Snips, Snails, and Dragon Tales: Now available in PDF format from Gumroad
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    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Tome of the Holy Grail: Draw Power From Legends. [3.5]

    Although the hero has fallen, her ideals - and power - live on.


    First, Type/Moon came out with a game called Fate/Stay Night, in which seven mages summoned heroic spirits of different classes to battle for the holy grail. Well, people liked it, so they expanded on other grail wars in Fate/Zero, made alternate universes in Fate/Extra and its sequel, Fate/Apocrophia, Fate/Strange Fake, and more. Anime, manga, books, breakfast cereals. You name it.

    Eventually they made Fate/kaleid liner PRISMA☆ILLYA, a magical girl series where mages can use Class Cards to summon weapons from, or call powers directly from, heroes of legend. Well, that's currently in its third run, and its TV adaptation is in its second season. You could say it was successful as well. But more than that, it was mechanically innovative and fairly clear about its world mechanics. So why not adapt it? (answer: because it will eat days of your life at a time.)

    The characters are mages, so of course the class gets spells. They stab, bludgeon, or shoot in combat, so of course it's a gish chassis. They can include a card to instantiate its weapon, or install it to overwrite a sliver of their own soul with that of the spirit's. So those are the core mechanics of the class. Minus the cards themselves, because when item-based class mechanics worked? I imagine they're still there, you just don't need rules for them.

    It's built to be tier 3. It's had a lot of streamlining, but some parts are a bit calculation heavy, depending on your spirits and ACFs. The goal is a class where saying "I'm a servant soul" tells someone nothing about your build or party role, because I want this class to be able to take any role, or even to take all roles for limited periods of a day. It's easy to design 5-10 servant souls with no overlap in functional abilities. I'm satisfied that I've met my goal.

    Anyway, after changing text in nearly every paragraph of the 42-page master document and running into text limits in the majority of the last thread’s posts, I’ve decided to move to a new thread with more space. And I won’t mention the number of spirits in the thread title this time. -Bek11

    Homebrew (of the homebrew)
    The following heroic spirits are made by others:
    Avenger- Angra Mainyu (Fate/hollow ataraxia) (The-Mage-King)
    Berserker - Sir Sadlygrove Percedal (Wakfu) (Amechra)
    Caster - Phyriss (Naheal)
    Caster & Saber - Robin (Fire Emblem: Awakening) (Naheal)
    A whole pile of spirits from Fate: Apocrypha (Silva Stormrage)

  2. - Top - End - #2
    Ogre in the Playground
    bekeleven's Avatar

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    Default The Servant Soul

    The Servant Soul

    “Thou body be mine, thou sword be at my hand! Heed my call in desire and reason! Swear to me now – the hand that protects the balanced circle of control! INSTALL!!”
    -Miyu Edelfelt, a Servant Soul

    Some people become such heroes of great renown that their legend lives on in an idealized form long after they die and are forgotten as people. The Soul Servant is a person who connects to the Heroic Spirit of a legend and draws power from it. By allowing part of the power of a Heroic Spirit into her soul, a servant soul gains abilities related to that hero in an effort to emulate the abilities of that hero in their idealized form. Heroic Spirits exist in group of classes, and a Servant Soul learns to harness abilities from each class in turn.

    Adventures: Servant Souls, with their power of sharing the souls of others, are ill-suited to home life requiring them to remain the same person. In addition, the influence of these significant heroes may inspire a Servant Soul to go out and change the world. Because of this, most Servant Souls, either on the road or sedentary, are visible agents in the world around them.

    Characteristics: The Servant Soul is primarily a melee combatant, with mostly melee weapons gained from her power. However, a servant soul can choose to specialize in ranged combat as well. Her weapons will grow in power as she levels, and eventually she’ll gain the ability to change herself in specialized ways when wielding each one. Her most powerful attacks, the Noble Phantasms, can only be used sparingly but will alter the course of a battle every time.

    Servant Souls have diversity in use, although said diversity is very strictly regulated. They can cast spells, but in most situations their caster level is lowered or they can only cast from limited lists. They can fight ranged, but few servant souls can do so with more than a single heroic spirit. Their class will give them additional abilities, but only one or two at a time, each tied to specific heroic spirits. Still, having 7 unique options allows a Servant Soul to perform many tasks for a party, both in and out of combat.

    Alignment: Most Servant Souls are good, emulating the heroes of legend. But for every time a child cheered the tyrant in a bedtime story, there was another evil hero, and the possibility of a Servant Soul following her. Similarly, while it requires some focus to bind oneself with a Heroic Spirit, a looseness of mind can help when adapting oneself to multiple. Because of this, powerful Servant Souls can come from any alignment.

    Religion: Many Servant Souls were taught at monasteries or temples, and will often be religious as a result. However, a Servant Soul is as pious as she was before learning the class, her skills not requiring any special devotion to deities. The most common deities worshipped by a non-human Servant Soul are the deities of their race, such as Corellon Larethian and Moradin. Human Servant Souls will worship strong deities that lend themselves well to heroism, such as Pelor for Servant Souls shining as beacons of light, St. Cuthbert for Servant Souls bringing justice to the untamed, or Erythnul for the servants that make spectacle of slaughter.

    Background: Servant Souls are not very organized, but learning the class does require another Servant Soul teaching the basic precepts and helping the acolyte bond to her first heroic spirit. Some of these teachers will take up residence in temples to their god or other friendly ones, offering to train devotees that don’t have the desire to become clerics or paladins; others wander the road, rarely taking apprentices. Servant Souls are welcome anywhere their alignment would allow them normally.

    Races: Humans, with their large numbers, adaptable nature and unabashed hero-worship, are commonly found among the ranks of Servant Souls. Elves, with their long lives, are known to produce heroic spirits with which to share power. Dwarves, with long histories and many heroes to choose from, are also apt to train as devotees of the past. Other common races are rare among the Servant Souls.

    Other Classes: Much of a Servant Soul’s outlook depends on her alignment, but they share abilities with spellcasters foremost. With Arcane casters they can discuss their own spells, whereas with divine casters they can bond over drawing power from extraplanar entities. While Servant Souls often make it a habit of hitting people with metal, their outlook is nothing like that of a barbarian, fighter or rogue.

    Role: Although lacking the strong hit point pool associated with fighters, a Servant Soul is commonly found among first- and second-line attackers. Most of a Servant Soul’s abilities relate to striking with weapons, so she will spend her battles with the general goals of hitting her opponents, making her a damage dealer first and foremost. However, she also has a moderate casting ability and some abilities associated with stealth, so her versatility is greater than most other attackers.

    Game Rule Information
    Abilities: Constitution determines how long a Servant Soul can include and install heroic spirits, as well as her hit points and fortitude save, making it the most important ability for most Servant Souls. A Servant Soul uses intelligence to cast spells both normally and when installing the Caster spirit, and other spirits use either strength or dexterity to hit with their weapons.

    Difficulty: Moderate.
    Starting Gold: 2D4*10 GP (50 GP).
    Alignment: Any.
    Hit Die: d8.

    Class Skills
    The Servant Soul’s class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Balance (Dex), Climb (Str), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Heal (Wis), Hide (Dex), Knowledge (Arcana) (Int), Knowledge (History) (Int), Knowledge (Nobility and Royalty) (Int), Knowledge (Religion) (Int), Listen (Wis), Move Silently (Dex), Perform (Cha), Profession (Wis), Ride (Dex), Sense Motive (Wis), Spellcraft (Int), Spot (Wis), and Use Magic Device (Cha).
    Skill Points at 1st Level: (4 + Int modifier) x 4.
    Skill Points at Each Additional Level: 4 + Int modifier.

    Table: The Servant Soul

    Class Features
    All of the following are class features of the Servant Soul.

    Weapon and Armor Proficiency: A Servant Soul is proficient with all simple weapons, as well as light and medium armor. She is also proficient with all weapons and shields summoned through her servant soul class abilities, or any weapons used as a function of her servant soul class abilities.

    Although servant souls cast arcane spells, she may freely wear light armor without a risk of her Servant Soul spells failing from it.

    Spells: A servant soul casts spells as a bard, but with intelligence as the primary casting ability, determining durations, spell effectiveness, bonus spells, and the like. Her caster level is equal to half of her servant soul level, except when installing, at which point her caster level increases to her full class level. Her spells by day are listed on table: The Servant Soul. A servant soul ignores arcane spell failure chances for wearing light armor when casting her servant soul spells. Servant souls incur no penalty for casting spells while holding a weapon or other object granted by any servant soul class feature.

    Spells Known: A servant soul begins play knowing two 0-level spell and two first-level spells from the servant soul spell list. At every new servant soul level, she learns one new spell from the servant soul spell list, which must be within the level of servant soul spells she can cast.

    Every time a servant soul contracts a heroic spirit, she gains access to one special spell of each level, based on that spirit’s class. She automatically learns all spells on the heroic spirit’s spell list of levels she can cast, and every time she gains access to a new level of servant soul spells, she automatically learns her heroic spirit’s spells of that level as well. In general, these are the only spells that she can use while installing that spirit.

    Heroic Spirits: A servant soul can, one by one, form contracts with heroic beings of legend. A first-level Servant Soul begins play contracted to a single heroic spirit of her choice. As she levels, she may contract another spirit every odd-numbered level until 13, as seen on Table: The Servant Soul. Each of these spirits must be of a different spirit type (Archer, Assassin, Berserker, Caster, Lancer, Rider or Saber are spirit types). These contracts determine which heroic spirits she can include and install, as well as allowing her to learn new spells.

    Heroic Spirit Include (Su): This ability allows a servant soul to manifest a weapon favored by a heroic spirit she knows. As a conjuration (creation) ability, this allows her to summon a facsimile of the original weapon to her, but her limited magical capacity will inhibit the power of the resulting weapon and the powers it grants. This ability is activated as a move action, and summons a weapon of the given type of a size able to be wielded by her. As seen below, the benefits of this weapon increase as the Servant Soul levels. At level 10, using includes is a free action.

    If she is holding a weapon when she uses her include, she may choose to turn that weapon into the item summoned by her include. This has no mechanical effect, in that the item is entirely overwritten with the included weapon’s statistics. However, it saves her the time of putting the weapon away when starting the include and drawing it when the include ends.

    Some abilities of heroic spirits scale off of the character's contractor level. A servant soul's contractor level is equal to her class level. Should she gain levels in another class that grants contractor levels, track these separately, and apply each to the abilities of that class.

    The weapon lasts for one round per primary ability bonus of the Servant (constitution for servant souls; minimum 1) plus an additional round for every two contractor levels she possesses (minimum 1). Each known spirit’s special weapon can be included once per encounter (once per five minutes outside encounters).

    All granted weapons are masterwork, and have a +1 enhancement bonus per 3 levels (rounded down) to a maximum of +5 at 15th level. In addition, each weapon has specific special abilities, as outlined in the heroic spirit description. Each weapon created is unique; she never summons the same copy twice.

    Some spirits summon magical items, which the servant soul may use freely. She automatically succeeds on any use magic device check with anything summoned through an include.

    Additional includes cannot be used while installing a servant, and installing a servant different from the one whose weapon you wield removes from creation any weapons currently included.

    Every class’s Include also allows for a separate ability, known as a noble phantasm. Usage of a noble phantasm will immediately end the Include upon its completion. If used during an Install, the noble phantasm will reduce the duration of the Install by a set number of rounds. If there are not enough rounds left in the Install, the noble phantasm will still trigger, and end the Install upon its resolution. Unless otherwise noted, all listed noble phantasms are full-round abilities that do not provoke attacks of opportunity, and any noble phantasm with a save DC use the DC 10 + 1/2 the user’s contractor level + the user’s contractor ability modifier (servant souls use constitution). If a noble phantasm has an effect that scales base on a fraction of contractor level (such as 1D6 per three levels, or +2 for every four levels, or one size increase for every five levels), the phantasm always performs a minimum of one (one die, one +2 bonus, one size increase, etc).

    At the end of the Include, any weapons created through it disappear from existence.

    Eschew Materials: A servant soul must be able to cast spells with weapons in both hands. At 2nd level, she gains Eschew Materials as a bonus feat to simplify her casting.

    Heroic Spirit Install (Su): A Servant Soul of sufficient level is capable of manifesting a small amount of a heroic spirit’s power, effectively infusing her soul with a hero’s for a short period of time. This has the effect of summoning the hero’s weapon, as well as changing the appearance of the Servant’s garb to appear more closely to be the hero, returned from beyond. This lasts an amount of time equal to half of her contractor levels plus her (new) contractor ability modifier (servant souls use constitution; minimum 1), and can be used once per day with every heroic spirit the Servant Soul access to. This takes a standard action to activate initially, but this reduces to a move action at 14th level. Dismissing an Install early, unless otherwise noted, is a free action.

    All installs give a bonus to one or more ability scores. Unless otherwise stated, these scores increase by 2 points, with an additional +2 point increase for every 10 contractor levels (a total of +4 at 10th level and +6 at 20th).

    Most will also grant a bonus to either fortitude or reflex saves. This will grant a bonus to that save type equal to the difference between the base will save granted by the servant soul’s class levels and the base save of the save specified in the spirit’s description. Effectively, it will temporarily turn the class’s base save from poor progression to good progression for the duration of the install. For instance, a level 10 servant soul has a base reflex save of +3 and a base will save of +7. When installing Assassin Hassan, who gives a bonus to reflex saves, she gains a +4 bonus on her reflex saves.

    Most heroic spirits also give a bonus to attack rolls. This bonus is equal to one quarter her contractor level (rounded up). In other words, it simulates the servant soul having a full base attack bonus (equal to her level), but does not give her a bonus on other things that base attack bonus increases, such as iterative attacks or grapple bonuses.

    Installing a heroic spirit also increases the servant soul’s caster level to her contractor level, although most spirits restrict the spells that can be cast.

    When a servant soul installs a heroic spirit, she includes that servant’s weapon for free, gaining access to the include’s noble phantasm. The include, and the weapon, will last as long as the install. Because of this, a Servant Soul may not install a heroic spirit whose weapon she cannot include (due to having included it too recently), even if she has not yet installed it that day. Using the include’s noble phantasm in the install will reduce the duration by the specified number of rounds.

    However, a servant soul may upgrade an include to an install while in the middle of the include. If doing this, activating the install takes the normal amount of time, and the install will last for the number of rounds remaining in the include (even if her constitution increased). Doing this counts as a use of install.

    In addition, a servant installing gains access to a new noble phantasm for each spirit. Using these noble phantasms will reduce the duration of the Install, just as the other noble phantasms do. As with other noble phantasms, if not enough rounds are left in the Install, the phantasm will conclude and terminate the install. Unless otherwise noted, all phantasms are full-round actions, and any noble phantasm with a save DC uses the DC 10 + 1/2 the user’s contractor level + the user’s contractor ability modifier.

    Bonus Servant Soul Feat: At 8th level and every five levels after (13th and 18th levels), a Servant Soul gains a bonus Servant Soul feat for which she meets the prerequisites.

    Heroic Spirit Mastery: This ability allows a Servant Soul to master a heroic spirit, although some restrictions apply. Every other level from 15 to 19, a Servant Soul may choose one of her contracted heroic spirits to master. Mastery of a spirit does the following:

    Every mastered spirit grants a Servant Soul one more heroic spirit install per day (from 7 before gaining any heroic spirit mastery, to 8 at level 15, 9 at 17, and 10/day at level 19).

    Mastery of a spirit allows a Servant Soul to use more than one of her installs per day on that spirit. For instance, a 15th level Servant Soul who had mastered assassin Hassan could install Hassan twice and all other servants once, or Hassan 5 times and 3 other servants once in a day, or any combination so long as she remains within her correct installs per day and only installs un-mastered spirits once. However, she cannot install the same spirit again before its weapon can be re-included (and thus, a servant soul can normally only install the same heroic spirit once per encounter).

    Heroic Transcendence: At level 20, a Servant Soul becomes a heroic being of legend. She changes her creature type to outsider (native) and ceases taking penalties from aging. An intrinsic part of reality, she does not die unless killed.

    In addition, she may choose a heroic spirit for which she has taken heroic spirit mastery. If she does, she may summon that spirit’s weapon at any time by making a full-round action, and is considered proficient with it. If the weapon leaves her possession for more than one round, it disappears. If she summons another weapon, the first disappears. These instantiations are considered all the same weapon for purposes of daily abilities.
    Although this is a weapon normally granted by heroic spirit includes, she may not use any noble phantasms unless she is in the appropriate include or install. When she includes or installs a heroic spirit with this weapon held or on her person, this weapon is temporarily removed, but returns when the include or install ends.
    Every time she refreshes her spells, she may change which heroic spirit grants her weapon. It must be a spirit with which she has heroic spirit mastery.

    Servant Soul Spell List
    0: Cure Minor Wounds, Daze, Detect Magic, Electric Jolt (SpC), Flare, Inflict Minor Wounds, Read Magic, Resistance
    1: Cure Light Wounds, Inflict Light Wounds, Kelgore’s Fire Bolt (PHBII), Thunderhead (SpC), Sleep, Swift Expeditious Retreat (PHBII)
    2: Combust (SpC), Cure Moderate Wounds, Electric Loop (SpC), Hideous Laughter, Inflict Moderate Wounds, Protection from Energy
    3: Corporeal Instability (SpC), Cure Serious Wounds, Fireball, Fly, Inflict Serious Wounds, Lighting Bolt
    4: Arc of Lightning (SpC), Channeled Pyroburst (PHBII), Cure Critical Wounds, Freedom of Movement, Inflict Critical Wounds, Phantasmal Killer
    5: Earth Reaver (SpC), Harm, Heal, Moonbow (SpC), Overland Flight, Wrack (SpC)

    Installing for the first time.

    Epic Servant Souls
    An epic Servant Soul is the pinnacle of devotions, always fashioning herself to learn more from the heroes of old. Either famous or infamous, an epic Servant Soul will be known wherever she goes.
    Hit Die: D8.
    Skill Points at Each Additional Level: 4 + Int Modifier
    Spells: A Servant Soul’s caster level is equal to half of her class level, as normal. Her spells per day do not increase past 20th level, but she gets a new spell known every level, as normal.
    Heroic Spirit Include: The duration of this ability continues to scale with level, as normal.
    Heroic Spirit Install: At level 22, installing becomes a swift action. Those with the Quicker Install feat can instead install as a free action.
    Durations and other level-based effects continue to scale based on level, as normal. However, bonuses on attack rolls and saves stop increasing after 20th level.
    Bonus Servant Soul Feat: A servant soul gains a bonus servant soul feat for which she meets the prerequisites at 23rd level and every five levels after (28th, 33rd, etc.).
    Heroic Spirit Mastery: At 21, 23, 25, and 27, a Servant Soul masters a new heroic spirit, to a maximum of all heroic spirits mastered and 14 installs per day at level 27. If she gained access to further spirits through feats, she may continue to master spirits every other level.
    Bonus Feats: An epic Servant Soul gets one bonus feat every fourth level past 20 (24, 28, etc.).
    Epic Servant Soul Bonus Feat List: Armor Skin, Blinding Speed, Damage Reduction, Devastating Critical, Dire Charge, Distant Shot, Epic Prowess, Epic Speed, Epic Spell Penetration, Exceptional Deflection, Great Constitution, Spell Knowledge

  3. - Top - End - #3
    Ogre in the Playground
    bekeleven's Avatar

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    Default Servant Soul Alternative Class Features

    Servant Soul Alternative Class Features

    Adapted Soul
    This class feature removes the raw power associated with Heroic Spirit Mastery and its additional installs for favored spirits. Instead, an adapted soul can switch her contracted spirits out to fit her needs.
    Level: 15th
    Replaces: If you select this class feature, you do not gain heroic spirit mastery.
    Benefit: Every time you would normally gain a heroic spirit mastery, you can instead designate one of your contracted spirit as a floating spirit. Every day when your spells refresh, you may choose to switch that spirit for another in the same type (Archer, Assassin, Berserker, Caster, Lancer, Rider or Saber are spirit types). You lose that spirit’s include, install and spells, and replace them with the new chosen spirit.

    Class Specialist
    By selecting this class feature, a servant soul will only contract heroic spirits of a single type (Archer, Assassin, Berserker, Caster, Lancer, Rider or Saber are spirit types). However, they will become more powerful with those spirits.
    Level: 1st
    Replaces:If you select this class feature, do not contract with more than one class of heroic spirits. This prevents you from taking their includes, installs, or spells. You also lose the bonus servant soul feats gained at 8th level and every 5 subsequent levels (13 and 18).
    Benefit: Every time you would normally get a new heroic spirit or heroic spirit mastery, you may do one of two things. You may contract a heroic spirit of your chosen class, or you may take a bonus servant soul feat for which you meet the prerequisites. Starting at level 17, you may choose to take heroic spirit mastery for one known spirit instead.
    In addition, you gain the following benefits based on your selected spirit type. If any spirit type grants a bonus feat you already have, you may gain a new feat that you met the prerequisites for at the time you initially gained that feat.

    Archer: At first level, a class specialist (Archer) gains Point Blank Shot as a bonus feat. At 4th level, she gains rapid shot as a bonus feat. At 8th level, she gains the ability to subtract a number from her attack rolls for a round to add that number as a bonus to damage rolls with a ranged weapon, up to her servant soul level. This ability works otherwise like the feat Power Attack, except that it works with ranged attacks and has no special benefit for wielding a weapon two-handed. At 12th level, she gains Improved Precise Shot as a bonus feat. At 16th level, she gains Penetrating Shot (PHBII) as a bonus feat. At 20th level, she adds her dexterity bonus to all damage rolls with ranged weapons, and if using a weapon that allows her to add her strength bonus to damage up to some limit, may add her entire strength bonus to the damage instead of her limited strength bonus.

    Assassin: At first level, a class specialist (Assassin) gains search and disable device as class skills, as well as 4 skill points. At 4th level, she gains evasion, as well as 6 skill points. At 8th level, she gains uncanny dodge, as well as 8 skill points. At 12th level, she gains 2D6 dice of sneak attack and 10 skill points. At 16th level, she gains improved evasion and 12 skill points. At 20th level, she gains +2D6 more dice of sneak attack, Hide in Plain Sight within 10 feet of shadow (as the Shadow Dancer ability, except that it is extraordinary), as well as 14 skill points.

    Berserker: At first level, a class specialist (Berserker) gains power attack as a bonus feat, and gains Intimidate as a class skill. At 4th level, she gains Improved Toughness as a bonus feat, as well as +1 constitution. At 8th level, she gains Great Fortitude as a bonus feat, as well as +1 strength. At 12th level, any time she successfully resists a spell or spell-like ability with spell resistance or fully avoids the effects by saving against it, she gains hit points equal to the level of the spell, up to her maximum hit points. She also gains +1 constitution. At 16th level, she gains Pounce (the ability to perform a full attack when charging), as well as +1 strength. At 20th level, she gains the ability to perform a special variant of a charge attack. To perform this, she moves up to double her move rate in a straight line, and may make one attack against any foe that passes within her reach, with the normal charge bonuses and penalties. She does not have to be aiming directly at an enemy, but this works otherwise like a charge. She also gains +2 constitution and +2 strength.

    Caster: At first level, fourth level, and every four levels after (8, 12, 16 and 20), a class specialist (Caster) gains one bonus spell known from the servant soul spell list, or the spell list of any heroic spirit. This spell must be of a level she can cast. In addition, at each of these levels, she may treat her intelligence as 2 additional points higher for the purpose of bonus servant soul spells per day. At 20th level, she gains one 6th level spell slot and a bonus metamagic feat of her choice.

    Lancer: At first level, a class specialist (Lancer) gains jump as a class skill, and the ability to take 10 on any strength-based skill check. At 4th level, she gains Battle Jump (UE) as a bonus feat. At 8th level, she can set any one wielded melee weapon against a charge as an immediate action. At 12th level, she increases the critical range of any weapon she wields by 1. At 16th level, once per encounter when a foe provokes an attack of opportunity, she may expend two of her attacks of opportunity to perform a full attack against that foe. At 20th level, she gains 5 feet of reach. If wielding a weapon with a minimum reach, this does not change her minimum reach.

    Rider: At first level, a class specialist (Rider) gains +5 feet of speed to any movement mode she possesses, a benefit which extends to any mount she rides. At 4th level, she gains Dodge and Mobility as bonus feats. In addition, for any calculations of animal companion abilities, she may treat her contractor level as 1 higher. At 8th level, she gains Elusive Target (CW) as a bonus feat, and 1D6 points of Skirmish damage. At 12th level, she gains Whirlwind Attack as a bonus feat, and she gains an additional effective contractor level when calculating animal companion statistics. At 16th level, she gains Roofwalker (RoD) as a bonus feat, and an additional 1D6 points of skirmish damage. At 20th level, she may choose to move in a way that provokes no attacks of opportunity, a benefit that extends to her mount.

    Saber: A class specialist (Saber) gains a full base attack bonus, but her installs no longer grant attack bonuses. If she gains this benefit from another source, she instead gains +1 to weapon attack rolls at 1st level, 4th level, and every four levels after (8, 12, 16 and 20). At fourth level and every four levels after (8, 12, 16 and 20), she gains a +1, +2, +3, +4, and +5 shield bonus to AC, respectively, but only when wielding weapons in both hands. At 20th level, all of her installs last 4 extra rounds.

    Devoted Soul
    This class feature commits a servant soul to a single heroic spirit, but gives them new options when using it.
    Level: 3rd
    Replaces: If you select this class feature, you do not contract heroic spirits starting at level 3, and do not gain heroic spirit mastery. In addition, you gain no benefit from the feat Spirit Duality.
    Benefit: Starting at third level, you can include your heroic spirit twice per encounter (twice every 5 minutes). Starting at 6th level, you can include your spirit twice in an encounter or include and install your heroic spirit in one encounter, although you cannot install twice in one encounter. You get 3 installs per day at level 6, and an additional daily install for every heroic spirit you would contract. Starting at level 15, you have no cooldown between installs, and use of installs never impacts your ability to include. Thus, in one encounter, you can include twice and install as many times as you have remaining. If anything requires you to give up a contracted spirit, such as a feat, you may instead give up one daily install.

    Legacy Hero
    By selecting this class feature, a servant soul gives up the weapons granted by her heroic spirits in exchange for increased fighting ability.
    Level: 1st
    Replaces: If you select this class feature, you gain no weapons from heroic spirit includes (or the ability to summon weapons or treat things like weapons). Essentially, heroic spirit includes grant nothing but the ability to use a phantasm. Heroic Spirit Install inherits its weapons from include, and therefore you cannot summon weapons with either. You also no longer gain bonuses on attack rolls for installing any spirits.
    Benefit: If any noble phantasms require an attack roll or use of a weapon, you may use any weapon of the appropriate type (melee, thrown or ranged) in that phantasm. In addition, you gain full base attack bonus.

    Initiate Soul
    By selecting this class feature, a servant soul gives up her spellcasting in exchange for access to the sublime way. She leads her contracted martial spirits in this new form of battle.
    Level: 1st
    Replaces: If you select this class feature, you do not gain spellcasting.
    Benefit: You gain the ability to use maneuvers. Servant soul levels count as levels in an initiator class.
    Maneuvers and Stances Known: A Servant Soul starts knowing 2 maneuvers and 1 stance of the white raven discipline. Each time she gains access to a heroic spirit, she may learn 2 maneuvers and one stance ofd that sprit class’s school, which are then associated with that spirit. She must have the necessary initiator levels and prerequisites to learn all maneuvers and stances. The spirit class / Discipline pairs are shown below:

    Every time the servant soul levels up, she may swap a maneuver or stance of the appropriate discipline on a spirit she has contracted, or in her base white raven maneuvers. If she knows fewer than 4 maneuvers on another spirit or in her base maneuvers, she may also add a maneuver of the appropriate discipline to that spirit or to her white raven base maneuvers.

    Base Maneuvers Readied: Out of combat, she may have 2 known white raven maneuvers readied as well as one maneuver of each spirit she has contracted, and she may be in any stance she knows. She may spend a full-round action to swap or recover one maneuver within these bounds. Maneuvers readies are modified by Heroic Spirit Include and Heroic Spirit Install, discussed below.

    Heroic Spirit Include: When she includes a heroic spirit, she automatically readies one maneuver of that spirit. Once per round during the include, if she used any maneuver in the previous round, she may ready another maneuver of the spirit as a free action. When leaving the include, she swaps her maneuvers readied for 2 random known white raven maneuvers as well as one random maneuver from each known spirit. Weapons gained from Heroic Spirit Include count as weapons in the discipline of the heroic spirit class for purposes of all maneuvers.

    Heroic Spirit Install: When she installs a heroic spirit, she automatically swaps to the stance of that heroic spirit. She readies all maneuvers associated with that spirit but unreadies all other maneuvers. In addition, during installs, she may pay a number of rounds of her install equal to a maneuver’s level to learn that maneuver and ready it once during the install. The maneuver must be of the appropriate school and she must meet the required initiator level and prerequisites. When leaving an install, she replaces her readied maneuvers with two random white raven maneuvers and one random maneuver from each contracted spirit.

    When entering a caster install, she does not unready all other maneuvers. When leaving caster install, she may choose which maneuvers to ready (they must still be 2 white raven maneuvers and one from each contracted spirit).

    Rule Breaker is a useful tool, but a poor weapon.

    Martial Soul
    By selecting this class feature, a servant soul gives up her spellcasting in exchange for stronger powers in combat.
    Level: 1st
    Replaces: If you select this class feature, you do not gain spellcasting. In addition, installs no longer increase attack rolls or saves.
    Benefit: You have full base attack bonus, good fortitude and reflex saves, 6+Int skill points per level (x4 at first level), and a D12 Hit die. Levels in servant soul count as fighter levels for the purposes of prerequisites and feats.

    Sage Soul
    By selecting this class feature, a servant soul gives up her martial abilities for increased knowledge and spellcasting prowess.
    Level: 1st
    Replaces:If you select this class feature, installs no longer increase attack rolls or saves. In addition, your hit die shrinks by 4, to a minimum of D4, and your base attack bonus worsens by one step, to a minimum of poor (as wizard).
    Benefit: You gain all skills as class skills and have 6+Int skill points per level (x4 at first level). In addition, you may learn spells from any heroic spirit’s spell list as though they were on the servant soul’s base spell list. This does not grant additional spells known.

    Sealing Enforcer
    By selecting this class feature, a servant soul gives up her ability to master heroic spirits in exchange for the ability to borrow the talents of a being with the strength of a heroic spirit.
    Level: 15th
    Replaces: If you select this class feature, you do not gain heroic spirit mastery at levels 15 and 17.
    Benefit: At 15th level, you gain familiarity with Bazett Fraga McRemitz, presented below:

    Bazzett Fraga McRemitz
    Heroic Spirit Include: Bazett uses unarmed strikes of a monk of her contractor level. These strikes gain the enhancement bonus to attack and damage of her normal weapons, and are considered magical. In addition, all of her unarmed attacks against living targets gain the Brilliant Energy ability.

    God’s Holders (Ex): The Fraga bloodline passes power down through its veins. As a swift action, the servant soul including Bazzett increases all physical abilities by +6, and gain a +10 foot increase to her base land speed and a +4 dodge bonus to armor class. This does not end her include until the end of her turn. These bonuses last 1 round. This deducts 2 rounds from an install.

    Heroic Spirit Install: A servant soul installing Bazett appears to wear a fitted burgundy suit and black gloves covered in arcane marks. She gains bonuses to attack rolls, fortitude saves, reflex saves, strength, dexterity, and constitution. She also gains the power attack, cleave, and leap attack feats for the duration of the install. While installing Bazett, she may only cast her spells.

    Fragarach (Su): One of the only remaining noble phantasms not attached to a heroic spirit, Fragarach – also known as The Gouging Sword of the War God, The Sword of Retrograde, or simply The Retaliator – is a mystical sword. It has the power to rewrite time so that the target is struck by their own most powerful attacks before they use them against the wielder. As an immediate action, the servant soul can use either form. First, it can be used when an opponent attacking her scores a critical threat. If used in this way, the opponent rolls the critical confirmation roll. If it beats their own armor class, they score a critical on themselves with their own attack; if not, the attack is a miss. The second way it can be used is if she is subject to a spell or effect and has just rolled her save. She may wait until after she finds out whether her save is a success or a failure to activate this power. The spell or effect automatically fails, and instead affects its own source if possible. The source makes the save normally. For instance, a charm or compulsion spell would be voided, but have no effect, because there is no penalty for having charmed oneself. An area of effect spell will fail to go off normally, and affect the caster of the spell as though they were the only one inside the spell’s area. This deducts 5 rounds from an install.

    Bazzett’s Spells: 1 – Mighty Wallop (RotD), 2 – Bull's Strength, 3 – Greater Mighty Wallop (RotD), 4 – Indomitability (SpC), 5 –Tenser's Transformation

    Spiritual Dilettante
    By selecting this class feature, a servant soul continues to contract new heroic spirits instead of forming deeper bonds with their current ones.
    Level: 15th
    Replaces: if you select this class feature, you do not gain heroic spirit mastery.
    Benefit: At 15th level and every two levels afterwards, gain familiarity with a new spirit. New spirits must be of a class with which you are already familiar.

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    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default The Legacy Gatekeeper

    The Legacy Gatekeeper

    Game Rule Information
    Abilities: Charisma determines how long a Legacy Gatekeeper can include the weapons of heroic spirits, as well as his social abilities, uses of King’s Treasure, and the potency of his occasional spells, making it the most important ability for most Legacy Gatekeepers. A legacy gatekeeper often finds himself fighting with weapons, and thus requiring strength or dexterity.

    Difficulty: Moderate.
    Starting Gold: 6D4*10 GP (150 GP).
    Alignment: Any.
    Hit Die: d10.

    Class Skills
    The legacy gatekeeper’s class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Appraise (Int), Balance (Dex), Bluff (Cha), Concentration (Con), Decipher Script (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Handle Animal (Cha), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (All skills, taken individually) (Int), Listen (Wis), Perform (Cha), Ride (Dex), Search (Int), Sense Motive (Wis), Spellcraft (Int), Spot (Wis), Tumble (Dex), Use Magic Device (Cha), and Use Rope (Dex).
    Skill Points at 1st Level: (4 + Int modifier) x 4.
    Skill Points at Each Additional Level: 4 + Int modifier.

    Table: The Legacy Gatekeeper

    Class Features
    All of the following are class features of the Legacy Gatekeeper.
    Weapon and Armor Proficiency: A Legacy Gatekeeper is proficient with all simple weapons, as well as light, medium and heavy armor. He is also proficient with all weapons and shields summoned through his class abilities, or any weapons used as a function of his class abilities.

    Cantrips: A legacy gatekeeper may cast cantrips a number of times per day equal to half his class level (minimum 0) + his charisma bonus. He may not apply any metamagic to these cantrips. He can spontaneously cast any cantrip on the sorcerer/wizard spell list, and suffers no arcane spell failure for doing so. His caster level is half of his class level, minimum one , and his casting stat is charisma.

    Any prestige class that advances legacy gatekeeper spellcasting increases the use and caster level of these cantrips as well as the caster level and maximum spell level of spells used inside heroic spirit include.

    King’s Treasure (Ex): A legacy gatekeeper has access to the metaphysical device Bab-ilu, Key of the King’s Law. Using this he may access different vaults in the king’s seemingly limitless treasury, gaining new abilities. He may requisition from the treasury number of times per day equal to his class level plus his charisma modifier, refreshing his count every day at dawn. Any class level that increases the power of his heroic spirit install also counts towards his daily requisitions.
    He may not requisition more items in one encounter than half of his class level plus his charisma modifier. However, any class ability that grants “free requisitions” do not count towards this limit, only requisitions from his base pool.

    At first level, a legacy gatekeeper has access to only heroic spirit include. At every odd level thereafter, he gains access to one additional vault of the treasury. Using any of these abilities consumes one requisition of King’s Treasure. Some abilities may consume more than one requisition, as is noted in the ability description themselves.

    Many vaults can be upgraded by taking a directly related vault. These upgrade vaults are listed below the vault they change.

    Unless otherwise noted, requisitioning a vault is a standard action that does not provoke an attack of opportunity. Generally, requisitioning an upgrade vault is part of the same action. Any unspecified save DCs default to 10 + 1/2 his class level + his charisma modifier.

    Many vaults grant supernatural item summons. Once summoned, items from these vaults may be taken inside antimagic fields as normal.

    Heroic Spirit Include (Su): The most first use of the treasury learned by all legacy gatekeepers, he can summon a heroic spirit’s weapons and tools – and with them, a small amount of that hero’s legacy collected in the weapon channels into him.

    This ability functions identically to the servant soul ability, using his legacy gatekeeper level as his contractor level and his charisma as his contractor ability modifier (for things like duration and noble phantasm save DCs). It also uses the action time associated with heroic spirit includes (move action at first level, and free action at 10th level).

    As the magical power recharges by collecting in the blade, a legacy gatekeeper can include any heroic spirit only once per day. However, he can include as many different spirits per day and per encounter as he wishes, so long as he has treasury uses remaining.

    Every time he includes a spirit, a legacy gatekeeper gets a single free requisition, which is lost if not used by the end of the include. This free requisition can only be used to cast a spell or use a noble phantasm, below.

    The legacy gatekeeper can at any point in the include requisition a spell from the included spirit’s spell list, then cast it. The maximum level of this spell is given on Table: The Legacy Gatekeeper. He may qualify for feats and classes as though he can cast spells up to this level, and suffers no arcane spell failure for doing so. He uses his normal caster level and casts using charisma. This can be used only once per include.

    The legacy gatekeeper can also requisition one use of the heroic spirit’s noble phantasm. Using this phantasm ends the include, as normal, although some phantasms delay exactly when. Noble phantasms that do not end includes need not be requisitioned to be used.

    A legacy gatekeeper may use this ability to qualify for any feats that require heroic spirit include, so long as they do not also require spirits be contracted.

    Phantasmal Burst (Ex): A legacy gatekeeper can use noble phantasms without ending his includes. By requisitioning a small amount of extra heroic energy as a non-action while requisitioning the phantasm, a legacy gatekeeper can use the phantasm without ending the include. The duration of the include remains unchanged.

    Selective Affinity (Ex): A legacy gatekeeper can lengthen his includes. When he begins the include, he may requisition prana from one or more unused weapons collecting prana in his vaults. However, this prana is less efficient at maintaining incompatible weaponry. The include lasts additional rounds equal to his charisma modifier multiplied by the requisitions. As the vault contains effectively infinite number of weapons, this never affects his use of specific heroic spirits.

