Snips, Snails, and Dragon Tales: Now available in PDF format from Gumroad
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  1. - Top - End - #1
    Ogre in the Playground
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    Some kind of hell

    Default PrC Contest X: Draw, Partner!

    Draw Partner!


    Who's the fastest gun in the Realm?

    _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/

    Giant in the Playground PrC Contest X

    The contest begins with the posting of this thread and will run through midnight of May 5th.

    Soon after a poll will be opened for everyone to vote for their favorite that will last until midnight of May 15th.


    1) You will be creating an 'original' prestige class. Your class must be capable of using firearms and practice the fine art of gunslinging with them, be they a pistoleer, a shotgun or rifle bravo, a flintlock fighter, or a master of gun-fu. Optionally, you may use the Demented One's most excellent Black Rain discipline if one was inclined to use the Tome of Battle. Any firearms you specifically cite as being used by your class must have a reference (i.e. DMG pg 145-146). I know the Iron Kingdoms Character Guide / IK Lock & Load character primer also has good firearms rules for flintlocks. Otherwise, feel free to make your own and have those critiqued along side your class. Gnomish tinkerer BFG wielders are also welcome. Keep in mind, if your class uses grenades or rockets of some alchemical variety or otherwise, they must be fired from a launcher or some sort of gun. This is gunslinging after all. No thrown weapons. Crossbow-like launchers are cool as well.

    2) Entries must include name, complete class, and some fluff, combat related and role playing related. Incomplete entries (those without complete rules needed to play the class) at the deadline will be disqualified.

    3) Entries must be 3.5, using the standard format below.

    4) Post all entries in this thread. Post all conversation, questions, etc here in the chat thread.

    5) Maximum of one entry per participant (gotta save up those creative juices for the next one too!)

    6) Entries must be your own work, and must not be copied for other places. Such entries will be disqualified.

    7) No reserving posts. Feel free to tweak your class, but the initial post must include the basics.

    _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/

    And here's a helper if you need it!

    (Fax Celestis' Prestige Class Creation Thread)
    Last edited by ErrantX; 2009-05-06 at 01:36 AM.
    Chris Bennett
    Author and Lead Developer of Path of War

    My credits:
    Path of War and Path of War Expanded: An OGL Tome of Battle for the Pathfinder game system, for Dreamscarred Press.
    Psionics Augmented: Psychic Warrior and Psionics Augmented: Soulknife for Dreamscarred Press.

    My extended homebrew signature!

  2. - Top - End - #2
    Ogre in the Playground
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    Some kind of hell

    Default Re: PrC Contest X: Draw, Partner!


    Quote of Some Kind by a member of the class!

    A general description of whatever the class is!

    How you would normally become a member of this prestige class.


    Class Skills
    The Class Name's class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are....
    Skills Points at Each Level: x + int

    Hit Dice: dx

    {table=head]Level|Base Attack Bonus|Fort Save|Ref Save|Will Save|Special

    |Class Ability

    |Class Ability

    |Class Ability

    |Class Ability

    |Class Ability

    |Class Ability

    |Class Ability

    |Class Ability

    |Class Ability

    |Class Ability

    |Class Ability

    |Class Ability

    |Class Ability

    |Class Ability

    |Class Ability

    |Class Ability

    |Class Ability

    |Class Ability

    |Class Ability

    |Class Ability[/table]

    Weapon Proficiencies: A place to put the different proficiencies.
    Put all the different class abilities in here!

    Brief description on how to play the class you are designing.
    Combat: Here's a section where you will describe common combat methods for your class. Remember to include information on how your class will use his powers in combat.
    Advancement: This is a section on different options and paths that the class can go down when they advance in power.
    Resources: What resources might a member of this PrC be able to draw on..

    A quote of somebody else talking about your class!

    A brief description of how your class is perceived in the world and how he interacts with the world.
    Daily Life: Some general information about the typical day in the life of your class.
    Notables: Make up some cool information about notable figures in the history of your class. It's best to give a little information from one of the good alignment and evil alignment (unless it's a good or evil only class).
    Organizations: Some information about organizations dedicated to the practice of your class and other organizations which members of your class will be attracted towards.

    NPC Reaction
    This is an in detail description of how NPC's would perceive your class and the immediate generalization that people would give of your class.

    This is a good place to provide a quick note on how your class will effect game play statistically.
    Adaptation: This is a place where you put in detail how people can adapt your class into their campaign setting.
    Encounters: This is a place to describe what sort of encounters PC's will have with NPC versions of your class.

    Sample Encounter
    Give an example of how one might encounter a member of this PrC.
    EL x: Give the encounter level and description of a sample member of this class and a stat block for him/her.

    Init +0, Senses: Listen +, Spot +,
    AC , touch , flat-footed ()
    hp ( HD)
    Fort +, Ref +, Will +
    Speed ft. ( squares)
    Base Atk +, Grp +
    Atk Options
    Combat Gear
    Spells Prepared
    Supernatural Abilities
    Abilities Str , Dex , Con , Int , Wis , Cha
    Last edited by ErrantX; 2009-04-29 at 09:06 PM.
    Chris Bennett
    Author and Lead Developer of Path of War

    My credits:
    Path of War and Path of War Expanded: An OGL Tome of Battle for the Pathfinder game system, for Dreamscarred Press.
    Psionics Augmented: Psychic Warrior and Psionics Augmented: Soulknife for Dreamscarred Press.

    My extended homebrew signature!

  3. - Top - End - #3

    Join Date
    Feb 2009

    Default Re: PrC Contest X: Draw, Partner!


    Adam "six-shooter" Sharashka a psi-shot revolver

    Relax, it's not even loaded.
    -D'nte Vespa Devil hunter shortly before a gun fight

    The psi-shot revolvers are consummate showman and deadly gunfighters. They are well know for their fancy gun twirling, "shot from the hip" speed and accuracy, never having to reload and their overly ornate revolver pistols. These gunslingers take the phrase "becoming one with your gun" to new levels, literally integrating them into their own nervous systems.

    Most psi-shot revolvers come from the ranks of psychic warriors and wilders. Psions rarely take up the revolver, due to the belief that pure mental power should not be sullied by a weapon (mechanically it is because they cannot overchanel the bullets). But when psions do become psi-shot revolvers, they are often a deadly force on the battlefield given their deeper power point reserve and wider power selection.

    BAB: +3
    Feats: Scribe tattoo, Craft psionic arms and armor, psicrystal affinity, exotic weapon proficiency (firearms)
    Skills:Craft (blacksmithing) 8 ranks, perform (gunplay) 5 ranks
    Powers: Must be able to manifest Bolt

    Class Skills
    Autohypnosis, Balance, Bluff, Concentrate, Diplomacy, Gather information, Hide, Intimidate, Jump, Knowledge (psionics), Listen, Move silently, Perform (gunplay), Psicraft, Sleight of hand, Spot, Tumble, use psionic device
    Skills Points at Each Level: 4 + int

    Hit Dice: d8

    {table=head]Level|Base Attack Bonus|Fort Save|Ref Save|Will Save|Class features|Powers known

    1st|+1|+0|+2|+2|scribe tattoo: ethereal volley, psi-gun, tattoo mastery| +1 existing manifester level

    2nd|+2|+0|+3|+3|Bonus feat, revolver upgrade|-

    3rd|+3|+1|+3|+3| Scribe tattoo: stygian bane|+1 existing manifesting level

    4th|+4|+1|+4|+4| Scribe tattoo: energy burst, revolver upgrade|+1 existing manifesting level

    5th|+5|+1|+4|+4| Scribe tattoo: Telekinetic thrust, psi-gun feature: coup de grace|+1 existing manifesting level

    6th|+6|+2|+5|+5|Greater Bolt, Bonus feat, revolver upgrade|-

    7th|+7|+2|+5|+6|Scribe tattoo: dimensional door|+1 existing manifesting level

    8th|+8|+2|+6|+6|Perfect Bolt, Bonus feat, revolver upgrade, psi-gun feature: dislocator|-

    9th|+9|+3|+6|+6| Scribe tattoo: crisis of life|+1 existing manifesting level

    10th|+10|+3|+7|+7|Scribe tattoo: bend reality, revolver upgrade|+1 existing manifesting level

    Weapon Proficiencies: Psi-shot revolvers are proficient with all simple weapons, and light armor.

    Powers known: At all levels except 2, 6 and 8, a psi-shot revolver gain power points and manifesting levels as if he had also gained a level in any one manifesting class he belonged to previously. He does not, however, gain any other benefit a character of either class would have gained (bonus metamagic, metapsionic, or item creation feats, and so on).

    If a character had more than one manifesting class before he became a psi-shot revolver, he must decide to which class he adds each level of psi-shot revolver for purpose of determining manifester level, and power points per day.

    Tattoo mastery: Upon entering the ranks of the psi-shot revolvers, all initiates are taught how to scribe tattoos of greater power even if they do not know the power and even if it is over 3rd level. The tattoos craved into their gun alter their basic effects as listed in shot selection. If scribed the skin it functions exactly like a normal tattoo. But, unlike tattoos etched into the skin the tattoos engraved into the psi-gun are permanent but occasionally require the user to expend psionic focus to recharge.

    Psi-gun: Upon becoming a psi-shot revolver fuses his psicrystal into his revolver. This revolver must be hand made and of masterwork quality. This fused pistol still confers all the benefits of its original personality, but with the following changes: share power is replaced with swift bolt, and deliver touch attacks is replaced with infuse power. A psi-shot revolver can make another psi-gun if he desires but will need to take the improved psicystal feat and make another masterwork pistol.

    Treat each starting psi-gun a single barrel revolver, with a chamber capacity of 6, range increment of 40 feet, and and uses d6s to resolve damage.

    Swift bolt:A psi-shot revolver can create bullets directly into the barrel as a free action. These are treated as magical to overcome DR.

    The psi-gun looks just like a regular six-shooter, but with numerous intricate engraving that seem to change slightly with each use. These engravings are psionic tattoos that allow the psi-shot revolver to channel his power points to launch his bullets and select which type of shot he wishes to execute. The cylinder of this pistol is solid and has no chambers, but has even more tattoos where the psi-shot revolver can set his shots.

    A psi-gun can be made to shot normal bullets but would need to replace the cylinder and hammer with normal ones, an action that takes 3 full rounds.

    Revolver upgrades: At every even level, a psi-shot revolver can upgrade his weapon in a number of ways;

    Chambers: 'Chambers" which is essentially how long a psi-gun can maintain a tattoo before it fades and cannot be used. Certain shots require more slots while other shots require less (see shot selection section). When all the chambers are empty, the psi-shot revolver can expand his psionic focus to refill it. He can also change his shot selection by spending a full round action which provokes an attack of opportunity. This can be increased to 10 and then to 15.

    Barrels: Start out with 1 barrel. This can be increased to 2 granting the shooter multishot when using it. (note: the feat multishot is not possible with a single barrel gun).

    Barrel length: Increasing the barrel will allow for more accurate shots at longer distances. Increases range increment to 50', and then 60'.

    Round size:Determines what dice you use to determine damage. Base value is d6 but can be increased to d8 and d10.

    Shot speed:Starts as single action which allows only one shot per round even with rapid shot. Upgrading to a semi-automatic allows for additional attacks as if he had the rapid shot feat. The psi-revolver produces no recoil, allowing for attacks made with rapid shot to be made without the -2 penalty. Upgrading to fully automatic allows 3 additional shots but all at a -5 penalty.

    Greater bolt: A psi-shot revolver can now make bullets that are made of silver, gold, and cold iron. These are treated as magical to overcome DR.

    Perfect bolt: A psi-shot revolver can now make bullets that are made of admantine, deep crystal, and orichalcum. These are treated as magical to overcome DR.

    Shot selection:There are no real bullets in a psi-gun, they are made when the psi-shot revolver activate the specific tattoo, transfers PSP and when reader (the hammer) hits the chamber, the circuit is complete and the round created and discharged at the same time. As a psi-shot revolver gains the knowledge to engrave new tattoos or use old ones to greater effect. Shot can be augmented and are under the same restrictions as powers. The DC for all shot (when applicable) is DC= 10 + primary modifier + class level. Metapsionic feats can be applied to each shot upon discharge.

    Bolt shot: uses bullets created out of the bolt power to deal 2d6, 2d8 or 2d10 (dice determined by round size) damage with each shot. Each shot is treated as having a +1 enhancement. As a relatively simple power, one chamber can hold focus for 6 shots and only costs 1 PSP to discharge. Augment: for every 3 PSP, the bullets gain an additional +1 on attack and damage.

    Ethereal shot: Uses bullets created out of ethereal volley power. Can only deal damage to ethereal creatures. Deals 2d6, 2d8 or 2d10 damage, 1 chamber can hold 6 shots and only costs 1 PSP to discharge. Augment: for every 3 PSP, the bullets gain +1 on attack and damage.

    Burst shot:The go to shot for crowd control, another psi-revolver forte. Uses the power energy burst. All shots create an explosion of 30 feet in radius and deals 4d6, 4d8, or 4d10 damage require 2 PSP to discharge. Augment: each additional 1 PSP spent increases damage by one dice, for every 2 additional PSP spent the DC (if any) increases by one.

    {table=head]energy type|effect|Save| recovery
    Fire|+2 damage per dice, lingering 2 damage per dice for another 4 turns| none |lingering damage disappears if cure spell cast
    Ice|reduce movement by half| reflex| movement recovered 5 feet per round
    Thunder| 2d4 STR and DEX damage| fort| regain STR and DEX at 1 per round
    Water| non-lethal damage, knocks targets prone| reflex| none

    Flash shot: Uses stygian bane to give bolt shots undead bane quality. Adds 1 PSP to bolt shot to discharge.

    Bounce shot:uses telekinetic thrust to bounce or curve a shot. The psi-shot revolver can only make one bounce at an maxium angle of 90 degrees. Does not ignore concealment. Add 4 PSP on shot to discharge.

    Dread shot: Uses crisis of life to fire into the heart. Fort save or instantly reduced to -1 hp. Takes up 5 chambers and requires 14 PSP to discharge. Augment: Add 3 PSP to increase DC and dice by one.

    Dislocator and Coup de grace: A psi-shot revolver can add these two qualities to their psi-gun at level 5 and 8 even if they do not meet the requirements. These function exactly as stated in the XPH except that the DC 1 for both can be increased by spending 3 PSP.

    Singularity shot: The ultimate in destructive shots, this shot has only been used by immortals (like Elans) like Rash the Rampage and Killy who are more tolerate of its side effects. This shot uses the Bend reality power to twist the very fabric of time-space sucking all unfortunate enough into a mawing event horizon. Upon using this shot the psi-shot revolver loses 1 level of this class (no save, wish and other restorative spells will not restore this lose), and ages +5% of his current age. Once the psi-shot revolver has paid this high price he unleashes a tear in space/time that requires all living things within a 1 mile radius to make a reflex save at DC= 35+primary modifier or be lost in a black hole for all of eternity. Those lost in the singularity are not technically dead and cannot be rasied in any way. Those that make this saving throw still take 35d12 of damage and are stunned for 4d4 turns. The psi-shot revolver himself is immune to all damage and ill effects (other than the discharge cost) of this power.

    Bonus Feats:A Psi-shot revolver can select a fighter bonus feat or a psionic feat at levels 2, 6 and 8. Alternatively, he can upgrade his psi-gun instead of taking a bonus feat.

    Combat: Psi-shot revolvers are generally used as crowd control (water burst) and hamper opposing (Ice shot) forces. He will still rely on bolt shots for most of his damage given its cost effectiveness in terms of PSP and chamber capacity. Six chambers filled with bolt shots will allow for 36 shots in total. Compared to 6 chambers filled with energy shots, you would only receive 6 shots. At higher levels a psi-shot revolver may not be able to rely on his bolt shots for damage since DR of 10 will make 2d8 shots ineffective. He can bypass this with better ammo, but energy shots will be much more reliable, and may make chamber upgrades more valuable in the long run.

    Advancement: Psi-shot revolvers are pretty much rail roaded into the role of crowd control. Levels in scout might prove useful for the extra damage and mobility. Upgrades should be semi-automatic, double barrel, round to chamber to 10 and round size to d8 for the best results.
    Resources: There is one 3rd party resource for psionics that had feats that made tattoos permanent. This would make reloading and chamber size moot points.
    Notables:The most famous of psi-shot revolvers is the devil hunter D'nte Vespa, son of the famous sanctified cerebrilith Vespa and his handguns, Ebony and Ivory. Killy and his gravity emitting psi-gun are also well know for its small size and kingdom leveling power. Rash the Rampage once blew a whole in his moon during a fight with his brother Nives. Killy and Rash were the only two psi-shot revolvers that used their singularity shots with any regularity.

    Best gunmakers on the planet! They often throw in a free tattoo if you buy enough from 'em too.
    -Teak Gloct, arms collector

    Daily Life:Psi-shot revolvers spend most of their days cleaning their weapons and tracing tattoos for what foes they think might encounter. While many psi-shot revolvers can be lackadaisical, none neglect their weapons as they are in a very literal sense a part of their personality. Many get by life making weapons for kingdoms and private buyers. Many are reknown for their detailed craftsmanship and elaborate designs. Others are hired to quell protests and rebellions and often do not come cheap. These psionic shooters are well equipped to deal with large groups and their reputations often proceed them.

    Organizations: Making a psi-gun is more than just making a weapon to hurt others but an expression of their minds. Shooters of all alignments gather once a year in a shooting competition, to exhibit their skills and craftsmanship. Events feature gun tricks, speed shoting, and the main is a duel with water shots for its non-leathal damage. It is said that you can always tell who the winner was by looking for the only gunner that is dry at the end of the day.

    NPC Reaction
    Psi-shot revolvers are generally held in awe by most who know of them. Stories of one lone gunman taking out scores of enemies often make them the target of honor duels. For this reason psi-shot revolvers often try to pass themselves off as collectors or just regular gunmen to avoid trouble.

    Sample Encounter
    Our motherland? I forsaken her a long time ago 'comrade'
    EL 12: Not much is known about Adam "six-shooter" Sharashka other than his reputation for treachery. He has been in the second hand man in several revolutionary (and some say anarchy) groups only to betray them all. No one know which kingdom he once hailed from, and his birth is shrouded in mystery, but it is rumored that he was the son of a legendary fighter named "Rapture" and a powerful seer code named "Despair. He is currently leading a proxy war for a nameless baron, but it is hard to imagine a man of Sharashka's cunning to be a mere pawn in a noble's pocket.

    Adam Sharashka
    CE/Male/human Psychic warrior 6/Psi-shot revolver 6
    Init +10, Senses: Listen +15, Spot +14,
    Languages: Common, Orcish, Elvish
    AC 27, touch 17, flat-footed (20)
    hp 80 (12HD)
    Fort +7 (10), Ref +7 (10), Will +7 (10) (using skin of the hero)
    Speed 30ft. ( 6 squares)
    Melee Deep crystal Vicious dagger+3 +13/+8 (3-5d6+3, 19-20 x2) melee, Deep cyrstal Collision dagger +4 +13/+8 (1-3d6 +5, 19-20 x2) melee, Nightmare semi-auto +17/+17/+12 (20 x3), Epona semi-auto +17/+17/+12 (20 x3)
    Base Atk +10/+5
    Atk OptionsRapid shot, multishot,
    Combat GearCloak of minor displacement, boots of temporal acceleration, ring of protection +2, skin of the hero, elven chainmail +2, gloves of greater dexterity, shades of the reaper.
    Powersmetaphysical weapon, force screen, bolt, ethereal volley, schism, catfall, energy missile, energy burst, telekinetic thrust, hustle, wall walker, detect hostile intent (always on due to being incarnated).
    Abilities 14 Str , 16 Dex , 12 Con , 17 Int , 15 Wis , 14 Cha
    SQenergy shot, energy burst, bounce shot, ethereal shot
    Feats Psicystal affinity (nimble and single minded), improved psicrystal, improved initiative, scribe tattoo, craft psionic arms and armor, rapid shot, point blank shot, two hand fighting, psionic mediation, exotic weapon proficiency: firearms

    Psicrystal feats: hidden talent: aversion, WF: pistol, WS: pistol, narrow mind, quick draw.
    Skillstumble 12 ranks, jump 12 ranks, hide 15 ranks, move silently 10 ranks
    Possessions[/QUOTE] Dojre of energy missile, tattoo of dimension door x5, manifester bullets +1 x12.

