Snips, Snails, and Dragon Tales: Now available in PDF format from Gumroad
Snips, Snails, and Dragon Tales is now on sale in PDF format from Gumroad - with 6 never-before-collected bonus comics!
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  1. - Top - End - #1
    Ogre in the Playground
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Melbourne, Australia

    Default Beverages of the Planes

    Perditious Ruin
    Devils are not known for insobriety. To these creatures of absolute corrupted law, drunkenness is seen as a petty indulgence and waste, something all too ripe for exploitation. They are intolerant of drunkenness, to the extent that the consumption of alcohol is monitored closely and strictly, with punishment disproportionate to the offense; not that many devils can get drunk.
    Perdition has nonetheless produced numerous beverages of fine taste and great potency, mostly as gifts to be disseminated across the cosmos from the Ministries of Immortal Diplomacy and Mortal Relations.

    Styxbrewn Ale
    Treated with the amnesia-inducing waters of the River Styx, this particular ale mixes the potency of the memory-ravaging properties of the Styx with conventional ales. The result is a pleasantly tasting beverage that causes the drinker to forcibly forget any memories.

    The magic in its creation has led to an alcoholic drink that appears muddy and unclear; a careless swirl of the liquid therein may produce memories lost to the Styx, these appear as brief visions all too readily claimed by the liquid. These images benefit the consumer in no way, they are evoked unintentionally by the magic used in its production.

    Styxbrewn Ale is not for the unitiated, it is a beverage that patrons drink with a clear aim in mind; of course, devils rarely seem inclined to disabuse the unwary of such actions.
    Murderers, criminals, all those who cannot face their guilt partake of this diabolical beverage. It forces an affect similar to the modify memory spell, save that a failed Will save (at 1/2 character level + Wis modifier) causes the memory to be forever lost.
    Even to these, there are half truths to everything, Styxbrewn Ale only ever rips away five memories, any number greater than five are kept, possibly enhanced. The drinker has no choice in the memories expunged.

    Those who experience alcohol poisoning with this liquid also face consequences, these must save against a Will DC 15 or forget the events of the last 5d4 hours.
    To see the world in a grain of sand
    and Heaven in a wild flower
    To hold infinity in the palm of your hand
    and eternity in an hour.

    - William Blake, Auguries of Innocence

  2. - Top - End - #2
    Orc in the Playground

    Join Date
    Mar 2010

    Default Re: Beverages of the Planes

    I see a major, glaring, twenty-point-font neon-lit problem here:
    Define one (1) memory.

    The fact is, the human brain is a nest of interconnections so complicated that even if you took out the neuron group dictating the memory (or reassigned it), the brain would continue to act like the memory was there. Have you ever remembered that you used to know something, but you seem to have forgotten the fact? That's what it's like if you literally simply remove a memory. What I'm saying is, you should really explain how the brew determines what counts as a memory, whether you retain the emotions and impulses associated with the memory, and things like that.

  3. - Top - End - #3
    Troll in the Playground

    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    Elemental Plane of Purple

    Default Re: Beverages of the Planes

    I wouldn't mind seeing these as magical items or even as non-magical items but you'd need to elaborate how they are made and how much they cost.

    P.E.A.C.H. Please Evaluate And Critique Honestly. Being nicer and kinder doesn't hurt either. Note I generally only critique 3.5 and Pathfinder material.
    Please, please, please when using non-core material, cite to the books. There are too many books to wade through to find the one with the feat, special ability or spell you use.
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  4. - Top - End - #4
    Titan in the Playground
    DracoDei's Avatar

    Join Date
    May 2007
    Near Atlanta,GA USA

    Default Re: Beverages of the Planes

    Needs a thinly veiled expy of Pan Galactic Gargle-Blaster.
    [Public Service Announcement]P.E.A.C.H stands for Please Examine And Critique Honestly[/Public Service Announcement]
    Currently Running: Equestria Begins (A High Tactics campaign)
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    My Homebrew is meant to be used, but, if you do, PLEASE tell me how it goes.

  5. - Top - End - #5
    Troll in the Playground

    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    Elemental Plane of Purple

    Default Re: Beverages of the Planes

    I've seen homebrewed Spelljammer D20 stuff. A pan-galactic gargle blaster would fit right in. I'd say it is brewed by the Mercane just to mess with other races! [See Mercane in the Epic Level Handbook page 204]. BTW, the mercane are just updated Arcane from Spelljammer. I suspect the name was changed to avoid confusion with other uses of the word "arcane" in the game.

    P.E.A.C.H. Please Evaluate And Critique Honestly. Being nicer and kinder doesn't hurt either. Note I generally only critique 3.5 and Pathfinder material.
    Please, please, please when using non-core material, cite to the books. There are too many books to wade through to find the one with the feat, special ability or spell you use.
    my creations in homebrew signature thread

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