    Spellbond Upgrade (Ex): A legacy gatekeeper can cast more than one spell per include. By requisitioning bursts of prana equal to the number of spells previously cast in the current include, he may cast another again from the heroic spirit’s spell list.

    Chains of Heaven (Su): Contained in one of the most prized vaults, Enkidu: the Chains of Heaven are mystical chains that work better against more divine targets. They target a single creature within 60 feet. The chains spring up around the target, grabbing them unless they succeed on a reflex save.

    If the target is ensnared, they are entangled and prevented from moving or attacking. If they wish to escape, they may take a standard action to attempt a strength check (at a DC of 11 + his charisma modifier) or an escape artist check (at a DC of 10+ his class level + his charisma modifier). However, the chains grow stronger holding more divine creatures: These DCs increase by +1 against aberrations and magical breasts, +2 against fey, +3 against elementals, +4 against dragons and +5 against outsiders. If the target has any divine ranks, the DCs increase by 20 plus an additional 20 per divine rank. Any creature that wishes to cast when bound must succeed on a concentration check using his standard DC plus this type modifier. If the spell has somatic components, the DC rises by 10.

    The chains of heaven last 1 round per class level.

    Grasping Chains (Ex): A legacy gatekeeper may choose to employ Chains of Heaven by firing them from his position as a ranged touch attack. This eliminates the reflex save that allows the target to avoid the attack.

    Gate of Babylon (Su): A legacy gatekeeper can open up a portal to the armory vault and indiscriminately fling weapons at his foes. This ability lasts one round per class level. During the first round and any round in which he concentrates, he may choose a 10-foot radius area within 10 feet per class level. Anybody in that area takes 1D4 damage per level (reflex half) from the barrage of metal. He may also choose to aim at a single opponent, in which case the damage is 1D6 damage per level.

    Expanded Gate (Ex): A legacy gatekeeper can widen the channel of weaponry, increasing the damage done. By requisitioning one to three additional piles of blades when first accessing the vault, the gate deals more damage: Depending on how many are requisitioned, the gate’s area attack deals 1D6, 1D8 or 1D10 damage per level, while the focus attack deals 1D8, 1D10 or 1D12 damage per level.

    Plumb Treasury (Su): The king’s horde contains every treasure, not just heroic weapons. The legacy gatekeeper may search this vault for lesser-used items and bring them out. The items created must be nonmagical and nonliving, and can have a total value of up to 50 GP per class level. He may conjure a number of items per use equal to his charisma bonus (minimum 1), and the total value must be split among these. He may conjure an alchemical item if its value is under 100GP.

    Items conjured last one hour per class level. No item so conjured may be used as spell a component. He may not conjure an item of a size category larger than himself. The items appear on his body, in his hands, in his square, or in a square adjacent to him, as appropriate.

    The following are examples of what counts as a single item: A barrel of wine, a plate of food (which can contain multiple dishes), a set of silverware rolled up into a napkin, a weapon or masterwork weapon, a quiver of arrows, armor or masterwork armor, a set of fancy clothing (including inset jewels) or another outfit, masterwork manacles, a masterwork lock, a small box containing a poison, a masterwork tool or other skill kit, a thunderstone, a gem, a map, or a painting. Items with moving parts more complicated than wheels, such as crossbow traps, do not function. The treasury does not contain unique items, such as a specific painting. The only items in the treasury that contain information, such as books or maps, are mass-produced items that can at most provide a +2 bonus to a check (as a masterwork tool). Their contents generally provide no specific information about topics relevant to a current adventure.

    Anybody that touches, examines, or spends time near one of these items becomes aware of their ephemeral nature.

    All the World’s Riches (Ex): A legacy gatekeeper can increase his GP limit when using plumb treasury. By requisitioning more batches of items, he may increase his GP limit by the normal limit multiplied by the additional requisitions. This is generally used when he needs a single item above his limit, but can also be used to make multiple expensive items in one action.

    Enduring Creation (Ex): By spending XP equal to one-fifth of the GP cost of created items, a legacy gatekeeper can instantiate items permanently. These can then be used as spell components, if desired. He may choose to create only some of the items permanently and others temporarily in the same use of plumb treasury, paying XP costs as appropriate.

    Field of Treasures (Ex): A legacy gatekeeper can create twice as many items with plumb treasury, although they have the same maximum GP value. If taken multiple times, each increases his item limit by the same amount.

    Phantasm Prototype (Su): A legacy gatekeeper’s treasures can be the best versions of anything in the world – better even than the copies owned by other heroic spirits. By requisitioning more magical power, a legacy gatekeeper can grant a weapon he holds or armor he wears a weapon or armor special ability with an effective enhancement bonus equal to the number of requisitions. This increase lasts one minute per level (or as long as the weapon, in the case of included weapons). This cannot be an ability that requires choices upon creation, such as Bane. If used on a weapon, this also casts Greater Magic Weapon on it, with a caster level equal to his class level, although it lasts only as long as Phantasm Prototype. If used on armor, it casts Magic Vestment, with the same caster level and duration.

    Reactive Defense (Su): A legacy gatekeeper can summon shields in midair to block attacks, or in other cases open portals to send an attack harmlessly into an unused corner of his treasury. As an immediate action, he may requisition shields to gain a shield bonus to AC against a single attack, or a shield bonus to a single save equal to his charisma modifier.

    Engaged Defense (Ex): A legacy gatekeeper can invest in his defenses. By requisitioning the shield for a longer time, he may extend the duration of the reactive defense from a single attack, to until he next refreshes his requisitions (or a minimum of ten minutes). Once set, the bonus remains where it is (AC or the specified save). A legacy gatekeeper can have multiple engaged defenses running at once, each independent of the others.

    Improved Shielding (Ex): A legacy gatekeeper can gain additional defenses against attacks. By requisitioning better shields, he gains a bonus based on the defense type. If used when increasing his AC, he may use the ability when flat-footed and gains uncanny dodge for the reactive defense duration. If used to increase fortitude saves, whenever he takes ability damage, ability drain, negative levels or level drain from an attack, or takes a penalty to an ability score from an attack, the damage or penalty is reduced by one quarter his class level (minimum 1 for ability and level drain, minimum 0 for all others). If he increased reflex saves, he gains evasion. If he increased will saves, he gains slippery mind (as the rogue ability) for a minimum of one round.

    Vimana (Su): Vimana is an indestructible flying machine used for transport. It is gold-plated, largely flat and very sturdy. It is large enough to hold the legacy gatekeeper and up to one other person of up to his size per point of charisma bonus (he may make it smaller if so desired). He can combine squares to hold occupants larger than his size, but due to how people are strapped into the machine, cannot split sections to hold multiple smaller occupants. Although the machine cannot be damaged, it loses any thrust and attack capabilities in an antimagic field, and provides no special protection to its occupants in any case.

    If in an adjacent space, getting onto Vimana and strapping in is a full-round action. The same is true when unstrapping and getting out to an adjacent area. When the legacy gatekeeper is strapped onto it, he may move it up to 10 feet per class level as a move action. Anybody may choose to get onto it without strapping themselves on (getting on is a move action, and strapping in afterwards is a standard action), but if Vimana moves, unsecured occupants must make a balance check (DC=feet moved) to stay on the entire time without falling out. Anybody on the machine can strap in a load of reasonably stable load of goods into an appropriately-sized square as a full-round action.

    He may also use a standard action to fire a blast of force as a ranged attack at a foe within 60 feet. This blast deals force damage equal to his charisma modifier + 1D6 for every two class levels.

    Vimana lasts for one minute per level.

    Large Transport (Ex): A legacy gatekeeper can create a larger shift. By requisitioning a variable amount of space, Vimana, can hold more additional people equal to his charisma modifier multiplied by the additional requisitions.

    Persistent Transport (Ex): A legacy gatekeeper can create a transport to effectively move across large spaces. By separately requisitioning two more stable cores, Vimana lasts one hour per level or until dismissed.

    Eschew Materials (Ex): At second level, a legacy gatekeeper gains eschew materials as a bonus feat.

    Gilgamesh Install (Su): A legacy gatekeeper can install Gilgamesh, King of Heroes. This install is completely independent of any includes he has running, and thus he may install while including or include while installing if he so desires. Both abilities track their durations separately. Installing Gilgamesh is a standard action, although it becomes a move action at 14th level.

    For purposes of feats, a legacy gatekeeper of at least 6th level has heroic spirit install with a single contracted spirit. However, this spirit does not fall into any type, and thus anything that applies to a spirit type cannot affect him.

    A Gilgamesh install lasts a number of rounds equal to half of his class level plus his charisma modifier. Installing Gilgamesh unlocks two techniques known as noble phantasms. He may use either when indicated. Should a phantasm reduce his remaining rounds to 0, his install ends upon its conclusion.

    A legacy gatekeeper installing Gilgamesh does not obviously change appearance, but will appear more regal in bearing. He gains bonuses to strength, dexterity, and constitution equal to 2 plus 2 for every 10 legacy gatekeeper levels. He is also placed under the effects of Mind Blank for the duration of the install, although the effect is extraordinary. He gains mettle, and a bonus to appraise and knowledge checks equal to half of his class level and may use these skills untrained. He may also gain spell resistance equal to 10 + his class level if desired.

    Endless Treasures (Ex): Gilgamesh has access to treasures without limit. As a swift action or a move action, the legacy gatekeeper gains one additional treasure. This treasure must be spent before the end of the install, or within the next round, whichever is longer. Otherwise, it is wasted. This deducts four rounds from an install.

    King’s Pride (Su): Gilgamesh cannot be seen to fail in front of his lessers. While installing Gilgamesh, a legacy gatekeeper may choose to treat a roll of a natural one on a D20 as a 20 for all purposes. Doing so terminates the install immediately. (Attacks are a single event, and thus if he is attacking, he still gains benefits of the install when rolling damage or critical confirmations. However, he cannot use this noble phantasm a second time in the install.)

    Enuma Elish (Su): At 20th level, a legacy gatekeeper can spend two requisitions to summon Gilgamesh’s most powerful sword: Ea, the Sword of Rupture, also known as Enuma Elish. This counts as a heroic spirit include, except as noted below. Although its use is independent of Gilgamesh’s install, this counts as a Gilgamesh include for the purpose of feats.

    Enuma Elish is a +10 Vorpal Speed Cursespewing (MIC) greatsword.

    Star of Creation (Su): Enuma Elish was the sword that split heaven and earth, and as such has power to separate pieces of reality at will. As a standard action, the legacy gatekeeper casts Black Blade of Disaster (SpC) or Sphere of Ultimate Destruction (SpC), with a caster level equal to his class level. The save DC is charisma-based. This ends the include.

    Legacy Gatekeeper Feats
    Legacy gatekeepers qualify for many contractor feats, but they get a few specifically for their own abilities.

    Additional Treasure
    You have more treasure than most gatekeepers.
    Prerequisite: King’s Treasure
    Benefit: You gain additional daily requisitions equal to half of your legacy gatekeeper level, maximum 3. If taken a second time, the feats together remove this limit. Instead gain requisitions equal to half of your legacy gatekeeper level.
    Special: You may take this feat twice.

    Hero Worship
    You spend more time emulating the great Gilgamesh.
    Prerequisite: Gilgamesh Install
    Benefit: If you are under 14th level, you may install Gilgamesh as a move action. Otherwise, you may install Gilgamesh as a swift action. You gain 1 additional daily install.
    Special: You may take this feat any number of times.

    Prana Charge
    Your spiritual weapons recharge more quickly.
    Prerequisite: King’s Treasure, Heroic Spirit Include
    Benefit: You may include any given heroic spirit once per encounter. You still require the same amount of requisitions to include.
    Normal: You may include any given heroic spirit once per day.

    Vault Organization
    By attempting the daunting task of organizing the infinite vaults of the king, you make your treasure access more efficient.
    Prerequisite: King’s Treasure
    Benefit: For every vault that normally takes a standard action to use, you may use them as a move action. You may only use king’s treasure once per round. If taken a second time, you can use these king’s treasures as a swift action a number of times per day equal to half of your charisma modifier.
    Special: You may take this feat twice.

    Legacy Gatekeeper Alternative Class Features:

    Singular Blade
    By focusing on the weapon of a single heroic spirit, a legacy gatekeeper can attain enormous power, connecting to the original heroic spirit by bonding through his phantasms.
    Level: 1st
    Replaces: If you select this class feature, you may only include a single heroic spirit.
    Benefit: Every time you include this heroic spirit, you may use Phantasm Prototype instantly. You gain additional free requisitions equal to one quarter of your class level (minimum 1). If not spent on phantasm prototype, you may spend them to cast spells or use phantasms in heroic spirit include. Using a noble phantasm is free (although unless you requisition phantasmal burst the include will end). Unspent treasures from this pool are lost at the end of the include.
    You can include this spirit as many times per day as you like, with no delay between them. In addition, you count as having contracted this spirit for purposes of feats. Gilgamesh counts as a spirit of the same type for purposes of feats.

    Weapon Specialist
    A legacy gatekeeper can restrict himself to growing a smaller, but more powerful, collection of weapons. Tying together heroic spirits by magically invoking the holy grail’s class system, he becomes a more powerful mage as well.
    Level: 1st
    Replaces: If you select this class feature, you may only include heroic spirits of a single type (Archer, Assassin, Berserker, Caster, Lancer, Rider or Saber are spirit types).
    Benefit: Every time you include a spirit, you gain 1 free requisition. This requisition can only be spent to cast spells or use phantasms within the include. If not used by the end of the include, it is lost. If you have Spellbond Upgrade, casting spells in includes cost one fewer requisition (0 for the first, 1 for the second, etc). Gilgamesh counts as a spirit of this type for purposes of feats.
    You may include each spirit of this type once per encounter instead of once per day.

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    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Heroic Spirits: Introduction, Archer, Assassin

    Heroic Spirits
    Here is a list of all heroic spirits, sorted by the class to which they belong. Many heroic spirits meet the prerequisites of multiple classes. However, most DMs should not allow a player to take a spirit in a non-standard class. The abilities of the heroic spirit can change based on their class, so transplanting a heroic spirit directly from one class to another may not make a mechanically sound, or balanced, choice.

    1: Not the primary class, but placed there for gameplay reasons.
    2: Extrapolated from known information.

    Archer - Atalanta (Fate/Apocrypha)
    Atalanta, the Chaste Huntress, combines ranged damage with devastating mental compulsions.

    Heroic Spirit Include: Atalanta, the Chaste Huntress summons a quiver of 60 arrows and a composite longbow with a strength bonus equal to the user’s (up to +5), designed to ventilate an enemy with huge numbers of arrows. It becomes Precise (MIC) at 7th level, and Splitting (CoR) at 13th level. The Precise weapon ability counts as the Precise Shot feat for purposes of Splitting.

    Seven Arrows of the Big Dipper (Ex): Atalanta can fire a barrage of arrows that converge on a target. The contractor makes a full attack with her bow, and gains extra attacks (and attack penalties, as appropriate) equivalent to the Flurry of Blows of a monk her level. For instance, a 9th level contractor gains one extra attack at her highest bonus and no penalty. However, she must use all of these attacks on as few targets as possible, switching targets only when her current target drops or is killed. Every time she misses a shot, she gets +2 for all remaining attacks in the phantasm. This deducts 2 rounds from an install.

    Heroic Spirit Install: A contractor installing Atalanta appears to wear green armor and a single leather bracer. She gains bonuses to attack rolls, reflex saves, and dexterity. Her movement speed increases by 10 feet for every 6 contractor levels, and for every arrow that damages a living enemy, she gains 1 hit point for every 4 damage dealt. While installing Atalanta, she may only cast her spells.

    Complaint of the Arrow (Su): Atalanta’s can fire an arrow with a message requesting divine protection, which is granted in short order from on high. The contractor must be under the open sky, and must fire an arrow straight up. At the start of her next turn, a barrage of arrows falls from the sky in a 20 foot radius area of her choice, centered somewhere within 200 feet of her current location. This attack deals 1D8 piercing damage per contractor level to anybody within the area (reflex half; DC 10 + 1/2 her contractor level + dexterity bonus). Anybody that fails the reflex save and takes damage from this attack is constricted by the arrows in their body and the arrows on the ground, and is considered flat-footed one round. This deducts 3 rounds from an install.

    Archer Atalanta’s Spells: 1 – Incite (SpC), 2 – Mindless Rage (SpC), 3 – Miser’s Envy (SpC), 4 – Confusion, 5 – Song of Discord

    Archer - David (Fate/Apocrypha)
    David, King of Israel, suppresses rather than kills enemies.

    Heroic Spirit Include: David summons 60 sling bullets and a pacifying sling. The sling becomes Merciful (MIC) at 7th level, Paralytic Burst (MIC) at 11th level, and Impact (MIC) at 16th level.

    Hamash Avanim (Ex): David can fire a barrage of warning shots to end fights peaceably. The contractor makes a full attack with her sling, and gains extra attacks (and attack penalties, as appropriate) equivalent to the Flurry of Blows of a monk her level. She can always load sling bullets as a free action during this attack. Each sling bullet deals an additional 1D6 damage for every 4 contractor levels, but all damage from this phantasm is nonlethal regardless of whether she is currently using her sling as Merciful. This deducts 2 rounds from an install.

    Heroic Spirit Install: A contractor installing David appears to wear simple leather armor and sandals. She gains bonuses to attack rolls, reflex saves, and dexterity. She gains the benefits of the Point Blank Shot and Precise Shot feats, and can load sling bullets as a free action, while installing. If at least 15th level, she gains the benefits of the Improved Precise Shot feat for the duration of the install. While installing David, she may only cast his spells.

    Chest of the Covenant (Su): David can debilitates enemies enemies by touching them with holy relics. The contractor makes a melee touch attack against a foe. This attack deals 1D6 holy damage per contractor level (or unholy damage from evil contractors; neutral aligned contractors may choose) and exhausts the target. If the target succeeds a fortitude save, it deals half damage and fatigues them instead. However, if this damage would kill the target, they are instead reduced to -9 hit points and stable. This deducts 2 rounds from an install.

    Archer David’s Spells: 1 – Sanctuary, 2 – Shield Other, 3 – Divine Insight (SpC), 4 – Tongues, 5 – Mass Sanctuary (SpC)

    Rho Aias

    Archer - EMIYA (Fate/Stay Night)
    EMIYA, Counter guardian, deals damage at long range and protect himself when close.

    Heroic Spirit Include: EMIYA summons a quiver of 60 arrows and a composite elvencraft (RotW) longbow with a strength bonus equal to the user’s (up to +5), crafted to strike down her opponents from safety. The bow becomes Seeking at 7th level, Force at 11th level, and Distance at 16th level.

    Caladbolg II (Su): EMIYA can fire a spinning sword from a bow. The contractor shoots her bow at a target within her maximum range, taking only half of the normal penalty for range increments. If she succeeds on a touch attack against her target, her bow deals 1d6 damage per two contractor levels (minimum 1D6), in addition to the enhancement bonus and any strength bonus from the longbow being composite. This deducts 2 rounds from an install.

    Heroic Spirit Install: A contractor installing EMIYA appears to wear a dark breastplate and a red trench coat. She gains bonuses to attack rolls, fortitude saves, and dexterity. She also gains the benefits of the Precise Shot feat for the duration of the Install. She is also under the effects of the Arrow Mind (SpC) spell for the duration of the install (with caster level equal to her contractor level). While installing EMIYA, she may only cast his spells.

    Rho Aias (Su): Rho Aias, modeled by EMIYA after the shield of Ajax, is a spiritual wall capable of blocking all attacks. As an immediate action, the contractor creates a wall of force with caster level equal to the her contractor level. However, this wall is dismissed immediately upon conclusion of the Install or after 1 round, whichever is longer. This deducts 2 rounds from an install.

    Archer EMIYA’s Spells: 1 – Guided Shot (SpC), 2 – Splinterbolt (SpC), 3 – Ring of Blades (SpC), 4 – Quill Blast (SpC), 5 – Blade Barrier

    Archer – Nanoha Takamachi (Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha)
    Nanoha Takamachi, The Ace of Aces, is a versatile ranged attacker focused on powerful magical blasts and defenses against the same. She wields Raising Heart, a multiple-mode Mid-Childan device outfitted with a Belkan cartridge system.

    Heroic Spirit Include: Nanoha Takamachi summons a quarterstaff chambered with a wand of Orb of Force with charges and caster level equal to her contractor level. In addition, the contractor starts her include with one cartridge, gaining one additional cartridge at levels 7, 10, 13 and 16. She may expend a cartridge as a swift action to empower the next use of her wand (as the feat Empower Spell) before the end of her turn.

    Starlight Breaker (Su): Nanoha can collect all of the expended magical energy on a battlefield into a single, powerful blast. The contractor fires it somewhere within 100 feet of her location. Anybody within 10 feet of the destination takes 1D6 per 2 contractor levels, although they may make a reflex save for half damage. In addition, if she has used a different noble phantasm within the previous five rounds, her attack reclaims some of the expended energy for additional damage. Take the number of rounds deducted by her last used phantasm (or that would be deducted by its use, if it was used during an include) and add that as a bonus to each die of damage. This deducts 3 rounds from an install.

    Heroic Spirit Install: A contractor installing Nanoha appears to wear a blue and white jacket with metal guards on her vitals. She gains bonuses to attack rolls, dexterity, and reflex saves. In addition, she may choose which mode to install: If she installs Sacred Mode, she gain pauldrons and gloves, and a +4 deflection bonus to AC. If she installs Aggressor mode, she gains a small cape, decorative gems, and +2 caster level on her wand, and her wand can break the normal damage caps of Orb of Force. If she installs Excelion mode, small wings of energy sprout from her ankles, and she may fly at her land speed with average maneuverability. While installing Nanoha, she may only cast her spells.

    Wide Area Search (Su): Nanoha can send out minute magical probes to scan the area around her. The contractor gains touchsight with a range of 200 feet, allowing her to feel the layout of her surroundings, and the general shape and size of all creatures within it. In addition, she knows the location and strength (but not school) of all magical auras within her range. She may search around corners, but the additional distance counts towards her total range. This lasts 1 round, even if the install ends, and deducts 2 rounds from an install.

    Archer Nanoha’s Spells: 1 – Protection from Chaos/Evil/Good/Law, 2 – Protection from Arrows, 3 – Magic Circle Against Chaos/Evil/Good/Law, 4 – Ray Deflection (SpC), 5 – Prismatic Aura (CM)

    Archer - Shirou (Fate/Stay Night)
    Emiya Shirou, student mage and creator of a reality marble, has strong and versatile close-range attacks.

    Heroic Spirit Include: Shirou does not summon a single weapon when included. Instead, the contractor including Shirou gains the ability to create weapons as a swift action. In one swift action she may create weapons that she can wield (generally 1 or 2 hands worth of weapons). They must be simple or martial melee weapons, and cannot deal bludgeoning damage. At the start of each turn while included or installed, she may either dissolve all existing weapons created by this ability or reduce the duration of her current include or install by 1 round. Weapons created have her normal weapon enhancement bonus, and gain Throwing at 7th level, Teleporting (XPH) at 10th level, Defending at 13th level and Aptitude (ToB) at 16th level.

    Overedge (Su): Shirou’s first phantasm causes a blade to grow serrations and spikes. As a free action while attacking, the contractor causes her conjured weapons to deal damage as though they were 1 size category larger for every 5 contractor levels. This increase lasts until the end of her include or install, or until one round has passed, whichever is shorter. This ability does not terminate her include until the end of the current turn. This deducts 2 rounds from an install.

    Heroic Spirit Install: A contractor installing Shirou appears to wear casual clothes, with one arm wrapped tightly in a shroud. She gains bonuses to attack rolls, reflex saves, and strength. In addition, she may select one fighter feat and gain it for the duration of the install. She must meet the prerequisites to use this feat. If at least 16th level, she may gain a second fighter feat, and she may use one to qualify for the other. While installing Shirou, she may only cast his spells.

    Crane Wing 3 Realm (Su): Crane Wing 3 Realm is a complicated, multi-stage attack. By using multiple sets of conjured weapons, Shirou can open a gap in any enemy’s defense. The contractor may immediately throw any held melee weapons at a target within 60 feet (with no range penalty within this distance, but taking appropriate penalties if throwing multiple weapons). Afterwards, she may conjure new weapons, using the normal process for creating weapons through Shirou’s powers, except that doing so during the phantasm uses no action. Once she has new weapons, she can charge an opponent and make a full attack. Unlike most full-round noble phantasms, this power cannot be quickened to a standard action by feats. This deducts 4 rounds from an install.

    Archer Shirou’s Spells: 1 – Blockade (SpC), 2 – Incendiary Slime (CM), 3 – Bands of Steel (SpC), 4 – Major Creation (Mineral Only), 5 – Wall of Gears (SpC)

    Archer - Soveliss (D&D Iconic)
    Soveliss, Elven Ranger, specializes in wilderness survival and ambushes.

    Heroic Spirit Include: Soveliss summons an elven double bow (AEG), with a quiver of 60 arrows, built to strike fast and hard. It becomes Hunting (MIC) at 7th level, and Exit Wound (CW) at 11th level, and the arrows become Assassination (CiS) at 16th level.

    Out of Sight (Ex): Soveliss is a master of disappearing in front of anybody’s eyes. The contractor makes a hide check, and is considered hidden, even by those observing her, even if she has no cover or concealment, unless they see her with a spot check. If she has no cover or concealment she gets a -2 on this hide check. This deducts 2 rounds from an install.

    Heroic Spirit Install: A contractor installing Soveliss appears to wear sturdy leather and a green cape, with huge numbers of items slung over her shoulders. She gains bonuses to attack rolls, reflex saves, and dexterity. In addition, she gains Favored Enemy (+2) towards a single creature type, which works identically to the ranger ability, and may be chosen by her every time she installs. If at least 16th level, she instead gains favored enemy (+4) towards one type and (+2) towards a second. She also gains Wild Empathy, Woodland Stride, and Trackless Step (as a druid). While installing Soveliss, she may only cast his spells.

    Sure Strike (Su): Soveliss can fire arrows into vital body parts, crippling his foes. As a free action while attacking, the contractor can focus her aim. Any arrows from that attack that strike a target force the target to make a fortitude save and a will save at her normal phantasm DC. A target that fails a fortitude save takes 1D6 constitution damage, while a target that fails a will save takes 1D3 damage to each mental ability. This reduces the duration of an install by 2 rounds.

    Archer Soveliss’s Spells: 1 – Primal Hunter (DM), 2 – Primal Instinct (DM), 3 – Primal Senses (DM), 4 – Primal Speed (DM), 5 – Bloodfreeze Arrow (CoR)

    The Arkbow can summon any beast Vivien has encountered. Illustrated by Johannes Voss.

    Archer - Vivien Reid (Magic: The Gathering)
    Vivien, Champion of the Wilds, seeks to stop the encroachment of artifice upon nature - and the encroachment of tyranny on free peoples. She wields the Arkbow, the last great artifact created by her destroyed people.

    Heroic Spirit Include: Vivien summons 60 arrows and a longbow designed to loose the wrath of the wilds on her foes. The bow becomes Thundering at 7th level, Roaring (BoED) at 11th level, and Spiderkissed (DotU) at 16th level.

    Vivien's Invocation (Su): The Arkbow can fire wrathful spirits of nature along with its arrows. The contractor chooses a creature she can summon with her Summon Nature’s Ally spells and fires a single arrow. If the arrow flies at least 10 feet, a ghostly version of the chosen animal joins it, attacking the target at the same time as the arrow. This animal is treated as though it’s attacking at the end of a charge. This attack deducts 2 rounds from an install, although this is reduced to 1 round if she sacrifices a spell slot sufficient to summon the creature.

    Heroic Spirit Install: A contractor installing Vivien Ried appears to wear thin, green metal-accented leather armor, almost leaflike in nature, and a flowing green cape. She gains bonuses to attack rolls, dexterity, and fortitude saves. She also gains Wild Empathy as a ranger, except that it takes only one round to use. She also gains a +4 bonus to handle animal, ride, survival, and tumble checks, as well as the Precise Shot feat. If at least 15th level, she also gains the Improved Precise Shot feat. While installing Vivien, she may cast only her spells.

    Nature's Avenger (Su): Vivien’s singular proficiency with the Arkbow allows her to summon hordes of creatures into a whirling mass of destruction. She fires an arrow at an area within 100 feet. Around that spot, the spirit of dozens of animal spirits manifest, causing destruction. They deal 1D4 bludgeoning damage per servant soul level to each creature within 20 feet of the square where the arrow landed. In addition, she may spend a standard action to move the location of the stampede up to 30 feet, or to increase the radius of the stampede by 5 feet. The stampede lasts until she chooses to end it or her install ends, but each round the stampede persists deducts a round from her install.

    Archer Vivien Reid's Spells: 1 – Summon Nature's Ally I, 2 – Summon Nature's Ally II, 3 – Summon Nature's Ally III, 4 – Summon Nature's Ally IV, 5 – Summon Nature's Ally V

    Hundred-Faced Hassan

    Assassin – Hassan (Fate/Zero, Fate/Stay Night)
    Hassan-i-Sabbah, the pseudonym for the leaders of a shadowy organization of killers, represents a combined heroic spirit talented in shadowy infiltration and underhanded tactics.

    Heroic Spirit Include: Hassan summons daggers designed to weaken and incapacitate his target. The weapon takes the form of a Gauntlet of Infinite Blades (MIC) with 0 charges capable of producing masterwork daggers, which after level 2 are magical daggers with the given enhancement bonus. At level 7, the gauntlet gains 2 charges, as well as the ability to give a dagger drawn from it the Diseased (UE) special ability by using one charge (this replace the gauntlet’s written power in the MIC). At level 11, the gauntlet gains four additional charges and the ability to give any dagger drawn from it the Wounding special ability by expending two charges. At level 16, the gauntlet increases for the last time to a total of 8 charges, and gains the ability to add Deadly Precision (MIC) to a dagger drawn from it by expending one charge.

    Delusional Heartbeat (Su): By touching an opponent’s chest, Hassan can create a linked copy of their heart, and crush it to stop theirs from beating. The contractor must first make a touch attack on a single living target within 30 feet. If it hits, that target must make a will save. If the target fails, he is dazed for 2D3 rounds. At 5th level, the target is instead dazed for 1d3 minutes and stunned for 2d3 rounds. At 10th level, the target is dazed for 1d6 minutes, stunned for 1d3 minutes, and put to sleep for 2d3 rounds. At 15th level, the target is dazed for 1d12 minutes, stunned for 1d6 minutes, asleep for 1d3 minutes, and paralyzed for 2d3 rounds. This ability deducts 3 rounds from an install.

    Heroic Spirit Install: A contractor installing Hassan appears to wear loose, flowing blue clothes that seem to cloud her in shadow. She gains bonuses to attack rolls, reflex saves, and dexterity. In addition, she also gains the Dark template (ToM), access to the Weapon Finesse and Quick Draw feats while using daggers, and +1D6 sneak attack per four contractor levels. While installing Hassan, she may only cast his spells.

    Zabiniya: Illusion (Su): Hassan can divide his powers and personality into multiple functioning bodies. The contractor creates and controls a duplicate of herself, with one quarter her hit points and nonmagical copies of all of her equipment (except for the gauntlet of infinite daggers, which works as normal except that every dagger it creates is non-magical). Treat this as a conjuration (creation) effect with a caster level equal to her contractor level. Upon creation of the double, which occupies her space, either she or the double (her choice) takes a single 5-foot step. The double lasts exactly as long as the Assassin install lasts or until reduced to 0 hit points, at which point it disappears. The double cannot cast spells or use any supernatural abilities or phantasms, and may not terminate her Assassin install. She cannot create more than one double at a time. This deducts 2 rounds from her install.

    Assassin Hassan’s Spells: 1 – Ray of Enfeeblement, 2 – Spectral Hand, 3 – Mind Poison (SpC), 4 – Infestation of Maggots (SpC), 5 – Night’s Caress (SpC, with no alignment descriptor)

    Assassin - Jack The Ripper (Fate/Apocrypha)
    Jack the ripper divides and conquers enemy forces.

    Heroic Spirit Include: Jack the ripper summons a cleaver-shaped handaxe in one hand and a dagger in the other, both made to fight in mist. Both weapons become Revealing (MIC) at 7th level, Mindcrusher (MiC) at 11th level, and Vanishing (MiC) at 16th level. In addition, at the end of any attack, full attack or phantasm in which the contractor threw her dagger, it disappears from its current location and reforms in her hand.

    Holy Mother of Dismemberment (Su): Jack can throw her dagger at a target, removing any opponent in one shot. The contractor throws her dagger at a target within her maximum range, taking only half of the penalty for throwing at a distance. If the dagger hits, roll for damage normally. The target must make a fortitude save with DC equal to the damage that was rolled. If the target fails, he is dazed for 2D3 rounds. At 5th level, the target is instead dazed for 1d3 minutes and stunned for 2d3 rounds. At 10th level, the target is dazed for 1d6 minutes, stunned for 1d3 minutes, and put to sleep for 2d3 rounds. At 15th level, the target is dazed for 1d12 minutes, stunned for 1d6 minutes, asleep for 1d3 minutes, and paralyzed for 2d3 rounds. This attack deals no damage; the damage roll was to determine the save DC only. This ability deducts 2 rounds from an install.

    Heroic Spirit Install: A contractor installing Jack appears to wear a black vest and wrapped bandages on her forearms. She gains bonuses to attack rolls, reflex saves, and dexterity. She also gains a bonus to saves against all mind-effecting affects equal to her contractor level divided by three. She gains the benefits of the Two-Weapon Fighting, Weapon Finesse, Point-Blank Shot, and Double Hit feats, and 1D6 Sneak Attack damage per 5 levels. If at least 15th level, she gains the benefits of the Improved Two-Weapon Fighting feat for the duration of the install. While installing Jack, she may only cast her spells.

    Darkened Misty Metropolis (Su): Jack can use her powers to control mists around her. As a free action, the contractor may deduct one, two, or three rounds from her install, and must have at least that many rounds remaining. If she deducts one round, she can see through all foglike and mistlike effects, both mundane and supernatural, as though they were not there until the start of her next turn. If she deducts two rounds, she gets that benefit, and also can move without fog or mistlike effects impeding her. If she deducts three rounds, she gains both previous benefits, takes no damage from any fog or mist effects, and automatically succeeds any save forced on her by being within the range of a fog or mist-based spell or effect.

    Assassin Jack’s Spells: 1 – Obscuring Mist, 2 – Fog Cloud, 3 – Stinking Cloud, 4 – Solid Fog, 5 – Cloudkill

    Assassin - Kaya (Magic: The Gathering)
    Kaya, Ghost Assassin, is a mercenary with talent for dueling and being where she shouldn’t.

    Heroic Spirit Include: Kaya summons a pair of Drow Long Knives (RoE) as impossible to fool as she is. They become Ghost Touch at 7th level, Ghost Strike (MIC) at 10th level, and Transmuting (MIC) at 14th level.

    Spectral Dodge (Su): Kaya’s special magic allows her to phase parts of her body at a time into other realms. As an immediate action in response to any attack, the contractor can turn partially incorporeal, attempting to dodge. The attack is subject to a 20% miss chance, which stacks additively with concealment. If it doesn’t miss due to this, the attacker rerolls any attack roll. If the attack was save-based, the contractor rerolls the save. This deducts 2 rounds from an install.

    Heroic Spirit Install: A contractor installing Kaya appears to wear stylish yet practical black and maroon leathers with a few discreet belts. In addition, she may choose to have one to four small lights appear beside her for the duration of the install, as the spell Dancing Lights. She gains bonuses to attack rolls, dexterity, and fortitude saves. She also gains immunity to negative energy, death effects, and all further effects negated by the spell Death Ward. She also gains the benefits of the Two-Weapon Fighting feat for the duration of the install. If at least level 15, she also gains the benefits of the feat Improved Two-Weapon Fighting. Finally, she gains +1D6 sneak attack per five contractor levels. While installing Kaya, she may only cast her spells.

    Kaya's Ghostform (Su): Kaya’s ghostly magics can be used offensively as well as defensively. The contractor shifts her body into the realm of spirits, gaining the Incorporeal subtype, except that she cannot end her movement inside an object and that rather than being fully immune to nonmagical attacks, they instead suffer a 50% miss chance against her. This lasts until the install ends or she spends another equivalent action to shift out of it, and every round it’s active deducts an extra round from her install.

    Assassin Kaya’s Spells: 1 – Critical Strike (SpC), 2 – Vital Strike (CM), 3 – Find the Gap (SpC), 4 – Disrupting Weapon, 5 – Ethereal Jaunt

    Assassin – Li Shuwen (Fate/Extra)
    Li strikes quickly and controls the battlefield.

    Heroic Spirit Include: A contractor including Li uses a polearm equivalent to a Ranseur, designed to end enemies in a single blow. It gains Sure Striking (PGtF) at 7th level and Marrowcrushing (BoVD) at 13th level.

    No Second Strike (Ex): Li is known for saying, “I do not know what it’s like to hit a man twice.” The contractor makes a single melee attack, which deals double damage. Until the start of her next turn, all of her attacks with her included weapon deal double damage. If this phantasm would end her include, it instead persists until the start of her next turn. This deducts 2 rounds from an install.

    Heroic Spirit Install: A contractor installing Li appears to wear an old-fashioned martial arts uniform colored bright orange. She gains bonuses to attack rolls, reflex saves, strength, and dexterity. She also gains a +4 competence bonus to Hide and Move Silently and the benefits of the Combat Reflexes and Darkstalker (LoM) feats for the duration of the install. While installing Li, she may only cast his spells.

    Sphere Boundary (Su): Through personal Qi strengthened by Bājíquán martial techniques, Li can prevent others from perceiving his location. As a swift action, the contractor becomes invisible until the start of her next round. If she uses this again at the start of her next round, she remains invisible for the entire time. This deducts 2 rounds from an install.

    Assassin Li’s Spells: 1 – Accelerated Movement (SpC), 2 – Surefooted Stride (SpC), 3 – Permeable Form (LoM), 4 – Aerial Alacrity (RotW), 5 – Cloak of the Sea (SpC)

    Assassin - Lidda (D&D Iconic)
    Lidda, Halfling Rogue, is supremely skilled.

    Heroic Spirit Include: Lidda summons a set of tools useful for the work at hand. These give the contractor a circumstance bonus to certain skills equal to her normal enhancement bonus (minimum +1), and apply to a number of skills of her choice equal to that same number. In addition, she may use those skills untrained, and if the selected skills include search or disable device, she gains trapfinding for the duration of the include.

