Snips, Snails, and Dragon Tales: Now available in PDF format from Gumroad
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    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default By the power of hope: Magic Girl

    Magic Girl:
    Magic girls wield one of the most powerful forces in the universe, hope. The power of hope lets them engage in great feats.

    NOTE: Despite the name of "magic girl", being female is not a requirement to take this class. "Magic boys" are allowed.

    Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
    1st +0 +2 +0 +2 Charm, Transform, Costume (Masterwork)
    2nd +1 +3 +0 +3 Charming Battle, Hope's Power, Ideal Sight
    3rd +1 +3 +1 +3 Costume (+1), Hammerspace (store), Eternal Light (food)
    4th +2 +4 +1 +4 Charming Defense, Hope's Light
    5th +2 +4 +1 +4 Skyclaim (x1, slowfall), Hopeful, Light Hands (3/day)
    6th +3 +5 +2 +5 Costume (+2), Charm (+2), Ranged Slash, Eternal Light (water), Costume Power (Masterwork)
    7th +3 +5 +2 +5 Spellguard (11+level), Swift Change (1/day)
    8th +4 +6 +2 +6 Costume (+2, +1 prop), Charming Life, Eternal Light (heat/cold)
    9th +4 +6 +3 +6 Skyclaim (x2, 10 ft.), Well of Hope (x2), Hammerspace (imagine)
    10th +5 +7 +3 +7 Charm (+4), Light Hands (4/day), Charming Wit
    11th +5 +7 +3 +7 Costume (+3, +1 prop), Eternal Light (sleep), Transform (+10), Costume Power (+1)
    12th +6/+1 +8 +4 +8 Well of Hope (x3), Swift Change (2/day)
    13th +6/+1 +8 +4 +8 Costume (+3, +3 prop), Costume Power (+1, +1 prop), Pure Charm (+4)
    14th +7/+2 +9 +4 +9 Charm (+6), Eternal Light (breath)
    15th +7/+2 +9 +5 +9 Well of Hope (x4), Light Hands (5/day)
    16th +8/+3 +10 +5 +10 Costume (+4, +3 prop), Costume Power (+2, +1 prop)
    17th +8/+3 +10 +5 +10 Eternal Light (age), Swift Change (3/day)
    18th +9/+4 +11 +6 +11 Costume (+5, +3 prop), Charm (+8), Costume Power (+3, +1 prop)
    19th +9/+4 +11 +6 +11 Pure Charm (+6), Spellguard (16+level, 6+level)
    20th +10/+5 +12 +6 +12 Endless Hope, Light Hands (6/day)

    Hit Die: d8

    Class Skills: The magic girl’s class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Appraise (Int), Bluff (Cha), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Disguise (Cha), Gather Information (Cha), Hide (Dex), Jump (Str), Knowledge (all skills, taken individually) (Int), Listen (Wis), Move Silently (Dex), Perform (Cha), Search (Int), Sense Motive (Wis), Speak Language (None), Spot (Wis) and Tumble (Dex).

    Skill Points at 1st Level: (6 + Int modifier) ×4.
    Skill Points at Each Additional Level: 6 + Int modifier.

    Weapon and Armor Proficiency:
    Magic girls are skilled with all simple weapons. Magic girls are proficient with light armor, but not with shields.

    Charm (Su):
    The power of a magic girl is contained within a simple piece of jewelry, such as a ring or necklace. This piece of jewelry is called their charm. Within 24 hours of taking their first level in magic girl, their charm will make its way into their possession. If a magic girl should ever lose their charm, have it stolen or even destroyed, it will find its way back into their possession in perfect condition within 24 hours, regardless of the contrived circumstances needed to permit such a recovery. (If the magic girl is within anti-magic, the charm will not return until after they leave it. Putting the charm in anti-magic will not stop it from returning to the magic girl.)

    As the magic girl grows in power, their charm also grows more powerful. Starting at level 6, their charm gives them a +2 enhancement bonus to their Charisma while they wear it. No one else can gain this benefit. This bonus increases to +4 at level 10, +6 at level 14 and +8 at level 18.

    A magic girl's charm has a Transmutation aura (caster level equals the magic girls class level, with a cap of 20), but only while it is in the magic girls possession; otherwise, it has no magic aura.

    Transform (Su):
    As a full-round action, a magic girl can transform into a more powerful form. All creatures within 30 feet of the magic girl when they transform is fascinated until the start of the magic girls next turn (Will save DC 10+half the magic girls's level (round down)+their Cha modifier negates).

