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Thread: D20 Baseball

  1. - Top - End - #1
    Ettin in the Playground
    Zeta Kai's Avatar

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    Default D20 Baseball

    Baseball D20

    Since baseball season started today here in the States (who knew?), I figured I might as well post this project a little early. It’s not as polished as some of my other projects, but I could use a second set of eyes on this anyway. I was inspired to do this while working on the oaven games.

    Most games, as performed in D&D, are fairly simplistic. They rarely go beyond DIE ROLL + YOUR MOD versus DIE ROLL + OPPONENT’S MOD. Therefore, I’ve decided to see if I can model a real life sport in D20 rules. Although I am not a fan of baseball, I think it is an excellent place to start: there are a lot of regulations (easy to emulate in D&D parlance), both games are heavily statistics-based, & the players only move at specified times in specified ways.

    Is this meant to be a treatise of practical physics? No. Is this an attempt to create a completely realistic baseball simulation? Only sort of. This is designed to make a playable game out of a known sport, using the RAW as a framework.

    Note: None of these skill checks or saving throws can be circumvented by Taking 10. Every roll in a game of baseball is assumed to be made under distraction &/or threat. Also, unless otherwise noted, no actions in baseball provoke an attack of opportunity.

    The Rules of the Game

    Table of Contents
    The Rundown: Basics on Playing the Game

    • Pitcher
    • Batter
    • Tables
    • Catcher
    • Fielders
    • Runner

    The League

    Game Order



    Bonus Material: The Gate City Goblins

    Bonus Material: The Bayside Beholders
    Last edited by Zeta Kai; 2008-10-02 at 11:44 AM. Reason: added link

  2. - Top - End - #2
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: D20 Baseball

    The Rundown: Basics on Playing the Game
    Both of the teams meet on the field & exchange greetings, taunts, threats, & so on. They then decide on which team shall claim Heads & which shall claim Tails. The umpire (or the DM) flips a coin; the winner is the Batting Team first. The Batting Team assembles behind the home plate, while the Fielding Team members take their positions on the field. The first batter stands up to the plate, & the umpire declares “Play ball!”

    Whenever the pitcher throws the ball, he does so to the catcher. Throwing the ball is a ranged touch attack (BAB + the pitcher’s Dexterity modifier). The pitcher can choose any number of pitches to throw, each intended to overwhelm, confound, or otherwise hinder the batter. If the batter fails to intercept the ball (see below), the catcher must make a Reflex Save (DC5) to catch the ball. If the pitcher fails to overcome the catcher’s touch AC, then the catcher can still attempt to catch the ball, but with a +5 to the DC; this pitch is considered a “Ball.” Even if the catcher fails his Reflex Save, the ball is still considered caught as long as the pitcher’s ranged touch attack managed to overcome the catcher’s touch AC. If the catcher fails his Reflex Save & the pitcher fails to overcome the catcher’s touch AC, then the catcher drops the ball (this has no real game effect, it’s just embarrassing for the battery).

    The batter must intercept this ball with a Reflex Save (DC15), using a bat to hit the ball, preferably into the ball-field, within the foul lines. If the batter does successfully intercept the ball, it is struck by the bat. A roll of 1d20 + the batter’s Dexterity modifier determines the Hit Type (see Table 1-1). The ball then heads toward a particular zone of the field (see Table 1-2), as determined by the Hit Type, while the batter becomes a runner (see below). If the batter swings & fails to intercept the ball, then the umpire declares a “Strike!” If the player accumulates 3 strikes while at bat, then the batter is declared “Out!” by the umpire.

    As stated before, the destination of the ball, once hit by the batter, is determined by the Hit Type (on Table 1-1). Apply the Zone Modifier on the table to the d% roll on Table 1-2. This determines the zone the ball ends up in, as well as some types of hits: Foul, Infield, Outfield, & a Home Run. For the exact destination, roll a 1d3 & apply the number to the appropriate table (either 2-1, 2-2, or 2-3), modifying the roll based on the batter’s handedness (see below). Note: a foul ball is an automatic “Foul!” for the batter, unless the ball is caught by a fielder, in which case it is an “Out!” Also, a home run is an automatic score for the batter’s team equal to 1 + the number of runners already on base (maximum 4).

    The fielders attempt to catch the ball in order to get the batter declared “Out!” by the umpire. If the ball is landing in a Zone/Destination that is covered by a fielder, then that fielder may pursue the ball, attempting to catch/find/toss it. To determine the place wear the ball will land, a fielder must make a Spot check (DC10) to perceive the ball’s proper landing place. The fielder must then make a Reflex Save (DC15) to catch the ball. Failure to spot the ball’s path correctly means that the DC of the Reflex Save is 35. If a fielder manages to catch the ball, the batter is declared “Out!” by the umpire. If a fielder fails to catch the ball, they must find it (using a Search check, DC5 for dirt fields, DC10 for shorn grass fields, DC15 for wild grass fields), which takes a full-round action ; meaning that they cannot search for the ball & throw it in the same round (giving the runner an extra round to circle the bases). Once the fielder has the ball, they can toss it to another player. Fielders catching a ball tossed by another fielder automatically succeed their Spot checks, as well as receiving a +5 bonus on the Reflex Save to catch. Once a fielder near a runner has ball, the fielder may tag the runner out. This is a finessed melee touch attack (BAB + the fielder’s Dexterity modifier). If they succeed, then the runner is declared “Out!” by the umpire. Otherwise, the umpire declares the runner “Safe!”

    After the batter has hit the ball, they must run to first base as fast as they can. They are then known as a runner, & should attempt to run around the diamond field, stepping on each base in order (1st base, 2nd base, 3rd base, & finally home plate). If they manage to successfully reach home plate without being tagged by a fielder holding the ball, the runner scores a point for their team. If they do get tagged, the runner is declared “Out!” by the umpire. Circling the bases generally takes at least 4 rounds for runners with a speed of 30’/round, at least 5 rounds for runners with a speed of 20’/round (total distance of the diamond = 360’).

    Runners already on base can run to the next base during a batter’s hit, or they can attempt to “steal a base” (sneak/run to the next base while the pitcher is distracted), but this maneuver is risky. In order to steal a base, the runner must make a Bluff check (DC20) against the pitcher. The DC is +2 for each additional base that runner has stolen during the game.

    If a batter is given 4 Balls (see above), then they automatically become a runner, & advances to 1st base. All other runners advance forward one base as well, but only if another runner is advancing to the base that they are currently on.

