Snips, Snails, and Dragon Tales: Now available in PDF format from Gumroad
Snips, Snails, and Dragon Tales is now on sale in PDF format from Gumroad - with 6 never-before-collected bonus comics!
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    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Bek11's Skill Trick Compendium: 100+ New Skill Tricks!

    Skills are boring. You can't just give a class an ability that says "You get +1 to skills." I have a habit of, when I want to make a character seem skilled, give them skill tricks.

    The annoying part, as it happens, is that there are so few skill tricks! And who's fixing it?

    Zagreen made 5 skill tricks in 2007. They're pretty good, although Jump Start has some dangerous combo potential.

    Archade made 4 skill tricks in 2008. The wording is mostly sound and they seem balanced, except maybe the mace one. Especially with Aptitude.

    RobbyPants made 10 new skill tricks in 2009. They need another editing pass and mostly focus on buffing stealth and intimidation.

    Drakeleonclaw made 8 skill tricks in 2010. Half of them are solid. The other half I don't really like.

    Realms of Chaos made 45 skill tricks in 2010. They tend to be on the powerful side of things. The majority of the focus is on social skills, but there are a few free attacks and such in there.

    Vorpal Tribble made 8 skill tricks in 2010 as well. I think regulate temperature hits the sweet spot but the others are a bit over/underbalanced.

    Nonsi's been assembling a few dozen skill tricks from various sources. Some will be from here.

    AWizardInDallas "Made" new skill tricks for pathfinder. They're all skill tricks in Complete Scoundrel minus two editing passes. Don't even bother reading them.

    1.7: Added Graphologist, Guesstimation Master.
    Spoiler: Previous Versions
    1.61: Added Versatile Performer. Removed Rebuking Inflection - It's a bit more complex (and a much longer read) than I want for the compendium. Total count: 112 (5 from Jormengand).
    1.6: Added 22 new skill tricks: Battle Buddy, Brown Note, Charming Smile, It's Not The Butler, Punch The Magic Out, Trick Shot, Follow-Through, Measured Breath, Merciful Cut, Open Palm, Patient Strike, Sure Grip, Under The Guard, Adaptive Metamorphosis, Catalog, Cut Corners, Hoarder, Legendary Tracker, Peripheral Vision, Portable Attention Hole, Travel-Sized, and Dashing Swordsman. Total count: 112 (6 from Jormengand).
    1.5: Added 10 new skill tricks: Keep The Memory, To Serve Man, Boom Goes The Dynamite, I Made This, Push The Limits, Spit Fire, Stab The Buckle, Tolerance, It Knows Its Master, and Mana Weaving. Total count: 90 (6 from Jormengand).
    1.4: Added 8 new skill tricks: Anyway Here's Wonderwall, Busy Hands, High Note, Mighty Blow, In Good Hands, Secret Sign, Timpanist, and Procedural Piety. Total count: 80 (6 from Jormengand).
    1.3: Added 11 new skill tricks: Extrovert, Saddlebred, Sympathetic Cure, Sublime Deflection, Azure Boost, Diligent Student, Hardened, Ignore Providence, Solidified Aether, Squint, and Momentous Leap. Total count: 72 (6 from Jormengand).
    1.2: Added 6 new skill tricks: Deathless Analyst, Impossible Sleep, Backflip (Jormengand) and Midair Parry, Debilitating Wound, and Adaptive Stance (me). Total count: 61 (6 from Jormengand).
    1.1: Added 6 new skill tricks: Rebuking Inflection, Truename Metamagic, Inner Monologue (Jormengand) and Rending Blade, Lucky Stiff, Spell Slinger (me). Total count: 55 (3 from Jormengand).
    1.0: I decided to build one skill trick for every skill. 1 covers craft, 1 references profession, and I only have 4 across all perform skills. I did not make a truespeak trick. 49 skill tricks in all. This means 11 interaction, 17 manipulation, 13 mental, and 8 movement skill tricks.

    I tried to balance worse skills by granting them more powerful tricks. I tried to reward certain archetypes for spending ranks in skills outside of their wheelhouse. When is the last time you saw a wizard with ranks in survival?

    Some skill tricks require more than one skill, but each has exactly one primary skill (the one that takes the most ranks).

    To recap skill tricks:
    • 2 Skill Points to learn.
    • Useable once per encounter.
    • Maximum known equal to half your level, rounded up. How boring! Consider increasing this.