    To transform, the magic girl must have their charm. While in this form, they have access to a wide range of powers. The BAB of a transformed magic girl increases by +5, however their total BAB may not exceed their hit dice. Starting at level 11, this BAB increase increases to +10.

    While transformed, the magic girl changes in appearance. This change is great enough that it counts as a disguise, granting a +10 circumstance bonus to Disguise skill checks to not look like themselves.

    A magic girl can transform back as a free action, and can be transformed for a total of 10 minutes per magic girl level per day, divided as they see fit. If a transformed magic girl falls unconscious or runs out of time, they instantly transform back.

    Costume (Su):
    When a magic girl transforms, her costume appears around her. Upon taking their first level in magic girl, the magic girl must choose their costume elements. They must choose a weapon and armor. The valid choices are as follows:

    Weapon: Any simple or marital melee weapon or a whip.
    Armor: Any light or medium armor or clothes.

    When the magic girl transforms, their clothes/armor are replaced with the chosen armor and the chosen weapon appears in their dominant hand, replacing what is there. When the magic girl transforms back, the costume elements vanish and the items they replaced return. The magic girl is proficient in the chosen weapon and armor, even if they otherwise wouldn't be (e.g. if they choose longsword, they are proficient in all longswords, but not all martial weapons).

    As the magic girl gains levels, their costume grows more powerful. The items created grow in power as follows:
    Level: Power
    1-2: Masterwork weapon/masterwork armor
    3-5: +1 weapon/+1 armor
    6-7: +2 weapon/+2 armor
    8-10: +2 [energy] weapon/+2 light fortification armor
    11-12: +3 [energy] weapon/+3 light fortification armor
    13-15: +3 [energy][burst] weapon/+3 moderate fortification armor
    16-17: +4 [energy][burst] weapon/+4 moderate fortification armor
    18-20: +5 [energy][burst] weapon/+5 moderate fortification armor

    At level 7, the magic girl must choose Flaming, Frost or Shock. Their costume weapon has that weapon property. At level 13, the magic girl must choose Flaming burst, Icy burst or Shocking burst (they needn't choose one that matches their first choice). Their costume weapon has that weapon property as well.

    If the magic girl transforms while wearing armor/holding a weapon with a higher enhancement bonus than the costume element that replaces it (temporary bonuses don't count), that costume element has that enhancement bonus instead. If they transform while wearing armor/holding a weapon with a magic property, the costume element that replaces it has that property as well.

    Charming Battle (Ex):
    Magic girls can use their charm in combat. Starting at level 2, the magic girl can use their Charisma modifier on attack and damage rolls in addition to the normal ability score (Strength or Dexterity, depending on the attack) while transformed.

    Hope's Power (Ex):
    Magic girls are fueled by hope. Starting at level 2, they may, as a non-action, add a +1 morale bonus to an attack roll, a saving throw, or a skill check they make. They can elect to apply the bonus to the roll after they determine that their unmodified roll is lower than desired and they may only apply it once per roll. The magic girl may use this a number of times per day equal to their Charisma bonus.

    Ideal Sight (Su):
    Magic girls can see the forces of magic. Starting at level 3, the magic girl can, as an immediate action, cause their vision to flash colors based on magic fields around them. All magic auras flash visibly, with a color based on the school of the aura as follows:

    -Abjuration: Blue
    -Conjuration: Yellow
    -Divination: Purple
    -Enchantment: Orange
    -Evocation: Red
    -Illusion: White
    -Necromancy: Black
    -Transmutation: Green
    -Universal: Pink

    The brightness of the aura indicates the power of the aura. The magic girl can use this power at will.

    Hammerspace (Su):
    Magic girls are great at hiding things. Starting at level 3, the magic girl has a extra-dimensional pocket for storing things. This pocket can store 10 pounds of stuff per magic girl level. Putting items in to this pocket and taking items out of this pocket is a move action. Drawing an item does not provoke attacks of opportunity.

    More skilled magic girls can even produce items they didn't actually bring. Starting at level 9, the magic girl has an undefined, weightless, item stored in hammerspace. As a full-round action, they pull this item out, defining what it is as they do so. They may define it as any mundane item worth up to the magic girls class level gold pieces that weighs 5 pounds or less. The item is as useful as any other item of that type, but clearly has no real value. If they put this item back into hammerspace, it becomes undefined and weightless once more and can't be taken out again for 90 minutes. If the item is not put back into hammerspace within 24 hours, it vanishes and returns to hammerspace (also becoming undefined and weightless).