    A team continues batting until they have accumulated 3 Outs, then they trade places with the fielding team. Once both teams have had a turn at bat, the inning ends. Once 9 innings have been played, the game is over. The team with the most points is declared the winner. Winning a game of baseball is a challenge equal to the combined CR’s of the losing players, & earns the winners experience points equal to a battle of a corresponding CR (divided up among all of the participating players), but only if success in the game is somehow relevant to the adventure as a whole.
    Last edited by Zeta Kai; 2008-10-02 at 09:54 AM.

  3. - Top - End - #3
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: D20 Baseball

    The Field
    Diamond: 90’ (18 squares) per side, 360’ (72 squares) total
    Pitcher’s Mound: 60’ (12 squares) from each other plate, 20’ (4 squares) in diameter

    The Ball
    Ranged throwing weapon (1d4 subdual, 20/×2, 70’, 2 lbs)
    Made of wood, covered in stitched leather (Diminutive size (+4 AC), 10hp, hardness 5, DR10/slashing)

    The Bat
    Greatclub (1d10, 20/×2)
    Made of wood, carved & polished (Tiny size (+2 AC), 10hp, hardness 5, DR5/+1)
    Wielded two-handed (damage = 1.5× Strength)

    The Players
    • Fielding Team (with Zones of Coverage)
      • P - Pitcher (Infield-Right, Infield-Center, Infield-Right)
      • C – Catcher (Foul-Back Center)
      • 1B - 1st Baseman (Infield-Right, Outfield-Right, Foul-Far Right)
      • 2B - 2nd Baseman (Infield-Left, Infield-Center, Outfield-Left, Outfield-Center)
      • SS - Shortstop (Infield-Right, Infield-Center, Outfield-Right, Outfield-Center)
      • 3B - 3rd Baseman (Infield-Left, Outfield-Left, Foul-Far Left)
      • LF - Left Fielder (Outfield-Left, Outfield-Center, Foul-Far Left)
      • CF - Center Fielder (Outfield-Left, Outfield-Center, Outfield-Right)
      • RF - Right Fielder (Outfield-Right, Outfield-Center, Foul-Far Right)
    • Batting Team
      • 9 Batters/Runners

    Initiative Order
    • Pitcher (init 30)
    • Batter (init 25)
    • Catcher (init 20)
    • Fielders (init 10)
    • Runner (init 5)
    Last edited by Zeta Kai; 2008-10-02 at 11:32 AM. Reason: added link

  4. - Top - End - #4
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: D20 Baseball

    An image of the typical baseball field (drawn by me; warning, large image size):

    • P: Pitcher
    • C: Catcher
    • 1B: First Baseman
    • 2B: Second Baseman
    • 3B: Third Baseman
    • SS: Short Stop
    • LF: Left Field
    • CF: Center Field
    • RF: Right Field
    Last edited by Zeta Kai; 2008-09-01 at 07:01 PM. Reason: added spoiler

  5. - Top - End - #5
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: D20 Baseball

    Pitcher (Dex, Str, Cha)
    • Ranged touch attack (BAB + Dex) to throw ball
    • Special Pitches
      • Fastball (Strength check DC15, success adds +2 to intercept DC, deals 1 Con damage)
      • Slider (see the Slider Pitch feat)
      • Curveball (see the Curveball Pitch feat)
      • Screwball (see the Screwball Pitch feat)
      • Changeup (see the Changeup Pitch feat)
      • Knuckleball (see the Knuckleball Pitch feat)
      • Spitball (Sleight of Hand DC15, -5 to fielders’ catch DC, requires grease, illegal move, failure means getting caught)
      • Spellball (see the Spellball Pitch feat)
      • Beanball (a ball intentionally thrown at the batter (instead of at the catcher); if it connects as a standard ranged attack, it counts as an automatic Walk for the batter, as well as grounds for a fight)
    • Note: If the pitcher fails to overcome the catcher’s touch AC, then the catcher can still attempt to catch the ball, but with a +5 to the DC; this pitch is considered a “Ball.”

    Batter (Dex, Str, Wis)
    • Reflex save DC15 (base 11, +4 for size) to intercept ball with bat
    • 5 ranks in Sense Motive = +1 to Reflex roll
    • 10 ranks in Sense Motive = +2 to Reflex roll
    • 15 ranks in Sense Motive = +3 to Reflex roll
    • 20 ranks in Sense Motive = +4 to Reflex roll
    • Roll 1d20 + Dex to determine Hit Type

    Table 1-1: Hit Type
    {table=head]1d20 + Dex|Category|Zone Modifier|Special
    Natural 1|Foul Tip|-60|+10 to Spot DC to perceive
    2 or less|Grounder|-30|+5 to Reflex DC to catch
    3-8|Pop Fly|-15|-10 to Reflex DC to catch
    9-13|Fly Ball|+0|-5 to Reflex DC to catch
    14-19|Line Drive|+15|+5 to Spot DC to perceive
    20 or more|Slam|+30|+5 to Reflex DC to catch
    Natural 20|Homer|+60|+10 to Reflex DC to catch[/table]

    Table 1-2: Location
    01-10|Foul (Table 2-1)
    11-50|Infield (Table 2-2)
    51-99|Outfield(Table 2-3)
    100|Home Run[/table]

    Table 2-1: Foul Zone*
    01|Far Left
    02|Back Center
    03|Far Right[/table]

    Table 2-2: Infield Zone*

    Table 2-3: Outfield Zone*

    * = Right handed players have a 75% chance (2-4 on a 1d4) to -1 from these values (minimum 1).
    * = Left handed players have a 75% chance (2-4 on a 1d4) to +1 from these values (maximum 3).
    * = Ambidextrous players & those with Two-Handed feats/features do not modify these values.

    Special Attack: Bunt (Bluff DC15, +5 for each additional successful bunt, success adds +5 to Spot DC to perceive & +10 to Reflex DC to catch, automatic Infield Zone/no mods)

    Catcher (Dex)
    • Reflex save DC5 to catch (+5 if the pitcher fails to overcome the catcher’s touch AC)

    Fielders (Dex, Wis, Str)
    • Spot check DC10 to perceive landing
    • Reflex save DC15 to catch ball
    • Search check DC5/10/15 to find ball
    • Ranged touch attack (BAB + Dex) to toss ball
    • Automatic Spot success & +5 to Reflex roll if tossed by another fielder
    • Jump check (DC20) to catch (+2 to Reflex roll)
    • Finessed melee touch attack (BAB + Dex) to tag runner (+5 circumstance bonus if on plate)

    Runner (Dex, Cha)
    • Run 4× speed (80’ @ 20/round, 120’ @ 30/round), or 5× (100’ @ 20/round, 150’ @ 30/round) speed with the Run feat
    • Tumble check (DC20) to dodge a fielder (+4 to AC)
    • Bluff DC20 to steal a base, +2 for each additional base stolen
    Last edited by Zeta Kai; 2008-10-02 at 11:32 AM. Reason: typos

  6. - Top - End - #6
    Orc in the Playground
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    Default Re: D20 Baseball

    Ye gods, that's elaborate. I think the batting intercept DC should be based on the pitcher's ranged touch attack roll rather than a flat DC, though. And the type of hit should be influenced by how much the batter beat the intercept DC by - maybe add the difference between roll and DC as a bonus on the d20 to determine type of hit?
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  7. - Top - End - #7
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: D20 Baseball

    I tried that initially, but the variables kept breaking down, ensuring that it would only ever be 2 or 3 types of hits. It also got insanely complicated, requiring another 2 or so rolls in the batting sequence.