    Old Rogue New Trick (Ex): Lidda is famed for her creative solutions to problems. As a free action, the contractor chooses one skill trick for which she qualifies, and may start using it in the next round. At the end of her next round she loses it, but if it takes multiple turns to use, she may continue its current use. If used twice, she may use the same skill trick twice in one encounter. This deducts 2 rounds from an install.

    Heroic Spirit Install: A contractor installing Lidda appears to wear earth-tone skintight leathers and entirely too many belts. She gains bonuses to attack rolls, reflex saves, and dexterity. In addition, she gains a bonus to all skills for the duration of the install equal to her contractor level divided by 3. For purposes of skill trick prerequisites and use of trained-only skills, she is considered to have this many additional ranks in all skills. While installing Lidda, she may only cast her spells.

    Footpaddin’ (Ex): Lidda can sneak past a guard at a run or fast-talk a noble with three words. The contractor activates this when using a skill that requires multiple rounds to complete or requires her to slow some activity. The number of rounds to complete her task, or the amount she is penalized by the skill use, is halved with no penalty. For instance, instead of moving silently reducing her speed by half, it reduces her speed by one quarter. If this phantasm reduces an action by 1 or 2 rounds, it deducts that many rounds from her install. In all other cases it deducts 3 rounds from an install.

    Assassin Lidda’s Spells: 1 – Immediate Assistance (CM), 2 – Improvisation (SpC), 3 – Heroism, 4 – Unfailing Endurance (DotF), 5 – Greater Heroism

    Assassin – Kojiro Sasaki (Fate/Stay Night)
    Sasaki Kojiro, famed swordsman of stories, specializes in smart defense and quick, penetrating strikes.

    Heroic Spirit Include: Kojiro summons a katana (mechanically equivalent to an Elven Courtblade from Races of the Wild) that moves too fast to be tracked. It becomes Eager (MIC) at 7th level, Blurstrike (MIC) at 11th level, and Defensive Surge (MIC) at 16th level.

    Tsubame Gaeshi (Ex): Kojiro has mastered the art of cutting a swallow mid-flight by striking from three directions at once. The contractor may only use this technique while standing on solid ground. She makes a full attack with her sword, and gains extra attacks (and attack penalties, as appropriate) equivalent to the Flurry of Blows of a monk her level. For instance, a 9th level contractor gains one extra attack at her highest bonus and no penalty. This deducts 1 round from an install.

    Heroic Spirit Install: A contractor installing Kojiro appears to wear purple-colored formal underclothes designed to be worn under heavier armor. She receives bonuses to attack rolls, fortitude saves, and +2 bonus to strength and dexterity, with an additional +2 to each ability for every 6 contractor levels, not for every 10 levels like most heroic spirit installs. She is also under the effect of a Mind Blank spell for the duration of the install, with a caster level equal to her contractor level, and gains the benefits of the Combat Expertise and Combat Reflexes feats for the duration of the install. While installing Kojiro, she may only cast his spells.

    Installing Kojiro gives no additional noble phantasms or abilities.

    Assassin Kojiro’s Spells: 1 – Foundations of Stone (SpC), 2 – Mountain Stance (SpC), 3 – Know Opponent (SpC), 4 – Nature’s Rampart (SpC), 5 – Zone of Respite (SpC)

    Assassin – Teana Lanster (Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha StrikerS)
    Teana Lanster, Star of the Forwards, coordinates complicated maneuvers and ambushes using her illusions. She wields Cross Mirage, which can both shoot magical bullets and assist her in creating illusions.

    Heroic Spirit Include: Teana summons a Revolver (DMG) with 60 bullets. In addition, the contractor starts her install with cartridges equal to her contractor ability modifier, with additional cartridges at levels 7, 10, 13, and 16. She may expend one cartridge as a swift action to get an extra attack on her next full attack before the end of her turn. If she runs out of bullets loaded during that attack, she may end her attack to reload her revolver as a free action.

    Phantom Blazer (Su): Teana’s gun can be used for distance shooting. The contractor fires one shot. For this shot, the range increment of her gun is increased by 5 feet per contractor level. If this shot hits, it deals +1D6 damage per 2 contractor levels. This deducts 3 rounds from an install.

    Heroic Spirit Install: A contractor installing Teana appears to wear a loose white vest over a black sleeveless shirt and shorts. She gains bonuses to attack rolls, reflex saves, and dexterity. In addition, she threatens her normal melee reach, and may make attacks of opportunity with her revolver in this range. Against flat-footed targets, her shots deal +1D6 damage/5 levels. While installing Teana, she may only cast her spells.

    Fake Silhouette (Su): Teana gains her tactical advantage through her use of illusions. As a swift action, the contractor may initiate her Fake Silhouette phantasm. Every round this phantasm is active, she may choose one or two of the following effects: create a one-round major image somewhere within 100 feet of her location, or make herself invisible (as Improved Invisibility, or Superior Invisibility, SpC, if at least 15th level) for one round. However, for each of these effects the performs, the must spend a move action concentrating or deduct one round from her install. Should she perform neither in a round, the phantasm ends.

    Assassin Teana’s Spells: 1 – Silent Image, 2 – Phantom Foe (SpC), 3 – Deceptive Facade (CM), 4 – Phantom Battle (PHBII), 5 – Veil

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    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Heroic Spirits: Berserker, Caster, Lancer

    Berserker - Black Knight (Fate/Zero)
    Black Knight Berserker forms a flexible, slippery battle bruiser with the right tools for the job.

    Heroic Spirit Include: The Black Knight does not summon a weapon, but rather grants the ability to use anything around as a weapon with power equal to his strongest weapons. While including or installing Black Knight, a contractor is capable of using any weapon or item around her as her weapon, with an enhancement bonus equal to her normal included weapons. Any improvised weapon can be used as a simple, martial, or exotic weapon that it superficially resembles. The emulated weapon is unable to make ranged attack (except for being thrown). For instance, a broom handle can be used as a rapier or longsword, a piece of rope can be used as a whip or spiked chain, a plank of wood can be used as a bastard sword or greatsword, or a broken bottle can be used as a dagger or kukri. The power of the Include will imbue the weapon with the ability to act as a weapon of the same type, including in hit points and hardness. In addition, this weapon deals an additional 1D4 damage starting at contractor level 4, which becomes 1D6 at level 8, 1D8 at level 12, 1D10 at level 16, and 1D12 at level 20. Any improvised item can only emulate one type of weapon per round, and only one item can be treated as Black Knight’s weapon at a time. If wielding a weapon that is already magical, Black Knight’s granted enhancement bonus and bonus damage override any enhancement bonus and weapon abilities already present on the weapon.

    Protection of the Faeries (Su): Due to a blessing from fey, Black Knight has the capacity to increase his luck in dangerous situations. As an immediate action, the contractor gains a +10 bonus on the next saving throw she makes within the round. If she makes no saving throws by the end of the round, the effect is wasted. This deducts 3 rounds from an install.

    Heroic Spirit Install: A contractor installing Black Knight appears to be covered in dark-colored plate armor and surrounded by a black shadowy fog. She gains bonuses to attack rolls, strength. and constitution. She also gains resistance to all energy types equal to her contractor level, evasion as a rogue of her contractor level, and Mettle (CWar) as a Hexblade of her contractor level. During this install, she may not cast any spells, use magical items requiring activation, or use any skill that requires dexterity, intelligence, constitution, or charisma (except balance, escape artist, intimidate and ride). Installing Black Knight counts as Rage.

    Not for One’s Own Glory (Su): Black Knight has an affinity with shadows stemming from his many famous deeds done while disguised. As a free action once per round, the contractor may apply Quicken Spell and Still Spell to a single spell on the Black Knight spell list without increasing its level or casting time, which she can then cast. This is the only way she may cast spells while installing Black Knight. This deducts a number of rounds from an install equal to the level of the spell affected.

    Berserker Black Knight’s Spells: 1 – Shadow Mask (SpC), 2 – Shadow Spray (SpC), 3 – Shadow Phase (SpC), 4 – Shadow Conjuration, 5 – Shadow Evocation

    Berserker - Frankenstein’s Monster (Fate/Apocrypha)
    Frankenstein’s Monster excels in taking magical punishment while shocking her enemies.

    Heroic Spirit Include: Frankenstein summons a heavy mace containing her reactor, which shocks her foes into submission. It becomes Shock at 7th level, Shocking Burst at 11th level, and Psychokinetic (MIC) at 16th level.

    Lightning Tree of Crucifixion (Su): Frankenstein can plant the handle of her mace in the ground and detonate the head, releasing the power contained in her reactor in a giant discharge. The contractor deals 1D6 damage to all creatures within 30 feet of her, and half of that to all creatures within 60 feet. Half of this damage is electricity and half of it is force (reflex half). However, she herself takes the phantasm’s force half of damage (no save). This deducts 1 round from an install.

    Heroic Spirit Install: A contractor installing Frankenstein appears to wear loose, white clothing and has visible metal bolts in her head. She gains bonuses to attack rolls, fortitude saves, and constitution. She also gains immunity to any spell or ability allowing spell resistance for the duration of the install, with the following exceptions: Any electricity damage heals her instead of damaging her; and any fire damage deals full damage to her. She does not get a save against electricity or fire damage, but can save against any other effects of these spells normally. During this install, she may not cast any spells, use magical items requiring activation, or use any skill that requires dexterity, intelligence, constitution, or charisma (except balance, escape artist, intimidate and ride). Installing Frankenstein counts as Rage.

    Scream of the False Lifeform (Su): Frankenstein can release an unearthly wail, capable of robbing all those near her of their ability to think. Anybody within 30 feet of the contractor is affected. Those with fewer hit dice than half of her contractor level are dazed for 1D4+1 rounds (no save); those with hit dice between half of her contractor level and her contractor level must make a will save or be nauseated for 1D4 rounds; and those with more HD than her contractor level must make a will save or be staggered for 1D3 rounds. This deducts 3 rounds from an install.

    Berserker Frankenstein’s Spells: 1 – Shocking Grasp, 2 – Electric Vengeance (PHBII), 3 – Orb of Electricity, 4 – Greater Electric Vengeance (PHBII), 5 – Ball Lighting (SpC)

    Berserker - Garruk (Magic: The Gathering)
    Garruk Wildspeaker, cursed by the Chain-Veil, wanders the planes in search of his prey. His curse causes him to poison those he touches.

    Heroic Spirit Include: Garruk summons a Dwarven Warspike (RoS) designed to feed on the strength of those it kills. It becomes Wrathful Healing (EaA) at 10th level and Intercepting (FoW) at 16th level.

    Triumph of Ferocity (Su): After his curse, Garruk found that his ability to enchant and strengthen his allies turned into horrible, desiccating curses. The contractor Makes a single attack with her axe, which can be either a normal attack for damage, or a touch attack simply to apply the curse. If it hits, the attack deals 1 point of strength damage per 2 contractor levels. This deducts 2 rounds from an install.

    Heroic Spirit Install: A servant soul installing Garruk appears to wear a close-fitting metal helmet and bones and skins of past prey, and grows half again in every dimension. That last part isn’t solely visual: installing Garruk increases a contractor’s size category, with all the attendant bonuses and penalties that implies. The contractor also gains bonuses to attack rolls, strength, and fortitude saves. In addition, for every 8 contractor levels, her minimum reach with her axe is reduced by 5 feet. During this install, she may not cast any spells, use magical items requiring activation, or use any skill that requires dexterity, intelligence, constitution, or charisma (except balance, escape artist, intimidate and ride). Installing Garruk counts as Rage.

    Veil-Cursed (Su): Garruk can still enchant his beasts, but doing so turns them into terrors. The contractor deducts one to three rounds from her install and picks herself or another ally within 30 feet. That target gets +2 to strength, +2 temporary HP, and -2 constitution per round deducted. Unarmed and natural weapons used by that target gain a contact poison with a DC equal to her standard contractor save that deals 1/1 constitution damage. These effects last the duration of the install, or three rounds, whichever is longer.

    Berserker Garruk’s Spells: 1 – Rot of Ages (DM), 2 – Animalistic Power (PHBII), 3 – Junglerazer (SpC), 4 – Blight, 5 – Acid Storm (CM)

    Berserker - Heracles (Fate/Stay Night)
    Heracles, Sun of Zeus, is a nearly indestructible heroic spirit capable of wielding massive power and controlling a battlefield.

    Heroic Spirit Include: Heracles summons a longaxe (CAdv) made to beat enemies with raw power. It becomes Sizing (MIC) at 4th level, Berserker (MIC) at 7th level, Domineering (MIC) at 11th level, and Brutal Surge (MIC) at 16th level.

    Nine Lives (Ex): Heracles developed a technique to kill a hydra by striking all nine heads simultaneously. As a swift action, the contractor may activate this power. If she spends the round performing a full attack, she can make a second full attack action with the same bonuses to attack. Her include ends at the end of her round. Unlike other include noble phantasms, Nine Lives cannot be used during her install.

    Heroic Spirit Install: A contractor installing Heracles appears to wear powerful metal bracers and her skin gains an adamantine sheen. She gains bonuses to attack rolls, fortitude saves, and constitution. She also gains the Diehard and Steadfast Determination (PHBII) feats, powerful build (allowing her to include a larger weapon), damage reduction/adamantine equal to 2 per 5 contractor levels, and Spell Resistance equal to 10 plus her contractor level for the duration of the install. However, while Heracles is installed, the contractor may not cast spells, use magical items requiring activation, or use any skill that requires dexterity, intelligence, constitution, or charisma (except balance, escape artist, intimidate and ride). Installing Heracles counts as Rage. Unlike other installs, a contractor may not end her Heracles install prematurely.

    God Hand (Ex): Upon completing his twelve trials, the gods gave Heracles immortality. This is a passive ability and it activates every time the contractor would be reduced to or below -10 hit points. When this happens, she must make a fortitude save equal to her negative hit points minus four. If she succeeds this save, deduct 3 rounds of her install, and then set her hit points to twice the number of rounds remaining in her install (minimum 0).

    Berserker Heracles’s Spells: 1 – Enlarge Person, 2 – Lion’s Charge (SpC), 3 – Crown of Might (PHBII), 4 – Stoneskin, 5 – Draconic Might (SpC)

    Berserker - Krusk (D&D Iconic)
    Krusk, Half-Orc Barbarian, specializes in demoralizing enemies.

    Heroic Spirit Include: Krusk summons a terrifying greataxe. It gains Fear Burst (MH) at 7th level, and Frightful (DaD) at 13th level.

    Roar (Ex): Krusk can terrify his enemies with his bestial shouts. As a swift action, the contractor may make an intimidate check to demoralize any single foe within 60 feet. This deducts 2 rounds from an install.

    Heroic Spirit Install: A contractor installing Krusk appears to wear animal hides ornamented with bones of her enemies, along with random items strapped to her limbs. She gains bonuses to attack rolls, fortitude saves, and strength. In addition, she gains a frightening presence, and any foe that is within 30 feet of her while she attacks or performs a special attack must make a will save or be shaken until the round after the end of her install. If their total hit dice is less than half of her contractor level, they are instead frightened. Any foe that was shaken when this effect started will instead be frightened (or panicked), and any foe that was frightened will become panicked (or cowering), as appropriate. Anybody that succeeds on this save will be immune to the effect for the remainder of the install. In addition, she gains spell resistance equal to 10+ her contractor level, and a bonus to intimidate checks equal to 1/2 her contractor level. However, while Krusk is installed, she may not cast spells, use magical items requiring activation, or use any skill that requires dexterity, intelligence, constitution, or charisma (except balance, escape artist, intimidate and ride). Installing Krusk counts as Rage.

    Indomitable (Su): Krusk’s found that people who say they don’t scare easy just haven’t met him yet. As a move action, the contractor targets an enemy within 60 feet. That enemy takes -4 to all saves and rolls against intimidate and fear effects for 2D6 rounds. This ability has a different effect if the foe is immune to fear. In that case, Incomitable allows her fear and intimidate effects to pierce that immunity, but the enemy gets a +4 on saves and rolls to resist them. This deducts 1 round from an install.

    Berserker Krusk’s Spells: 1 – Cause Fear, 2 – Scare, 3 – Fear, 4 – Greater Rebuke (SpC), 5 – Wail of Doom (SpC)

    Berserker – Lu Bu (Fate/Extra)
    Lu Bu, the General of Repetition, has powerful mid-ranged damage and stunning.

    Heroic Spirit Include: Lu Bu summons a halberd focused on increasing damage. It gains Arcane Might (MIC) at 7th level, Subjugating (HoB) at 11th level, and Vicious at 16th level.

    God Force (Su): Lu Bu’s weapon is actually a magical contraption capable of changing into a bow. The contractor can make a full attack, and attack a target within 60 feet. All physical damage dealt during this attack is force damage. The attacks count otherwise as melee attacks. This does not change her threatened area. This deducts 2 rounds from an install.

    Heroic Spirit Install: A contractor installing Lu Bu appears to wear highly decorated armor with stylized designs, and trails two long plumes of hair. She receives bonuses to attack rolls, fortitude saves, strength, and constitution. During the install, if she fails a save against any spell or effect that would result in her death through means other than hit point damage, she instead takes damage equal to half of her maximum hit points. During this install, she may not cast any spells, use magical items requiring activation, or use any skill that requires dexterity, intelligence, constitution, or charisma (except balance, escape artist, intimidate and ride). Installing Lu Bu counts as Rage.

    Armistice (Ex): Lu Bu can stun enemies with his savage strikes. As a swift action, the contractor may declare her next attack a stunning attack. Her next melee attack stuns the target for 1 round if it hits, unless the target makes a fortitude save with a DC equal to the damage dealt by the attack. This deducts 3 rounds from an install.

    Berserker Lu Bu’s Spells: 1 – Backbiter (SpC), 2 – Black Karma Curse (PHBII), 3 – Reverse Arrows (SpC), 4 – Friendly Fire (EoE), 5 – Friend To Foe (PHBII)

    Berserker – Vita of the Wolkenritter (Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha A’s)
    Vita, the Crimson Iron Rider, is a reckless attacker that can break through any barrier. She wields Graf Eisen, the Iron Count.

    Heroic Spirit Include: Vita summons a warhammer. It gains Impact at 7th level. In addition, the contractor starts her include with one cartridge, with additional cartridges at levels 10, 13, and 16. She may expend a cartridge as a swift action to treat her warhammer as a Greathammer (MM4) for one round.

    Giant Blow (Su): Vita can enlarge her hammer’s head and handle to much larger than herself. The contractor makes one attack. For this attack, her reach grows to that of a creature one size category larger than herself for every 5 contractor levels, and her weapon deals damage as if it were that much larger. This deducts 2 rounds from an install.

    Heroic Spirit Install: A contractor installing Vita appears to wear impractically fancy red clothing with black ribbons and frills. She gains bonuses to attack rolls, fortitude saves, strength, and constitution. In addition, she gains full concealment against all except those within 60 feet, and this range shrinks by 5 feet for every 5 contractor levels. During this install, she may not cast any spells, use magical items requiring activation, or use any skill that requires dexterity, intelligence, constitution, or charisma (except balance, escape artist, intimidate and ride). Installing Vita counts as Rage.

    Rocket Hammer (Su): Vita can grow a drill on one end of her hammer and a rocket on the other side, piercing through her targets with powerful momentum. As a free action, the contractor empowers her next hammer attack. That attack will deal bludgeoning and piercing damage, and the weapon damage bypasses damage reduction, hardness, and regeneration. In addition, it deals 1 fire damage per contractor level. This deducts 3 rounds from an install. If used to empower a Giant Blow attack, the two phantasms form a combined phantasm known as Destruction Hammer. This combined phantasm deducts 4 rounds from an install, instead of the normal 5, and affects any force effects or other standing magical effects as though they were struck by a Rod of Cancellation (using her normal save modifier).

    Berserker Vita’s Spells: 1 – Burning Rage (PHBII), 2 – Rage, 3 – Ferocity of Sanguine Rage (DrM), 4 – Incite Riot (PHBII), 5 – Mantle of Pure Spite (HoH)

    Caster - Bluebeard (Fate/Zero)
    Bluebeard, or Gilles De Rais, allows for unlimited, but unpredictable, spellcasting power.

    Heroic Spirit Include: Bluebeard does not summon a traditional weapon. Rather, he summons a staff that acts like a Tentacle Rod (MIC), except as noted here. The rod has one tentacle plus one for each +1 enhancement bonus granted the contractor’s included weapons. The rod uses her normal melee attack bonus. Each tentacle gets a bonus to hit and to damage equal to the enhancement bonus on her included weapons. The rod’s Slow effect triggers if 3 tentacles hit the same target, and uses her normal save DC.

    Magecraft (Ex): Contact with the origin gave Bluebeard knowledge of magic and spells. This ability is used when the contractor wants to cast a spell that she knows and has the intelligence to cast from the spell allotment of her contracting class. The spell is treated as normal level when cast, but uses a lower-level spell slot. She may reduce the level of the spell slot consumed by up to 1 per 4 contractor levels (minimum level 0). If she has no slots of that level remaining, she may use a higher-level slot to cast it, as normal. If she has no spell slots of that level or any higher level spell slots, she may not cast the spell. This deducts 1 round from an install.

    Heroic Spirit Install: A contractor installing Bluebeard appears to wear a bulky, unwieldy dark cloak with a thick, red-accented collar, and holds a book in the hand not holding her rod of tentacles. She gains a bonus to intelligence. She also gains a bonus on concentration checks and saves against all mind-affecting effects equal to her contractor level divided by 3, and a 30-foot Fear Aura, which frightens enemies with HD of less than half of her contractor level and shakes enemies with HD up to her contractor level if they fail a will save to resist. These effects last for 3D10 rounds, but if still active, will end 1 round after the end of her install. A creature that makes the save is immune to her Fear Aura for 24 hours. Installing Bluebeard places no restrictions on casting contractor-list spells, although other spells are still restricted.

    Prelati’s Spellbook (Su): Bluebeard possesses a demonic grimoire with nearly unlimited magical power. As a standard action, the contractor opens the book conjured with her install. In any subsequent rounds of the install, she may choose to cast a contractor-list spell powered by the book instead of powered by her spells per day. She may do use this to cast a spell even if she has no remaining spell slots of that level, but she must retain the minimum ability scores to cast it. If she casts a spell using Prelati’s Spellbook as her power source, she may not cast that spell again in any fashion for a number of rounds equal to 1D4 + 1/2 the level of the spell. The round spent opening the book deducts 1 round from her install.

    Caster Bluebeard’s Spells: 1 – Spirit Worm (SpC), 2 – Summon Swarm, 3 – Girallon’s Blessing (SpC), 4 – Vipergout(SpC), 5 – Spider Plague (SpC)

    Caster - Hans Christian Anderson (Fate/Extra CCC)
    Hans Christian Anderson, author of stories and fairy tales, replaces supports his allies with powerful healing magic.

    Heroic Spirit Include: Anderson does not summon a weapon when included. Rather, the contractor gains a wand of Cure Minor Wounds with charges equal to her contractor level. When the included weapon would be +1, she instead includes a wand of Cure Light Wounds. When the included weapon would be +2, she gets a wand of Cure Moderate Wounds. When the included weapon would be +3, her wand becomes a wand of Cure Serious Wounds. At +4, the wand becomes a wand of Cure Critical Wounds. When weapons would be +5, she gets a Scepter (LEoF) of Heal.

    Marchen Maines Lebens (Su): Anderson has the power to write truth into his autobiography, “The Fairy Tale of My Life.” By doing so, he helps his allies better tell their story. As an immediate action, the contractor may target herself or an ally within 60 feet. The target may reroll any one die within the next round, and must accept the result of the reroll. If not used within 1 full round, the reroll is wasted. This deducts 2 rounds from an install.

    Heroic Spirit Install: A contractor installing Anderson diminishes slightly in size and appears to wear a bowtie, a vest and a striped shirt. She gains a bonus on intelligence. She radiates a heroic aura, granting all allies within 60 feet a morale bonus on attack rolls and saves against fear equal to 1 for every 4 contractor levels. Installing Anderson places no restrictions on casting contractor-list spells, although other spells are still restricted.

    High Speed Aria (Su): When Anderson needs to help others, he can do so very quickly. As a swift action, the contractor may deduct a number of rounds from her install in order to cast a conjuration (healing) spell from the cleric spell list of level equal to the rounds lost. The level of the spell cannot exceed the highest level of contractor-list spell she would normally be able to cast, and she must have at least that many rounds in her install. The spell must have a verbal component, it must have a cast time of no greater than 5 rounds, and she must provide any expensive material components as well as pay any XP cost associated with the spell.

    Caster Anderson’s Spells: 1 – Remove Fear, 2 – Harmonic Chorus (SpC), 3 – Allegro (SpC), 4 – Greater Resistance (SpC), 5 – Heroes’ Feast

    Caster – Hayate Yagami (Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha A’s)
    Hayate Yagami, Ace of the Army and Living Lost Logia, is a deadly wielder of long-range, high-powered magical bursts. She wields the Tome of the Night Sky, a storehouse for magical knowledge and power.

    Heroic Spirit Include: Hayate summons a book of magical runes. The contractor’s caster level increases to her contractor level while holding it.

    Diabolic Emission (Su): One of Hayate’s signature attacks is a long-range, all-consuming black sphere of energy. This takes the form of a 10-foot radius sphere centered within 100 feet of the contractor’s location. All those within its radius take 1D6 damage per 2 contractor levels (reflex half). This deducts 3 rounds from an install. The next round, the radius grows to 20 feet, and deals the same damage to any within it. In addition, if the previous round did not end her include or install, she may deduct one more round. If she does, the ball stays for a third round, growing to a radius of 30 feet and dealing the same damage.

    Heroic Spirit Install: A contractor installing Hayate wears a black and white jacket over black and yellow underclothes, a white beret, and grows three pairs of spectral black wings. She gains a bonus to intelligence and can fly at a speed of 30 feet (perfect). In addition, she may choose which mode to install: In Knight Armor mode, all allies within 60 feet gain +1 to attack per 3 contractor levels, which is doubled when confirming critical hits. In Unison Mode, all spells she casts automatically gain Enlarge Spell, without affecting their spell level or casting time. Installing Hayate places no restrictions on casting contractor-list spells, although other spells are still restricted.

    Corpse Swallower (Su): Hayate can use Hræsvelgr, or Corpse Swallower, to bombard enemies from extreme ranges. As a standard action, the contractor gathers powers for one to three rounds. At the end of each standard action gathering power, she may choose to release it as an attack. If she does not release at the end of one of these three actions, the gathered energy dissipates. Once released, she may center the detonation anywhere within 30 feet per contractor level, and any of those within range may make a reflex save for half damage. Depending on if it was charged for 1, 2, or 3 rounds, the attack deals 1D6, 1D12, or 2D10 damage per contractor level to any creature within 10, 15, or 20 feet of the center. Releasing this attack deducts 3 rounds from an install.

    Caster Hayate’s Spells: 1 – Lesser Shivering Touch (FB), 2 – Kelgore’s Grave Mist (PHBII), 3 – Shivering Touch (FB), 4 – Orb of Dancing Death (MoE), 5 – Kyrstan’s Malevolent Tentacles (SSo)

    Caster - Medea (Fate/Stay Night)
    Medea, Magus from the age of gods, is the best heroic spirit for powerful blasting powers.

    Heroic Spirit Include: Medea summons a dagger made to cut through opponent’s powers. The dagger becomes Dispelling (MIC) at 7th level, Banishing (MIC) at 11th level, and Greater Dispelling (MIC) at 16th level.

    Rule Breaker (Su): In addition to dispelling magic, Medea’s dagger can nullify all contracts, and when doing so, she can place herself into the world’s contractual arraignment of master and servant. The contractor first targets an active conjuration spell or ability with conjured material within 60 feet (such as a summoned monster). She then attempts to wrest control from the original caster. Both she and the caster make opposed rolls, each adding their caster level and relevant casting ability modifiers (intelligence for the Servant Soul). A contractor gets -3 on this check, due to the difficulty of the task. If she meets or exceeds the roll made by the original caster, she gains control of the spell. Although the spell still uses the original duration and other effects determined at time of casting (such as orders to a called entity), it now treats her as the caster, allowing her to order a summoned creature, dismiss a wall, or perform any other action allowed by the caster. This deducts between 1 and 5 rounds from an install, and cannot deduct more rounds than remain. She gets +3 to her opposed roll for every round deducted from an install.

    Heroic Spirit Install: A contractor installing Medea appears to wear a long, dark, hooded robe to wear over her clothing for the duration of the transformation. She gains a bonus to intelligence. She also gains Fly 40 (Perfect) for the duration of the install as a supernatural ability. Every round during the Install (lasting from the start of her turn to the end of the turn before hers in the next initiative order), she gains the ability to apply up to 4 levels of metamagic effects to the spells she casts without increasing cast times or spell levels, chosen from this list: Consecrate Spell (+1, CDiv), Corrupt Spell (+1, CDiv), Empower Spell (+2), Enlarge Spell (+1), Fortify Spell (+1-+4, CArc), Heighten Spell (+1-+4), Maximize Spell (+3), Searing Spell (+1, Sand), and Quicken Spell (+4). Multiple metamagics can be applied to the same spell as long as she has enough metamagic levels remaining that round to use them all, and she need not have the metamagic feats to use these in this way during the install, although using any normally, even during the install, requires the feat in question. Installing Medea places no restrictions on casting contractor-list spells, although other spells are still restricted.

    Argon Coin (Su): Medea owns a golden fleece made from the wool of a winged ram. When thrown to the ground, it summons a dragon. The contractor may summon a true dragon with alignment within one step of her own. This dragon must have HD equal to or less than her contractor level. It obeys her commands and will attack her enemies to the best of its ability until the Install ends, when it is dismissed automatically. This deducts 3 rounds from an install.

    Caster Medea’s Spells: 1 – Magic Missile, 2 – Blast of Force (SpC), 3 – Force Missiles (SpC), 4 – Wings of Flurry (RotD), 5 – Disintegrate

    Caster – Mialee (D&D Iconic)
    Mialee, Elven Wizard, specializes in wide spell access to fit any situation.

    Heroic Spirit Include: Mialee summons a staff with charges equal to her contractor level, capable of using charges to cast spells. At first it can only expend a single charge to cast Mage Hand. When her summoned weapon would be +1, it gains the ability to use 2 charges to cast Mage Armor. When it would be +2, it can use 3 charges to cast Acid Arrow. When it would be +3, it can use 4 charges to cast Lightning Bolt. When it would be +4, it can spend 5 charges to cast Cone of Cold. When it would be +5, it can spend 6 charges to cast Dismissal.

    Renewal (Su): Mialee’s magical items stand up to rigorous punishment. The contractor grants her included staff charges equal to half of her contractor level. Use of this power also prevents the staff from disappearing from existence until the end of her next turn, even if the current include or install ends. This deducts 2 rounds from an install.

    Heroic Spirit Install: A contractor installing Mialee appears to wear clothing with many odd points jutting out and a seemingly endless number of pockets. She gains a bonus to intelligence. She also gains the benefits the feat Spell Penetration, and the feat Spell Focus for a single school of her choice. In addition, once per turn, she may apply a single metamagic feat from the following list to a single spell she is casting, without increasing its effective level or casting time: Silent Spell, Still Spell, or Ghost Touch Spell (Gho). Installing Mialee places no restrictions on casting contractor-list spells, although other spells are still restricted.

    Spell Pact (Ex): Mialee’s spellbook always has the right spell for any situation. The contractor deducts between 1 and 10 rounds of install, and must have that many remaining. She then chooses a wizard spell whose level is equal to or lower than the highest level contractor spell she can cast, and is at most half the number of rounds she paid (a 0-level spell is considered 1/2 level for this purpose). She may cast the chosen spell so long as she begins casting before the end of her next turn. She must provide all expensive components and foci of the spell, including XP components, if any.

    Caster Mialee’s Spells: 1 – Distract Assailant (SpC), 2 – Sonorous Hum (SpC), 3 – Spell Enhancer (SpC), 4 – Spell Matrix, Lesser (SpC), 5 – Surge of Fortune (CC)

    Caster – Tamamo-no-Mae (Fate/Extra)
    Tamamo-no-Mae, Shard of the Sun Goddess, can sling magic without end.

    Heroic Spirit Include: Tamamo-no-Mae summons a light steel shield with an enhancement bonus equal to her normal weapon enhancement bonus. The shield gains Averter (MIC) at 4th level, Bashing at 7th level, Ranged (MIC) at 10th level, Anchoring (MIC) at 13th level, and Greater Anchoring (MIC) at 16th level.

    Curse of Heaven (Su): Tamamo performs witchcraft by mixing it within her body before sending it into the world as magical power. The contractor can fire this mixture as a ranged touch attack with a range of 10 feet per contractor level. It deals 1D6 damage per 2 contractor levels, and she may choose to have it deal either fire or cold damage. If she has a high enough base attack bonus to gain multiple attacks, she may make that many touch attacks when using this phantasm, with the appropriate penalties. All shots fired in one phantasm must be of the same energy type. Use of this power does not reduce the duration of any currently running install, and in addition, this power may be used freely during heroic spirit include.

    Heroic Spirit Install: A contractor installing Tamamo appears to have fox ears and a fox tail, but can keep her clothing’s appearance unchanged or choose at the time of her install to mimic the outfit of anybody in sight. She gains a bonus to intelligence. If her health is at most half of her maximum health her intelligence bonus increases by +2, and if she has one quarter health or less it is increased by a further +2. If she is at 0 HP or below, she gains another +4 intelligence. Installing Tamamo places no restrictions on casting contractor-list spells, although other spells are still restricted.

    Bestial Sky (Su): Tamamo has skills that greatly increase her magical power for a short period of time. The contractor first chooses an energy type. Until the end of her next turn, she reduces all damage taken of that energy type by half. Whenever she inflicts damage of that energy type, she may double the damage inflicted and then add her intelligence bonus to the total, even if inflicting it on multiple people or performing multiple such attacks. This deducts 1 round from her install.

    Caster Tamamo’s Spells: 1 – Burning Hands, 2 – Ice Darts (FB), 3 – Shatterfloor (SpC), 4 – Vitriolic Sphere (SpC), 5 – Chain Lightning

    Caster – Ugin (Magic: The Gathering)
    Ugin, the Spirit Dragon, is a patient, cryptic planeswalker who carefully studies the battlefield before coordinating the correct course of action.

    Heroic Spirit Include: Ugin does not fight with a traditional weapon. Instead, a contractor including Ugin gains the use of Ghostfire, his invisible colorless flame. This takes the form of a breath weapon that deals 1D6 fire damage per two contractor levels (reflex half), and its range is 5 feet per two contractor levels. At first she can fire it only in a line, but she may choose to use it as a cone at 7th level, as a sphere at 11th level, and as a spread at 16th level (allowing cones or spheres to round corners). Her breath weapon, of course, doesn’t harm herself even when emitting it in a sphere. After using the breath weapon, the contractor must wait 1D2 rounds before she can use it again. Note that while the fire itself is invisible, anybody observing the contractor will see her perform actions to expel it.

    Tormenting Voice (Su): Ugin can place his desires inside the soul of another. The contractor takes over the mind of a creature within 10 feet per contractor level. She may give it a command, as the spell Command, or make the creature confused, as the spell Lesser Confusion. These both use her standard contractor save and neither is language-dependent. This deducts 2 rounds from an install.

    Heroic Spirit Install: A contractor installing Ugin appears to grow a pair of curved horns, and her entire body drains of color. She gains a bonus to intelligence and fortitude saves, and gains immunity to critical hits and precision damage. She also gains access to the Whisper Mind, allowing all allies within 20 feet per contractor level to communicate swiftly and silently with each other, as the spell Telepathic Bond. Installing Ugin places no restrictions on casting contractor-list spells, although other spells are still restricted.

    Write Into Being (Su): Ugin’s magics can morph and disguise the forms of those around him. The contractor picks up to three willing beings within 5 feet per contractor level and armors each in a roaring tornado of energy, which makes them noticeable but disguises their looks, sounds (except speech), and smells to everything short of True Seeing. Each target gains +1 deflection bonus to AC. She may then choose to swap the positions of any two of them, as the spell Benign Transposition. These disguises last the duration of the install, and using this deducts one round from her install per target.

    Caster Ugin’s Spells: 1 – Comprehend Languages, 2 – Detect Thoughts, 3 – Clairaudience/Clairvoyance, 4 – Scrying, 5 – Probe Thoughts (SpC)

    Lancer - Cú Chulainn (Fate/Stay Night)
    Cú Chulainn, Blue Spearman of the Wind, is a heroic spirit capable of dealing massive damage in melee and skirmishing with tougher enemies.

    Heroic Spirit Include: Cú summons a spear that delivers devastating attacks and imparts luck on the wielder. At level 4, his weapon is coated in Kaorti Resin, increasing its critical modifier to x4. It becomes Lucky at 7th level, Parrying (MIC) at 11th level, and Maiming (MIC) at 16th level.

    Spear of Barbed Death (Ex): Cú’s spear, Gae Bolg, can be used in close range to perform an instant kill attack. From the moment the spear is loosed, it is destined to find its target’s heart. The contractor chooses a threatened enemy. This target is automatically struck by her spear. This strike deals damage as though it were a critical hit, although additional damage modifiers such as power attack do not apply. This deducts 3 rounds from an install.

    Heroic Spirit Install: A contractor installing Cú appears to wear cobalt blue plate mail and bracers. She gains bonuses attack rolls, reflex saves, and strength. She also gains the benefits of the Deflect Arrows feat. When installing Cú, she may only cast his spells.

    Spear of Striking Flight (Su): Cú can also throw Gae Bolg, soaking it with power until it’s ready to explode. The ensuing destruction distorts the space into spearsheads of prana. The contractor moves up to twice her move speed, provoking no attacks of opportunity from leaving her first square, then throws the spear up to 100 feet. Anyone within 20 feet of the spear’s target square takes 1D6 points of force damage per contractor level (Reflex half, DC 10 + 1/2 her contractor level + her strength modifier). At the end of the attack, the spear reforms in her hand. This deducts 3 rounds from an install.

    Lancer Cú Chulainn’s Spells: 1 – Jump, 2 – Stretch Weapon (PHBII), 3 – Blink, 4 – Greater Blink (SpC), 5 – Brilliant Weapon (SpC)

    Lancer - Diarmuid Ua Duibhne (Fate/Zero)
    Diarmuid is a heroic spirit famous for his ability to puncture through all armor, and deal wounds that never heal.