    Eternal Light (Ex):
    The endless hope of the magic girl sustains them. Starting at level 3, the magic girl does not need to eat food. They may still do so, if they wish.

    As the magic girl gains levels, their hope sustains them further. Starting at level 6, the magic girl does not need to drink water. Starting at level 8, the magic girl can endure heat and cold (as the spell endure elements as a permanent effect). Starting at level 11, the magic girl does not need to sleep. Starting at level 14, the magic girl does not need to breathe. They may still do these things, if they wish.

    Eventually, their hope alone sustains them forever. Starting at level 17, the magic girl becomes immune to aging, becoming ageless. As a result, they no longer takes penalties to their ability scores for aging, nor do they gain bonuses for it (any penalties/bonuses already in place remain). They do not die of old age.

    Charming Defense (Ex):
    Magic girls can use their charm to protect themselves. Starting at level 4, the magic girl can use their Charisma modifier on Armor Class and Saving throws in addition to the normal ability score (Dexterity for AC and Reflex, Constitution for Fortitude, Wisdom for Will) while transformed.

    Hope's Light (Su):
    The radiance of hope shines through the magic girl's charm. Starting at level 4, the magic girls charm glows, clearly illuminating a 20-foot radius and providing shadowy illumination out to a 40-foot radius. The magic girl and other creatures can see normally in the light. This light is suppressed in magical darkness, and the magic girl can choose to suppress the light at will.

    Skyclaim (Su):
    Magic girls can claim control over the skies. Starting at level 5, the magic girl can fly while transformed, with a fly speed equal to their base land speed (perfect maneuverability). In addition, magic girls of at least level 3 are immune to falling damage, even when not transformed.

    Starting at level 9, their transformed fly speed increases to double their base land speed (perfect maneuverability). In addition, they can even fly while not transformed, gaining a fly speed of 10 feet (good maneuverability).

    Hopeful (Ex):
    The hope of magic girls carries them through tough times. Starting at level 5, a magic girl is immune to fear (magical or otherwise) and any emotion based negative effects (e.g. crushing despair).

    Light Hands (Su):
    Magic girls can help heal their allies. Starting at level 5, the magic girl can, as a standard action, touch someone to heal them. The touched individual is is healed a number of hit points equal to triple the magic girls Charisma modifier, with a minimum of 6 points. The magic girl can use this ability 3 times per day. At 10th level and every 5 levels after that, the magic girl gains another daily use of this ability.

    Ranged Slash (Su):
    Simply staying away can not let you evade the magic girl's attacks. Starting at level 6, the magic girl can make ranged attacks with the weapon in their costume. They may, as an attack action, make a melee attack from up to 30 feet away, but only with the weapon in their costume while transformed (they may do this as part of a full attack).

    Costume Power (Su):
    Magic girls can call upon some of the power of their costume even when not transformed. If an untransformed magic girl of at least 6th level is holding/wearing a weapon/armor that is of a type in their costume, that item is considered masterwork, even if it is not. If the magic girl is at least level 11, the item is also magic and has a +1 enhancement bonus. If the weapon/armor being used has an enhancement bonus already, use the higher bonus. Any magic properties of the weapons/armor still work normally.

    This bonus increases as the magic girl gains levels, increasing to +2 at level 16 and +3 at level 18. Starting at level 13, the items affected by this class feature also gain a magic property of their own. Armor affected has the light fortification property, while weapons affected have the weapon property chosen at level 7 for the costume weapon.

    Spellguard (Ex):
    Magic girls can be hard to affect with spells. Starting at level 7, the magic girl gains Spell Resistance 11 + their character level while transformed. Starting at level 19, this Spell Resistance is increased to 16 + their character level. In addition, starting at level 19, the magic girl has Spell Resistance 6 + their character level even when not transformed.

    Swift Change (Su):
    Normally, transforming takes a fair bit of time. However, skilled magic girls can skip the wait. Starting at level 7, the magic girl can transform as a swift action. They may do this once per day. When a magic girl transforms as a swift action, they do not create the fascinated effect created from a normal transformation.

    At levels 12 and 17, the magic girl gains an extra daily use of this ability.