    In order to keep the rules simplified yet robust, I had to go with a flatter DC (it's not entirely flat, as the pitcher can modify it with trick pitches). That was the only way I could account for strikes, foul tips, grounders, pop flys, fly balls, line drives, slams AND homers. There's a lot that can happen to the ball between the pitcher's glove, the batter's bat, & the outfield (or wherever).

    In order to keep it down to 4 rolls or less, as well as maintain statistical approximations of reality, some things had to be sacrificed. No one would play a totally realistic baseball sim in a tabletop game. They'd play a video game, which does all the math for you.

    Also, a DC15 on the intercept Reflex Save means that an average person (Ref +0) would have a Batting Average of .300, & a skilled person (let's say Ref +4) would have a Batting Average of .500. If you start moving the numbers around too much, that aspect of reality gets completely lost.

    P.S.: That's also why the batter only has to have X ranks in Sense Motive in order to gain a bonus to his/her intercept. Otherwise, it would be a SM check, which is of course another roll. Game design was hard in college, & it's hard now.

    P.P.S.: If anyone can do better than me with this, by all means let me know. I'm by no means perfect. My baseball expertise is minimal; this was a game-design/math-challenge project for me. So if you know how to do this better, go for it.

  8. - Top - End - #8
    Dwarf in the Playground
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    Default Re: D20 Baseball

    I like it, it seems very well put together, and you obviously spent a lot of time on it. Just a question how long were you developing these rules?
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  9. - Top - End - #9
    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Default Re: D20 Baseball

    Looks very nice. I made something a bit like this with basketball, I might find it and type it up if my apathy subsides.
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  10. - Top - End - #10
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: D20 Baseball

    I started this project about 3 weeks ago, right after I wrapped up the Oaves. Most of that time was spent researching the exact rules for baseball (you'd be surprised how much you can know about a game without knowing the precise rules), documenting the different pitches/hits, & going through endless playtesting & revisions. I probably could've vomitted up a close-enough version in a day or so, but I'm a perfectionist (as if one couldn't guess).

    Also, don't forget to check out the Baseball Field.
    Last edited by Zeta Kai; 2007-04-03 at 10:39 AM. Reason: adding ps

  11. - Top - End - #11
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: D20 Baseball

    Here's some more baseball related data, clarifying the ruleset detailed above:

    The League
    • Gate City Goblins
    • Bayside Beholders
    • Mount Fate Mephits
    • Forest Valley Formians
    • Dreamwood Dragons
    • Freeport Flayers
    • South River Slaads
    • Hilltop Hags
    • Red Tree Rakshasas
    • Stone Tower Giants

    The Game Order
    • Inning #1
      • Team A – 3 outs
      • Team B – 3 outs
    • Inning #2
      • Team A – 3 outs
      • Team B – 3 outs
    • Inning #3
      • Team A – 3 outs
      • Team B – 3 outs
    • Inning #4
      • Team A – 3 outs
      • Team B – 3 outs
    • Inning #5
      • Team A – 3 outs
      • Team B – 3 outs
    • Inning #6
      • Team A – 3 outs
      • Team B – 3 outs
    • Inning #7
      • Team A – 3 outs
      • Team B – 3 outs
    • Inning #8
      • Team A – 3 outs
      • Team B – 3 outs
    • Inning #9
      • Team A – 3 outs
      • Team B – 3 outs
    Last edited by Zeta Kai; 2008-10-02 at 09:37 AM.

  12. - Top - End - #12
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: D20 Baseball

    Skills Relevant to the Game
    • Balance
    • Bluff**
    • Climb
    • Jump*
    • Search*
    • Sense Motive*
    • Sleight of Hand**
    • Spot*
    • Tumble*

    * = used in 1 skill check
    ** = used in 2 skill checks
    Last edited by Zeta Kai; 2008-10-02 at 09:38 AM.

  13. - Top - End - #13
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: D20 Baseball

    Feats Relevant to the Game
    • Acrobatic
    • Agile
    • Athletic
    • Lightning Reflexes
    • Run
    • Skill Focus
    • Slider Pitch (new, see below)
    • Curveball Pitch (new, see below)
    • Screwball Pitch (new, see below)
    • Changeup Pitch (new, see below)
    • Knuckleball Pitch (new, see below)
    • Spellball Pitch (new, see below)

    New Baseball Feats!

    Slider Pitch [Baseball]
    You can throw a slider, a pitch halfway between a curveball and a fastball, with less break but more speed than the curve.
    Prerequisites: Str 15+.
    Benefit: If you use this pitch, you add +5 to the batter’s intercept DC.
    Special: This pitch deals 1 point of temporary Strength damage to you.

    Curveball Pitch [Baseball]
    You can throw a curveball, a slower pitch that curves sideways & downward as it reaches the plate, confusing the batter.
    Prerequisites: Bluff 3 ranks .
    Benefit: If you use this pitch, you add +2 to the batter’s intercept DC.

    Screwball Pitch [Baseball]
    You can throw a screwball, a slower pitch that curves sideways & downward as it reaches the plate, but in the opposite direction of a curveball, confusing the batter.
    Prerequisites: Bluff 5 ranks.
    Benefit: If you use this pitch, you add +5 to the batter’s intercept DC.
    Special: This pitch deals 1 point of temporary Dexterity damage to you.

    Changeup Pitch [Baseball]
    You can throw a changeup, a slower pitch that initially looks like it is going to be a fastball.
    Prerequisites: Sleight of Hand 3 ranks.
    Benefit: If you use this pitch, you add +3 to the batter’s intercept DC.