    Interaction Prerequisites Description
    Anyway Here's Wonderwall Perform (String Instruments) 8 ranks Gain the Seduction ability, and use Perform (String Instruments) for it.
    Battle Buddy Diplomacy 5 ranks, base attack bonus +3 Drive an enemy into an ally's attack.
    Brown Note Perform (Any) 8 ranks, Bluff 5 ranks "Feint" at range using perform.
    Charming Smile Diplomacy 8 ranks, Spellcraft 1 rank Make a free diplomacy check when you save against an enchantment spell.
    Deathless Analyst Knowledge (Religion) 5 ranks You can identify Deathless like undead. (Jormengand)
    Demoralizing Strike Intimidate 8 ranks Free demoralize attempt with a melee critical.
    Director Diplomacy 5 ranks Aid two allies in one action, or aid ally from 30 feet away.
    Extrovert Perform (Any) 5 ranks, Bardic Music Gain 1 additional use of bardic music per day.
    Friend of Beasts Handle Animal 8 ranks Handle Animal to temporarily convert an animal or magical beast.
    Heraldry Knowledge (Nobility and Royalty) 5 ranks Get +2 to social skills against people of higher standing.
    In Good Hands Perform (Weapon Drill) 5 ranks Impress a merchant for a discount on a weapon.
    Incredible Bore Perform (Oratory) 5 ranks, Knowledge (Any) 1 rank Bore and wear down their resistance to attack.
    It Was The Wind Bluff 8 ranks, Move Silently 1 rank If someone hears you sneaking, convince them you're a loose floorboard or cat.
    It's Not The Butler Sense Motive 5 ranks Gain +2 or higher bonuses when accusing someone of a crime.
    Keep The Memory Craft (Disturbing Mental Image) 5 ranks Use Craft (Disturbing Mental Image) instead of intimidate.
    Legalese Knowledge (Local) 5 ranks Confuse authority figures to avoid arrest for your crimes.
    Method Acting Perform (Acting) 5 ranks Use Perform (Acting) instead of bluff.
    Punch The Magic Out Intimidate 8 ranks, Spellcraft 1 rank Glare at a spellcaster until his spell fails.
    Quality Snake Oil Profession (Salesman, Barker, or similar) 8 ranks Get 10% more of an item's price when selling.
    Rumormonger Gather Information 5 ranks, Knowledge (Any) 1 rank Use Gather Information to learn anything in your area of knowledge.
    Saddlebred Handle Animal 8 ranks Call your mount to you as a swift action.
    Sympathetic Cure Heal 5 ranks, Diplomacy 1 rank When you or an ally gets healed, heal the other by half.
    To Serve Man Profession (Gourmet Chef) 8 ranks, Heal 1 rank Prepare a meal that heals 3 people 1D3 hit points.
    Trick Shot Bluff 5 ranks, improved feint You can feint with a ranged weapon.
    What's The Deal With... Perform (Comedy) 5 ranks Perform a comedy routine to distract people, or to make friends.
    Manipulation Prerequisites Description
    Blind With Science Knowledge (Geography) 5 ranks Using a reflective surface, dazzle or blind someone in daylight.
    Boom Goes The Dynamite Craft (Trapmaking) 5 ranks Construct and throw small bombs that blind, entangle or knock foes prone.
    Busy Hands Perform (Keyboards) 5 ranks Use Perform (Keyboards) instead of Sleight of Hand.
    Debilitating Wound Sleight of Hand 8 ranks, Heal 5 ranks Replace precision damage with constitution damage.
    Ear To The Ground Listen 5 ranks Listen to the ground to gain tremorsense for 1 round.
    Follow-Through Intimidate 5 ranks, improved disarm If you fail to disarm, sunder the weapon instead.
    Follow Your Nose Spellcraft 8 ranks, Search 5 ranks Automatically notice magical traps.
    High Note Perform (Sing) 12 ranks Your scream can replicate the spell Shatter.
    I Made This Craft (Weaponsmithing) 5 ranks Modify a weapon's grip to make it hard to disarm and hard for others to wield.
    Instrumental Clash Bardic Music, Perform (Keyboard, Percussion, String, or Wind) 5 ranks Smash an instrument for a free round of bardic music.
    Jammed! Disable Device 8 ranks Critical hit and sneak attack a construct for one attack.
    Locksmith Open Lock 8 ranks, Disable Device 5 ranks Swap the insides of two locks.
    Measured Breath Climb or Perform (Wind Instruments) 5 ranks Double the time you can hold your breath.
    Merciful Cut Heal 5 ranks Deal less damage when dropping a foe.
    Midair Parry Iaijutsu Focus 12 ranks Roll a reflex save against a ranged attack.
    Mighty Blow Perform (Wind Instruments) 5 ranks Fire blowguns further and more silently.
    Minor Magics Knowledge (Arcana) 5 ranks Cast a cantrip from the sorcerer/wizard list.
    Net Prophet Use Rope 5 ranks Net attack gains +5 feet of range and gives more penalties if it hits.
    Open Palm Profession (Martial Artist) 8 ranks, natural attacks Add natural attack damage to an unarmed strike.
    Patient Strike Sleight of Hand 5 ranks, Iaijutsu Focus 1 rank, combat reflexes Gain an extra attack of opportunity when a foe moves through threatened squares.
    Pawnbroker Disguise 5 ranks You can disguise one object as another similar one.
    Push The Limits Craft (Bowmaking) 5 ranks Treat a bow as a composite bow with a strength of your choice.
    Rending Blade Jump 8 ranks Strike two adjacent enemies in one attack, for half damage.
    Rogue's Gambit Spot 8 ranks, Sense Motive 1 rank If you fend off a feint, you can trade flat-footed attacks.
    Shield Whack Proficiency with the shield, Sleight of Hand 1 rank Use a shield defensively while bashing; +5 when feinting.
    Slap a Bandage Heal 8 ranks Ignore damage from 1 attack for 5 rounds equal to half your heal result.
    Spare Parts Craft (Any) 5 ranks When making masterwork item, make non-masterwork version too, for free.
    Spit Fire Craft (Alchemy) 8 ranks Drink an alchemical flask to use it as a breath weapon once.
    Stab The Buckle Craft (Armorsmithing) 5 ranks You can sunder armor off of enemies.
    Stealth Takedown Move Silently 5 ranks When you drop an enemy in one attack, they make little sound.
    Sublime Deflection Martial Lore 12 ranks, Discipline Skill 5 ranks Identify a maneuver to use it on your attacker.
    Sure Grip Climb 8 ranks Use strength to throw a weapon.
    Timpanist Perform (Percussion Instruments) 5 ranks Replace your base attack bonus with ranks in Perform (Percussion Instruments).
    Tolerance Craft (Poisonmaking) 8 ranks You take less ability damage and drain.
    Truename Metamagic Truespeak 8 ranks, Knowledge (Arcana) 5 ranks, Any metamagic feat Spontaneously apply a metamagic feat by speaking the target's truename. (Jormengand)
    Turnabout Knowledge (Dungeoneering) 5 ranks, Disable Device 1 rank Make a trap you find go off in a different spot.
    Under The Guard Sleight of Hand 5 ranks, combat reflexes Opponents making concentration checks still provoke attacks of opportunity.
    Versatile Performer Perform (Any) 5 ranks Use a different ability with a perform skill.
    Wits and Environment Knowledge (Architecture and Engineering) 5 ranks Ignore building hardness.
    You Can Tell That It's A Tree Knowledge (Nature) 5 ranks, Hide 1 rank Hide your whole campsite.
    Mental Prerequisites Description
    Adaptive Metamorphosis Control Shape 8 ranks Gain shapechanging benefits after being damaged by energy.
    Applied Academics Knowledge (The Planes) 5 ranks Use knowledge to control the gravity or magic of planes.
    Azure Boost Concentration 8 ranks Gain 1 essentia for 1 round.
    Catalog Any skill 5 ranks You can learn 4 additional skill tricks.
    Codebreaker Decipher Script 8 ranks Break written codes.
    Current Sculpting Survival 8 ranks Using air currents, exclude 1 square from a spell's area.
    Cut Corners Craft (Any) 8 ranks, any item creation feat You can make discount magical items. They are usually cursed.
    Devoted Strike Knowledge (Religion) 5 ranks As a swift action, align your attacks for 1 round.
    Diligent Student Knowledge (Arcana) 8 ranks Gain a spell known 3 levels under your max spell level.
    Double Entendre Forgery 5 ranks Hide messages in longer written pieces.
    Graphologist Decipher Script 8 ranks Learn about a writer through their writing.
    Guesstimation Master Appraise 5 ranks Use appraise instead of search or spot.
    Hardened Survival 5 ranks Stabilize when dying.
    Healthy Paranoia Sense Motive 5 ranks Roll sense motive instead of a will save.
    Hoarder Appraise 5 ranks You can find useful mundane items on your person.
    Ignore Providence Escape Artist 12 ranks Treat a natural 1 as a 2.
    Impossible Sleep Lucid Dreaming 8 ranks, Knowledge (Arcana) 5 ranks You can sleep in a trance, gaining magical protection. (Jormengand)
    Inner Monologue Truespeak 5 ranks, any recitation feat Recite silently, and as a move action. (Jormengand)
    It Knows Its Master Craft (Any) 8 ranks, any item creation feat Gain a bonus to a save or against an attack from an item you made.
    Legendary Tracker Survival 12 ranks, track You can track creatures in any environment.
    Lucky Stiff Profession (Gambler) 1 rank Gain a daily luck reroll.
    Making The Most Of It Use Magic Device 8 ranks Empower the last charge from a magical item.
    Mana Weaving Craft (Weaving or Basketweaving) 8 ranks Weave spells together, making them harder to dispel.
    Mind Over Autohypnosis 8 ranks Use autohypnosis after you fail a save against something mind-affecting.
    Peripheral Vision Spot 8 ranks Avoid a gaze attack for one round.
    Portable Attention Hole Perform (Act) 5 ranks, arcane caster level 1st Gain an odd physical alteration permanently.
    Procedural Piety Knowledge (Religion) 8 ranks, spontaneous casting, good or evil alignment Prepare a sanctified or corrupt spell.
    Quick Analysis Appraise 5 ranks Appraise, analyze forgeries, or identify potions and scrolls as a move action.
    Remote View Search 5 ranks Search a nearby area by sight.
    Secret Sign 8 or more languages known Make a new language. You may make one hard for others to teach.
    Solidified Aether Spellcraft 12 ranks, Craft (Any) 8 ranks Summoned creatures gain damage reduction, objects gain hardness.
    Spell Slinger Spellcraft 8 ranks, spontaneous casting, any metamagic feat Apply one metamagic feat without increasing casting time.
    Squint Spot 8 ranks. Treat shadowy illumination as bright for 1 round.
    Steady Calm Concentration 5 ranks Reduce environmental penalties, like rain, when attacking.
    Travel-Sized Knowledge (Nature) 12 ranks, wild shape class feature Wild shape into a smaller version of a creature.
    Trivia Buff Knowledge (History) 5 ranks Know layouts and secret passages of ruins.
    Willed Control Control Shape 5 ranks Ignore forced form changes after the first.
    Movement Prerequisites Description
    Adaptive Stance Perform (Dance) 5 ranks, Tumble 1 rank After you are struck, gain DR 2/- against an enemy.
    Backflip Tumble 8 ranks, Jump 5 ranks Jump 5 feet as an immediate action. (Jormengand)
    Dashing Swordsman Intimidate 5 ranks Charge further after demoralizing or feinting against an enemy.
    Float Like A Butterfly Jump 8 ranks Ready a jump to avoid an attack and gain a free attack.
    From Plain Sight Hide 12 ranks Walk into shadow to hide while being observed.
    Get Up On Its Back! Climb 5 ranks Scale a creature's body for flat-footed attacks, until they knock you off.
    Momentous Leap Ride 8 ranks, Jump 1 rank. Leap from the saddle to charge an adjacent enemy.
    Multitask Tumble 5 ranks Take a move or standard action in the middle of a move action.
    Never Even There Escape Artist 8 ranks Use Escape Artist the round after you fail a reflex save.
    Overdrive Ride 5 ranks Drive a vehicle faster based on your ride check.
    River Fish Swim 5 ranks Beat a swim DC by 5 to move twice your speed.
    Twinkletoes Balance 12 ranks Dodge a bull rush, charge, or overrun attack and make them run past you.

