Snips, Snails, and Dragon Tales: Now available in PDF format from Gumroad
Snips, Snails, and Dragon Tales is now on sale in PDF format from Gumroad - with 6 never-before-collected bonus comics!
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    Colossus in the Playground
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    Default Henshin A-Go-Go, Baby! (3.5 PrC, PEACH)

    The Viewtiful Hero


    "Dude, what was that? Did you just say 'viewtiful'? That's a pretty cool word! Yeah, that's me! Viewtiful Joe!" -Viewtiful Joe

    A viewtiful hero is a man who fights for love, justice, and two quarter-pound all-beef patties with ketchup and a crisp piece of lettuce with some melted cheese on top, bro!


    In order to become a viewtiful hero, you must meet the following prerequisites.

    Alignment: Any good

    Base Attack Bonus: +10

    Feat: Improved Unarmed Strike

    Hit Dice: d10

    Class Skills: The viewtiful hero has Bluff, Climb, Concentration, Craft, Diplomacy, Escape Artist, Hide, Intimidate, Jump, Listen, Move Silently, Profession, Spot, and Swim as class skills.

    Skill Points: 4+Int per level

    {table=head]Level|Base Attack Bonus|Fort Save|Ref Save|Will Save|Special

    |Fist of Justice, Henshin A-Go-Go Baby!

    |Mach Speed



    |The Power of a Hero

    Class Features:

    Weapon and Armor Proficiency: The viewtiful hero gains proficiency with light armor. He gains no other additional proficiencies.

    Fist of Justice (Ex): A viewtiful hero is a master of bare-handed combat, just like in all the old movies, dude! A viewtiful hero's unarmed strikes deal 1d10 damage plus his full Strength modifier, and are treated as one-handed weapons whenever it would be beneficial to him. A viewtiful hero can make unarmed strikes with his feet as well. His unarmed strikes are treated as both natural weapons and manufactured weapons.

    If a viewtiful hero has a higher than 1d10 base unarmed strike damage, he instead deals 2d8 points of damage with his unarmed strike, which increases to 4d8 at level 5.

    The Superior Unarmed Strike feat and the monk's belt item do not affect the viewtiful hero's unarmed damage gained from this class feature (if they make the viewtiful hero's base unarmed damage higher than 1d10, see above)

    Henshin A-Go-Go Baby! (Sp): When a viewtiful hero is faced with injustice, his soul burns yo! It's like, you're filled with this awesome energy, like when you eat four cheeseburgers in a row! You feel like you can accomplish anything!

    As a full-round action that provokes an attack of opportunity, a viewtiful hero can assume his heroic pose and say his catchphrase, and he turns into a mighty fighting machine. (The viewtiful hero must be able to speak and must be able to move his arms in order to perform this successfully) The viewtiful hero gains the effect of the transformation spell, as a spell-like ability with a caster level equal to his character level, except that the bonuses to his ability scores are all treated as untyped, rather than enhancement bonuses.

    The viewtiful hero may only use this ability once per day.

    Mach Speed (Sp): A viewtiful hero is the master of special effects, bro. It's cool because see, even if your attacks don't really hurt that much, you can throw a whole bunch of them and it's like, the same as whacking them once with a big hammer you know? Though I guess you could just get a big hammer and do Mach Speed, but that's not really my style!

    As a swift action, a viewtiful hero may cast swift haste (SpC) as a spell-like ability. However, his control over the ability improves with experience. The bonus to attack rolls, AC, and Reflex saves increases to +1 per class level. The viewtiful hero may use this ability at will, but after using it, he must wait 1d4 rounds before activating it again.

    S-S-Slow (Sp): So like, slowing things down is really cool, you know! You can dodge bullets in midair, or fall from a hundred feet and not take a scratch! Also, if you slow things down, your attacks really pack a punch!

    As an immediate action, a viewtiful hero may use one of two abilities.

    He may either cast feather fall as a spell-like ability on himself, with a caster level equal to his character level, or

    He may cast slow, but with a range of 10 ft surrounding him, and it affects all creatures, rather than just the ones the viewtiful hero selects, and includes himself. (The viewtiful hero does not get a saving throw to resist this effect). The save DC for all other creatures is 13+the viewtiful hero's Charisma modifier. If the viewtiful hero successfully hits a creature while under the effects of S-S-Slow, his attack deals double damage. This ability only lasts for one round.