    Knuckleball Pitch [Baseball]
    You can throw a knuckleball, a pitch with very little spin which behaves very erratically, confusing the batter.
    Prerequisites: Bluff 6 ranks.
    Benefit: If you use this pitch, you add +5 to the batter’s intercept DC.
    Special: This pitch also adds +5 to the DC of the catcher’s Reflex Save.

    Spellball Pitch [Baseball]
    You can throw a Spellball, a slower pitch that initially looks like it is going to be a fastball.
    Prerequisites: Sleight of Hand 6 ranks.
    Benefit: If you use this pitch, you add +10 to the batter’s intercept DC.
    Special: This pitch is an illegal move; a Sleight of Hand check (DC20) is required to avoid getting caught.
    Last edited by Zeta Kai; 2008-10-02 at 09:40 AM.

  14. - Top - End - #14
    Dwarf in the Playground

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    Default Re: D20 Baseball

    I'll just say this.
    Ahthankya, thankyaverymuch.

  15. - Top - End - #15
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: D20 Baseball

    That's a great team, Elvaris. It truly made me laugh. I hope you can use the ruleset I've provided to make your characters play. Although from what I see of your team, it looks like you'd trounce the competition.

  16. - Top - End - #16
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: D20 Baseball

    Bonus Material: An Actual Baseball Team!
    Once I had laid out the rules to play baseball using D&D rules, I needed a team of characters to play the game as I had designed it. This was immeasurably valuable, as it allowed me to see the flaws in my first version (& the second, & the third, etc; this could be called D20 Baseball, version 5.2). Since I posted the game rules themselves, I might as well put up the NPC's that made this version possible. So here they are.

    Note: All players are have been created using the following guidelines:
    • Optimized for baseball, not adventuring
    • Core races/classes/skills/feats only
    • All listed skills have been bought with at least 1 rank (some players would have skill modifiers in other skills that they did not buy)
    • Attempt to maintain some variety among the different players, regardless of race, level, or class

    The Gate City Goblins (all 1st level rogues)
    Pitcher (Sturo)
    • Male human rogue 1; CR 1; medium humanoid
    • HD 1d6; HP 6; Init +4; Speed 30’; AC 15, touch 14, flatfooted 11; BAB +0; Grapple +4
    • Attack +4 melee (1d10, 20/×2, bat) or +4 ranged (1d4 subdual, 20/×2, 70’, baseball); Full Attack +4 melee (1d10, 20/×2, bat) or +4 ranged (1d4 subdual, 20/×2, 70’, baseball); SA sneak attack (1d6)
    • Alignment Lawful Neutral
    • Saving Throw Fort +0, Ref +8, Will -2
    • Str 18 (+4), Dex 18 (+4), Con 10 (+0), Int 6 (-2), Wis 7 (-2), Cha 16 (+3)
    • Skills & Feats: Balance +8, Bluff +7, Climb +6, Jump +8, Sense Motive +2, Sleight of Hand +8, Spot +2, Tumble +8; Athletic, Lightning Reflexes
    • Age: 19; Height: 5’11”; Weight: 170 lbs; Hand: Right
    • Language: Common
    • Possessions: bat, baseball, padded armor, gauntlet, flask of oil, thieves’ tools

    Catcher (Eberk)
    • Male dwarf rogue 1; CR 1; medium humanoid
    • HD 1d6+2; HP 8; Init +3; Speed 20’; AC 16, touch 13, flatfooted 13; BAB +0; Grapple +2
    • Attack +2 melee (1d10, 20/×2, bat) or +3 ranged (1d4 subdual, 20/×2, 70’, baseball); Full Attack +2 melee (1d10, 20/×2, bat) or +3 ranged (1d4 subdual, 20/×2, 70’, baseball); SA sneak attack (1d6)
    • Alignment Lawful Good
    • Saving Throw Fort +2, Ref +5, Will +2
    • Str 15 (+2), Dex 16 (+3), Con 15 (+2), Int 5 (-3), Wis 14 (+2), Cha 11 (+0)
    • Skills & Feats: Bluff +4, Search +1, Sense Motive +6, Spot +6, Tumble +7; Run
    • Dwarven Traits: Darkvision, +2 vs. Spells & Poison, +1 vs. Orcs & Goblinoids
    • Age: 58; Height: 4’1”; Weight: 180 lbs; Hand: Right
    • Language: Common, Dwarven
    • Possessions: bat, studded leather armor, masterwork gauntlet, thieves’ tools

    1st Baseman (Thamior)
    • Male half-elf rogue 1; CR 1; medium humanoid
    • HD 1d6; HP 5; Init +2; Speed 30’; AC 13, touch 12, flatfooted 11; BAB +0; Grapple +2
    • Attack +2 melee (1d10, 20/×2, bat) or +2 ranged (1d4 subdual, 20/×2, 70’, baseball); Full Attack +2 melee (1d10, 20/×2, bat) or +2 ranged (1d4 subdual, 20/×2, 70’, baseball); SA sneak attack (1d6)
    • Alignment Chaotic Good
    • Saving Throw Fort -1, Ref +4, Will +2
    • Str 15 (+2), Dex 15 (+2), Con 9 (-1), Int 9 (-1), Wis 15 (+2), Cha 10 (+0)
    • Skills & Feats: Balance +6, Bluff +4, Climb +4, Jump +6, Search +4, Sense Motive +6, Spot +7, Tumble +6; Athletic
    • Half-Elven Traits: Immune to Sleep, Low-Light Vision, +1 to Listen, Search & Spot
    • Age: 26; Height: 5’5”; Weight: 175 lbs; Hand: Left
    • Language: Common, Elven
    • Possessions: bat, padded armor, gauntlet, thieves’ tools

