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Thread: [Race] Guado

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    Dwarf in the Playground
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    Default [Race] Guado

    This is my very first actual post, so, um, hello. :D

    I can't remember how natural weapons work, and of course I start with a race that has them. I'm trying to make this an ECL+0 race, but anything +2 and down would be passable. Medium claws are 1d3, right? Or 1d4?

    This race originates from Final Fantasy X, and I guessed on the Plant-based traits. In-game, they're shown to use their claws and claw-based weapons, and often summon Fiends in battle. Fiends, in FFX, are the dead that become restless and angry, and take on the forms of monsters in out of jealousy and/or hate. They're not undead, as there are specific types that are damaged by curative magic and are specifically called undead. It's kinda tricky in FFX. I translated that skill with Fiends, which take the place of monstrous animals, into a Handle Animals bonus, but maybe a bonus to summoning spells? I dunno, that's why I'm here :V. I have no idea how I'd format that.

    PS: SO MANY WORDS D: so much typing.

    On Guado:
    Blurb-thing: The Guado, mysterious plant-like folk that live in the Rooted City of Guadosalam, were once deeply respected by all. After the actions of Maester Seymour, however, they have become a repentant people, seeking to regain even a fraction of their good graces. Known far and wide for their connection to the Farplane, Guado have served as the shepherds of the dead and the maintainers of the afterlife for as long as anyone, or anything, can remember.

    For pre-FFX Spira, use this instead: The Guado, mysterious plant-like folk that live in the Rooted City of Guadosalam, are deeply respected by all.
    Quiet and insular, little is known about the Guado beyond myths and rumors. Led by Jyscal (Or by his son, the Maester Seymor), they are known far and wide as being the shepherds of the dead and maintainers of the Farplane, Spira's land of the dead.

    Personality: Even though the Guado have mostly split along generational lines, they still have many things in common. They are a private people, who keep to themselves, but are exceedingly polite. They don't speak when a gesture would do, or use three words when one would do. They show affection more through presence and contact than words, and living alone is almost unthinkable to a Guado.

    Physical Description: Guado are about the same height as humans, but they run on the thin side, and have unusually long arms and willowy hands, with long strong nails that end in a sharp point. Their hair resembles tangled roots, which can be any human shade, as well as green, or in rare cases, blue. They tend towards being very pale, enough to show their veins through their skin. However, Guado tan quickly and very well, to a deep brown shade. Older men usually grow beards, while younger ones often have trouble growing facial hair at all. Their eyes usually match their haircolor. Most Guado, both male and female, wear long robes, dyed in dark blues and earthy colors, often with a shawl, with pants and other types of clothing being more common to guards or Blitzball players.

    Relations: Guado are in an unusual position in Spira, in that they are the wardens and maintainers of the Farplane, Spira's land of the dead, and therefore Guadosalam, their homeland, is a destination for many, from all places and all races. Before the Great Calm and the events directly preceding it, they maintained neutrality at all costs, never taking sides in the conflicts between Yevonites and all the other factions, from the Al Behd to the more extreme mountain-worshiping Ronso. When Seymour took control of the Guado, he promptly drove that reputation into the ground, making the Ronso and Al Behd their enemy. At this point in time, past the Great Calm and the Great Upheavals, the Guado are tenuous allies of the Ronso, and are repairing their damaged reputation with the rest of Spira, slowly yet surely.

    For pre-FFX Spira, use this instead: Guado are in an unusual position in Spira, in that they are the wardens and maintainers of the Farplane, Spira's land of the dead, and therefore a destination for many, from all places and all races. Therefore, they are painfully neutral, never taking sides in the conflicts between Yevonites and all the other factions, from the Al Behd to the more extreme mountain-worshiping Ronso. They're usually a non-factor in politics because of this.

    Alignment: Guado have tendencies both towards law and neutrality. They seek to keep the cycle of life and death balanced, and are an orderly sort.

    Guado Lands: Guado only control Guadosalam and the surrounding lands. This large city, built in the roots of a massive, ancient tree, is also the gateway to the Farplane, where all properly sent dead go to rest. The Guado have lived in that place as far back as anyone can remember. Guadosalam is open to any who wish to visit, but it's difficult to find a place to live unless one is useful to the community.

    For post-FFX Spira, add this: Before the Great Calm, only Guado and traders were allowed to live in Guadosalam. Even after it, and the Great Upheavals that followed, it's still incredibly difficult for non-Guados to obtain a home in the city. Guado who live in other places are almost always traders, shopkeeps, or help organize pilgrimages to Guadosalam. Interspecies marriage and children are unheard of, and this is reinforced by the massive mistake that Seymour was. They dislike the ocean, and stick to the mainland.

    Religion: This is where the split between the younger and older generation becomes most evident. The older generation follows a sort of animism, focusing around the great tree in which Guadosalam is situated. The newer one follows standard Yevonism as brought to them by Jyscal.

    Language: Besides Common, most Guado also speak their own language. Guado is often seen in old books of history or botany, and is often used in old songs for the dead, or those about plants.

    Names: All Guado have a personal and family name. The personal name traditionally has two syllables, unless they are twins, in which each one has a one-syllable name. These names are given at birth, and they cannot be changed by any means. Familial names are always three or more syllables, to distinguish them from personal names.
    Example Male Names: Jyscal, Tromwell, Zazi, Noi.
    Example Female Names: Pah, Giella, Yuma.
    Example Family Names: Nabara.

