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    Retired Mod in the Playground Retired Moderator
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    Default [3.5 PrC] Reality Master

    Reality Master

    Those that seek the mysteries of the universe are many, but few come as close as the reality masters, who, by knowledge of reality itself, can alter it on a whim. They learn the most fundamental rules of the universe, and how to break them.

    HD: d6

    Any chaotic
    Skills: Knowledge (arcana) 11 ranks, Knowledge (the planes) 11 ranks
    Spells: Must be able to cast a level 3 or higher transmutation spell

    Class Skills (2+Int modifier per level): Bluff, Concentration, Craft, Decipher Script, Disguise, Forgery, Heal, Hide, Knowledge (arcana), Knowledge (the planes), Knowledge (reality), Spellcraft, Use Magic Device

    Level Base Attack Bonus Fort Save Ref Save Will Save Special Spells
    Reality secret +1 level of existing spellcasting class
    Reality secret +1 level of existing spellcasting class
    Reality secret +1 level of existing spellcasting class
    Reality secret +1 level of existing spellcasting class
    Reality secret +1 level of existing spellcasting class

    Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: A reality master gains no proficiencies with weapons or armor.

    Spells: Whenever he gains a level in reality master, the character gains new spells per day (and spells known, if applicable) as if he had gained a level in whatever spellcasting class he had before becoming a reality master. He does not gain any other benefits of the spellcasting class. If a character had more than one spellcasting class, he must decide to which class he adds each level for the purpose of determining spells per day.

    Reality Secret (Su): Every time the character gains a new level in reality master, he learns a secret of the universe. However, such powerful knowledge drives the reality master slowly insane. Every time the reality master learns a new reality secret, he must decrease one of his mental attributes by 1 (Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma). This damage is permanent and cannot be repaired by any means. Reality secrets are all considered supernatural abilities. Descriptions of each reality secret are detailed below.

    Warp Body: Whenever casting a Transmutation spell that solely increases physical attributes, the duration of the spell is doubled. The ability score bonus, only when affected by this ability (this does not pertain to additional ability scores increased by a single spell) stacks with all other ability score increasing bonuses (including enhancement bonuses, insight bonuses, etc). Any additional affects of the spell are not altered (such as multiple ability scores being altered). This ability can only affect spells that only increase ability scores. If the spell increases multiple ability scores, select one to increase, the other improves normally. This ability can be applied to anyone, as long as the reality master casts the spell.

    Warp Mind: The reality master gains intimate knowledge of the workings of the mind. Whenever casting a Transmutation spell that solely increases mental attributes, the duration of the spell is doubled. The ability score bonus, only when affected by this ability (this does not pertain to additional ability scores increased by a single spell) stacks with all other ability score increasing bonuses (including enhancement bonuses, insight bonuses, etc). Any additional affects of the spell are not altered (such as multiple ability scores being altered). This ability can only affect spells that only increase ability scores. If the spell increases multiple ability scores, select one to increase, the other improves normally. This ability can be applied to anyone, as long as the reality master casts the spell.

    Warp Elements: The reality master unveils the secrets of the elements. A number of times per day equal to reality master class level, a reality master may transmute 10*(reality master class level) cubic feet of an element into another type of element. For example, a third level reality master may transmute 30 cubic feet of earth into 30 cubic feet of fire (or lava), or air, or water, etc. This ability has a Medium range. This ability is subject to spell resistance (if applicable). Additionally, the reality master may substitute any element for another when casting a spell with an elemental descriptor (acid, cold, electricity, fire, sonic). This ability may not be used on elements inside of a creature's body, or similar.

    Warp Self: The reality master unlocks the secrets of his own anatomy. A number of times per day equal to half his reality master class level (rounded up, always at least 1), a reality master may alter himself. A reality master may use any of the following warp self abilities (but may never use more than his class level will allow). Warp self abilities are free actions, and may be used at any point during the day. All warp self effects last for the entire day. Warp self abilities do not stack (only one application of a warp self ability may be used at one time). Warp Self may only be taken by a 3rd level or higher reality master. This ability can take effect in numerous ways:

    • The reality master may increase or decrease his size by one step.
    • The reality master gains a natural attack dealing 1d4 damage/reality master level. This natural attack can be of any type, including as an additional limb (see below).
    • The reality master gains the ability to alter his limbs when needed. He gains a +5 bonus to Balance, Climb, Jump, Swim, and Tumble checks.
    • The reality master gains the ability to alter his outward appearance. Using this ability grants the reality master a +20 bonus on Disguise checks. The reality master may assume multiple forms throughout the day, but can only change his form once every hour.
    • The reality master gains an extra arm. The reality master suffers no penalties for using items or weapons in his new limb. When performing a full-attack action, the reality shifter may make an additional attack with any weapon wielded in his new limb (or with his natural attack (see above).
    • The reality master gains an additional leg. The reality master’s base land speed increases by 30 feet.
    • The reality master sprouts wings and gains a flight speed. The flight speed is 40 ft. (poor) at first, but at level 3 it increases to 50 ft. (average), and at level 5 increases to 60 ft. (good).
    • The reality master sprouts fins and gills. The reality master gains a swim speed equal to his ground speed, and can breathe underwater for a number of minutes equal to 5*(reality master class level).
    • The reality master gains the ability to climb like a spider. The reality master is considered to be under the effects of spider climb.
    • The reality master’s sight increases exponentially. The reality master gains low-light vision if he does not already have it (and if he already has low-light vision, its range is doubled). The reality master gains a +5 bonus to Spot and Search checks.

    Warp Reality: The reality master’s skill in altering reality is perfected. The reality master may use limited wish as a spell-like ability once per day (all XP costs and material component costs are negated). A reality shifter may only learn Warp Reality as at 5th level.

    Warp Physiology: The reality shifter gains knowledge on the subject of the mechanical processes of his body. At first level and above, the reality master no longer requires sustenance (from food or drink). At third level and above, the reality master no longer requires sleep and becomes immune to magical sleep effects (but must still rest for 8 hours as normal). At fifth level and above, the reality master no longer requires air to survive.

    Warp Memory: The reality master unlocks the secrets of memory. The reality master may use this ability a number of times per day equal to double reality master class level. The reality master may use any of the following abilities as a use of Warp Memory:

    • The reality master may use modify memory as a spell-like ability.
    • The reality master may use cloud mind as a spell-like ability.
    • The reality master may use read thoughts as a spell-like ability.

    Warp Spell: The reality master learns the secrets of spellcraft. The reality master may use this ability a number of times per day equal to reality master level. The reality master may use this ability on a single spell in accordance with any metamagic feat (the reality shifter does not need to have any metamagic feats when altering spells with this ability, as long as they do not increase the spell’s level more than the allotted amount).

    Instead of increasing the spell’s level as normal with metamagic feats, the reality master may reduce a spell’s effective level by 4. This ability cannot reduce a spell’s level below its base level. For example, a reality master may cast a quickened fireball spell as a 3rd level spell slot (instead of a 7th level one), or cast a maximized still chain lightning spell as a 6th level spell slot.

    The reality master may go over the allotted amount (4) but he must have actually taken any metamagic feat that causes the spell level to go over this amount, and must account for the increase with the appropriate spell slots. A reality master does not need to prepare spells to use this ability, and can sacrifice any spell slot of the appropriate level to use this ability (if the spell level actually increases, the caster must deal with metamagic feats as normal).

    Warp Spell may only be taken by a 4th level or higher reality master.

    Warp Reach: The reality master’s arms extend tremendously. The reality master’s reach increases by 5 ft., and he may cast touch spells at a range of 30 ft. Warp Reach may only be taken by a 2nd level or higher reality master.

    Warp Flesh: The reality master becomes adept at altering his own or another’s flesh. The reality shifter gains two spell like abilities: 1/day/reality master level – amorphous form, corporeal instability (both from the Spell Compendium).

    New Skill

    Knowledge (reality)

    Knowledge (reality) functions normally as a Knowledge skill. However, a Knowledge (reality) check may be made in place of any other Knowledge check, albeit at a -5 penalty.
    Last edited by Vaynor; 2014-09-05 at 05:34 PM.
    “Sometimes, immersed in his books, there would come to him
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  2. - Top - End - #2
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: [3.5 PrC] Reality Master

    The spellcasting requirement is EXTREMELY vague. Even a list of about 10 spells that DON'T qualify and why they don't would be helpful, although even that might not be enough.