    Nightmare: psi-gun +2, semi-automatic, single barrel, damage: d6, chambers: 10, personality: single minded.

    Epona: psi-gun +2 semi-automatic, double barrel, damage: d6, chambers:6, personality: nimble.

    Sharashka will start most combat with schism, temporal acceleration or both. During his first accelerated round he will manifest wall walker and gain higher ground and will often move to the ceiling or somewhere close to his targets but hard to notice. He does this to gain high ground and to place himself in a zone that most targets cannot get to him. If the distance exceeds 40' he will use augmented bolts to make make up for the range penalty, while other range attacks against are less accurate.

    If he is knocked off from high ground or will use catfall to negate most of the damage.

    Sharashka uses a quick water burst shot with one psi-gun followed by a thunder or ice burst shot to start his attack. The water shot is used to trip opponents but also to double the range of the following thunder/ice burst.

    He relies on maximally augmented fire shots to deliver high amounts of damage if facing opponents with high DR, but usually has at least 12 bolt shot in each gun, and has become very proficient at bouncing them to hit targets at seemingly impossible angles. Sharashka's special shades of the reaper allows him to see the remaining hp of all living things. He uses this to selectively take out weaker targets first.

    When close quarter combat is unavoidable, Sharashka shows high competency with his twin daggers. He will use psionic dimension door or aversion to try to gain more space between him and and his opponents.
    Last edited by Samb; 2009-04-30 at 11:05 PM. Reason: specified damage, changed round damage

  4. - Top - End - #4
    Barbarian in the Playground
    TSED's Avatar

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    Sep 2007

    Default Re: PrC Contest X: Draw, Partner!

    Bullet Storm

    "Yeah, I can make the shot. No, it won't be a fluke."
    - Tommy Owlsnipe

    The Bullet Storm is an interesting blend of traditional focus and new technology, combining the two to form a most hideous opponent. Most of their members stem from the ranks of monks disillusioned with how unarmed combat is being left behind and with their monkly vows they see as 'outdated' or 'too strict', but you can find at least one member from any background you choose. They have no organization, and merely band together when it suits their needs.

    Many Bullet Storms start their new career by changing their alignment from lawful to neutral or chaotic, but not all. Anyone who knows how to use a gun and knows a few simple tricks with it is on the path to becoming a man (or woman) capable of incredible shots that leave even the most skilled archers scratching their head in envy and wonder.

    Feat: Quickdraw
    Feat: Point Blank Shot
    Feat: Improved Initiative
    Proficiency: Any one-handed firearm (PHB or homebrew ones are fine)
    Skill: Concentration, 4 ranks

    Class Skills
    The Bullet Storm's class skills are: Appraise, Balance, Bluff, Climb, Concentration, Craft (any), Disguise, Escape Artist, Forgery, Gather Information, Handle Animal, Heal, Hide, Jump, Listen, Move Silently, Profession (Any), Ride, Search, Sense Motive, Sleight of Hand, Spot, Survival, Swim, and Use Rope.
    Skills Points at Each Level: 4 + int

    Hit Dice: d6

    {table=head]Level|Base Attack Bonus|Fort Save|Ref Save|Will Save|Special

    | Bullet Flurry

    | Knowing Shot, Subduing Shot

    | Skill Tricks, Ranged Sunder

    | Gun-Fu, Reloading Mastery

    | Impossible Shot, Ranged Trip

    | Missile Takedown

    | Gun Ho, Ranged Disarm

    | Reflexive Aim

    | Bullet Storm

    | Improved Ricochet, Improved Missile Takedown, Pierce Damage Reduction


    Weapon Proficiencies: A Bullet Storm gains no new armour or weapon proficiencies.

    Bullet Flurry: A Bullet Storm may use his flurry ability (if he has it) with any one-handed gun he is proficient with. In addition, his Bullet Storm levels stack with any monk levels in order to determine the level of flurry available (if there are no monk levels, the Bullet Storm can flurry as a monk with levels equal to this class's level).

    Knowing Shot: Come second level, a Bullet Storm adds his wisdom modifier to damage rolls dealt with a one-handed gun he is proficient with.

    Subduing Shot: At second level, a Bullet Storm can choose to deal subdual damage with a one-handed gun he is proficient with instead of lethal damage. However, with this in place he deals less damage; the damage reduced is equal to [10 - Bullet Storm levels]. So a Bullet Storm of 5th level dealing subdual damage with a flintlock pistol deals 2d6 + 3 (wisdom mod) - 5. It is very possible to deal 0 damage with this, but it is impossible to heal some one with this.

    Ranged Sunder: At third level, a Bullet Storm is capable of targetting a person's specific items from a distance. He may make sunder attacks on equipment with a one-handed firearm, but any penalties from range increments are tripled.

    Skill Tricks: At third level, a Bullet Storm can get two free skill tricks which he meets the requirements for. If there are no skill tricks that matches this criteria, he instead gains 1 free skill point per trick to spend as he wishes. The skill trick(s) is lost forever.

    Gun Fu: At fourth level, a Bullet Storm is so familiar and comfortable with his firearms that he can fight with them in melee. He may make a melee attack with his guns that deals either 1d4 bludgeoning damage or his unarmed damage, and if it hits he may shoot them with the firearm as a free action.

    Reloading Mastery: By fourth level, a Bullet Storm's so familiar with how to move bullets out of his gun that he's realised he needs to put them in faster. He has now mastered that art, and reloading a single-handed firearm he is proficient with is now only a swift action. Like Unarmed Strike for a monk, he can use more than just his hands to do this - potentially bouncing bullets off of everything from his forehead to miscellaneous extra leather. Reloading the gun requires a concentration check of DC20 if there are no free hands, however. A failure indicates the bullets missed and are dropped.

    Impossible Shot: At fifth level, a Bullet Storm's accuracy becomes almost supernatural. As a full round action that provokes attacks of opportunity, he may fire a single shot that ignores cover and can potentially ignore concealment. He must know what square the target is in in order to make the shot, and he must succeed a DC10 + [5 per 10% miss chance] concentration check in order to ignore concealment.

    Ranged Trip: At fifth level, a Bullet Storm is learning all sorts of new ways to attack with a gun. He may make trip attacks with a one-handed firearm that he is proficient with, but any penalties from range increments are tripled. They cannot attempt to trip him back if his trip attempt fails.

    Missile Takedown: At sixth level, a Bullet Storm learns his most impressive trick of all: shooting down incoming missiles. Once per round as an immediate action, he may attack a missile or projectile spell that was launched by another person. The target's AC is equal to 10 + size modifier (usually tiny) + 10 dodge bonus. Some spells can be attacked; if it is a projectile from a conjuration spell or it is a physical spell (like a shard of rock) it is has an AC equal to the caster's caster level, has HP equal to twice the spell level + 5. Neither spell nor projectile are considered immune to critical hits, as a good shot could deflect the projectile so much that it was knocked heavily off course without actually 'destroying' it.

    Gun Ho: At seventh level, a Bullet Storm is very familiar with his body and his guns. He receives a +3 bonus to reflex saving throws and a +4 dodge bonus vs missile attacks. Additionally, a Bullet Storm can imbue a single bullet as a standard action to do damage as well as one use of a Stunning Fist, if they have that feat.

    Ranged Disarm: At seventh level, a Bullet Storm is capable of sniping weapons straight out of a target's hands. He can make disarm attempts with his gun, but any penalties from range increments are tripled.

    Reflexive Aim: At eighth level, a Bullet Storm's reflexes are terrifying. When an enemy provokes an attack of opportunity within one range increment of his firearm, he may take an attack of opportunity against it with a -4 to hit. Movement or performing a ranged attack does not provoke attacks of opportunity, and are the sole exceptions to this rule. Additionally, he may use the attack or opportunity to use one of his other forms of attack (ranged trip, sunder item, etc.) on the target at -2 penalty. (Picture some one going to quaff a potion - BLAM, DENIED. Tries to pull a wand? DENIED. Can make the concentration check if they get shot? NO MORE MATERIAL COMPONENT FOR YOU. Fits the ability more thematically than a mere 'shoot you in the face instead.')

    Bullet Storm: A truly terrifying ability comes forth from the Bullet Storm at ninth level - a hail of bullets. Using his mastery of his firearm, a Bullet Storm can cause a 10' burst dealing weapon damage as a full round action that provokes attacks of opportunity and uses at least 10 bullets - for every bullet over 10 (up to a maximum of 10 + character level) you deal an extra 2 points of damage. Reloading while firing is part of the action; it does not matter how many bullets the magazine can hold or what (if any) enchantments they carry.

    Improved Missile Takedown: At tenth level, a Bullet Storm can use Missile takedown as many times a round as his magazine can hold (typically 6).

    Improved Reflexive Aim: At tenth level, a Bullet Storm's Reflexive Aim suffers no penalties when using Ranged Sunder, Ranged Trip, or Ranged Disarm.

    Pierce Damage Reduction: At tenth level, any damage reduction that reduces damage from the bullets shot off by the Bullet Storm is reduced by 15 + wisdom mod (but only for the Bullet Storm).

    A Bullet Storm is a sharp shooter. While not quite a back-liner, he is fragile and needs to avoid getting himself into dangerous situations. He can deal damage from intermediate distances and even debilitate in that range but until fourth level he cannot hold his own in melee. He has very little staying power (since it is likely that he is not wearing armour because of some left over monk abilities, and his D6 hit dice).

    Combat: A bullet storm's modus operandi is simple: shoot it. If he wants to take it in a la bounty hunter, he has several ways to debilitate the target. If he just wants it dead, well, that puzzle can't be too tricky to figure out. A Bullet Storm should make sure he keeps enough bullets on hand to be useful at all times, or find a magical solution to that problem.

    "I once saw him take out seventeen men in a brawl, before they even realised he was there. Didn't kill any of them, lords know he could've. The only thing I have to say about his mother his how saintly she was, sir. "
    - An Anonymous Bartender

    A Bullet Storm is generally met with much suspicion, because many a fallen monk who has turned to this path has also turned the way of the outlaw. If a Bullet Storm proves he is still an upstanding person, his skill is admired and brings much respect and gratitude. Many less intelligent goblinoids and humanoids view these men as supernatural beings, due to their ability to do the seemingly impossible.

    Daily Life: A Bullet Storm's daily life is as varied as it gets. Some spend much time deep in meditation. Some practice with spare ammunition. Some even prepare their spells slowly, or ensure their firearms are in pristine condition. The only thing they have in common is that their gun is somewhere on their body when they wake up.

    Notables: The most infamous Bullet Storms were two friends from the same monastery. One of them, Tommy Owlsnipe, was a relatively cruel man who eventually fell out of favour with the monastery's headmaster. Cast out of the brotherhood, he turned to a life of crime very quickly, terrorizing a great number of frontier towns. Hearing of his exploits, his old friend Johnson of the Red Sky Monastery sadly stepped out of his monastic fortress in order to put him down. He approached Tommy Owlsnipe, and immediately was shot in the leg as Tommy ran away. This made Johnson realise he had no chance against Tommy on the open plains, and he similarly took up the gun. Over the next seven years they engaged a long and bitter duel, but eventually Johnson's cunning and equally good eye took out a rope bridge Tommy was crossing from a well-planned ambush. Falling into an incredibly deep canyon, he had no cover from the hail of fire that supposedly took his life, and Tommy retired to a local town. He was pronounced Sheriff and the region has been crime free since, kept safe by Johnson's impossibly fast draw.

    NPC Reaction
    Many monks sneer in disdain at monks who have taken to the path of Bullet Storm, and paladins tend to think guns are dishonourable. Some archers snicker at the thought of a gunsman being 'equal' to their finely honed skills, but are usually silenced after seeing a Bullet Storm in action. Other classes don't particularly care - a man and his weapon is not an uncommon sight, and so what if his particular weapon is a tube that makes chunks of metal fly?

    This class is just a close-combat archer. It is very unlikely to do anything a ranger, specialized mage, or specialized fighter couldn't. That being said, the Missile Takedown ability could lead to ranged damage shutdown, or be very deadly in conjunction with, say, a flying Bullet Storm with high spell resistance.

    Adaptation: Simple: put guns in the game. Where there are guns, there are Bullet Storms.

    Encounters: A smart Bullet Storm will try to ambush the PCs, using their initiative, ridiculous number of attacks per round (more so if they invest in Two-Weapon Fighting!), and special abilities to their advantage. The absolute first priority will be taking down anyone who can fight back at range.

    Still working on:
    Johnson of the Red Sky Monastery

    Lawful Good/Male/Human
    5 Monk / 7 Bullet Storm
    Init +7, Senses: Listen +19, Spot +19,
    AC 20, 20 touch, 20 flat-footed (10 [base] + 5 [wisdom] + 2 [monk ac] + 3 [dex])
    hp 59 (12 HD)
    Fort +7, Ref +12, Will +11 [+2 vs enchantments
    Speed 40ft. (8 squares)
    Melee: Unarmed: 1d10 (unarmed) + 1d8+2 (pistol)
    Melee Attack Bonus: +9 / +9 / +9 / +4
    Ranged: 1d8 + 2
    Ranged Attack Bonus +15 / +15 / + 15 / + 10 OR +13 / +13 / +13 / +13 / +8.
    Base Attack Bonus +10 / +5 , Grp +9
    Atk Options Many.
    Abilities Str 8, Dex 16 [+2 Enh], Con 13, Int 10, Wis 20 [+2 Enh], Cha 12 [Elite Array]
    Evasion, Fast movement 10', Still Mind, Ki Strike, Slow Fall 20', Purity of Body, Monk AC Bonus, Greater Flurry of Blows, Bullet Flurry, Knowing Shot, Subduing Shot, Ranged Sunder, Gun-Fu, Reloading Mastery, Impossible Shot, Missile Takedown, Missile Takedown, Gun Ho, Ranged Disarm
    Skill Tricks: Sudden Draw (B), Spot The Weak Point (B), Nimble Charge, Assume Quirk
    Feats: Weapon Proficiency (Pistol), Improved Unarmed Attack (B), Stunning Fist (B), Point Blank Shot, Combat Reflexes (B), Quickdraw, Improved Initiative, Rapid Shot, Zen Archery.
    Balance 5 + 3 = +8
    Concentration 6 + 1 = +7
    Disguise 5 + 1 = +6
    Escape Artist 5 + 3 = +8
    Heal 5 + 5 = +10
    Listen 15 + 5 = +20
    Sense Motive 2 + 5 = +7
    Sleight of Hand 8 + 3 = +11
    Spot 15 + 5 = +20
    Use Rope 5 + 3 = +8

    Monk's Belt
    Hat of Disguise
    Cape of the Mountebank
    Periapt of Wisdom +2
    Gloves of Dexterity +2
    Pistol of Distance +2
    5 bags of bullets
    2 bags of Merciful Bullets +1
    1 bag of Axiomatic Bullets +1

    Tactics: Usually Johnson is an amiable fellow, and won't attack unless you are breaking the law in 'his' town. He generally attempts to neutralize attempts without causing permanent harm with uses of his Stunning Fist (via Gun Fu), subdual damage, and ranged trip / disarm / sunder, but will not continue this path if the opposition proves nasty. In situations with multiple lawbreakers who won't listen to reason, he uses his Merciful Bullets +1 until convinced otherwise. Usually, he'll just use regular bullets.

    He first try to stun any one not wearing armour and using magic, followed by tripping people that are heavily armoured. He often coup-de-grace's stunned troublemakers with subdual damage, taking them out of the fight but ensuring they're not in risk of dying. Opponents that are causing him too much trouble to take in safely, or that actively threaten the lives or livelihood of nearby citizens cause him to stop pulling his punches (or bullets, as it were).

    The town he lives in has come to respect him and if he is near a saloon, tavern, or the like, men from the area will join in if they think their help will make a difference.

    When not in combat, he often will use his Hat of Disguise to go undercover, attempting to root out criminal threats to the frontier community by donning sheep's clothing. He only uses the Cape of the Mounteback to save a life (be it his or a bystander's).
    Last edited by TSED; 2009-04-26 at 01:32 PM.

  5. - Top - End - #5
    Titan in the Playground
    DracoDei's Avatar

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    Default Re: PrC Contest X: Draw, Partner!

    *Hereafterward referred to simply as "society members".

    "Here's bolts in your eyes! and your chest and... eh, basically everywhere..." - Fipzath Wandering-Squirrel XII, Society Member

    A long time ago, the militant arm of the trade guild that had a legal monopoly on the production of repeater crossbows deported itself well in a long war. Their heavy losses evoked the sympathy of an allied blink-dog clan known as the pack of Jark (their ancestral leader). The dogs noted that it was the lack of mobility to get to a range for accurate attack, while still remaining out of reach from melee combatants that was the weakness of these units. Being highly mobile themselves, the pack of Jark volunteered to serve as their mounts if some way could be found to allow the gnomes to travel with the dog when it used its spell-like mobility and defensive abilities. The project caught the interest of gnomish spell-researchers, and their bold inquisitiveness soon solved the problem. The names of the gnomes and blink dogs who were lost between dimensions in the course of said research are enshrined in the oral traditions of the pack of Jark, and on a plaque in the society headquarters.

    So successful was the combined unit, that not only has it survived to this day, rather than dissolving into two separate groups at the end of the war, but the gnomish government annexed the property next to the main guild-hall of the gnomish artisans, and built a permanent "kennel" (the term doesn't quite apply in the usual sense since they can open the doors themselves) and gifted it to the pack. In addition the government and the guild work together to heavily subsidize the purchase of the saddles for new members of the society's militant arm, and the training of the blink dogs who wish to become their mounts.

    Technically members of the militant wing of the society are expected stand to stand ready or do patrols to defend gnomish lands. As a practical matter, a clause in the charter of that wing regarding detached duty for the purposes of specific missions to gain practical experience in the use of combat skill provides a generous loop-hole for adventuring members of the society.

    Most society members are single-classed fighters, although if the Black Rain Discpline is allowed with modification to make repeater crossbows associated weapons, then perhaps Warblades might join this organization. Of course, a few multi-classed Paladins and Crusaders take this path, but it is rare.

    : Race: Gnome
    : Ride 9 Ranks, Craft(Weapon Smith) 9 Ranks
    : Feats: Exotic Weapon Proficiency and Weapon Focus and Specialization in at least one type of repeater crossbow, Point-Blank Shot, Rapid Shot, Mounted Combat, Mounted Archery
    : Contribute 7,500 GP towards cost of society saddle, own 2 hands worth of repeater crossbows
    : Alignment: Any Good

    Class Skills
    Craft(Wis), Concentration(Con) , Ride(Dex), Swim(Str), Tumble(Dex)
    Skills Points at Each Level: 2 + int

    Hit Dice: 1d6

    {table=head]Level|Base Attack Bonus|Fort Save|Ref Save|Will Save|Special

    |Jark Mount, Two/Multi-Weapon Fighting*

    |Repeater Focus, Ride-by-Attack*

    |Dimension Door Tolerance, Improved Two/Multi-Weapon Fighting*

    |Many-Shot*, Poison Bolt Use, Repeater Specialization

    |Double-Shot, Greater Two/Multi-Weapon Fighting*

    |Artillery-Gnome, Greater Repeater Focus, Improved Ride-by-Attack

    | Blink Timing, Cross-bows Akimbo, Improved Artillery-Gnome

    |Greater Artillery Gnome, Greater Many-Shot*, Greater Repeater Specialization
    |Greater Ride-by-Attack, Improved Crossbows Akimbo

    | Masterful Rapid Shot, Masterful Two/Multi-Weapon Fighting, Improved Mounted Archery[/table]
    *Repeater Crossbows only, applies even if it that feat would not normally apply to Repeater Crossbows. In the case of the Two/Multi-Weapon feats it functions as whichever is applicable at any given time.

    Weapon Proficiencies: Society members gain proficiency in all repeater crossbows.

