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    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Belt of potionade

    The campaign I'm currently in, we're lacking a character appropriate for healing things, and that's making my belt of healing my favorite piece of equipment(at ~2% of my WBL, that's sad). I got to thinking, why not buy tons of the belts, and effectively neutralize the need for a party healbot, storing them in a handy haversack. That line of thinking eventually led here:

    Introducing Dies Horribly's Belt of Potionade

    The belt itself is a revolutionary and specialized storage device, capable of storing and charging our unique line of potionade restorative products. Belts come in 3 customizable sizes to fit your budget! Our economy belt holds up to 10 bottles of potionade, while our dungeon crawler belt handles a sexy 20 bottles. But there's more! If you've got high tastes, try our new ever-ready model, which is now automated and can hold up to 30 bottles.

    The belt itself, when worn, gives a bonus to heal checks. It can only hold items made to be stored in it, and is thus worthless as a general purpose extra-dimensional storage device. However, due to the specialization, it can be stored within other such items with no risk.
    Economy Belt:
    +2 on heal checks, 10 slots, 800gp
    Dungeon Crawler Belt:
    +4 on heal checks, 20 slots, 1500gp
    Ever-ready Belt
    +6 on heal checks, 30 slots, 2800gp

    When stored in a belt of potionade, each bottle recharges every day at dawn. Using a bottle is a standard action. When activated, you gain 2dX hp + 1dX for each additional charge spent.

    This simple and cheap product provides economical healing for all your peasant needs, and it is cherry flavored, which we all know is the preferred flavor of mindless rubes our primary customers.

    While grape potionade tastes spectacular aged, you'll never know, since our patented system prevents your potionade from ever aging or spoiling, so enjoy your fresh grape flavored potionade today!

    This fine product is guaranteed to heal what ails you, unless you're hungry for muffins, in which case, this will only make it worse.

    Designed by the famous wizard, Julius, this product while heal your wounds and cool you down.

    Finally, the selective buyer can have his shortcake and eat it too. This delightful item yields powerful healing.

    All our flavors come in three sizes, with the smallest giving 3 charges per day, and the largest giving 9. See our pricing list for details.

    Additional Options
    Do you die all the time? Do you like charging gorgons and dragons, but often don't think before you act? Then fairyade is the product for you! This powerful curative ensures that when you do stupid things, you live to tell about it. Isn't that wonderful, not just for you, but for those you live and work with?

    Unlike normal Potionade bottles, Fairyade doesn't require activation. If you would be reduced to 0 or fewer hp, your belt will automatically activate an unused bottle of Fairyade, restoring 2 dice of hp per charge. A bottle of Fairyade shatters irreparably when used this way. Additionally, Fairyade bottles have twice as many charges as a potionade bottle.
    Cost: Triple base price

    Condensed pricing list:
    +2/+4/+6 to heal checks
    10/20/30 slots

    Cherry d4s
    Grape d6s
    Blueberry d8s
    Orange d10s
    Strawberry d12s

    Small(3 charges):
    Medium(6 charges):
    Large(9 charges):

    Last edited by Godskook; 2009-09-17 at 11:36 PM.
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    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: Belt of potionade

    Sounds sweet. Can potionade bottles break?
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    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: Belt of potionade

    Hmmm... looks okay, if maybe a bit powerful. As a DM, I miight allow it in my games... How many charges/day does each potion have? A nifty idea might be to have the belt have the charges, which can power up the potions...
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    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: Belt of potionade

    Quote Originally Posted by Gorgondantess View Post
    Hmmm... looks okay, if maybe a bit powerful. As a DM, I miight allow it in my games... How many charges/day does each potion have? A nifty idea might be to have the belt have the charges, which can power up the potions...
    Its perhaps not clear, but each bottle of potionade gets 3 charges per day, but only if equipped to a belt. Owning a single belt and a single blueberry potionade is in all ways functionally equivalent to owning a healing belt until you, but costs significantly more, since its an upgradable compartment system.

    As far as balance goes, the price for a belt + 2 cherry flavored potionades is only 150gp less than buying a handy haversack and a belt of healing, and nets roughly the same healing utility but removes the normal storage utility of the haversack. The prices of the other potionades(particularly fairyade) are eyeballed, and are up for discussion.
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    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: Belt of potionade

    Quote Originally Posted by Dragon Elite View Post
    Sounds sweet. Can potionade bottles break?
    Potionade bottles are not made of glass, and are not especially brittle. However readied actions to sunder one that is drawn from the belt for use can break them. Dropping one from a normal height, however, will not.

