Snips, Snails, and Dragon Tales: Now available in PDF format from Gumroad
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    Troll in the Playground
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    Default Kirby[3.5][Peach]

    Small Outsider
    Hit Dice: 1d8+2 (6 hp)
    Initiative: +4
    Speed: 30 Ft (6 Squares) Fly 10 ft (2 Sq, Good)
    Armor Class: 15 (+1 size, +4 dex), Touch 14, Flat-footed 11
    Base Attack/Grapple: +1/-4
    Attack: Greatsword +1 (1d10+3/19-20x2)
    Full Attack: Greatsword +1 (1d10+3/19-20x2)
    Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
    Special Attack: Inhale, See Below
    Special Qualities: Inhale, Mouth of a Million Millineries
    Saves: Fort +3, Ref +5, Will +1,
    Str 14, Dex 18, Con 15, Int 10, Wis 11, Cha 10
    Skills: 8 Diplomacy, 8 Bluff, 4 Profession (Gormet Cheff)
    Feats: Skill Focus: Profession (Gormet Chef)
    Environment: Any
    Organization: One
    Challenge Rating: Party Level+3
    Treasure: 10 Lbs of Veal, Medium Rare, Exquisitely cooked, 2d8 strange and quirky Hats, as well as a hat of each party member he has eaten
    Alignment: Chaotic Fluffy
    Advancement: See Below

    This little pink Fuzzball is named Kirby, isnt he cute.

    Combat:Kirby begins combat either with his greatsword, or by eating the person he considers the greatest threat.

    Inhale (Ex): Kirby may, as a standard action, Open his massive mouth and suck in air. All creatures caught within a 30 ft cone must succeed a Balance check against a 13DC (10+hitdice+Str mod) or be launched flying towards Kirby. Kirby then Swallows any one creature that is launched towards him.
    Kirby may also perform this action while grappling a creature, If he does, it automatically fails it's save and is immediately swallowed.

    Maw of a Million Millineries (Ex): Any creature that Kirby Inhales transforms into a magical hat, which Kirby immediately equips in his Head slot as a free action. While wearing this hat, Kirby gains these benefits:
    Kirby gains the Swallowed Creature's Hitdice, as well as base attack bonus equal to the Hitdice gained.
    Kirby gains an enhancement bonus to an attribute equal to half the consumed creature's attribute. He gains this bonus for each attribute.
    Kirby gains Health equal to his Hitdice* his Constitution Modifier.
    Kirby gains any and all special attacks, special qualities, spells, and powers of the consumed creature.
    Kirby gains equal caster level to the consumed creature, as well as equal manifester level, and equal Initiator level.
    Kirby gains Prepared spell slots of the consumed classes, using the appropriate attribute.
    Kirby gains manuevers known by the consumed creature, as well as the recovery mechanic and number of prepared manuevers as the class.
    Kirby gains any feats the consumed creature had.
    Kirby gains any proficiency that the ocnsumed creature had.

    Any hat created by this ability may be restored by casting a Mage's Dysjunction on it. The hat does not perform a save against the spell, despite being magical.
    Last edited by toapat; 2012-07-13 at 06:55 PM.
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  2. - Top - End - #2
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Kirby[3.5][Peach]

    A. HP... does not compute...
    B. D&D is rocket taggy enough without making glass cannons that can one-shot or be one-shotted.
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  3. - Top - End - #3
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Kirby[3.5][Peach]

    I think it's meant to say 9d8.
    I think that Outsider might be more appropriate for his type, he is from Dreamland after all. That and he doesn't have a head.
    Inhale should probably be based off of Constitution. Most abilities are based off of Con or Cha.
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    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Kirby[3.5][Peach]

    Quote Originally Posted by Waker View Post
    I think it's meant to say 9d8.
    Still doesn't work. 2 x 9 is +18, not +40.
    I think that Outsider might be more appropriate for his type, he is from Dreamland after all. That and he doesn't have a head.
    Doesn't have a head!? Kirby IS a head! *righteous indignation*

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  5. - Top - End - #5
    Troll in the Playground
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    Default Re: Kirby[3.5][Peach]

    lol, i forgot to change the HP on that, i meant for him to be 1d8 hp

    and no, the idea is he shows up wearing a Tarrasque hat

    Edit: Also, good job, i was expecting the second or third reply to bring up the fact that he is basically the ultimate rocket tag tribble
    Last edited by toapat; 2012-07-11 at 09:47 PM.
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  6. - Top - End - #6
    Troll in the Playground
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    Default Re: Kirby[3.5][Peach]

    Adjusted starting number of hats to 2d8
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  7. - Top - End - #7
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Kirby[3.5][Peach]