    Jark Mount(Partner): At first level a society member is paired with a blink-dog, an incomplete monster listing for this secondary PC is provided later in this document. The elite array is distributed by the player, and it modified by the racial adjustments given. Skill points are similarly distributed, but the initial feats listed are static and may not be altered (except later, if the DM allows retraining). Feats for additional HD beyond 7 (so at 9, 12, 15, and 18 HD) are selected by the player. This pairing is almost always for life (and beyond in the case of Resurrection). Losing levels in this class or failing to meet the requirements (other than alignment violation) does not cause the partnership to end. In the case of death replacement partners are arranged ONLY if there is absolutely no practical way (up to and including the sale of all team (not party, team) equipment other than the saddle, non-magical armor, and an single non-magical crossbow) of arranging the decease's return to life via something that would preserve the form. At the GMs descretion, if there is an ECL difference of 3 or more between the dog and rider, a replacement might be allowed or even forced. The blink dog never advances beyond medium size, but starts with HD equal to the gnome's ECL, it gains HD to keep it equal, provided no level loss on either side creates an imbalance and there is no ECL buy-off involved. In the case of level loss, the imbalance will continue at an equal amount until and unless the level loss is recovered. In the case of buy-off, the dog does not level up until after blink-dog HD=gnome HD (both modified for level loss) once again.

    Example(If this were in print I would do it as a side-bar, as it is, a quote will have to do.):
    Silbok Grash-borne Tilazook the Half-Bronze Dragon, is accepted into the militant arm of the guild as a 6th level fighter. With his new prestige class level, his ECL is 6+1+2=9. He is paired with Mish, a upstanding and soft-spoken bitch of 9 HD.

    Not one month after joining the society, an outbreak of vampirism forces them into a fierce battle. Silbok is level drained 2 levels. Two failed fortitude saves later, Silbok is a 5th level fighter with a +2 LA. Unfortunately, no caster of sufficient power is available to reverse Silbok's level loss at that time. Neither Mish, nor the society at large cares one whit about the fact that Silbok could no longer make the entry requirements for their initial training program that included getting to be paired with Mish, let along use the skills he learned in that training program.

    After some brief but intense training to consolidate the lessons learned from the battle, Mish is back up to 9 HD and Silbok is a 6th level fighter with an ECL of 8.

    A bit later, they hook-up with another unit that contains a 15th level cleric. Swamped with casting, the cleric does not have to divine energy to help them for a few days, but eventually a Restoration, Greater is cast, returning Silbok to a 6th level fighter, 1st level Society Member, +2 LA half-dragon, for a total ECL of 9.

    Some leveling, a death and a Resurrection later, Mish is a 12 HD, medium-sized blink-dog, and Silbok is a 6/3/+2 Fighter/Society Member/Half-Dragon for an ECL of 11. Mish is now the stronger of the two in some ways, but they simply take this into account with their tactics, and get on with their jobs.

    Silbok removes one point of his level adjustment to become an ECL 10 character. Mish does not loose a HD from this process and remains a 12 HD character.

    Silbok gains a level. Because they are separated by 2 points of ECL, and only 1 of that is level loss, Mish does not gain a HD. Mish is still 12 HD, and Silbok is a 6/4/+1 -> ECL 11 character.

    Another level up by Silbok makes Mish a 13 HD blink-dog, still of medium size, and Silbok a 6/5/+1 Fighter/Society Member/Half-dragon for an ECL of 12.
    Repeater Focus (Ex): As per the feat Weapon Focus, but applies to all Repeater Crossbows.

    Dimension Door Tolerance (Ex): You may now act in a round after being dimension doored by your mount.

    Poison Bolt Use(Ex): Society members are trained in the use of poison and never risk accidentally poisoning themselves when applying poison to a crossbow bolt.

    Repeater Specialization (Ex): As per the feat Weapon Specialization, but applies to all Repeater Crossbows.

    Double-Shot(Ex): As an attack action you may attack once with each repeater crossbow you are holding. This may be combined with Many-Shot and/or Improved Many-Shot.

    Artillery Gnome (Ex): As per the Far-Shot feat, but applies only to Heavy Repeater Crossbows.

    Greater Repeater Focus (Ex): As per the feat Weapon Focus, Greater, but applies to all Repeater Crossbows.

    Crossbows Akimbo(Ex): When attacking with two or more repeater crossbows, provided that only (at most) one of them is light, and none are heavy, you only take a -1 penalty instead of a -2 penalty for two/multi-weapon fighting.

    Blink Timing (Ex): You ignore the miss chance from being under a Blink spell and/or similar effect.

    Improved Ride-by-Attack(Ex): While mounted you may make a full attack with one or more repeater crossbows. All attacks at your highest BAB happen at the start of the movement, all attacks at your lowest BAB happen at the end-point of the movement, and all other attacks happen at the mid-point of the movement. You many not use Rapid-Shot or other such feats or effects (such as Haste or a Repeater Crossbow of Speed) to gain more attacks, however you many benefit from any two-weapon fighting feats granted by this class.

    Improved Artillery Gnome (Su): Any one heavy repeater crossbow you wield counts as having the Distance enchantment. You may change which weapon this applies to once per round as a free action.

    Greater Artillery Gnome (Ex): As per the Precise Shot and Improved Precise Shot feats, but applies only to Heavy Repeater Crossbows.

    Greater Repeater Specialization(Ex): As per the feat Weapon Specialization, Greater, but applies to all Repeater Crossbows.

    Improved Crossbows Akimbo(Ex): When attacking with two or more repeater crossbows, provided that only (at most) one of them is light, and none are heavy, you take no penalty for two/multi-weapon fighting.

    Greater Ride-by-Attack(Ex): You may now use Rapid shot, as augmented by this class while making a ride-by attack.

    Masterful Rapid-Shot(Ex): You now only take a -1 to-hit penalty instead of -2 when using Rapid-Shot with repeater crossbows.

    Masterful Two-Weapon Fighting(Ex): You now get your full BAB worth of attacks with each repeater crossbow weilded (4 attacks in a full attack, plus extras for rapid-shot, Haste, or whatever).

    Improved Mounted Archery(Ex): The penalty you take when using a ranged weapon while mounted is re-halved: -1 instead of -2 if your mount is taking a double move, and -2 instead of -4 if your mount is running.

    You are a tinkering gnome who is probably every bit as geeky as you are are deadly. You and your mount are a team, equals in every way, and next to nothing without the other, you share a common purse... a purse with very tight strings that tends to go empty at intervals since the costs of your equipment are high, not to mention the costs for the occasion Resurrection or whatever for the "pilot" side of your "pilot/gunner" duo.

    Combat: Use skirmisher archer tactics, but your short range means a foe may be able to close on you. This isn't actually all that much of a problem since you can simply dimension door away. Use the dog to get to an advantageous position, then put as many bolts as possible into your foes or use the threat of such to lure them out of position.
    Advancement: Your only really major choices are what level of armoring to go with for your partner at lower levels (until you get the Dimension Door Tolerance class feature) and whether to invest in a hand crossbow and a light crossbow, or in a heavy repeater crossbow. Your non-bonus feats should probably be defensively oriented, perhaps including Skill-Focus(Ride) to further boost your ability to protect the blink dog.
    Resources: In addition to the society and pack themselves, society members are have the respect of both gnomes and blink-dogs everywhere. Since blink-dogs are known for their unflagging dedication to the cause of Good, the altruism of a society members is rarely questioned by anyone who knows anything about magical beasts.

    "WHERE IN OUR HOMELAND DID ALL THOSE BOLTS COME FROM?" captured demon, sole survivor of a clash with society members.
    Society members serve much the same social function as fighters, and mix with army and town guard units quite readily. Although seen as a bit oddball, they are well respected for what they do.
    Daily Life: A typical day might go in the following order: Breakfast, repeater crossbow making, patrolling as town watch or gnomish borders, lunch, run agility course with targets, more practice separately (probably the only part of the day where you are apart from your mount), dinner, playful argument about which of you gets the foot of the bed this time (lose intentionally), sleep.

    Murgatok Higgenbottom is a Neutral Good 6th level fighter/6th level Society member currently assigned to patrol a section of wilderness where the dementional boundaries to the Elemental plane of Fire are thin with his partner Ye. He helps displaced fire elementals to make it to the nearest town without starting any run away blazes so they may seek employment as forges (not IN a smithy you understand but AS the heat-source of such).l He does not speak ignan, but carries a bronze tablet with him with the necessary introductions on it). The more evil sort of dimensional castaway he dispatches if they do not surrender upon him reciting a warning phrase in ignan that he memorized by rote.

    Susan Ramblehorn Munchausen Earwig-Eater Wilberforce Drackenshire Black-Pudding-Daughter Smith is/was a Chaotic Good 2nd level Aristocrat, 9th level Warblade, 2nd level fighter, 15th level Society Member, 13th level Psychic Warrior who left for the Far Realms wearing her vest of the Girallion (but, as she is rumored to have loudly announced during her departure speech, no underwear) is undoubtedly the most mighty society member ever to have lived. Her return is dreaded by the society as a whole. She accepted a Greater Geas to retrieve her mount from the Soul Bind she had ended up in as soon as she returned from her "vacation" away from the politics of the material plane which she found so annoying. Her birthname has been lost to antiquity, since she swore to "deliver a painful noogie" to anyone who spoke or wrote it after she switched to here new one, and while many scholars are willing risk such for the sake of the truth, they are NOT willing to risk the fact that in her own mind "noogie" might mean "an eternity of varied and creatively brutal and sadistic torments". Her (ex-)mount changed her own name from Gip to Rosaline Johnson at that same time, but never objected to anyone calling her by her old name.
    Organizations: The Society and the Pack are the only organizations likely to be involved, except in the case of paladins and crusaders, who have their church (or whatever).

    NPC Reaction
    Between their gung-ho combat mindset and geeky sides, most ordinary folk steer clear of direct social interaction with society members given the option.

    The power of Society Members varies a lot with how high wealth the game is. At the low end, expect them to stick to a single heavy repeater crossbow for a while, at the high end, expect hand/light crossbows, eventually with the Distance and Speed enchantments as well as energy enchantments (flaming, shocking, vitrolic, etc) to capitalize on the huge number of attacks this class can generate, and virtual immunity to Dimensional Anchor as a way of shutting them down. The mount should not slow combat down much since the team wants to remain at range (so no bite attack), and they occupy a single space. Society members are good for bold players who get easily bored when their boldness ends up with their character temporarily out of the fight or scenario (paralyzed or dead respectively) since they can still contribute at some level by playing the blink-dog. Similarly, the gnome is weaker, but not totally useless without the dog. Dimension Door at will is a very powerful ability just for shear terrain negation, and once Dimension Door Tolerance kicks in expect the gnome+dog unit to become the one of the most highly mobile units in the game.
    Adaptation: Opening the class to other races, rather than having it be quite so elite, could be interesting. In such a case, have the blink dogs start as Large instead of medium, so that they can carry elves etc. For a middle course on this option, do not subsidize the saddles for non-gnomes. For a more modern/fantasy hybrid substituting magazine fed pistols or sub-machineguns for the crossbows makes perfect sense.
    Encounters: If they are doing something suspicious in gnome lands, having a neat ring of bolts appear around them can be a nice wake-up call. Conversely a teleporting arrival as reinforcements to a losing battle can be a very dramatic way of avoiding a Total Party Kill. Speaking of PC death, if a member of this class dies, the player can "limp along" by playing the dog until a reanimation or replacement character can be arranged.

    Example Characters:
    Gnome + Blink Dog

    "Blank" for most common starting Jark Blink-Dog
    Medium Magical Beast
    HD 7d10+(7*Con Mod)
    Speed 40 ft. (8 squares)
    Init: DEX Mod
    AC (18+DEX Mod); touch (13+DEX Mod); flat-footed 18
    (+(DEX Mod) Dex, +3 Natural, Chain-Shirt Barding of Jark +1)
    BAB +7; Grp +(7+STR Mod)
    Attack Bite +(7+Str Mod) (1d6 + (1.5*STR Mod))
    Full-Attack Bite +(7+Str Mod) (1d6 + (1.5*STR Mod))
    Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
    Special Qualities Blink, darkvision 60 ft., dimension door, low-light vision, scent
    Saves Fort +(7+DEX Mod), Ref +(7+DEX Mod) Will +(6+WIS Mod)
    Ability Modifiers* Str (+0), Dex (+6), Con (+0), Int (+2), Wis (+2), Cha (+0)
    Class Skills Being Ridden, Hide, Jump, Listen, Spot, Survival, Swim
    Feats Iron Will, Run, Protect Rider
    Alignment Any Good
    Advancement 8+ HD (Medium)
    *Use the elite array, as distributed by the player.
    Languages Known: Gnomish, Blink Dog
    Starting equipment before additional purchases/upgrades from the funds the gnome brought to the partnership: Saddle of Jark (partially paid for by gnome), Chain-Shirt Barding of Jark +1, saddle-bags, waterskin, 10 day's preserved rations, food and water bowls, Tent large enough for self and partner, masterwork grooming brushes and claw-files,

    Protect Rider [Jark]
    Jark Blink-dogs are partners to their riders in ways that even a paladin's mount isn't. They require no direction, and, indeed, the gnome in the saddle may sometimes be breifly surprised by where the teams ends up, but only to the extent that two swordsmen working together might vary SLIGHTLY from each-others' expectations.
    Prerequisites:Blink-dog of the Pack of Jark
    Benefits: You fight cooperatively with your rider. The "Fight with Warhorse", "guide with knees", and "Jump" aspects of the Ride skill may not be used with you, but as long as you are cooperating with your rider, the mechanical effect is as if "Fight with Warhorse", and "guide with knees" had been rolled successfully.
    The exclusive skill "Being Ridden", counts as a class skill for you. The uses of this skill all require that you also have this feat. For this reason, the skill is described here instead of in a separate block. The skill is Dexterity based and may not be used untrained. There are three uses for this skill:
    • Once per round when your partner(not merely any rider, but your dedicated partner) is hit in combat while riding you, you may attempt a Being Ridden check (as a reaction) to negate the hit. The hit is negated if your Being Ridden check result is greater than the opponent’s attack roll. (Essentially, the Being Ridden check result becomes the rider’s Armor Class if it’s higher than the rider’s regular AC.) You may not use this action if the rider is currently using the "Cover" use of the Ride skill.
    • You may make a DC 20 being ridden check to retain an unconscious rider in the saddle when they would otherwise fall off.
    • Spur Self: You can mentally spur yourself to greater speed with a free action. A successful DC 15 Being Ridden check increases the your speed by 10 feet for 1 round but deals 1 point of damage to you. You can use this ability every round, but each consecutive round of additional speed deals twice as much damage to yourself as the previous round (2 points, 4 points, 8 points, and so on). The speed increase is NOT cumulative with that from the "Spur Mount" use of the Ride skill, and they count as each-other for purposes of determining damage.

    Normal: A rider must expend actions to control a mount and is not any harder to hit unless taking cover behind the mount.

    Magic Items
    Note that except for the saddle, the trade guild the Society is part of is perfectly willing to sell any or all of these to anyone they legally and morally can.

    Jark Saddle
    Price: 15,000 gp + 200 per point of spell resistance.
    Body Slot: Belt (for the dog)
    Caster Level: 7th or (spell resistance bestowed -10), whichever is greater.
    Aura: Conjuration (strength varies by caster level)
    Activation: Use (free action to augment use of appropriate SLA by wearer)
    Weight: 10 lbs
    Descriptive text
    This military saddle allows a Jark Blink Dog to take their bonded rider and both of their worn and carried equipment with them when the Blink and Dimension Door. The rider can take no actions on their next turn unless they have the Dimension Door tolerance class feature. The spell resistance, if present, only functions to allow the Blink and Dimension Door SLA's of a blink dog wearing the saddle and only against Dimensional Anchor, Dimension Lock and similar spells and effects. Note that in the case of Dimensional Anchor it is irrelevant if it was the Jark blink dog, the rider, or some item of their equipment that was hit, the SR kicks in anyway.
    prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item, Blink, Dimension Door
    cost to create: (Calculate as normal based on market price)

    Extradimensional Magazine
    Price: 200 GP + 200 gp per point of spell resistance.
    Body Slot: N/A
    Caster Level: 7th or (spell resistance bestowed -10), whichever is greater.
    Aura: Conjuration (strength varies by caster level)
    Activation: Use
    Weight: 1 lb
    Similar to the well beloved bag of holding that is part of many adventures' equipment, these devices are the key to sustained fire for society members.
    This repeater crossbow magazine holds up to 100 bolts, which are withdrawn in reverse order from what they were inserted in (just like a normal clip. The spell resistance ONLY allows the clip to keep from sealing even if the wielder (or even the magazine itself) is struck by a Dimensional Anchor or the magazine is taken into the area of a Dimension Lock Spell. If it is effected despite spell-resistance in such a case, then only the next 5 bolts are available until the effect ends.
    prerequisites:Craft Magical Weapons and Armor, Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Any Repeater Crossbow), Rope Trick , Craft (Weapon Smith) 9 ranks
    cost to create: (Calculate as normal based on market price)

    Extradimensional Magazine, Greater
    Price: 2000 GP + 5 gp per bolt capacity over 100 + 200 gp per point of spell resistance.
    Caster Level: 9th or (spell resistance bestowed -10), whichever is greater.
    Use by almost all of the society members who can afford them, this allows alchemical silver, cold-iron, and adamintine bolts to be mixed in for use when needed without the need for swapping magazines in the middle of a combat. The most wealthy members will usually also include a selection of Bane or Energy enchanted bolts in the mix.
    As per Extradimensional Magazine, except that the mental desire of the wielder rather than a first-in-first-out queue determines which bolt is delivered to the weapon is attached to (or for unloading in the rare instances bolts are removed manually from these devices), and that they can be purchased with higher capacities. Selecting a bolt is a free action that may be combined with firing it. Unfortunately no bolts at all may be removed or fired if this device has its spell-resistance (including if it has none) against a spell or effect that bars extra-dimensional movement overcome.
    prerequisites:Craft Magical Weapons and Armor, Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Any Repeater Crossbow), Secret Chest , Craft (Weapon Smith) 9 ranks
    cost to create: (Calculate as normal based on market price)

    Price: +1000 GP, weapon must be a repeater cross-bow with an enchantment bonus of +1 or more
    Body Slot: Weapon Enchantment
    Caster Level: 5th
    Aura: Transmutation (strength varies based on weapon's total enchantments)
    Activation: Use
    Weight: N/A
    This enchantment may only be placed on repeater crossbows. It makes them semi-automatic instead of pump-action or lever-cocked (although those options are still available for inside an Anti-Magic Field. This is the key to Society Member's dual-wielding techniques.

    Armor of Jark
    Price: +500 GP (subsidized to be free to add for Jark blink-dogs) armor must be fitted for a blink-dog and have an enchantment bonus of +1 or more
    Body Slot: Armor Enchantment
    Caster Level: 5th
    Aura: Faint Transmutation (strength varies based on weapon's total enchantments)
    Activation: Use
    Weight: -5% (feel free to ignore this since it is so small of a change)
    Developed by the arcanists who work with the Society, this enchantment goes a long way to emphasizing the equality between the partners, freeing the gnomes from serving the dogs, and making the dogs much less dependent on the gnomes.
    Holds the last pose it was in if its owner is not in it except that it stands up on its own (albeit with a strength of 1) and has typically has no seams in it. This simplifies the design, and the blink dog can simply Dimension Door in and out of the armor.
    prerequisites: Craft Magical Weapons and Armor, Mage Hand , Craft (Armor Smith) 3 ranks
    cost to create: 250 gp, 20 xp, 1 day

    New Weapon
    Special: Counts as a light weapon for purposes of fighting with more than one weapon.
    *The most common version is, of course, made for a gnome (a small character) and thus weighs 1.5 lbs)
    Last edited by DracoDei; 2010-05-17 at 08:39 AM.
    [Public Service Announcement]P.E.A.C.H stands for Please Examine And Critique Honestly[/Public Service Announcement]
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    My Homebrew is meant to be used, but, if you do, PLEASE tell me how it goes.

  6. - Top - End - #6
    Dwarf in the Playground

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    Default Re: PrC Contest X: Draw, Partner!

    The Nameless Gunman

    “I have no name, I have no past; and you, my friend, have no future.”-The nameless hero of Ale River.

    There are a few adventures who don’t seek fame while adventuring; those people are the types who become Nameless Gunmen, silent heroes, or villains, of many gunslinger ledges.