    Heroic Spirit Include: Diarmuid summons either or both of two weapons, which can be used singly or together. The first is a one-handed spear (mechanically equivalent to a trident) able to circumvent all forms of defense. It gains Impaling (MIC) at 7th level, Transmuting (MIC) at 11th level, and Ghost Touch at 16th level. The second is a light shortspear that gains Weakening (MIC) at 7th level, Enervating (MIC) at 11th level, and Stygian (MIC) at 16th level.

    Eye of the Mind (Ex): Diarmuid is capable of observing and analyzing a battle very quickly, to turn it to his advantage. The contractor uses this when flanking an enemy. She makes a normal full attack, but the bonuses for flanking are increased by an additional +2 to attack and damage for every 4 contractor levels. In addition, any ally flanking opposite her gains these same bonuses until the start of her next action. This deducts 2 rounds from an install.

    Heroic Spirit Install: A contractor installing Diarmuid appears to wear a form-fitting teal breastplate and acrobatic boots. She gains bonuses to attack rolls, fortitude saves, and strength. She also gains spell resistance equal to 10 + her contractor level and the benefits of the Two-Weapon Fighting, Two-Weapon Defense and Double Hit feats while installing. If she is at least 15th level, she gains the Improved Two Weapon Fighting feat while installing. For the duration of the install, her shortspear is treated as having the Cursed Blade (SpC) spell on it, with a caster level of her contractor level. When installing Diarmuid, she may only cast his spells.

    Mystic Face (Su): Diarmuid’s face has a love spot that can cause those who see it to fall hopelessly, madly in love with him. The contractor gazes at a target and attempts to overpower their will. Treat this as a Dominate Person, with a caster level equal to her contractor level, except that it lasts only until the end of the install and it uses the standard save DC for noble phantasms. If she is at least 16th level, treat this as a Dominate Monster spell instead. A contractor deducts between 1 and 4 rounds of her install, assuming at least that many remain. For each round deducted, she adds +1 to the save DC of this effect and +2 for any checks for overcoming spell resistance.

    Lancer Diarmuid’s Spells: 1 – Countermoon (SpC), 2 – Earthbind (SpC), 3 – Suppress Breath Weapon (SpC), 4 – Spark of Life (SpC), 5 – Ghost Trap (SpC)

    Lancer – Elizabeth Bathory (Fate/Extra CCC)
    Countess Elizabeth Bathroy, the Dragon’s Daughter, softens her enemies up from a distance before moving in for the kill.

    Heroic Spirit Include: Elizabeth summons a Guisarme that cripples her enemies. It becomes Enervating at 8th level, Souldrinking (MIC) at 13th level, and Soulbreaker (MIC) at 16th level.

    Thunder of the Dragon’s Cry (Su): Elizabeth has the power to amplify sound and vibration, causing a dragon’s roar that destroys listeners in body and mind. The contractor fires this as a 30-foot cone. All creatures within it take 1D6 Sonic damage per 2 levels (reflex half), and must make a will save as well or suffer 1D6 wisdom damage. This deducts 2 rounds from and install.

    Heroic Spirit Install: A contractor installing Elizabeth appears to wear impractical-looking black and white formal clothes and delicate opera gloves. She gains bonuses to attack rolls, fortitude saves, and strength. She grows Dragon’s Wings with enable her to fly at a speed of 60 feet with good maneuverability, unless she already has a fly speed, in which case her fly speed increases by 30 and her maneuverability rises by one step. She grows twisting horns which grant her a secondary gore attack dealing 1D8 (for medium contractors) + 1/2 her strength modifier. While installing Elizabeth, she can only cast her spells.

    Demoness of Blood (Su): Elizabeth can conjure the image of the castle she ruled in life, and use it to direct her voice through her enemies. The contractor makes a 100-foot line attack. It deals 1D6 sonic damage per level (reflex half), and nauseates any struck for rounds equal to her contractor ability bonus (will negates). This deducts 3 rounds from an install.

    Lancer Elizabeth’s Spells: 1 – Death’s Call (CM), 2 – Ray of Weakness (SpC), 3 – Ray of Exhaustion, 4 – Circlet of Enervation (ShS), 5 – Spectral Dragon (DoF)

    Lancer – Elspeth Tirel (Magic: The Gathering)
    Elspeth Tirel, Knight-Errant and Returned, is a planeswalker who fights against corrupt authority and oppression. She wields the Shadowspear, a weapon of nightmares.

    Heroic Spirit Include: Elspeth summons the Shadowspear, an ichor-covered weapon equivalent to a ripper (PlH). It becomes Enfeebling (BOED) At 7th level, and Cursespewing (MIC) at 13th level.

    Vanquish the Foul (Su): Elspeth’s legend on Bant ended with her miraculous light purging the plane of invaders, while simultaneously saving wounded allies. The contractor deals 1D6 holy damage (or unholy damage, for negative contractors; neutral may choose) per two contractor levels to all enemies within 30 feet, although they can make a fortitude save for half damage. All other allies within 30 feet heal this same amount, although this healing cannot bring them above half health. This phantasm does not heal the contractor herself and deducts 2 rounds from an install.

    Heroic Spirit Install: A contractor installing Elspeth appears clad in grey-and-gold half-plate armor, and may choose to wear a full-face mask with a pair of bright lights. She gains bonuses to attack rolls, fortitude saves, and strength. When she installs Elspeth, herself and all allies within 20 feet per contractor level can fly at 30 feet with good maneuverability for the length of the install. She also gains spell resistance equal to 10 + her contractor level. While installing Elspeth, she may only cast her spells.

    Binding of Light (Su): Elspeth can entrap her enemies in wrappings made of conjured light. The contractor chooses one enemy within 5 feet per contractor level. That enemy is entangled. If they fail a reflex save, they are unable to move and attacks against them double their critical threat ranges. Both the entangling and the binding last the duration of the install. Each round they are bound, they may make a fortitude save to break the bindings, although if they do, they are still entangled. This deducts 2 rounds from an install.

    Lancer Elspeth’s Spells: 1 – Sticky Floor (RotD), 2 – Watchful Ancestors (MoE), 3 – Secure Shelter, 4 – Toxic Weapon (PHBII), 5 – Revivify (SpC)

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    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Heroic Spirits: Lancer, Rider, Saber

    Lancer – Ember (D&D Iconic)
    Ember, Human Monk, uses special attacks to circumvent her enemy’s guards.

    Heroic Spirit Include: Ember summons a Monk’s Spade (SoS) built for many unconventional utilities. The spade becomes Disarming (CW) at 7th level, Grasping (AEG) at 11th level, and Sweeping (MIC) at 16th level.

    Overpower (Ex): Ember’s ability to grapple, disarm, and trip all who stand in her way is a topic of constant discussion. As a free action while performing a special attack, the contractor gains a bonus equal to half her contractor level to the next touch attack or opposed roll made as a part of said attack. Her include or install does not end until the end of her current turn. This deducts 3 rounds from an install.

    Heroic Spirit Install: A contractor installing Ember appears to wear simple wrappings over much of her body, and her skin ripples with power. She receives a bonus to attack rolls, fortitude saves, reflex saves, and strength. She also gains the benefits the feats Improved Bull Rush, Improved Disarm, Improved Grapple, Improved Sunder, and Improved Trip. Her base land speed increases by 10 feet for every 5 contractor levels. While installing Ember, she may only cast her spells.

    Ensnare (Ex): Ember can turn any strike into an opening for a takedown. As a swift action when completing a melee attack, the contractor chooses either bull rush, disarm, grapple, sunder, or trip. If the target for her attack is a legal target for the maneuver, she may immediately initiate that maneuver against her opponent as though she’d already completed any necessary touch attacks. This deducts 2 rounds from an install. If she has at least 3 rounds and is bull rushing, disarming or tripping, she may deduct a third round in order to prevent the possibility of falling prone, being disarmed, or being tripped, respectively.

    Lancer Ember’s Spells: 1 – Fist of Stone (SpC), 2 – Fearsome Grapple (SpC), 3 – Entangling Staff (SpC, treats the Monk’s Spade as a staff), 4 – Heart of Earth (CM), 5 – Irresistible Force (Gho)

    Lancer – Fate Testarossa (Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha)
    Fate Testarossa, Ace of the Navy, is a powerful physical attacker that moves so fast she seems to teleport. She wields Bardiche, a 5th-generation magical energy conversion device.

    Heroic Spirit Include: Fate summons a Bardiche (a weapon equivalent to a glaive). In addition, the contractor begins her include with 1 cartridge, gaining an additional cartridge at levels 7, 10, 13 and 16. She may expend a cartridge as a swift action to double her critical range and increase her critical multiplier to x4 for one round.

    Arc Saber (Su): Fate can shoot an arc of magical energy from her weapon. The contractor may roll attacks against all creatures in a 60-foot line, treating the attacks otherwise as melee attacks. This deducts 3 rounds from her install.

    Heroic Spirit Install: A contractor installing Fate wears a minimalist black suit with a number of red belts and powerful metal gauntlets. She gains a bonus to attack rolls. In addition, she may choose which mode to install: In Impulse form, her black clothing covers her body, and she wears a white cloak. She gains bonuses to fortitude saves and strength, +5 feet of reach, and may freely attack any opponent closer than her maximum reach. In Sonic Drive form, her clothing leaves her freer to move, and she gains red armbands. She gains bonuses to reflex saves and dexterity, and attacks against her suffer a 20% miss chance.

    Sonic Move (Su): Fate wins her battles through superior mobility. As a swift action, a contractor installing fate may teleport up to her move speed. She must have line of effect to her destination. This deducts 2 rounds from an install.

    Lancer Fate’s Spells: 1 – Benign Transposition (SpC), 2 – Dimension Leap (MoE), 3 – Dimension Door, 4 – Lightning Leap (CM), 5 – Teleport

    Lancer - Vlad III (Fate/Apocrypha)
    Vlad III, the Lord Impaler, is a heroic spirit with fantastic anti-army phantasms and the ability to steal the life of his foes.

    Heroic Spirit Include: Vlad summons a longspear that drains life force with each hit. It becomes Bloodfeeding (MIC) at 7th level, Vampiric (MIC) at 11th level, and Shattermantle (MIC) at 16th level.

    Demonic Defender (Su): Vlad has the ability to secure leylines around a battlefield, marking them as his own. The contractor concentrates and disrupts the magic in the air around her. From the start of this action until the start of her next turn, any enemy within 90 feet that attempts to cast or concentrate on a spell, or use a spell-like ability, takes 1D6 unholy damage per contractor level (or holy if they are undead). They may make a will save to avoid this damage, but if they were casting or concentrating on a spell, the DC is increased by the level of the spell. This deducts 3 rounds from an install.

    Heroic Spirit Install: A contractor installing the Vlad appears to wear dark royal robes and seems to chill the air around her. She gains bonuses to attack rolls, fortitude saves, and constitution. She also gains fast healing equal to her contractor ability bonus for the duration of the install. In addition, all enemies within 30 feet of her are shaken unless they succeed a will save; they may try at the start of the install if within range, or every time they enter the range. Success makes one immune to this effect for 24 hours. This lasts for the duration of the install or until they leave the range, and is mind-affecting. While installing Vlad, she may only cast his spells.

    Kaziki Bei (Su): Vlad’s greatest legend is that of impaling an entire army on his pikes. He manifests this as a phantasm, the "Field of Spears." The contractor chooses an origin point within 200 feet. Spears shoot from the ground within 30 feet of that point, dealing 1D6 magical piercing damage for every 2 contractor levels (reflex half). Anybody who fails the save and takes damage is pinned in place, and must make a strength check (a move action) at the same DC to free themselves. This deducts 2 rounds from her install. At the start of her next round, she may choose to continue the effect as a free action. If she does, anybody within 30 feet suffers 1D6 damage per contractor level, and anybody between 30 and 40 feet from the origin takes 1D6 per two contractor levels. All those who fail and take damage are subject to the same pinning. This second round deducts 3 rounds from her install. If she wishes to continue the phantasm on her next turn, it deals 1D10 damage per contractor level to anybody within 40 feet of the origin, and anybody between 40 and 50 feet from it takes 1D6 damage per level, all subject to the same pinning rules. This deducts 4 rounds from her install. When the phantasm ends for any reason, all spears disappear and the targets are no longer pinned.

    Lancer Vlad’s Spells: 1 – Chill Touch, 2 – Ghoul Touch, 3 – Vampiric Touch, 4 – Contagion, 5 – Fleshshiver (SpC)

    Rider - Alhandra (D&D Iconic)
    Alhandra, Human Paladin, focuses on undead foes and powerful charges.

    Heroic Spirit Include: Alhandra summons a Lance built to kill enemies in one strong charge. It becomes Valorous (UE) at 7th level, Fierce (AEG) at 11th level, and Charging (MIC) at 16th level.

    Circle of Life (Su): Alhandra is a fighter first, but a healer as well. The contractor can create a burst of positive energy. This heals all living creatures within 30 feet by 1D6 per 2 contractor levels and harms undead by the same amount; any creature can make a will save to halve the healing or damage. This deducts 2 rounds from an install.

    Heroic Spirit Install: A contractor installing Alhandra appears to wear scale mail with spiked pauldrons and bracers. She gains bonuses to attack rolls, fortitude saves, strength, and charisma. If there is room, she may instantly summon and mount a heavy warhorse, which is advanced as though she were a druid of her contractor level minus three, and she gains the benefits of the feats Mounted Combat, Ride-by Attack, and Spirited Charge. While installing Alhandra, she may only cast her spells.

    Channel (Su): Alhandra has the power to disrupt the power source of those she considers life’s bane. As a standard action, the contractor may turn undead as a good cleric of her contractor level. This deducts 2 rounds from an install.

    Rider Alhandra’s Spells: 1 – Detect Undead, 2 – Spawn Screen (SpC), 3 – Spark of Life (SpC), 4 – Incorporeal Nova (SpC), 5 – Life’s Grace (SpC)

    Rider - Francis Drake (Fate/Extra)
    Francis Drake is the favored spirit for contractors that need large-scale control of the environment around them.

    Heroic Spirit Include: Francis Drake summons a pair of hand crossbows to dispatch enemies from a distance. Both become Aquatic (MIC) at 4th level, Quick-Loading (MIC) at 7th level, Doom Burst (MIC) at 11th level, and Knockback (MIC) at 16th level.

    Golden Wild Hunt (Su): Francis Drake’s fleet defeated “The Invincible Armada,” repelling an invasion of her homeland through use of fire ships and the strength of their cannons. The contractor can summon massed cannon fire onto the battlefield, decimating enemy lines. She designates an area no more than 200 feet away as the target, and anybody standing within 40 feet of the chosen spot takes 1d6 damage/two levels (reflex half). In addition, anybody within 10 feet of the designated center who failed the save and took damage also catches on fire. This deducts 3 rounds from an install.

    Heroic Spirit Install: A contractor installing Drake appears to wear a brown choker collar and a garish captain’s coat over long boots. She gains bonuses to attack rolls, reflex saves, and dexterity. She also gains benefits of the Two-Weapon Fighting feat for the duration of the install. Starting level 15, she gains the benefits of the Improved Two-Weapon Fighting feat while installing. While installing Drake, she may only cast her spells.

    Night of the Storm (Su): Drake’s most famous battle was defeating the invincible armada in the Night of the Storm, and some say that she rides those storms still. The contractor concentrates, filling the sky with clouds. For the remainder of the install, she may use a move action to either change the winds within 200 feet of her (this acts otherwise like Control Winds, except that its effects end when the install ends) or to lance lighting down from the clouds to her enemies. When summoning lighting, she may designate either one target, or two targets within 30 feet that have a clear line of space between them, all targets being within 200 feet of herself. These targets take 1D6 electricity damage for each contractor level, and are stunned for one round (Reflex half for the damage, a fortitude save negates the stun). She may alter the winds and call lighting in the same round if she wishes to use two actions to do so, but she may not call lighting twice in a round. Activating this phantasm deducts 2 rounds from an install.

    Rider Drake’s Spells: 1 – Endure Elements, 2 – Gust of Wind, 3 – Control Water, 4 – Eye of the Hurricane (SpC), 5 – Tidal Surge (SpC)

    Iskander leads his troops.

    Rider - Iskander (Fate/Zero)
    Alexander the Great, King of Conquerors, bullies his enemies around and overwhelms them with numbers.

    Heroic Spirit Include: Iskander summons a mercurial longsword that protects its wielder from harm. It becomes Deflecting (CW) at 7th level, Energy Aura (MIC) at 11th level, and Spellstrike (MIC) at 16th level.

    Gordius Wheel (Su): Iskander often entered battle on a war chariot built to ride enemies down and trample them. The contractor charges, the image of a spectral chariot joining her. She may make an attack at the conclusion of her charge. After her attack is completed, she may make a free bull rush attempt against her target without provoking an attack of opportunity. For purposes of this bull rush, treat her as two size categories larger. This deducts 2 rounds from an install.

    Heroic Spirit Install: A contractor installing Iskander appears to wear a bronze breastplate with cuffs and greaves, and a thick, bright-red fur mantle. She gains bonuses to attack rolls, fortitude saves, and strength. She also summons and may mount a sleek, black heavy warhorse, advanced as an animal companion as though she were a druid of her contractor level minus 3. This horse counts as a special mount and an animal companion for purposes of spells and effects. If she chooses to ride the horse, she gains a +4 competence to handle animal and ride checks and the Mounted Combat feat. If she instead summons it next to her, she gains the Improved Bull Rush feat. While installing Iskander, she may only cast his spells.

    Army of the King (Su): Iskander’s greatest treasure is the loyalty of his people, who follow him into eternity. The contractor summons 1D6+1 legendary heroes within 30 feet of her every round this phantasm is active. Each attacks her opponents to the best of their ability, and follow commands if she gives any. After the first round, continuing the effect requires a standard action each round. The strength of her soldiers depends on her Kingship score, which equals her contractor level plus the number of full rounds she’s been continuing the phantasm. Thus, every turn she continues the phantasm, she summons additional soldiers and all soldiers increase in power. These heroes disappear at the end of her install. Each round of the phantasm deducts 1 round from an install.

    Legendary Hero – Variable CR
    Alignment Same as summoner, Medium Deathless
    Init +1/2 Kingship Senses Same as summoner (without items or active spells); Listen +1/2 Kingship, Spot +1/2 Kingship
    Language Same as Contractor
    AC 10+Kingship, Touch same, Flat-Footed same (+Kingship deflection)
    HP Kingship*4 (Kingship HD); Dies at 0 HP
    Immune mind-affecting, poison, sleep, paralysis, stunning, disease, death effects, critical hits, nonlethal damage, ability drain, physical ability damage, fatigue, exhaustion, fortitude saves (except objects)
    Fort +Kingship, Ref +Kingship, Will +Kingship
    Speed same as summoner (without items or active spells); cannot run
    Melee magical weapon +5+Kingship (1D8+Kingship)
    Space 5 ft Reach 5 ft
    Base Atk +1/2 Kingship Grp +Kingship
    Abilities Str 10, Dex 10, Con -, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 10
    Skills All Skills +1/2 Kingship; cannot use any skill that requires training.
    Special Cannot be raised; evil clerics can turn; does not eat, breathe, or sleep.

    Rider Iskander’s Spells: 1 – Golden Barding (SpC), 2 – Master Cavalier (CC), 3 – War-Mount (CC, weapon counts as contractor’s alignment), 4 – Phantom Charge (CC), 5 – Animal Growth

    Rider- Kiora (Magic: The Gathering)
    Kiora, Zendikari Merfolk, prides herself as ruler of the waves. She wields Dekella, the Bident of sea goddess Thassa.

    Heroic Spirit Include: Kiora summons a bident (mechanically equivalent to a trident) attuned to the seas. It becomes Waterborn (ECS) at 7th level, Aquan (MIC) at 11th level, and Intercepting (FOW) at 16th level. In addition, including Kiora grants immediate access to her phantasm Behemoth Beckoner, below.

    Behemoth Beckoner (Su): Kiora makes allies and minions of the creatures of the depths. A contractor including or installing Kiora may, at the same time, summon one or more aquatic allies that last the length of the include or install. She may summon any non-swarm animal or vermin with a swim speed with HD less than or equal to her contractor level, and it appears in water within 40 feet of her. The creature is friendly, willing to be ridden, and obeys her instructions. She may summon an unintelligent (intelligence under 3) aberration at most 2 HD under her contractor level, or summon an unintelligent magical beast 4 HD under her contractor level. By deducting 6 or 8 levels respectively she can summon any aberration or magical beast. All summons must still have a swim speed. This phantasm, obviously, doesn’t end an include, nor does it reduce the length of an install.

    Heroic Spirit Install: A contractor installing Kiora gains a bluish tint and appears to wear rough-hewn, maroon armor made of coral, along with a large jewel on her forehead. She gains bonuses to attack rolls, fortitude saves, and strength. She also gains a swim speed equal to 5 feet per contractor level or her base land speed, whichever is faster. She gains the feat Mounted Combat and a +4 competence bonus to Ride and Swim, and can mount her Behemoth Beckoner summon if it’s summoned in or below her space. She can breathe underwater. While installing Kiora, she may only cast her spells.

    Master of the Depths (Su): Kiora can control the water around her at a large scale. A contractor installing Kiora may deduct one to four rounds from her install in order to perform one of the following changes on the water around her. Each change affects freestanding water within 10 feet per contractor level, although many have lesser effects at up to twice that range. At the end of the install, the water becomes uncontrolled, gradually returning to its previous levels. This phantasm can be used multiple times in an install, but if used in the same way multiple times, its effects don’t stack.
    • Raise/Lower: She may move the surface of the water up or down by up to 1 foot per round deducted. This can cause smaller bodies of water like lakes to overtake their shores, drenching all items and putting out fires. Water levels typically take around 1 minute per foot of change to return to normal after the install ends.
    • Speed: She may alter the current by 5 feet per round deducted. For instance, deducting two rounds can turn a 10 foot westward current into a 20 foot westward current, into calm motionless water, or into a roughly 14 foot northwestern or southwestern current.
    • Calm/Agitate: She may, without changing the current’s speed, alter how easy the water is to swim or boat. This increases or decreases the DC of all skill checks and ability checks related to swimming, controlling a boat, or similar tasks by 2 points per round reduced. This can decrease, but never increase, the DC of her own checks.
    • Immobilize: She may have the water move opposite the movement of one being or boat within range. Every action that one of the chosen creatures moves through the water, the water moves them back where they were, canceling up to 10 feet of movement per round deducted.

    Rider Kiora’s Spells: 1 – Cloudburst (SpC), 2 – Scales of the Sealord (SW), 3 – Black Tentacles, 4 – Cloak of the Sea (SpC), 5 – Blackwater Tentacle (SW, with no alignment descriptor)

    Rider- Lutecia Alpine (Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha StrikerS)
    Lutecia Alpine, Bug Summoner, avoids direct combat in favor of fighting with powerful minions. She wields the amulet Asclepius, which focuses her magic.

    Heroic Spirit Include: Lutecia summons and may instantly activate an Amber Amulet of Vermin, with the following changes: It lasts the length of the include. The contractor may choose between summoning a Giant Bee or a large monstrous centipede. If her weapon would be +1, she may also choose a giant praying mantis or a giant queen ant. If her weapon would be +2, she may choose a gargantuan monstrous centipede or a huge monstrous scorpion. If her weapon would be +3, she may choose a gargantuan monstrous spider or a colossal monstrous centipede. If her weapon would be +4, she may choose a colossal monstrous scorpion or a colossal monstrous spider. If her weapon would be +5, she may grant her summoned vermin the Celestial, Fiendish, or Half-Dragon template.

    Death Dagger (Su): Lutecia can loose a barrage of self-guiding daggers. The contractor generates 1 dagger for every 3 contractor levels, and throws them all at her full base attack bonus. Each dagger has her normal enhancement bonus and a range increment of 30 feet. This deducts 3 rounds from an install.

    Heroic Spirit Install: A contractor installing Lutecia appears to wear black and purple formal clothes and dark gloves inset with purple gems, and a rune appears on her forehead. She gains bonuses to dexterity and intelligence. While she may only normally cast Lutecia’s spells during the install, she gains the feat Imbued Summoning (PHBII) and can cast any other contractor spell she knows as long as she is using the Imbued Summoning metamagic. This metamagic feat does not increase level or casting time when used during the install, and can be used with 4th and 5th level spells.

    Queen of Theft (Su): Lutecia can infest magical devices with insects, taking control of their actions and movements. The contractor targets a construct or magical item within 60 feet. That construct or item makes a will save (attended items can use their owner’s saves) or she gains control of it. She intuitively understands the general function of the target, and can control its actions and targeting, and in the case of a magical item, choose to shut it off and deny its owner the benefits. If her contractor casting ability is higher than her primary contractor ability (intelligence and constitution respectively, for servant souls), she may base this save on her casting modifier instead of her primary contractor modifier. Its first round and every round this is active deducts 1 round from an install.

    Rider Lutecia’s Spells: 1 – Summon Desert Ally (SSt), 2 – Summon Desert Ally (SSt), 3 – Insect Plague, 4 – Summon Greater Elemental (SpC), 5 – Summon Giants (FB)

    Rider- Medusa (Fate/Stay Night)
    Medusa, the Demon Sister, excels in high-speed tactics and the ability to wipe out hordes of enemies.

    Heroic Spirit Include: Medusa summons a spiked chain designed to keep foes under control. The chain becomes Paralyzing (MIC) at 7th level, Collision (MIC) at 11th level, and Sweeping (MIC) at 16th level.

    Blood Fort Andromeda (Su): Medusa can generate a bounded field in which the life force of humans is converted into magical energy. The contractor deals 1d6 damage per three contractor levels to anyone within 30 feet (fortitude save negates). This is negative energy damage, although it has no effect on undead. She then gains hit points equal to half of the damage dealt, rounded down for every target. Treat this phantasm as a necromancy effect. This deducts 2 rounds from an install.

    Heroic Spirit Install: A contractor installing Medusa appears to wear black bodysuit and a blindfold that does not impair her vision. She gains bonuses to attack rolls, reflex saves, and dexterity. She also gains the Weapon Finesse feat for the duration of the Install. She must then choose whether to install mounted or unmounted, the choice affecting the remaining abilities she receives during the Install. While installing Medusa, she may only cast her spells.

    If a contractor chooses to install Medusa unmounted, she gains a bonus to her base move speed equal to +10 feet per 5 contractor levels and the Spring Attack feat during the install. At level 15 and above, she also gains the Bounding Assault feat for the duration of the install.

    Breaker Gorgon (Su): Medusa can break the seal on her eyes, unleashing gorgon powers into the battlefield. The contractor lifts her blindfold and turns her foes to stone. Treat this ability as a gaze attack with a range of 30 feet. After the first round, she may move and act normally while retaining the gaze attack, although she can dismiss it as a free action. Any creature with less than half of her hit dice is turned to stone (no save); all other creatures must make a fortitude save. Failure means any creature with less than her hit dice are turned to stone; creatures with her hit dice up to double her hit dice are knocked unconscious; and creatures with more than double her hit dice are dazzled. Each round of the phantasm deducts 2 rounds from an install.

    If the contractor chooses to install Medusa mounted, she gains the Mounted Combat and Animal Affinity feats, as well as a +4 competence bonus on ride checks during the install. In addition, during the install, she summons and automatically mounts a Pegasus mount. This Pegasus will only be summoned if there is room for it and disembodies when it dies, at the end of the install, or when she dismounts. Treat the Pegasus as an animal companion, with the contractor’s effective druid level equal to her contractor level minus six. The Pegasus wields a Mouthpick (LoM) Lance of appropriate size and with her normal enhancement bonus.

    Bellerophon (Su): Using a bridle capable of taming divine beasts, Medusa can make her mount perform a deadly charge. The contractor makes a charge attack at an enemy at least 20 feet away. At the end of this charge, after her attack, her Pegasus makes a single attack on the charged enemy with its lance, which automatically hits and deals damage as though it were a critical hit. This reduces an install by 4 rounds.

    Rider Medusa’s Spells: 1 – Whelm (PHBII), 2 – Daze Monster, 3 – Hold Person, 4 – Mind Fog, 5 – Hold Monster

    Rider - Saint George (Fate/Apocrypha)
    Saint George the dragon slayer is the favored spirit for contractors like flashy smiting of their enemies.

    Heroic Spirit Include: St. George summons a fullblade (AEG) that smites his favored foes. It gains Bane (Dragon) at 7th level, Dragondoom (MIC) at 10th level, Fiercebane (Dragon) at 13th level and Binding at 16th level.

    Interfectum Dracones (Su): St. George has developed a versatile attack for use against dragons. The contractor throws a lance of light from her sword as a ranged touch attack against a target within 60 feet, taking no penalties for distance within this range. If she hits, she rolls damage as though she had struck her target with her sword in melee, but does an additional 1D6 points of holy damage (for good contractors) or unholy damage (for evil contractors; neutral contractors may choose) to the target for every two contractor levels. This deducts 3 rounds from an install.

    Heroic Spirit Install: A contractor installing St. George appears to wear rust-colored, serpentine-themed full-plate under a cross-emblazoned surcoat. She gains bonuses to attack rolls, fortitude saves, and strength. She also gains benefits of the diehard and mounted combat feats, and a +4 competence bonus on ride checks for the duration of the install. As part of the process of installing, she summons a Phantom Steed (as the spell, using her contractor caster level) in her square and may automatically mount it. She also gains spell resistance equal to 10 + her contractor level for the duration of the install. While installing St. George, she may only cast his spells.

    Abyssus Draconis: Thou Shalt a Serpent Become (Su): St. George’s unshakeable faith allows him to view any foe as a target in need to smiting. The contractor sends a blast of power out from her surcoat at a non-dragon target within 200 feet. The target must make a fortitude save and a will save. If the fortitude save fails, their features change to be slightly more draconic, and they are treated as being a creature of the dragon type for purposes of spells and effects (such as the contractor’s weapon) for the remainder of her install. If they fail the will save, they are staggered for one round. This is a transmutation effect. This deducts 2 rounds from an install.

    Rider St. George’s Spells: 1 – True Strike, 2 – Fell the Greatest Foe (SpC), 3 – Antidragon Aura (SpC), 4 – Hide From Dragons (SpC), 5 – Vulnerability (SpC)

    Saber - Arturia (Fate/Stay Night)
    Arturia Pendragon, King of Knights, is a spirit capable of shutting down spellcasters and avoiding select attacks.

    Heroic Spirit Include: Arturia summons a bastard sword designed to strike down her enemies. It becomes Magebane (MIC) at 7th level, Holy or Unholy, whichever is suited to the contractor’s alignment (neutral contractors get to pick which their weapon instantiates) at 11th level, and Holy Surge (or Unholy Surge) (MIC) at 16th level.

    Excalibur (Su): Excalibur, the sword of promised victory, can collect magical energy. When swung, it releases this collected prana as a blast of pure divine light. As a standard action, the contractor gathers power for one to three consecutive rounds. At any point during this process, she can release the power as an immediate action. When she does, she makes an attack roll, and the result of the roll is the DC of the reflex save. If she charged for one round, the beam takes the form of a 60-foot line attack and deals 1D6 holy (or unholy for evil contractors, and by choice for neutral contractors) damage for every two contractor levels to beings in the affected squares. If she charges for 2 rounds, it takes the form of an 80-foot line attack, deals 1D6 damage per contractor level, and bypasses object hardness. If she charges for 3 rounds, it takes the form of a 100-foot line attack, deals 1D10 damage per contractor level, and bypasses all forms of hardness and regeneration. If she runs out of rounds in her include or install or finishes her third round when charging Excalibur, she must immediately discharge the attack or lose it. Discharging Excalibur deducts 2 rounds from an install.

    Heroic Spirit Install: A contractor installing the Arturia appears to wear a steel kilt or dress and gauntlets over elegant, dark-colored formal clothes. She gains bonuses to attack rolls, fortitude saves, and strength. She also gains spell resistance equal to 10 + her contractor level and the benefits (but not the drawbacks) of the Mage Slayer feat (CArc) while installing, and after level 14, the benefits (but not the drawbacks) of Pierce Magical Concealment (CArc). While installing Arturia, she may only cast her spells.

    Avalon (Su): The sheath of Excalibur, Avalon gives near-immortality to its wielder. As an immediate action, the contractor transports to a safe place on the astral plane for up to one round (until the next occurrence of the initiative count when the power was used). At the end of the full round or when dismissed (a free action), she reappears in the spot she was in when she activated the ability. If that square is occupied, she reappears in the closest unoccupied square, determined randomly if there are multiple. Treat this ability as a Plane Shift with a caster level equal to her contractor level. This deducts 3 rounds from an install.

    Saber Arturia’s Spells: 1 – Lesser Deflect (PHBII), 2 – Deflect (PHBII), 3 – Energy Aegis (PHBII), 4 – Lesser Globe of Invulnerability, 5 – Antimagic Field

    Saber - Gawain (Fate/Extra)
    Gawain, White Knight of the Round Table, has a powerful affinity for light and fire.

    Heroic Spirit Include: At first and second level, Gawain summons a bastard sword. Thereafter, he summons a Sun Blade with the following changes: Its enhancement bonus is equal to the contractor’s normal weapon enhancement bonus, it causes no negative levels, and it’s more powerful against the alignment opposed to its conjurer (good for evil contractors, evil for good, and neutral may choose). In addition, it gains Flaming at 13th level, and Flaming Burst at 16th level.

    Numeral of the Saint (Su): Gawain draws power from the sun, and the power it grants him tends to come in the form of the sacred number of his people. As a move action performed in daylight or sunlight, the contractor gets a +3 bonus on all attacks, saves and checks for 3 rounds. This does not end her include until the end of her current turn. This deducts 3 rounds from an install.

    Heroic Spirit Install: A contractor installing Gawain appears to wear shining white armor stylized with flower designs. She receives bonuses to attack rolls, fortitude saves, and strength. She also gains spell resistance equal to 10 + her contractor level. Finally, she gains +2 to attack rolls, an additional +4 to confirming critical hits, and resistance to all energy types equal to her contractor level. While installing Gawain, she may only cast his spells.

    Knight of the Sun (Su): Gawain’s holy sword, the sister-sword of Excalibur, collects heat from the sun into a small star contained in its hilt. When used, it released a powerful burst of radiation. The contractor may target any enemy within 200 feet. She makes a ranged touch attack, and if she hits, the target takes 1D6 fire damage per level. All creatures within 20 feet of the target take the same damage, although they may make a reflex save for half damage. If the attack missed the original target, they must make the save, like all others within the area. This deducts 2 rounds from an install.

    Saber Gawain’s Spells: 1 – Dawn Burst (CM), 2 – Sun Bolt (SSo), 3 – Daylight, 4 – Dawn Shroud (CoV), 5 – Lucent Lance

    Saber - Joan of Arc (Fate/Apocrypha)
    Joan of Arc is the favored spirit for contractors that value intelligence gathering and control.

    Heroic Spirit Include: Joan of Arc summons a longsword made to destroy illusions before her. The sword becomes Illuminating (MIC) at 4th level, Illusion Bane (MIC) at 7th level, Illusion Theft (MIC) at 11th level, and Resounding (MIC) at 16th level.

    La Pucelle (Su): Joan can manifest the flames that ended her life, and use them in a powerful double-edged attack. The contractor uses her sword to stoke a pyre under her feet, which sears her enemies. This attack deals divine damage if she is good and vile damage if she is evil, with neutral contractors able to choose. All enemies within 30 feet take 1D6 damage per contractor level (reflex half), but she takes 1D6 fire damage every two contractor levels herself (no save). This deducts 3 rounds from an install.

    Heroic Spirit Install: A contractor installing Joan of Arc appears to wear polished half-plate over a black doublet waistcoat. She gains bonuses to attack rolls, fortitude saves, strength, and charisma. She also gains spell resistance equal to 10 + her contractor level, and a bonus to all charisma-based skills except for bluff equal to her contractor level divided by three, for the duration of the install. During the install, she also gains regeneration 1 (bypassed by all types of energy damage). While installing Joan, she may only cast her spells.

    Revelation (Su): Joan of Arc has an almost instinctual understanding of all events around her. As a swift action, the contractor may deduct 1 to 3 rounds from her install, assuming she has that many remaining. If she deducted 1 round, she gains low-light vision, darkvision, blindsense 30 feet, and a +2 enhancement bonus to spot until the start of her next round. If she deducted 2 rounds, she gains superior low-light vision, darkvision 120, blindsight 60, and a +4 enhancement bonus to spot until the start of her next action. If she deducted 3 rounds, she gains the above as well as the effects of a True Seeing spell and a +6 enhancement bonus to spot until the start of her next action.

    Saber Joan’s Spells: 1 – Spontaneous Search (SpC), 2 – Analyze Portal (SpC), 3 – Arcane Sight, 4 – Locate Creature, 5 – Telepathic Bond

    Nobody else is capable of wielding Nahiri’s stoneblades. Illustrated by Kieran Yanner.

    Saber - Nahiri (Magic: The Gathering)
    Nahiri, Kor Lithomancer, is a pure but vengeful planeswalker who can warp stone into any tool she needs.

    Heroic Spirit Include: Nahiri creates weapons from stone. The contractor creates a single weapon when including her, and may create more during the include by spending actions: A standard action to create a two-handed weapon, a move action to create any smaller weapon. She can create only melee or thrown weapons without moving parts, and only she can wield them. All weapons created are made from stone, have her normal weapon enhancement bonus, and deal bludgeoning damage in addition to any other types. These weapons become Fleshgrinding (MIC) at 8th level. At 14th level, the contractor may choose when creating a weapon to make it Explosive (CWar). As usual, all created weapons disappear at the conclusion of the include.

    Lithomancer's Focus (Su): Nahiri’s stoneblades can be detonated for additional damage. The contractor throws a weapon at any enemy within 30 feet, treating the attack otherwise as a melee attack. If it hits, that attack deals an additional 1D6 damage per two contractor levels to the target. If this attack hits an outsider or aberration, it also deals 1D6 dexterity damage. This attack utterly consumes the thrown weapon regardless of success, and deducts 2 rounds from an install.

    Heroic Spirit Install: A contractor installing Nahiri appears to wear brown a brown leather top with an excessive number of belts around her middle, and both her hair and skin appear white. She gains bonuses to attack rolls, strength, dexterity, and fortitude saves. She also gains a +1 to all attacks, saves, checks, and save DCs vs. an opponent touching the same ground as her. She also gains the ability to detect secret doors as an elf (or extends the range of that ability by 5 feet), and gains stonecutting as a dwarf (or gains an additional +2). While installing Nahiri, she may only cast her spells.