    25DC (10+Strength+hitdice)
    If this part is based off his HD, you need to adjust it still. It should read
    10 + 2 (Str) +1 (HD)= DC 13
    Doesn't have a head!? Kirby IS a head! *righteous indignation*
    Good to see you agree with me. He doesn't have a head, he is a head.
    Last edited by Waker; 2012-07-11 at 09:57 PM.
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    Troll in the Playground
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    Default Re: Kirby[3.5][Peach]

    Quote Originally Posted by Waker View Post
    If this part is based off his HD, you need to adjust it still. It should read
    10 + 2 (Str) +1 (HD)= DC 13

    Good to see you agree with me. He doesn't have a head, he is a head.
    i specifically based it off of strength, not strength modifier
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    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Kirby[3.5][Peach]

    Quote Originally Posted by toapat View Post
    i specifically based it off of strength, not strength modifier odd. But ok I suppose.
    So do you plan on giving him the option of spitting stars back at people?
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  10. - Top - End - #10
    Troll in the Playground
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    Default Re: Kirby[3.5][Peach]

    Quote Originally Posted by Waker View Post odd. But ok I suppose.
    So do you plan on giving him the option of spitting stars back at people?
    no, too powerful, thats why i allow the hat to be Dysjointed back into it's original form.

    also, built out Mouth of 1000k hats for clarity
    Last edited by toapat; 2012-07-11 at 10:17 PM.
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  11. - Top - End - #11
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Kirby[3.5][Peach]

    You mean Disjunction?
    And the star option wouldn't have to be permanent. You could say that in lieu of using Maw, that Kirby may instead launch his inhaled foe at a target. Initiate a ranged touch attack dealing Xd6 and initiate a special Bull Rush attempt. At the end of the turn, the foe returns to their normal form.

    I skimped on the description, but you get the idea.
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  12. - Top - End - #12
    Troll in the Playground
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    Default Re: Kirby[3.5][Peach]

    Quote Originally Posted by Waker View Post
    You mean Disjunction?
    And the star option wouldn't have to be permanent. You could say that in lieu of using Maw, that Kirby may instead launch his inhaled foe at a target. Initiate a ranged touch attack dealing Xd6 and initiate a special Bull Rush attempt. At the end of the turn, the foe returns to their normal form.

    I skimped on the description, but you get the idea.
    the problem with having him be able to use inhale offensively is that he takes the rocket tag problem to it's ultimate form, expecially if he eats a psion and then uses synchronacity

    Id also argue that despite being a head with limbs, he is still a humanoid, despite his head replacing his torso

    Kirby was designed to be able to provide a threat for a very long time, although i didnt give him his star, but 1500ft/round isnt a particularly fair thing. The example of Tarrasque hat is just an example, but it creates the problem that his now titanic strength makes his Inhale DC ubertastic.
    Last edited by toapat; 2012-07-11 at 10:37 PM.
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  13. - Top - End - #13
    Troll in the Playground
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    Default Re: Kirby[3.5][Peach]

    Nerfed Inhale's DC, was too uber
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  14. - Top - End - #14
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Kirby[3.5][Peach]

    It should be clarified the hat actually takes up the head slot of magic items while being worn, otherwise Kirby can wear infinite hats and gain nigh-infinite HD.

    Also, Kirby only ever did copy a single ability of an enemy he swallowed, and if we go by Super Smash Bros., then the swallowed creature wasn't even killed by that (the creatures in the Kirby games are more like minions than boss monsters or PCs as in D&D).

    Inhale and Maw also don't have a designation of (Ex), (Su) or (Sp). I'd presume both to be (Su).
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  15. - Top - End - #15
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Kirby[3.5][Peach]

    It should be clarified the hat actually takes up the head slot of magic items while being worn, otherwise Kirby can wear infinite hats and gain nigh-infinite HD.

    Also, Kirby only ever did copy a single ability of an enemy he swallowed, and if we go by Super Smash Bros., then the swallowed creature wasn't even killed by that (the creatures in the Kirby games are more like minions than boss monsters or PCs as in D&D).

    Inhale and Maw also don't have a designation of (Ex), (Su) or (Sp). I'd presume both to be (Su).

    I'm also surprised that he isn't put down as an Aberration.
    Last edited by Morph Bark; 2012-07-12 at 05:17 AM.
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  16. - Top - End - #16
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: Kirby[3.5][Peach]

    Is there a creature size limit to be affected by Inhale? Otherwise there's nothing stopping Kirby from inhaling a Tarrasque, highly entertaining though that would be.

  17. - Top - End - #17
    Troll in the Playground
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    Default Re: Kirby[3.5][Peach]

    Quote Originally Posted by Morph Bark View Post
    It should be clarified the hat actually takes up the head slot of magic items while being worn, otherwise Kirby can wear infinite hats and gain nigh-infinite HD.