    Becoming a Nameless Gunman
    Gaining the requirements for the nameless gunmen class can be hard for most, since it will most likely require you to take a few ranks in cross-class skills. You also have to travel to someplace far away so no one knows your name; witch can also be difficult for some adventures. Most nameless gunmen started as fighters, with rangers filling in most of the rest and then the occasional rogue or even bard take up the class.
    BAB: +3
    Skills: concentration 4 ranks, intimidate 8 ranks, ride 2 ranks
    Feats: quick draw, precise shot, and lighting reflexes
    Special: 5th character level
    Special: must be in a place where no NPCs know your name and have no easy way of finding it out. (DM’s digression)
    Class skills
    The Class Name's class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are....
    Balance (Dex), Bluff (Cha), Climb (Str), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Escape Artist (Dex), Gather information (Cha), Intimidate (Cha), Jump (Str), Listen (Wis), Move silently (Dex), Profession (Wis), Ride (Dex), Slight of hand (Dex), Spot (Wis), and Tumble (Dex)
    Skills Points at Each Level: 4 + int
    Hit dice: d6

    Nameless Gunman
    {table=head]Level|Base Attack[br]Bonus|Fort Save|Ref Save|Will Save|Special

    |Steady hand, Draw!

    |The silent type

    |Mounted gunman,[br]My name is not important

    |Sharp shootn'

    |Dead eye[/table]

    Weapon Proficiencies: You gains proficiency with the six shooter, rifle, and derringer. (See all below) You gain no proficiency with any armor or shields.

    Steady hand: As a full round action, the nameless gunman can chose a single target and fire any of the firearms he is proficient with. When the nameless gunman doses this, he may add +1 per class level to the attack roll of the target. Also he may add +1 per every 2 class levels to the damage done to the target. You may add an additional +2 to the attack roll if the target failed against an intimidation check made by you within the last minute.

    Draw!: Beginning at 2nd level, the nameless gunman can call out a challenging to any one target that he has a direct line of sight of the target, it’s within 30 feet, the target has an intelligence score of 5 or greater and has a CR greater than or equal to your character level minus 2. If the target meets all the above requirements and you choose it for this ability, the target must make a will save (DC10 + class level + cha modifier). If the target makes it save then it acts normally on its next turn. If the target fails its save it tries to attack you on its next turn. However, both you and your target make a reflex save; if your result is better, then you get a single attack on the target, which if it hits causes the target to be stunned for one round. Also,. If you have a precision type attack (i.e. sneak attack, skirmish attack, ect.) then you may apply it onto the normal damage of this attack. If the target wins the reflex save, he gets a normal attack on you. (The target uses ranged weapons over melee weapons, unless it doesn’t have any formed of range weapons, in witch case the target tries its best to get next to you and hit you.) This ability is usable unlimited times per day, but can only be used once per encounter.

    The silent type: At 2nd level, the nameless gunman learns how to be menacing while barely trying. A nameless gunman may make an intimidation check as a swift action. Also the nameless gunman doesn’t need to make any sounds to make the intimidation check as long as the target is in a direct line of sight.

    Mounted gunman: When the nameless gunman reaches 3rd level, he gains mounted archer as a bonus feat, even if he doesn’t meet all the prerequisites. However, the feat can only apply to any firearms that the nameless gunman is proficient with, not bows or crossbows. If you already have the mounted archery feat, then you may choose any bonus fighter feat that you meet the prerequisites for instead.

    My name is not important: when the nameless gunman reaches 3rd level, he now may add his class level plus his Wis, Int, or Cha modifier (whichever is highest) to his will save against any effect that tries to compel him or read his mind. Also, regardless if he makes the save or not, he knows that a spell has been cast on him, even if the spell description says otherwise. Finally, if the gunman makes his save, he may make a second will save vs. the spellcatsr’s spell level. If he succeeds, he knows what direction and about how far away the spellcaster is from himself (the gunman that is.)

    Sharp shootn’: At 4th level, the nameless gunman can now make a ranged sunder attack. This works like a regular sunder attack except it can be done with any firearm the nameless gunman is proficient with as long as the target is within the firearm’s range increment. This ability can be combined with the steady hand ability (see above).

    Dead eye: At 5th level, once per day, the nameless gunman may make a dead eye attack. To use this ability, the nameless gunman must make a concentration check vs. the chosen target’s touch AC. If the nameless gunman fails the check, then nothing happens and the daily use of this ability is wasted. If the check succeeds, then the nameless gunman gets to attack the target as if they were flat footed (allowing to add any precision based damage like sneak attack, ect.) and let the critical range that the weapon the nameless gunman is using become doubled for just this attack. (so a critical range of just 20 becomes 19-20, while a range of 19-20 would become 17-20.) Also, if you hit the target, whether if it’s a critical hit or not, the target is stunned for (1d6+ 1/every 5 points the concentration check made past the touch AC) rounds. This ability can only be used with firearms that the nameless gunman is proficient with.

    Special note: if you fight anyone who knows your name, then you can not user the silent type or draw! class abilities since they both work off your mysterious nature which is ruined if your name is know. However, you may still use the steady aim, sharp shootn’ and dead aim class abilities against someone who dose know your name. Note that this only happens with your real name, you’re ok if people know you by a nickname.

    Playing a Nameless Gunman
    The nameless gunman is designed to choose and disable or kill a single target at a time.
    Combat: Most nameless gunmen find their toughest target in the group their fighting and work to whittle their power and health away. This can be done by sundering their weapons with the sharp shootn’ ability, doing heavy damage with the draw! or dead eye ability, or just plain old shooting the person till they stop moving.
    Advancement: The type of combat a nameless gunman can do depends mostly on his pervious feat and skills selection before entering the class, you could be a ranged fighter, at the front lines shooting all that move towards you, or you could be more subtle and use a long range firearm to pick off your targets when they least expect it.
    Resources: Most nameless gunmen will just buy their resources in whatever town their in or from merchants they meet on their way between towns.

    Nameless Gunmen in the world
    “No one knew where he was from, or what his name even was, but he came in and took care of the bandits and left with barely saying a word.” – Jillian Goodbarrel, Halfling ranger, discussing a nameless gunman
    Most nameless gunmen are seen as mysterious heroes (or villains) that walk in, do what they want, then leave just as easily as the came in.
    Daily Life: A typical day for a nameless gunman radically varies between different gunmen, but it always contains being the center of attention, for better or for worse, all due to you enigmatic nature.
    Notables: One famous nameless gunman was a half-elf know only as “Black Hat”, a nickname he got from the foot tall black top hat he always wore. One of his greatest stories was about his victory over the blood-soaked tumbleweeds gang and their leader, another nameless gunwoman named “She-devil”. Black Hat first blow to the gang was when he shot 15 members dead all by himself. The situation climaxed to the point where She-devil challenged Black Hat to a duel that ended with Black Hat killing She-devil with, to the surprise of everyone, not with his guns, but by stabbing her through the heart with a rapier.
    Organizations: Most Nameless gunmen travel by themselves, but more than a few travel with others, ether close friends who hide the gunman’s name, or people who only know his nickname or know no name for him at all since when asked he’d just respond with “my name’s not important”.

    NPC reactions
    NPCs react towards nameless gunmen depending on what they do while in town. However, all NPCs treat them with a sense of awe due to the nameless gunman’s mysterious nature.

    Nameless Gunmen in the game
    the only major thing that this class will change statistically is how often a critical will happen, but even then, it’s still rare.
    Adaptation: This class is best for a wild west-themed game. It could be changed to a more woodland type class as a nameless hero who protects the forest, mainly changing the focus on guns to bows and arrows.
    Encounters: An NPC encounter with a nameless gunman can and should happen anywhere at any time since this class is supposed to be like a lone wanderer drifting from town to town.

    Sample Encounter
    EL 11: The half-elf know only as “Black Hat” is a very fickle man. He wanders all over and when he enters a town, he tends to help them with any problem they have. However, he sometimes attacks randomly, because as he puts it, “Just because they look like good practice”. This is why he’s randomly approached the PCs and has challenged them to a nonlethal fight (Black Hat doesn’t like killing anyone unless he has to, he actually likes trying to be friends afterwards with people he randomly tries to fight, much to the dismay and confusion of his “victims”.)

    “Black Hat”
    CN/Male/Half-elf/3 lv. fighter, 3 lv. rouge, 5 lv. nameless gunman
    Init +7, Senses: Listen +0, Spot +0,
    Languages common, elven
    AC 17, touch (13) , flat-footed (14)
    hp 54 (11 HD)
    Immune: Sleep magic and effects
    Fort +9, Ref +13, Will +2
    Speed 30ft. (6 squares)
    Melee Mwk rapier +12 (1d6+3)
    Base Atk +8, Grp +11
    Atk Options +1 magical six-shooter +12 (1d8+1), Mwk derringer +12 (1d4), Mwk rapier +12 (1d6+3)
    Combat Gear +1 magical six shooter, mwk derringer, mwk rapier
    Abilities Str 15, Dex 16, Con 13, Int 10, Wis 8, Cha 12
    SQ sneak attack +2d6, trapfinding, evasion, trap sense +1, steady hand, draw!, the silent type, mounted gunman, sharp shootn’, dead eye
    Feats Improved initiative, quick draw, point blank shot, precise shot, lighting reflexes, weapon finesse
    Skills concentration +15, diplomacy +3, disable device +6, gather information +3, intimidate +15, listen +0, move silently +8, open lock +10, ride +14, search +1, spot +0
    Possessions Backpack, Belt pouch, Bedroll, Flint and steel, Hempen rope (50 ft.), (2) sunrods, (10 days) trail rations, thieves’ tools, +1 six-shooter, Mwk derringer, Mwk rapier, +1 light fortification studded leather, Boots of elven kind, Cape of the mountebank, 2 elixirs of hiding, 2 elixirs of sneaking, 24 bullets, 1 gp

    New weapons
    {table=head]Weapon|Cost|Dmg (S)|Dmg (M)|Critical|Rang[br]increment|Weight|

    Light weapons

    50 gp
    30 ft.
    2 lb.

    One-handed weapons

    75 gp
    60 ft.
    4 lb.

    Two-handed weapons

    125 gp
    120 ft.
    8 lb.


    Bullets (12)*|
    2 gp
    1 lb.

    Rifle bullets (6)|
    2 gp
    1/2 lb.
    |[/table]* The six shooter and the derringer use the same kind of bullets.

    Six-shooter- The six-shooter holds 6 bullets. As long as the gun holds bullets it reloads itself by turning the cylinder that holds the bullets as a free action. Reloading the six-shooter takes a full round action that provokes an attack of opportunity. Reloading requires both hands to be used. You can fire the six-shooter with just one hand without penalty, and can use one in each hand, but take the normal penalty of using 2 one-handed weapons as normal.

    Derringer- The derringer holds one bullet and needs to be reloaded after every shot. It takes a standard action that provokes an attack of opportunity to reload the derringer. Due to the derringer’s size, you get a +2 bonus on Sleight of Hand checks made to conceal the a derringer on your body.

    Rifle- The rife holds one bullet and needs to be reloaded after every shot. Reloading a rifle takes a full round action that provokes an attack of opportunity.
    Last edited by Bobmufin52; 2009-05-05 at 08:29 PM.
    Don't make me use my moon powers on you!

    Life's not about going with or against the current, it's about tossing you arms up in the air and running in circles while screaming ~weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!~

    Tetra=chibi Zelda
    chibi Zelda=adult Zelda
    adult Zelda=Sheik
    Therefore, pirate=ninja

  7. - Top - End - #7
    Pixie in the Playground
    Arkdelta's Avatar

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    Post Re: PrC Contest X: Draw, Partner!

    This class is based on some old ideas that me and a friend tossed around a while back about a caster who casts spells through a gun that draws upon his life force. When we saw the gunslinger prestige class contest, we decided to actually make the class and submit it. One of the tenets that we decided upon was that playing this class, even just having one level in it, would be a completely different experience from playing a Wizard or Sorcerer or whatever casting class that you were before, it would feel unique in some way and allow players to play a new type of character that didn't exist before. I think we did pretty well on that end, and the balancing actually works out quite well so far based on the few test runs I've given the class. Anyway, here is the...


    Valivra de Wyl, a Rose Gunner. (Image source:

    Let me show you what it ~really~ means to shoot with your soul.
    -Phrase attributed to an unknown Rose Gunner before demonstrating his magic.

    A spellcaster like no other, the Rose Gunner is a spell-slinger who literally transforms his soul into a gun and uses it to cast spells like a more traditional gunslinger would shoot bullets. But the ability to fire off spells like bullets comes at a great price, as the Rose Gunner loses the ability to cast spells without his soul gun and must power his spells with his very life-force.

    The Rose Gunner is so named because their soul gun grows into them with plant-like roots that dig into their bloodstream. This bond is not without its advantages however, as it increases the Rose Gunner's reflexes and resilience.

    Rose Gunners are far different from traditional arcane casters, relying on reflexes and physical fortitude just as much as their magical ability. Their bond with their gun and their gun slinging style make them tough both mentally and physically as well as quick on their feet.

    While no one can doubt that the raw power that Wizard and Sorcerer Rose Gunners can wield, the Bards also make good Rose Gunners, coming into the class with a better base attack bonus, larger hit dice, and the ability to use Bardic Music when casting their spells would be too dangerous. They can also shower some healing on their allies to help in an emergency situation. Wuu Jen also make very strong Rose Gunners, as their Watchful Spirit class ability and related feats will help give the Rose Gunner that sometimes critical initiative boost. Warmages are more used to casting in armor and they can take spell slinging damage to a new level with this class.

    Spellcasting: Ability to cast 3rd level Arcane Spells.
    Skills: Craft (Gunmaking) 6 ranks.
    Special: Character must be living and have a soul.

    Class Skills
    Craft, Decipher Script, Profession, Wizard Knowledge (any), Spellcraft, Jump, Climb, Balance, Tumble, Spot, Listen.
    Skills Points at Each Level: 2 + int

    Hit Dice: d8

    {table=head]Level|Base Attack Bonus|Fort Save|Ref Save|Will Save|Special|Spellcasting Ability

    1st|+0|+2|+2|+2|Rose Gun|

    2nd|+1|+3|+3|+3|DR 1/--|+1 level of existing class

    3rd|+2|+3|+3|+3|Charge Spellgun|+1 level of existing class

    4th|+3|+4|+4|+4|Rose Gunner's Accuracy|+1 level of existing class

    5th|+3|+4|+4|+4|Determined Spellshot|+1 level of existing class

    6th|+4|+5|+5|+5|Rose Gunner's Celerity|+1 level of existing class

    7th|+5|+5|+5|+5|DR 2/--|+1 level of existing class

    8th|+6|+6|+6|+6|Guided Shot|+1 level of existing class

    9th|+6|+6|+6|+6|Rose Gunner's Agility|+1 level of existing class

    10th|+7|+7|+7|+7|Pain Metamagic|+1 level of existing class

    Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: Rose Gunners are proficient with all simple weapons and light armor.

    Spellcasting Ability: At every level the Rose Gunner's spellcasting ability advances as if he gained a level in whatever arcane spellcasting class he belonged to before he added the prestige class. He does not, however, gain any other benefits a character of that class would have gained. Because the Rose Gunner's method of spellcasting is so different from traditional arcane spellcasters, the terms spells per day and spell slots are meaningless, but the Rose Gunner's list of known spells and the highest level spell that they can cast are still very relevant.

    If a character had more than one arcane spellcasting class before he became a Rose Gunner, he must decide to which class he adds each level of Rose Gunner to for purpose of determining caster level, spells known, and the highest level spell that he can cast.

    Rose Gun: Upon becoming a Rose Gunner, the character transforms their soul into a gun. This has several dramatic effects on how the Rose Gunner casts magic.
    _____<>The Rose Gunner loses the ability to cast spells without the gun, this includes casting spells using Spell Completion or Spell Trigger items.
    _____<>Firing a spell deals 1 damage per spell level to Rose Gunner as the gun draws upon his life force to power the spell. Epic spells deal damage equal to the Rose Gunner's caster level divided by two (rounded up).
    _____<>The Rose Gunner can only prepare six spells at one time (one for each bullet). You cannot prepare spells of a higher level than you could normally cast.
    _____<>The Rose Gunner can reload his six spells as a Full-Round Action which provokes an attack of opportunity, but there is a mounting Fortitude check with each reload, each reload per day increases the Save DC by 5, the DC starts at 5. Failing a check leaves the caster Dazed and the Rose Gunner loses the ability to prepare spells of their highest spell level (this effect is cumulative, a Rose Gunner who can prepare 9th level spells who fails 2 reload checks will only be able to prepare up to 7th level spells). Succeeding on a reload attempt allows the Rose Gunner choose six new spells from his list of spells known for the six slots in his soul gun. There is no limit to the number of reload attempts the caster may make per day (as such, the Rose Gunner has unlimited spells per day, but the number of spells is effectively limited by how many Fortitude checks the Rose Gunner can make).
    _____<>The Rose Gunner fires spells as a ranged touch attack action, and is capable of making a full-round attack with them as normal. All Spells are delivered by a spell bullet in the form of a ranged-touch attack. The effects of spells originate from wherever the bullet hits.
    _____<>A Rose Gunner does not cast spells in the traditional sense, that is handled by the gun, thus the Rose Gunner does not have to make concentration checks to keep hold of a spell when distracted. (This has no impact on the effect of spells with a duration of "concentration.")
    _____<>A Rose Gunner's spells cannot be counter spelled as they take the form of spell bullets, which have neither verbal nor somatic components.
    _____<>The Rose Gunner can no longer target himself with spells.
    _____<>The Rose Gunner takes no penalty for spell casting in armor.

    The soul gun itself has several unique properties. As it is literally the Rose Gunner's soul, it is indestructible so long as the Rose Gunner remains alive, after that it can be destroyed normally. Further, the soul gun cannot fire normal bullets. The Rose Gunner always knows the location of his soul gun in the event that it is taken from him. The soul gun takes a Full Round action to equip or unequip as its roots dig into the veins of its wielder, causing them considerable pain. A Rose Gunner who does not have a his gun equipped loses all class abilities.

    Damage Reduction: The Rose Gunner's physical bond with their soul gun toughens their body, granting them DR 1/-- at level 2, this increases to DR 2/-- at 7th level.

    Charge Spellgun (su): When loading his spells, the Rose Gunner may imbue his soul gun with a spell form any Spell Completion (like a Scroll) or Spell Trigger (like a Wand or Staff) item in his possession. He expends the require charges or daily uses it would require to cast the desired spell from the item, the spell is then prepared like all the others in the soul gun. The Rose Gunner casts the spell at the same level he would if he were using the item in question, and doesn't have to pay the HP cost normally associated with firing spells from his soul gun.

    Rose Gunner's Accuracy (ex): At 4th level, the Rose Gunner's bond with their Soul Gun sharpens their accuracy giving the Rose Gunner a +2 bonus to Dex-based skill checks and reflex saves, and a +1 insight bonus to attack rolls.

    Determined Spellshot (su): Starting at 5th level, the Rose Gunner gains a +4 bonus on caster-level checks to overcome spell resistance. This bonus stacks with the bonus provided by feats like Spell Penetration.

    Rose Gunner's Celerity (ex): At 6th level, the Rose Gunner's bond with their gun further sharpens their reflexes making them more aware of danger, giving them a +1 dodge bonus to AC and a +2 insight bonus to initiative checks. A Rose Gunner who wears heavy armor loses all benefits of Rose Gunner's Celerity.

    Guided Shot (su): Starting at 8th level, the Rose Gunner's magic naturally guides their shots, as a result, the Rose Gunner's ranged touch attacks do not take a penalty due to distance, and they ignore the effects of partial concealment and partial cover.

    Rose Gunner's Agility (ex): At 9th level, the Rose Gunner's physical bond with their Soul Gun further heightens their combat ability increasing their insight bonus to attack rolls and their Dodge bonus to AC to +2. A Rose Gunner in heavy armor loses all benefits of Rose Gunner's Agility.

    Pain Metamagic: Starting a 10th level, that Rose Gunner has master the art of channeling his life force into his spells. As a result, the Rose Gunner may spontaneously apply any one Metamagic feat he knows to a spell bullet when fired. He must still pay the full HP cost of the modified spell level (this can increase the cost of a spell bullet beyond 9 health).


    As a Rose Gunner you embrace a completely different style of arcane spellcasting. You are not the solitary hermit cloistered in his study, nor are you the arcane item crafter, your spells are a weapon that you use with deadly force. A Rose Gunner is an ideal candidate for inventing new spells to compensate for their limitations (for instance, a portal creating spell designed to compensate for their inability to target themselves with Teleport).

    When you really put your mind to it your damage is hard to match by any class, but going all out will dramatically decrease your usefulness in the next battle of the day, if you survive that long. The real key is to find spells that have a good effect to cost ratio, and pacing yourself in an appropriate manner for what you will be facing. Your ability to reload your spell selection is excellent for quickly adapting to changing situations, but you can't be too whimsical about using it or you might find yourself needing to reload in a pitched battle and failing your Fortitude check at a critical moment.