    2nd Baseman (Luchanam)
    • Male human rogue 1; CR 1; medium humanoid
    • HD 1d6; HP 8; Init +3; Speed 30’; AC 14, touch 13, flatfooted 11; BAB +0; Grapple +2
    • Attack +2 melee (1d10, 20/×2, bat) or +3 ranged (1d4 subdual, 20/×2, 70’, baseball); Full Attack +2 melee (1d10, 20/×2, bat) or +3 ranged (1d4 subdual, 20/×2, 70’, baseball); SA sneak attack (1d6)
    • Alignment Neutral Good
    • Saving Throw Fort +2, Ref +5, Will +2
    • Str 15 (+2), Dex 16 (+3), Con 14 (+2), Int 13 (+1), Wis 15 (+2), Cha 15 (+2)
    • Skills & Feats: Balance +7, Bluff +6, Climb +6, Diplomacy +6, Jump +8, Search +5, Sense Motive +6, Sleight of Hand +7, Spot +9, Tumble +9; Acrobatic, Skill Focus: Spot
    • Age: 22; Height: 5’9”; Weight: 210 lbs; Hand: Right
    • Language: Common
    • Possessions: bat, padded armor, gauntlet, thieves’ tools
    Shortstop (Keth)
    • Male half-orc rogue 1; CR 1; medium humanoid
    • HD 1d6; HP 8; Init +3; Speed 30’; AC 14, touch 13, flatfooted 11; BAB +0; Grapple +4
    • Attack +4 melee (1d10, 20/×2, bat) or +3 ranged (1d4 subdual, 20/×2, 70’, baseball); Full Attack +4 melee (1d10, 20/×2, bat) or +3 ranged (1d4 subdual, 20/×2, 70’, baseball); SA sneak attack (1d6)
    • Alignment Chaotic Neutral
    • Saving Throw Fort +2, Ref +5, Will +2
    • Str 18 (+4), Dex 17 (+3), Con 15 (+2), Int 12 (+1), Wis 15 (+2), Cha 13 (+1)
    • Skills & Feats: Balance +9, Bluff +5, Climb +8, Jump +8, Search +5, Sense Motive +6, Sleight of Hand +7, Spot +6, Tumble +7; Agile
    • Half-Orc Traits: Darkvision
    • Age: 18; Height: 6’4”; Weight: 370 lbs; Hand: Right
    • Language: Common, Orcish
    • Possessions: bat, padded armor, gauntlet, thieves’ tools
    3rd Baseman (Ugama)
    • Male human rogue 1; CR 1; medium humanoid
    • HD 1d6; HP 7; Init +4; Speed 30’; AC 15, touch 14, flatfooted 11; BAB +0; Grapple +2
    • Attack +2 melee (1d10, 20/×2, bat) or +4 ranged (1d4 subdual, 20/×2, 70’, baseball); Full Attack +2 melee (1d10, 20/×2, bat) or +4 ranged (1d4 subdual, 20/×2, 70’, baseball); SA sneak attack (1d6)
    • Alignment Neutral Good
    • Saving Throw Fort +1, Ref +6, Will +2
    • Str 15 (+2), Dex 18 (+4), Con 13 (+1), Int 13 (+1), Wis 14 (+2), Cha 8 (-1)
    • Skills & Feats: Balance +8, Bluff +3, Climb +6, Gather Information +3, Jump +8, Search +8, Sense Motive +6, Sleight of Hand +8, Spot +6, Tumble +10; Acrobatic, Skill Focus: Search
    • Age: 21; Height: 5’7”; Weight: 200 lbs; Hand: Right
    • Language: Common, Dwarven
    • Possessions: bat, padded armor, gauntlet, thieves’ tools
    Left Fielder (Heian)
    • Male elf rogue 1; CR 1; medium humanoid
    • HD 1d6; HP 6; Init +5; Speed 30’; AC 16, touch 15, flatfooted 11; BAB +0; Grapple +3
    • Attack +3 melee (1d10, 20/×2, bat) or +5 ranged (1d4 subdual, 20/×2, 70’, baseball); Full Attack +3 melee (1d10, 20/×2, bat) or +5 ranged (1d4 subdual, 20/×2, 70’, baseball); SA sneak attack (1d6)
    • Alignment Chaotic Good
    • Saving Throw Fort +0, Ref +7, Will +3
    • Str 17 (+3), Dex 20 (+5), Con 10 (+0), Int 10 (+0), Wis 16 (+3), Cha 14 (+2)
    • Skills & Feats: Balance +9, Bluff +6, Jump +10, Search +6, Sense Motive +7, Sleight of Hand +9, Spot +9, Tumble +9; Skill Focus: Jump
    • Elven Traits: Immune to Sleep, Low-Light Vision, +2 to Listen, Search & Spot
    • Age: 134; Height: 5’1”; Weight: 135 lbs; Hand: Left
    • Language: Common, Elven
    • Possessions: bat, padded armor, gauntlet, thieves’ tools
    Center Fielder (Pereon)
    • Male human rogue 1; CR 1; medium humanoid
    • HD 1d6; HP 7; Init +3; Speed 30’; AC 14, touch 13, flatfooted 11; BAB +0; Grapple +3
    • Attack +3 melee (1d10, 20/×2, bat) or +3 ranged (1d4 subdual, 20/×2, 70’, baseball); Full Attack +3 melee (1d10, 20/×2, bat) or +3 ranged (1d4 subdual, 20/×2, 70’, baseball); SA sneak attack (1d6)
    • Alignment Lawful Good
    • Saving Throw Fort +1, Ref +5, Will +2
    • Str 16 (+3), Dex 17 (+3), Con 12 (+1), Int 11 (+0), Wis 14 (+2), Cha 12 (+1)
    • Skills & Feats: Balance +7, Bluff +8, Climb +9, Jump +7, Search +4, Sense Motive +6, Sleight of Hand +7, Spot +6, Tumble +7; Athletic, Skill Focus: Bluff
    • Age: 20; Height: 5’6”; Weight: 220 lbs; Hand: Right
    • Language: Common
    • Possessions: bat, padded armor, gauntlet, thieves’ tools

    Right Fielder (Lanash)
    • Male human rogue 1; CR 1; medium humanoid
    • HD 1d6; HP 8; Init +3; Speed 30’; AC 14, touch 13, flatfooted 11; BAB +0; Grapple +3
    • Attack +3 melee (1d10, 20/×2, bat) or +3 ranged (1d4 subdual, 20/×2, 70’, baseball); Full Attack +3 melee (1d10, 20/×2, bat) or +3 ranged (1d4 subdual, 20/×2, 70’, baseball); SA sneak attack (1d6)
    • Alignment Lawful Neutral
    • Saving Throw Fort +2, Ref +5, Will +2
    • Str 16 (+3), Dex 17 (+3), Con 14 (+3), Int 13 (+1), Wis 15 (+2), Cha 14 (+2)
    • Skills & Feats: Balance +7, Bluff +6, Climb +7, Jump +7, Knowledge (baseball) +5, Search +5, Sense Motive +9, Sleight of Hand +7, Spot +8, Tumble +7; Alertness, Skill Focus: Sense Motive
    • Age: 23; Height: 5’10”; Weight: 190 lbs; Hand: Right
    • Language: Common
    • Possessions: bat, padded armor, gauntlet, thieves’ tools
    Last edited by Zeta Kai; 2008-10-02 at 09:51 AM.

  17. - Top - End - #17
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: D20 Baseball

    ...why is hitting the ball a Reflex save instead of an attack roll? One could use a function of damage to determine distance, treating the bat as a two-handed club (which it is) if you went that route.