    Fairyade can and will break if used for emergency restoration, but that's an intended and necessary function of the item.
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    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Belt of potionade

    I am pretty sure "/x/y" in the first one is a typo, but such an interesting one I want to know the source.

    Taking up a belt slot is a very interesting limitation for the add-ons.

    I would consider throwing "Lesser Restoration" in their too, probably on Blueberry.

    And the sales-pitch is a nice touch.
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    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: Belt of potionade

    Quote Originally Posted by DracoDei View Post
    I am pretty sure "/x/y" in the first one is a typo, but such an interesting one I want to know the source.
    Nope, there's 3 varieties of the belt, and I haven't yet provided the healing bonus or price for them partly because I'm not sure what kind of bonus 20 additional slots should be worth.

    Quote Originally Posted by DracoDei View Post
    Taking up a belt slot is a very interesting limitation for the add-ons.
    It takes up no more slots than a belt of healing, its the cost of a dedicated haversack that's the real additional cost on this.

    Quote Originally Posted by DracoDei View Post
    I would consider throwing "Lesser Restoration" in their too, probably on Blueberry.
    That's a thought.

    Quote Originally Posted by DracoDei View Post
    And the sales-pitch is a nice touch.
    Thanks, I wanted people to get a chuckle out of this. Frankly, I'm surprised no one has tried killing me for the cherry crack yet.
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    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: Belt of potionade

    Anybody have any suggestions or thoughts on prices?
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    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Belt of potionade

    A neutralize poison effect could possibly be useful on something as well.

    The current problem is, besides the extra effects, the healing itself is a bit low for the higher-up items. Raising from d4 to d6, d6 to d8, etc. only adds 2-4 average healing per increase, at a dramatically higher price, so it seems better to just stuff yourself full of cherry ones. This would mostly be used for after-battle healing anyways so you can get a lot more just from the weakest ones.

    As for Fairyade, it's way too pricey for what it does. Maybe if it can be used for the "resurrection" effect once per day or something, that might be worth it. But as of now, that's as costly as True Resurrection's material cost, and has far more limited use (only prevents death by damage, only if 6d20 is enough to heal you from death, and you'll probably die from the next attack anyway).

    Finally, got any negative energy ones?
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  10. - Top - End - #10
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: Belt of potionade


    Changed pricing with a lot of guess work, since I didn't get any thoughts to guide me there. Changed the way Fairyade works. And other little things, I think. Also, added sizes.

    Quote Originally Posted by PId6 View Post
    A neutralize poison effect could possibly be useful on something as well.
    Removed the non-hp effects, made pricing the stuff too clunky. Thinking about adding them back in as add-ons, much like the way Fairyade now works.(I.e., adding "with Ginseng" costs say 200gp, and allows you to spend a charge from that bottle to get a remove disease effect)

    [QUOTE=PId6;6721590]The current problem is, besides the extra effects, the healing itself is a bit low for the higher-up items. Raising from d4 to d6, d6 to d8, etc. only adds 2-4 average healing per increase, at a dramatically higher price, so it seems better to just stuff yourself full of cherry ones. This would mostly be used for after-battle healing anyways so you can get a lot more just from the weakest ones.[quote]

    1.I changed prices, it might be better now.

    2.Belts have limited slots, so buying 800 cherry potionades doesn't do you any good unless you buy the belts to go with them. That's a lot of stuff to store.

    3.I was kinda expecting it to only be used for after-battle healing, since 90% of D&D strategy I hear around here says that healing in-combat is a bad plan excepting certain situations.

    Quote Originally Posted by PId6 View Post
    As for Fairyade, it's way too pricey for what it does. Maybe if it can be used for the "resurrection" effect once per day or something, that might be worth it. But as of now, that's as costly as True Resurrection's material cost, and has far more limited use (only prevents death by damage, only if 6d20 is enough to heal you from death, and you'll probably die from the next attack anyway).
    1.Adjusted the way Fairyade pricing works by a lot, so it should be better.

    2.True Resurrection isn't going to be used in battle. The idea behind Fairyade is pulled directly out of Zelda, and essentially, it works by allowing you to essentially 'not die' when you've lost all your hp, in nearly the exact same way as in the Zelda games.

    Quote Originally Posted by PId6 View Post
    Finally, got any negative energy ones?
    Do you still want them?
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    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Belt of potionade

    I wish I knew enough about items to be any help.

    All I can say is that I really like the items themselves, although they do seem very powerful.
    Last edited by Myou; 2009-09-08 at 03:53 PM.

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    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: Belt of potionade

    Quote Originally Posted by Myou View Post
    I wish I knew enough about items to be any help.