    Combat: The path of the Rose Gunner is not for the faint of heart. Because they power their spells with their own life force, Rose Gunners frequently dance on the razor's edge. While they can warp reality and damage their enemies at alarming speeds, their limited ammo and hp loss will quickly make them a very vulnerable target. While a Rose Gunner could use their powers to prepare six of the highest level spells that they can cast and fire them off as rapidly as they can manage, doing so is exceedingly reckless. Rose Gunners are not solo adventurers, they benefit immensely from the support of allies that can protect them from damage and allies who can heal their wounds.

    Advancement: From the very first level they take in this prestige class, a Rose Gunner becomes a different type of arcane caster, one who must balance immense power and great limitations, combining the best parts of gunslinging and spellcasting with self-inflicted life-loss and small number of spell prepared at one time. The Rose Gunner's class abilities serve to complement their capabilities, but offer no radical changes in their style. A 1st level Rose Gunner and 10th level Rose Gunner will fight in much the same way, the only real difference being the power of spells that they can use and the speed at which they can sling them.

    Resources: The path of a Rose Gunner tends to be a highly personalized one. You make your own way in the world, whatever that way may be. Rose Gunners may trade advice or spells with each other like any other arcane caster, but fundamentally as each soul gun is unique, so is each Rose Gunner.

    A tyrant may in using his power prevent the liberties of the innocent but he will be powerless to stop the finality that comes from my soul
    -Valivra de Wyl

    Notables: Valvira de Wyl, also known as Valvira the Tyrant Slayer, embarked on the path of the Rose Gunner in order to gain the power she needed to free her homeland from the grip of tyranny. A wandering revolutionary, it is said that she has vowed never to rest as long as there is oppression in the world. Valvira will only lead those she believes have a truly worthy cause, a consummate leader and excellent strategist, Valvira inspires through action, easily rallying people to her cause with her presence and daring.

    More on this section coming soon.

    NPC Reactions
    You likely provoke mixed reactions from other arcane spellcasters and non-spellcasters alike who are both in awe of your sheer power and equally amazed by magnitude of your limitations.

    More on this section coming soon.


    Adaptation: The Rose Gunner presented is envisioned as someone who follows their own individual path of discovery, but this does not have to be so. Rose Gunners could be a deadly order of specialized War Mages who form an elite army group, or a loose association of bounty hunters who use their spells to incapacitate their prey.

    Sample Encounter
    EL 13: Jerobim Erasmus was born into a family of spellcasters. He and his older brother both met the family expectations and went off to become wizards. That was all fine and good, until one day, he received news that his brother had became a lich and killed off all of his colleges. Jerobim was always taught to uphold the values of family honor, and so he took it upon himself to hunt down his older brother. In order to combat a Lich, Jerobim decided to use his own soul in a unique fashion, and so set out on the path of the Rose Gunner.

    Jerobim Erasmus
    LG/Male/human Wizard 7/Rose Gunner 6
    Init +5, Senses: Listen +7, Spot +7,
    Languages: Common, Orcish, Elvish
    AC 22, touch 18, flat-footed 12
    hp 75 (13HD)
    Fort +9, Ref +12, Will +12
    Speed 30ft. ( 6 squares)
    Base Atk +7/+2
    Full Attack +11/+7 Ranged Touch Soul Gun (Spell)
    Atk OptionsRapid shot.
    Combat GearAmulet of natural armor +2, +3 chain shirt, Wand of Fireball (CL 6th, 30 charges left), Staff of Evocation.
    Spells Loaded (total hp cost: 30): Finger of Death, Undead to Death, Chain Lightning, Vortex of Teeth, Defenestrating Sphere, Fireball.
    Spells Known (caster level 13):
    7th--Finger of Death, Reverse Gravity
    6th--Undeath to Death, Disintegrate, Chain Lightning, Anti-Magic Field.
    5th--Greater Fireburst, Ball Lightning, Prismatic Ray, Lucient Lance.
    4th--Burning Blood, Vortex of Teeth, Defenestrating Sphere, Orb of Force.
    3rd--Fireball, Icelance, Enervation, Haste.
    2nd--Phantasmal Assailants, Electric Loop, Touch of Idiocy, Shatter, Levitate.
    1st--Color Spray, Animate Rope, Enlarge Person, Cause Fear, Silent Image, Ray of Enfeeblement.
    Abilities Str 9, Dex 16, Con 14, Int 19, Wis 12, Cha 11.
    SACharge Spellgun
    SQDR 1/--, Rose Gunner's Accuracy, Rose Gunner's Celerity, Determined Spellshot.
    Feats Maximize Spell, Chain Spell, Point-Blank Shot, Rapid Shot, Precise Shot, Dodge.

    Note: The bonuses to initiative, dexterity based checks, attacks, and AC from Rose Gunner's Celerity and Rose Gunner's Accuracy are included.

    Going all out, Jerobim would last 5 rounds of combat (or 4 if he focused his spell selection more on higher level spells) if he were not attacked by enemies at all. Obviously, he prefers to last more than four rounds per day, so he divides his energies up depending on what he thinks his enemies are worth. Defenestrating Sphere and Vortex of Teeth are his favorites, allowing him to keep enemies at bay and deal considerable damage over time without risking too much of his health. Jerobim prefers to work with allies, preferably knights and clerics, who can heal him and keep enemies off of him so that he is free to launch more spells without fear of getting attacked directly. If he expected to go into a pitched battle to the death against a single opponent, he would change his spell selection to reflect that, launching three Disintegrates, Fingers of Death, or Maximized Enervations a round until either he or his opponent was dead, as doing so would cost him either 21 (for the Fingers of Death) or 18 hp (for the Maximized Enervation and Disintegrates) a round, the outcome would be swift either way.
    Last edited by Arkdelta; 2009-04-28 at 05:48 PM.

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    Orc in the Playground
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    Default Re: PrC Contest X: Draw, Partner!

    Cybernetic Gunner

    "You... you MAVERICK!" A Cybernetic Gunner known only as X

    Cybernetic Gunners are expert marksmen who have come to embrace an unusual approach to gunslinging. By making their weapon a part of themselves through the installation of a mechanical component (either directly if a Warforged or through a construct graft). These warriors sometimes find themselves changing even more of their own body through these “enhancements”, gradually becoming even more man than machine (if they're not already a Warforged).

    Cybernetic Gunners are most often Warforged warriors who have taken up the role of marksmen but who would prefer to keep their weapon closer to their bodies. Other races also have members becoming one, but it is a costly process (as grafts don't come cheap). Martial adepts and non-martial adepts alike may take up this class, as the Black Rain discipline can be learned by those dedicated enough without spending their whole lives training in it (this translates to it having 2nd level maneuvers with no prerequisite maneuvers needed).

    BAB : +4
    Feats: Point Blank Shot, Rapid Shot
    Skills: Concentration 9 ranks, Craft (Gunmaking) 6 ranks
    Maneuvers: Ability to use one 2nd level maneuver from the Black Rain discipline
    Special: Must be a Warforged or have the Mighty Arms Construct Graft (Faiths of Eberron p158)

    Class Skills
    The Class Name's class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are....
    Balance (Dex), Climb (Str), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Hide (Dex), Jump (Str), Knowledge (Architecture and Engineering), Listen (Wis), Move Silently (Dex), Spot (Wis), Tumble (Dex)

    Skills Points at Each Level: 4 + int

    Hit Dice: d8

    {table=“head”]Level|Base Attack Bonus|Fort Save|Ref Save|Will Save|Special

    |Arm Cannon, Charged Shot, Graft Dedication

    |Arm Cannon Upgrade

    |Component Mastery

    |Arm Cannon Upgrade

    |Component Mastery, Elemental Gunslinger Stance

    |Arm Cannon Upgrade

    |Component Mastery

    |Arm Cannon Upgrade

    |Component Mastery

    |Arm Cannon Upgrade, Stance of the Cybernetic Lord

    {table="head"]Level|Man. Known|Man. Readied|Stances Known

    Weapon Proficiencies: The Cybernetic Gunner gains proficiency with his arm cannon but gain no other additional proficiencies.

    Maneuvers: At every level except 2rd, 4th, 6th and 8th, a Cybernetic Gunner gains new maneuvers known from the Black Rain or Diamond Mind discipline. You must meet a maneuver's prerequisite to learn it. You add your full Cybernetic Gunner levels to your initiator level to determine your total initiator level and your highest-level maneuvers known.
    At 1st, 4th, 7th and 10th levels, you gain additional maneuvers readied per day.
    Special: If you did not belong to a martial adept class before entering this Prestige Class, you may recover all your maneuvers with a full round action. This benefit may also apply to Swordsages entering this class.

    Stances Known: At 3rd level and again at 8th level, you learn a new martial stance from the Black Rain or Diamond Mind disciplines. You must meet the stance's prerequisites to learn it.

    Arm Cannon (Ex): At 1st level, you craft an attached component to your arm (or arm graft) that acts like a gun (but with different stats, as shown below). The Arm Cannon is powered by a complicated mechanical drive that borders on the arcane (also known as a fusion drive). It is treated as a masterwork weapon and can be enhanced like any other weapons. The process has a varying cost depending on the type of firearm you wish to craft (add half the cost listed on the table below to half the cost of making a masterwork weapon [150gp] to get the final cost for crafting your Arm Cannon). They all require 2 days of work. You are treated as proficient with your arm cannon after a week of its crafting. Before that time has passed, you suffer the normal penalties (-4 to attack rolls) associated with using a weapon which you are not proficient with.
    Your Arm Cannon, when first crafted, may be any of the following. You may change (or add to) this at a later date, but it requires a DC 25 craft check and you must pay the requisite cost in gp and time spent. You must also spend another week to get used to your new weapon.

    {table="head"]Weapons|Cost|Damage(M)|Critical|Range|Chamber capacity
    Standard Issue Blaster|50gp|2d6|19-20/x3|80ft|8
    Light Pistol*|30gp|1d10|19-20/x3|60ft|6
    Sniper Rifle|100gp|4d6|18-20/x3|150ft|1

    The Arm Cannon's damage type is piercing. The chamber capacity refers to the number of shots that may be fired before the Arm Cannon needs to be reloaded.
    Alternatively, you may install a concussion blaster, death ray, firewand or wandgun into your Arm Cannon. You may not take the Extra Capacity Cannon upgrade for these weapons.
    Special: Treat the Light Pistol as a Light Weapon for the purpose of determining penalties for fighting with two weapons.
    Special: Reloading your Arm Cannon is a standard action. The feat Rapid Reload will reduce this to a move action.
    Special: When not in use, your Arm Cannon is just like a normal hand and may be used to perform delicate tasks (such as crafting) which requires digits and opposable thumbs. Switching between normal mode and cannon mode is a move action. It is a move action to switch both Arm Cannons. This effectively counts as drawing the weapon(s).
    Special: Each type of Arm Cannon counts as a different type of weapon for the purposes of weapon-specific feats such as Weapon Focus, Weapon Specialization, Improved Critical etc.

    Charged Shot (Su): The signature move of a Cybernetic Gunner. By infusing one bullet in the chamber with arcane energy, the he is capable of firing off devastating shots. To do this, the Cybernetic Gunner sacrifices actions in a round to fuel the charges. A Swift, Move or Standard Action is equivalent to 1 Charge. Any other actions or action equivalents (such as Full Round Actions, 5' steps, Attacks of Opportunity, Free Actions etc.) may not be sacrificed for this purpose. The Cybernetic Gunner deals extra Force damage according to the number of Charges he has accrued in his Arm Cannon:

    1 Charge: The next shot deals 1/2 the Cybernetic Gunner's class level in d4s (rounded up)
    2 Charges: The next shot deals the Cybernetic Gunner's class level in d4s
    3 Charges: The next shot deals double the Cybernetic Gunner's class level in d6s

    This extra damage is not multiplied on a critical hit.
    Special: Unused Charges dissipate harmlessly after 5 rounds (or 30 seconds)

    Graft Dedication (Ex): Due to the dedication and vitality needed to employ grafts as effectively as they do, Cybernetic Gunners no longer have to make any sacrifices related to the installation of construct grafts on their body. They gain the Construct Grafter Feat (Faiths of Eberron p145) as a bonus feat, and they do not need to have prerequisite spells to construct a graft.
    Their body is still limited to a maximum of five grafts grown on it. They must still pay the gold and XP costs to create a construct graft.
    Special: This applies only to non-Warforged Gunners.

    Arm Cannon Upgrade (Ex): At 2nd level and every 2 levels thereafter, a Cybernetic Gunner improves the abilities of his signature weapon, the Arm Cannon, to new heights. He gains one of the special abilities listed below. Some of these abilities have prerequisites, such as a minimum Cybernetic Gunner level, skill ranks, feats or another Arm Cannon Upgrade ability.

    Combined Shot (Su): You have synchronised both Arm Cannons to such a degree that you may unleash a devastating combined attack with both of them. As a full round action that does not provoke an attack of opportunity, you may make two attacks at your full attack bonus using each of your Arm Cannons (Only one Arm Cannon in each arm may be used). Both attacks gain the extra damage from your Charged Shot ability (but only if there are 2 charges or less stored. This ability does not function properly if you have 3 charges stored in your Charged Shot ability)
    You may choose to have the two shots combine into a spread shot that targets multiple enemies or a barrage of charged shots that can devastate single foes. Before your attack, declare which option to use.

    If you chose to use a spread shot, the two charged shots combine into a Cone Attack. Make a single Ranged Attack roll. Every target within a 30ft Cone whose AC you hit take damage equal to the sum of the damage of both of your attacks (including Charged Shot damage).

    If both of your charged shots hit a single foe while using this ability, he must make a Fortitude save (DC 10 + Cybernetic Gunner class level + your highest mental ability modifier) or fall prone.

    Prerequisite: Cybernetic Gunner 6th level, must have 2 Arm Cannons
    Special: This may not be taken with the Split Shot or Quad Shot ability.

    Deadly Precision (Ex): You've modified your Arm Cannon to be able to hit vital areas more easily. The threat range for one of your Arm Cannon increases by one. If you have two or more Arm Cannons, this only applies to one of them. This ability can be taken twice. Its effects stack.
    Special: The threat range modifier stacks with Keen and Improved Critical, but is applied after the former two. (So a Cybernetic Gunner with Improved Critical (Sniper Rifle) and one instance of Deadly Precision has an Sniper Rifle-type Arm Cannon with a threat range of 14-20/x3).

    Dual Cannon Mastery (Ex): You are skilled in the use of dual arm cannons.
    At 2nd level, you may reload both your Arm Cannons with a single standard action. If you have the Rapid Reload feat, you may reload both your Arm Cannons with a single move action.
    At 4th level, you gain the Improved Two-Weapon Fighting feat. If you already have that feat, the penalty for fighting with two weapons decreases by 1.
    At 8th level, you gain the Greater Two-Weapon Fighting feat. If you already have that feat, the penalty for fighting with two weapons decreases by 1.
    Prerequisites: Two-Weapon Fighting feat, must have 2 Arm Cannons

    Extra Cannon (Ex): You may add an additional Arm Cannon to one arm. This still requires craft checks, and you must still pay the gold costs. You also need to spend one week getting used to the new weapon, even if it is a weapon you already have in your other arm. Only one Arm Cannon may be active on one arm at a time. Switching between Arm Cannons is a free action usable only once per round.

    Extra Capacity (Ex): Your Arm Cannon's chamber capacity increases by 2. If you have two or more Arm Cannons, this only applies to one of them. This ability can be taken multiple times. Its effects stack.

    Quad Shot (Su): You've modified the Charged Shot so that it focuses more on quantity than quality. Instead of the charges increasing the amount of damage done by your shot, every charge gives one of your next shot bonus force damage equal to half your Cybernetic Gunner class level in d4s (rounded up). For every additional charge, another attack gains this extra damage, up to four attacks.
    Special: If you have two Arm Cannons, each charge applies to both cannons.
    Special: This may not be taken with the Split Shot or Combined Shot ability.

    Split Shot (Su): You have modified your Arm Cannon to be able to fire at multiple targets at the same time. Whenever you use a Charged Shot, you may choose to use a standard action to split the shot between 3 targets. Make separate attack rolls at your full attack bonus for each target. Choose one shot as the primary shot. That one deals weapon damage along with the extra damage granted by Charged Shot. The other two only deal extra damage (but not weapon damage). These smaller shots do modified Charged Shot damage, as shown below.

    1 Charge: Each shot deals 1/4 Cybernetic Gunner class level in d4s (rounded up)
    2 Charges: Each shot deals 1/2 Cybernetic Gunner class level in d4s (rounded up)
    3 Charge: Each shot deals 3/4 Cybernetic Gunner class level in d6s (rounded up)

    Prerequisite: Cybernetic Gunner 6th level
    Special: This may not be taken with the Quad Shot or Combined Shot ability.

    Component Mastery (Ex): At 3rd level and every 2 levels thereafter, a Cybernetic Gunner learns to modify his body components to increase his own capabilities. He gains one of the special abilities listed below. Some of these abilities have prerequisites, such as a minimum Cybernetic Gunner level, skill ranks, feats or another Component Mastery ability. Each ability has a location noted. No two abilities with the same location may be taken together (except for abilities with the Legs location).
    Non-Warforged Cybernetic Gunners require a construct graft in the corresponding location as a prerequisite for taking a special ability of that location.

    Air Dash (Ex, Legs): If you do not already have one, you may expend a swift action to gain a fly speed equal to your base land speed (poor maneuverability).
    At 6th level, you may expend a swift action to hover in place. This may be done for 2 consecutive rounds at a time. After that, you are not allowed to hover until your feet have touched the ground. Your fly speed when using Air Dash increases by 5 ft and the maneuverability to Average.
    At 8th level, your fly speed when using Air Dash increases by another 5 ft and the maneuverability to Good.
    At 10th level, your fly speed when using Air Dash increases by another 10 ft and the maneuverability to Perfect. You may fly for 3 consecutive rounds and hover for 2 additional rounds.
    Prerequisites: Cybernetic Gunner level 5.

    Flux Capacitor (Ex, Head): You install a head component which increases the rate energy is gathered for your Charged Shot ability. You gain an extra swift action per round that may be used ONLY to exchange for charges for the Charged Shot ability. It also helps guard against assaults on your mental facilities. You gain a +4 Insight bonus to Will saves against mind-affecting abilities.
    Prerequisite: Cybernetic Gunner level 7.

    Improved Composite Plating (Ex, Body): You reinforce your plating with an Adamantine-Mithral alloy. This upgrade increases your Armor Bonus to AC by 3, adds 2 to your Maximum Dexterity bonus to AC and the Armor Check penalties are reduced by 2. This feat can be taken multiple times, its effects stacks with itself and with other similar feats (such as Mithral Fluidity). Every additional time this ability is taken, the bonuses granted by it decreases by 1 (to a minimum of 1).
    Special: If taken twice, your plating is counted as one category lighter for purposes of movement and other effects.

    Leg Upgrade (Ex, Legs): You install a less powerful version of the fusion drive found in your Arm Cannon. This allows you to Dash (expend a swift action to gain a burst of speed for one round). Effectively, you gain a 30-ft enhancements bonus to all movement speeds (except for burrow speed and climb speed) for one round.
    At 4th level, you gain a climb speed equal to your base land speed. You also gain the Wall Jumper skill trick (Complete Scoundrel, page 91).
    At 6th level, you gain a +10 enhancement bonus to Jump checks.
    Prerequisites: Climb 5 ranks, Jump 5 ranks

    Rigid Plating (Ex, Body): Your plating is even stiffer and more resilient than normal. The DR granted by your plating increases by 2 points for every time you take this ability. In addition, for every 10 points of damage you take (after DR is applied), your armour stores one charge for your Charged Shot ability. You may not have more than 6 charges stored at any time (not including the charges stored the normal way). This limit increases by 3 every additional time you take this ability.
    The charges last for one hour and then dissipates harmlessly.

    Scanner Systems (Ex, Head): You install a head component which contains innumerable data on almost any subject matter. You use a Knowledge (Architecture and Engineering) to access this wealth of knowledge. In essence, you are using your Knowledge (Architecture and Engineering) instead of any other kind of Knowledge check (as long as that knowledge can be feasibly found in books).
    At 5th level, you gain the Knowledge Devotion feat (Complete Champion, page 60) as a bonus feat.
    Prerequisite: Knowledge (Architecture and Engineering) 10 ranks
    Special: The Collector of Stories skill trick does not work for this use of Knowledge (Architecture and Engineering), since you are not using your own knowledge, but rather accessing a database of knowledge.