    Also, Kirby only ever did copy a single ability of an enemy he swallowed, and if we go by Super Smash Bros., then the swallowed creature wasn't even killed by that (the creatures in the Kirby games are more like minions than boss monsters or PCs as in D&D).

    Inhale and Maw also don't have a designation of (Ex), (Su) or (Sp). I'd presume both to be (Su).

    I'm also surprised that he isn't put down as an Aberration.
    I get that he normally only gets 1-3 powers from each hat, but having a pink fluffball eat the tarrasque and only gain its regeneration was kinda bs. He doesnt gain the natural attacks, but he does get 4 itterative attacks with gigantic BAB and great strength for his bastard sword. Ill change it so that he can only wear one hat at a time.

    Quote Originally Posted by The Succubus View Post
    Is there a creature size limit to be affected by Inhale? Otherwise there's nothing stopping Kirby from inhaling a Tarrasque, highly entertaining though that would be.
    nope, and the tarrasque'd kirby is kinda the objective to have as a boss
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  18. - Top - End - #18
    Troll in the Playground
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    Default Re: Kirby[3.5][Peach]

    Kirby, Tarrasque hat
    Small Humanoid
    Hit Dice: 1d8+48d10+557 (825 hp)
    Initiative: +12
    Speed: 30 Ft (6 Squares) Fly 10 ft (2 Sq, Good)
    Armor Class: 19 (+1 size, +8 dex), Touch 19, Flat-footed 11
    Base Attack/Grapple: +49/+45
    Attack: Greatsword +62 (1d10+19/17-20x2)
    Full Attack: 4x Greatsword +62 (1d10+19/17-20x2)
    Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
    Special Attack: Inhale, See Below
    Special Qualities: Inhale, Mouth of a Million Millineries, Carapace, damage reduction 15/epic, immunity to fire, poison, disease, energy drain, and ability damage, regeneration 40, scent, spell resistance 32
    Saves: Fort +36, Ref +33, Will +29,
    Str 36, Dex 26, Con 32, Int 11, Wis 18, Cha 17
    Skills: Listen +17, Search +9, Spot +17, Survival +14 (+16 following tracks), Diplomacy +8, Bluff +8, Profession (Gormet Cheff) +4
    Feats: Skill Focus: Profession (Gormet Chef), Alertness, Awesome Blow, Blind Fight, Cleave, Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Great Cleave, Improved Bull Rush, Improved Critical (Greatsword), Improved Initiative, Power Attack, Toughness (6)
    Environment: Any
    Organization: One
    Challenge Rating: Party Level+3
    Treasure: 10 Lbs of Veal, Medium Rare, Exquisitely cooked, 2d8 strange and quirky Hats, as well as a hat of each party member he has eaten. One Hat, formed from the entire Tarrasque
    Alignment: Chaotic Fluffy
    Advancement: See Below

    This little pink Fuzzball is named Kirby, he is terror incarnate.

    Combat:Tarrasque Kirby begins combat by winning

    Inhale (Ex): See First Post, DC47 (10+STR mod (+13)+1/2 Hit dice (+24))

    Maw of a Million Millineries (Ex): See first post

    Frightful Presence: DC 37
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  19. - Top - End - #19
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Kirby[3.5][Peach]

    Now you just gotta hope the tarrasque rolls a 1, so he can't just squash you next round...
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  20. - Top - End - #20
    Troll in the Playground
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    Default Re: Kirby[3.5][Peach]

    Quote Originally Posted by Jade Dragon View Post
    Now you just gotta hope the tarrasque rolls a 1, so he can't just squash you next round...
    Who said Kirby has to be hatless when he attempts to eat the tarrasque

    Edit: as is, the tarrasque would have to roll a 10 or better not to be eaten by base Kirby
    Last edited by toapat; 2012-07-12 at 11:28 AM.
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  21. - Top - End - #21
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Kirby[3.5][Peach]

    Quote Originally Posted by Waker View Post
    I think it's meant to say 9d8.
    I think that Outsider might be more appropriate for his type, he is from Dreamland after all. That and he doesn't have a head.
    Inhale should probably be based off of Constitution. Most abilities are based off of Con or Cha.
    Aberration or Outsider.

    i think it would be better for the kirby to grow in size after swallowing anything larger than large size.

    Huge +1 size
    Gargantuan +2 size
    Colossal +3 size
    Last edited by LordErebus12; 2012-07-13 at 03:26 PM.
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  22. - Top - End - #22
    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Default Re: Kirby[3.5][Peach]

    Hmm. D&D has characters that feel more like bosses after a certain point. Bosses in Kirby games usually require being defeated before you can inhale them (if you can inhale them at all). Therefore I propose a mechanic that limits the effectiveness of the Inhale ability based off total HP of the creature being inhaled; effectively, if it has a crapload of HP, you'll probably need to beat it down before Kirby can call it lunch.