    Aligned Hedron Network (Su): Nahiri’s largest feat was using a network of stone hedrons to channel leylines and bind her enemies. The contractor summons hedrons around her target, trapping them. If the target fails a will save, the hedrons overpower the target, suspending them and removing them from reality for 4 rounds. 4 rounds later, on the same initiative count, they will reappear in the same square, no time having elapsed for them. Anything obstructing their space will be shunted to the nearest open location and take 1D8 damage. This deducts 3 or more rounds from an install. Each round past 3 increases the DC of the will save by 2.

    Saber Nahiri’s Spells: 1 – Impeding Stones (SSc), 2 – Molten Strike (HoB), 3 – Stone Shape, 4 – Wall of Stone, 5 – Stone Tell

    Saber - Nero (Fate/Extra)
    Nero, the Mad King, is the favored spirit for contractors that value overpowering offense and crippling their enemies.

    Heroic Spirit Include: Nero summons a greatsword designed to destroy her enemies with powerful strikes. This sword becomes Keen at 7th level, Impedance (MIC) at 11th level, and Screaming (MIC) at 16th level.

    Aesus Estus (Ex): Nero’s sword is the ultimate instrument, and she revels in the sounds it makes when she strikes enemies. When attacking, the contractor adds her casting ability bonus to hit and her contractor level as a modifier to damage. This deducts 2 rounds from an install.

    Heroic Spirit Install: A contractor installing Nero appears to wear flowing red formal clothes over a discreetly armored frame. She gains bonuses to attack rolls, fortitude saves, and strength. She also gains spell resistance equal to 10 + her contractor level and the benefits of the feat power attack while installing. While installing Nero, she may only cast her spells.

    Domus Aurea (Su): Nero’s golden theater, the Aestus Domus Aurea, is a realm in which she possesses ultimate power, and her performance there can debilitate her enemies. The contractor attacks a single enemy with her greatsword. If the attack succeeds, the target is struck with a -2 curse penalty to armor class, as well as all attacks, saves, skills and checks except for the save against this attack. Each round, the penalty grows by 1, but the target may attempt a fortitude save. Their first such save stops the penalty from increasing, while the second ends the curse. This deducts 3 rounds from an install.

    Saber Nero’s Spells: 1 – Shock and Awe (SpC), 2 – Zeal (SpC), 3 – Haste, 4 – Dirge of Discord (SpC), 5 – Dirge (SpC)

    Saber – Signum of the Wolkenritter (Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha A’s)
    Signum, General of the Raging Fire, is the leader of the Wolkenritter, and an expert swordswoman. She wields Laevanteinn, the Demon Blade of Flame.

    Heroic Spirit Include: Signum summons a longsword, as well as a sheath that she may choose to wield in her off-hand (treat this as a light mace). The sword becomes Flaming at 7th level and Energy Surge at 16th level. In addition, the contractor begins her include with 1 cartridge, gaining an additional cartridge at levels 10 and 13. She may spend a cartridge as a swift action to gain the ability to treat her weapon as a spiked chain for her next attack.

    Storm Wave (Su): Signum can bat away projectiles with a burst of magical fire. As an immediate action, the contractor can neutralize an incoming ranged attack. This can be a projectile such as an arrow, a ranged non-enchantment spell targeting her, or a spell fired at a square within 10 feet of her location. Any projectile so targeted is destroyed, while a spell is countered unless its caster makes a caster level check (DC 10 + her contractor level + her strength modifier). This deducts 2 rounds from an install.

    Heroic Spirit Install: A contractor installing Signum appears to wear a long pink shirt, a small white jacket, gauntlets, and a white skirt or kilt. She gains bonuses to attack rolls, strength, and fortitude saves. In addition, whenever she fails a save against an unwanted, ongoing effect, she may retry the save again one round later at the same DC (if she is alive and able to act). She gains the benefits of the two-weapon fighting and combat expertise feats for the duration of the install. If at least 15th level, she also gains the benefits of the improved two-weapon fighting and whirlwind attack feats. While installing Signum, she may only cast her spells.

    Biting Snake (Ex): Signum can turn her sword into a long, deadly chain-whip that she wields with precision at range. As a move action, the contractor can fill the air around her with whipping fragments of metal. She affects all squares within 5 feet for every two contractor levels. All other creatures within this range are reduced to half speed, and enemies must further reduce their speed by another half (for a total reduction of 3/4) if they wish to avoid provoking attacks of opportunity from her whip (treated as spiked chain attacks, with her normal enhancement bonus). In addition, she gains a shield bonus to armor contractor equal to the attack bonus granted by her install. Maintaining this past the first round requires no action. Each round this is active deducts two rounds from her install.

    Saber Signum’s Spells: 1 – Divine Favor, 2 – Warning (PGtF), 3 – Righteous Fury (SpC), 4 – Meteoric Strike (PHBII), 5 – Favor of the Martyr (SpC)

    Saber - Vadania (D&D Iconic)
    Vadania, Half-Elf Druid, connects close to nature and the beasts within it.

    Heroic Spirit Include: Vadania summons a scimitar for melee or ranged use. The scimitar becomes Throwing at 7th level, Returning at 10th level, Dessicating (MIC) at 13th level, and Desiccating Burst (MIC) at 16th level.

    Shifter’s Speech (Su): Vadania is a skilled scout in every form, and uses this power to report what she’s seen. As swift action, the contractor can speak normally and cast spells that require speech unless physically gagged or in the area of a Silence effect. This lasts 3 rounds. This reduces and install by 2 rounds.

    Heroic Spirit Install: A contractor installing Vadania immediately transforms into a small or medium animal with HD less than or equal to her contractor level, acting otherwise like the Druid’s Wild Shape ability. She gains bonuses to attack rolls and fortitude saves. She can turn into large animals starting at 10th level, tiny animals at 13th level, huge animals at 16th level, and diminutive animals 19th level. While installing Vadania, she may only cast her spells.

    Conjure Clasp (Su): Vadania knows the value of utility, and the utility of her gear. As a free action usable only when initiating an install, the contractor may deduct any number of rounds from her install. She may make that many worn items not merge with her form when she enters the install. These items, if necessary, change size and shape to fit her new form so long as it makes sense that the form be capable of wearing that type of item.

    Saber Vadania’s Spells: 1 – Hide From Animals, 2 – Woodland Veil (RotW), 3 – Control Temperature (FB), 4 – Repel Vermin, 5 – Antilife Shell

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    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Contractor Feats and Invocations

    Contractor Feats
    Only characters with a contractor level can take contractor feats.

    Alternate Hero [Contractor]
    You can contract two heroic spirits of the same class.
    Benefit: Choose a heroic spirit you are familiar with. You may choose to gain familiarity with another spirit of the same class. However, this does not change the number of heroic spirits you can manifest at one time. Every time you refresh spells, you must choose one of these spirits to exclude until the next time you refresh. An excluded spirit cannot be included or installed, and you may not treat its spells as on your spell list.
    For instance, if a servant soul takes this ability at level 6 while she knows caster Medea, lancer Vlad, and berserker Heracles, she could take Black Knight berserker using this feat. Every morning as she wakes, she decides which berserker she would like to include, and this determines which berserker’s spells she can use.
    Mastery of a heroic spirit applies to only one spirit.
    Special: You may take this feat multiple times. Each time you do, choose an alternate version of a spirit with which you are familiar. You may not take Alternate Hero for a spirit that is the origin of an Alternate Hero feat, or that you contracted through the alternate hero feat.

    Broken Phantasm [Contractor]
    You can expend the energy of your summoned weapon in one explosive burst.
    Benefit: When including or installing, you can designate any normal attack as a Broken Phantasm, which ends the include or install upon completion. You gain a bonus on this attack roll equal to your contractor ability bonus (constitution for servant souls) and deal additional damage equal to the rounds remaining in your install (or one additional damage if including).

    Crystallized Memory [Contractor]
    One spirit’s noble phantasms gain incredible power.
    Prerequisite: Prana Concentration, Familiarity with spirit
    Benefit: Choose one spirit with which you are familiar. Save DCs of Noble phantasms from that spirit increase by an additional 3.
    Special: You may take this feat multiple times. It does not stack. Each time, select a different spirit with which you are familiar.

    Empowered Install [Contractor]
    With care, you can bind a fraction more power from certain types of heroes.
    Prerequisite: Heroic Spirit Install
    Benefit: Choose a type of heroic spirit. When installing spirits of that type, if the install would grant you a bonus to one or more ability scores, all ability score increases granted by the install are now 4 higher. (Archer, Assassin, Berserker, Caster, Lancer, Rider, and Saber are spirit types.)
    Special: You may take this feat multiple times. It does not stack. Each time, select a different type of spirit.

    Extraordinary Contract [Contractor]
    Your ability to call on the power of heroes surpasses traditional understanding of magic.
    Prerequisite: Heroic Spirit Install
    Benefit: Using Heroic Spirit Include and Heroic Spirit Install are extraordinary abilities for you. Any weapons involved are still considered magical, any spells invoked during installs or as noble phantasms are still spells, and any persistent magical effects (such as gaining Fly) are still supernatural.

    Faster Phantasm [Contractor]
    You can create miracles more easily.
    Benefit: All full-round noble phantasms are instead standard actions to activate. This has no effect on phantasms that are not full-round actions to activate.
    If a full-round noble phantasm is a melee attack (a single attack roll with a weapon to deal damage), it can now be used in a charge.

    Increased Output [Contractor]
    You can create miracles more easily.
    Benefit: Choose a type of heroic spirit. When including spirits of that type, you may use the noble phantasm twice before the include is dismissed. If the noble phantasm consumes a variable number of rounds, you are assumed to have spent the minimum. (Archer, Assassin, Berserker, Caster, Lancer, Rider, and Saber are spirit types.)
    Special: You may take this feat multiple times. It does not stack. Each time, select a different type of spirit.

    Install Universale [Contractor]
    You can include any weapon regardless of your install
    Prerequisite: Heroic Spirit Install
    Benefit: When you are installing a spirit, you may choose to include a second spirit. This counts as a use of include, requires the same action type, and lasts until the end of the first spirit’s install. You lose all benefits of your first spirit’s include, such as weapon and the include phantasm. In exchange, you gain your second spirit’s weapon and may use its include phantasm. If your first spirit’s install phantasm requires an attack roll to function, or requires use of a weapon that your new weapon cannot provide (such as throwing or firing a projectile from a longsword), you may not use that phantasm either.

    Phantasmal Pounce [Contractor]
    You can use more phantasms when charging.
    Prerequisite: Faster Phantasm
    Benefit: If a full-round noble phantasm is multiple melee attacks (attack rolls with a weapon to deal damage), it can now be used in a charge.

    Prana Concentration [Contractor]
    Your noble phantasms can become more potent.
    Benefit: The save DCs for your noble phantasms increase by 1.

    Reinforced Bond [Contractor]
    Despite straying from the path, you are able to maintain a connection with your patron spirits.
    Prerequisite: Heroic Spirit Install
    Benefit: Treat your contractor level as 4 higher for the purposes of a single class’s features. This cannot increase your effective level higher than your character level, and it never increases bonuses to attacks and saves.
    Special: You may take this feat multiple times. Its effects stack.You may take it multiple times to further increase the contractor level of a single class, or you may increase the contractor level of multiple classes, or mix the two.

    Spirit Affinity [Contractor]
    You bind a closer contract to a heroic spirit, allowing you to borrow slightly more of her power.
    Prerequisite: Familiarity with the chosen Heroic Spirit
    Benefit: Pick a Heroic Spirit. Includes and installs with this spirit last 3 additional rounds.
    Special: You may take this feat multiple times. It does not stack. Every time you take this feat, choose a different Heroic Spirit to apply it to.

    Spirit Devotion [Contractor]
    You form a binding contract with a single heroic spirit, giving you more of her power in exchange for the power of others.
    Prerequisite: Spirit Affinity with the chosen Heroic Spirit
    Benefit: Include and installs with the chosen Heroic Spirit last 4 more rounds in addition to the benefit from Spirit Affinity. Includes and installs of all other heroic spirits suffer a -2 round penalty. You may Install the chosen spirit 1 more time per day. Even if you have heroic spirit mastery with another spirit, you cannot use the extra Install granted by this feat on another spirit, meaning that if you use all installs in a day, at least one must be with this spirit.
    Noble phantasms of the chosen heroic spirit reduce the rounds of heroic installs by 1 fewer (minimum 1 round). This reduction has no effect on phantasms that reduce every round they are active, such as Rider Medusa’s Breaker Gorgon.

    Spirit Duality [Contractor]
    You can maintain a grasp on an additional heroic spirit.
    Prerequisite: Alternate Hero
    Benefit: Choose a spirit you contracted through the Alternate Hero feat. You are now considered to have fully contracted that spirit. You may use it and its origin spirit freely, without one constraining the other.
    Special: You may take this feat once for every time you take Alternate Hero.

    Spirit Specialization [Contractor]
    By unbinding another heroic spirit, you are able to form a deeper contract with your chosen hero.
    Prerequisite: Spirit Devotion with the chosen Heroic Spirit, Spirit Mastery of the chosen spirit, Empowered Install with the type of the chosen spirit
    Benefit: Includes and Installs with the chosen Heroic Spirit last 5 more rounds, in addition to the benefits from Spirit Affinity and Spirit Devotion. However, every time you take this feat, choose a sacrificial spirit you have contracted. You exile that spirit, unbinding your contract and losing all benefits of familiarity.
    You may include and install the chosen spirit once every 2 minutes. You gain two fewer installs per day, but installs with this spirit no longer count towards your installs per day.
    Special: In addition to no longer being able to include or install the Heroic Spirit you chose to exile, the spells given to you by contracting the spirit are also removed from your spell list (unless you gained them through another source). If you have no further spirits to exile, this feat grants no benefit.
    You may take this feat multiple times. Each time, it grants you 5 additional rounds when installing the chosen Heroic Spirit, but you must exile another Heroic Spirit. You may not take this feat for more than one spirit.

    Spirit Versatility [Contractor]
    You can customize your access to spirits.
    Prerequisite: Alternate Hero
    Benefit: Choose a base spirit to which you applied the Alternate Hero feat. You may change what spirit you gained through that feat every day when you refresh your spells, although it still has the same restriction of being the same spirit type as the original spirit. For instance, if you had Archer Atalanta and took Alternate Hero for Archer David, you can now choose to use that spirit slot to instead contract any other archer spirit.
    Special: You may take this once for every time you take alternate hero. However, you may not take this feat if you have already taken spirit duality on the same base spirit. Similarly, if you take this feat for any spirit, you may not take Spirit Duality for that spirit.

    Spiritual Cacophony [Contractor]
    Once per day, you may access any spirit of your chosen type.
    Prerequisite: Spirit Versatility, Empowered Install for the same spirit type
    Benefit: Chose a spirit which you have Spirit Versatility, of a type for which you have Empowered Install. Once per day, instead of including or installing your current contracted spirit of that type, you may include or install any spirit of the same type. This counts as an include or install for the same spirit for purposes of daily or encounter limits on use. If you use this power to install a new spirit, you may cast its spells for the duration of the install. This feat does not give access to new spells in any other situation.
    Special: You may take this feat multiple times, but only for one spirit type. Each time you select it, it grants one use of the power per day.

    Subsumed Rage [contractor]
    You can install berserker with every rage.
    Prerequisite: Spirit Affinity (Any Berserker-class spirit), Heroic Spirit Install, Rage or Frenzy ability
    Benefit: You may combine Rages or Frenzies with your installs. Every time you enter a Rage or Frenzy, you may choose to also install a berserker spirit with which you have spirit affinity. The combined spiritual rage lasts as long as a rage normally lasts, and anything that would reduce the length of the install (such as using a noble phantasm) reduces the length of your rage. You may not use this if you have already included or installed that spirit this encounter. If both increase the same ability score, these increases stack.
    Normal: Servant Souls can only install a given spirit once per day, and doing so takes an action.

    Quicker Install [Contractor]
    You may summon heroic powers more quickly.
    Prerequisite: Heroic Spirit Install ability
    Benefit: Installing is a faster action for you. If it would normally be standard action, it instead requires only a move action; if it is normally a move action, you may install using a swift action. If your install takes multiple rounds, halve the number of rounds.

    New Invocations
    Fiends, Fey - some Warlocks feel these categories of magical beings are overly limiting. Instead, they may choose to contract a hero (or villain) of legend - gaining new abilities and powers along the way. Not every heroic spirit helps every warlock, so they must choose wisely before they commit. Each invocation taken connects with a specific heroic spirit. Dragonfire Adepts may find more spirits useful, as they tend to spend more time in melee, where most heroic spirits shine.

    Whenever an invoker takes a new contractor invocation, he may choose to contract a heroic spirit chosen by a previous invocation. If he does, he may immediately choose a new heroic spirit for the previous invocation. For instance, a first-level dragonfire adept may choose to learn Least Contract (Jack the Ripper). At third level, he takes Least Contract (Tamamo-No-Mae). At 6th level, he takes Lesser Contract, and may apply that invocation to Jack the Ripper or Tamamo as well. If he does, he may swap the now-vacant Least Contract to another spirit of his choice, such as Lidda.

    Gaining spirit familiarity through invocations grants no special ability to cast spells or access to any new spell lists. Any ability that applies to spells may be applied to spell-like abilities (such as invocations) should such an application make sense. For instance, Heracles prevents a warlock from using any invocations, while Medea allows one quickened invocation per round.

    The invoker's Contractor ability and contractor casting ability are their primary invoking ability (charisma for warlocks).

    Awesome Blow
    Least; 3rd; Blast Shape
    As a swift action, you may imbue a held weapon with your eldritch blast. Every time you hit with that weapon, the target is also struck by your eldritch blast, which may include a single essence chosen at the time you use Awesome Blow. You may not fire your eldritch blast normally for as long as you continue to hold that weapon.

    Greater Contract
    Greater; 7th
    You may contract a heroic spirit of your choice. This acts like Least Contract, except that it grants 2 installs per day with that spirit as well as heroic spirit mastery (the ability to spend installs of any spirit to install the chosen spirit) and your contractor level is equal to your invoker level, maximum 18. Including is a move action until level 10, at which point it is a free action. Installing is a standard action until level 14, at which point it is a move action.

    Least Contract
    Least; 2nd
    You may contract a heroic spirit of your choice. You gain the ability to include that spirit once per encounter, gain its weapon as well as normal use of its phantasm. Your contractor level is equal to your invoker level, maximum 6, and your primary contractor ability and your contractor casting ability are both your primary invoking ability (Charisma for warlocks, or constitution for dragonfire adepts). Including is a move action.

    Lesser Contract
    Lesser; 4th
    You may contract a heroic spirit of your choice. This acts exactly like Least Contract, except that you gain 1 install per day with that spirit, and your contractor level is equal to your invoker level, maximum 12. Including is a move action until level 10, at which point it is a free action. Installing is a standard action.

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    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Servant Souls in game worlds

    Servant Soul Lore
    Characters with ranks in knowledge (Nobility And Royalty) can research Servant Souls to learn more about them. When a character makes a skill check, read or paraphrase the following, including the information from lower DCs.

    DC 10: They originate from myths and legends. People who have accomplished great exploits and have been acknowledged as heroes. A Servant Soul seeks to emulate the heroes of old.

    DC 15: Every heroic spirit has their own personal armament, a weapon so powerful it can accomplish miracles. These miracles are known as noble phantasms, and Servant Souls wield the phantasms of the spirits they contract.

    DC 20: A Servant Soul can obtain “a fraction of a hero’s power”. Their own existence can be partially overwritten with this false summon. In other words, their true power is to become a hero for a time.

    DC 25: A Character that succeeds in a check this successful should learn information about specific Servant Souls in the world.

    Servant Souls In The Game
    Servant Souls can fit easily into any campaign setting, for what setting lacks heroes? All that the Servant Soul needs is the ability to contact and draw power from these legends. Their presence can easily be added by the fact that they tend to keep low numbers and a somewhat lower profile than the heroes that power them.

    The most obvious way to adapt this class is to simply change the source of their power: With very little work, the Servant Souls could be recast as divine crusaders, with seven different types of holy vengeance at their fingertips. Even if their arcane spellcasting is kept, this does not preclude the ability to draw power from the gods. While Clerics can become a powerful force in melee themselves, even they are unable to dish out the guaranteed damage of most Lancers or take the beating of a Berserker.

    Aligned Spirits: Using this optional rule, spirits may spurn a servant soul who changes her philosophy or outlook on life.

    While a Servant Soul can find beings of all types from which to draw power, not all of them are equally flexible. A Servant Soul who changes her alignment by one step has a chance to lose favor with a Heroic Spirits she’s bonded, and can no longer Include or Install any lost spirit. Spirit loss is determined randomly: Each spirit has 1/2 of a chance to be un-contracted. Roll separately for every step change in alignment.

    The servant soul must perform a special ritual of at least 1 day, during which she spends at least 8 hours in meditation, to contract a new heroic spirit. She may perform this as many times as necessary to gain back all of the spirits she lost, and may gain them back in an order of her choosing.

    Any spirits gained back are mechanically equivalent to the ones lost. Changing alignments is not a shortcut to the Alternate Hero feat.

    If she loses access to any Heroic Spirits for which she has taken feats (such as Spirit Affinity), then she may apply the feat to the replacement Heroic Spirit without penalty.

    Infused Soul: By default, a servant soul collects contracts and uses them as tools. If a heroic spirit's legends say he could incapacitate in one blow, she will contract him to gain the power. The spirit's temperament and will don't play into the equation.

    In this variant, every contracted heroic spirit influences the mind of the servant soul herself. You may choose to keep these as a mental influence, or have them impart mechanical affects as well. If you do, the servant soul gains some bias towards actions that the spirit would find desirable: This comes in the form of a bonus to something (generally a roll, armor class, or save DC) equal to 2 plus 1 per 10 class levels, and applies when including or installing. However, she also gains an aversion to other actions: this aversion is a penalty equal to double the desire bonus.

    If using only the personality changes, the servant soul becomes more similar to the binder, whose personality is influenced by his vestiges. If using the mechanical changes as well, the player is encouraged to stick to the strengths of each spirit, which can make her more powerful when doing so but can discourage unintended or otherwise creative use. These changes have the largest effect on devoted souls and spiritual vassals, although other servant souls that favor a spirit may begin to take on their characteristics more and more even when not actively using them.

    Archer Atalanta: A servant soul using Atalanta is quick and playful, but connected to nature. Atalanta grants a bonus to AC vs. Attacks of opportunity, and a penalty to attacks vs. animals and magical beasts.

    Archer David: A servant soul using David uses inflicts pain and wounding as a last resort. She prefers to ease suffering instead of granting it. David grants a bonus to attacks when fighting defensively, and a penalty to dealing lethal damage.

    Archer EMIYA: A servant soul using EMIYA hates those like herself and views the world with cynicism. This can make her standoffish with people she knows well. EMIYA grants a bonus to attack rolls against creatures the same type as the servant soul, and a penalty to caster level (minimum one).

    Archer Nanoha: A servant soul using Nanoha returns attacks with prejudice, but only after alternatives have failed. She prefers to talk through problems, either before conflict, or at least after it. Nanoha grants a bonus to damage rolls vs. foe that attacked her in the past round, and a penalty to attack rolls against non-mindless foes she hasn't attempted to talk down out of fighting.

    Archer Shirou: A servant soul using Shirou fights to protect his friends, but has compunctions about hitting some people. She holds to antiquated chivalrous ideals that often serve her poorly. Shirou grants a bonus to attack rolls vs. those that attacked another ally in the past round, and a penalty on damage rolls vs. women.

    Archer Soveliss: A servant soul using Soveliss learns as much as she can before acting as quickly as she can. She is jumpy and always preparing for others getting the drop on her. Soveliss grants a bonus to damage rolls vs. unaware targets, and a penalty to will saves.

    Archer Vivien: A servant soul using Vivien Reid is a defender of the wilds against the encroachment of civilization. Vivien grants a bonus on damage rolls against humanoids, and a penalty to attack rolls against any creature with intelligence 5 or less.

    Assassin Hassan: A servant soul using Hassan avoid conflict, seeking more expedient ways to get what she wants. She is secure in her powers, but decides and acts on everything quickly, including very important subjects. Hassan grants a bonus to phantasm save DC vs. unaware targets, and a penalty to attacks and damage when outnumbered.

    Assassin Jack: A servant soul using Jack is reckless and has trouble knowing when to quit. She is reluctant to back out of something she’s started, even if it proves to be a bad idea. Jack grants a bonus to attacks vs those she's damaged in the past 2 rounds, and a penalty to AC when fighting defensively or withdrawing.

    Assassin Kaya: While ostensibly a mercenary, a servant soul using Kaya is sympathetic to the plight of the wronged and downtrodden. Kaya grants a bonus to all charisma-based skill checks with others, and a penalty to damage rolls against intelligent beings she didn’t attempt to talk out of fighting.

    Assassin Li: A servant soul using Li performs poorly at any task that requires stamina. She becomes reticent and somewhat stoic, thinking that anything worth doing can be finished quickly. Li grants a bonus to the first attack roll against any target, and a penalty to subsequent attacks against enemies he’s already attacked in the same encounter.

    Assassin Lidda: A servant soul installing Lidda stays out of combat whenever possible. She tries to avoid even easy confrontations if she sees another way past. Lidda grants a bonus to all skills, and a penalty to AC.

    Assassin Kojiro Sasaki: A servant soul using Kojiro stands her ground against visible threats. In all situations, she prefers to defend something than to attack something else. Kojiro grants a bonus to attacks and AC when fighting from higher ground, and a penalty to AC against spells.

    Assassin Teana Lanster: A servant soul using Teana is very proactive. She tries to solve problems as soon as she can spot them, rather than waiting for them to become hindrances. Teana grants a bonus on attack rolls against enemies more than 30 feet away, and a penalty to attack rolls against enemies within 15 feet.

    Berserker Black Knight: A servant soul using Black Knight focuses on stopping those that cause her pain. She relishes confrontation, even if it can end poorly. Black Knight grants a bonus to attack and damage rolls against enemies that have damaged her in the past round, and a penalty to AC against those enemies.

    Berserker Frankenstein’s Monster: A servant soul using Frankenstein’s Monster returns kindness with kindness. The more time she spends around someone, the closer attached she becomes. Frankenstein’s Monster grants a bonus to attack rolls against foes she’s already hit this encounter, and a penalty to attack rolls against foes she’s spoken peaceably with in the past day.

    Berserker Garruk: A servant soul using Garruk lives to fight what she once was. Garruk grants a bonus to damage rolls against creatures of the same alignment, and a penalty to reflex saves.

    Berserker Heracles: A servant soul using Heracles likes fights, particularly fair ones. She enjoys contests with rules, especially ones where she considers herself proficient. Heracles grants a bonus to attack rolls against foes that have damaged or attacked her in this encounter, and a penalty when attacking foes that are flat-footed or otherwise denied their dexterity bonus to AC.

    Berserker Krusk: A servant soul using Krusk bullies those around her, but lacks finesse. She will take what she can from those she sees as weaker or unable to oppose her. Krusk grants a bonus to damage rolls against foes that are shaken, frightened, panicked or cowering, and a penalty to attack rolls when not power attacking.

    Berserker Lu Bu: A servant soul using Lu Bu does not prioritize loyalty. She also gives no thought to hurting those that trust her if it gets her what she wants. Lu Bu grants a bonus on attack and damage rolls against foes that have intentionally moved closer to her in the last round, and a penalty to attacks of opportunity, and damage rolls on said attacks, against all foes not actively moving closer.

    Berserker Vita: A servant soul using Vita becomes fiercely protective of one ally. She will do almost anything for that person, but it often manifests as violence. When including or installing Vita, she chooses an ally. Vita grants a bonus to attack and damage against anyone that attacked that ally in the past round, and a penalty when attacking those that have not attacked that ally or herself in the past round.

    Caster Bluebeard: A servant soul using bluebeard has a known solution to problems and no need of more. She can become fixated on one goal, and ignore all practical concerns in the way. Bluebeard grants a bonus to spell save DCs, and a penalty to attack rolls.

    Caster Hans Christian Anderson: A servant soul using Anderson prioritizes helping over hurting. She knows that conflict can be inevitable, but focuses on holding her allies together when it occurs. Anderson grants a bonus to caster level when casting spells targeting allies as well as a bonus to his target when using the aid another action, and a penalty to all save DCs and touch attack rolls.

    Caster Hayate: A servant soul using Hayate possesses massive power but lacks fine control. She is strong when performing grand gestures, but can mess things up if they require fine manipulation. She gains a bonus to damage rolls, but when targeting a spell or power that affects an area, it has a 5%/penalty chance of centering in an incorrect square. Roll randomly to determine direction and number of squares off (from 1 to the total penalty size).

    Caster Medea: A servant soul using Medea is always sensitive to betrayal and the threat of losing control. She is guarded, especially with those she doesn’t know well, but even with those she should trust implicitly. Medea grants a bonus to will saves, and a penalty to caster level when targeting other allies with spells.

    Caster Mialee: A servant soul using Mialee is frail, but hides her weaknesses. She doesn’t mind conflict, but prefers to stay behind and let others take charge in such situations. Mialee grants a bonus to armor class, and an increase to damage rolls made against her equal to her penalty.

    Caster Tamamo-no-Mae: A servant soul using Tamamo is the center of attention, but a poor judge of character. She is upbeat and enjoys the company of those around her. Tamamo grants a bonus to all charisma-based skills and checks besides bluff, and a penalty to bluff and sense motive.

    Caster Ugin: A servant soul using Ugin is slow and methodical. Ugin grants a bonus to search checks, and a penalty to initiative.

    Lancer Cú: A servant soul using Cú is fast, but prone to misfortune. She is generally easygoing but turns fierce when push comes to shove. Cú grants a bonus to reflex saves, but foes gain a bonus to critical confirmation rolls against her equal to her penalty.

    Lancer Diarmuid: A servant soul using Diarmuid is honorable to a fault and enjoys dueling. She will hold herself strictly to her code of ethics. Diarmuid grants a bonus to attacks against a foe that was not attacked by anybody else in the past round, and a penalty to attacks against foes suffering from mental effects such as charms and compulsions.

    Lancer Elizabeth: A servant soul using Elizabeth is prideful and chases glory. She sees herself as of much higher worth than others. Elizabeth grants a bonus to damage rolls against foes wounded by an ally in this encounter, and a penalty to saves if she’s missed an attack in the past round.

    Lancer Elspeth: A servant soul using Elspeth has had a long time to strengthen her resolve. Elspeth grants a bonus to will saves, and a penalty to reflex saves.

    Lancer Ember: A servant soul using Ember thrives in struggle. She tries to inspire those around her through collections of often-bizarre pieces of folk wisdom. Ember grants a bonus to opposed rolls, and a penalty to saves vs. nonmagical, non-disease attacks and effects.

    Lancer Fate: A servant soul using Fate knows that if she strikes first she can protect those she loves. She is generally silent around those she doesn’t know well. Fate grants a bonus to initiative checks, and a penalty to all rolls if an ally was downed in the previous round.

    Lancer Vlad III: A servant soul using Vlad is calm, reasoned and deliberate. She can even exaggerate this if she fears others may get the wrong impression. Vlad grants a bonus to will saves, and a 5 foot penalty to move speed for every 2 points of penalty.

    Rider Alhandra: A servant soul using Alhandra is rigid in her sense of justice. She thinks that those have committed crimes or gone back on their words deserve punishment. Alhandra grants a bonus to damage when charging, and a penalty to all social interactions, or intelligence, wisdom, or charisma-based rolls and checks, with those that do not share her alignment (except for turn undead).

    Rider Francis Drake: A servant soul using Drake is carefree and tries not to take things too seriously. She looks after her own enjoyment first and foremost. Drake grants a bonus to charisma-based skill checks, and a penalty to concentration checks and fortitude saves.

    Rider Iskander: A servant soul using Iskander is wild and never stops dreaming of better things. She tries to inspire loyalty in those around her and forms bonds easily. Iskander grants an inspiration bonus to attack rolls to all allies within 30 feet, and a penalty to saves against area spells.

    Rider Kiora: A servant soul using Kiora is at home in the water, and respects strength. Kiora grants a bonus to all skill physical checks while in the water, and a penalty to attack rolls when attacking an enemy larger than her largest ally within 100 feet.

    Rider Lutecia: A servant soul using Lutecia works with others to achieve her goals. She opens up wide to her friends and allies, although remains reserved with most others. Lutecia grants a bonus to the aid bonus when aiding another or being aided by another, and a penalty to armor class against foes flanking her.

    Rider Medusa: A servant soul using Medusa is quiet, calm, and calculating. She rarely acts out of turn or gambles, especially since she so often faces foes stronger than herself. Medusa grants a bonus to saves, and when struck with a weapon, takes additional damage equal to her penalty.

    Rider St. George: A servant soul using St. George is a strong believer in forgiveness. She believes that people doing evil have merely succumbed to their own weakness and can be brought back to the light. George grants a bonus to attack and damage rolls vs. any creature with an alignment subtype, and a penalty to lethal damage rolls vs. humanoids, monstrous humanoids, and giants.

    Saber Arturia: A servant soul using Arturia takes on the burdens of others. She holds her duties and station to be of higher importance than her individual self. Arturia grants an inspiration bonus to AC for all of her allies within 60 feet (besides herself), while she takes a penalty to two saves of her choice.

    Saber Gawain: A servant soul using Gawain is a follower of leaders. She is the bulwark and shield of those that retain her loyalty, willing to suffer for their success. When including or installing Gawain, she chooses an ally. Gawain grants a bonus to attacks against foes that have attacked her ally in this encounter, and a penalty to AC against these foes.

    Saber Joan: A servant soul using Joan takes her work seriously, but when not working, is quiet and fun-loving. She will fight for a good cause, and fundamentally believes that all people are important. Joan grants an increase to all damage rolls and enhancement bonuses given by phantasms, and a penalty to attack rolls against creatures smaller than her.

    Saber Nahiri: A servant soul using Nahiri is vengeful and reckless. Nahiri grants a bonus to damage against people that attacked her in the previous round, and a penalty to AC against people she attacked in the last round.

    Saber Nero: A servant soul using Nero is a prideful perfectionist. She only performs actions to get something out of them, and holds those around her to her same high standards. Nero grants a bonus to any attack, save or check where her original die roll was 5 or under, and a penalty to all charisma-based skills and checks.

    Saber Signum: A servant soul using Signum is protective of her friends. She attempts to shield those she values from all hardship, even when doing so makes things much harder for her. When including or installing Signum, she chooses an ally. Signum grants that ally an inspiration bonus to AC, and grants the servant soul a penalty to movement speed equal to 5 feet per 2 points of penalty for any move in which she would end further from her chosen ally.

    Saber Vadania: A servant soul using Vadania feels that power corrupts, preferring not to upset natural balances by swinging too far in any direction. She often decides, when given the option of additional power, to exercise prudence. Vadania treats all natural 1s as 2s and all natural 20s as 19s.

    Bazzett: A servant soul using Bazzett is strong-willed, but lonely. She is hard-working, almost to a comical degree. Bazzett grants a bonus to fortitude and reflex saves and a penalty to will saves.

    Sample Encounter
    An encounter with a Servant Soul should give her enough time to use multiple of her installs and summons, showcasing her ability to use multiple types of powers, and possibly spellcasting as well. The Servant Soul should engage enemies with low health, such as spellcasters, in melee, using her powerfully damaging Phantasms. If she finds herself at a loss, she can back off and attack with powerful ranged effects (Lancer Cú makes an excellent retreat, since his noble phantasm allows a Servant Soul to move double her normal speed while performing devastating attacks).

    EL 8. Miyu Edelfelt became a mage by accident, but soon learned the power of Heroic Spirits and set off to learn their use. Miyu fights only for her friends, so she may fight adventurers if she thought that they were after a magical item that a companion needed, or one with destructive powers that she feels the need to secure for their safety. As a friend, Miyu will gladly help the party eliminate a threat to the common good, to nearby towns, or to anyone she treasures. She does not look forward to fighting but, due to her trusting nature, can be tricked into attacking those that do not deserve it.

    Miyu Edelfelt CR 8
    Female Human Servant Soul 8
    NG Medium Humanoid
    Init +1; Senses Listen +11, Spot +0
    Languages Common, Draconic
    AC 19, Touch 12, Flat-footed 18 (+1 Dex, +6 armor, +1 Deflection, +1 Natural Armor)
    HP 63 (8 HD)
    Fort +7, Ref +5, Will +8 (+1 against Energy Drain, death spells, death effects, and inflict spells)
    Speed 20 ft. (4 squares)
    Base Atk +6; Grp +9
    Special Actions Heroic Spirit Include (Su, Move Action, duration 7 rounds with Lancer Cú, Rider Medusa and Caster Medea, 10 with Saber Arturia), Heroic Spirit Install (Su, Move Action, duration 7 rounds with Lancer Cú, Rider Medusa and Caster Medea, 10 with Saber Arturia), Haste 3/day, Belt of Healing activation
    Servant Soul spells Known (CL 4th):
    3rd (1/day) – Blink, Energy Aegis (PHBII), Force Missiles (SpC), Lighting Bolt (DC 14), Hold Person (DC 14)
    2nd (4/day) – Blast Of Force (SpC) (DC 13), Combust (SpC) (DC 13), Cure Moderate Wounds, Daze Monster (DC 13), Deflect (PHBII), Inflict Moderate Wounds (DC 13), Protection from Energy, Stretch Weapon (PHBII)
    1st (6/day) – Cure Light Wounds, Jump, Kelgore's Fire Bolt (PHBII) (DC 12), Lesser Deflect (PHBII), Magic Missile, Sleep (DC 12), Whelm (PHBII) (DC 12)
    0 (5/day) – Detect Magic, Cure Minor Wounds, Read Magic
    Abilities Str 16, Dex 12, Con 17, Int 13, Wis 10, Cha 8
    Feats Battle Caster, Quicker Install, Eschew Materials, Power Attack, Faster Phantasm, Spirit Affinity (Saber)
    Skills Concentration +14, Knowledge (Arcana) +2, Knowledge (History) +6, Knowledge (Nobility and Royalty) +6, Listen +11, Spellcraft +12, Use Magic Device +10
    Posessions Healing Belt, +1 Glamered Speed Light Fortification Breastplate, Ring of Protection +1, Amulet of Natural Armor +1, Cloak of Resistance +2, Handy Haversack, Least Crystal of Lifekeeping, Gauntlets of Ogre Power

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    Ogre in the Playground
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    Aug 2013

    Default Prestige Class: Spiritual Vassal

    Prestige Classes

    Spiritual Vassal

    Sometimes a servant soul reveres one heroic sprit above all others. Pledging herself to her borrowed ideals, she gains increased power and abilities from her lord or lady.
    Hit Die: D8

    Base Attack Bonus: +3
    Feats: Spirit Devotion with selected spirit.
    Heroic Spirit Include: Must be able to summon magical weapons.