    Charming Life (Ex):
    Magic girls can use their charm to stay alive. Starting at level 8, the magic girl can use their Charisma modifier instead of their Constitution to calculate their hit points while transformed. When transforming back, if the loss of hit points from this feature would kill you, you instead have -9 hitpoints and are automatically stabilized.

    Well of Hope (Ex):
    When a magic girl is ready to fight, they will not yield and when their hope swells, it swells to the peak. Starting at level 9, all morale bonuses the magic girl receives are doubled. At level 12, this increases to tripled. At level 15, this increases again to quadrupled.

    Charming Wit (Ex):
    Magic girls can use their charm to remain aware. Starting at level 10, the magic girl can use their Charisma modifier on Spot, Listen, Search and Sense Motive skill checks in addition to the normal ability score (Wisdom for Spot, Listen and Sense Motive, Intelligence for Search) while transformed.

    Pure Charm (Ex):
    More skilled magic girls can use their charm even when not transformed. Starting at 13th level, they gain the benefits of their Charming Offense, Charming Defense, Charming Life and Charming Wit class features even while not transformed. In addition, their charm swells while transformed. While the magic girl is transformed, they get a +4 untyped bonus to their Charisma. At 19th level, this untyped bonus increases to +6.

    Endless Hope (Su):
    Simply killing a magic girl isn't enough to get rid of them. Starting at level 20, if the magic girl dies, they are raised from the dead in 2d10 days (as per the spell true resurrection) at the location of their choice. If the magic girl dies within 1 week of being raised by this ability, this ability does not raise them from that death.

    ACF: Cold and Calculating
    Not every magic girl derives their power from hope; some derive it from careful study of situation around them.

    Level: 1

    Benefit: This ACF alters the effect of the following magic girl class features:

    • Charm: The magic girl's charm gives its enhancement bonus to Intelligence instead of Charisma.
    • Transform: The Will save to avoid being fascinated DC 10+half the magic girls's level (round down)+their Int modifier (instead of their Cha modifier).
    • Charming Offense, Charming Defense, Charming Life, Charming Wit: Replace Charisma with Intelligence in these class features.
    • Hope's Power: The magic girl may this feature a number of times per day equal to their Intelligence bonus (instead of Charisma).
    • Light Hands: The healing is triple the magic girls Intelligence modifier (instead of Charisma), with minimum of 6 points.
    • Pure Charm: This class feature gives its untyped bonus to Intelligence instead of Charisma.
    Last edited by qwertyu63; 2014-11-15 at 09:51 PM.

    My Homebrew-Estote clementes, et numquam desinete discere.-FanAdv

  2. - Top - End - #2
    Dwarf in the Playground

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    Default Re: By the power of hope: Magic Girl

    One of the better Magical Girl classes I've seen. Is it bad that as I went through this I was calculating ways to achieve the abilities listed in Mutants and masterminds (3E) ? [It's the main system my group uses]
    You cannot kill that which is already Ded

  3. - Top - End - #3
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: By the power of hope: Magic Girl

    Looks fun. This might be of interest.

  4. - Top - End - #4
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: By the power of hope: Magic Girl

    Quote Originally Posted by DedWards View Post
    One of the better Magical Girl classes I've seen. Is it bad that as I went through this I was calculating ways to achieve the abilities listed in Mutants and masterminds (3E) ? [It's the main system my group uses]
    Why thank you.

    Quote Originally Posted by BWR View Post
    Looks fun. This might be of interest.
    That class looks like it could make a great well of ideas, but man it needs work. Mostly in the form of finishing all the sections, or commenting out the unfinished ones. There also needs to be a summary table of those Programs, for ease of use.

    My Homebrew-Estote clementes, et numquam desinete discere.-FanAdv

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    Halfling in the Playground

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    Default Re: By the power of hope: Magic Girl

    As it is, this PrC is easily takeable by 4th level. Was this your intention?

    Just seems like an odd number, as common convention for PrCs is 6th, though I know there are some you can enter before (Racial Paragon, Master Specialist, etc.)
    Last edited by Yarghenforgen; 2013-12-12 at 08:24 AM.

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    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: By the power of hope: Magic Girl

    Quote Originally Posted by Yarghenforgen View Post
    As it is, this PrC is easily takeable by 4th level. Was this your intention?

    Just seems like an odd number, as common convention for PrCs is 6th, though I know there are some you can enter before (Racial Paragon, Master Specialist, etc.)
    That is intentional. I thought level 4 was as good a place as any.