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    Ogre in the Playground
    bekeleven's Avatar

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    Default Interaction Skill Tricks

    Interaction Skill Tricks

    Anyway Here's Wonderwall [Interaction]
    You've turned the whole lifestyle to your advantage.
    Prerequisite: Perform (String Instruments) 5 ranks.
    Benefit: You gain the Seduction Swashbuckler special ability (as found here). Once per week, you may substitute Perform (String Instruments) for Bluff when making a Seduce For Information check.

    Battle Buddy [Interaction]
    Crossed blades never looked so good.
    Prerequisite: Diplomacy 5 ranks, base attack bonus +3.
    Benefit: You may ready an attack to occur just before an ally attacks. If you do, you may take a penalty on that attack up to your base attack bonus, attempting to force the enemy to dodge awkwardly. When your ally next attacks that opponent, they get that number as a bonus on their attack roll. They gain no bonus if the opponent was not adding their dexterity bonus to their armor class for the first attack, as the bonus comes from causing them to dodge.

    Brown Note [Interaction]
    Your music can keep people... uncomposed.
    Prerequisite: Perform (Any) 8 ranks, Bluff 5 ranks.
    Benefit: Choose an enemy within 30 feet capable of hearing you. As a move action, make a perform check, opposed by that creature’s sense motive check. They may add their base attack bonus to their check. If your perform check still exceeds their result, they are flat-footed against the next attack made against them by your or an ally within 1 round. This provokes an attack of opportunity unless you have Improved Feint.

    Charming Smile [Interaction]
    It even sparkles!
    Prerequisite: Diplomacy 8 ranks, Spellcraft 1 rank.
    Benefit: If you succeed on a saving throw against an enchantment spell, you may immediately make a diplomacy check to influence the attitude of the spellcaster. This rarely helps in the middle of combat.

    Deathless Analyst [Interaction] (Jormengand)
    You can recognize deathless creatures.
    Prerequisite: Knowledge (Religion) 5 ranks.
    Benefit: You can identify Deathless with a Knowledge (Religion) check, the same way you would if they were undead, even though Deathless can't normally be identified.

    Demoralizing Strike [Interaction]
    Your blows are fearsome.
    Prerequisite: Intimidate 8 ranks.
    Benefit: When you score a critical melee hit, you may make a free demoralize attempt against that opponent.

    Director [Interaction]
    You can manage your party well.
    Prerequisite: Diplomacy 5 ranks.
    Benefit: You may use this skill trick one of two ways. Either you may aid two allies on the same type of roll in the same aid another action, or you may aid an ally up to 30 feet outside of your reach, so long as you have a clear line to help them and it makes any sort of sense. For instance, you can shout to distract an enemy, help spot handholds while climbing, watch for movement in a trap’s inner workings as an ally disables it, or most other things so long as it’s not purely a test of physical prowess.

    Extrovert [Interaction]
    You relish the spotlight.
    Prerequisite: Perform (any) 5 ranks, Bardic Music.
    Benefit: You gain one additional use of bardic music per day.

    Friend of Beasts [Interaction]
    You can turn even tamed animals against their masters.
    Prerequisite: Handle Animal 8 ranks.
    Benefit: When you are in combat with multiple foes, at least one of which is an animal or magical beast, you can attempt to sway that creature to your side. As a standard action, make a handle animal check opposed by a check where the target rolls 1D20 and adds their hit dice and wisdom modifier (magical beasts get +5 to this check). If your roll is higher, the target turns on its allies and attacks them for one round plus an additional round for every 10 points your result exceeded its result.

    Heraldry [Interaction]
    Your knowledge of noble society and quirks gives you an edge with the movers and shakers.
    Prerequisite: Knowledge (Nobility and Royalty) 5 ranks.
    Benefit: When first meeting someone of higher social standing than yourself, assuming they are proper enough to respect tradition and decorum, you can attempt a DC 15 Knowledge (Nobility and Royalty) check. If you succeed, you have a +2 to all bluff, diplomacy, disguise, forgery, intimidate, perform, and sense motive checks with regards to that person for the rest of your meeting.

    In Good Hands [Interaction]
    Fate of the world on the line? Sorry kid, assuming the world survives, I'll still have to eat. Although...
    Prerequisite: Perform (Weapon Drill) 5 ranks.
    Benefit: When buying a weapon from a merchant or store owner, you can attempt to impress him with your skill - proving that you're skilled enough to be a return customer, or even assuring him you'll tell everyone where you got your perfectly-balanced blade. Make a Perform (Weapon Drill) check. If your score is at least 30, he will give you a discount for every 2 points above 30, up to a 15% discount at 60. If your check was under 20, he may demand more money or refuse the sale.

    Incredible Bore [Interaction]
    You can wear down’s someone’s psyche through inane chat.
    Prerequisite: Perform (Oratory) 5 ranks, Knowledge(Any) 1 rank.
    Benefit: While chatting with someone, you can bore them. Any time you can attempt a diplomacy check, you may roll Perform (Oratory) instead of Diplomacy. If you do, treat any target or targets friendlier than indifferent as indifferent. For every step by which their attitude would be improved, you instead lower their saves and armor class by 1 point. These changes last for 5 minutes or until they are aware of an immediate danger.

    It Was The Wind [Interaction]
    You resort to other methods when heard.
    Prerequisite: Bluff 8 ranks, Move Silently 1 rank.
    Benefit: If you know or suspect that somebody hears you as you move silently, you can attempt to make a noise to simulate being something that person would not find suspicious, like an owl, a cat, or a building settling. Make a bluff check opposed by their sense motive check. However, anybody that hears the sound you made can make a sense motive check to realize it was you that made it.

    It’s Not The Butler [Interaction]
    How do I know? I was the butler! The whole time!
    Prerequisite: Sense Motive 5 ranks
    Benefit: You may spend a full-round action or longer to accuse somebody of a crime or misdeed, an accusation you intend to prove. If you do so, for the remainder of your current encounter, treat that target as though they were a favored enemy. Use your highest favored enemy bonus against them. If you don’t have favored enemies, you get +2 to bluff, listen, sense motive, spot, survival, and weapon damage rolls against them.

    Keep The Memory [Interaction]
    You make people want to soak their brains in acid.
    Prerequisite: Craft (Disturbing Mental Image) 5 ranks.
    Benefit: You may roll Craft (Disturbing Mental Image) instead of Intimidate. This is language-dependant.