  18. - Top - End - #18
    Dwarf in the Playground
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    Default Re: D20 Baseball

    (using a Search check, DC5 for dirt fields, DC10 for shorn grass fields, DC15 for wild grass fields)
    Should't this be spot?
    Avatar by Wayril.

  19. - Top - End - #19
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: D20 Baseball

    Fax - Hitting the ball is a Reflex save because the pitcher is aiming for the catcher's glove; the batter is attempting to intercept the ball's path, which is a function of Dexterity, at least according to me. As for clubbing damage, I attempted that exact thing in Version 1.0, but it didn't really work (see post #7 above for a more detailed rationale). Overall, the current version is simpler, & more versatile (again, my opinion).

    FE - I'd say Search because in taller grass, you can't use Spot; most campaign setting don't have lawnmowers (not even Eberron). And I didn't want to change the skill check based on conditions, so I just made it Search. Also, Search is Intelligence-based, so it's a good excuse to avoid a situation where an imbecile can out-perform a character of greater Intelligence (an all-too-common occurance in D&D).

    Like I said earlier, if anyone can come up with better rules, by all means, please do. I'm sure that this isn't perfect. It's just the best that I can do with a sport like baseball. I'm not even into sports.

  20. - Top - End - #20
    Dwarf in the Playground
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    Thumbs up Re: D20 Baseball

    In general, I like your rules a lot. This shows the great variety of things you can use the d20 ruleset for if you put the effort in.

    However, like the above poster, I don't think hitting the ball (or catching it, for that matter) should be a reflex save. Yes, they should be dex based, but a reflex save is not the right way to handle it.

    The reson for this is that saves are to avoid things, while checks and attacks are to do things. Therefor, active actions like hitting and catching a baseball should be a check and not a save. For batting, I would suggest a finessed melee touch attack against an AC determined by the pitch. I'm not entirely sure what to use for catching. Pehaps a finessed melee touch attack also. (Of course, a baseball has no armor bonus to AC so the touch part is mainly redundant, but it should be a touch attack.)

    Also, I think strength should matter a little more than it does. A batter's strength should have an influence on how far he hits the ball and a pitcher's strenght should have an effect on how fast his pitches are (at least for a fastball and possible a slider).

    Perhaps the spellball feat should require some sort of casting ability. It's just a suggestion, but it seems to make sense to me. Actually, wouldn't it work better as a spell, rather than a feat.

  21. - Top - End - #21
    Dwarf in the Playground

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    Default Re: D20 Baseball

    Actually, if you think about it, the closest thing in the D&D rules to hitting a baseball is deflect arrows, which was originally written to use reflex saves.

    What bothers me is that while there's an advancement scale for pitchers (new pitches are feats), hitters are expected to stay around first level, otherwise they're putting up absurd averages. There has to be if not a scaling DC for hitting, at least a higher one.
    Last edited by Elvaris; 2007-04-05 at 09:06 AM. Reason: Blindsided by a rule change.
    Ahthankya, thankyaverymuch.

  22. - Top - End - #22
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: D20 Baseball

    Alright, since everyone seems to agree that batting should be some sort of ranged touch attack, with damage inflicted by the bat (modified by strength) being the determining factor of the Hit Type, I've decided to go back to my earlier versions & see if I can salvage something functional out of it. I'll do my best, but be warned: I gave up in frustration once, & I'm not above doing it again. We'll see if I can come up with non-garbage this time.
    Last edited by Zeta Kai; 2007-04-06 at 07:42 PM. Reason: typo

  23. - Top - End - #23
    Dwarf in the Playground
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    Default Re: D20 Baseball

    I don't think that damage has to neccessarily be involved, but stength should give some sort of bonus.

    BTW monkes with lots of fast movement own at rounding the bases.

  24. - Top - End - #24
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: D20 Baseball

    Bonus Material: Another Baseball Team!

    I was working on other things, & completely forgot to post this. I didn't even notice until a friend of mine asked for a higher-level team. I had thought that these guys were posted already, but I've been so busy working on my next project, it had totally slipped my mind. Oops.

    This is a much tougher team than the Gate City Goblins. These guys regularly trounce the Goblins, & are much more professional, in addition to their greater talent.

    Note: All players are have been created using the following guidelines:
    • Optimized for baseball, not adventuring
    • Core races/classes/skills/feats only
    • All listed skills have been bought with at least 1 rank (some players would have skill modifiers in other skills that they did not buy)
    • Attempt to maintain some variety among the different players, regardless of race, level, or class

    Bayside Beholders (all 5th level rogues)
    Pitcher (Laucian)
    • Male human rogue 5; CR 5; medium humanoid
    • HD 5d6; HP 15; Init +4; Speed 30’; AC 15, touch 14, flatfooted 15; BAB +3; Grapple +5
    • Attack +5 melee (1d10, 20/x2, bat) or +7 ranged (1d4 subdual, 20/x2, 70’, baseball); Full Attack +5 melee (1d10, 20/x2, bat) or +7 ranged (1d4 subdual, 20/x2, 70’, baseball); SA sneak attack (3d6), Evasion, Trap Sense, Uncanny Dodge
    • Alignment Chaotic Neutral
    • Saving Throw Fort +1, Ref +8, Will +1
    • Str 14 (+2), Dex 18 (+4), Con 10 (+0), Int 9 (-1), Wis 11 (+0), Cha 11 (+0)
    • Skills & Feats: Balance +9, Bluff +11, Climb +4, Jump +10, Profession (baseball) +5, Search +4, Sense Motive +7, Sleight of Hand +12, Spot +8, Tumble +14; Curveball Pitch, Skill Focus: Bluff
    • Age: 27; Height: 5’5”; Weight: 165 lbs; Hand: Right
    • Language: Common, Elven
    • Possessions: +1 bat, +1 baseball, masterwork padded armor, masterwork gauntlet, flask of oil, masterwork thieves’ tools