    My Homebrew-Estote clementes, et numquam desinete discere.-FanAdv

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    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: By the power of hope: Magic Girl

    Very nice, but where would you take such character past 10th level?

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    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: By the power of hope: Magic Girl

    Quote Originally Posted by nonsi View Post
    Very nice, but where would you take such character past 10th level?
    I don't know, go back to whatever your base class was. This actually would have been a base class, but I couldn't make up enough stuff.

    My Homebrew-Estote clementes, et numquam desinete discere.-FanAdv

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    Orc in the Playground

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    Default Re: By the power of hope: Magic Girl

    Quote Originally Posted by qwertyu63 View Post
    I don't know, go back to whatever your base class was. This actually would have been a base class, but I couldn't make up enough stuff.
    Might I suggest something? One of the main ways we see magical girls fight is by summoning magically enhanced weapons. Perhaps there should be something about that? They all have at least one weapon they gained upon signing the contract. Also, not only do we see them do this, but we also see certain "super attacks" that simply do more damage with the chosen weapon, sounds like there could be a power tree in there somewhere...

    Anyway just some thoughts, I think this class is much better done than others like it I have seen, well done

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  10. - Top - End - #10
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: By the power of hope: Magic Girl

    I believe this also should be mentioned :-)
    Tome of Radiance, a Magical Girl sourcebook for 3.5/PF.

    "Jamie" is fine. TH is mostly there to make sure the name would be free on any forum I'd want to register :-)

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    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: By the power of hope: Magic Girl

    Quote Originally Posted by jamieth View Post
    I believe this also should be mentioned :-)
    @qwertyu63: You did a really fine job thematically here.
    Maybe you could use jamieth's redirection to cook a full fledged base class (best of luck if you go for it).

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    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: By the power of hope: Magic Girl

    You forgot to put Spot on the skills list.

  13. - Top - End - #13
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: By the power of hope: Magic Girl

    Also AuraTwilight's Mahou Kodomo, and my Servant Soul.

    Funny enough, one of my design goals with the servant soul was that you could build a party entirely of them with no overlap in abilities. Soon I won't have to bother since we'll have a dozen different classes for magical girls.

  14. - Top - End - #14
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: By the power of hope: Magic Girl

    I should mention: my magic girl is... I'll go with nicer... to the person who takes it. Less Puella Magi Madoka Magica, more... almost any other magic girl show ever.

    Quote Originally Posted by ObliviMancer View Post
    Might I suggest something? One of the main ways we see magical girls fight is by summoning magically enhanced weapons. Perhaps there should be something about that? They all have at least one weapon they gained upon signing the contract. Also, not only do we see them do this, but we also see certain "super attacks" that simply do more damage with the chosen weapon, sounds like there could be a power tree in there somewhere...

    Anyway just some thoughts, I think this class is much better done than others like it I have seen, well done
    And here we have "idea I had was going to borrow, and then scrapped". I was thinking of reintroducing it though. I'll get on that.
    EDIT: This is now done.

    Quote Originally Posted by jamieth View Post
    I believe this also should be mentioned :-)
    And that is the spot I would have borrowed it from (actually from the former thread of that, but same basic idea).

    Quote Originally Posted by nonsi View Post
    You forgot to put Spot on the skills list.
    Derp... TBH, that list was made by copying the bard list and deleting stuff. I'll go add in Spot.
    EDIT: This is now done.

    Quote Originally Posted by bekeleven View Post
    Also AuraTwilight's Mahou Kodomo, and my Servant Soul.

    Funny enough, one of my design goals with the servant soul was that you could build a party entirely of them with no overlap in abilities. Soon I won't have to bother since we'll have a dozen different classes for magical girls.
    Reading over the former, I found nothing worth copying for this project (nor worth taking levels in really, but I suspect that was the point).

    Reading over the latter, I find a well designed class. I never would have thought that class a magical girl if you didn't say so in the intro.
    Last edited by qwertyu63; 2013-12-13 at 09:41 AM.

    My Homebrew-Estote clementes, et numquam desinete discere.-FanAdv

  15. - Top - End - #15
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: By the power of hope: Magic Girl

    Reading over the former, I found nothing worth copying for this project (nor worth taking levels in really, but I suspect that was the point).
    I have to concur; atleast insofar as it's Meguca and thus not what you're going for.

    I'll also point out that the class is designed for gestalting, so that it's a pure power-gain. I wanted to emulate a "shines bright, burns out quickly" thing. :3 So yea, you've kind of gotten the point.