    Stealth Mastery (Ex, Legs): You install a stealth enhancer that increases your ability to move around unseen. It also boosts your reflexes. You gain a +4 equipment bonus to Hide and Move Silently, and a +2 equipment bonus to Reflex saves.
    At 7th level, the bonus to Hide and Move Silently increases by 4 each. You also gain a +4 Dodge Bonus whenever you use the Dash ability.
    At 9th level, the bonus to Reflex saves increases by 2. In addition, whenever you use the Dash ability, you may choose to temporarily increase your speed to previously unachievable levels. In the same round that you chose to do this, you gain total concealment (which gives enemies a 50% miss chance against you). This ability may only be used every 1d4 rounds and the concealment granted by it does not allow you to hide.
    Prerequisites: Hide 7 ranks, Move Silently 7 ranks, Leg Upgrade Ability

    Elemental Gunslinger Stance (Ex): At 5th level, you gain a stance that further modifies your Charged Shot ability. As a swift action, you may lose the benefit of any other stances to enter this stance. Choose an energy type (Fire, Cold, Electricity, Acid, Sonic) when you enter this stance. Your Charged Shot now deals damage of that energy type. If the energy type is Fire, Cold or Electricity, the damage die of your Charged Shot increases by one size (d4 to d6, d6 to d8). Furthermore, you gain Energy Resistance to the type of Energy you selected equal to 10 + Class Level. You may switch the energy type this stance is associated with with a move action.

    Stance of the Cybernetic Lord (Ex): At 10th level, you acquire a stance that marks the final step in your training as a Cybernetic Gunner. You may use a swift action to lose the benefits of any other stance you were in and enter this one. This stance increases the power of your Charged Shot even further. You gain the benefits of the Elemental Gunslinger Stance (but you don't have to pick an energy type), and you gain the ability to perform a Plasma Shot (shown below). The critical modifier of all your Arm Cannons increase by 1 (to x4), and you gain additional benefits depending on which Arm Cannon Upgrades you selected.

    Combined Shot: You may now charge your weapons over the limits to achieve an extraordinary attack at the cost of vitality. You may take 4 Constitution damage (this Constitution damage is not reducible by any means, even if you are immune to Con damage. The hp lost triggered by this does not trigger Rigid Plating) to use the Combined Shot ability with 3 charges (instead of the normal limit of 2). This increases the Cone range from 30 to 60ft, and increases the fortitude save DC for the focused shot option by 5. You are fatigued after using this ability, and both your Arm Cannons are non-functional for 1d4+4 rounds. You may still use another Arm Cannon (provided you have more than one on one arm) but you may not used Charged Shots until 1d4+4 rounds have passed.

    Plasma Shot: You may now choose to fire your Charged Shot in a 90ft Line, using a single Ranged Attack Roll to determine which targets are hit. For every target that is hit, a 5-ft diameter sphere of plasma lingers and deals damage to the target equal to 1/2 the damage dealt by your Charged Shot's extra damage (i.e. 10d6 or 10d8) at the beginning of the target's next turn and to all those who enter the square where the sphere is located (if the target is Large, pick one the 4 squares it occupies as the location for the sphere. Otherwise the sphere is located in the center square of a target's space). This ability may not be used in conjunction with any of the other modifications to your Charged Shot such as Combined Shot.

    Quad Shot: The extra damage for each of your charged shots deals damage of one die size larger (d4 to d6). In addition, if an opponent is hit by 3 or more charged shots in a given round, they must make a Fortitude save (DC 12 + Class Level + Highest mental ability modifier) or be dazed for 1 round (this affects even enemies immune to this condition).

    Split Shot: Increase the damage for each of the split shot as shown below:

    1 Charge: Each shot deals 1/2 Cybernetic Gunner class level in d4s (rounded up)
    2 Charges: Each shot deals 3/4 Cybernetic Gunner class level in d4s (rounded up)
    3 Charge: Each shot deals full Cybernetic Gunner class level in d6s

    In addition, if you drop 2 or more enemies this round using Split Shot, all enemies who witnessed the act must make a Will save (DC = 10 + Class Level + Highest mental ability modifier) or be Shaken for 1d4 rounds. Even if they make the save, they are still shaken for 1 round. This is a mind-affecting ability.

    A Cybernetic Gunner is not a front line warrior by any means, preferring to let his Arm Cannon do the talking. He uses his mobility to get to desirable positions, and may choose to handle single enemies or target multiple lesser ones with his Arm Cannon upgrades.
    Combat: A Cybernetic Gunner's choice of what Cannon upgrade to use greatly affects his role in combat. Quad Shot and Combined Shot hearken to Two-Weapon Fighting specialists, while Split Shot is a crowd control option for those who want to focus on a single weapon. The normal Charged Shot is normally used for sniping tactics and to take down single powerful enemies. A Cybernetic Gunner only has access to 2 disciplines and has a limited number of maneuvers known and readied. His maneuvers supplement his abilities rather than being the main focus of it.
    Advancement: A Cybernetic Gunner's versatility allows players to pick their own style of combat (and may even switch between them). Martial Adepts may choose to focus more on maneuvers, alternating between taking levels in this PrC and levels in a base class that grants maneuvers to acquire more diversity in their use. Others will focus more on the aspect of the PrC that allows the to be a gun-toting dual-wielder, an enigmatic sniper, a covert commando and many other archetypes that they wish to fit.
    Resources: The Megaman X universe is prime material for resources on the Cybernetic Gunner. Mechanical sources include Faiths of Eberron, the Eberron campaign setting (for construct grafts and Warforged components).


    "Dream on, Zero! X KNOWS he cannot defeat me! My armored carrier is MORE than a match for his ancient weapons!" Vile, a young and upstart Cybernetic Gunner

    Cybernetic Gunners are often lawful in nature, for it takes dedication and discipline to install the various components. It is believed that the arcane and technological fusion involved in the creation of Arm Cannons and various components that make up the members of this may cause them to go maverick and become a serious threat for others. This is especially true for Warforged Cybernetic Gunners. Cases of non-Warforged members of the class going maverick are much rarer, if not non-existent.
    Daily Life: Many Cybernetic Gunners are part of peace-keeping forces in various locales. High level ones are also found in elite military regiments in a kingdom. The remaining Cybernetic Gunners are either Drifters or Mavericks, with most adventurers falling into the former case. Drifters wander from place to place, testing their skills and satiating their thirst for adventure.
    Notables: The iconic Cybernetic Gunner, whose name is often associated with the class itself, goes only by the name of X. Believed to be one of the first non-Warforged members of the class, X has always fought to protect the good and innocent. Also known as the Blue Bomber due to the colour of his armour plating, X is hailed by many as the most powerful Cybernetic Gunner in existence. While not fighting mavericks and upholding peace, X likes to keep a low profile, enjoying a sip of Earl Grey tea, and partying with his Maverick Hunter buddies.
    On the opposite side of the scale lies Vile, a young Cybernetic Gunner gone maverick. His face was disfigured beyond recognition due to the rejection of a construct graft, and he keeps it hidden behind a purple helmet. His arms also rejected the graft, which resulted in him using a shoulder-mounted Cannon with a rarely seen rapid fire mechanic. He considers himself X's rival, and boasts about his superiority over what he considers an “old model, B-ranked hunter”.
    Organizations: The biggest organization employing Cybernetic Gunner is known as the Maverick Hunters, dedicated to tracking down and eliminating traces of maverick Gunners and Soldiers. Some Cybernetic Gunners are attracted to marksmen guilds or get hired by various organizations as mercernaries.

    NPC Reaction
    Cybernetic Gunners, if not already Warforged, are often shunned from society because of the amount of disfiguration they committed to their own bodies (the more grafts they have, the worse they are discriminated against). Warforged who become Cybernetic Gunners are also feared, for the threat of them becoming maverick is that much higher. Even those Cybernetic Gunners who belong to the Maverick Hunters are frowned upon, for there have been defections (one of the most serious ones involved a Cybernetic Gunner named Vile).

    Cybernetic Gunners bring a more mechanical flavour to the game, and it thrives in low magic campaigns. The damage output it brings does not help it outshine other martial classes, and the unique abilities it gets can help it cover varying roles in a party.
    Adaptation: For a low technology campaign, the Arm Cannon and component upgrades may be explained as being purely arcane in nature. The components may be replaced with permanent runes achieving the same effect.

    An arcane version of the Cybernetic Gunner may be created. Replace the maneuver requirements and progression with the requirement of being able to cast 2nd level arcane spells. The class now advances spellcasting in one arcane spellcasting class prior to entry at each level except 1st, 5th and 10th. Reduce the BAB to 3/4 and move the good save progression to Will Save. You do not gain an Arm Cannon Upgrade at 2nd level nor do you gain a Component Mastery ability at 7th level. Instead, at 2nd level, you may channel one targeted spell with a range of touch or ranged touch into a Charged Shot. The spell affects only targets that it would affect if cast normally, regardless of how many targets are affected by the Charged Shot.

    A non-ToB version of the Cybernetic Gunner may be created. Remove the maneuver requirement and replace the maneuver progression with Fighter bonus feats at 1st, 4th, 7th, and 10th levels. Your Cybernetic Gunner levels count as Fighter levels for the purpose of qualifying for feats requiring Fighter levels. In addition, starting from 2nd level, you may apply any weapon specific feats to ALL of your Arm Cannons (Weapon Focus(Arm Cannon) would apply to all of them, for example). This does not affect abilities gained by the class, such as Extra Capacity.

    Some weapons may be fluffed so that it does not have to be the gun arm itself, but rather a weapon attached to it or weapons powered by the fusion drive in the arm (Light Pistols, Rifles and Sniper Rifles may be like this)

    Encounters: Encounters with this class could happen anywhere, as Drifters are often found in the strangest places. In large cities with a mid to high-level technology level (or arcane level, if that is the fluff used), Cybernetic Gunners can be found as elite guards. Individual and organized mavericks may also feature as the antagonist(s) in an adventure.

    Sample Encounter
    EL 11: Axl is a former member of the mercernary syndicate Red Alert. He has sinced joined the Maverick Hunters and is fighting alongside X to protect people from the threat of mavericks (as well as any other threat found in a given campaign). The PCs may encounter him during one of his missions, or they may even get in a fight with him due to his impatient nature. Axl wields dual pistols and possesses a unique ability to copy another Cybernetic Gunner's (or Soldier's) appearances and abilities due to him possessing a rare artifact that fuses his innate Changeling abilities with the Warforged Components he uses.

    CG Male Changeling Rogue 6 (Feat Rogue Variant)/Cybernetic Gunner 5
    Size Medium
    Init +10, Senses: Listen +15, Spot +15,
    Languages Common, Elven
    AC 21, touch 16, flat-footed (15)
    hp 61 (11 HD)
    Fort + 11, Ref +12, Will +4
    Speed 30ft. (6 squares)
    Melee Slam +12 (1d4+3)
    Base Atk +9, Grp +12
    Atk Options Quad Shot +14/+14/+9/+9 or +15/+15/+10/+10 if within 30ft (1d10+3d4 per hit), Full attack +14/+14/+9/+9 or +15/+15/+10/+10 (1d10 per hit)
    Combat Gear 2 Mwk Arm Cannons (Light Pistols), +1 Mithral Chain Shirt
    Supernatural Abilities Charged Shot, Minor Change Shape, Quad Shot
    Maneuvers Known Smoking Steel Parry, Moment of Perfect Mind, Gather the Storm, Black Tempest, Elegant Execution
    Maneuvers Readied Black Tempest, Gather the Storm, (Moment of Perfect Mind and Smoking Steel Parry is always readied but may not be recovered)
    Stances Known Pearl of Black Doubt, Elemental Gunslinger Stance
    Abilities Str 16, Dex 19 (23 w/ Gloves), Con 14, Int 12, Wis 13, Cha 14
    SQ Evasion, Uncanny Dodge, Trapfinding, Trapsense +2, Dual Cannon Mastery, Leg Upgrade, Air Dash, Takes no penalties from being Fatigued, Immunity to Disease, Paralysis and Poison
    Feats Two-Weapon Fighting, Precise Shot, Point Blank Shot, Rapid Shot, Martial Study (Smoking Steel Parry), Rapid Reload, Improved Initiative, Martial Study (Moment of Perfect Mind), Improved TWF (B)
    Skills Balance +13, Bluff +9, Concentration +16, Craft (Gunmaking) +10, Diplomacy +9, Disguise +8 (+18 when using Minor Change Shape), Hide +11, Intimidate +6, Jump +14, Listen +15, Move Silently +11, Sense Motive +3, Spot +15, Tumble +22
    Possessions Mighty Arms Graft, Heavy Legs Graft, Gloves of Dexterity +4, Heart of Steel Graft, Copy Chip
    Gold spent 27980 gp

    Copy Chip: This Warforged embedded component (requires a flesh graft) is a unique item (only one is known to exist at this point, as such its value is not determinable) that allows for a special attack called Copy Shot. The character with this component may make shoot a special type of bullet that copies the DNA of a living creature (no Undead or Constructs allowed, but Living Constructs are fine) whose size is the same as the character with a Copy Chip. Make a Ranged Touch Attack to hit with the Copy Shot. A creature hit by this attack must make a Will save (DC = 10 + 1/2 HD + Highest mental ability score modifier) or have its DNA copied.

    The character with the component may then transform into the creature
    whose DNA he copied for a number of rounds equal to his character level (including racial HD, if applicable). This ability functions just like Alternate Form, unless otherwise noted.

    You assume the creature's form and inherit all its special qualities, supernatural abilities and spell-like abilities. Any ability that duplicates a spell that requires an XP and/or expensive material component must have the prerequisites provided by the character with a Copy Chip.
    Any gear worn or carried by the character (including Warforged components and Construct Grafts) melds into the new form and becomes nonfunctional. When the character reverts to her true form, any objects previously melded into the new form reappear in the same location on her body that they previously occupied and are once again functional. Any new items worn in the assumed form fall off and land at the character's feet.

    The new form’s Hit Dice can’t exceed 1/2 the character’s level.
    Only 1 full DNA sample (required to transform into a creature fully) may be stored in the Copy Chip at any one time. DNA stored last for 1 hour/Character level.

    CREDITS: This class is heavily inspired by Megaman X from the game series of the same name. As such, I'll try to replicate as many of his armor and arm upgrades as I can (within reason). If it ends up getting too overpowered, I apologise. This is my first foray into the homebrew world after all.

    I would like to thank a razor1n for the name of the class and his numerous suggestions on this class' abilities and for spotting some glaring exploits.

    I would like to thank Krimm Blackleaf for his numerous ToB-based PrCs that all have such nice and easy to understand formatting. I borrowed quite a bit from the maneuvers and stances progression he used (which may be directly from ToB, but I wouldn't know. I never read the PrC section). I also looked at his Warforged Armorlord PrC for some inspiration for the Component Mastery abilities. Credit to him for the naming and effect of Rigid Plating, which I blatantly "borrowed" and added to. If he isn't ok with it, I'll remove it at first notice.

    FINAL EDIT: The class is done at last! Did some major revisions and fixed some glaring exploits due to certain abilities working together. Finished up the fluff and changed the class name to fit better with the theme at hand. Fixed various typos and copy paste errors. Class is finally ready for serious PEACHing.
    Last edited by Pramxnim; 2009-04-28 at 02:56 AM. Reason: Added easter egg

  9. - Top - End - #9
    Halfling in the Playground
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    Mar 2009

    Default Re: PrC Contest X: Draw, Partner!


    “Think carefully about your next move, because if your hand touches the hilt of that sword, your soul will burn.”
    - Theo Serrance, blackened soul gunman.

    The blackened soul gunman is a fighter who channels dark, unholy fire as both a weapon and to protect himself. He begins with a small amount of this darkness in his soul that gradually consumes his entire essence, making him tough and giving him the ability to channel the darkness within as a projectile to damage others. He also improves his abilities as a gunfighter, gaining the skill to hit harder and faster than other fighters. Eventually, the dark fire totally envelopes him, and his entire being burns.

    Almost all blackened soul gunmen are martial adepts, and the majority of those are swordsages. When warblades become blackened soul gunmen, they strike with even more accuracy. Crusaders rarely choose the path of a blackened soul gunman, but can, and become a defensive force to be reckoned with. Other classes will have difficulty becoming blackened soul gunman without significant multiclassing and feat investment.

    Entry Requirements
    BAB: +6
    Base Saves: Will +6
    Feats: Spark of Black Fire
    Maneuvers: Ability to use fourth level maneuvers of the Black Rain discipline, including two strikes and one stance.

    Class Skills: Balance, Bluff, Climb, Concentration, Diplomacy, Escape Artist, Hide, Intimidate, Jump, Knowledge (arcana), Knowledge (local), Listen, Martial Lore, Move Silently, Profession, Ride, Sense Motive, Spot, Survival, Swim and Tumble.

    Skill-points per level: 4+Int modifier

    HD: d8

    Blackened Soul Gunman
    {table=head]Level|Base Attack Bonus|Fort Save|Ref Save|Will Save|Special

    |Strike of Black Fire

    |Darkvision 30ft.

    |Lesser Blackened Soul

    |Volley of Unholy Wrath

    |Darkvision 60ft.

    |Greater Blackened Soul

    |Strike of Pure Annihilation

    |Darkvision 90ft.

    |Perfect Blackened Soul

    |The Fire and the Fury[/table]

    {table=head]Level|Man. Known|Man. Readied|Stances Known










    | [/table]

    Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: A blackened soul gunman gains no additional armor or weapon proficiencies.

    Maneuvers: At each level except 4th, 7th, and 10th, a blackened soul gunman gains new maneuvers known from the Black Rain, Shadow Hand or Diamond Mind disciplines. You must meet a maneuver's prerequisite to learn it. You add your full blackened soul gunman levels to your initiator level to determine your total initiator level and your highest-level maneuvers known.
    At 2nd, 6th and 10th levels, you gain additional maneuvers readied per day.

    Stances Known: At 3rd and 7th levels, you learn a new martial stance from the Black Rain, Shadow Hand or Diamond Mind disciplines. You must meet the stances prerequisites to learn it.

    Strike of Black Fire (Sp): At 1st level, you gain the ability to make an attack imbued with some of the same dark fire that burns within you, burning the essence instead of the flesh of the victim. This is treated just as a normal martial maneuver: you must ready it and expend it normally. It is a 5th level strike, and does not belong to any discipline. You initiate this strike as a standard action, and you make a single ranged attack against a foe. If this attack hits, it deals 4 points of Con damage in addition to its normal damage. The target can make a Will save, DC 15+your Wis modifier to only take 2 Con damage.

    Darkvision (Ex): The black fire that burns within your soul allows your eyes to pierce the darkness. You gain darkvision to a distance of 30ft. At 5th level the distance increases to 60ft., and at 8th level, 90ft.

    Blackened Soul (Sp): The power of the burning darkness inside you enters your body and toughens and inures you against the same power that lives inside you. You gain damage reduction 2/good, and resistance to fire and negative energy 5. At 6th level, your DR increases to 4/good, and your fire and negative energy resistances increase to 10. At 9th level, your body has reached the pinnacle of toughness. Your DR increases to 6/good, and resistances both increase to 15.

    Volley of Unholy Wrath (Sp): At 4st level, you gain the ability to make an attack that corrupts the physical essence when it hits. This is treated just as a normal martial boost: you must ready it and expend it normally. It is a 6th level boost, and does not belong to any discipline. You initiate this strike as a swift action. The round to use this boost, instead of dealing physical damage, each attack that hits the target deals 1 point of Con damage. The target can make a Fort save, DC 16+your Wis modifier, to only take half the Con damage.

    Strike of Pure Annihilation (Sp): At 7st level, you gain the ability to make an attack of pure blackness that destroys the body and corrodes the soul of the creature it strikes. This is treated just as a normal martial maneuver: you must ready it and expend it normally. It is a 7th level strike, and does not belong to any discipline. You initiate this strike as a standard action, and you make a single ranged attack against a foe. If this attack hits, it deals an additional 10d6 points of damage, and the target receives 2 negative levels.