    Class Skills
    The spiritual vassal has the same class skills as the servant soul.
    Skill Points At Each Level: 4 + Int modifier.

    Table: The Spiritual Vassal

    Class Features
    All of the following are class features of the spiritual vassal prestige class.

    Weapon and Armor Proficiency: A spiritual vassal gains no proficiency in any weapons or armor.

    Spellcasting: When a new level in spiritual vassal is gained, the character gains an increased caster level, new spells known and new spells per day as though she had gained a level in a spontaneous spellcasting class she belonged to before adding the prestige class. She does not, however, gain any other benefits of this class. She must choose which class to apply this benefit to when she takes her first level of spiritual vassal. She does not gain this benefit on her fifth level in the class.

    Heroic Spirit Include: Levels in spiritual vassal stack with levels in a previous contractor class for determining the heroic spirit include benefits for spiritual vassals.

    Chosen Install: If the character does not have heroic spirit install before entering the spiritual vassal prestige class, the class does not grant it. However, levels in spiritual vassal stack with levels in a previous contractor class for determining the benefits of heroic spirit install for their chosen spirit.

    Attunement: A first level spiritual vassal can connect more closely with her lord. She gains a +1 bonus on attack and damage rolls with her spirit’s weapon, and gains a +1 bonus to her caster level when casting spells from her heroic spirit’s spell list. She also gains +1 caster level to any spells, spell-like abilities, or spells cast from magical items used with or through her include item. These bonuses increase to +2 at third level and +3 at fifth level.

    Spiritual Resonance: A second level spiritual vassal is a better receptacle for the energy her lord provides. Includes and installs with her chosen spirit last 1 additional round. This increases to 2 rounds at fourth level.

    Spirit Mastery: A second level spiritual vassal gains spirit mastery with her chosen spirit. This works exactly like the servant soul ability, above. If she does not have heroic spirit install, this grants her 1 install per day.

    Heroic Body (Ex): A third level spiritual vassal gains a +2 ability increase to any abilities increased in her chosen spirit’s install.

    Superior Crafting: A fourth level spiritual vassal can summon stronger weapons. When including her chosen spirit, the enhancement bonus of the weapon is 1 higher. In addition, she may at the time of include choose to summon a weapon made of adamantine, alchemical silver, or cold iron. These changes also change any ammunition summoned with the weapon. If her include can use spells or otherwise increases her spellcasting, all spells cast through it are treated as being 1 level higher, as though cast with the Heighten (+1) metamagic feat.

    Apotheosis (Ex): A fifth level spiritual vassal can maintain her heroic spirit include for any length of time and can dismiss and restart her include as a free action, but only with her chosen spirit. However, this comes with two caveats: Any weapon or item with abilities that refresh daily can only refresh these abilities once every encounter, and heroic spirit include phantasms can only be used once every encounter (or twice with the appropriate feat).
    She may also choose to gain the appearance of her install when including her chosen spirit, but gains no other benefits of her install unless using the install ability.

    Spiritual Boon: A fifth-level spiritual vassal gains a special boon, based on the class of her chosen spirit. These benefits are always active, except when installing a different spirit. Should the vassal's chosen spirit have no spirit type, she may choose any one boon.

    Archer: A spiritual vassal of an archer-type spirit gains a +5 bonus to spot and deals +5 damage with all projectiles. In addition, once per round she may fire an arrow or other projectile as a 100-foot line attack, hitting all opponents in the affected squares, although they may make a reflex save (DC 10+1/2 her character level + her dexterity modifier) for half damage. This is an attack, and may be used as part of a full attack.

    Assassin: A spiritual vassal of an assassin-type spirit gains a +5 bonus on move silently, as well as a +2D6 increase to sneak attack. In addition, she gains concealment.

    Berserker: A spiritual vassal of a berserker-type spirit gains temporary hit points equal to half of her character level. At the start of her turn, her last round’s temporary hit points are removed and replaced with new ones. In addition, she gains +4 to resist bull rushes, disarms, overruns, and trips, and a +4 bonus to grapple checks. She gains proficiency with heavy armor, and may use medium or heavy armor without incurring spell failure for her servant soul spells. As with all spiritual boons, this does not apply when installing spirits other than her chosen spirit.

    Caster: A spiritual vassal of a caster-type spirit gains an additional spell per day of every level she can cast. These are added to the class she chose when using spiritual vassal to advance spellcasting. In addition, unlike all other spirits, caster gains an additional level of spellcasting at fifth level.

    Lancer: A spiritual vassal of a lancer-type spirit gains an additional 5 feet of reach. If huge size or above, she instead gains 10 feet of reach. She also gains 1 additional attack of opportunity per round.

    Rider: A spiritual vassal of a rider-type spirit gains a +20 foot increase to her move speed, as well as the move speed to all mounts she rides and all vehicles she drives. In addition, once per round when performing an action that would provoke an attack of opportunity, she may choose to not provoke an attack from a single opponent.

    Saber: A spiritual vassal of a saber-type spirit gains +5 to balance, climb, jump, and tumble and may use all skills untrained. In addition, she gains a +2 bonus to her armor class, which is either sacred or profane, depending on her alignment. She may use medium armor without incurring spell failure for her servant soul spells.

    Spiritual Vassal Lore
    Characters with ranks in knowledge (Nobility And Royalty) or Knowledge (The Planes) can research Spiritual Vassals to learn more about them. When a character makes a skill check, read or paraphrase the following, including the information from lower DCs.
    DC 10: A spiritual vassal is a person deeply connected to a single spirit or heroic ideal.
    DC 15: By pledging fealty to a historical of mythological figure, a spiritual vassal learns to draw on more of their power.
    DC 20: Unlike a servant soul, a spiritual vassal can hold onto a single spirit all day.
    DC 25: A Character that succeeds in a check this successful should learn information about specific spiritual vassals in the world.

    Spiritual Vassals In The Game
    Spiritual Vassals belong anywhere servant souls can be found. As long as it’s possible for someone to sign seven contracts, it’s possible for someone to give seven times the devotion to one.

    The most obvious change to make to spiritual vassal is to change the boons granted by each class. While each one was designed to be tailored to the class’s general strength, this does not mean every servant can make use of each one. Sasaki Kojiro, for instance, has little synergy with the assassin boon to stealth skills and sneak attack (although concealment is always welcome). Matching the boon to the player’s chosen spirit and play style can make this class go from skipped to essential.

    Sample Encounter
    An encounter with a spiritual vassal of sufficient level will almost always begin with them already in the garb of their lord, and players with knowledge (history) or knowledge (nobility and royalty) may roll a DC25 check to recognize it. If they do, they will instantly understand the outlook and general abilities of who they are meeting.

    EL 9. Kuro Von Einsbern began her life in the shadow of her sister. After she contracted heroic spirit EMIYA, she set out on her own. Hotheaded and brash, but never mean, Kuro is ruthless to those she thinks mean her ill will, and would rather get rid of them than ask them their real intentions.

    When in combat, her goal is to get out of reach and keep firing. She does no good in melee combat, and if forced into it she will use her spells to lash out at those around her. Otherwise, she will use her magical items to evade enemies and pelt them with ever more arrows as she runs.

    Kuro Von Einsbern CR 9
    Female Human Servant Soul 4/Spiritual Vassal 5
    N Medium Humanoid
    Init +2; Senses Listen -1, Spot +16
    Languages Common, Sylvan
    AC 19, Touch 14, Flat-Footed 15 (+4 Dex, +4 Armor, +1 Natural Armor) (+5 against Ranged Attacks)
    HP 62 (9 HD)
    Fort +7, Ref +9, Will +10
    Speed 30 ft. (6 squares)
    Melee +3 Elvencraft Longbow +10/+5 (1D6+4)
    Ranged +3 Seeking Composite Elvencraft Longbow (+1 Strength Bonus) +13/+8 (1D8+9) (Can substitute 1 attack/round for 100 foot line attack, DC 18 Reflex Save for anybody in affected squares for half damage)
    Base Atk +6; Grp +8
    Special Actions Heroic Spirit Include (Su, Move Action, Unlimited duration with Archer EMIYA, can use noble phantasms once per encounter or every two minutes, no cooldown on include otherwise), Heroic Spirit Install (Su, Move Action, Duration 18 rounds with Archer EMIYA, can install once every two minutes, +8 Dexterity), Healing Belt activation(Standard to heal), Chronocharm activations(Immediate to reroll certain rolls or move), Bracers of Quick Strike activation (Swift for extra attack), Anklet of Translocation activation (swift to move), Hawkfeather Armor activation (standard to fly or boost charisma), Potions
    Servant Soul spells Known (CL 4th):
    3rd (1/day, DC 14) – Ring of Blades (SpC), Fly
    2nd (4/day, DC 13) – Splinterbolt (SpC), Combust (SpC), Cure Moderate Wounds, Hideous Laughter, Protection From Energy
    1st (6/day, DC 12) – Guided Shot (SpC), Cure Light Wounds, Kelgore's Fire Bolt (PHBII), Swift Expeditious Retreat (PHBII)
    0 (5/day) – Detect Magic, Light, Read Magic
    Abilities Str 12, Dex 19, Con 14, Int 13, Wis 8, Cha 10
    Feats Spirit Affinity (Archer EMIYA), Spirit Devotion (Archer EMIYA), Eschew Materials, Faster Phantasm, Empowered Install (Archer EMIYA), Spirit Specialization (Archer EMIYA)
    Skills Concentration +14, Intimidate +6, Knowledge (Religion) +13, Spellcraft +13, Spot +17, Use Magic Device +10
    Possessions Hawkfeather Armor (+1 Natural Armor), Lesser Crystal of Arrow Protection, Healing Belt, Bracers of Quick Strike, Anklet of Translocation, Gloves of Spell Disruption (+2 Dex), Chronocharms of the Horizon Walker, Grand master, and Celestial Wanderer, Robe of Resistance +3, 3 Potions of Cure Light Wounds, 2 Potions of Shield of Faith

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    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Prestige Class: Theurgic Servant

    Theurgic Servant
    While the spirit Caster is built for raw arcane power, it is limited by the spells and spell progression of the Servant Soul. Some enterprising Servant Souls have learned to harness the power of the Caster spirits and infuse them with magical power from another source.
    Hit Die: D4

    Heroic Spirits: Must have contracted at least one Caster-class spirit.
    Heroic Spirit Include: Must be able to summon magical weapons.
    Spellcasting: Must be able to cast second-level spells from a class other than servant soul.

    Class Skills
    The theurgic servant’s class skills (and the key ability for each skill) Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Heal (Wis), Knowledge (Arcana) (Int), Knowledge (History) (Int), Knowledge (Nobility and Royalty) (Int), Knowledge (Religion) (Int), Profession (Wis), Spellcraft (Int), and Use Magic Device (Cha).
    Skill Points At Each Level: 2 + Int modifier.

    Table: The Theurgic Servant

    Class Features
    All of the following are class features of the theurgic servant prestige class.

    Weapon and Armor Proficiency: A theurgic servant gains no proficiency in any weapons or armor.

    Spellcasting: The theurgic servant advances the spellcasting of two classes. The first is servant soul. When a character gains a new level, assuming she can cast spells as a servant soul, she may advance her servant soul spellcasting by one level for purposes of spells per day and spells known. In addition, her servant soul caster level increases by two, when not installing a heroic spirit, to a maximum of her character level. This replaces any caster level increases granted by installing heroic spirits. She gains none of these benefits at level 6 of this class.

    In addition, the theurgic servant advances the spellcasting of another class. This class must be able to cast second-level spells when the first level of theurgic servant is gained, and cannot be changed. Its caster level, spells per day, and spells known increase every level of the class after level one.

    Caster Include: All features of Heroic Spirit include are advanced at every level of theurgic servant as though gaining a level in servant soul, but for caster spirits only. This means that, for instance, a servant soul 3/wizard 3/theurgic servant 7 would be able to include caster as a free action, and summon a +3 weapon, but would need a move action to include other heroic spirits she knows and they would only have +1 weapons.

    Theurgic Casting: At second level, a theurgic servant can use spells from other spellcasting classes while installing heroic spirits. She may cast spells of a spell level up to her level in theurgic servant while installing a heroic spirit. (Heroic Spirit Include never restricts spellcasting.)

    Theurgic Phantasm: Any time a theurgic servant of at least third level uses a noble phantasm from a caster-class spirit, if that noble phantasm can apply to a spell she can cast, she may apply it to a spell from her other casting class. However, the level of the spell she is affecting must be, at most, half of her theurgic servant class level. Any ability that costs or retains spell slots can be transferred to a prepared caster by costing or retaining prepared spells of the appropriate level.

    Heroic Spirit Install: A theurgic servant of at least 4th gains heroic spirit install, as the servant soul ability. Levels in servant soul and theurgic servant stack to determine duration and abilities granted by the install.

    Extra Caster: At fifth level, and again at tenth level, a theurgic servant can choose a caster-class spirit with which she is not familiar. She gains familiarity with that servant. If she already has alternate hero or spirit duality for that spirit, she may select a single bonus feat for which she meets the prerequisites.

    Theurgic Install: At sixth level, a theurgic servant can apply any changes to spellcasting gained in heroic spirit installs to spells of her other casting class. However, she may only use spells of a level up to half of her theurgic servant class level. Any ability that costs or retains spell slots can be transferred to a prepared caster by costing or retaining prepared spells of the appropriate level.

    Bonus Metamagic Feat: At seventh level, a theurgic servant gains a bonus metamagic feat for which she meets the prerequsites.

    Theurgic Metamagic: A theurgic servant of at least eighth level can power metamagic with servant soul spell slots. She may apply a metamagic feat she knows to a spell of her other casting class by sacrificing a servant soul spell slot of the same level or higher as the level increase of the metamagic feat. She may apply this only once to a spell, although a prepared caster can apply it to a spell prepared with other metamagic feats. She must be able to cast a spell of the modified level, even if the spell is still being cast from the same spell slot.

    If she is applying this ability to a prepared spell, its casting time increases. Any spell with a casting time measured of one round or more requires double the casting time. Any spell that is cast as a standard action is instead cast as a full-round action. Any spell cast as a move action is used as a standard action, and all other spells are cast as move actions. If the applied metamagic feat changes the casting time, it changes this altered casting time.

    Heroic Spirit Mastery: A ninth level theurgic servant gains heroic spirit mastery for a single caster spirit with which she is familiar. This works like the servant soul ability.

    Caster Fusion: A tenth-level theurgic servant gains the ability to recharge her spellcasting with her other casting classes. She may remember any spell cast, or any spell slot expended, from either of her two casting classes by expending a prepared spell or spell slot of the same level or higher from the other class. This works otherwise like Mage’s Lucubration, although it can be used with spell slots instead of spells. Use of this ability is a swift action.

    Playing a Theurgic Servant

    While many theurgic servants may go back to whatever base casting class they were in before joining, others have some unique prestige classes. A prepared caster can go into Ultimate Magus to continue advancing the casting of both of her classes. A spontaneous caster, however, has the option to go into Spiritual Vassal for the Caster spirit, which grants full spellcasting and additional spells per day. This will also grant an additional heroic spirit mastery if she enters using a second caster spirit, +2 intelligence, and other benefits. Still others may enter Legacy Champion or Uncanny Trickster in order to use caster’s abilities with higher levels of spells.

    Theurgic Servant Lore
    Characters with ranks in knowledge (Arcana) or Knowledge (History) can research Theurgic Servants to learn more about them. When a character makes a skill check, read or paraphrase the following, including the information from lower DCs.
    DC 10: A theurgic servant blends their own spellcasting powers with a contract to heroic beings of legend.
    DC 15: Theurgic servants can be arcane or divine. They gain abilities like empowering spells on the fly or casting spells from either magical reserve.
    DC 20: Unlike most servant souls, a theurgic servant sees their heroic contracts as a means to an end. They use their heroic spirit’s power to increase their primary abilities, and are spellcasters to the core, ill-suited for martial combat.
    DC 25: A Character that succeeds in a check this successful should learn information about specific theurgic servants in the world.

    Theurgic Servants In The Game
    Theurgic Servants are an adaptable class. They make an excellent prestige class for wizards due to their intelligence focus, but can help other practitioners of the arcane arts. They can also be used as an easy way for a cleric or other divine spellcaster to increase their metamagic abilities. Anywhere servant souls teach how to contract heroic spirits, there can be spellcasters interested for their own ends.

    With a little bit of work, Theurgic Servants could be molded into a psionic prestige class, for servant soul/psions, although this may require some modification of the heroic spirit’s abilities to adapt to powers. Other alterations could include shuffling the abilities gained at each level, or even trading them out. Allowing the feat-for-familiarity trade to be optional instead of mandatory means a player that only likes one caster can stock up on extra metamagic feats.

    Sample Encounter
    Theurgic Servants behave in most respects as normal mages, and have the same inclinations as mages may have. However, if a fight begins, they may start reading their spells from a very magical book, or don dark robes and cast spells twice as fast. After a combat ends, a theurgic servant will often take out a wand and begin to heal the wounded.

    EL 12. Luvia Edelfelt is a prideful, fiercely competitive mage who nonetheless commands respect from those around her, due to her mastery of the arcane arts. She is careful to always act proper among her superiors, but can lash out at those she considers threats to her standing. Despite this, she does care for those that can tolerate her eccentricities.

    Luvia Edelfelt CR 12
    Female Human Servant Soul 1/Wizard 3/Theurgic Servant 8
    CN Medium Humanoid
    Init +1 (+6 with Nerveskitter); Senses Listen +1, Spot +5
    Languages Common, Draconic, Elven
    AC 17, Touch 11, Flat-Footed 16 (+1 Dex, +6 Armor) (20% miss chance)
    HP 70 (12 HD)
    Fort +8, Ref +7, Will +15 (Ring of Counterspelling: Greater Dispel Magic)
    Active Spells Greater Resistance, Hero’s Feast, Extended Overland Flight, Extended Greater Mage Armor
    Speed 30 ft. (6 squares), Fly 40 ft, Average Maneuverability
    Base Atk +5; Grp +4
    Special Actions Heroic Spirit Include (Su, Move Action, Duration 5 rounds with Caster Bluebeard, 14 rounds with Caster Madea, 2 Noble Phantasms per include), Heroic Spirit Install (Su, Standard Action, Duration 4 rounds 1/day with Caster Bluebeard, 13 rounds 2/day with Caster Madea), Anklet of Translocation activation (Swift, 10 foot teleport), Third Eye Clarity activation (Immediate, immunity to negative conditions), Gloves of Fortunate Striking activation (Swift, reroll attack), Healing Belt Activation (Standard, heal self or touch)
    Servant Soul spells Known (CL 4, 8th when installing):
    3rd (3/day, DC 20) – Cure Serious Wounds, Force Missiles (SpC), Girallon’s Blessing (SpC)
    2nd (6/day, DC 19) – Combust (SpC), Cure Moderate Wounds, Electric Loop (SpC), Protection from Energy, Blast of Force (SpC), Summon Swarm
    1st (7/day, 4 Remaining, DC 18) – Cure Light Wounds, Swift Expeditious Retreat (PHBII), Kelgore’s Fire Bolt (PHBII), Magic Missile, Spirit Worm (SpC)
    0 (5/day, DC 17) – Cure Minor Wounds, Detect Magic, Read Magic
    Wizard Spells Known (CL 10th):
    5th (DC 22) – Baleful Polymorph, Dominate Person (Cast: Overland Flight)
    4th (DC 21) – Greater Invisibility, Solid Fog, Black Tentacles (Cast: Greater Resistance (SpC))
    3rd (DC 20) – Dispel Magic x2, Fireball, Explosive Runes (Cast: Greater Mage Armor (SpC))
    2nd (DC 19) – Minor Image, Glitterdust, Alter Self, Invisibility, Ray of Stupidity x2 (SpC)
    1st (DC 18) – Nerveskitter (SpC) x3, Charm Person, Grease, Shield
    0 (DC 17) – Light, Acid Splash, Mending, Ray of Frost
    Abilities Str 8, Dex 13, Con 14, Int 24, Wis 12, Cha 10
    Feats Strengthened Connection, Extend Spell, Empower Spell, Increased Output, Spirit Affinity (Caster Madea), Split RaySpirit Devotion (Caster Madea)
    Skills Concentration +17, Diplomacy +9, Knowledge (Arcana) +22, Knowledge (Nobility and Royalty) +22, Spellcraft +22, Spot +5, Use Magic Device +15
    Possessions Headband of Intellect +6, Minor Cloak of Displacement, Third Eye Clarity, Ring of Counterspelling, Anklet of Translocation, Gloves of Fortunate Striking, Healing Belt, Horn of Plenty, Spellbook.
    Spellbook 0 – All; 1st – Obscuring Mist, Charm Person, Shield, Shock and Awe, Sleep, Mount, Nerveskitter, Grease; 2 – Invisibility, Alter Self, Web, Glitterdust, Ray of Stupidity, Minor Image; 3 – Dispel Magic, Explosive Runes, Haste, Greater Mage Armor, Fireball; 4 – Greater Mirror Image, Black Tentacles, Dimension Door, Minor Creation, Solid Fog, Lesser Geas, Greater Invisibility, Polymorph, Greater Resistance, Orb of Electricity; 5 – Teleport, Dominate Person, Baleful Polymorph, Overland Flight, Duelward

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    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Meta/Design Information

    Heroic Medium

    Most dealing with heroic spirits do so by contract: They make a bond with the hero, an exchange of power for ideals. A heroic medium, on the other hand, learns to invite heroic spirits into his body, becoming what’s known as a Pseudo-Servant: A mortal being with aspects of a great hero inside himself.

    Although heroic mediums are conceptually similar to servant souls, anybody can become one. In fact, servant souls are generally ill-suited to being heroic mediums, as taking two paths to the same destination is less efficient than taking one path twice as far.
    Hit Die: D8

    Base Attack Bonus: +3
    Weapon Proficiency: Proficient in all simple weapons and at least 1 other weapon.
    Skills: Knowledge (Nobility and Royalty) or (The Planes) 8 ranks, Knowledge (History) 4 ranks.

    Class Skills
    The heroic medium’s class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Balance (Dex), Bluff (Cha), Climb (Str), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Heal (Wis), Knowledge (All skills, taken individually) (Int), Listen (Wis), Perform (Cha), Profession (Wis), Ride (Dex), Spellcraft (Int), Spot (Wis), and Use Magic Device (Cha).
    Skill Points At Each Level: 4 + Int modifier.

    Table: The Heroic Medium

    Class Features
    All of the following are class features of the heroic medium prestige class.

    Weapon and Armor Proficiency: A heroic medium gains no proficiency with any weapon or armor. However, he is proficient with all weapons, armor, and items gained or used through his class abilities.

    Heroic Spirit Install (Su): A heroic medium’s signature ability is binding a heroic spirit, overwriting a small piece of his own existence with that of another being. This direct manifestation of the heroic spirit’s power can change his appearance, and can also grant bonuses to abilities and saves, as well as other powers. A heroic medium can ready known spirits, and install a readied spirit with one minute of concentration. Even while a spirit is installed, he can install a readied spirit with the same action, overwriting the previous install. Uninstalling the active spirit is a standard action.

    Known and Readied Spirits: A heroic medium learns one or more spirits per class level, as seen on Table: the Heroic Medium, but can only access a subset of heroic spirits each day. At the start of each day, he may ready a specific number of spirits, as indicated on Table: The Heroic Medium. Doing so uninstalls any currently installed spirits. Although there is no restriction to the spirit type of heroic spirits that a spiritual medium learns, he can’t ready more than one spirit of each spirit type (archer, assassin, berserker, caster, lancer, rider, and saber).

    Granted by Installs: Some installs grant abilities that scale based on the heroic medium’s contractor level. The heroic medium’s contractor level is equal to 1.5 times his class level, up to a maximum of his character level. Others grant abilities that depend on the heroic medium’s primary contractor ability, which is charisma.

    Generally, installing a heroic spirit causes a contractor’s appearance to change and match it. A heroic medium is able to suppress this if desired. His bearing and demeanor will still shift in ways that will be obvious to those that know him, but his gross physical characteristics and clothing will remain the same.

    A heroic spirit’s install can grant bonuses to attack rolls, abilities, and saves. Bonuses to attack rolls will always equal the difference between the heroic medium’s current base attack bonus granted by the class and a full base attack bonus (one quarter his class level, rounded up). A bonus to abilities grants +2, plus an additional +2 for every 10 contractor levels (a +4 bonus at class level 7, which is contractor level 10). A bonus to saves converts the save bonus granted by heroic medium class levels from “poor” to “good.” In other words, a bonus to fortitude or reflex saves will cause the base save granted by heroic medium class levels to equal the class’s base will save.

    While heroic spirit install traditionally restricts spellcasting, a heroic medium’s ability to cast any spells he knows are unchanged, save when installing berserker-class spirits, which prevent him from casting any spells he gained outside of the class.

    The heroic spirit install is the foundation of many of the heroic medium’s class abilities, which are explained further below.

    Od: Od is a type of magic contained in all forms of life. A second level heroic medium uses Od to power the servant skills he learns, seen below. His magic circuits can process Od each day equal to half his contractor level plus his charisma modifier, which refreshes whenever he gets a solid night of rest.

    Servant Skills (Ex): Heroic spirits, when summoned, gain one or more special skills. These skills can be granted by their class or from their individual legends and exploits. A heroic medium learns one or more of these skills each level past the first, as indicated on Table: the Heroic Medium. Some servant skills have affinity with heroic spirits of specific types, while others are free for any spirit. Using a servant skill costs 1 Od unless using it with a heroic spirit of an unsuitable type, in which case it costs 2. The majority of skills cost 1, since they have affinity for all types of heroic spirits.

    A servant skill can be used either passively or actively, although some can only be used one way, as indicated in their individual descriptions. A passive servant skill is chosen and paid for while installing a spirit, and is active for as long as that spirit remains installed. An active servant skill can be activated any time during an install by paying Od. Most active skills can be activated using a swift action. Refer to individual servant skill descriptions for the actions required to use each one. Active skills either perform their effects immediately, or last for a number of rounds equal to half of his contractor level plus his charisma modifier.

    A heroic medium can only use one passive skill per install, even if he has the Od to pay for more. The amount of Od he uses on active servant skills in one encounter cannot exceed his charisma bonus (minimum 1).

    Mind Strengthening (Ex): A second level heroic medium is used to entities meddling with his mind. He becomes immune to unwanted possession and gains a bonus equal to half his contractor level on all saves against enchantment spells.

    Non-Standard Class: A third level heroic medium gains the ability to draw power from some non-standard heroic spirit classes. Once per day per non-standard class, he may cast a spell from a small list. These spells are cast with charisma, ignore all inexpensive material components and arcane spell failure from light and medium armor, and use his contactor level as his caster level. He may learn spells from any list, but must learn all spells on a list in order. A heroic medium must therefore choose between learning spells from multiple non-standard classes, which would give him more spells per day, or going up the lists of fewer classes to access their more powerful spells.

    He learns one spell at third level, then an additional two spells at sixth and four at ninth level. At tenth level, the heroic medium chooses one of these classes. He may cast from that class list twice per day.

    Avenger (Avenger): Blindness/Deafness, Slay Living, Withering Palm (SpC), Nightmare (with no alignment descriptor)
    Beast (Authority of Beasts): Animal Trance, Pacification (DoF), Return to Nature (ECS), Animal Shapes
    Foreigner (Entity of the Outer Realm): Augury, Contact Other Plane, Legend Lore, Warp Destiny (RoD)
    Ruler (God’s Resolution): Charm Person, Charm Monster, Greater Command, Demand
    Shielder (Self-Field Defense): Rope Trick, Resilient Sphere, Refuge, Unbinding (SpC)

    Mettle (Ex): A fourth level heroic medium can resist magical attacks especially well. Whenever he succeeds on a fortitude or will save against an effect that would normally grant lesser effects on a successful save, the entire effect is instead negated for him.

    Twinskill (Ex): A fifth level heroic medium can install a heroic spirit with two passive skills instead of just one, although he must use the necessary Od to do so.

    Pseudo-Servant (Ex): A seventh level heroic medium can designate one spirit as his primary spirit. He gains one Od with which to invoke passive skills when installing that spirit. If it is not used immediately, it is lost. His primary servant can change each time he readies spirits.

    Class Agnosticism (Ex): An eighth level heroic medium can ready any number of heroic spirits of a given spirit type. This does not change the total number of spirits he may ready.

    Dual Install (Ex): A tenth level heroic medium can install two heroic spirits simultaneously, gaining both of their benefits and drawbacks at once. This does not increase the number of passive skills he can use at once, nor does it change the action types to install or uninstall a heroic spirit. If both spirits increase his attack, saves, or abilities, these benefits overlap and do not stack. He must install both separately, but if one of his servant skills forcibly uninstalls him, it uninstalls both.

    Servant Skills

    You can line up extra accurate shots.
    Affinity: Archer
    Use: Passive, Active (Swift)
    For your install (if passive), or for a duration during your install (if active), add twice your charisma bonus to all critical confirmation rolls. If you are an Archer, double your threat range.

    Animal Communication
    You can empathize with all creatures.
    Affinity: All spirits
    Use: Passive, Active (Swift)
    For your install, or for the duration of a single check (typically a minute), you can empathize with all living non-mindless creatures well enough to make diplomacy checks with them, so long as they are not actively attacking you. This does not establish a common language or allow you to order creatures around, but you can improve their attitudes within reason.

    Battle Continuation
    You’re down, not out.
    Affinity: All spirits
    Use: Passive
    If you would die, instead, roll 1D8 per point of charisma bonus (minimum 1). Your hit points are now equal to the result, or your maximum hit points, whichever is lower. Your install ends.

    You’re good with people.
    Affinity: All spirits
    Use: Passive, Active (Swift)
    For your install, or for a single skill check, you gain a bonus to all charisma-based skills equal to half of your contractor level.

    Connection to the Root
    The powers of the origin can upgrade your battle statistics.
    Affinity: All spirits
    Use: Passive, Active (Swift)
    Choose one ability or save not given a bonus by your install. For your install, or for a duration during your install, that ability or save bonus is granted. Note that a bonus to will saves gives +0, since the heroic medium’s will save is already good.

    You see things just a hair before they happen.
    Affinity: Archer, Caster
    Use: Passive, Active (Free)
    If used passively, add your charisma bonus to attack rolls. If you’re an archer or a caster, add it to save DCs of your extraordinary and supernatural attacks as well. You may expend this skill as an immediate action to perform its active effect.

    If used actively, roll your next attack, save, or check twice and take the higher result.

    You’re simply better. Not in any specific way, just generally.
    Affinity: All spirits
    Use: Passive
    For your install, your contractor level is increased by your charisma bonus.

    Eye of the Mind
    Your reaction time is supernatural.
    Affinity: Archer, Lancer, Saber
    Use: Passive, Active (Immediate)
    For your install, or for a duration during your install, you gain Evasion and Uncanny dodge, as a rogue of your contractor level. If you’re an archer, lancer, or saber, you gain improved evasion and improved uncanny dodge.

    Imperial Privilege
    You lay claim over all skills.
    Affinity: All spirits
    Use: Active (Full-Round)
    After a full round of concentration, you gain the ability to use a single active servant skill you haven’t learned. It must be activated in the next round or your use of Imperial Privilege was wasted. That skill requires twice as much Od to activate as normal, which is in addition to the Od used to activate this skill.

    Independent Manifestation
    You can support a heavier load of prana.
    Affinity: All spirits
    Use: Active (Free)
    Upon using this skill, your install duration drops to your skill duration (half your contractor level plus your charisma modifier). However, you gain the ability to use your Install phantasm. In addition, if you are Including your heroic spirit’s weapon (through Possession Inheritance, below), you can use its Include phantasm. If your install phantasm requires you to attack with a weapon you haven’t included, you can use another weapon of the same type (melee, thrown, or ranged).

    Independent Action
    You’re used to working without support.
    Affinity: Archer
    Use: Passive, Active (Swift)
    For your install, or for a duration during your install, you gain a bonus to listen, search, and spot checks equal to half your contractor level. You also gain low light vision and darkvision 60, although if you have either of them, they upgrade to superior low-light vision and darkvision 120 respectively. You gain the ability to see invisible enemies, as the spell See Invisibility. If you’re an archer, you automatically roll will saves to disbelieve any illusion spell within 120 feet, and you don’t have to eat, drink, or breathe.

    Information Erasure
    Data about you is hard to come by.
    Affinity: Assassin
    Use: Passive
    Divination spells and effects fail to give any information about you. Any targeted towards you automatically fail. Others will return results as though you don’t exist. If you’re an assassin, your features become vague and hard to distinguish, and you get a bonus to all rolls to avoid recognition (such as disguising your identity or slipping into a crowd) equal to your contractor level. You are not harder to nonmagically notice, only harder to identify.

    Innocent Monster
    Legends depict you as something you’re not.
    Affinity: Lancer
    Use: Passive, Active (Move)
    If used passively, you gain the ability to be treated by any given spell or effect as the alignment and type most beneficial to you. If you’re a lancer, you gain a bonus to bluff and sense motive checks equal to half your contractor level. You may expend this skill as a move action to perform its active effect.

    If used actively, you may make a bluff, intimidate, or sense motive check on any number of creatures within 60 feet who are observing you. If you are a lancer, you gain a bonus to this check equal to half of your contractor level.

    Your body reacts without your mind interfering.
    Affinity: Saber
    Use: Passive, Active (Immediate)
    If used passively, you gain a dodge bonus to AC equal to your charisma bonus. If you’re a saber, add your charisma bonus to initiative checks as well. You may expend this skill as an immediate action to perform its active effect.

    If used actively, reroll one save or have somebody attacking you reroll their attack roll. You can activate this after success or failure of the save/attack is determined. You must take the result of the reroll.

    Item Construction
    You can build magical tools.
    Affinity: Caster
    Use: Passive, Active (Free)
    If used passively, you gain the benefit of the feats Craft Magical Arms and Armor and Craft Wondrous Item. If you’re a caster, you gain the ability to ignore up to half your contractor level in spell levels of prerequisite spells when crafting. For instance, a 12th level contractor can ignore one sixth level spell or two third level spells. You may expend this skill as a free action to perform its active effect.

    If used actively, for a duration, you gain a bonus equal to twice your contractor level to Use Magical Device. If you’re a caster, add this bonus to spellcraft checks as well.

    Mad Enhancement
    You’re powerful, but your power has downsides.
    Affinity: Berserker
    Use: Passive, Active (Swift)
    For your install, or for a duration during your install, your base attack bonus increases to your character level. However, you cannot cast spells or spell-like abilities, express complex thoughts, or perform any task requiring concentration. Your install doesn’t provide its normal increase to your attack bonus during Mad Enhancement unless you’re a berserker, in which case it still adds one quarter of your class level, rounded up.

    You can cast spells.
    Affinity: Caster
    Use: Passive, Active (Free)
    If used passively, you may cast 1 cantrip from the following list every five minutes: Light, detect magic, read magic, mage hand, mending, message, dancing lights, prestidigitation. The duration between spells shrinks to 5 rounds if you are a Caster. Your caster level is equal to your contractor level and your casting ability is charisma. You suffer no arcane spell failure for spells cast with Magecraft. You may expend this skill as a free action to perform its active effect.

    If used actively, you may cast any one spell from your active heroic spirit’s spell list, after which Magecraft is expended. The maximum level of spell you can cast is half of your class level. If you’re a caster, you can cast a spell from any one of your readied spirit’s spell lists instead, with the same level restriction. You must spend actions normally and provide all components for the spell.

    Magic Resistance
    Magic has less effect on you.
    Affinity: Archer, Lancer, Saber
    Use: Passive, Active (Immediate)
    During your install, or against one attack, you gain spell resistance equal to 8 plus your contractor level, or 12 plus your contractor level if you’re an archer, lancer, or saber. If you already have spell resistance, it instead increases by 4 or 6, respectively.

    Mana Burst
    You can connect to a heroic spirit more quickly.
    Affinity: All spirits
    Use: Passive
    Mana Burst is listed as passive because it can only be activated when installing a spirit, but it lacks any lingering effects. When using Mana Burst while installing a spirit, you install that spirit as a move action rather than taking a full minute of concentration.

    Mental Corruption
    Your mind is a place few wish to be.
    Affinity: Assassin, Berserker
    Use: Passive
    No mind-affecting magic works on you. Furthermore, any enemy that attempts to use any on you must make a will save (DC 10 + half your contractor level + your charisma bonus). If they fail, they suffer 1D4 points of damage to every mental ability from the feedback. If you’re an assassin or berserker, you also get a bonus to intimidate equal to half of your contractor level.

    Military Tactics
    You can make optimal use of the battlefield, and your allies on it.
    Affinity: All spirits
    Use: Passive, Active (Swift)
    For your install, or for a duration of your install, flanking bonuses to yourself and your allies within 30 feet are doubled, and you and an ally are considered flanking an opponent so long as both of you are adjacent to that opponent. Furthermore, all allies within 30 feet get +2 to attacks and damage for each other ally that hit their target since the target’s last action, to a maximum of +10.

    Monstrous Strength
    Your raw power outclasses others.
    Affinity: Berserker
    Use: Passive, Active (Swift)
    For your install, or for a duration during your install, all abilities and saves increased by your install are increased by an additional 2. If you’re contractor level 10, they increase by an additional 2. This does not stack with Connection to the Root, as the added ability is not truly part of your heroic spirit’s powers.

    Oblivion Correction
    You retain everything.
    Affinity: All spirits
    Use: Passive
    During your install, you perfectly remember everything you’ve ever experienced. Add your charisma bonus to all knowledge and autohypnosis checks.

    Possession Inheritance
    You can use another’s noble phantasm as your own.
    Affinity: All spirits
    Use: Passive, Active (Move)
    For your install, or for a duration during your install, you summon your heroic spirit’s Include weapon. Most includes are masterwork weapons with a +1 enhancement bonus per three contractor levels. Others are magical items or granted abilities, as specified in each heroic spirit’s descriptions. This works otherwise like the Servant Soul ability Heroic Spirit Include.