    Also, yes, Servant Soul owns. And this is an awesome prestige class if there were more power choices. The five groups are kind of limiting.

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    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: By the power of hope: Magic Girl

    Quote Originally Posted by AuraTwilight View Post
    I have to concur; atleast insofar as it's Meguca and thus not what you're going for.

    I'll also point out that the class is designed for gestalting, so that it's a pure power-gain. I wanted to emulate a "shines bright, burns out quickly" thing. :3 So yea, you've kind of gotten the point.

    Also, yes, Servant Soul owns. And this is an awesome prestige class if there were more power choices. The five groups are kind of limiting.
    Alright, good to know.

    Also, there would be more power groups, but the idea well ran dry. I couldn't think of any more. Any ideas?
    Last edited by qwertyu63; 2013-12-13 at 05:53 PM.

    My Homebrew-Estote clementes, et numquam desinete discere.-FanAdv

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    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: By the power of hope: Magic Girl

    You've done Air Queen. What about other [Element] [Royalty] types?

    Also, simply utility-type things, like Bag of Holding-effects, weaving illusions, and so forth? The Magical Girl archetype can do more than blasting hope lasers and healing people.

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    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: By the power of hope: Magic Girl

    Quote Originally Posted by AuraTwilight View Post
    You've done Air Queen. What about other [Element] [Royalty] types?

    Also, simply utility-type things, like Bag of Holding-effects, weaving illusions, and so forth? The Magical Girl archetype can do more than blasting hope lasers and healing people.
    ...Air Queen was just the only name that came to mind for a flying ability. Thanks for that idea.

    A bag of holding effect doesn't seem like it would work as a power... as a class feature to fill in level 2 though...

    Illusions, I can work with... EDIT: this one done.
    Last edited by qwertyu63; 2013-12-13 at 07:11 PM.

    My Homebrew-Estote clementes, et numquam desinete discere.-FanAdv

  19. - Top - End - #19
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: By the power of hope: Magic Girl

    Alright, time to reshake the class. I pitched the idea of magic powers, instead turning some of them into class features. I also added in a couple other class features. And to allow it to fit better into builds, it gives half advancement on... everything.

    My Homebrew-Estote clementes, et numquam desinete discere.-FanAdv

  20. - Top - End - #20
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: By the power of hope: Magic Girl

    Hahaha, wow, this is massively better now. Great work.

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    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: By the power of hope: Magic Girl

    Quote Originally Posted by qwertyu63 View Post
    Reading over the latter, I find a well designed class. I never would have thought that class a magical girl if you didn't say so in the intro.
    Well, I've also used it to build viking berserkers. Here's to class flexibility!

    Now, as to reading through this class again:

    Class Features: Copy-editing error. Refers to "Godling".

    Charm: Looks very promising item to item familiar, especially if used on an amulet or something (I always prefer amulets to rings). Of course, you run the risk of someone realizing your power source and sundering it, or figuring out that it's a Su ability and keeping it in their Antimagic safe.

    The bonus to charisma being +2 enhancement is tricky. It means it doesn't stack, even if the item already grants +2 Charisma. Perhaps include a clause to increase existing bonuses by 2?

    Transform: what, this isn't a free action? I feel like your magical girls will be dead before they can even say in whose name their enemies are going to be punished.

    Costume: The phrasing in this is pretty convoluted (and I should know, I wrote convoluted phrasing in my day. also that day was today). The character can load their real weapons and armor with WSAs and then cast magical weapon for the effects to carry over, I suppose. In fact, I foresee that happening because the bonuses you give are pretty low.

    I hope you plan on buffing this D6-HD, full-round-combat-starter, restricted-to-melee-weapons class in the later abilities...

    Charming Battle: I see two things:

    1. In order for this class to be beneficial, this character must be deliberately gimped before taking it (melee attacker dumping physical stats).

    2. This character will have to, from the get-go, be dumping nontrivial WBL into charisma boosts. Which again, means that their charm bonus will be overwritten.

    Hammerspace: Looks fun (if slightly limited compared to shapesand and marvelous pigments). I'd specify that it doesn't provoke and call it a day.

    Oh, one more thing, what if I turn it to food and eat it? Or a quiver of arrows? Or a cheap alchemical potion? Or...

    Charming Defense: Everyone and their paladin mother gets Cha to Saves without ditching their first ability. Or are you phrasing it this way because you assume any optimizer will use one of those as entry?

    Charming Wit: Copy-editing error.