    Legalese [Interaction]
    You can fast-talk your way out of minor infractions.
    Prerequisite: Knowledge (Local) 5 Ranks.
    Benefit: If caught by an authority figure who believes you to have broken the law or other major rule, you can use your knowledge of local laws, customs, and charters to attempt to convince them what you did was legal, or at least confuse them enough that they don't feel confident bringing you in for it. Make a Knowledge (Local) check. The other party may make a will save and add their level to the result, as well as a modifer based on the severity of your potential crime (-4 for disturbing the peace or brawling, -2 for petty thievery, +2 for breaking and entering, +4 for theft of livestock, or more for more serious crimes). If there are multiple authority figures, you must beat the result of each one. If you succeed, then after about a minute of conversation, you can slip away… for now, at least.

    Method Acting [Interaction]
    You can get into character to fool others.
    Prerequisite: Perform (Acting) 5 ranks.
    Benefit: You can substitute a Perform (Acting) check for a bluff check.

    Punch The Magic Out [Interaction]
    Maybe consider aiming that magic missile elsewhere, hombre.
    Prerequisite: Intimidate 8 ranks, Spellcraft 1 rank.
    Benefit: When you see an enemy casting a spell that would target you, you can make an intimidate check as an immediate action. That enemy must beat your roll with a concentration check upon the spell’s resolution, or they are unable to finish casting the spell. If they were not casting a spell that targets you, this effect is wasted.

    Quality Snake Oil [Interaction]
    You can get better deals when selling items.
    Prerequisite: Profession (Salesman, Barker, or similar) 8 ranks.
    Benefit: Once per week when selling an item, you can make a profession check opposed by the diplomacy check of the buyer. If you succeed, they are willing to pay 10% more of the item’s price, up to 500 additional GP or their GP limit.

    Rumormonger [Interaction]
    Some study. You hear about.
    Prerequisite: Gather Information 5 ranks, Knowledge (any) 1 rank.
    Benefit: While in a city or other population center, you can make a gather information check in place of a knowledge check. You must have at least 1 rank in a knowledge skill to know the right questions to ask. This takes 1 hour and acts otherwise like a normal gather information check. If you fail, you’ve exhausted all obvious leads. Further checks on the same topic will incur +5 to the DC for each failed search in that area.

    Saddlebred [Interaction]
    Creatures flock to your call.
    Prerequisite: Handle Animal 8 ranks.
    Benefit: You may emit a whistle as a swift action. If you do and the last mount you peaceably rode is within earshot, it will attempt to get to you regardless of danger and distraction. Make a handle animal check. If it does not reach you after 1 round for every 5 points of your check result, it may give up or at least exercise more caution.

    Sympathetic Cure [Interaction]
    As others, so do you.
    Prerequisite: Heal 5 ranks, Diplomacy 1 rank.
    Benefit: When you are within 10 feet of another ally, and one of you is healing at least two hit points (from a cure spell, fast healing, a potion, or any other source), you may spend an immediate action to heal the other one by half of that amount rounded down, up to a maximum of 10 hit points.

    To Serve Man [Interaction]
    You have some really good cookbooks.
    Prerequisite: Profession (Gourmet Chef) 8 ranks, Heal 1 rank.
    Benefit: Once per day you may prepare a gourmet meal out of the food at hand. This takes 10 minutes, and you may prepare enough food to serve up to 3 people. Each person that eats at least one of these servings heals 1D3 hit points.

    Trick Shot [Interaction]
    You’ve been practicing your curve-arrow. As far as he knows.
    Prerequisite: Bluff 5 points, Improved Feint
    Benefit: You can feint with a ranged weapon against a foe within 30 feet. This is otherwise identical to feinting in combat. You may use this any number of times per encounter.

    What’s The Deal With… [Interaction]
    You can make people laugh, befriending or distracting them.
    Prerequisite: Perform (Comedy) 5 ranks.
    Benefit: You can use this skill trick once per day, and it can do one of two things. First, you can tell jokes to befriend somebody. This functions exactly like a diplomacy check to improve their attitude, except that it can move their attitude a maximum of 1 step and can be used before or after a diplomacy check. Second, you may launch into a routine to distract people around you. Anybody within easy earshot must make a will save equal to your perform DC or pay at least passing attention to your routine, taking -5 to all skill checks for its duration. This takes a full-round action every round to maintain, and you have enough material for only 1 minute per 5 points of your check result.

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    Ogre in the Playground
    bekeleven's Avatar

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    Aug 2013

    Default Manipulation Skill Tricks

    Manipulation Skill Tricks

    Blind With Science [Manipulation]
    You can use the sun to blind an enemy.
    Prerequisite: Knowledge (Geography) 5 ranks.
    Benefit: If you are outside during a reasonably sunny day and holding something reflective (such as a sword or a mirror), you may spend a standard action aiming the sun at the eyes of a target within 30 feet. Make a Knowledge (Geography) check opposed by their reflex save. If you succeed, they are dazzled for the encounter. If you succeed by 10 or more, they are also blinded for 1 round. Creatures that take penalties for bright light or sunlight have those penalties applied if they were in the shade, or doubled if they were already in the sun.

    Boom Goes The Dynamite [Manipulation]
    You can build simple bombs.
    Prerequisite: Craft (Trapmaking) 5 ranks.
    Benefit: As a full-round action, you can construct a small, unstable explosive device and throw it. These items degrade once combined, so you must throw them immediately or the effect is lost (and possibly backfired). Each explodes with a loud bang. Each one you build uses raw materials weighing 1 lb and costing 5GB. Each can be thrown as a splash weapon with a range increment of 15 feet, and affect the struck square and all adjacent squares. All save DCs are equal to 10 + your ranks in Craft (Trapmaking). There are three such devices:
    Cracker: This device causes affected creatures to be knocked prone. With a successful fortitude save, they are instead checked, unable to move towards the landing square for 1 round.
    Clinger: This device causes affected creatures to be entangled for 1 round. With a successful reflex save, they instead move 5 feet slower for 1 round.
    Dazzler: This device causes affected creatures to be blind for 1 round. With a successful will save, they are instead dazzled for 1 round.

    Busy Hands [Manipulation]
    Now you see them...
    Prerequisite: Perform (Keyboards) 5 ranks.
    Benefit: You may substitute a Perform (Keyboards) check for a sleight of hand check.

    Debilitating Wound [Manipulation]
    Your attacks don't stop hurting.
    Prerequisite: Sleight of Hand 8 ranks, Heal 5 ranks.
    Benefit: You may declare an attack as a debilitating attack. If a debilitating attack roll beats the target's AC by at least 5, it deals no damage. For every die of precision damage (such as sneak attack, skirmish, or sudden strike) that attack would deal, it instead deals 1 point of constitution damage. If the debilitating attack does not beat the target's AC by at least 5, treat it as a normal attack.

    Drill Dance [Manipulation]
    You've found inner calm, and with it, the ability to strike when you would be struck.
    Prerequisite: Perform (weapon Drill) 8 ranks
    Benefit: When an arrow or other small ranged projectile is shot at you, you may attempt to knock it away as an immediate action. Roll Perform (weapon Drill). If you roll higher than the attack roll of the projectile, you have knocked it harmlessly to the side and destroyed it, if appropriate. This roll is performed before the success of the attack is determined. You must be aware of the attack.

    If you have the feat Deflect Arrows, you may use this skill trick to deflect targeted magical effects that target you using an attack roll.

    Ear to the Ground [Manipulation]
    You can feel danger coming.
    Prerequisite: Listen 5 ranks.
    Benefit: As a full-round action, you can bend down and put your ear to the ground to feel for vibration. Make a listen check. You gain tremorsense with a range based on your check result. On top of solid stone, the range is 5 feet for every 5 points of your check result. On loose stone or cobble, the range is 10 feet per 5 points. On hard-packed earth, the range is 15 feet per 5 points.

