9th level. It should deal at least a little extra damage. After all, a reasonable amount of manuevers simply kill the foe outright if they fail a save, or close to it. (IE +100 damage)
    I disagree. Even if the target fails one of those saves, he's pretty much screwed. And on top of that, every enemy within a wide area gets debuffed as well. It doesn't do any extra damage, but I don't think it needs to.
    Other than those the maneuvers sound good and fit the class well.
    Witch Razor Blood Sage
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  9. - Top - End - #9
    Orc in the Playground
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    Default Re: Witch Razor [Discipline]

    Cool! This needs a PCR for Multiclass Warlocks/Swordsages and a feat path for Hexblades to get some of these maneuvers. Maybe even a Witch base class that has spells, curses, and maneuvers.

    Yarr, and I would have gotten away with it to. If I was smarter.

    - captain McCallister

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    Ability Scores:
    Str- 15
    Dex- 14
    Con- 16
    Int- 17
    Wis- 13
    Cha- 16

    Quote Originally Posted by Brickwall View Post
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  10. - Top - End - #10
    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Default Re: Witch Razor [Discipline]

    Wizard's end seems very weird to classify as a boost. I believe all boosts are immediate actions.

    On the same line, the benefits of 'Being of magic' are hardly worth it for a 15th level character. The resistances are piddly, and the SR isn't likely to impede anyone with atleast a +15 caster level.

    The Effect of 'Witch's eye' (It's supposed to be detect magic, right?) needs to be defined in the write up.

    I feel abit wary of 'Hexblade's knife'. The duration deviates from the standard of other maneuvers and bestow curse is nothing to laugh at. Probably needs play testing to get a better understanding of it's power.

    'Distant slash' needs to indicate that you make a ranged attack, as a melee strike. Have the maneuver use a fixed range. The DC probably should be 10+ hitdice, since it's really easy to make that skill check other wise.
    Last edited by Glyphic; 2009-01-26 at 02:56 PM.
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  11. - Top - End - #11
    Barbarian in the Playground

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    Default Re: Witch Razor [Discipline]

    Cool! This needs a PCR for Multiclass Warlocks/Swordsages and a feat path for Hexblades to get some of these maneuvers. Maybe even a Witch base class that has spells, curses, and maneuvers.
    I plan on making a Warlock prestige class that gets some maneuvers from here and maybe Shadow Hand. Warlocks don't get nearly enough love. Also, Hexblades can get maneuvers from the Martial Study and Martial Stance feats if they want them.
    Quote Originally Posted by Glyphic View Post
    Wizard's end seems very weird to classify as a boost. I believe all boosts are immediate actions.
    Very true. I wondered what kind of maneuver it should be, but since boost doesn't work, I just won't classify it at all.
    On the same line, the benefits of 'Being of magic' are hardly worth it for a 15th level character. The resistances are piddly, and the SR isn't likely to impede anyone with atleast a +15 caster level.
    I'll bump up the energy resistance to 10, but I'm a bit wary of increasing the spell resistance too much, since its such a powerful effect for a stance. Would SR equal to 10 + Charisma score be too much or too little?
    The Effect of 'Witch's eye' (It's supposed to be detect magic, right?) needs to be defined in the write up.
    Copy/paste error, editing it now.
    "I feel abit wary of 'Hexblade's knife'. The duration deviates from the standard of other maneuvers and bestow curse is nothing to laugh at. Probably needs play testing to get a better understanding of it's power.
    It might be a bit to powerful... I think I'll lower the duration to three rounds to be safe.
    'Distant slash' needs to indicate that you make a ranged attack, as a melee strike. Have the maneuver use a fixed range. The DC probably should be 10+ hitdice, since it's really easy to make that skill check other wise.
    Sounds good, I'm editing it now.
    Witch Razor Blood Sage
    (Links both lead to ToB disciplines I made!)

  12. - Top - End - #12
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Default Re: Witch Razor [Discipline]

    It is a pretty good dicipline, but I think that most of the saves need to be a stat other then wisdom,perhaps something that would even out the distribution of stats to prevent minmaxing,I know this sounds like nerfing but have you tried charisma?

    By the way I like how you tied in spellcraft,
    Last edited by ocel; 2010-08-17 at 05:39 PM.

  13. - Top - End - #13
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Witch Razor [Discipline]

    Thread Necromancy much?

    That having been is for Swordsages, thus the saves are going to be Wisdom based.
    Last edited by DracoDei; 2010-08-17 at 06:05 PM.
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