    In other news, thank you. This made my day.
    Last edited by Noctis Vigil; 2012-07-13 at 03:52 PM.

  23. - Top - End - #23
    Firbolg in the Playground
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    Default Re: Kirby[3.5][Peach]

    Quote Originally Posted by Morph Bark View Post
    It should be clarified the hat actually takes up the head slot of magic items while being worn, otherwise Kirby can wear infinite hats and gain nigh-infinite HD.

    Also, Kirby only ever did copy a single ability of an enemy he swallowed, and if we go by Super Smash Bros., then the swallowed creature wasn't even killed by that (the creatures in the Kirby games are more like minions than boss monsters or PCs as in D&D).

    Inhale and Maw also don't have a designation of (Ex), (Su) or (Sp). I'd presume both to be (Su).
    This is in no way uniform across different games. In the original Kirby's dreamland, in fact, Kirby did not get any copy abilities. In Kirby Superstar, you get a lot of moves from each ability, sometimes more than the enemy itself can do. Also, you can inhale bosses, but only after defeating them...
    As for the star thing, he would only be able to do it if he didn't already have a copy ability, so he wouldn't be able to buff up his strength before shooting a star.

    You might also want to consider the relative power of Kirby in his own games: he regularly defeats immortal beings of pure evil (dark matter, dark mind, O2, the "lord of the underworld" in squeak squad who I forget the name of, ect.) with relative ease. In Kirby Superstar, the plot of "revenge of metaknight" was essentially "Hey, we have this awesome ship that can take over the entire world! Oh no! Kirby is arriving with no weapons or support of any kind, and he can destroy the entire ship himself!" And that wasn't even the final challenge in that game. Kirby seems to be closer in power to superman than to other videogame heroes like Mario or Link. I'm not sure how well it would work in D&D...
    Also, considering all the times that he gets hit in a cut-scene, gets thrown really hard, ect. and survives, it seems like even his normal form should have more health/DR. For example, the supposedly indestructible Halbard delayed Kirby getting on by shooting him directly with its main cannon. A cutscene then showed Kirby get knocked back, bounce of the top of a mountain, and fall into a forest (without floating down slowly), and he still started the next level with full health.
    Summary: his normal form is much more powerful than you have him at.

    Also, the way you currently wrote the rules, the PCs could loot the hats after killing Kirby......

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    Default Re: Kirby[3.5][Peach]

    Quote Originally Posted by 137ben View Post
    Also, the way you currently wrote the rules, the PCs could loot the hats after killing Kirby...
    This is really overpowered as a whole, but I think the hats should revert to normal characters after one hour of being removed. That way its not life ending; its like a magic jar effect otherwise.
    Last edited by LordErebus12; 2012-07-13 at 06:27 PM.
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    Default Re: Kirby[3.5][Peach]

    Quote Originally Posted by LordErebus12 View Post
    This is really overpowered as a whole, but I think the hats should revert to normal characters after one hour of being removed. That way its not life ending; its like a magic jar effect otherwise.
    I understand the logic of making kirby's hats revert, the inhale ability is vastly overpowered as a result, but i feel kirby should be a DM responsibly NPC/boss. I also feel, if you really wanted to possitively dropkick someone with Kirby, you would send him in with a red/bronze Great Wyrm hat, not have him go into an encounter with a hat only to chain munch the Wizard, then Cleric, then the Melees.

    in other news, Time to make a banner for "Please, DM Responsibly"
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    Default Re: Kirby[3.5][Peach]

    this should be outsider or aberration, instead of humanoid. its nowhere near humanoid in shape.
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    Default Re: Kirby[3.5][Peach]

    Quote Originally Posted by LordErebus12 View Post
    this should be outsider or aberration, instead of humanoid. its nowhere near humanoid in shape.
    Kirby has a pretty bad argument for being any type of creature. Personality wise, he fits Humanoid, and physically, he resembles outsiders. Aberrations though are well outside of what kirby could be, as he can still be badly hurt. granted, in most situations where he is hurt, he is granted plot armor
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    Default Re: Kirby[3.5][Peach]

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  29. - Top - End - #29
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: Kirby[3.5][Peach]

    That is not Kirby!

    ...shouldn't've posted in this thread, though...

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    Default Re: Kirby[3.5][Peach]

    Quote Originally Posted by Story Time View Post
    That is not Kirby!

    ...shouldn't've posted in this thread, though...

    What do you mean? He eats things, and gets their powers
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