    Pure Charm: A stacking bonus to charisma! Excellent, just what this class needs.

    General/Fluff: Seems a bit funny that a D6, medium armor-using class is expected to melee, but I guess bards and rogues exist. I find the concept of an evil Magical Girl amusing, with all their morale synergy and abilities about life.

    The class's expected entry looks to be 3 levels in bard, paladin, marshal, or I dunno, swashbuckler. Basically, something with charisma focus that's not a major spellcaster, and preferably higher than D6 HD (since their HP will be terrible until Charming Life, unless entering the class as an undead). This class will give some extremely minor WBL boosts to armor, weapons, and charisma boosters - so minor that I think most of them will be 0 (except light fortification). It also grants low BAB and the ability to increase it with a full-round action: clearly ambushes are not the magical girl's strong suit. If I can toot my own horn, I would (if nothing else) provide a feat to decrease transformation time. The saves are actually good with a martial entry, or at least as good as any class with a single good save. "Yes bek, we get it, the chassis sucks." Onwards!

    Most of the class appears to be the ability to use charisma for everything ever, but as a replacement for other stats. This means that starting midlevel a build could be rather SAD, but if starting early - again, the experience would be rocky. This isn't a deadly sin, but personally I try to make classes with consistent playstyles and play experiences, or else you end up with truenamers spamming gate or what have you. The other abilities - bag of holding, cheap minor creation, 30ft standard action attack (why not charge?) - are flavorful but not powerful enough to impact balance. The class's main refuge appears to be that it only actually eats 5 levels from your base class. Of course, on the subject of berserker magical girls, a barbarian 8 would have somewhat better proportional HP than a Brb3/Magical Girl 10. Maybe the Charisma would make up for it.

    The class is roughly tier 4 in power level, I think. Mainly it's just a vehicle for, say, a PC Succubus to move all combat powers to charisma. Besides that it has all of the weaknesses of any melee-locked martial class.

  22. - Top - End - #22
    Barbarian in the Playground

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    Dec 2011

    Default Re: By the power of hope: Magic Girl

    This PrC is fantastic. Brilliantly made, well done, I love everything about it

  23. - Top - End - #23
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: By the power of hope: Magic Girl

    Quote Originally Posted by bekeleven View Post
    Well, I've also used it to build viking berserkers. Here's to class flexibility!

    Now, as to reading through this class again:

    Class Features: Copy-editing error. Refers to "Godling".
    Oops. Can you tell which of my previous classes I copied the text from?

    Quote Originally Posted by bekeleven View Post
    Charm: Looks very promising item to item familiar, especially if used on an amulet or something (I always prefer amulets to rings). Of course, you run the risk of someone realizing your power source and sundering it, or figuring out that it's a Su ability and keeping it in their Antimagic safe.

    The bonus to charisma being +2 enhancement is tricky. It means it doesn't stack, even if the item already grants +2 Charisma. Perhaps include a clause to increase existing bonuses by 2?
    Crap. I always forget about item familiar as it is always banned in my games (I advise everyone bans it, but that is just my opinion).

    If your charm is sundered, it will return to you in perfect condition within 24 hours.

    Time to layout how this is expected to interact with anti-magic: If the magic girl is in it, their charm won't come back. If only the charm is in it, the anti-magic won't keep it away from the magic girl. (I do realize that is not intuitive, but is is what I intend.)

    The +Charisma effect is supposed to replace buying a Cloak of Charisma, not stack with it.

    Quote Originally Posted by bekeleven View Post
    Transform: what, this isn't a free action? I feel like your magical girls will be dead before they can even say in whose name their enemies are going to be punished.
    Have you seen how long these transformation sequences are? That said, I just had an idea (watch for it).

    Quote Originally Posted by bekeleven View Post
    Costume: The phrasing in this is pretty convoluted (and I should know, I wrote convoluted phrasing in my day. also that day was today). The character can load their real weapons and armor with WSAs and then cast magical weapon for the effects to carry over, I suppose. In fact, I foresee that happening because the bonuses you give are pretty low.
    That was the simplest wording I could think up that did what I wanted. That said, the scaling pattern is easily changed if it is too slow.

    Quote Originally Posted by bekeleven View Post
    I hope you plan on buffing this D6-HD, full-round-combat-starter, restricted-to-melee-weapons class in the later abilities...
    No comment.

