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Thread: Hunt Domain

  1. - Top - End - #1
    Titan in the Playground
    Zaydos's Avatar

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    Default Hunt Domain


    Granted Power: You gain Track as a bonus feat. Add Survival to your cleric skill list.

    1. Aspect of the WolfSpC
    2. Marked ObjectSpC
    3. Phantom Steed
    4. Locate Creature
    5. Commune with Nature
    6. Hunting Hound (new spell see below)
    7. Animal Shapes
    8. Discern Location
    9. Hunt's End (new spell, see below)

    Hunting Hound
    Conjuration (Creation)/Evocation [Force]
    Level: Hunt 6
    Components: V, S, M
    Casting Time: 1 minute
    Range: 5 ft.
    Effect: Hunting dog
    Duration: 1 hour/caster level or until discharged; see text (D)
    Saving Throw: None
    Spell Resistance: No

    You conjure forth a hound of force, invisible to normal sight, though appearing as a blue outline of energy to you. The hound follows you for 1 hour/caster level or until you give it a target at which point it will remain for only 1 round per hour or fraction thereof remaining in its duration. The hound has no physical presence until it is given a verbal command to attack a target (free action on your part, it acts during your turn only, however) at which point it coalesces into indestructible force (although it may be dispelled) which savagely attacks the target. The hound is medium sized with a Strength score equal to your Wisdom and an AC of 14 (+2 natural, +2 Dexterity), it cannot take damage but a disintegration spell or effect instantly destroys it, and it may be dispelled, bull rushed, tripped, etc. It may move up to 60 ft per round and attacks the designated target with a BAB equal to your caster level for an attack bonus of your Caster level + your Wisdom modifier (it is invisible and receives the standard bonuses against creatures unable to see invisible creatures and objects), and deals 2d6 plus your Wisdom modifier damage per attack. You may redirect the hound at a new target as a free action.

    When you cast the spell you may touch a creature to designate it as the hound's master instead. In which case the hound follows them, they are able to see it, and it attacks targets on their command.

    Material Component: A piece of raw meat.

    Hunt's End
    Conjuration (Teleportation)/Divination
    Level: Hunt 9
    Components: V
    Casting Time: 1 standard action
    Range: Personal and touch
    Target: You and touched willing creatures
    Duration: Instantaneous
    Saving Throw: None
    Spell Resistance: No

    With a word you instantly transport yourself and up to 1 touched willing Medium or smaller creature per caster level to the location of any creature you are aware of. A Large creature counts as two Medium creatures, a Huge creature counts as two Large creatures, and so forth. This spell may travel you between planes as necessary to reach the target appearing within 5 to 100 ft as determined by you. If the target is protected by a Mind Blank spell or similarly potent effect which blocks Divination you must make a caster level check opposed by 11 + the caster level of the effect. If you succeed by 10 or less you appear close to the target but not accurately, deviating by 1% of the total distance traveled in a random direction (you never materialize somewhere inherently damaging to you if there is a place within 1 mile of the location you would appear which is not appearing there instead, and you never appear within a solid object), or 5-500 miles away if used to travel between planes. If you succeed by more than 10 you may wholly ignore such effects.

    Not sure I like Hunt's End, but I didn't want to use Shapechange because too much overlap with the Animal domain and the two are thematically connected enough that I want you to have a reason to take both and it also already gives 2 spells that are the same and generally better spells. than the animal domain.
    Last edited by Zaydos; 2015-09-13 at 12:33 PM.
    Peanut Half-Dragon Necromancer by Kurien.

    Current Projects:

    Group: The Harrowing Halloween Harvest of Horror Part 2

    Personal Silliness: Vote what Soulknife "Fix"/Inspired Class Should I make??? Past Work Expansion Caricatures.

    Old: My homebrew (updated 9/9)

  2. - Top - End - #2
    Dwarf in the Playground

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    May 2015

    Default Re: Hunt Domain

    Don't worry, in my opinion hunt's end is a great spell thematically, although maybe a bit weak? Still, I love the flavor and what it does. What if you gave it 1 target/level if used without plane shifting? It would iOS not overpower it I don't think, but it would let people feasibly bring a small army .(emphasis on small)
    The rest of the domain checks out and seems great as usual.
    Spoiler: Quotes!!
    Quote Originally Posted by Saintheart View Post
    Wouldn't a half-elf/half-orc be a Fork?
    Quote Originally Posted by Chronos View Post
    And besides, it's a ludicrous way of breaking the game by twisting rules beyond all recognition. Kobolds have to be involved in there somewhere.

  3. - Top - End - #3
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Hunt Domain

    Quote Originally Posted by Elandris Kajar View Post
    Don't worry, in my opinion hunt's end is a great spell thematically, although maybe a bit weak? Still, I love the flavor and what it does. What if you gave it 1 target/level if used without plane shifting? It would iOS not overpower it I don't think, but it would let people feasibly bring a small army .(emphasis on small)
    The rest of the domain checks out and seems great as usual.
    Yeah being on the weak side for a Lv 9 spell is what I'm afraid of. I just went ahead and made it 1/level for plane shifting or not since Plane Shift (5th level spell) already transports a flat 8 (which is more than 20/3), and Greater Planeshift (7th level spell) does it without inaccuracy. So this has the advantage of saving you the scry part of Scry and Die (though that means you don't actually know how many enemies are about at the moment), allowing you to bring more allies, and combining Gr. Planeshift and Gr. Teleport into one spell. All for +2 levels of spell slot and only being available as a domain spell so it's one way.
    Peanut Half-Dragon Necromancer by Kurien.

    Current Projects:

    Group: The Harrowing Halloween Harvest of Horror Part 2

    Personal Silliness: Vote what Soulknife "Fix"/Inspired Class Should I make??? Past Work Expansion Caricatures.

    Old: My homebrew (updated 9/9)

  4. - Top - End - #4
    Dwarf in the Playground

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    Default Re: Hunt Domain

    It seems much better now. I like it.
    Spoiler: Quotes!!
    Quote Originally Posted by Saintheart View Post
    Wouldn't a half-elf/half-orc be a Fork?
    Quote Originally Posted by Chronos View Post
    And besides, it's a ludicrous way of breaking the game by twisting rules beyond all recognition. Kobolds have to be involved in there somewhere.

  5. - Top - End - #5
    Ettin in the Playground
    Amechra's Avatar

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    Default Re: Hunt Domain

    If you want an alternative to Hunt's End... why not go with something like Kezef's perfect tracking?

    Basically, if Kezef wants to find you, he goes to the place of your birth... and then tracks you by the fact that you've been there. He's inescapable because of the simple fact that he's tracking the places you've been, not any traces that you've left behind.

    So perhaps a spell that is to Locate Creature what Shapechange is to Polymorph?
    Quote Originally Posted by segtrfyhtfgj View Post
    door is a fake exterior wall
    If you see me try to discuss the nitty-gritty of D&D 5e, kindly point me to my signature and remind me that I shouldn't. Please and thank you!

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