    Presence Concealment
    You’re hard to notice.
    Affinity: Assassin
    Use: Passive, Active (Move)
    For your install, you gain a bonus to hide and move silently checks equal to half your contractor level. If you’re an assassin, your worn armor counts as one step lighter (minimum light) and you ignore the first 4 points of armor check penalty from any sources (armor, shield, heavy load, etc). You may expend this skill as a move action to gain its active effect.

    If used actively, you teleport up to 5 feet per contractor level in any direction, or 10 feet per contractor level if you’re an assassin. If you attempt to teleport into occupied space or a solid object, the teleport fails. Opponents adjacent to you when you finish your teleport are flat-footed to your attacks until their next actions.

    Your magic energy refills without limit until your job is done.
    Affinity: All spirits
    Use: Passive, Active (Swift)
    If used passively, you gain fast healing 1, and you may expend this skill as a swift action to gain its active effect.

    If used actively, you gain hit points equal to half your contractor level times your charisma bonus.

    You’re an expert at all types of movement.
    Affinity: Rider
    Use: Passive, Active (Swift)
    For your install, or for a duration during your install, you gain a bonus equal to half your contractor level to all checks made to control mounts or vehicles, including but not limited to Ride, Profession (Sailor), and the “handle” and “push” uses of Handle Animal. All of your movement modes as well as the movement modes of all mounts and vehicles you drive increase by 10 feet, or by 20 feet if you’re a rider. If you’re a rider, you gain the feat Mounted Combat. If you’re a rider with the feat Mounted Combat, you instead gain any feat that you qualify for that requires Mounted Combat as a prerequisite.

    You more concretely adopt your spiritual guise.
    Affinity: All spirits
    Use: Passive
    The physical changes from your Heroic Spirit Install are real. Specifically, if the spirit description mentions any type of armor, such as leather or some sort of plate, any armor you wear becomes that armor for the install. That armor is masterwork, and has a +1 enhancement bonus per three contractor levels unless your current armor’s enhancement bonus is higher. It also retains any special abilities of your current armor that fit its new form. For many spirits, this skill is of little mechanical effect.

    Siren’s Song
    Your song can entrance others.
    Affinity: All spirits
    Use: Passive, Active (Swift)
    For your install, or for a duration during your install, you gain all Bardic Music abilities of a bard of your contractor level. You must have adequate ranks in a verbal perform skill (Oratory, Sing) to use them. The total number of times you can use bardic music in a day is equal to your charisma bonus, regardless of how many times this skill has been used.

    Territory Creation
    The space around you aligns with you.
    Affinity: Caster
    Use: Active (Standard)
    For a duration during your install, all squares within 40 feet of you require enemies 2 squares of movement to cross. If you’re a caster, allies within this radius get +1 to attack rolls, and a morale bonus to critical confirmation rolls and saves against fear equal to your charisma bonus.

    True-Name Discernment
    You can gain information about your enemies, and use it against them.
    Affinity: All spirits
    Use: Active (Full-round)
    One enemy within 100 feet makes a will save (with a DC of half your 10 + half your contractor level + your charisma modifier). If they fail, for a duration during your install, they get a penalty to saves and AC equal to half your contractor level plus your charisma modifier, but only against your attacks. Regardless of if they succeed or fail you learn information like their approximate maximum HP and remaining HP, HD, type, alignment, and spellcasting ability. This is a divination effect.

    Heroic Medium Lore
    Characters with ranks in knowledge (Nobility and Royalty) can research heroic mediums to learn more about them. When a character makes a skill check, read or paraphrase the following, including the information from lower DCs.
    DC 10: A heroic medium is mystic focused on drawing power from heroes of legend.
    DC 15: Heroic mediums can channel heroes for long periods of time. Rather than using them as a temporary combat boost, heroic mediums can live their whole lives with a touch of their heroic spirits.
    DC 20: Heroic spirits have access to special skills making them stronger, sturdier, more charismatic, or better at magic. A heroic medium can apply these skills using Od, body’s magical lifeforce.
    DC 25: A Character that succeeds in a check this successful should learn information about specific heroic mediums in the world, or the most common spirits that they take after.

    Heroic Mediums In The Game
    Heroic Mediums are an interesting class for any build. While they’re not ideal for spellcasters or classes with tight progressions (like, say, servant souls or wild shape rangers) they can add a lot to any character being built a la carte.

    Heroic Mediums are conceptually similar to binders, in that they gain aspects of another being for an extended period of time. Certainly the mechanical result is something different, but in-universe, they could simply be an alternate expression of the same abilities. That said, the ability to draw power from heroes - or angels, or outsiders, or anything else that’s convenient - is hard to not fit into a campaign setting. Hey, clerics do it.

  13. - Top - End - #13
    Ogre in the Playground
    bekeleven's Avatar

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    Default Re: The Servant Soul: Do Anything, Be Anyone. With just a bit of help... [3.5]

    Class Design
    • Tier-3 power level
    • Capable striker also able to sub into other party roles, containing many utility abilities.
    • A spellcaster with shaped and limited powers and spell lists
    • Able to multiclass but reward single-classing heavily. A player should want all 20 levels.
    • Balance spirits against each other. Some may dominate others for certain play-styles, and some are tilted towards low/high level play, but all are viable and no servants are clearly better than the others.
    • Introduce a unique play-style with its own mechanics and a few unique abilities
    • No overlap: No two spirits should occupy exactly the same niche in combat. No two servants should get the same weapon. No two weapons should share an ability. No spell should be repeated. More basically, no servant soul should have a spell that duplicates its weapon powers, install buffs, or phantasms.
    • The heroic spirit list should include a variety of different playstyles, from concealment modifiers, to powerful healing, to unlimited spellcasting, to powerful curses. Servants contain single-target and area effects, melee and ranged damage, weapon and spells, offense and defense.
    • A party can consist of 5-10 servant souls with essentially no overlap in abilities. Has access to the frontline, skirmisher, tank, mage, healer, archer, buffer, and more roles depending on specialization.
    • Faithfulness to the source material, Fate/Kaleid Liner Prisma Ilya
    • Faithfulness to the source material, Fate/Stay Night

    Major Version Changes
    1.0: Release
    1.1: Tweaked Spells per day, added flavor blocks.
    1.2: Changed Caster’s noble phantasms, tweaks.
    1.3: Huge spell list revisions.
    1.4: Changed and updated feats list, other tweaks.
    1.5: Tweaked Assassin’s includes.
    1.6: Updated and changed feats, overhauled Assassin’s include.
    1.7: Alternative servants, large reorganization, added pictures
    1.8: Alternative servants, massive cleanup, removed extraordinary include as a feat – it’s an instantaneous conjuration past level 10, the feat is redundant. Extraordinary install was rolled into “Ext. Contract”. Changes to the base Spell list. “Spirit Duality” feat added.
    2.0: Includes 1/Encounter; Removed feats Extra Include and Unlimited include; added feats Crystallized Memory, Empowered Install, Increased Output, Prana Concentration. Updated Install save bonuses to explicitly give bonus equaling the difference between “poor” and “good” save progressions. Increased ability boosts slightly. Updated a few installs (scaled bonuses, changed some servants’ granted save, round up on Caster’s caster level increase).
    2.0.1: Berserker gets Steadfast Determination from PHBII; replaced Archer's force damage spells with piercing damage/Sword spells. Small clarification/debuff to Anderson Caster's include and install. Added new feat "Phantasmal Pounce".
    2.1: Clarified Archer’s include phantasm. Fixed issue with Extraordinary Contract. Buffed Saber’s CL when installing. Altered Saber’s metamagic access. Increased caster level across the board when installing. Updated Miyu’s statblock, which had grown increasingly out of date. Gave Ripper sneak attack (less than Hassan!).
    2.1.1: Clarified Arcane Spell Failure language. Clarified language on spirit contracts. Changed Assassin's includes... again.
    2.2: Fixed typo on Spirit Devotion. Changed two Assassin include phantasms to debuff instead of killing. Added new prestige class: Spiritual Vassal. Tweaked epic heroic spirit mastery.
    2.2.1: Fixed error on Miyu statblock. Slight tweak to Spiritual Vassal’s superior crafting and Spirit Mastery. Clarified issue in Spirit Specialization. Added Spiritual Vassal pictures and fluff, including a statblock for level 9 Kuro Von Einsbern (and she is MEAN). Added four alternative class features: Class Specialist, Legacy Hero, Martial Soul and Spiritual Dilettante.
    2.3: Added a new prestige class (Theurgic Servant) as well as a new alternative class feature (Sealing Enforcer). Fixed an issue in Kuro’s stat block (feat qualifications).
    2.4: Introducing 7 new heroic spirits, based on the D&D Iconics! In order to accommodate them, Berserker (Heracles) slightly changed weapons. Also buffed the Class Specialist ACF (mastery arrives, albeit late), Martial Soul ACF (increased HD and skills), and Sealing Enforcer ACF (Brilliant Energy is optional), and introduced a new ACF: Initiate Soul. Removed typos from Theurgic Servant.
    2.4.1: Fixed typos and clarified language in Vadania’s include and install, and buffed her install. Buffed Krusk’s install. Buffed Black Knight’s spells, and swapped Arturia’s 5th level spell. Fixed a typo on Saber Joan’s entry.
    3.0: Seven new heroic spirits from the Fate franchise! Shirou, Li Shuwen, Lu Bu, Tamamo-no-Mae, Elizabeth Bathory, Iskander, and Gawain. Added new ACF: Devoted Soul. Reworked Saber’s Excalibur attack to be much more versatile. Greatly simplified Nero’s Domus Aurea. Buffed Mialee’s, Atalanta’s, Sasaki’s include phantasms, as well as David’s install phantasm. Upped all Archers to 60 ammo. Added new feats: Subsumed Rage and Install Universale. Alternate hero has been tweaked. Allowed transition from includes to installs (it’s come up in play). Massive reorganization of the class and spirits, and cleaning up of language.
    3.0.1: Spirit Alignment rules moved to “Adaptations” as a variant rule, and the language was slightly cleaned up. Also clarified language in Mialee’s Renewal, Arturia’s Avalon, Ember's Overpower, and the Heroic Spirit Install description. Fixed typos in Shirou and Drake. Clarified language in Shirou and Tamamo.
    3.1: Seven new spirits, based on the Nanoha franchise! The three aces (Nanoha, Fate, and Hayate) are joined by two cloud knights (Signum and Vita), a forward (Teana) and a summoner (Lutecia). New feat: Broken Phantasm. Fixed a typo in Luvia’ stat block and fixed several small style issues in heroic spirits. Disallowed power attack with Gae Bolg (you bet it came up in play). Placed a minimum of 1 die/increase on phantasms.
    3.2: Clarified that servant souls can always use magical items summoned by class abilities. Added a (mostly flavor) ability to transform a held weapon into included weapons. Upped include time at level 1. Added a new alternate class feature (Adapted Soul) and related feat (Spirit Versatility).
    3.2.1: New feat: Spiritual Cacophony. Elizabeth Bathory’s install phantasm now scales nausea on her con mod. Tamamo-no-Mae’s witchcraft now gains iterative attacks. Fixed some typos.
    3.3: Made a number of alterations to Spiritual Vassal to support non-casting souls as well as some souls that summon items besides weapons; granted install in it 2 levels earlier. Changed Spells/Day to an accelerated track that leads to more spells at every level past 1, as well as an increase for the highest or second-highest spell level on every level-up. Nerfed Drake’s install phantasm to only stun for 1 round.
    3.4: Introduced a new adaptation: Infused Soul, for players that like binders. Fate's sonic move requires LOE. Diarmuid's shortspear is explicitly a light weapon. Increased Corpse Swallower's range to 30 feet/level. Updated Miyu, Kuro and Luvia's increased spells per day, and slightly reworded Miyu's fluff block. Noted proficiency with summoned shields.
    3.4.1: Buffed both of Gawain’s phantasms (Numeral of the Saint no longer ends an include, and Knight of the Sun hits with an AoE even if the roll misses). Signum’s Biting Snake is explicitly magical. Nero’s Aurea now requires an extra save. Modified devoted soul to qualify for a few things it was missing.
    4.0: New Base Class: Legacy Gatekeeper! Create portals to the vaults of the king’s treasury and requisition weapons, shields, goods, and magical flying machines. Comes with two feats and two ACFs, and integrates into the tome’s feats, prestige classes, and heroic spirits. Buffed Lidda’s include to summon tools instead of a crappy sword. Reduced penalties in Arturia and Signum’s infusions.
    4.1: Buffed Class Specialist by exchanging its bonus servant soul feats for class-specific boosts. Tweaked Gilgamesh’s install slightly. Cleaned up wording in Archer Shirou’s include and Kuro’s Statblock.
    4.2: New ACF: Sage Soul, for all your spellcasting needs (consider going into Theurgic Servant).
    4.3: Added 4 invocations, so warlocks and Dragonfire Adepts can make more deals with more extraplanar entities. Updated wording to use generic "Contractor level" instead of Servant Soul Level/Class Level.
    4.3.1: Added some restrictions in Phantasm Prototype. Martial Soul levels count as fighter levels. Fixed a few typos.
    4.3.2: Altered David, Vlad, St. George, and Arturia to use Holy/Unholy damage rather than Positive/Negative energy damage, since positive energy damage is quite often useless. Also made a note that spirits with no types may select any Spiritual Boon (Spiritual Vassal). Thanks for the notes, Bacchante!
    5.0: A new prestige class based on eternal installs, and seven new heroic spirits based on Magic: The Gathering! Also: Cleaned up language in Heroic Spirit Include; Spirit Devotion; Lesser Contract; Epic Servant Souls; Black Knight’s Install; Nanoha’s Install Phantasm; the contractor feats header; the legacy gatekeeper feats header; Hayate’s Install phantasm; multiple locations in Bazett’s stats; references to spirit types; and a few spell lists. Also changed Hassan’s spells, buffed Sealing Enforcer, added more tables and images.
    5.1: Absorbed Strengthened Connection into Reinforced Bond. Altered the rate at which Heroic Mediums gain skills and ready spirits. Nerfed Magic Resistance, Monstrous Strength, Military Tactics, and Clairvoyance. Buffed Riding and Oblivion Correction. Clarified Information Erasure. Fixed scattered typos.
    5.1.1: Note on Heroic Mediums casting spells.

    Balance Notes: Why is the Servant Soul tier 3?
    Simply put, because it has no powers that could rival a full caster. They start with 4 spells, learn 1 spell each level, + 5 more per servant. So the average servant soul would know a total of 58 spells at level 20. Sounds like a lot until you realize that under the majority of combat situations, only 5 of them can be used, and it’s not pick-and-choose either. In addition, although I occasionally cribbed from level+1, their spells only go to level 5. The most powerful spells on their spell list are Heal/Harm, Wrack, Freedom of Movement, antimagic field, shadow evocation, hero’s feast, and a few other similar ones.

    The class is MAD as hell and not going to take it anymore. Designed for largely melee fighting with a D8 HD and light armor, meaning that it requires DEX and CON to not keel over and explode. The class uses weapons on nearly all Spirits and all of the weapons use STR (including composite bows and slings with Archer). The class casts its spells off of Int, and has some limited utility in its skill list as well. CON makes a comeback when it comes to noble phantasm save DCs. A servant soul can maybe justify dumping WIS or CHA.

    The class is feat-heavy. Not as bad as some I’ve seen, but I can’t justify building a Servant Soul pre-epic and not including Quicker Install. Faster Phantasm is a gimme pick as well. Battle caster is good for mithril full-plate, and power attack of course, especially since when fighting it has full BAB but with 3/4 BAB worth of attacks. Even if some installs give a few bow feats or what have you, the class needs some investment, even given the bonus feats throughout its career.

    The class similarly punishes multiclassing. When I build classes I like to make a class you want to take 20 levels in, due to its solid progression of power and abilities you can’t pass up. I avoided the concept of “dead levels” entirely, making sure that every level contained at least one goodie (discrete class feature or spell level). I made feats for if a player really wanted to multiclass, but if you want the full power of the Spirits you possess, you need to take 2 of them every 7 levels – in other words, all of your feats. If somebody wanted to dip the class for 1 level and spend half of his feats on Strengthened Connection for a single kickass weapon + phantasm, I won’t stop him. I don’t think it’s a good build, but I won’t stop him. Giving up two of the 3 noteworthy abilities - installs at 6, mastery at 15 – makes the class somewhat dull.

    Most of the ACFs are just ways to go down to tier 4 with style. Devoted Soul is my favorite, especially for investment-heavy spirits like Kojiro, Vlad, or Iskander.

    Special Thanks
    This was originally Nekomata's class idea. Since then he's worked out many of the mechanics, provided balance help, and ideas for spirits and ACFs.

    He's also a member of my RP group, which tests the Servant Soul, among other things. Other members are Nathiel, Rycass, Tahosa, and Zaelix.

    Fizban's given me endless feedback on balance and playability. Besides myself and my D&D group, also the only known player. Thanks for the playtesting!

    Homebrew Requests
    Make whatever you want, just link me when you post it.

  14. - Top - End - #14
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: The Servant Soul: Do Anything, Be Anyone. With just a bit of help... [3.5]

    Well. God damn. Give yourself a round of applause, this is stupendous.

    I showed this to people unfamiliar with the source material and they were able to follow the fluff and mechanics without needing to resort to your wiki links, so at the very least, yea, you hit presentation out of the park.

  15. - Top - End - #15
    Halfling in the Playground
    Dyhmas's Avatar

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    Jul 2014

    Default Re: The Servant Soul: Do Anything, Be Anyone. With just a bit of help... [3.5]

    I'm going to echo AuraTwilight on the fact that your presentation really sets the whole concept appart from the anime/manga vibe. I mean, I can easily imagine a character that channels the spirits of late hero/heroines in a tolkien-ish setting, for example, using these rules, wich, in my opinion, is a major point considering how many people are not very into that kind of eastern style (me included).

    Now into the whole class (more like a splat book or supplement, really). I can't really PEACH it right now (huge wall of text), however, what caught my eye is the possibility of using two spirits at the same time. I mean, I couldn't find a way to do that but wouldn't that be an interesting concept for a PrC? Don't know, I get the feeling that a Lancer/Caster mix of abilities would make for such an amazing character that I just feel so much like doing it...don't know, maybe rules for Gestalting, in order to maintain balance?
    Another thing, wich is just a minor issue, really, is the nomenclature you're using. The whole "include" that something from the source material or has some meaning behind it? I mean, it just really seems out of place to me. As I said, nothing major, really.
    Third, regarding your PrCs, ACFs and feats wich focus on a singular spirit class or a single specific spirit: don't you think it kinda defeats the point of the class? I mean, it has such an amazing amount of versatility! To an extent that picking a single spirit class (or a single spirit!) seems so much like a waste! I don't know, the abilities you give in the place of said versatility doesn't seem really worth it IMO.

    Anyway, great job and will peach when I got a lil' more time!

    Last edited by Dyhmas; 2014-07-19 at 06:00 PM.
    I have a tendency to babble...a lot. My posts'll probably be huge while not having much understandable information. Sorry about that.

  16. - Top - End - #16
    Ettin in the Playground

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    Jun 2006

    Default Re: The Servant Soul: Do Anything, Be Anyone. With just a bit of help... [3.5]

    Bah, you give me too much credit, I'm only here for selfish purposes. Thanks though Lookin over the changes before tomorrow's game, not intending to go over all new spirits yet (we'll see if that lasts, heh). Sorry if the "paragraph" breaks are a little weird, I didn't want to break every single thought on it's own line or it'd look even worse.

    The last paragraph in the Install section feels like it should be two with a line break between "upgrading from Includes" and "second noble phantasm." I'd put the upgrading line in right after the one that says you can't Install if the Include is unavailable since it's weird to have the Include phantasm round cost reminder in between them.
    Spoiler: words
    "When a servant soul installs a heroic spirit, she includes that servant’s weapon for free, gaining access to the include’s noble phantasm. The include, and the weapon, will last as long as the install. Because of this, a Servant Soul may not install a heroic spirit whose weapon she cannot include (due to having included it too recently), even if she has not yet installed it that day. However, a servant soul may upgrade an include to an install while in the middle of the include. If doing this, activating the install takes the normal amount of time, and the install will last for the number of rounds remaining in the include (even if her constitution increased), and doing this still counts as a use of install.

    Using the include’s noble phantasm in the install will reduce the duration by the specified number of rounds. In addition, a servant installing gains access to a new noble phantasm for each class. Using these noble phantasms will reduce the duration of the Install, just as the other noble phantasms do. As with other noble phantasms, if not enough rounds are left in the Install, the phantasm will conclude and terminate the install. Unless otherwise noted, all phantasms are full-round actions. Unless otherwise specified, any noble phantasm with a save DC uses the DC 10 + 1/2 the user’s class level + the user’s constitution modifier. Almost all noble phantasms are supernatural abilities."

    "A Servant Soul who changes her alignment by one step has half a chance to lose favor with a Heroic Spirits she’s bonded," Half a chance, heh. I don't think anyone would misunderstand but it's kinda funny. And Devoted Soul, wow that is some devotion. I suppose there are some spirits that you could effectively spam that hard. I've said before that I'd never give up so much versatility but it's fascinating how you could basically make your build "pretending to be this one epic guy's build."

    Hassan's gauntlet charges have always been a bit confusing, I'm pretty sure it's meant to go 2->6->8, but the odd progression always makes me do a double-take. Delusional Hearbeat lost the "ranged" word from it's ranged touch attack. I've also wondered why he has Quick Draw: it doesn't change the swift action of activating the gauntlet to make a dagger, so I guess it's useful if you want to be tricky and have even more daggers? Medea's Rule Breaker is all but useless when not installed, pretty sure it's intentional but figured I'd check. Can't remember if I asked already. Still love all that gratuitous metamagic.

    I think the wording change on Mialee's Renewal has made it unusable do to the somewhat unclear definition of when round based durations actually start or end. As I understand it, the round you cast it counts as the first round (you can still move after casting and it's active while doing so), which means a 1 round duration ends at the start of your next turn. As far as I can tell the term "full round" would only apply to casting times, and a full round casting time concludes at the start of your next turn as well. I think what you're going for is that the round you activate isn't full, so it lasts until you get a full round, but I don't find that very intuitive.

    Trying not to notice new spirits, but I saw Ice Darts on Tamamo's list. Might I suggest Snowball Swarm (SC) instead? She's already got ice rays on the first phantasm and this gives her a full set of AoEs. Heh, Cu is now referred to by shorthand in his own block. Also lost the extra "with his spear" on Deflect Arrows, must have had his SFX budget cut. Hmm, does Drake's lightning hit anyone between the two targets? Not sure if I asked that one before either.

    WHAT!? NOOOOO!!!! Ah, why'd you go and give me that preview and then get rid of the bull rhino? Probably because rhinos deal damage and warhorses comparatively don't and he's already got oodles of power. I see you went with standard action "concentration," and reduced the attack bonus, those should keep it down a bit at least. Not entirely sure if the soldiers remain after you stop concentrating: it was more explicit before but now only mentions the action to continue and that they disappear when the install ends. Could still use clarification regarding attacks (iterative y/n), at least for me (I've had to reverse engineer stats off that block style and I don't trust making assumptions about it). If we survive long enough and my DM continues letting me use the class with impunity I may get to try it out. Also noticed you've specified the animal companion level adjustments, 's good.

    Changes to Excalibur are quite clear, well done sir. Avalon on the other hand has that "full round" bit again. I can't say I'm 100% sure when an immediate action 1 round effect officially ends, but my group is currently using "at the end of your turn," even though this is in direct contradiction of what a I said above about 1 round durations ending at the start of your turn (another player has an immediate action defensive ability that should continue into his turn). The use of "full round" makes me wonder if it's trying to tie the limit to initiative counts instead of the usual rounds from the caster's perspective, turns. Would be nice if the Rules Compendium had anything to say on it but it wouldn't matter because the splatbooks all make their own assumptions. Note to self: never write anything with the word "rounds," replace all instances with "start/end of which turn." But I digress, as long as I know how you're intending it I can cope. In other news, I can't help but notice Gawain's Sun Blade there giving me another hard choice next level.

    Hmm, Nero's Domus Aurea has removed the cap on the cumulative penalty, but no longer spirals as your save drops, and does not have a maximum duration. I'd consider the lack of spiraling a fair trade for lasting until your install ends, but having it now removed by a single successful save turns me way off. And finally, you wrote a feat for mixing and matching weapons with installs, what are you trying to make me go do faustian pacts for feats or something? Dark Chaos shuffle, I can DCS my one racial bonus feat and I'm already chaotic so it's totally legit, I just need a few days. This goes basically all the way in glossing over any problems a generalist might have running out of installs, since you'll only have Caster without full BAB and you can use whatever weapon has a chance of beating DR or whatever. I would almost trade the True Believer feat that's powering my bogus armor (Millenial Chainmail) for this.

    Okay, that's enough for tonight, I have to go to bed eventually. Will see if I can resist going over all the rest tomorrow night.
    Fizban's Tweaks and Brew: Google Drive (PDF, Latest Update: 6-24-24) Thread
    A collection of over 200 pages of individually small bans, tweaks, brews, and rule changes, usable piecemeal or nearly altogether, and even some convenient lists. Everything I've done that I'd call done enough to use in one place (plus a number of things I'm working on that aren't quite done, of course).
    Quote Originally Posted by Violet Octopus View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Fizban View Post
    sheer awesomeness

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    Default Re: The Servant Soul: Do Anything, Be Anyone. With just a bit of help... [3.5]

    Quote Originally Posted by AuraTwilight View Post
    Well. God damn. Give yourself a round of applause, this is stupendous.

    I showed this to people unfamiliar with the source material and they were able to follow the fluff and mechanics without needing to resort to your wiki links, so at the very least, yea, you hit presentation out of the park.
    Quote Originally Posted by Dyhmas View Post
    I'm going to echo AuraTwilight on the fact that your presentation really sets the whole concept appart from the anime/manga vibe. I mean, I can easily imagine a character that channels the spirits of late hero/heroines in a tolkien-ish setting, for example, using these rules, wich, in my opinion, is a major point considering how many people are not very into that kind of eastern style (me included).

    Quote Originally Posted by Dyhmas View Post
    Now into the whole class (more like a splat book or supplement, really). I can't really PEACH it right now (huge wall of text), however, what caught my eye is the possibility of using two spirits at the same time. I mean, I couldn't find a way to do that but wouldn't that be an interesting concept for a PrC? Don't know, I get the feeling that a Lancer/Caster mix of abilities would make for such an amazing character that I just feel so much like doing it...don't know, maybe rules for Gestalting, in order to maintain balance?
    I may think about this, it sounds fun. I keep moving things around as I develop. Originally Berserker/Barbarian was a prestige class, but I eventually boiled the core of it down to a feat. A few of the ACFs were prestige classes as well. So, I'll play around a bit and see where it ends up.
    Quote Originally Posted by Dyhmas View Post
    Another thing, wich is just a minor issue, really, is the nomenclature you're using. The whole "include" that something from the source material or has some meaning behind it? I mean, it just really seems out of place to me. As I said, nothing major, really.
    I will answer your question with a video.
    Quote Originally Posted by Dyhmas View Post
    Third, regarding your PrCs, ACFs and feats wich focus on a singular spirit class or a single specific spirit: don't you think it kinda defeats the point of the class? I mean, it has such an amazing amount of versatility! To an extent that picking a single spirit class (or a single spirit!) seems so much like a waste! I don't know, the abilities you give in the place of said versatility doesn't seem really worth it IMO.
    You trade versatility for power, in that you can get a stat build that supports a reduced spirit loadout, take empowered install, spirit affinity, spirit devotion, etc. And if you just want to be "melee fighter," "ranged fighter," or "nuker," you can do a lot worse than saber specialist, archer specialist, etc. with empowered install and various other feats. And at this point, there's enough versatility within classes to make an interesting loadout - Archer has a melee fighter, some casters don't need spells to fight, rider's fine in confined spaces, etc.

    But I did mention in my balance notes that most ACFs were just ways to build "tier 4 with style." Saber > Fighter, Rider > Paladin, Archer > Targeteer, but Generally, Servant Soul > Specialization.

    Quote Originally Posted by Fizban View Post
    Bah, you give me too much credit, I'm only here for selfish purposes. Thanks though Lookin over the changes before tomorrow's game, not intending to go over all new spirits yet (we'll see if that lasts, heh). Sorry if the "paragraph" breaks are a little weird, I didn't want to break every single thought on it's own line or it'd look even worse.
    Well, if I broke anything you were especially attached to, just use the version from the old thread and tell your group that I "used to be cool."

    Quote Originally Posted by Fizban View Post
    The last paragraph in the Install section feels like it should be two with a line break between "upgrading from Includes" and "second noble phantasm." I'd put the upgrading line in right after the one that says you can't Install if the Include is unavailable since it's weird to have the Include phantasm round cost reminder in between them.
    Spoiler: words
    "When a servant soul installs a heroic spirit, she includes that servant’s weapon for free, gaining access to the include’s noble phantasm. The include, and the weapon, will last as long as the install. Because of this, a Servant Soul may not install a heroic spirit whose weapon she cannot include (due to having included it too recently), even if she has not yet installed it that day. However, a servant soul may upgrade an include to an install while in the middle of the include. If doing this, activating the install takes the normal amount of time, and the install will last for the number of rounds remaining in the include (even if her constitution increased), and doing this still counts as a use of install.

    Using the include’s noble phantasm in the install will reduce the duration by the specified number of rounds. In addition, a servant installing gains access to a new noble phantasm for each class. Using these noble phantasms will reduce the duration of the Install, just as the other noble phantasms do. As with other noble phantasms, if not enough rounds are left in the Install, the phantasm will conclude and terminate the install. Unless otherwise noted, all phantasms are full-round actions. Unless otherwise specified, any noble phantasm with a save DC uses the DC 10 + 1/2 the user’s class level + the user’s constitution modifier. Almost all noble phantasms are supernatural abilities."

    "A Servant Soul who changes her alignment by one step has half a chance to lose favor with a Heroic Spirits she’s bonded," Half a chance, heh. I don't think anyone would misunderstand but it's kinda funny. And Devoted Soul, wow that is some devotion. I suppose there are some spirits that you could effectively spam that hard. I've said before that I'd never give up so much versatility but it's fascinating how you could basically make your build "pretending to be this one epic guy's build."
    Way to pick on the language I haven't updated! All right, I'll give them a look later.

    Quote Originally Posted by Fizban View Post
    Hassan's gauntlet charges have always been a bit confusing, I'm pretty sure it's meant to go 2->6->8, but the odd progression always makes me do a double-take. Delusional Hearbeat lost the "ranged" word from it's ranged touch attack. I've also wondered why he has Quick Draw: it doesn't change the swift action of activating the gauntlet to make a dagger, so I guess it's useful if you want to be tricky and have even more daggers? Medea's Rule Breaker is all but useless when not installed, pretty sure it's intentional but figured I'd check. Can't remember if I asked already. Still love all that gratuitous metamagic.
    Rule Breaker when not installed is useful only against mook casters and traps. The dagger itself can be handy, though.

    Quote Originally Posted by Fizban View Post
    I think the wording change on Mialee's Renewal has made it unusable do to the somewhat unclear definition of when round based durations actually start or end. As I understand it, the round you cast it counts as the first round (you can still move after casting and it's active while doing so), which means a 1 round duration ends at the start of your next turn. As far as I can tell the term "full round" would only apply to casting times, and a full round casting time concludes at the start of your next turn as well. I think what you're going for is that the round you activate isn't full, so it lasts until you get a full round, but I don't find that very intuitive.
    Would "end of her next turn" work better?

    Quote Originally Posted by Fizban View Post
    Trying not to notice new spirits, but I saw Ice Darts on Tamamo's list. Might I suggest Snowball Swarm (SC) instead? She's already got ice rays on the first phantasm and this gives her a full set of AoEs. Heh, Cu is now referred to by shorthand in his own block. Also lost the extra "with his spear" on Deflect Arrows, must have had his SFX budget cut. Hmm, does Drake's lightning hit anyone between the two targets? Not sure if I asked that one before either.
    "while holding his spear" was an unnecessary clarification. if you're lancer and you're not holding the spear, you probably have a damn good reason and I don't want to gimp you for it. Also, all heroic spirits are now referred to only by name within their blocks, which is one of the nomenclature changes I made in the update. Before the core 7 were never named, and the others were named around 2-3 times in their rules text with the class taking over near the end. It was haphazard at best.

    Ice darts was included so that Tamamo gets 5 levels of attacks with different energy types and different attack profiles - Cone (and catching fire), series of ranged touch attacks, radius AoE (and control spell), Single target/Square trap (and control spell), and "just choose a bunch of dudes you don't like." Each one should have a different interaction with her phantasm buffing energy damage. Ice darts is actually the best one on her list against single opponents because she can deal 15D4+5*Int to one target with it. And Tamamo is built to go HAM on int.

    Quote Originally Posted by Fizban View Post
    WHAT!? NOOOOO!!!! Ah, why'd you go and give me that preview and then get rid of the bull rhino? Probably because rhinos deal damage and warhorses comparatively don't and he's already got oodles of power. I see you went with standard action "concentration," and reduced the attack bonus, those should keep it down a bit at least. Not entirely sure if the soldiers remain after you stop concentrating: it was more explicit before but now only mentions the action to continue and that they disappear when the install ends. Could still use clarification regarding attacks (iterative y/n), at least for me (I've had to reverse engineer stats off that block style and I don't trust making assumptions about it). If we survive long enough and my DM continues letting me use the class with impunity I may get to try it out. Also noticed you've specified the animal companion level adjustments, 's good.
    The stat block is RAW and RAI absolute. It says one attack, that's what they get.

    The summons last until the end of the install, but they'll stop growing in power if you end the phantasm, even if you start another run of it later. Could be handy in a number of edge cases. Like if you only need a handful of guys that last a while, not an army of beasts that goes poof. Or if you're flying around depositing squads at various locations on the ground. (Side note: Iskander is the best argument for Raptoran Servant Souls. Flight on my summons, yes please. And the Deathless Type can't use the run action, but they can still charge.)

    And yes, Rider is supposed to be low-tier besides phantasms, so I eventually ditched the bull. The alternative was to keep it but cut summons to 1D4/Round, which seemed unsatisfying for an army. I did use your reactions in my rebalancing. So really, you killed the rhino.

    Quote Originally Posted by Fizban View Post
    Changes to Excalibur are quite clear, well done sir. Avalon on the other hand has that "full round" bit again. I can't say I'm 100% sure when an immediate action 1 round effect officially ends, but my group is currently using "at the end of your turn," even though this is in direct contradiction of what a I said above about 1 round durations ending at the start of your turn (another player has an immediate action defensive ability that should continue into his turn). The use of "full round" makes me wonder if it's trying to tie the limit to initiative counts instead of the usual rounds from the caster's perspective, turns. Would be nice if the Rules Compendium had anything to say on it but it wouldn't matter because the splatbooks all make their own assumptions. Note to self: never write anything with the word "rounds," replace all instances with "start/end of which turn." But I digress, as long as I know how you're intending it I can cope. In other news, I can't help but notice Gawain's Sun Blade there giving me another hard choice next level.
    The intention is one full initiative go-around, so basically the turn of the person when you first used it. I might edit the language. Also, again picking on the language I didn't really update, which I'll take as a compliment

    Quote Originally Posted by Fizban View Post
    Hmm, Nero's Domus Aurea has removed the cap on the cumulative penalty, but no longer spirals as your save drops, and does not have a maximum duration. I'd consider the lack of spiraling a fair trade for lasting until your install ends, but having it now removed by a single successful save turns me way off.
    I did this mostly to simplify the language. The last one was an obnoxious paragraph of round-by-round changing penalties and I hated it. Anyway, if you can figure out a way to make someone not succeed saves on 20s, this one is fun for non-combat situations as well, so you can give people minus infinity to everything.

    Quote Originally Posted by Fizban View Post
    And finally, you wrote a feat for mixing and matching weapons with installs, what are you trying to make me go do faustian pacts for feats or something? Dark Chaos shuffle, I can DCS my one racial bonus feat and I'm already chaotic so it's totally legit, I just need a few days. This goes basically all the way in glossing over any problems a generalist might have running out of installs, since you'll only have Caster without full BAB and you can use whatever weapon has a chance of beating DR or whatever. I would almost trade the True Believer feat that's powering my bogus armor (Millenial Chainmail) for this.
    This was a very, very last-minute addition, because the most recently released manga chapter includes it as a mechanic. I can't fall behind the source!

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    Ettin in the Playground

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    Default Re: The Servant Soul: Do Anything, Be Anyone. With just a bit of help... [3.5]

    Quote Originally Posted by bekeleven View Post
    Would "end of her next turn" work better?
    Yeah, that works fine. Ideally every ability should be as specific. More notes to self: keep a list whenever I make a ruling since I'll never get around to doing them all at once.
    Ice darts was included so that Tamamo gets 5 levels of attacks with different energy types and different attack profiles - Cone (and catching fire), series of ranged touch attacks, radius AoE (and control spell), Single target/Square trap (and control spell), and "just choose a bunch of dudes you don't like." Each one should have a different interaction with her phantasm buffing energy damage. Ice darts is actually the best one on her list against single opponents because she can deal 15D4+5*Int to one target with it. And Tamamo is built to go HAM on int.
    Burning Hands shouldn't set people on fire any more than Fireball, since attended objects are never "touched," but otherwise I get it. Comparable abilities like Warmage Edge never multiply like that on volley spells (and only maybe on multi-rounds), so I'd suggest pointing that out in the description. Considerably more attractive, worth taking Searing or Piercing maybe.
    And yes, Rider is supposed to be low-tier besides phantasms, so I eventually ditched the bull. The alternative was to keep it but cut summons to 1D4/Round, which seemed unsatisfying for an army. I did use your reactions in my rebalancing. So really, you killed the rhino.
    If anything could make you "un-cool," it would be that . It is so hard to get rhinos without just being a druid. Keeping the rhino with the army would have just been trying too hard though, the army should be the big thing. A rider focused on the mount would be cool but it sounds like there isn't one to draw from yet.
    This was a very, very last-minute addition, because the most recently released manga chapter includes it as a mechanic. I can't fall behind the source!
    Ah, don't go telling me things like that. I was waiting to get through the second season before picking up the manga, spoilers! (I've managed to avoid anything other than the new S2 character, I've no idea what they'll be fighting and wasn't even sure they'd be using class cards, though I don't really watch it as a fighting show anyway. It's just in it's own little bubble for me. Very odd trying to avoid spoilers for a franchise while pouring over a class that pulls from all of it). It was a bit curious about the feat since you'd explicitly made a big point about that not being possible before, but it seems the march of progress caught up with you.