    Probably needs to lose a caster level at first level. Warp Mind/Body are very powerful, and a cleric with the knowledge domain, wizard, or perhaps even archivist (haven't ever seen that class) can afford to drop his charisma a bit for these abilities. You also MIGHT want to make the "or" in the skill requirements an "and".
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    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: [3.5 PrC] Reality Master

    Quote Originally Posted by DracoDei View Post
    The spellcasting requirement is EXTREMELY vague. Even a list of about 10 spells that DON'T qualify and why they don't would be helpful, although even that might not be enough.
    Yeah, I'm assuming Transmutation spells would fit, but technically every spell warps reality in some fashion.

    or perhaps even archivist (haven't ever seen that class)
    Heroes of Horror. Basically a wizard who casts from the cleric list, can learn any divine spell, and has a Dark Knowledge ability that lets him fight monsters better based on Knowledge checks.
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    Quote Originally Posted by abadguy View Post
    Darn you PoDL for making me care about a bunch of NPC Commoners!
    Quote Originally Posted by Chambers View Post
    I'm pretty sure turning Waterdeep into a sheet of glass wasn't the best win condition for that fight. We lived though!
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    Retired Mod in the Playground Retired Moderator
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    Default Re: [3.5 PrC] Reality Master

    Yeah for the spellcasting requirement I meant spells like polymorph, stone shape, etc. I'll work on making it more clear in a bit, maybe add a definitive list of spells, or just make it more descriptive.

    Other than that, how's the class?

    Edit: Requirements altered.
    Last edited by Vaynor; 2009-07-11 at 02:51 PM.
    “Sometimes, immersed in his books, there would come to him
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    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: [3.5 PrC] Reality Master

    Quote Originally Posted by Vaynor View Post
    I wanted to say just transmutation spells, but it's not an arcane-only class.
    There are non-arcane Transmutation spells; clerics can get stone shape and control weather and such.

    Other than that, how's the class?
    Looks good. It's a bit on the strong side, but not overly so.
    Better to DM in Baator than play in Celestia
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    Quote Originally Posted by abadguy View Post
    Darn you PoDL for making me care about a bunch of NPC Commoners!
    Quote Originally Posted by Chambers View Post
    I'm pretty sure turning Waterdeep into a sheet of glass wasn't the best win condition for that fight. We lived though!
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    Default Re: [3.5 PrC] Reality Master

    Quote Originally Posted by PairO'Dice Lost View Post
    There are non-arcane Transmutation spells; clerics can get stone shape and control weather and such.

    Looks good. It's a bit on the strong side, but not overly so.
    Yeah, I realized that and changed the requirements as such.

    Thanks for the input.
    “Sometimes, immersed in his books, there would come to him
    the awareness of all that he did not know, of all that he had not read;
    and the serenity for which he labored was shattered as he realized the
    little time he had in life to read so much, to learn what he had to know.”
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    Orc in the Playground
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    Default Re: [3.5 PrC] Reality Master

    Warp Body/Warp Mind is incredibly overpowered or unclearly stated and counter-intuitive. At least, if I understand the ability correctly.

    Though admittedly, my doubts can be easily fixed by a more restrictive wording.

    Let's say I cast Polymorph to change into a Sun Giant(just to give an extreme example). He has a Strength score of 36. My wizard has a Strength score of 8. This means that I gain a bonus of 28. Then I double it. Which means that my Wizard now has 64 Strength. This is just too big of a bonus.

    But there's also a problem. Let's say a Fighter has a strength score of, oh, 30. If I polymorph him into the very same Giant, then his bonus is only 6 and thus he has 42 Strength.

    Something is very seriously flawed in a mechanic where you are rewarded for being worse at something.

    So, you need to be more restrictive in your wording of that particular mechanics or just drop it altogether. Maybe change it to a flat bonus to make things simpler.

    One more thing: your text and your tables disagree on whether you drop 1 level of casting.

    But otherwise, the class is flavourful, the abilities interesting and the permanent mental damage is intriguing. I like it.
    Last edited by grautry; 2009-07-11 at 05:22 PM.

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    Default Re: [3.5 PrC] Reality Master

    Quote Originally Posted by grautry View Post
    Warp Body/Warp Mind is incredibly overpowered or unclearly stated and counter-intuitive. At least, if I understand the ability correctly.

    Though admittedly, my doubts can be easily fixed by a more restrictive wording.

    Let's say I cast Polymorph to change into a Sun Giant(just to give an extreme example). He has a Strength score of 36. My wizard has a Strength score of 8. This means that I gain a bonus of 28. Then I double it. Which means that my Wizard now has 64 Strength. This is just too big of a bonus.

    But there's also a problem. Let's say a Fighter has a strength score of, oh, 30. If I polymorph him into the very same Giant, then his bonus is only 6 and thus he has 42 Strength.

    Something is very seriously flawed in a mechanic where you are rewarded for being worse at something.