    Quote Originally Posted by bekeleven View Post
    Charming Battle: I see two things:

    1. In order for this class to be beneficial, this character must be deliberately gimped before taking it (melee attacker dumping physical stats).

    2. This character will have to, from the get-go, be dumping nontrivial WBL into charisma boosts. Which again, means that their charm bonus will be overwritten.
    1: Fair enough, but I don't see how to fix it (except for switching it to "add Cha on top of the old score", which I don't want to do).

    2: See Charm.

    Quote Originally Posted by bekeleven View Post
    Hammerspace: Looks fun (if slightly limited compared to shapesand and marvelous pigments). I'd specify that it doesn't provoke and call it a day.

    Oh, one more thing, what if I turn it to food and eat it? Or a quiver of arrows? Or a cheap alchemical potion? Or...
    You know, my mind said "if I don't say either way, it won't provoke." I'll note it.

    For food/arrows, you can do that just fine, but it denies you your undefined item until it regenerates in 24 hours. I'm pretty sure there aren't any alchemical potions that cheap, but it there are any have at it.

    Quote Originally Posted by bekeleven View Post
    Charming Defense: Everyone and their paladin mother gets Cha to Saves without ditching their first ability. Or are you phrasing it this way because you assume any optimizer will use one of those as entry?
    I'm phrasing it that way because I am phrasing all of them that way.

    Quote Originally Posted by bekeleven View Post
    Charming Wit: Copy-editing error.
    Thanks, fixing it.

    Quote Originally Posted by bekeleven View Post
    Pure Charm: A stacking bonus to charisma! Excellent, just what this class needs.

    Quote Originally Posted by bekeleven View Post
    General/Fluff: Seems a bit funny that a D6, medium armor-using class is expected to melee, but I guess bards and rogues exist. I find the concept of an evil Magical Girl amusing, with all their morale synergy and abilities about life.
    The basic chassis is a modification of the Bard chassis.

    Allowing evil Magical Girls is intentional.

    Quote Originally Posted by bekeleven View Post
    The class's expected entry looks to be 3 levels in bard, paladin, marshal, or I dunno, swashbuckler. Basically, something with charisma focus that's not a major spellcaster, and preferably higher than D6 HD (since their HP will be terrible until Charming Life, unless entering the class as an undead). This class will give some extremely minor WBL boosts to armor, weapons, and charisma boosters - so minor that I think most of them will be 0 (except light fortification). It also grants low BAB and the ability to increase it with a full-round action: clearly ambushes are not the magical girl's strong suit. If I can toot my own horn, I would (if nothing else) provide a feat to decrease transformation time. The saves are actually good with a martial entry, or at least as good as any class with a single good save. "Yes bek, we get it, the chassis sucks." Onwards!
    The bard was what I had in mind, but an intentional point is that almost anyone could get in (Hell, the aristocrat can get in easily).

    Ambushes very much not their thing.

    Quote Originally Posted by bekeleven View Post
    Most of the class appears to be the ability to use charisma for everything ever, but as a replacement for other stats. This means that starting midlevel a build could be rather SAD, but if starting early - again, the experience would be rocky. This isn't a deadly sin, but personally I try to make classes with consistent playstyles and play experiences, or else you end up with truenamers spamming gate or what have you. The other abilities - bag of holding, cheap minor creation, 30ft standard action attack (why not charge?) - are flavorful but not powerful enough to impact balance. The class's main refuge appears to be that it only actually eats 5 levels from your base class. Of course, on the subject of berserker magical girls, a barbarian 8 would have somewhat better proportional HP than a Brb3/Magical Girl 10. Maybe the Charisma would make up for it.
    Part of the "Cha-replace" abilities is that I want all of them to work the same way. Add in to that the fact that Charming Life is too good as an addition to the former ability.

    Small comment: "30ft standard action attack (why not charge?)" Because after using this, you are still 30ft away from your foe. That said, I will be editing it to be usable as part of a full attack.

    Quote Originally Posted by bekeleven View Post
    The class is roughly tier 4 in power level, I think. Mainly it's just a vehicle for, say, a PC Succubus to move all combat powers to charisma. Besides that it has all of the weaknesses of any melee-locked martial class.
    No comment.

    My Homebrew-Estote clementes, et numquam desinete discere.-FanAdv

  24. - Top - End - #24
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: By the power of hope: Magic Girl

    Well, this class just underwent a huge change... the addition of 10 more levels. This is now a base class.

    My Homebrew-Estote clementes, et numquam desinete discere.-FanAdv

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