    All I can say is that I really like the items themselves, although they do seem very powerful.
    Hah, thanks for bringing this back up.

    Well, if you're not allowing the Magic Item Compendium, they probably are extremely powerful. If you're allowing that book, its a tough question. It costs more to buy into potionade(800 for the belt, plus a bottle, compared to 750 for a healing belt), but the potionade system becomes better when you start buying as if you have no healbot in your group(because with healing belts, you'll need a storage bags to hold the excess, costing ~2k each).

    The primary benefit is that using potionade will is a far more 'IC' approach to self-healing than using 50 healing belts would be, which was what spurred me to start this.
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    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Belt of potionade

    Quote Originally Posted by Godskook View Post
    Hah, thanks for bringing this back up.
    Least I can do. You've done the same for me a few times.

    Quote Originally Posted by Godskook View Post
    Well, if you're not allowing the Magic Item Compendium, they probably are extremely powerful. If you're allowing that book, its a tough question. It costs more to buy into potionade(800 for the belt, plus a bottle, compared to 750 for a healing belt), but the potionade system becomes better when you start buying as if you have no healbot in your group(because with healing belts, you'll need a storage bags to hold the excess, costing ~2k each).

    The primary benefit is that using potionade will is a far more 'IC' approach to self-healing than using 50 healing belts would be, which was what spurred me to start this.
    With your belt, can you burn a lot of charges at once to get a huge amount of healing?
    Last edited by Myou; 2009-09-08 at 04:08 PM.

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    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: Belt of potionade

    Quote Originally Posted by Myou View Post
    With your belt, can you burn a lot of charges at once to get a huge amount of healing?
    Yes, but at the same reduced gain that exists with the healing belts. The formula is 2dx + ydx, where x is the die size of the potion and y is one less than the number of charges you spent to activate it as a standard action. So a small blueberry potionade, if you spend all 3 charges at once, will net you 4d8, just like a healing belt.
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    Default Re: Belt of potionade

    Quote Originally Posted by Godskook View Post
    Yes, but at the same reduced gain that exists with the healing belts. The formula is 2dx + ydx, where x is the die size of the potion and y is one less than the number of charges you spent to activate it as a standard action. So a small blueberry potionade, if you spend all 3 charges at once, will net you 4d8, just like a healing belt.
    That seems fair to me. ^^

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    Default Re: Belt of potionade

    Wait, it seems like the 30 potion one is completely automated. Wouldn't it be a swiftaction to activate, then?

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    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: Belt of potionade

    Quote Originally Posted by Milskidasith View Post
    Wait, it seems like the 30 potion one is completely automated. Wouldn't it be a swiftaction to activate, then?
    Actually, that was partly a throw-away line to the very commercial descriptions of these items. I was debating about making it a feature, but a swift or free action bonus seemed like a bad idea. My thought was to make it required to use fairyade.
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    Barbarian in the Playground

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    Default Re: Belt of potionade

    I love this idea of yours, I may use it in my campaign and pass it off as a creation of some crazy gnome the PCs may meet.
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    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: Belt of potionade

    Quote Originally Posted by Averagedog View Post
    I love this idea of yours, I may use it in my campaign and pass it off as a creation of some crazy gnome the PCs may meet.
    Cool. Please post here if you find something about the prices that needs adjusting. The fairyade is the most suspect, but it has a really powerful effect, so I don't think it is too expensive(if anything, the price needs to be increased, I think).

    As far as the gnome thing goes, that's odd, since this is largely a goblin item(made because of a goblin character of mine, name for a goblin character in a webcomic).
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    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Belt of potionade

    So, wait... does each potion have a separate charge? So you could have 10x Orange (for diseases), 10 x Strawberry (for restoration), and 10x Blueberry in an Ever-Ready belt.

    With this example, it would cost 2800 for the belt itself, which also confers a +6 bonus to Heal checks (also handy with a Healer's Kit to provide even more non- magical healing).

    So, say, I want each one to have 9 charges. This means my total would be:

    2800 for the belt
    33,800 for the Blueberry
    43,560 for the Orange
    53,240 for the Strawberry

    Then I would have 90 charges of each?
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    Default Re: Belt of potionade

    Quote Originally Posted by ShneekeyTheLost View Post
    So, wait... does each potion have a separate charge? So you could have 10x Orange (for diseases), 10 x Strawberry (for restoration), and 10x Blueberry in an Ever-Ready belt.
    Actually, I forgot to remove the restoration/disease effects when I changed the pricing. I thought I did, I apologize. I've been meaning to re-write them as bonus effects at additional costs, like the fairyade.