    So, you need to be more restrictive in your wording of that particular mechanics or just drop it altogether. Maybe change it to a flat bonus to make things simpler.

    One more thing: your text and your tables disagree on whether you drop 1 level of casting.

    But otherwise, the class is flavourful, the abilities interesting and the permanent mental damage is intriguing. I like it.
    Ok I definitely need to reword those two then. It applies only to abilities that solely increase ability scores. Think Owl's Wisdom, Fox's Cunning, Bull's Strength, Bear's Endurance, etc. The only affect the ability can have is to increase ability scores. So if you cast, say, Fox's Cunning on yourself/an ally, instead of gaining +4 Int, they'd gain +8 Int.

    Yeah I changed the spellcasting on the table but I guess I forgot to alter the text. Fixing it now.

    Thanks a bunch!
    “Sometimes, immersed in his books, there would come to him
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    Default Re: [3.5 PrC] Reality Master

    Quote Originally Posted by Vaynor View Post
    Ok I definitely need to reword those two then. It applies only to abilities that solely increase ability scores. Think Owl's Wisdom, Fox's Cunning, Bull's Strength, Bear's Endurance, etc. The only affect the ability can have is to increase ability scores. So if you cast, say, Fox's Cunning on yourself/an ally, instead of gaining +4 Int, they'd gain +8 Int.

    Yeah I changed the spellcasting on the table but I guess I forgot to alter the text. Fixing it now.

    Thanks a bunch!
    I think that the easiest fix would be to say that the increase applies to enhancement/luck/insight/etc. bonuses. Since polymorph line clearly doesn't fit those categories it would actually say what you want it to say.

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    Default Re: [3.5 PrC] Reality Master

    Quote Originally Posted by grautry View Post
    I think that the easiest fix would be to say that the increase applies to enhancement/luck/insight/etc. bonuses. Since polymorph line clearly doesn't fit those categories it would actually say what you want it to say.
    Hmm, I'm thinking about it and I realized that almost all of those spells are enhancement bonuses. And since enhancement bonuses don't stack with other enhancement bonuses (i.e. wondrous items that increase ability scores) this ability is rather pointless. I'm going to change it to be +50% effectiveness and allow the reality shifter to make it an untyped bonus, so it stacks with other methods of ability score increase. That way one of the main uses of this PrC isn't wasted.

    Not sure if that would be too powerful though. This way instead of getting a +8 enhancement bonus, you'd get a +6 bonus, which stacks with your items, making it actually useful (instead of just being +2 more than usual).
    “Sometimes, immersed in his books, there would come to him
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    Default Re: [3.5 PrC] Reality Master

    Quote Originally Posted by Vaynor View Post
    Not sure if that would be too powerful though. This way instead of getting a +8 enhancement bonus, you'd get a +6 bonus, which stacks with your items, making it actually useful (instead of just being +2 more than usual).
    I think it's rather fairly balanced since those spells have short durations anyway.

    It could be broken with DMM Persistent but then again, what isn't?

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    Default Re: [3.5 PrC] Reality Master

    +8 enchancement bonus is PLENTY powerful especially when the duration is doubled. Non-epic items only go up to +6 and you are saving a bunch of money if you can work around the need for an item.
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    Default Re: [3.5 PrC] Reality Master

    Quote Originally Posted by DracoDei View Post
    +8 enchancement bonus is PLENTY powerful especially when the duration is doubled. Non-epic items only go up to +6 and you are saving a bunch of money if you can work around the need for an item.
    I'm assuming they will cast the spell that pertains to their spellcasting, i.e. their highest stat, and that they will already have a +6 item at this level (minimum level 8) or will be close to getting it. As it is, they have to spend a class feature getting a +2 bonus to a stat for a few minutes a day. I think I'm going to change it to the above.
    Last edited by Vaynor; 2009-07-11 at 06:10 PM.
    “Sometimes, immersed in his books, there would come to him
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    Default Re: [3.5 PrC] Reality Master

    In that case just the type change is more than enough I should think. I would leave out the 50% bonus.
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    Default Re: [3.5 PrC] Reality Master

    Quote Originally Posted by DracoDei View Post
    In that case just the type change is more than enough I should think. I would leave out the 50% bonus.
    Ok I've changed it so the bonus does not increase but it stacks with all other bonuses.
    “Sometimes, immersed in his books, there would come to him
    the awareness of all that he did not know, of all that he had not read;
    and the serenity for which he labored was shattered as he realized the
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