    Follow-Through [Manipulation]
    You’re not delicate in battle.
    Prerequisite: Intimidate 5 ranks, Improved Disarm.
    Benefit: When you attempt to disarm an opponent and fail, you may continue your swing, attempting to sunder their weapon instead. If you do not have improved sunder, you provoke an attack of opportunity as normal. An opponent may drop their weapon at any time to avoid it being sundered. If you do not successfully sunder their weapon, then they may attempt to disarm you back, if appropriate for the original attack.

    Follow Your Nose [Manipulation]
    You can smell magical traps.
    Prerequisite: Spellcraft 8 ranks, Search 5 ranks.
    Benefit: When you enter within 30 feet of a magical trap, or any magical effect that lays invisible and dormant until triggered, you gain a free spellcraft check. If you succeed, you know the boundaries of one such trap’s area and the school of magic to which it belongs.

    High Note [Manipulation]
    You've expanded your vocal range.
    Prerequisite: Perform (Sing) 12 ranks.
    Benefit: You can scream, duplicating the spell Shatter as an extraordinary ability. This is a standard action and requires a Perform (Sing) check. The save DC for the effect is 12 + your charisma modifier, and your caster level is equal to your check result divided by 3, rounded down.

    I Made This [Manipulation]
    You made this? I made this.
    Prerequisite: Craft (Weaponsmithing) 5 ranks.
    Benefit: You may modify a weapon you wield to your personal grip. Treat this as crafting a weapon with the normal weapon’s DC and a cost equal to one tenth of its price, up to 100 GP. A weapon fitted to your hand grants you a +2 bonus to opposed disarm rolls with it and gives any other wielder -2 to attacks with it. These bonuses and penalties are constant for as long as the weapon remains modified. Un-modifying a weapon takes the same components and craft DCs as modifying it.

    Instrumental Clash [Manipulation]
    You can smash your instrument for a better song finish.
    Prerequisite: Bardic Music, Perform (Keyboards, Percussion, String, or Wind Instruments) 5 ranks.
    Benefit: If you smash your instrument at the end of a use of bardic music, the effect lasts 1 additional round (unless otherwise broken).

    Jammed! [Manipulation]
    You can interfere with the complex components keeping constructs working.
    Prerequisite: Disable Device 8 ranks.
    Benefit: Make a disable device check as a free action when attacking a construct. If the disable device exceeded the construct's armor class, resolve critical hits, sneak attacks and flanking for the rest of your turn as though the construct has a discernable anatomy and can be affected by those things.

    Locksmith [Manipulation]
    You can replace locks on the fly.
    Prerequisite: Open Lock 8 ranks, Disable Device 5 ranks.
    Benefit: You may roll disable device instead of open lock when you find one. If you succeed (at the same DC), you can swap the innards of that lock with the innards of another lock in your possession, presumably a lock to which you also have the key.

    Measured Breath [Manipulation]
    You have excellent cardiovascular health. Adapted from the feats Breath Control and Deep Breather.
    Prerequisite: Climb or Perform (Wind Instruments) 5 ranks.
    Benefit: Double the length you can hold your breath. This benefit is always active.

    Merciful Cut [Manipulation]
    Who needs that much spleen?
    Prerequisite: Heal 5 ranks
    Benefit: If one of your melee or ranged attacks would drop an enemy below 0 hit points, you may roll a heal check. Your attack deals 1 fewer point of damage for every 2 points of your check result, although you always deal enough damage to bring your opponent to -1. As long as they are dying from that wound, that creature has a 25% chance each round of becoming stable, instead of 10%.

    Midair Parry [Manipulation]
    You can strike arrows from the air.
    Prerequisite: Iaijutsu Focus 12 ranks.
    Benefit: After you are struck by a ranged projectile, but before the consequences of the attack have been determined, you may make roll a reflex save as an immediate action. If your reflex save is higher than the attack roll, you knock the projectile aside harmlessly.

    Mighty Blow [Manipulation]
    You have very healthy lungs.
    Prerequisite: Perform (Wind Instruments) 5 ranks.
    Benefit: For one attack, your range with a blowgun, greater blowgun, sand blaster, or sand pipe increases by 5 feet for every 5 ranks in Perform (Wind Instruments) you possess. The penalty to hide while sniping after this shot, normally -20, is reduced by you ranks in Perform (Wind Instruments), to a maximum of -5 at 15 ranks.

    Minor Magics [Manipulation]
    You know enough arcane lore to produce some minor magical effects on your own.
    Prerequisite: Knowledge (Arcana) 5 ranks.
    Benefit: Make a DC 15 Knowledge (Arcana) check as a move action. If you succeed, you can cast one cantrip from the sorcerer/wizard spell list this round. The DC goes up by 5 for every time you’ve used this skill trick today.

    Net Prophet [Manipulation]
    You have great skill with a net.
    Prerequisite: Use Rope 5 ranks.
    Benefit: If you make a DC10 use rope check while attack, your attack with a net has +5 feet of total range. If it hits, it applies -4 to attacks, strength, and dexterity instead of the normal penalties.

    Open Palm [Manipulation]
    Why hurt someone twice when you can hurt them two different ways at once?
    Prerequisite: Profession (Martial Artist) 8 ranks, natural attack.
    Benefit: Before you roll your attack, add the damage from another one of your natural attacks to an unarmed strike.

    Patient Strike [Manipulation]
    You know how to wait for an opening.
    Prerequisite: Sleight of Hand 5 ranks, Iaijutsu Focus 1 rank, Combat Reflexes.
    Benefit: When an enemy provokes an attack of opportunity by moving from one of your threatened squares to another, you may choose not to take an attack of opportunity. If you choose this and they move out of the second threatened square, you may take two attacks of opportunity, assuming you have that many remaining. Resolve each separately.
    Normal: Moving out of more than one square threatened by the same opponent in the same round doesn’t count as more than one opportunity for that opponent.

    Pawnbroker [Manipulation]
    You can disguise objects as other objects.
    Prerequisite: Disguise 5 ranks.
    Benefit: You can make a disguise check to make an item look like another item, although you often need raw materials to make it convincing. You can carry around a scrap box, which functions just like a disguise kit, except that it only works when using Pawnbroker. You can make a book’s cover look like another book, a non-masterwork item look masterwork (at -4 to the check), or a military wagon look commercial. Objects too large to fit in your hand take longer to disguise. You may still need to make a bluff check, depending on what you plan to do with the item.

    Push The Limits [Manipulation]
    You know just how far you can stretch something before it breaks.
    Prerequisite: Craft (Bowmaking) 5 ranks.
    Benefit: For one round, you may treat a bow or composite bow as though it were a composite bow of the same type with a strength bonus of your choosing. However, for every point of strength bonus you add or remove, the bow loses 10 feet of range for this round. In addition, treating a non-composite bow as a composite bow does not increase its base range. For example, treating a longbow as a composite longbow +2 gives 80 feet of range.

    Rending Blade [Manipulation]
    You can swing between two enemies.
    Prerequisite: Jump 8 ranks.
    Benefit: When you are about to make an attack, make a DC20 jump check. If you succeed, you can bring your blade down between two adjacent enemies within reach, attempting to strike both. Roll attacks against both. Any of these attacks that hits deals half its normal damage, rounded down. If you fail the jump check, all your attacks until the start of your next round suffer a -2 penalty.

    Rogue’s Gambit [Manipulation]
    You can trade blows at the unlikeliest of times.
    Prerequisite: Spot 8 ranks, Sense Motive 1 rank.
    Benefit: Any time you successfully block a feint attempt by rolling a sense motive check, you may choose to make an attack of opportunity against the feinter’s flat-footed AC. However, if you do so, you are treated as flat-footed with regards to them for the rest of the turn. So make sure they don’t have a rest of the turn!