    The Fire and the Fury (Sp): At 10th level, your soul is so consumed with dark fire that its effects have spread to your entire being, and begin to manifest physically. You learn a stance that unleashes your full inner fury. Small black flames spring up all over your body, and dark fire burns in your eyes. While in this stance, you gain the benefits of the Righteous Devil Gunslinger stance, and the following benefits: your damage reduction increases to 10/good and magic, you gain immunity to fire and negative energy, and the range of your darkvision increases to 120ft. Additionally, every attack you make deals an additional 2d6 damage. This damage is unholy fire, and cannot be prevented by any means. Finally, you gain a +4 inherent bonus to any two ability scores for the duration of the stance. You may change one of the bonuses as a move action.

    Combat: The blackened soul gunman is a ranged fighter, using his improved defensive abilities and ranged attacks to kill and avoid danger. His tactics are similar to a normal gunman: attack hard from a distance, with decisive strikes that kill fast. He stays out of melee is almost every circumstance.
    Advancement: Only martial adepts who have trained in the use of firearms can become a blackened heart gunman. In general, only martial adepts with strong mental will enter the class, because the pressure of having your soul consumed with black fire can be stressful and mentally dangerous. Swordsages are the best entry option, but other martial adepts, or other classes used to combat can enter if they spend feats on Martial Study.
    Resources: Any feats that aid normal ranged combat are useful for a blackened soul gunman, as are feats that aid normal martial adepts.

    “I saw his eyes after he shot that bandit. It was like looking into hell.”
    - Pete Postlewright, Bartender

    Blackened soul gunmen are always met with suspicion because of the nature of their powers. Their reputation is not enhanced by the blackened heart gunmen who have used their abilities to kill and terrorize innocents. The blackened soul gunmen who are able to gain the trust of people are respected for their combat prowess.
    Daily Life: Most blackened soul gunmen live and travel alone, either because they distrust and hate of beings, or because others fear and hate them. Because the majority of their skills re based in combat, the blackened heart gunmen tend to take work that involves fighting, but the actual nature of the work may vary.
    Notables: The most famous blackened soul gunman was a man called The Fury, a well-known and feared murderer who lived and killed for over 90 years. He would appear seemingly at random, dealing death and destruction at will. His name is still feared almost half a century after his death. More recently, a nameless blackened soul gunman has begun to frequent small frontier towns. He has been involved in few altercations, but the few that have occurred have been resolved swiftly and decisively by him. It is the opinion of the people who have seen him that he isn’t evil, but it remains to be seem for sure.
    Organizations: There is no organization composed of blackened heart gunmen; they tend to be loners because of the nature of their abilities.

    NPC Reaction
    Common people fear blackened soul gunmen. Melee classes tend to appreciate their ability, and martial adepts in particular admire the focus and skill blackened heart gunmen have. Other classes that fight from a distance might also admire blackened heart gunmens’ abilities, but may be fearful of their source. Some divine spellcasters distrust the blackened heart gunmen, but each relationship is different.

    The blackened soul gunman is an archer whose method of attack and power source is different than most. They deal damage the same way any other archer might, and don’t posses any abilities that cannot be replicated by another martial adept.
    Adaptation: The blackened soul gunmen can fit in most campaign settings that allow both firearms and martial adepts. The flavor of the class isn’t inextricably tied to a western setting, but specific fluff can be tweaked as needed.
    Encounters: PCs may encounter a blackened soul gunman as a mysterious ally, or as a murderous antagonist. In either case, it is unlikely they will reveal themselves unless they feel the need, choosing to wait until their interests are at stake, or their morals are seriously compromised.

    Sample Encounter
    EL 13: Jason Bonaparte is a blackened soul gunman who has recently begun traveling in frontier towns. His name is not known to the public, and he prefers to stay that way. He enjoys traveling alone, and usually distances himself from petty disputes. He will, however, intervene if the stakes are high enough, or his morals are sufficiently offended. The PCs may encounter him in whatever town he is currently in. If the PCs have chosen to champion a cause Jason also believes is just, he may meet them and help them achieve their mutual goal. But if the PCs’ choice offends him, he will attacks them without warning or mercy, seeking to wipe them out completely.

    Jason Bonaparte
    TN Male Human Swordsage 8/Blackened Soul Gunman 5
    Init +12, Senses: Listen +, Spot +,
    Languages Common
    AC 23, touch 20, flat-footed (13)
    hp 66 (13 HD)
    Fort +10, Ref +18, Will +17
    Speed 30ft. (6 squares)
    Melee Dagger +9 (1d4)
    Base Atk +9, Grp +9
    Atk Options Revolver Full Attack +17/+15/+11/+9 (1d6+1) or
    Combat Gear Pair of +1 Revolvers, +1 Leather Armor
    Supernatural Abilities Strike of Black Fire, Lesser Blackened Soul
    Maneuvers Known Dust Devil Shot, Iron Caress, Gather the Storm, Sapphire Nightmare Blade, Elegant Execution, Blossom of Iron Petals, Smoking Steel Parry, Black Tempest, Azure Battle Mandala, Sublime Marksmanship, Trance of Unhesitating Speed, Inglorious Maiming Shot, Smoking Steel Parry, Blossom of Righteous Fire, Cruel Shrapnel Cascade, Scarlet Battle Mandala, Strike of Black Fire.
    Maneuvers Readied Strike of Black Fire, Scarlet Battle Mandala, Cruel Shrapnel Cascade, Blossom of Righteous Fire, Smoking Steel Parry, Inglorious Maiming Shot, Trance of Unhesitating Speed, Azure Battle Mandala.
    Stances Known Hot Blooded Gunman Bravado, Blood In the Water, Pearl of Black Doubt, Righteous Devil Gunslinger
    Abilities Str 10, Dex 22, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 18, Cha 11
    SQ Quick to Act +2, Discipline Focus (Weapon Focus, Black Rain), AC Bonus, Discipline Focus (Insightful Strike, Black Rain), Sense Magic, Disciple Focus (Defensive Stance, Black Rain
    Feats Adaptive Style, Exotic Weapon Proficiency (revolver), Spark of Black Fire, Two-Weapon Fighting, Improved Two-Weapon Fighting, Improved Initiative
    Skills Balance +22, Concentration +17, Hide +22, Martial Lore +16, Move Silently +22, Spot +20, Tumble +22.
    +1 Leather Armor, Gloves of Dex +4, Periapt of Wis +2, two +1 Revolvers, Dagger, 500gp.

    If possible, Jason will attack from cover, and attempt to eliminate spellcasters and other opponents who can attack from a distance with precision strikes. Then he will move on to other opponents. If he has cover or the advantage of height, he may wait a few rounds before beginning this second assault. He will always begin with his most damaging maneuvers, out of a desire to end battles quickly and cleanly.
    If surprised, Jason will attempt to wound as many opponents as possible, forcing them to withdraw. If this is unsuccessful, he will disengage if possible. If he is unable to alter circumstances to be in his favor or escape, he will fight to the death.

    Feat: Spark of Black Fire
    Prerequisites: None.
    Benefits: A small spark of unholy black fire begins to burn within your soul. It doesn’t damage you, instead making you tougher. You gain a +1 bonus on Fort and Will Saves, as the black fire protects your being from both physical and mental damage.
    Last edited by HeavySleeper; 2009-04-30 at 08:02 PM.

  10. - Top - End - #10
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: PrC Contest X: Draw, Partner!


    "I'll make sure to dispose of YOUR remains PROPERLY!"

    The redeemer is a druid or ranger that has taken it upon herself to fight the rampant pollution and destruction of natural resources created by the manufacture of firearms and other blackpowder devices. For this purpose, the forces of nature provide her with a powerful weapon known as a "gunseed."


    Most Redeemers start as multiclass Ranger/Druids, but single classed redeemers are not unheard of. Rarely, a cleric with the plant or animal domain will become a redeemer.

    Base Attack Bonus:+5
    Skills:: Knowledge (Nature) 6 ranks
    Feats: Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Firearms)
    Special: Ability to cast 2nd level Divine Spells

    Class Skills
    The Redeemer's class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Climb (Str), Craft (Int), Concentration (Con), Diplomacy (Cha), Handle Animal (Cha), Hide (Dex), Jump (Str), Listen (Wis), Knowledge (Nature) (Int), Move Silently (Dex), Spot (Wis), Swim (Str), and Survival (Wis).
    Skills Points at Each Level: 4 + int

    Hit Dice: d8

    {table=head]Level |Base Attack Bonus |Fortitude Save |Reflex Save |Will Save |Class Features |Spells Per Day
    1 |+0 |+0 |+2 |+2 |Gunseed, Code of Conduct|-
    2 |+1 |+0 |+3 |+3 |Ammoseed (Kudzu Net)|+1 Existing Spell Progression
    3 |+2 |+1 |+3 |+3 |Sculpt Gunseed, Ironbark Shield|+1 Existing Spell Progression
    4 |+3 |+1 |+4 |+4 |Ammoseed (Parasite Root) |+1 Existing Spell Progression
    5 |+3 |+1 |+4 |+4 |Primal Retrogression|+1 Existing Spell Progression
    6 |+4 |+2 |+5 |+5 |Quick Regrowth, Ammoseed (Rose Thicket)|-
    7 |+5 |+2 |+5 |+5 |Cycle's Embrace |+1 Existing Spell Progression
    8 |+6 |+2 |+6 |+6 |Ammoseed (Flytrap Sentry) |+1 Existing Spell Progression
    9 |+6 |+3 |+6 |+6 |Spiritbark Shield |+1 Existing Spell Progression
    10 |+7 |+3 |+7 |+7 |Verdigris Repossesion|-[/table]

    Gunseed (Su): Upon becoming a Redeemer, you manifest a small, spiritual "seed" in whichever of your apendages is suitable for holding objects (the hands in the case of humanoid creatures). This seed is called a gunseed, and you are instantly proficient in its use. As a move action, you can cause the seed to grow out of your hand to create an organic replica of a revolver or other handgun. The gunseed is made of sturdy ironwood, leaves, vines, and other plant material, but it is just as hard and sturdy as metal. You can reverse the gun back into seed form (that is, the gun withers back into your hand) as a free action. You may only have one gunseed active at a given time. Your hands radiate moderate Transmutation magic.

    When active, the gunseed can be used to fire special "bullets" that generate inside the weapon. These bullets are organic in nature and disintegrate immediately after striking an object. The gunseed deals 2d6 points of piercing damage and has a range of 50 feet. The gunseed scores a critical hit on a roll of 20 and deals triple damage. The gunssed acts as a firearm in all respects, using your base attack bonus and dexterity modifier to modify attack rolls and can make multiple attacks in a round if your base attack bonus allows. Any feats that apply to a revolver, such as Weapon Focus or Rapid Shot, apply to the gunseed.

    Your ammunition count does not change when you grow a new gunseed. You retain the number of "bullets" you had when you last deactivated the gunseed. If any effect would lower your maximum ammo capacity (see Scult Gunseed, below), any excess ammunition disappears.

    The gunseed can fire 6 bullets before needing to be reloaded. Reloading is a standard action that provokes attacks of opportunity, and refills the ammunition count to 6, regardless of how much ammunition was spent.

    You can be disarmed of your gunseed or have it sundered as you could of any weapon, but doing so causes the weapon to wither instantly. You may grow the weapon as usual on subsequent turns.

    "Bullets" fired from the gunseed count as magic for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction. You gain a +1 bonus on attack and damage rolls with the gunseed at 3rd level and each odd-numbered level thereafter..

    Code of Conduct: As a redeemer, you may never use any bomb or firearm aside from your gunseed. You cannot use any gunpowder or blackpower device. Additionally, you must actively oppose those who would severely pollute any evironment, such as dumping oil into open water or spewing smoke into the air at a constant. This opposition need not be violent, and can come in the form of negotiations and protests. You simply must do something to try and permanently stop the adverse effects on the environment. Failing these rules means you lose all supernatural abilities granted by your redeemer levels. You must seek an Atonement spell to regain your abilities.

    Ammoseed (Su): Beginning at 2nd level, the you gain the ability fire special types of ammunition from your gunseed. Firing an ammoseed is a standard action that provokes attacks of opportunity. You may use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + Your Wisdom modifier, and each use expends one use of ammunition from your gunseed.
    • Kudzu Net: You target a single creature within range of your gunseed. You fire a special seed at the target that erupts into an entangling mass upon impact. The target gets a Reflex Save (DC10 + your class level + your Dexterity modifier) to negate the effect. If the target fails the save, he becomes entangled.
    • Parasite Roots: This seed creates a fast growing root structure that destroys weapons from the inside. You target one object or construct within range of your gunseed. If the object is held by a creature, that creature gets a Reflex save (DC10 + your class level + your Dexterity modifier) to negate the effect. The targeted object or construct takes 1d6 points of damage per round until it is destroyed. This damage ignores hardness and damage reduction. This ability is ineffective against objects larger than 10 square feet in size. If the effect comes within the area of an Anti-Plant Shell spell, the damage ceases instantly and the seed is destroyed.
    • Rose Thicket: This seed is targeted at an area rather than a creature. You cause a 20-foot radius thicket of thorny roses to spring up at any point within range of yoru gunseed. This area is considered difficult terrain. Any creature that passes through the area takes 1d4 points of piercing damage from the thorns. The thicket lasts for 1 minute.
    • Flytrap Sentry: This seed targets an area rather than a creature. Choose one space in range of your gunseed. The space must contain solid ground. A large flytrap-like plant erupts from the chosen space. Any creature that moves adjacent or through the space is subject to a bite attack from the flytrap. The flytrap's attack bonus is equal to your Base Attack Bonus + Your Wisdom modifier, and it deals 1d8 + Your Wisdom modifier damage on a successful hit. The flytrap can only make one such attack against a single creature per round. The flytrap does not attack you.

    Sculpt Gunseed (Su): As of 3rd level, you gain the ability morph and grow your gunseed into different types of guns. You may do this as part of the action required to grow your gunseed, or you may reshape your gunseed as a Standard action while it is already active. In any form, your gunseed follows all of the rules presented above unless otherwise noted. In addition to the revolver/handgun form, you can shape your gunseed into the following forms:
    • Rifle: Your gunseed becomes a two-handed weapon that deals 2d8 points of damage and has a range of 100 feet. However, your ammunition capacity is 2 rather than six.
    • Shotgun: Your gunseed becomes a two-handed weapon that deals 2d8 points of damage and has a range of 15 feet. If you are adjacent to your target you deal additional damage equal to your Wisdom modifier.
    • Twin Pistols: Your gunseed has all of its normal statistics, but you manifest one in each hand. The penalty for fighting with two weapons while wielding your gunseeds is reduced by 2. The enhancement bonus for each gun is 2 less than the enhancement bonus applied to your regular gunseed.

    Ironbark Shield (Su): Also at 3rd level, you may rapidly reshape your gunseed to protect your from incoming attacks. As an immediate action, you gain a shield bonus to AC equal to your redeemer level. This ability can be used after an attack is declared but before it hits. Because of the energy expenditure required to use this ability, the shield only applies against a single attack before returning to its normal shape.

    Primal Retrogression (Su): At 5th level, you gain the remarkable ability to reverse pollution and other harmful side-effects of civilization by channeling natural energy through your gunseed. Your gunseed must be fully loaded to use this ability, which requires a full-round action. You generate a spread with a 100-foot radius, centered on you. Within the spread, the following effects take place:
    • All water within the area is purified as per the Purify Food and Drink spell.
    • Any effect that disallows the growth of plantlife ends within the area. The effect must be activated again to affect the area within this spead.
    • Harmful gases, airborne posions, and waterborne poisons present in the area are nullified completely. If created by a spell or other ongoing supernatural effect, that effect ends. All airborne contaminations are removed from the area.

    Using this ability expends all of your gunseed's ammunition.

    Quick Regrowth (Su): At 6th levels, you may reload or reshape your gunseed as a move action rather than a standard action. You may grow your gunseed as a Swift action rather than a move action.

    Cycle's Embrace (Su): At 7th level and higher, you can accelerate the decomposition of any creature you kill with your gunseed. If you deal enough damage to lower a creature's Hit Points to -10 or less, the creature deteriorates completely in 3 rounds. A True Ressurection Spell or a Wish or Miracle spell is required to bring the creature back to life.

    Spiritbark Shield (Su): At 9th level, your Ironbark Shield ability improves. The shield bonus granted by this ability is retained against touch attacks and ranged touch attacks.

    Verdigris Repossession (Su): At 10th level, you gain the spectacular ability to return firearms, bombs, and ammunition to nature. Your gunseed must be fully loaded to use this ability, which requires a full-round action. You generate a 100-foot radius burst, centered on you. Within the burst, the following effects take place:
    • The area is overrun by sudden plant growth. All creatures in the area must make a Reflex Save (DC20 + Your Wisdom Modifier) or take 9d6 points of Bludgeoning damage. Objects and buildings in the area take the same damage. This damage does not ignore hardness.
    • The area is considered Difficult Terrain for 1 minute, at which point the plant life receeds to levels reasonable for a healthy area of the particular environment you are in.
    • All firearms, bombs, and ammunition become useless as their metal parts corrode and their wooden pieces erupt into living plants. Magical firearms, bombs, or ammunition recieve a Fortitude saving throw (DC20 + Your Wisdom Modifier) to negate the effect. Constructs in the area must make a Fortitude save (same DC as above) or take 10d6 points of damage.
    • All machinery or equipment used to manufacture or craft firearms, bombs, or ammunition become useless as they become overrun with plantlife and age as though they had not been tended to for hundreds of years.
    • All steam engines in the area cease functioning permanently, as plantlife overrun the devices. Coal is returned to the earth and water used to cool the engines are evaporated and returned to the water cycle.

    Using this ability expends all of your gunseed's ammunition. You may choose for this ability to not affect a number of squares in the area equal to 1 + your Wisdom modifier (minimum 1 square).

    As a redeemer, you are a staunch defender of nature and refuse to allow any harm to come to the pristine lands you roam. Most redeemers are neutral, caring only for the earth and its creatures. These redeemers likely choose an area to protect, fending off loggers and others who they perceive as threats to the area.
    Good redeemers are more likely than neutral redeemers to travel and go out of their way to stop destruction. Good redeemers are also more tolerant of her companions using firearms; only the gross overuse of resources by an ally will give a good redeemer pause.
    Evil redeemers do exist, and they are among the most frightening defenders of nature in existence. Evil redeemers prefer to hunt down those who defile nature and let them feel the pain they inflict before tending to the areas they destroyed.
    Combat: You are primarily a marksman, but don't forget that you also have your spells. A lot of your abilities disable or hinder your foes, so make use of battlefield control effects. When your enemies are properly occupied, deal with them as quickly as possible.
    Advancement: As the gunseed is your most prominent ability, pick up feats that emphasize and improve your ranged attacks. Your class features are useful to you whether you want to snipe or skirmish, so plan according to your preferred style.

    "Some would say they got it right, other's'd say they're settin' back civilization. Me, I'm just caught up on the whole 'gun-plant' thing!"

    Thoughts on redeemers are varied. As one might guess, any company that produces wares at major expense to the environment draws the ire of the redeemers, and ire is drawn from the company in return. Those who oppose that rampant destruction of nature hold redeemers in high regard.
    Daily Life: Most redeemers spend their daily lives as they did before taking up the role of the redeemer. But once they perceive a threat to nature, the redeemers are the first to act.
    Organizations: Redeemers are few and far between, and as such have none of their own organizations. However, any organization that accepts druids will readily allow a redeemer into their ranks.

    NPC Reaction
    Most NPCs react to you in the same way they would to a druid or ranger. Once you have made your mission known, however, NPCs are likely to react much more extremely. Some might offer themselves up as potential allies, while those who oppose you might take extra care to see that you stay out of their hair.

    This is a good place to provide a quick note on how your class will effect game play statistically.
    Adaptation: This is a place where you put in detail how people can adapt your class into their campaign setting.
    Encounters: This is a place to describe what sort of encounters PC's will have with NPC versions of your class.
    Last edited by Xallace; 2009-04-30 at 08:51 AM.
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    Firbolg in the Playground
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    Bang Baby

    "Armor? Isn't that the stuff people wear when they didn't bring enough weapons?"
    - Nikki Smokeshot, a Bang Baby

    You would have thought an entire legion was coming after you, with the way that woman clanked around, but no - just one young woman, loaded down with enough weaponry to supply a legion. Strange weapons too - almost like clubs with extra-long, round metal handles.