    Adventurers: If the character is from the younger generation, she has much the same reasons as anyone else to be out adventuring. Finding Spheres, defeating (or, more likely in the case of Guado, taming) Fiends, and just plain old exploring. Older ones are much more likely to be in search of some specific tome or holy place, or on their own sort of pilgrimage, performing the same services as a Summoner: Sending the dead on to the Farplane, and thereby prevent new Fiends from forming. Before the Yevonite religion took power, the Guado provided those services, and to the ones living today, travelling around, performing those duties again, could be seen as a way to connect to the past or relive a golden age long passed.

    Guado Racial Traits:

    • Medium-sized Humanoid. (They use the Human height but the Half-elf weight tables, as well as the Half-elf's aging table.)
    • +2 WIS, -2 STR. Guado are wise and observant, but not very strong.
    • Sense the Unsent(ex)*, 3/day. Guado can sense the undead and the presence of Fiends with ease. The cone from this spell radiates from the face, and if, for some reason, the Guado is rendered unable to smell, this does not work. This ability cannot be blocked by nonmagical scents.
    • Plant Blood. This grants +2 on saving throws vs. compulsions and charms, and +2 saving throws vs. Poison.
    • Favored Class: Druid. Guado are devoted to the natural world, and often seek to protect it, especially in the Great Calm, where the natural magic of the world has weakened.
    • +2 Handle Animal Skill. Guado are exceptionally good with animals, and often travel with a pet/guardian/Animal Companion.
    • +1 to caster level on conjuration spells of the summoning sub school. All Guado have a knack for summoning.
    • Natural attack: Claws, 1d4 + STR Modifier. These are slashing and piercing weapons.
    • ECL + 0

    Red Stuff is post-people talking to me about it.
    Last edited by Karma Guard; 2007-02-28 at 10:49 PM.

  2. - Top - End - #2
    Dwarf in the Playground

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    Default Re: [Race] Guado

    This is good stuff. I might use this in a world im thinking up right now. plant traits are:

    Plant Type
    This type comprises vegetable creatures. Note that regular plants, such as one finds growing in gardens and fields, lack Wisdom and Charisma scores (see Nonabilities) and are not creatures, but objects, even though they are alive.

    A plant creature has the following features.

    8-sided Hit Dice.
    Base attack bonus equal to ¾ total Hit Dice (as cleric).
    Good Fortitude saves.
    Skill points equal to (2 + Int modifier, minimum 1) per Hit Die, with quadruple skill points for the first Hit Die, if the plant creature has an Intelligence score. However, some plant creatures are mindless and gain no skill points or feats.
    A plant creature possesses the following traits (unless otherwise noted in a creature’s entry).

    Low-light vision.
    Immunity to all mind-affecting effects (charms, compulsions, phantasms, patterns, and morale effects).
    Immunity to poison, sleep effects, paralysis, polymorph, and stunning.
    Not subject to critical hits.
    Proficient with its natural weapons only.
    Proficient with no armor.
    Plants breathe and eat, but do not sleep.
    Thats from the srd ( hope it helps.

  3. - Top - End - #3
    Dwarf in the Playground
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    Default Re: [Race] Guado

    I checked the SRD, and took the bonus to the saves from that, because giving a race all the plant traits is almost ridiculous, especially with a very humanoid race with a low ECL.

    In the setting, they're basically the elves. You know, old, wise race that do lots of old, important stuff. In this case it just happens to be taking care of the dead. :V

  4. - Top - End - #4
    Dwarf in the Playground

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    Default Re: [Race] Guado

    Seems fine to me. If anything, I'd say that the abilities are too weak, and natural weapons that small will never be used by a PC except in the case of emergencies.

    I'd even consider increasing the benefits of the 'Plant Blood.' Maybe a nice bonus against poison?

  5. - Top - End - #5
    Barbarian in the Playground

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    Default Re: [Race] Guado

    Maybe a caster bonus on summoning spells?
    Speak with animals as a spell like ability?
    Ceika is amazing, because she made my Yuna avie. Yay Ceika!

  6. - Top - End - #6
    Dwarf in the Playground
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    Default Re: [Race] Guado

    Quote Originally Posted by ajkkjjk52 View Post
    Seems fine to me. If anything, I'd say that the abilities are too weak, and natural weapons that small will never be used by a PC except in the case of emergencies.

    I'd even consider increasing the benefits of the 'Plant Blood.' Maybe a nice bonus against poison?
    The natural weapons are more of, yeah, supposed to be weak. They use clawlike weapons much more often than their actual hands, but it should be addressed.

    The Poison save sounds like a good idea.

    Quote Originally Posted by Rama_Lei View Post
    Maybe a caster bonus on summoning spells?
    I'm not sure how to do that. Maybe summon (Result)+1 thing, up to the actual maximum?

  7. - Top - End - #7
    Barbarian in the Playground

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    Default Re: [Race] Guado

    No, just a +1 to caster level on conjuration spells of the summoning sub school.
    Ceika is amazing, because she made my Yuna avie. Yay Ceika!

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    Dwarf in the Playground
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    Default Re: [Race] Guado

    Quote Originally Posted by Rama_Lei View Post
    No, just a +1 to caster level on conjuration spells of the summoning sub school.
    The magic of Copy/Paste. :D

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