    Shield Whack [Manipulation]
    When your opponent least expects it, you can strike with your shield.
    Prerequisite: Proficiency with the shield, Sleight of Hand 1 rank.
    Benefit: You can bash with an equipped shield as an attack with no penalty, even if you aren’t normally proficient in striking with shields. (A medium buckler is a light weapon dealing 1D2 damage, and a medium tower shield deals 1D6 damage; they are otherwise identical to light and heavy shield bashes, respectively). You do not lose its shield bonus to AC for making this attack. If you are proficient with the shield as a weapon, it deals damage as though it were one size category larger. If used as part of a feint, as long as you have not attacked with a shield yet this encounter, you get a +5 on the opposed roll.

    Slap a Bandage [Manipulation]
    You can keep someone moving despite a bad blow.
    Prerequisite: Heal 8 ranks.
    Benefit: As a move action, you can make a heal check to quickly bandage yourself or an adjacent ally. This allows the target to ignore damage equal to half of your check, up to the damage dealt by a single attack in the past round. 5 rounds after the current encounter ends, they can no longer ignore the damage you bandaged, and need a more permanent solution.

    Spare Parts [Manipulation]
    You can get better use out of your materials when crafting.
    Prerequisite: Craft (any) 5 ranks.
    Benefit: Crafting a masterwork item often requires multiple tries for each component. Whenever you craft a masterwork item, you can assemble some spare parts into a non-masterwork version of the same item at the same time at no additional cost, assuming such an item exists.

    Spit Fire [Manipulation]
    Go ahead and spit that.
    Prerequisite: Craft (Alchemy) 8 ranks.
    Benefit: You may drink an alchemical substance stored in a flask meant to be thrown (such as a flask of acid, alchemist’s fire, alchemist’s frost, oleum, or even slumber sand) as a move action. At any point before the end of your next turn, you may expel it as a breath weapon with a 15-foot range. Use a reflex save (with a save DC equal to 10 + half your level + your constitution modifier) to determine who it affects within this range, instead of an attack roll. If you hold it in your mouth for any longer, the substance loses its potency and in many cases will give you rather negative side effects. If you don’t have the time to breath it out, you may also spit it harmlessly to the ground as a move action.

    Stab The Buckle [Manipulation]
    There’s always a weak point.
    Prerequisite: Craft (Armorsmithing) 5 ranks.
    Benefit: You can sunder armor. You may do this any number of times per encounter. In addition, if you damage such an item, others can exploit the damage and attempt to sunder it as well.

    If you have the feat Improved Sunder, sunder damage dealt to worn items deals half that much damage to the wearer.

    Stealth Takedown [Manipulation]
    You can remove unaware enemies silently.
    Prerequisite: Move Silently 5 ranks.
    Benefit: When you drop an unaware enemy in one hit, you may make a move silently check with a -5 penalty. The result of that check represents how much sound both you and the guard made from the attack (meaning others must roll a listen check that beats it to have heard).

    Sublime Deflection [Manipulation]
    You have knowledge of maneuvers – and their counters.
    Prerequisite: Martial Lore 12 ranks, Discipline Skill 5 ranks.
    Benefit: If you successfully identify a strike or counter as it’s being used on you, then you may use that maneuver on your next turn against that opponent, assuming conditions permit it (they are in range, you have any necessary type of weapon, etc.). You may only use a maneuver if you have at least 5 ranks in that discipline’s key skill: Tumble (Desert Wind), Intimidate (Devoted Spirit), Concentration (Diamond Mind), Balance (Iron Heart, Stone Dragon), Sense Motive (Setting Sun), Hide (Shadow Hand), Jump (Tiger Claw), or Diplomacy (White Raven).

    Sure Grip [Manipulation]
    Your death grip lets you control your throws.
    Prerequisite: Climb 8 ranks.
    Benefit: You can use strength (instead of dexterity) on an attack roll with a thrown weapon.

    Timpanist [Manipulation]
    You have a lot of experience delivering a good hard whump.
    Prerequisite: Perform (Percussion Instruments) 5 ranks.
    Benefit: While making an attack with a bludgeoning weapon, you may replace your base attack bonus with your ranks in Perform (Percussion Instruments).

    Tolerance [Manipulation]
    You’ve spent the last few years building up an immunity to that.
    Prerequisite: Craft (Poisonmaking) 8 ranks.
    Benefit: The first time in an counter you take ability damage or drain, reduce that damage by one.

    Truename Metamagic [Manipulation] (Jormengand)
    You can use a creature's personal true name to devastate them with a spell.
    Prerequisite: Truespeak 8 ranks, Knowledge (Arcana) 5 ranks, Any metamagic feat
    Benefit: When using a hostile spell that affects a creature, you can speak that creature's personal true name (if you know it) as an immediate action. If you don't know (or don't want to try speaking) a creature's personal true name, you can speak its ordinary true name instead.

    You may immediately apply a single metamagic feat you know of up to +4 adjustment if you used a personal true name successfully, or a +1 adjustment if you managed to speak a creature's ordinary true name, to your spell without changing the casting time or spell slot, but the metamagic only affects the target of truename metamagic. For example, an empowered fireball will only deal additional damage to the target of truename metamagic, and other creatures in the area of an irresistible fireball can save as normal. You can't use metamagic abilities such as quicken spell, still spell or silent spell unless they are the only creature to be affected, and if you widen the spell, it will only make a difference if that creature is caught in the extended area (other creatures are only affected if they are within the spell's normal range).

    If you fail the truespeak check, the spell doesn't have the metamagic applied. The spell, and other metamagics applied to it, have their usual effect, but it's too late to try applying the new metamagic some other way.

    Turnabout [Manipulation]
    You can turn your enemy’s traps into an ambush tool of your own.
    Prerequisite: Knowledge (Dungeoneering) 5 ranks, Disable Device 1 rank
    Benefit: When you find a trap without setting it off, you may make a knowledge (Dungeoneering) check (DC 10 + the challenge rating of the trap). If you succeed, you can attempt to move the trap’s affected area instead of disabling it. This is the same DC and takes the same amount of time as disabling the trap. For instance, you can slightly jostle the direction of arrow launchers, torque the axles swinging the blades, or re-aim the gas nozzles. You can move the trap’s affected area by up to 20 feet if it makes sense with the trap type and room layout.

    Under the Guard [Manipulation]
    Your blade is hard to see. Just as easy to feel, though.
    Prerequisite: Sleight of Hand 5 ranks, combat reflexes.
    Benefit: When an enemy you threaten succeeds on a concentration check to perform an action defensively, you may oppose that check with a sleight of hand check. If you beat their result, their action still provokes an attack of opportunity from you. You may not use any non-light weapon for this attack.

    Versatile Performer [Manipulation]
    By focusing on more than just the showmanship, you can play to your strengths and still wow your audience.
    Prerequisite: Perform (Any) 5 ranks.
    Benefit: Choose a perform skill in which you have at least 5 ranks, then choose an ability. You may use that ability instead of charisma when rolling that perform check, so long as you can justify the replacement. For instance, writing intelligent jokes for Perform (Comedy), dexterous fingering with Perform (Keyboards), or even having the constitution to blow just that hard with Perform (Wind Instruments).

    Wits and Environment [Manipulation]
    You can bring down structures more easily.
    Prerequisite: Knowledge (Architecture and Engineering) 5 ranks.
    Benefit: If you make a DC 15 Knowledge (Architecture and Engineering) check as a free action before an attack that can damage a building, that attack ignores the building’s hardness.