    The viewtiful hero's control over the flow of time increases as he uses it. The penalty to all creatures who fail their saving throw's attack, AC, and Reflex saves is increased to -1 per class level. (The viewtiful hero's penalties remain at -1)

    The viewtiful hero may use this ability at will, but once he does, he must wait 1d4 rounds before using it again.

    Z-Z-Zoom (Ex): So, see, every creature has this weak point! Sometimes its their foot, or their gut, or their nose! Just a place for you to hit that will really hurt! Just be careful when you're trying to find it, because you can't see anything else and you're like a sitting whatever! A goose!

    As a move action that provokes an attack of opportunity, the viewtiful hero may attempt to discover his enemy's weak point. He makes a Concentration check (DC 10+the target's HD). If he succeeds, his next successful attack against that creature threatens and automatically confirms a critical hit.

    If the viewtiful hero takes damage while performing this ability, he loses concentration and fails. While the viewtiful hero is concentrating to use this ability, he is flat-footed, and is denied his Dexterity bonus to AC. The viewtiful hero cannot discover the weak point of any creature without a discernible anatomy, such as an ooze, or any creature that is immune to critical hits.

    Once the viewtiful hero uses this ability, he must wait 1d4 rounds before he can attempt it again.

    The Power of a Hero (Ex): At 5th level, all the viewtiful hero's abilities become stronger. After all, dude, the only way for a guy to become a hero is to keep on trying and be persistent! Every time you fall flat on your face, you get back up, and you're one step closer to saving the world, bro!

    Fist of Justice: The viewtiful hero's unarmed strikes now deal 2d8 damage plus 1 1/2 his Strength modifier, and are treated as two-handed weapons whenever it would be beneficial (Disarm attempts, the Power Attack feat, etc)

    Henshin A-Go-Go, Baby!: The viewtiful hero may now use this ability twice per day. The +5 competence bonus now applies to all his saving throws, and he gains DR 5/Evil while transformed.

    Mach Speed: While under the effects of this ability, the viewtiful hero may make his normal full attack routine as a standard action. (He does not receive the additional attack from the haste effect). As an actual full-round action, he now receives two additional attacks instead of one, both at his highest attack bonus.

    S-S-Slow: Any creature that is affected by the viewtiful hero's slow ability that makes a melee attack against him and misses provokes an attack of opportunity from the viewtiful hero. Additionally, if the viewtiful hero successfully hits a creature with an unarmed strike while he is slowed, the creature must make a saving throw (DC 10+1/2 character level+Str modifier) or be stunned for 1 round.

    Z-Z-Zoom: The viewtiful hero may now communicate the target's weak point to his allies. As a free action, he may shout a successfully discovered free point. Any ally who is within 60 ft of the viewtiful hero and can see and hear both him and the target automatically threatens and confirms a critical hit with his next attack against that target. (This includes the viewtiful hero)

    This is a sonic, language-dependent ability.
    Last edited by NeoSeraphi; 2011-10-28 at 01:05 AM.

  2. - Top - End - #2
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Henshin A-Go-Go, Baby! (3.5 PrC, PEACH)

    Z-Z-Zoom could maybe use a penalty to AC and Reflex saves against attacks (including but not limited to spells etc) originating from more than 10' away or something to make the crunch match the fluff. Maybe take away the "damage interrupts" thing, but I am not sure how the game worked on that count.
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  3. - Top - End - #3
    Colossus in the Playground
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    Default Re: Henshin A-Go-Go, Baby! (3.5 PrC, PEACH)

    Quote Originally Posted by DracoDei View Post
    Z-Z-Zoom could maybe use a penalty to AC and Reflex saves against attacks (including but not limited to spells etc) originating from more than 10' away or something to make the crunch match the fluff. Maybe take away the "damage interrupts" thing, but I am not sure how the game worked on that count.
    Made him flat-footed while concentrating so he is denied his Dexterity bonus to AC and any rogue who gets him can Sneak Attack him.

  4. - Top - End - #4
    Troll in the Playground
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    Default Re: Henshin A-Go-Go, Baby! (3.5 PrC, PEACH)

    Your Heroness. It has awakened.

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    Colossus in the Playground
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    Default Re: Henshin A-Go-Go, Baby! (3.5 PrC, PEACH)

    Quote Originally Posted by The-Mage-King View Post
    Your Heroness. It has awakened.