    It wasn't until the first bullet hit that you realized something was wrong.

    Black powder is relatively new to the world, but enterprising mercenaries are already capitalizing on it. These "Bang Babies" ride the cutting edge of modern weaponry, using explosive devices the world has never yet seen to get the job done. Quick on the draw and powerful for the ignorance of their enemies, only time will tell if these masters of gunplay can survive in a world of magic.

    Becoming a Bang Baby
    Anyone has the potential to become a Bang Baby; all they need to do is discover firearms and develop a passion for them. That said, fighters and rogues are the most common Bang Babies, combining the necessary skills with no moral compunctions against using firearms. Very rarely, clerics of gods of invention or artifice will take up the path, but most are loathe to part with their spellcasting ability.

    In order to qualify as a Bang Baby, a character must meet the following requirements:
    Base Attack Bonus: +5
    Skills: Craft (Black Powder Weaponry) 8 ranks
    Feats: Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Flintlock Pistol or Rifle), Improved Initiative, Point Blank Shot, Quick Draw

    Class Skills
    The Bang Baby's class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are: Balance (Dex), Craft (Int), Heal (Wis), Intimidate (Cha), Jump (Str), Listen (Wis), Sleight of Hand (Dex), Use Rope (Dex)
    Skills Points at Each Level: 2 + Intelligence Modifier

    Hit Dice: D6

    {table=head]Level|Base Attack Bonus|Fort Save|Ref Save|Will Save|Special

    |Quickest Draw, Weapon Focus (Flintlock Pistol)

    |Improvised Armor (+2), Cheap Shot

    |Far Shot, Grenadier

    |Improvised Armor (+3), Twitch Shooter

    |Weapon Focus (Flintlock Rifle), Pistol Whip

    |Improvised Armor (+4), Disarming Shot

    |Rapid Shot, Return Fire

    |Improvised Armor (+5), Hammer Shots

    |Shock and Awe, Skip Shot

    |Improvised Armor (+6), Close-Quarters Combat[/table]

    Weapon Proficiencies: Bang Babies are proficient in flintlock pistols, flintlock rifles, and grenados. They gain no new armor proficiencies. A Bang Baby cannot use any of her class features (except for bonus feats) while wearing armor.

    Quickest Draw (Ex): A Bang Baby is always considered armed as long as they have at least one loaded flintlock pistol or rifle on their person, and may draw or sheathe their weapons as a free action, even on their opponents' turns.

    Weapon Focus (Ex): At first level, the Bang Baby gains Weapon Focus (Flintlock Pistol) as a bonus feat if she didn't already have it. At fifth level, she gains Weapon Focus (Flintlock Rifle) as a bonus feat if she didn't already have it.

    Improvised Armor (Ex): With all that armament she's lugging about, the Bang Baby doesn't have room for proper armor. What she can do, however, is wear her guns, bandoliers, and other equipment in such a way as to provide maximum protection. Starting at level two, the Bang baby recieves a +2 armor bonus to her armor class as long as she is wearing at least twelve flintlock weapons. This bonus increases to +3 at fourth level, +4 at sixth level, +5 at eighth level, and +6 at tenth level.

    Cheap Shot (Ex): Also starting at level two, whenever the Bang Baby attacks a flat-footed opponent with a flintlock weapon, she deals an extra 1d8 points of damage. This damage does apply to creatures immune to critical hits, but stacks with sneak attack, sudden strike, and other sources of precision damage where applicable.

    Far Shot (Ex): At third level, the Bang Baby recieves Far Shot as a bonus feat, regardless of whether or not she meets the prerequisites.

    Grenadier (Ex): Also at third level, the Bang Baby adds her intelligence modifier to the damage of any grenade-like weapons she weilds. Additionally, the splash and/or explosion radius of any grenade-like weapon she crafts personally increases by five feet.

    Twitch Shooter (Ex): Also starting at third level, at the beginning of her turn, the Bang Baby may choose to take a -2 penalty to all attacks she makes during the round. If she does, she threatens all squares within thirty feet, provided she has a loaded flintlock weapon. She cannot make more than one attack of opportunity per opponent in any given round this way, but is free to make multiple attacks of opportunity against multiple foes if she is able.

    Pistol Whip (Ex): Starting at fifth level, a Bang Baby may use her flintlock weapons as clubs without provoking attacks of opportunity or damaging her weapons.

    Disarming Shot (Ex): Starting at sixth level, a Bang Baby may make disarm attempts at range with her flintlock weapons. Treat this as a normal disarm attempt, except that the Bang Baby uses her dexterity modifier instead of strength, the Bang Baby's size (and the size of her weapon) does not penalize her, and the Bang Baby may not be disarmed if she fails her check.

    Rapid Shot (Ex): At seventh level, the Bang Baby gains Rapid Shot as a bonus feat if she didn't already have it. She may use the feat in conjunction with her flintlock weapons by firing one weapon, sheathing it, and then drawing the next weapon, provided she has as many (or more) loaded flintlock weapons as she does attacks.

    Return Fire (Ex): Also starting at seventh level, whenever the Bang Baby succeeds at a Reflex save, she may make an attack of opportunity against any being within thirty feet, provided she has a loaded flintlock weapon.

    Hammer Shots (Ex): There's nothing quite like a large steel ball to throw off things like sensory coordination or personal balance. Whenever the Bang Baby strikes a flat-footed opponent with a flintlock weapon or grenado, they may choose to either stun that opponent for one round (DC 20 + Intelligence modifier Fortitude save negates) or knock them prone (DC 20 + Intelligence modifier Reflex save negates). This ability stacks with Cheap Shot and any other sources of precision damage the Bang Baby might possess.

    Shock and Awe (Ex): At ninth level, the Bang Baby learns what may be the single-most impressive feat of gunplay she will ever possess. Once per day, as a full-round action, she may fill the air with a veritable storm of lead, attacking all foes within range of her weapons (provided she has enough loaded flintlock weapons to attack all foes; if she does not, she may choose which foes to attack). Foes struck by this barrage of bullets automatically suffer maximum damage and must succeed at a fortitude save (DC = 20 + Bang Baby's intelligence modifier) or be dazed for one round.

    Skip Shot (Ex): Also starting at ninth level, the Bang Baby can skip, slide, and bounce bullets off of the edge of shields. She ignores any and all shield bonuses to armor class when using her flintlock weapons.

    Close Quarters Combat (Ex): Starting at tenth level, a Bang Baby no longer provokes attacks of opportunity for firing her flintlock weapons in melee.

    Flintlock Weapons
    Exotic Weapon - Flintlock Pistol - The Flintlock Pistol is a light (about two and a half pounds), one-handed firearm that uses black powder to propel lead or steel rounds at high speeds. It has a range increment of 30 feet and deals 2d6 points of piercing (against unarmored opponents) or bludgeoning (against armored opponents) damage. It holds one shot, and may be reloaded as a full-round action.

    Exotic Weapon - Flintlock Rifle - The Flintlock Rifle is a light (about four and a half pounds), two-handed firearm that uses black powder to propel lead or steel rounds at high speeds. It has a range increment of 45 feet and deals 2d6 points of piercing (against unarmored opponents) or bludgeoning (against armored opponents) damage. It holds one shot, and may be reloaded as a full-round action, with an additional move action being used in the next round to complete the process.

    Grenado - The Grenado is a one-handed grenade-like weapon. It is a clay pot, filled with a mixture of black powder, lead shot, and iron nails. It deals 4d6 slashing and piercing damage in a ten foot radius (Reflex save DC 20 half), and has a ten foot range increment.

    Playing a Bang Baby
    Bang Babies are walking arsenals; invest in Strength to up that carrying capacity, and possibly a pair of boots of striding and springing in case you get saddled with a medium load. Aside from that, preparedness is the name of the game; who better to hold all of the esoteric, nigh-useless-but-incredibly-specialized equipment than you?
    Combat: Bang Babies love it in close and they love it fast; always try to be the fastest girl on the draw, and once you start firing don't stop until you run out of bullets. If, for some reason, you do run out of bullets, well, stay out of the way and pistol whip anyone who tries to bum rush you. And write a note to yourself - get another handy haversack and fill it with more guns!
    Advancement: Bang Babies typically advance as fighters (for more skill) or rogues (for ambush tactics).
    Resources: Bang Babies lack a cohesive organization, and thus do not share any common resources. Many, however, make friends with local blacksmiths and miners, and thus are able to aquire raw materials and forging equipment at a relative discount.

    Bang Babies in the World
    "You don't understand! It was her boomstick!"
    - Regdar, attempting to explain a Bang Baby's armament

    Bang Babies have yet to make a real impact on the world around them; their numbers are so thin that most people haven't even heard of them yet. Still, their ranks can only grow, and time will tell what happens when they begin to be publically recognized.
    Daily Life: Bang Babies spend their days doing one of three things: fighting, preparing to fight, or inventing. Guns are their passion, and they love them like they would love a family member; they know nothing else anymore.
    Notables: The most famous Bang Baby is "Lucky" Valerie Valentine, a sharpshooter known for an incredible streak of luck and bedding every handsome lad (and, rumor has it, lady) that catches her eye. Valerie is a veritable walking armoury, and it's common talk around the taverns that she's spent enough money on enchanted guns and shot to buy out a small kingdom. No one knows her current whereabouts, though rumor has it she's terrorizing the bandits of a local kingdom - it's always "the next one over" - and dragging their leaders in for bounties.
    Organizations: Bang Babies don't have a formal organization, but most of them end up in mercenary outfits and/or adventuring parties.

    NPC Reaction
    Bang Babies are a relatively new phenomenon, and as such most NPCs react to them with either fear, wonder, or appreciation. Generally speaking, wizards dissaprove of Bang Babies, and ordinary commoners see them as dangerous strangers, untrustworthy mercenaries, or high-tech bandits, a reputation they don't really deserve. Most others judge on a case-by-case basis; the greedy nobleman might try to exploit them, whilst an inventor might want to know their secrets, and so on and so forth.

    Bang Babies in the Game
    There's no doubt about it - Bang Babies are a drain on party resources, requiring that tremendous amounts of gold be spent on magical weapons and storage devices such as handy haversacks and efficient quivers. However, they can throw damage around like there's no tomorrow, and every party can appreciate having a ranged combatant as versatile and deadly as they are.
    Adaptation: Bang Babies are rather hard to adapt, though they could be worked into a PrC based around the hand crossbow rather than fintlock weapons. An alternate idea is to adapt them as servants of a mage-order, though to what purpose they would be put is left entirely up to the DM.
    Encounters: Bang Babies tend to be cocky, adversarial and absolutely confident. NPC versions of the class are likely to encounter the players in a hostile fashion, probably in the employ of their enemies.
    Last edited by Lord_Gareth; 2009-05-02 at 12:38 AM.

    Quote Originally Posted by Chilingsworth View Post
    Wow! Not only was that awesome, I think I actually kinda understand Archeron now. If all the "intermediate" outer planes got that kind of treatment, I doubt there would be anywhere near as many critics of their utility.
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    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Infernal Sniper

    You wanted to take him alive?!? Then why did you tell me to shoot him?

    Infernal snipers are either insane or brilliant. Who else could endure two meetings with the devil. Regardless, they are some of the most deadly men to carry a gun. With their weapons fused to their souls, they fire awesome blasts of eldritch power and channel their spells to give their blasts even more power. Your best hope when facing an infernal sniper is to shoot him before he can shoot you, though the reverse is far more likely.

    Your patron was … amused with your decision to seek other avenues of magical and physical force to advance his cause. So instead of punishment, he bonded your power to the rifle in your hand and gave you the ability to use your spells for additional power and effects.

    Class Features: Eldrich Blast +2d6
    Feats: Any Metamagic Feat, Exotic Weapon Proficiency (firearms)
    Skills: Concentration 8 ranks
    Spells: Ability to cast 1st level spells
    Invocations: Eldrich Spear
    Special: Must own a rifle of some sort

    Class Skills
    Concentration (Con)
    Skills Points at Each Level: 2 + int

    Hit Dice: d6

    {table=head]Level |Base Attack Bonus |Fortitude Save |Reflex Save |Will Save |Class Features |Spells Per Day
    1 |+0 |+0 |+0 |+2 |Weapon of the Soul, Metaessence: Transdimensional Blast|-
    2 |+1 |+0 |+0 |+3 |+1dX Eldrich Blast, Sniping Stance: +1 Ranged|-
    3 |+2 |+1 |+1 |+3 |Seek the Heights|+1 Existing Spell Progression
    4 |+3 |+1 |+1 |+4 |+2dX Eldrich Blast, Trick Shot|-
    5 |+3 |+1 |+1 |+4 |Metaessence: Empower Blast|+1 Existing Spell Progression
    6 |+4 |+2 |+2 |+5 |+3dX Eldrich Blast, Fighting Focus|-
    7 |+5 |+2 |+2 |+5 |Sniping Stance: Ignore Cover, Quick Reload |-
    8 |+6 |+2 |+2 |+6 |+4dX Eldrich Blast |+1 Existing Spell Progression
    9 |+6 |+3 |+3 |+6 |Stand Out Of Reach |-
    10 |+7 |+3 |+3 |+7 |+5dX Eldrich Blast, Metaessence: Maximize Blast|+1 Existing Spell Progression[/table]

    Weapon Proficiencies: Infernal Snipers gain no new weapon proficiencies.

    Weapon of the Soul (su): The rifle in your hand was bonded to your soul as part of the changes in your contract, and as such, you can only use your Eldritch Blasts by channeling them through your weapon. You are considered proficient in all attacks made with your rifle. It can be summoned (uncharged) as part of a move action and dismissed as a free action. If you drop your rifle, it dissipates as though dismissed.

    Your rifle can be “loaded” by charging it with your eldritch blast. Charging the rifle is a move action that doesn’t provoke an AoO, and takes a Concentration check against DC (15 + number of Eldritch Blast dice to charge).
    Firing the charge is a standard action that deals Blast damage in ‘d8’s rather than ‘d6’s, and are always considered to be using the Eldritch Spear Blast Shape with a range increment of 300'. Alternately, if you have the Hideous Blow Blast Shape Invocation, you may expend the charge as ‘d4’s in melee without damaging your weapon. You may also load and fire your rifle normally as though it had never been converted into a Weapon of the Soul.

    Metaessence (sp): You learn how to simulate the effect of metamagic on your Eldritch Blast with Metaessence Invocations. These invocations take the place of Essences in your Blast. Charging an Eldritch Blast with a metaessence requires the sacrifice of a spell or spell slot of the specified level, as well as a Concentration check vs. DC (20 + number of Eldritch Blast die + (2 x level of spell or spell slot sacrificed)). You do not need the associated Metamagic feat to use metaessences.
    • Transdimensional Blast: Sacrifices a 1st level spell or spell slot. Your Eldritch Blast has full effect on targets that are Incorporeal, Ethereal, using Blink, Rope Trick, ect. You must still perceive a foe to target it with your Blast. Works like the Transdimensional Spell feat. Level 1
    • Empower Blast: Sacrifices a 2nd level spell or spell slot. The damage values of your Blast are increased by 50%. Works like the Empower Spell feat. Level 5
    • Maximize Blast: Sacrifices a 3rd level spell or spell slot. The values of your Blast automatically roll the maximum amount. Works like the Maximize Spell feat. Level 10

    Eldritch Blast (sp): Your Eldritch Blast continues to advance by one die every other level.

    Sniping Stance (ex): As a free action, you may enter your sniping stance. This stance gives you maximum stability while firing at your enemies.
    • At second level, your sniping stance grants you a +1 circumstance bonus to all your ranged attacks.
    • At seventh level, your sniping stance allows you to ignore partial cover, but not full cover.

    Spellcasting: Your spellcasting, the fuel for metaessences, advances at 3rd, 5th, 8th, and 10th levels. If you cast divine spells, the master of your pact is now the source of the spells, if he wasn’t already.

    Seek the Heights (ex): In order to gain distance and clearer shots, you’ve learned taught yourself to scramble to the high ground in a fight. You have Climb Speed of 15 or increase your existing Climb Speed by 10

    Trick Shot (ex): Not every bounty is "Dead or Alive." You've had to learn how to render your prey helpless by taking their weapons away. You are able to make Ranged Disarm attempts with your Weapon of the Soul as long as your opponent is within 60'. This ability may stack with Improved Disarm, as long as the opponent does not threaten you.

    Fighting Focus (ex): You have become adept at concentrating in stressful or distracting situations and may take 10 in such situations.

    Quick Reload (su): You may “reload” your rifle as a swift action. Applying metaessence still takes the normal amount of time.

    Stand Out Of Reach (sp): You have mastered the art of getting out of your opponent’s reach. As a standard action, you may float 15’ directly upwards. You may remain floating for a total of ten rounds per day, broken up between multiple uses as desired.

    A warlock wants to be an Infernal Sniper if he enjoys using his Eldritch Blast from a distance. You lose most of the utility uses of Invocations to maximize the use of your Blast
    Combat: Infernal Snipers tend to put plenty of distance between them and their target, preferring an ambush to an even fight. Any enemy trying to close the distance to an Infernal Sniper will most likely take a few hits before reaching melee range. Even in melee, a Sniper can defend himself by using the butt of his rifle as a weapon.
    Advancement: An Infernal Sniper looking for more utility powers and defenses may choose to advance as a Warlock. A Sniper wanting to more uses of metaessence may advance their spellcasting class to gain more spells or spell slots to sacrifice. A sniper looking for more accuracy may even advance as a Fighter, specializing in their soul rifle.
    Resources: Weapon Focus feats would provide much desired accuracy. A Third Eye of Concentrating (XPH) would help with Concentration checks to load metaessences.

    "One deal I can understand, but can you believe these mortals are willing to make a second deal with me?"
    -Asmodeus, commenting on infernal snipers

    A brief description of how your class is persevered in the world and how he interacts with the world.
    Daily Life: Many snipers feel themselves driven to wander from town to town looking for work due to their freewheeling nature. They'll come into town to find a contract or some other work for a day. They'll spend the rest of the day like pretty much any other cowboy between jobs, drinking and chasing ladies.
    Some few Infernal Snipers manage to integrate with society, either joining armed forces, or law enforcement. There are a few towns guarded by such a sheriff, trying to atone for his deals with the devil.
    Notables: Kit "Firebrand" McFerand is perhaps the best known sniper in the west. Kit started out as a bounty hunter before joining up with the West Hunters, a ferocious band of outlaws. After the Hunters' leader died under mysterious and fiery circumstances, Kit became the undisputed leader.
    Kit has, however, avoided Dodge City ever since he had a run in with Sheriff Frank Carson, another sniper who swore to shoot Kit on sight if he ever came back into Dodge. And Frank has considerably better eyesight than Kit.
    Organizations: Infernal snipers have no cohesive organization that they belong to. They are usually lone gunmen out to make their reputation or fortune. However, there are quite a few snipers working as bounty hunters, though they rarely take bounties that require taking the target alive.

    NPC Reaction
    Most people can't distinguish an Infernal Sniper from any other stranger drifting into town. However, the moment he summons his rifle, a sniper will be given his elbow room. No one wants to cross someone that crazy.

    An Infernal Sniper will allow a party to engage an enemy from a long distance, sometimes taking out the most dangerous enemy of a group before being sighted. However, Snipers lose their advantage if they can't sight down long distances or open terrain.
    Adaptation: An Infernal Sniper works best in a Wild West type of setting, due to the required rifle. It could, however, be adapted to sniper rifles by increasing the range of the Weapon of the Soul feature, allowing the use in a more modern setting. It probably won't work well in any non-gunpowder setting, though.
    Encounters: Infernal Snipers can make powerful allies or deadly foes. Such a gunman may sign on with the party as part of a bounty contract. Or he may be a competing hunter, after the same target.
    An Infernal Sniper would make a powerful opponent, and care must be taken not to use them as a full-powered bad guy, since no one likes to die in the suprise round of a Maximised Eldritch Blast out of nowhere.
    Last edited by KaganMonk; 2009-05-05 at 07:17 PM.
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    Ogre in the Playground
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    And the winner is.... the Rose Gunner!

    Congrats Arkdelta!

    Chris Bennett
    Author and Lead Developer of Path of War

    My credits:
    Path of War and Path of War Expanded: An OGL Tome of Battle for the Pathfinder game system, for Dreamscarred Press.
    Psionics Augmented: Psychic Warrior and Psionics Augmented: Soulknife for Dreamscarred Press.

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