    You Can Tell That It’s A Tree [Manipulation]
    You can hide your campsite.
    Prerequisite: Knowledge (Nature) 5 ranks, Hide 1 rank.
    Benefit: You can hide your sleeping arrangement in natural terrain. Over a period of 10 minutes, make a hide check. You get a -4 to hide a 4-man tent, no modifier to hide a 1-person tent, and +4 to hide something like a bare bedroll or a hammock. The terrain also imparts a modifier, such as -8 for a saltpan, -4 for large plains, or +4 for heavy forest.

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    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Mental Skill Tricks

    Mental Skill Tricks

    Adaptive Metamorphosis [Mental]
    Adapt and survive.
    Prerequisite: Control Shape 8 ranks.
    Benefit: When an attack deals you at least 1 energy damage, you may make a control shape check with a DC of 30 minus damage dealt. If you succeed, you can change your form in response to the attack, gaining a benefit based on the energy type:
    Acid: Within 1 round, you may shake out your fur as a move or attack action. This deals acid damage equal to half of the damage originally dealt to you to all adjacent creatures. This allows a reflex save for half damage, with a DC equal to your control shape check result.
    Cold: You supercool your body. All your melee attacks deal 1 point of cold damage for every 10 damage you took, rounded up, for the rest of the encounter.
    Electricity: You recharge your body, healing for half of the damage dealt by the attack.
    Fire: Thicken your burnt hide. You gain +2 natural armor for the rest of the encounter.
    Sonic: You hone your ears in response, gaining blindsight 10 and +2 to reflex saves for the rest of the encounter.

    Applied Academics [Mental]
    You know how to manipulate planes.
    Prerequisite: Knowledge (The Planes) 5 ranks.
    Benefit: When you are rolling a wisdom check to alter your gravity in a subjective gravity plane, a strength check to move something in a static plane, a caster level check to use magic in a wild magic plane, or a spellcraft check to use magic in an impeded magic plane, you may roll Knowledge (The Planes) instead. This lasts for 1 minute.

    Azure Boost [Mental]
    You can push your soulmelds just a little bit further.
    Prerequisite: Concentration 8 ranks.
    Benefit: As a free action on your turn, you gain 1 point of bonus essentia. It lasts until the end of your turn.

    Catalog [Mental]
    You can keep a lot of things straight.
    Prerequisite: Any skill 5 ranks.
    Benefit: Increase your maximum skill tricks known by 4. You must still spend skill points to acquire new skill tricks.

    Codebreaker [Mental]
    You can treat obscured messages as just another language.
    Prerequisite: Decipher Script 8 ranks.
    Benefit: You can understand encoded messages by making a decipher script check. This takes 2 minutes per page of the message. Most codes have a base DC of 30, but more text makes it easier to decipher. Reduce the DC by 2 for every complete page available. Success allows you to understand most of the message, although it's possible a few numbers or proper nouns remain elusive.

    Current Sculpting [Mental]
    You can use the environment to change the shape of your spells and effects.
    Prerequisite: Survival 8 ranks.
    Benefit: Any time you spend under 1 round to use an effect with a fire-and-forget area (such as a Fireball or tanglefoot bag, but not Globe of Invulnerability) that is not reliant on the boundaries of the area (like Alarm) you can choose to read air currents and throw or deploy the effect in such a way that you exclude one square from the effect’s area. Make a survival check at DC15, adding the spell or spell-like ability’s spell level if appropriate. If you succeed, on conclusion of the spell, you can exclude one 5-foot cube of your choice.

    Cut Corners [Mental]
    Probably nobody will notice that.
    Prerequisite: Craft (Any) 8 ranks, any item creation feat.
    Benefit: You can construct a magical item on the cheap, consuming only 2/3 of the normal raw materials. However, it usually ends up cursed. Once the item is finished crafting, have your DM secretly roll its cursed property using the “Common Curses” table. If the result is “Specific cursed item,” a 10% chance, the item is not cursed. Regardless of the curse or lack thereof, the crafted item looks shoddy.

    Devoted Strike [Mental]
    Your religious leanings let you pierce some supernatural defenses.
    Prerequisite: Knowledge (Religion) 5 ranks.
    Benefit: As a swift action, you may treat all of your weapon attacks as though the weapons were aligned to your alignment (Good, Evil, Lawful and/or Chaotic). This effect lasts 1 round. A cleric may spend turn or rebuke attempts to use this ability additional times in an encounter.

    Diligent Student [Mental]
    Most things just come to you. But if you study really, really hard, you can figure out a little more.
    Prerequisite: Knowledge (Arcana) 12 ranks.
    Benefit: You gain one additional spell known for one spellcasting class. It must be a spell on that class’s spell list, and at least 3 levels under the highest-level spell of that class granted by your current spell progression.

    Double Entendre [Mental]
    You can sneak hidden meanings into the written word.
    Prerequisite: Forgery 5 ranks.
    Benefit: You can write messages that contain hidden secondary messages to those that know to look. These messages are by necessity much shorter than the document holding them, at least 15 times shorter in most cases. For anybody who knows the code, a DC 10 intelligence or forgery check will decipher the message in 1 minute per sentence. For others, they must make a forgery or intelligence check equal to your forgery check when you crafted the message, taking 10 minutes per page of the total message. If your apparent message is much longer than normal, you get +2 to your forgery check for every 5 times longer it is than the hidden message (+2 at 20 times the length, +4 at 25) or -10 for every 5 times shorter (-10 if the containing message is only 10 times longer than the hidden message, -20 of it's only 5 times as long). You cannot hide a message longer than one fifth of the length of the total text.

    Graphologist [Mental]
    This enlarged loop indicates frivolity.
    Prerequisite: Decipher Script 8 ranks.
    Benefit: You can analyze the physical writing of documents in your possession in order to learn information about their writers. This does not work on works created via printing press, and of course will have limited efficacy on documents that were dictated or copied. This requires 5 minutes and a document of at least a page in length. When you study it, the DM will roll your decipher script check in secret, against a DC of 15 + the writer’s intelligence bonus + the writer’s ranks in forgery. If you beat this DC, you learn one of the following facts, at random. For every 5 points by which you exceed this DC, you learn an additional fact. If you roll a natural 1 and fail this check, you make a false conclusion about 1 of the categories. You may not make this check more than once with the same document, unless you’ve gained at least 1 rank in decipher script since your last attempt.
    • The writer’s age category
    • The writer’s species
    • Whether the writer was copying/dictating, or composing their own words.
    • Whether this is written in the writer’s native language
    • Whether the writer’s charisma or intelligence is higher. If the two are within 2 points of each other, they are found to be about equal.
    • The approximate time period of the writing (Recent memory, decades ago, centuries ago, or which millennium).
    • The strongest emotion (anger, fear, exaltation) felt by the writer at the time of writing. If the writer wasn’t feeling any particularly strong emotions, this option can’t be selected.

    Guesstimation Master [Mental]
    You have a keen eye for what stands out.
    Prerequisite: Appraise 5 ranks
    Benefit: Once per encounter (or once every five minutes outside of combat) you may substitute an appraise check for a search or spot check.

    Hardened [Mental]
    Years of trials have toughened you up.
    Prerequisite: Survival 5 ranks.
    Benefit: The first time you begin dying in an encounter, make a DC15 survival check. If you succeed, you are stable.

    Healthy Paranoia [Mental]
    You’re always on your guard around others.
    Prerequisite: Sense Motive 5 ranks.
    Benefit: If an attack you’re aware of requires a will save, you may make a sense motive check instead and use that result.

    Hoarder [Mental]
    You probably remembered to bring that.
    Prerequisite: Appraise 5 ranks.
    Benefit: Once per hour, you can select a mundane item that would fit easily on your person, then roll an appraise check. If your appraise check is greater than that item’s value in silver pieces, you can find that item somewhere on your person. Reduce your current funds by an appropriate amount, to represent the purchase that took place last time you were in town.