    In otherwords... My approval. You has it.
    Why thank you. You don't think that transformation ability is too much?

  6. - Top - End - #6
    Troll in the Playground
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    Default Re: Henshin A-Go-Go, Baby! (3.5 PrC, PEACH)

    Quote Originally Posted by NeoSeraphi View Post
    Why thank you. You don't think that transformation ability is too much?
    ...You mean the ability to, once per day, give yourself A) Bonuses that probably don't stack with your equipment, B) a minor bonus to AC, which is useless anyway, 3) a bonus to your already highest save, and Γ) proficiency in weapons that you already have?


    EDIT: Reread. Misread the first part of the change.

    Answer is still the same.
    Last edited by The-Mage-King; 2011-10-28 at 12:41 AM.
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    Colossus in the Playground
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    Default Re: Henshin A-Go-Go, Baby! (3.5 PrC, PEACH)

    Quote Originally Posted by The-Mage-King View Post
    ...You mean the ability to, once per day, give yourself A) Bonuses that probably don't stack with your equipment, B) a minor bonus to AC, which is useless anyway, 3) a bonus to your already highest save, and Γ) proficiency in weapons that you already have?


    EDIT: Reread. Misread the first part of the change.

    Answer is still the same.
    Well alright then. Thank you.

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    Troll in the Playground
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    Default Re: Henshin A-Go-Go, Baby! (3.5 PrC, PEACH)

    Yeah. Not that big of a deal. The guy doesn't even gain as much of a benefit from it as a caster "should", and it takes a full round action.

    Not that impressive. Maybe give an extra use at 3rd and 5th levels, to shore it up...?

    Also, I think I got my alphabet confused...

    I meant "Δ", not "Γ". Apologies for any confusion.

    EDIT: Also, toss in something about unarmed strikes, monks, and superior unarmed strike. It's... Kinda needed.
    Last edited by The-Mage-King; 2011-10-28 at 12:59 AM.
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    Colossus in the Playground
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    Default Re: Henshin A-Go-Go, Baby! (3.5 PrC, PEACH)

    Quote Originally Posted by The-Mage-King View Post
    Yeah. Not that big of a deal. The guy doesn't even gain as much of a benefit from it as a caster "should", and it takes a full round action.

    Not that impressive. Maybe give an extra use at 3rd and 5th levels, to shore it up...?
    I did give it an extra use at 5th level.

    EDIT: Also, toss in something about unarmed strikes, monks, and superior unarmed strike. It's... Kinda needed.
    Sure, why not.

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    Troll in the Playground
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    Default Re: Henshin A-Go-Go, Baby! (3.5 PrC, PEACH)

    Quote Originally Posted by NeoSeraphi View Post
    I did give it an extra use at 5th level.
    ...It's 2 AM where I live, and yesterday I had a class entitled "Psychological Statistics".

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    Default Re: Henshin A-Go-Go, Baby! (3.5 PrC, PEACH)

    Quote Originally Posted by The-Mage-King View Post
    ...It's 2 AM where I live, and yesterday I had a class entitled "Psychological Statistics". study Psychology and use the Greek alphabet?

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    Default Re: Henshin A-Go-Go, Baby! (3.5 PrC, PEACH)

    I love Viewtiful Joe.

    And this class.

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    Troll in the Playground
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    Default Re: Henshin A-Go-Go, Baby! (3.5 PrC, PEACH)

    Quote Originally Posted by Morph Bark View Post study Psychology and use the Greek alphabet?

    I must go now debate with myself who in this thread deserves more awesome points.
    Eh. The greek alphabet is, you know, for those jokes. Like I used it.

    Because using A, B, 3, and D is just lame.

    'sides, it's the math behind Psych. studies, not anything actually involving psychology.
    Last edited by The-Mage-King; 2011-10-28 at 08:12 AM.
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    Colossus in the Playground
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    Default Re: Henshin A-Go-Go, Baby! (3.5 PrC, PEACH)

    I love Viewtiful Joe.

    And this class.
    I do as well! I've been rewatching the anime and I just got paid yesterday so I'm heading out to GameStop now to pick up both games!

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    Halfling in the Playground
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    Default Re: Henshin A-Go-Go, Baby! (3.5 PrC, PEACH)

    Quote Originally Posted by Morph Bark View Post study Psychology and use the Greek alphabet?

    I must go now debate with myself who in this thread deserves more awesome points.
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