    Catcher (Zandrus)
    • Male human rogue 5; CR 5; medium humanoid
    • HD 5d6; HP 17; Init +4; Speed 30’; AC 17, touch 14, flatfooted 17; BAB +3; Grapple +4
    • Attack +4 melee (1d10, 20/x2, bat) or +7 ranged (1d4 subdual, 20/x2, 70’, baseball); Full Attack +4 melee (1d10, 20/x2, bat) or +7 ranged (1d4 subdual, 20/x2, 70’, baseball); SA sneak attack (3d6), Evasion, Trap Sense, Uncanny Dodge
    • Alignment Lawful Neutral
    • Saving Throw Fort +1, Ref +10, Will +2
    • Str 12 (+1), Dex 19 (+4), Con 11 (+0), Int 9 (-1), Wis 12 (+1), Cha 12 (+1)
    • Skills & Feats: Balance +14, Bluff +7, Climb +4, Jump +14, Profession (baseball) +8, Search +5, Sense Motive +8, Sleight of Hand +11, Spot +7, Tumble +17; Lightning Reflexes, Skill Focus: Jump, Skill Focus: Tumble
    • Age: 22; Height: 5’10”; Weight: 180 lbs; Hand: Left
    • Language: Common
    • Possessions: +1 bat, masterwork studded leather armor, blinding gauntlet, masterwork thieves’ tools

    1st Baseman (Fambaro)
    • Male human rogue 5; CR 5; medium humanoid
    • HD 5d6+5; HP 24; Init +4; Speed 30’; AC 15, touch 14, flatfooted 15; BAB +3; Grapple +5
    • Attack +5 melee (1d10, 20/x2, bat) or +7 ranged (1d4 subdual, 20/x2, 70’, baseball); Full Attack +5 melee (1d10, 20/x2, bat) or +7 ranged (1d4 subdual, 20/x2, 70’, baseball); SA sneak attack (3d6), Evasion, Trap Sense, Uncanny Dodge
    • Alignment Neutral Good
    • Saving Throw Fort +2, Ref +8, Will +3
    • Str 15 (+2), Dex 19 (+4), Con 12 (+1), Int 9 (-1), Wis 15 (+2), Cha 13 (+1)
    • Skills & Feats: Balance +16, Bluff +9, Climb +10, Jump +12, Profession (baseball) +6, Search +6, Sense Motive +9, Sleight of Hand +11, Spot +8, Tumble +15; Acrobatic, Agile, Athletic
    • Age: 24; Height: 5’8”; Weight: 200 lbs; Hand: Right
    • Language: Common
    • Possessions: +1 bat, masterwork padded armor, masterwork gauntlet, masterwork thieves’ tools

    2nd Baseman (Traubon)
    • Male dwarf rogue 5; CR 5; medium humanoid
    • HD 5d6+15; HP 41; Init +4; Speed 20’; AC 15, touch 14, flatfooted 15; BAB +3; Grapple +5
    • Attack +5 melee (1d10, 20/x2, bat) or +7 ranged (1d4 subdual, 20/x2, 70’, baseball); Full Attack +5 melee (1d10, 20/x2, bat) or +7 ranged (1d4 subdual, 20/x2, 70’, baseball); SA sneak attack (3d6), Evasion, Trap Sense, Uncanny Dodge
    • Alignment Lawful Good
    • Saving Throw Fort +4, Ref +8, Will +3
    • Str 15 (+2), Dex 19 (+4), Con 16 (+3), Int 12 (+1), Wis 15 (+2), Cha 12 (+1)
    • Skills & Feats: Balance +14, Bluff +9, Climb +5, Jump +5, Profession (baseball) +10, Search +9, Sense Motive +10, Sleight of Hand +13, Spot +13, Tumble +13; Run, Skill Focus: Spot
    • Dwarven Traits: Darkvision, +2 vs. Spells & Poison, +1 vs. Orcs & Goblinoids
    • Age: 47; Height: 4’3”; Weight: 190 lbs; Hand: Right
    • Language: Common, Dwarven
    • Possessions: +1 bat, masterwork padded armor, masterwork gauntlet, masterwork thieves’ tools

    Shortstop (Aramil)
    • Male elf rogue 5; CR 5; medium humanoid
    • HD 5d6-5; HP 14; Init +5; Speed 30’; AC 16, touch 15, flatfooted 16; BAB +3; Grapple +5
    • Attack +5 melee (1d10, 20/x2, bat) or +8 ranged (1d4 subdual, 20/x2, 70’, baseball); Full Attack +5 melee (1d10, 20/x2, bat) or +8 ranged (1d4 subdual, 20/x2, 70’, baseball); SA sneak attack (3d6), Evasion, Trap Sense, Uncanny Dodge
    • Alignment Chaotic Neutral
    • Saving Throw Fort +0, Ref +11, Will +3
    • Str 15 (+2), Dex 20 (+5), Con 9 (-1), Int 9 (-1), Wis 14 (+2), Cha 13 (+1)
    • Skills & Feats: Balance +12, Bluff +9, Climb +4, Jump +9, Profession (baseball) +6, Search +8, Sense Motive +10, Sleight of Hand +10, Spot +12, Tumble +15; Agile, Lightning Reflexes
    • Elven Traits: Immune to Sleep, Low-Light Vision, +2 to Listen, Search & Spot
    • Age: 118; Height: 5’1”; Weight: 125 lbs; Hand: Right
    • Language: Common, Elven
    • Possessions: +1 bat, masterwork padded armor, masterwork gauntlet, masterwork thieves’ tools

    3rd Baseman (Henk)
    • Male half-orc rogue 5; CR 5; medium humanoid
    • HD 5d6+5; HP 21; Init +4; Speed 30’; AC 15, touch 14, flatfooted 15; BAB +3; Grapple +7
    • Attack +7 melee (1d10, 20/x2, bat) or +7 ranged (1d4 subdual, 20/x2, 70’, baseball); Full Attack +7 melee (1d10, 20/x2, bat) or +7 ranged (1d4 subdual, 20/x2, 70’, baseball); SA sneak attack (3d6), Evasion, Trap Sense, Uncanny Dodge
    • Alignment Chaotic Neutral
    • Saving Throw Fort +2, Ref +8, Will +3
    • Str 19 (+4), Dex 18 (+4), Con 13 (+1), Int 5 (-3), Wis 14 (+2), Cha 10 (+0)
    • Skills & Feats: Balance +9, Bluff +5, Climb +7, Jump +13, Profession (baseball) +4, Search +3, Sense Motive +13, Sleight of Hand +8, Spot +2, Tumble +12; Athletic, Skill Focus: Sense Motive
    • Half-Orc Traits: Darkvision
    • Age: 16; Height: 6’6”; Weight: 410 lbs; Hand: Right
    • Language: Common, Orcish
    • Possessions: +1 bat, masterwork padded armor, masterwork gauntlet, masterwork thieves’ tools