    Not much to report on the game, I don't want to flood the thread with campaign journal. Finally let loose with more installs: We got to the boss rooms, my plan to use Black Knight for a tree branch Pincer Staff worked, Dimension Doors, throwing Cu spears into the next room, skewered even more dudes with the Gae Bolg, finished off the priestess with Caladbolgs. Rather outshined the rest of the party, but even at tier 3 I'm technically the highest tier class, and the rogue who could have matched my damage spent the whole fight Mass Hold Person'd (I'd prepared with Black Knight but was immune because race choice anyway). We've picked up a wizard so hopefully things will spread around a bit more.
    Fizban's Tweaks and Brew: Google Drive (PDF, Latest Update: 6-24-24) Thread
    A collection of over 200 pages of individually small bans, tweaks, brews, and rule changes, usable piecemeal or nearly altogether, and even some convenient lists. Everything I've done that I'd call done enough to use in one place (plus a number of things I'm working on that aren't quite done, of course).
    Quote Originally Posted by Violet Octopus View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Fizban View Post
    sheer awesomeness

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    Default Re: The Servant Soul: Do Anything, Be Anyone. With just a bit of help... [3.5]

    3.0.1: Spirit Alignment rules moved to “Adaptations” as a variant rule, and the language was slightly cleaned up. Also clarified language in Mialee’s Renewal, Arturia’s Avalon, Ember's Overpower, and the Heroic Spirit Install description.
    OK, that's been a long time coming. I haven't really liked the alignment rules since I posted them (my houserules strongly de-emphasize alignment), but the mechanic is a nice bit of flavor that I didn't want to totally ditch.

    Besides that, this update has no crunch change, just some language issues.

    In my last session, the party faced a pile of undead. They annihilated the corporeal ones very quickly with phantasms, then were swarmed by wraiths, shadows, and allips (Specters were on the menu but the martial soul never showed, bringing the party to 3.5). The initiate soul had coincidentally bought ghost ward armor before realized how crappy it was, and we ruled that the gauntlets it came with would allow him to perform ghost strike unarmed attacks. So he was mountain hammering/obscuring shadow veiling/etc. the crap out of the greater shadow with no miss chance, although the bonecrusher maneuver failed, which saddened all of us.

    The other party members were busy getting swarmed by the other creatures. Our Lancer specialist went down to something like 5 wisdom and the Mahou Kodomo went to 1 strength (yet still rolled natural 20s on all physical rolls), but a well-timed Excalibur killed most of the wraiths, and a guard NPC swiped a magical longbow from their loot wagon and helped with the allips.

    One wand of lesser restoration and a few Anderson includes later, and the party was in fighting shape again. They decided to go off the beaten path and figure out who unleashed the undead - although I think only one has given thought to "why."

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    Default Re: The Servant Soul: Do Anything, Be Anyone. With just a bit of help... [3.5]

    Oh, hey. This moved. Didn't notice that yet.

    Bekelevan- I'm still working on some homebrew for your homebrew, so if you'd like, I could PM you what I've got, or just post them here when I get one or two done. Your call, either way.
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    Using a different color of text for sarcasm is so original.

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    Pixie in the Playground

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    Default Re: The Servant Soul: Do Anything, Be Anyone. With just a bit of help... [3.5]

    This is an interesting class. Gives me some ideas for other heroic spirits. Mind if I post some up here for critique/to contribute to this monster?

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    Default Re: The Servant Soul: Do Anything, Be Anyone. With just a bit of help... [3.5]

    Quote Originally Posted by The-Mage-King View Post
    Oh, hey. This moved. Didn't notice that yet.

    Bekelevan- I'm still working on some homebrew for your homebrew, so if you'd like, I could PM you what I've got, or just post them here when I get one or two done. Your call, either way.
    Quote Originally Posted by Naheal View Post
    This is an interesting class. Gives me some ideas for other heroic spirits. Mind if I post some up here for critique/to contribute to this monster?
    Feel free to post what you have. Although I'd request it be similar in format to what I've already posted, for consistency's sake.

    I've been churning out new spirits rather slowly because, among other reasons, I'm running out of ideas for new mechanical niches within the classes. I still have ideas for a few feats, but who knows if I'll finish.

    I'm currently deciding whether I want my next set to be the crappy Type/Moon spirits that I haven't used yet for a reason (Rider Pestilence: Be a plague!), characters from Madoka Magica (Caster QB: Contract-Maker to counter Medea), Characters from Nanoha (every weapon is explosions!), or a "Public Domain Defenders" theme with Conan the Barbarian, Randolph Carter, Josef K, etc.

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    Default Re: The Servant Soul: Do Anything, Be Anyone. With just a bit of help... [3.5]

    Quote Originally Posted by bekeleven View Post
    I'm running out of ideas for new mechanical niches within the classes. I still have ideas for a few feats, but who knows if I'll finish.
    Honestly, I'm not crazy about the mechanical niches bit of your meta info mostly because of the nature of a class like this. What if you use the class in Faerun? Then you'd have to create entirely new groups of heroic spirits that would even overlap with other, existing niches to fill that role in the new setting.

    Also, I'm working on Robin (Fire Emblem: Awakening) and am nurturing a few other ideas here and there.

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    Default Re: The Servant Soul: Do Anything, Be Anyone. With just a bit of help... [3.5]

    Quote Originally Posted by Naheal View Post
    Honestly, I'm not crazy about the mechanical niches bit of your meta info mostly because of the nature of a class like this. What if you use the class in Faerun? Then you'd have to create entirely new groups of heroic spirits that would even overlap with other, existing niches to fill that role in the new setting.
    For instance, let's say I wanted to adapt Nanoha into a heroic spirit. She's a ranged attacker so I make her archer. Her weapon fires energy so I give her Hank's Energy Bow (a modified longbow). Her powers are Axel Shooter, in which she fires a bunch at someone and deals lots of damage, and Starlight Breaker, an AoE nuke.

    With a few adjustments, I've just remade Atalanta. Either you like atalanta, in which case you can be an archer specialist/take two feats and have her twice per encounter without devoted soul, or you don't, in which case archer now has fewer options. Alternatively, one will be better than the other in some significant way, and the other will never be used.

    Wouldn't it be easier to say, "If running a servant soul in nanohaverse, treat Nanoha as Atalanta"?

    Now do the same with heroes from Forgotten Realms. Less work than remaking them, too!

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    Pixie in the Playground

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    Default Re: The Servant Soul: Do Anything, Be Anyone. With just a bit of help... [3.5]

    Quote Originally Posted by bekeleven View Post
    For instance, let's say I wanted to adapt Nanoha into a heroic spirit. She's a ranged attacker so I make her archer. Her weapon fires energy so I give her Hank's Energy Bow (a modified longbow). Her powers are Axel Shooter, in which she fires a bunch at someone and deals lots of damage, and Starlight Breaker, an AoE nuke.

    With a few adjustments, I've just remade Atalanta. Either you like atalanta, in which case you can be an archer specialist/take two feats and have her twice per encounter without devoted soul, or you don't, in which case archer now has fewer options. Alternatively, one will be better than the other in some significant way, and the other will never be used.

    Wouldn't it be easier to say, "If running a servant soul in nanohaverse, treat Nanoha as Atalanta"?

    Now do the same with heroes from Forgotten Realms. Less work than remaking them, too!
    I see a lot of potential situations where you'd want more heavy modifications rather than simply reflavoring. One that comes to mind is Raistlin Majere from Dragonlance. Also, something to keep in mind is that Archer requires only a projectile weapon, so the majority of Raising Heart's modes technically work as an energy weapon that uses prana as a source.

    Anyway! First draft of Robin:

    Spoiler: Caster
    Caster - Robin (Alternative class: Saber) (Fire Emblem: Awakening)
    A versatile tactician who blends physical might with magical power.

    Heroic Spirit Include: Robin summons a tome filled with spells. Other than that, this Heroic Spirit type does not summon a weapon. Instead, he adds one spell from the available spells known list to his total spells known while he has this tome in hand and open. This list of spells is set when he summons the tome and can only be changed by dismissing and resummoning the tome.

    Ignis (Ex): Robin adds his strength modifier to all of his damaging spells. This ability functions just like the Warmage's Edge ability. This is a passive effect that does not cost rounds of Install to use.

    Heroic Spirit Install: A servant soul installing Robin gains a deep violet and purple hooded robe replacing their cloak, but leaving all other gear in place. The robe provides a +2 bonus to Int and Str. Installing Robin does not prohibit spellcasting.

    Rally Spectrum (Ex): Robin issues directed orders to his companions, giving a bonus to attack rolls, saving throws, armor class, damage and damage reduction equal to one quarter his Servant Soul class level. Activating and maintaining Rally Spectrum is a swift action and deducts 1 round from his Install duration.

    Spell List: 1 - Lesser Fire Orb (Tome and Blood), Ice Dagger (SpC), Magic Missile (PhB), 2 - Burning Weapon (SpC), Darkbolt (BoVD), Ray of Ice (SpC), 3 - Sound Lance (SpC), Chain Missile (SpC), Mystic Lance (Magic of Faerun) 4 - Electric Orb (Tome and Blood), Force Orb (Unapproachable East), Thunderlance (SpC) 5 - Chain Lightning (PHB), Sonic Shield (PHB2), Binding Winds (Magic of Faerun)

    Spoiler: Saber
    Saber - Robin (Alternative Class: Caster) (Fire Emblem: Awakening)
    This is, effectively, the same soul summoned as a different class. While they are the same person, the Servant Soul *must* establish a contract with each class separately.

    Heroic Spirit Include: If he's lacking a weapon, Robin summons an unremarkable longsword. If he has a sword, Robin uses that sword instead and replaces the enhancements on that weapon with his own. At 7th level, it gains Defending. At level 12, it gains Paralytic Burst. At 16, it gains Transmuting.

    Ignis (Ex): Robin adds his intelligence modifier to damage on all physical attacks made. This is a passive effect that does not cost rounds of Install to use.

    Heroic Spirit Install: A servant soul installing Robin gains a deep violet and purple hooded robe replacing their cloak and a mithril breastplate replacing their gear underneath the robe, gains a bonus to either their Reflex or Fortitude saves (chosen upon activating the Install), but does not provide the standard bonuses to attack. The robe provides a +2 bonus to Int and Str. Installing Robin does not prohibit spellcasting.

    Rally Spectrum (Ex): Robin issues directed orders to his companions, giving a bonus to attack rolls, saving throws, armor class, damage and damage reduction equal to one quarter his Servant Soul class level. Activating and maintaining Rally Spectrum is a swift action and deducts 1 round from his Install duration.

    Spell list: 1 - Ice Dagger (SpC), 2 - Burning Weapon (SpC), 3 - Sound Lance (SpC), 4 - Force Orb (Unapproachable East), 5 Sonic Shield (PHB2)

    Again, it's a first draft. I'm still working on it.

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    Troll in the Playground
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    Default Re: The Servant Soul: Do Anything, Be Anyone. With just a bit of help... [3.5]

    Quote Originally Posted by bekeleven View Post
    Feel free to post what you have. Although I'd request it be similar in format to what I've already posted, for consistency's sake.

    Then here's the first.

    Avenger- Angra Mainyu (Fate/hollow ataraxia)

    Spoiler: Avenger stuff here
    Angra Mainyu, the representation of 'All the evils in the world', is a potent carrier of curses and other evil magics. Angra Mainyu may only be contracted by a non-Good Servant Soul.

    Heroic Spirit Include: Angra Mainyu summons a pair of sais, able to disarm or damage foes weapons with some effort, with an enhancement bonus of one less than her normal weapon enhancement bonus. Both sais are treated as adamantine for the purposes of overcoming weapons' hardness from 4th level, both become Cursespewing (MIC) at 11th level, and both become Vile (BoVD) at 16th level.

    Born of Curses (Su): Angra Mainyu's very nature is a curse. Whenever the Servant Soul is targeted by a Curse*, she may negate that effect for herself as an immediate action. If she does so, the original source of the effect must make a Will save or be affected as though by it. She may also use this to negate an active curse upon her, removing one per use of this Phantasm. This deducts three rounds from an Install.

    Heroic Spirit Install: A Servant Soul installing Angra Mainyu appears to wear black wrappings and a tattered red cloak, her body being covered by numerous dark tattoos. She gains bonuses to Dexterity and Constitution. She also gains Mettle as a Hexblade of her class level, temporary hit points equal to twice her class level, and Resistance 5 to Vile damage. When installing Angra Mainyu, she may only cast his spells.

    Verg Avesta (Su): A wound-sharing curse. As an immediate action when damaged, the Servant Soul may reflect the damage upon their attacker as well. The targeted creature takes a number of points of vile damage equal to the damage dealt to the Servant Soul, ignoring all resistances and damage reduction. Using this ability deducts three rounds from an Install.

    Avenger Angra Mainyu's Spells: 1 - Bane, 2 - Wracking Touch (SpC), 3 - Bestow Curse, 4 - Graymantle (SpC), 5 - Wrack (SpC)

    *For the purposes of this ability, a "Curse" is a non-harmless spell or similar ability with Curse in its name, and includes the Bane spell.
    Last edited by The-Mage-King; 2014-07-28 at 07:34 PM.
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    Pixie in the Playground

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    Default Re: The Servant Soul: Do Anything, Be Anyone. With just a bit of help... [3.5]

    Second spirit.

    Caster (standard pyromancer caster type) - Name is Phyriss for a placeholder.

    Heroic Spirit Include: Phyriss summons a pair of daggers etched with various arcane runes which are designed to work with the user as they cast spells. As such, any spell may be cast without requiring hands free. In addition, touch range spells may be delivered with either dagger. At 7th level, they gain the Flaming Burst property. At 12th, they also gain the Returning property. At 16th, they gain the Brilliant Energy property, as they transform from being metallic weapons to being entirely flame based.

    Spellforge (Su): Phyriss burns hot and fast, but that heat can prove to enable as well as destroy. As a result, he may use Empower Spell, Maximize Spell, or both on any spell on any spell with the (Fire) descriptor at the cost of 2 rounds of his include for Empower Spell, 4 rounds of his include for Maximize Spell, or 6 rounds of his include for both.

    Heroic Spirit Install: A servant soul installing Phyriss doesn't actually have their clothing change all that much. Rather, their eyes, hair and skin all change color. Their hair becomes a fiery red, their eyes a bright orange and their skin becomes a deep bronze. He gains a bonus to Intelligence. Installing Phyriss prevents the caster from using any spells with the (Healing) descriptor. Damaging spells cast by the Servant Soul now deal Fire damage rather than their standard damage type.

    Blast Wave (Su): Phyriss may throw his daggers at a target area. Upon doing so, the daggers explode in a 15' radius burst, dealing 1d8/remaining install round points of fire damage that ignores immunities and resistances and treats targets without resistances as vulnerable to fire damage for this damage. He is immune to the damage, himself and may choose one other ally who is also immune. Using this ability instantly ends an install.

    Caster Phyriss' spells: 1 - Raging Flame (SpC), 2 - Scorching Ray (PHB), 3 - Backblast (Lost Empires of Faerun), 4 - Blast of Flame (SpC), 5 - Flame Strike (PHB)

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    Ettin in the Playground

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    Default Re: The Servant Soul: Do Anything, Be Anyone. With just a bit of help... [3.5]

    Took a bit of a break since we had no game this week, back with impressions on newest round of spirits:

    Archer Shirou: seriously man, are you trying to kill me? Like, 2 days before this went up I was thinking, "Hey, you know what'd be nice if we had to run for cover again? Blockade. Too bad it's nowhere near the Servant Soul lists." And then this guy has it, along with some actual reflex spells in slime and bands. The non-bludgeoning clause in Overedge seems weird but I get it what with how his magic works. I don't see a Teleporting property in MIC: do you mean Dislocating (MIC) for moving people when you hit them, or Teleporting (XPH) for having it teleport back to your hand? Floating feat install is awesome. Does the throwing part of Crane-stuff give you full bonus on both weapons, or does it iterative? Also, what happens if you try to Overedge during the second half of Crane and run out of rounds? I think it ends the install before you finish the attack but you could add "install" to the non-termination clause of Overedge if you want to allow it.

    Berserker Lu Bu: the defense on his install is a lot less "proactive" but it's still berserkery. The Arcane Might weapon ability is normally so bad it offends me, but that sense has been suspended for Servant Soul stuff. Mid-range berserker does what it says on the tin. That spell list sure does tell a story, I guess Lu Bu wasn't a very nice guy.

    Krusk note: I don't know what book that is for Krusk's second weapon ability, but with Lu Bu getting a DC20 shaken on every hit from Domineering compared to Krusk's DC11 on crits only I do hope the Krusk's second is more powerful. I also don't think Krusk's fear immunity piercing is very good. I'm guessing you didn't want to allow the Dread Witch clause were extra HD let you ignore it anyway (seems to be based on Improved Uncanny Dodge?), but a +4 on the save seems pretty big. I don't have any experience actually trying to fear stack though, maybe it ends up not so bad.

    Caster Tamamo: love the unlimited warlock blasting, hate the Ranged shield ability (no one will convince me that throwing shields is not dumb). Taking a second look at Bestial Sky even just the double damage is pretty huge, better than maximizing, but it's quite well offset by needing to break resistance on your own or cut the damage a bit with Shattefloor. Still needs a reminder that you intend to treat each projectile of a volley spell as it's own hit, so as to multiply the int damage bonus.

    Lancer Liz: I'm a bit sad seeing crit abilities on single threat range weapons, oh well. Nice to have another flying install, makes Medea seem a bit less OP. Sonic damage everywhere, the nauseate on Demoness is nice, though it reminds me of Drake's stun which I think has been reduced so that's good. I've seen that Spectral Dragon spell before and I thought it was bonkers, but by the time it comes up for Servant Souls it won't be any more. She makes a nice alternative to Cu if you want to focus on the booms and would rather have debuffs than Improved Blink. '

    I already talked about Iskander. Drake's off with "1D6 electricity damage for each of class level," and I think Medusa's use of "disembodies" is a little awkward. /nitpick

    Saber Gawain: now this guy is another game-changer, even if he's built to be simple. That Sun Blade is huge if you ask me with it's extra +2 enhancement vs. your opposed alignment and double damage vs. undead all the time (might or might not change that to deathless for evil wielders). Arturia's Holy is good but this shows up earlier. He's got flat bonuses up the wazoo that are perfect for everyone that's not me and thus using Power Attack and shores you up if your own numbers aren't so good. Honestly not sure if you'd noticed the x2 vs undead thing, hopefully that won't get it killed like the rhino. I love the use of interesting weapons that people never seem to use here and there: modified Gauntlet of Blades, Sun Blade, Tentacle Rod, very nice.

    For new spirit ideas, I don't remember if I mentioned before but there was a show Day Break Illusion (on Crunchyroll anyway, I preferred "Phantom Piercing Sun" myself) that I immediately thought could make a set of spirits. It had it's flaws but I liked it a lot, needless to say it doesn't have comparable recognition . The characters had powers based on the "elemental tarot," and including the antagonist I think there's enough to fill out out a set. It was a short show, the attacks demonstrated would be pretty simple except maybe the antagonist's. Would probably have to just make some up for the side characters though. Heck, really it'd just be nice to hear of someone else watching it. /tangent

    Regarding Nanoha, I disagree that re-naming Atlanta would do. Aside from the spell lists that you've carefully customized to each spririt, I don't think of her as "full attack and outdoor AoE." Uh, spoiler I guess? (The fight scenes in a fighting show are important).
    Spoiler: nanoha spoilers
    I remember more sending programmed smart projectiles after things, the seeker drones she used to find the person in the ship and then using her nuke level blasting (while specifically inside the ship) to hit someone she couldn't see though the walls. That and using her full power attack putting her in rehab for a year. Don't remember much about the fights in the previous seasons, but in the manga she's using huge flying gun/shield/somethings now in addition to her staff. Sure she shoots lots of projectiles and nukes, but since her main shtick of blowing up everything including the building is a bit too huge for DnD you could focus on something else.

    There's still mechanics left unexplored: she could have a volley attack instead of a full attack, either spell style or Manyshot style. Cartridges could be represented with their own fancy bits, or her weapon could be another staff like Mialee's, or she could be berserker archer, or archer berserker. Raging Heart is clearly an intelligent item, none of those yet. I do think that the number of spirits is getting up there and they shouldn't just start swapping abilities so much that classes don't matter, 5 sets is already enough and more than 7 would be too many, but I think if you really want to go to 7 you can pull it off. I still prefer the anime characters, but if you're down to the dregs of Type/Moon then go ahead and skip them if they're problematic. Naturally I'd love a set of Madokas and Nanohas, but if one proves too difficult then I suppose a round of public domains wouldn't be too bad.

    Hesitantly, I'm interested to see what you'd have in mind for Kyubey. The caveat is that actually using him would make me barf.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Violet Octopus View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Fizban View Post
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    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: The Servant Soul: Do Anything, Be Anyone. With just a bit of help... [3.5]

    Quote Originally Posted by Naheal View Post
    I see a lot of potential situations where you'd want more heavy modifications rather than simply reflavoring.
    Well, if you modify it enough that it's mechanically distinct, then sure. That's what I mean by different niches.

    Let me start off by saying that my impressions of these spirits are positive. I harp on various issues because it's easier to point out the parts that don't work than it is the points that do - the majority is solid. Sorry if I seem negative.

    Quote Originally Posted by Naheal View Post
    Anyway! First draft of Robin:

    Spoiler: Caster
    Caster - Robin (Alternative class: Saber) (Fire Emblem: Awakening)
    A versatile tactician who blends physical might with magical power.

    Heroic Spirit Include: Robin summons a tome filled with spells. Other than that, this Heroic Spirit type does not summon a weapon. Instead, he adds one spell from the available spells known list to his total spells known while he has this tome in hand and open. This list of spells is set when he summons the tome and can only be changed by dismissing and resummoning the tome.

    Ignis (Ex): Robin adds his strength modifier to all of his damaging spells. This ability functions just like the Warmage's Edge ability. This is a passive effect that does not cost rounds of Install to use.

    Heroic Spirit Install: A servant soul installing Robin gains a deep violet and purple hooded robe replacing their cloak, but leaving all other gear in place. The robe provides a +2 bonus to Int and Str. Installing Robin does not prohibit spellcasting.

    Rally Spectrum (Ex): Robin issues directed orders to his companions, giving a bonus to attack rolls, saving throws, armor class, damage and damage reduction equal to one quarter his Servant Soul class level. Activating and maintaining Rally Spectrum is a swift action and deducts 1 round from his Install duration.

    Spell List: 1 - Lesser Fire Orb (Tome and Blood), Ice Dagger (SpC), Magic Missile (PhB), 2 - Burning Weapon (SpC), Darkbolt (BoVD), Ray of Ice (SpC), 3 - Sound Lance (SpC), Chain Missile (SpC), Mystic Lance (Magic of Faerun) 4 - Electric Orb (Tome and Blood), Force Orb (Unapproachable East), Thunderlance (SpC) 5 - Chain Lightning (PHB), Sonic Shield (PHB2), Binding Winds (Magic of Faerun)
    Robin appears to have no regular spell list, so a player learns no spells when contracting him. The only spell granted by this caster-class spirit appears to be, "You get one spell when you include/install." A bit odd for a caster to grant fewer spells than other spirits. Besides that, the install grants a unique combination of abilities (int and str), but nothing beyond that, and the only use of STR during this install is to buff damage spells. To that end, Tamamo is a clear choice over him.

    If rally spectrum costs 1 round to turn on and stays for free, it might be a good saving grace - it's significantly more powerful than Anderson's passive. I think your "and maintaining" means it doesn't, so I'd call this a hard pick besides the specific spells it grants (below).

    Of his spells, a few - Magic Missile, Orb of Electricity, and Chain Lightning - are in use by other spirits. The only totally unbalancing spell on the list is darkbolt, which is scaled as a ~4th-5th level spell but given to the vile darkness domain at 2nd. It's one of the best spells for chameleon because it's so incredibly powerful for a 2nd level spell. Mystic Lash is also quite nice. They're even more powerful combined, which this guy can't do, since he can only use 1 per include.

    You say "+2 to int and str." I'd cut out the +2 unless you really like it not scaling. That goes for your saber build as well.

    Overall the mechanics of his include and install are solid, but the spirit feels to me like it doesn't do enough.
    Quote Originally Posted by Naheal View Post
    Spoiler: Saber
    Saber - Robin (Alternative Class: Caster) (Fire Emblem: Awakening)
    This is, effectively, the same soul summoned as a different class. While they are the same person, the Servant Soul *must* establish a contract with each class separately.

    Heroic Spirit Include: If he's lacking a weapon, Robin summons an unremarkable longsword. If he has a sword, Robin uses that sword instead and replaces the enhancements on that weapon with his own. At 7th level, it gains Defending. At level 12, it gains Paralytic Burst. At 16, it gains Transmuting.

    Ignis (Ex): Robin adds his intelligence modifier to damage on all physical attacks made. This is a passive effect that does not cost rounds of Install to use.

    Heroic Spirit Install: A servant soul installing Robin gains a deep violet and purple hooded robe replacing their cloak and a mithril breastplate replacing their gear underneath the robe, gains a bonus to either their Reflex or Fortitude saves (chosen upon activating the Install), but does not provide the standard bonuses to attack. The robe provides a +2 bonus to Int and Str. Installing Robin does not prohibit spellcasting.

    Rally Spectrum (Ex): Robin issues directed orders to his companions, giving a bonus to attack rolls, saving throws, armor class, damage and damage reduction equal to one quarter his Servant Soul class level. Activating and maintaining Rally Spectrum is a swift action and deducts 1 round from his Install duration.

    Spell list: 1 - Ice Dagger (SpC), 2 - Burning Weapon (SpC), 3 - Sound Lance (SpC), 4 - Force Orb (Unapproachable East), 5 Sonic Shield (PHB2)
    Odd mechanic with the sword, but I suppose it's unique. The WSAs are all dupes, but I'm having trouble finding unique ones myself. +Int to attacks is quite nice.

    A saber with no attack boost, huh? Looks like he has mostly the same powers as the other build, including caster boosts with no casting restriction. I'm not sure I like that, because it gives a number of options I tried to avoid. I like the stock soul having only 1 caster install/day, so they can't use one to cast full-CL buffs in the morning unless they're blowing their only one on it (or spent feats or ACFs to do so). With this they have that option.

    The spells are dupes with your previous spirit but not with any of mine.

    I'd say this build looks more like a caster than a saber to me, at least compared to the ones I've made. No attack boost, int boost, no spell restriction, plus mostly-passive aura.

    As a style note, my iconic servant soul is female, as are all pronouns referring to her. You seem to be referring to the spirit itself in the abilities, saying "The spirit can do X, and gets Y, and he gets Z." My format was closer to, "The Spirit can do X. The servant soul therefore gets Y, and she gets Z."

    Overall, this second Robin feels like a crib of the first. It does roughly the same things right but does a few extra things wrong.

    Quote Originally Posted by The-Mage-King View Post
    Then here's the first.

    Spoiler: Avenger
    Avenger- Angra Mainyu (Fate/hollow ataraxia)

    Spoiler: Avenger stuff here
    Angra Mainyu, the representation of 'All the evils in the world', is a potent carrier of curses and other evil magics. Angra Mainyu may only be contracted by a non-Good Servant Soul.

    Heroic Spirit Include: Angra Mainyu summons a pair of daggers, able to disarm or damage foes weapons with some effort, with an enhancement bonus of one less than her normal weapon enhancement bonus. Both daggers are treated as adamantine for the purposes of overcoming weapons' hardness from 4th level one, one of these daggers becomes Vexing (Drg 339) and the other becomes Stealer (Drg 315) at 8th level, both become Cursespewing (MIC) at 12th level, and both become Vile (BoVD) at 16th level.

    Furthermore, the Servant Soul counts as a Hexblade for the purposes of weapon and magic item usage, though if they lack a given class feature, they may not use items requiring it.

    Born of Curses (Su): Angra Mainyu's very nature is a curse. Whenever the Servant Soul is targeted by a Curse*, she may negate that effect for herself as an immediate action. This deducts three rounds from an Install.

    Heroic Spirit Install: A Servant Soul installing Angra Mainyu appears to wear black wrappings and a tattered red cloak, her body being covered by numerous dark tattoos. She gains bonuses to Will saves, Dexterity, and Constitution. She also gains Mettle as a Hexblade of her class level, temporary hit points equal to twice her class level, and Resistance 5 to Vile damage. When installing Angra Mainyu, she may only cast his spells.

    Verg Avesta (Su): A wound-sharing curse. As an immediate action when damaged, the Servant Soul may reflect the damage upon their attacker as well. The targeted creature takes a number of points of vile damage equal to half the damage dealt to the Servant Soul, ignoring all resistances and damage reduction. Using this ability deducts three rounds from an Install.

    Avenger Angra Mainyu's Spells: 1 - Bane, 2 - Wracking Touch (SpC), 3 - Bestow Curse, 4 - Graymantle (SpC), 5 - Wrack (SpC)

    *For the purposes of this ability, a "Curse" is a non-harmless spell or similar ability with Curse in its name, and includes the Bane spell.
    Daggers are a bit boring, and a number of spirits grant them in some form - in practice, I think Tawrich and Zarich are closer to Sais. Your WSA progression is a bit off of mine. I granted +1s at 7,10,13,and 16. And any time I granted a +2, I'd give it 1 point above the appropriate +1 (hence the common 7/11/16 or Elizabeth's 8/13/16). If I granted any +3s I'd give it at the midpoint (hence Atalanta's Splitting at 13). I don't think I granted any WSAs at 12th, since the progression was designed to never grant a WSA and a + enhancement at the same level, but let me know if I did. I think one reason it looks odd because you grant a total of +5 to weapon abilities. I kept all of my weapons maxed at +9 at 16th level. If a character builds Spiritual Vassal (Angra), they'd get a +11-equivalent weapon. (they get broken half the time he fights! don't sound like epic weapons to me.)

    I'm not sure what "counts as a hexblade" means. I assume you had some specific use in mind for it, but they can't use hexblade wants or anything since they lack those spells on their spell list. Is that what you meant? What is meant by "weapon useage"? Does one of your dragon mag WSAs require hexblade?

    His first include phantasm is drastically underpowered. Something that happens so rarely should either impart massive advantage, like spell turning, or at least cost fewer than 3 rounds. I mean, it would be worth using if you could just throw on your angra to ditch a curse, but it look like it only works if it's actively being cast.

    Installs can't grant bonus to will saves, since the bonus is the fixing up difference between a bad and good progression. In other words, a bonus to will saves = +0 will saves, at least RAI when I wrote the save bonus rules. That's why no casters grant save bonuses.

    Verg Avesta is a decent anti-boss power but it's one I'd generally try not to have to use as a player, since 1:2 (or even 1:1) HP trades are always bad for the player. If you're fighting mooks, then they have a combined total HP way higher than you. If fighting a boss, then YOU BET the boss has more HP than you. Vile Damage is mean to PCs but almost never matters to an NPC.

    Basically, this is a PC-killing NPC, but a PC would find the powers nearly useless. It's interesting, unique, and full of flavorful. Just not... useful for a PC in combat, is all.

    Quote Originally Posted by Naheal View Post
    Second spirit.

    Caster (standard pyromancer caster type) - Name is Phyriss for a placeholder.

    Spoiler: Phyriss
    Heroic Spirit Include: Phyriss summons a pair of daggers etched with various arcane runes which are designed to work with the user as they cast spells. As such, any spell may be cast without requiring hands free. In addition, touch range spells may be delivered with either dagger. At 7th level, they gain the Flaming Burst property. At 12th, they also gain the Returning property. At 16th, they gain the Brilliant Energy property, as they transform from being metallic weapons to being entirely flame based.

    Spellforge (Su): Phyriss burns hot and fast, but that heat can prove to enable as well as destroy. As a result, he may use Empower Spell, Maximize Spell, or both on any spell on any spell with the (Fire) descriptor at the cost of 2 rounds of his include for Empower Spell, 4 rounds of his include for Maximize Spell, or 6 rounds of his include for both.

    Heroic Spirit Install: A servant soul installing Phyriss doesn't actually have their clothing change all that much. Rather, their eyes, hair and skin all change color. Their hair becomes a fiery red, their eyes a bright orange and their skin becomes a deep bronze. He gains a bonus to Intelligence. Installing Phyriss prevents the caster from using any spells with the (Healing) descriptor. Damaging spells cast by the Servant Soul now deal Fire damage rather than their standard damage type.

    Blast Wave (Su): Phyriss may throw his daggers at a target area. Upon doing so, the daggers explode in a 15' radius burst, dealing 1d8/remaining install round points of fire damage that ignores immunities and resistances and treats targets without resistances as vulnerable to fire damage for this damage. He is immune to the damage, himself and may choose one other ally who is also immune. Using this ability instantly ends an install.

    Caster Phyriss' spells: 1 - Raging Flame (SpC), 2 - Scorching Ray (PHB), 3 - Backblast (Lost Empires of Faerun), 4 - Blast of Flame (SpC), 5 - Flame Strike (PHB)
    The Servant Soul spellcasing already includes the line, "Servant souls incur no penalty for casting spells while holding a weapon granted by any servant soul class feature" so I have you covered there. Flaming Burst can't be gained without flaming, and both are granted by Gawain. Returning and Brilliant Energy are also granted by existing spirits. By giving Brilliant Energy at 16th level, the user now holds a +12 weapon. With two levels in Spiritual Vassal it's +13. Yikes. Note that Brilliant Energy means that the servant is 100% unable to damage or even hit constructs or undead.

    I avoided using variable-round-consuming phantasms as the first phantasm, since they are used in Includes, which don't spend rounds but rather terminate upon conclusion. As-is there's no penalty for someone including Phyriss and "spending" 6 rounds, because why spend only 2 or 4? Maybe put a clause in explaining what restrictions, if any, are placed on include-only use.

    His base install powers are pretty weak. All casters gave some extra boost to balance lack of attack and save bonus, although for some (like Anderson) it was pretty token, since the spirit is carried by other class abilities. Still, besides the int bonus and (standard) CL boost, his install seems like a direct nerf: loss of spell access and all damage swapped to the most common resistance/immunity.

    Blast Wave is an odd phantasm, in that I never build one like it, so I have little for direct comparison. It nukes the install for a crapton of damage then exits. "Vulnerable to fire" means instead of 4.5/Round it deals about 6.75 and, as written, requires no attack roll and grants no save. Basically, Phyriss has a 1/Day nuke, and the rest of the spirit's powers are weak enough that the nuke is the only defining feature. He makes a good backup spirit for someone that has most mechanical niches already covered, and just wants the occasional explosion. That, or Devoted Soul (Phyriss) and end every encounter in one shot. Because if you went Spirit Affinity (Phyriss) and Spirit Devotion (Phyriss), with 18 starting con and a +2 item by level 6, you're now 3/day shooting 100+ damage to anyone not immune to fire 3/day. Basically, you end every encounter in 1 shot, or are basically useless. And that says nothing about starting as a dragonborn mongrelfolk...

    Odd that the include phantasm is variable-round and the install phantasm has no round deduction mechanic. I'd rebalance the blast wave, then swap them. Especially since empowering/maximizing spells during an include is lackluster, given the halved caster level outside installs.

    The mechanics are unique, and they give me some ideas. But the implementation of the phantasms leaves a few rules holes, and supports a degenerate playstyle. The spell list is solid.

    That was a lot of typing. Fizban, I'll respond to you later sometime. Tomorrow maybe.

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    Troll in the Playground
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    Default Re: The Servant Soul: Do Anything, Be Anyone. With just a bit of help... [3.5]

    Quote Originally Posted by bekeleven View Post
    Daggers are a bit boring, and a number of spirits grant them in some form - in practice, I think Tawrich and Zarich are closer to Sais. Your WSA progression is a bit off of mine. I granted +1s at 7,10,13,and 16. And any time I granted a +2, I'd give it 1 point above the appropriate +1 (hence the common 7/11/16 or Elizabeth's 8/13/16). If I granted any +3s I'd give it at the midpoint (hence Atalanta's Splitting at 13). I don't think I granted any WSAs at 12th, since the progression was designed to never grant a WSA and a + enhancement at the same level, but let me know if I did. I think one reason it looks odd because you grant a total of +5 to weapon abilities. I kept all of my weapons maxed at +9 at 16th level. If a character builds Spiritual Vassal (Angra), they'd get a +11-equivalent weapon. (they get broken half the time he fights! don't sound like epic weapons to me.)
    Hm. Will tweak, then. I suppose Vexing/Stealer can be dropped, leading to the elimination of...

    I'm not sure what "counts as a hexblade" means. I assume you had some specific use in mind for it, but they can't use hexblade wants or anything since they lack those spells on their spell list. Is that what you meant? What is meant by "weapon useage"? Does one of your dragon mag WSAs require hexblade?

    Basically, there's a handful of WSAs and magic items 'keyed' to Hexblades. Vexing is, alas, one of them.

    His first include phantasm is drastically underpowered. Something that happens so rarely should either impart massive advantage, like spell turning, or at least cost fewer than 3 rounds. I mean, it would be worth using if you could just throw on your angra to ditch a curse, but it look like it only works if it's actively being cast.
    I'll tweak that too, I suppose. A little more "Oopmh" to an already weak Servant. Perhaps a turning effect on cast ones, and a dispel on active ones...

    Installs can't grant bonus to will saves, since the bonus is the fixing up difference between a bad and good progression. In other words, a bonus to will saves = +0 will saves, at least RAI when I wrote the save bonus rules. That's why no casters grant save bonuses.
    Whoops. Will fix.

    Verg Avesta is a decent anti-boss power but it's one I'd generally try not to have to use as a player, since 1:2 (or even 1:1) HP trades are always bad for the player. If you're fighting mooks, then they have a combined total HP way higher than you. If fighting a boss, then YOU BET the boss has more HP than you. Vile Damage is mean to PCs but almost never matters to an NPC.
    Which is the reason for such Temp HP and Con boosts. I can probably afford to bump up the reflected damage to full, with that in mind.

    Basically, this is a PC-killing NPC, but a PC would find the powers nearly useless. It's interesting, unique, and full of flavorful. Just not... useful for a PC in combat, is all.
    So, he meets the design goal precisely. He's not useful for direct conflict. Instead, he's a hit-and-run type, best supported with others and a plan.

    And, yeah, a villain would love him. Still, some PCs may enjoy it as a tool of attrition warfare or the like.

    EDIT: Tweaks and fixes applied.
    Last edited by The-Mage-King; 2014-07-28 at 07:31 PM.
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