    Quote Originally Posted by ShneekeyTheLost View Post
    2800 for the belt
    33,800 for the Blueberry
    43,560 for the Orange
    53,240 for the Strawberry
    That's almost right.

    33,880 for the blueberry

    Quote Originally Posted by ShneekeyTheLost View Post
    Then I would have 90 charges of each?
    Yes. For 133,480, you can have all that.
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    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Default Re: Belt of potionade

    I like the concept of this. I'll look it over again tomorrow when I'm more awake. I too loved the marketing sound of the first post.

    I would add into the first post that each bottle has 3 charges. And perhaps an example line of how an equipped belt would work. It took reading half of the posts for me to figure out how they work.
    Last edited by powerdemon; 2009-09-16 at 10:57 PM.
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    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: Belt of potionade

    Quote Originally Posted by powerdemon View Post
    I like the concept of this. I'll look it over again tomorrow when I'm more awake. I too loved the marketing sound of the first post.
    Glad you liked it. So far, it seems to be my most well-received work.

    Quote Originally Posted by powerdemon View Post
    I would add into the first post that each bottle has 3 charges. And perhaps an example line of how an equipped belt would work. It took reading half of the posts for me to figure out how they work.
    Actually, you can get bottles in 3 'sizes', that go 3 charges, 6 charges, or 9 charges. I'll try to edit it for clarity over the next few days.
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    Default Re: Belt of potionade

    Quote Originally Posted by Godskook View Post
    Actually, you can get bottles in 3 'sizes', that go 3 charges, 6 charges, or 9 charges. I'll try to edit it for clarity over the next few days.
    Ah, I missed that. I see it now in the spoiler box.
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    DM:"The pope hits you with his rod of persuasion. Make a save."
    PLAYER: "Against what?"
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    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: Belt of potionade

    If you have a bottle with 9 charges in your hand, do you have to drink them one at a time or can you drain the bottle as a full round action? Also, are there any special benefits relating to drawing potionades (a la HHH) and what are the weights of the items listed?
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    Default Re: Belt of potionade

    Quote Originally Posted by Bibliomancer View Post
    If you have a bottle with 9 charges in your hand, do you have to drink them one at a time or can you drain the bottle as a full round action? Also, are there any special benefits relating to drawing potionades (a la HHH) and what are the weights of the items listed?
    1.There's no option for a full-round action.

    2.In your scenario, you can spend all 9 charges in a single standard action, but you get reduced efficiency for it. Doing so would heal 10 dice of damage(2 for the first charge, 1 for each additional), while 9 charges have the 'potential' to heal 18 dice of damage. (This is mentioned in the original post)

    3.Potions aren't 'drawn' per se. The system works using the same delivery system as a healing belt. All I've changed is the 'reservoir'.

    4.I haven't thought about giving the individual bottles a weight. I'd suppose that they'd weigh the same as regular potions do. The belt itself weighs 1/2 lbs. Say that the bottles weigh .1 lbs each. That sounds about right, looking at the healing belt.

    (Thanks for the peer review, man)
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    Default Re: Belt of potionade

    This is really nice! It's cool for a high magic world or setting.

    It inspired me a bit to make a low magic version. (for possible use in my own setting.)

    Belt of potions

    This magical belt has three small glass vials stored inside of it. These glass vials are small extra-dimensional spaces that magically expand or contract to hold a single potion. When the belt is attached to the waist of a creature it immediately binds with them in a slightly painful process over the course of 24 hours. There after a creature wearing a belt of potions can use a swift action to "consume" one of the potions stored in the belt. Because of the magical process of injection no other potions may be used that round from any other sources. When a stored potion is used it is consumed as normal.

    Removing a belt of potions is like wise painful. A DC15 heal check is required to remove the belt without damage. If the belt is removed in another fashion the user takes 3d6 damage. If a belt of potions is ever dispelled it immediately falls off the character wearing it. (Although the belt does no damage; to use it again the creature must go through the binding process again)

    What do you think? A little less powerful then bottomless potions and a little more powerful with the chance of flexibility. I suppose there could be a greater belt of potions with room for 5 potions too.
    Last edited by Ormagoden; 2009-10-19 at 12:31 PM. Reason: i r A bad sPelr

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    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: Belt of potionade

    Quote Originally Posted by Lostfang View Post
    What do you think? A little less powerful then bottomless potions and a little more powerful with the chance of flexibility. I suppose there could be a greater belt of potions with room for 5 potions too.
    I'd avoid calling it an 'extra-dimensional space'. You want it to be cheap, since it consumes potions to work, so I'd fluff it in more non-magical terms, more like an I.V. That way, you can justify it easier in the low-magic setting(and the expense of it, too).
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