    Left Fielder (Rombir)
    • Male human rogue 5; CR 5; medium humanoid
    • HD 5d6; HP 27; Init +4; Speed 30’; AC 15, touch 14, flatfooted 15; BAB +3; Grapple +5
    • Attack +5 melee (1d10, 20/x2, bat) or +7 ranged (1d4 subdual, 20/x2, 70’, baseball); Full Attack +5 melee (1d10, 20/x2, bat) or +7 ranged (1d4 subdual, 20/x2, 70’, baseball); SA sneak attack (3d6), Evasion, Trap Sense, Uncanny Dodge
    • Alignment True Neutral
    • Saving Throw Fort +1, Ref +8, Will +1
    • Str 14 (+2), Dex 18 (+4), Con 11 (+0), Int 8 (-1), Wis 11 (+0), Cha 7 (-2)
    • Skills & Feats: Balance +9, Bluff +5, Climb +4, Jump +17, Profession (baseball) +6, Search +6, Sense Motive +8, Sleight of Hand +13, Spot +8, Tumble +19; Acrobatic, Skill Focus: Jump, Skill Focus: Tumble
    • Age: 25; Height: 5’9”; Weight: 170 lbs; Hand: Right
    • Language: Common
    • Possessions: +1 bat, masterwork padded armor, masterwork gauntlet, masterwork thieves’ tools

    Center Fielder (Vishal)
    • Male human rogue 5; CR 5; medium humanoid
    • HD 5d6+5; HP 19; Init +3; Speed 30’; AC 14, touch 13, flatfooted 14; BAB +3; Grapple +5
    • Attack +5 melee (1d10, 20/x2, bat) or +6 ranged (1d4 subdual, 20/x2, 70’, baseball); Full Attack +5 melee (1d10, 20/x2, bat) or +6 ranged (1d4 subdual, 20/x2, 70’, baseball); SA sneak attack (3d6), Evasion, Trap Sense, Uncanny Dodge
    • Alignment Neutral Good
    • Saving Throw Fort +2, Ref +7, Will +3
    • Str 15 (+2), Dex 17 (+3), Con 13 (+1), Int 13 (+1), Wis 14 (+2), Cha 14 (+2)
    • Skills & Feats: Balance +15, Bluff +10, Climb +12, Jump +12, Profession (baseball) +10, Search +9, Sense Motive +10, Sleight of Hand +13, Spot +13, Tumble +13; Agile, Athletic, Skill Focus: Spot
    • Age: 17; Height: 5’3”; Weight: 160 lbs; Hand: Right
    • Language: Common
    • Possessions: +1 bat, masterwork padded armor, masterwork gauntlet, masterwork thieves’ tools

    Right Fielder (“Ogre” Ompras)
    • Male human rogue 5; CR 5; medium humanoid
    • HD 5d6; HP 23; Init +4; Speed 30’; AC 15, touch 14, flatfooted 15; BAB +3; Grapple +6
    • Attack +6 melee (1d10, 20/x2, bat) or +7 ranged (1d4 subdual, 20/x2, 70’, baseball); Full Attack +6 melee (1d10, 20/x2, bat) or +7 ranged (1d4 subdual, 20/x2, 70’, baseball); SA sneak attack (3d6), Evasion, Trap Sense, Uncanny Dodge
    • Alignment Chaotic Neutral
    • Saving Throw Fort +1, Ref +8, Will +2
    • Str 17 (+3), Dex 18 (+4), Con 10 (+0), Int 4 (-3), Wis 13 (+1), Cha 12 (-1)
    • Skills & Feats: Balance +7, Bluff +6, Climb +9, Jump +14, Profession (baseball) +5, Search +6, Sense Motive +8, Spot +9, Tumble +9; Athletic, Skill Focus: Jump, Skill Focus: Search
    • Age: 24; Height: 6’1”; Weight: 240 lbs; Hand: Right
    • Language: Common
    • Possessions: +1 bat, masterwork padded armor, masterwork gauntlet, masterwork thieves’ tools
    Last edited by Zeta Kai; 2008-10-02 at 11:49 AM.

  25. - Top - End - #25
    imp_fireball's Avatar

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    Jul 2008

    Default Re: D20 Baseball

    All apologies for the EXTREME necro, but this kind of thing must survive for all time. :D

    Have you covered base stealing mechanics yet?

    Here's something I thought of (if you care):

    - Three elements apply to a steal: Thrower, Catcher, and Runner

    - The runner sits on any base and attempts to make a steal by moving to another base at a random interval. A steal can be counter-acted by the thrower. If the thrower is holding the ball (usually the pitcher), then they make a spot check against the runner's AC. Success indicates that the thrower can throw the ball to the catcher (usually the baseman; whatever you call them) or whoever else they wish before the runner begins moving. Failure indicates that the runner can make a move action before the thrower reacts and throws the ball.

    - Throwing and catching involves two d20 rolls. The thrower rolls a d20 and the catcher reacts by rolling a d20 with his DEX bonus subtracting from the roll (or adding if he has a DEX penalty). If the catcher rolls lower than the thrower, then the catcher catches the ball. This action is usually a move action for both, or a move action in a single round.

    - If the catcher catches the ball, then they may roll initiative versus the runner's initiative. Success indicates that they move before the runner moves. Getting the runner 'out' is a melee or ranged touch attack depending on where the runner is. Failure to catch a ball means the catcher must retrieve it, which can be anywhere from a move, standard or full action depending on how much higher then the pitcher they rolled to catch the ball.

    - Two successes, one from the pitcher and one from the catcher, means that the runner never has a chance to move at all, whereas two failures often means the runner can make as much as a full action while either the thrower or catcher can only react once.

    - Depending on who has the ball, that person reacts appropriately to a steal. The catcher might have the ball at the time and so the 'steal phase' begins with the initiative check, rather then resolving spot and catch checks.

    - Moving in a move action means moving base speed. The runner can move anywhere limited by distance on the map. As per the normal rules of baseball, they cannot be caught 'out' if they end their action on a square where the base is located before a touch attack with the ball succeeds against them.

    - Alternatively, the thrower can throw to a shortstop. If the shortstop is in the passage of the runner (between bases that the runner wishes to move to), they can make a DEX check opposed by the runner to make a touch attack against them even after failing an initiative check against the runner... however the runner can choose to tumble through the shortstop's space (applying usual tumble and move rules) to eliminate this option for the other team; but only if the shortstop is holding the ball at the time.

    BTW monkes with lots of fast movement own at rounding the bases.
    So do barbs with fast movement at first level and high STR for batting.

    Other ideas:

    - Baseball related feats? 'Improved Catch' (-4 to catch a ball) is one idea.

    What about d20 Hockey? Arrrg! Sports must continue! Raawwwrrrgh.
    Last edited by imp_fireball; 2009-07-29 at 04:48 PM.

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