    Ignore Providence [Mental]
    Destiny is shouting. You're hard of hearing.
    Prerequisite: Escape Artist 12 ranks.
    Benefit: As an immediate action, treat a rolled natural 1 as a 2.

    Impossible Sleep [Mental] (Jormengand)
    You can sleep almost anywhere, and are undetectable when you do.
    Prerequisite: Lucid Dreaming 8 ranks, Knowledge (Arcana) 5 ranks
    Benefit: You may choose to go into a deep sleep for 8 hours to shield yourself, but not your possessions, from outside interference. Make a lucid dreaming check when you go to sleep. If your check was at least 10, you are under the effect of an extraordinary Undetectable Alignment spell for the duration of the sleep. If it was at least 20, you are under the effect of an extraordinary Nondetection spell. If it was at least 30, you are under the effect of an extraordinary Mind Blank spell for the duration of your slumber. If it was at least 40, you are protected as though under the effects of an extraordinary Sequester spell for the period. You cannot be woken during these 8 hours, but if your circumstances are particularly dire, your sleep may not be considered restful.

    Inner Monologue [Mental] (Jormengand)
    You can use recitations faster.
    Prerequisite: Truespeak 5 ranks, any recitation feat
    Benefit: You can use a recitation as a move action, and you don't need to speak out loud to do so.

    It Knows Its master [Mental]
    A thread of connection lingers between you and your creations.
    Prerequisite: Craft (Any) 8 ranks, any item creation feat
    Benefit: When you must make a save against a magical item you created, you get +2 to the save. When a magical item you created attacks you or is used in an attack against you, you get a +2 circumstance bonus to armor class against it.

    Legendary Tracker [Mental]
    You can track your prey anywhere. Adapted from the feats Legendary Tracker and Astral Tracking.
    Prerequisite: Survival 12 ranks, Track.
    Benefit: You can track creatures across the surface of water (DC 60), through water (DC 80), through the air (DC 120), and across the astral plane (DC 25). This benefit is always active.

    Lucky Stiff [Mental]
    The dice land in your favor.
    Prerequisite: Profession (Gambler) 1 rank.
    Benefit: You gain one additional luck reroll per day.

    Making the Most Of It [Mental]
    You can wring the last drops of magic from items you use.
    Prerequisite: Use Magic Device 8 ranks.
    Benefit: Once per encounter, when you use the last charge from a magical item with a permanent stock of charges (for instance, a wand, but not an eternal wand), the spell is automatically empowered. If the effect produced by expending the last charge is not a spell, increase its variable, numeric effects by 50%, as though the feat Empower Spell were used on it.

    Mana Weaving [Mental]
    You can weave together and strengthen magical energies.
    Prerequisite: Craft (Weaving or Basketweaving) 8 ranks.
    Benefit: When you cast a spell on a creature, you may weave it into the other spells still sinking in. Every spell you cast on that creature in the past minute grants every other spell cast in that timeframe a +1 bonus to caster level against dispel checks. As each spell expires, the weave of the other spells weaken accordingly.

    Mind Over [Mental]
    You can work through mental sabotage.
    Prerequisite: Autohypnosis 8 ranks.
    Benefit: If you failed a save against a mind-affecting effect this encounter, you may attempt a new save as a swift action. Roll Autohypnosis instead of your normal save.

    Peripheral Vision [Mental]
    The corners of your eyes pick up more light, anyway.
    Prerequisite: Spot 8 ranks.
    Benefit: Choose one creature with a gaze attack. This round, you don’t have to make a saving throw against that attack, as though you had shut your eyes, but that creature has no concealment relative to you.

    Portable Attention Hole [Mental]
    You tend to stand out. Adapted from the feat Countenance of the Mage.
    Prerequisite: Perform (Act) 5 ranks, arcane caster level 1st.
    Benefit: Choose a physical quality that’s not natural to your species. Examples include unnatural hair or fur color or shape, oddly shaped or sized eyes, a vestigial limb, tail, or horns, an oddly shaped shadow, a cold or unusually warm touch, or a small hole through a non-vital part of the body. You permanently have the described quality. It has no mechanical effect, but people that see it may treat you differently.

    Procedural Piety [Mental]
    It's not a sale. It's a fixed-term lease.
    Prerequisite: Knowledge (Religion) 8 ranks, Spontaneous Casting, Good or Evil alignment
    Benefit: Once per day, When you refresh your store of spells, you may prepare one corrupt or sanctified spell (depending on your alignment).

    Quick Analysis [Mental]
    You know just what to look for.
    Prerequisite: Appraise 5 ranks.
    Benefit: You can appraise an item, decipher unfamiliar words, analyze a document’s veracity, or identify a scroll or a potion as a move action.

    Remote View [Mental]
    You can spot signs of hidden items from far away.
    Prerequisite: Search 5 ranks.
    Benefit: You can search an area you can see from up to 10 feet away with a search check. This doesn’t allow you to see into drawers or actually get your hands on anything there, but you can spot valuables in piles of items or see the signs of a secret door.

    Secret Sign [Mental]
    You're a conjuring linguist.
    Prerequisite: 8 or more languages known.
    Benefit: You can create your own language, although you must still spend skill points to learn it. You can teach this language to others if they spend skill points to learn it. You may choose to make this language easy to teach, in which case all who know it can continue to spread it, or you may make it hard to teach. If it's hard to teach, others can only teach it if they both know it, and take the Secret Sign skill trick for it purely to be able to teach it.

    Solidified Aether [Mental]
    By applying principles learned when weaving baskets underwater, you can stick magic together extra tight.
    Prerequisite: Spellcraft 12 ranks, Craft (Any) 8 ranks.
    Benefit: When you use a conjuration (Summoning) or Conjuration (Creation) spell to summon or create a creature, it gains damage reduction equal to the level of spell used. If it already has damage reduction, use the higher value and the damage reduction is of that type. If it does not, it gains DR/Magic. If you summon or create an object instead, it has that much hardness (or its default hardness, if that is greater).

    Spell Slinger [Mental]
    You can jazz up your spells on the fly.
    Prerequisite: Spellcraft 8 ranks, spontaneous casting, any metamagic feat
    Benefit: If you make a spellcraft check while casting a spell (DC 15+ spell level), you may apply one metamagic feat you know to that spell without increasing its casting time. Its level still increases as normal, and its casting time increases if you apply additional metamagic feats. If you fail the check, you may choose whether to apply the metamagic feat normally or not.

    Squint [Mental]
    You can see what others cannot.
    Prerequisite: Spot 8 ranks.
    Benefit: Make a spot check. You can treat shadowy illumination as bright illumination with a range of 5 feet for every 5 points of your check result. This lasts 1 round and has no effect on total darkness.

    Steady Calm [Mental]
    Nothing shakes you.
    Prerequisite: Concentration 5 ranks.
    Benefit: You can ignore or adjust to bad circumstances when attacking. Make a concentration check as a free action. For every 5 points of your check result, ignore 1 point of penalty from environment or circumstance. This includes things like heavy wind when firing a bow, swinging a sword underwater, or attacking while entangled.

    Travel-Sized [Mental]
    Just keep shrinking.
    Prerequisite: Knowledge (Nature) 12 ranks, Wild Shape class feature.
    Benefit: Once per day, when you would wild shape into a creature the same size category as your normal form or smaller, you may wild shape into a version of that creature 1 size category smaller than the norm. Apply the normal adjustments for reducing the creature in size.

    Trivia Buff [Mental]
    Your encyclopedic knowledge of the world's inhabitants tells you something about where they inhabited.
    Prerequisite: Knowledge (History) 5 ranks.
    Benefit: When you come upon ruins or abandoned buildings, you can attempt a Knowledge (History) check to recall the details of its design, construction and use. If your check is at least 15, you know who built and lived there. If your check is at least 20, you know the vague layout of the building. If it's at least 25, you know why the building is now abandoned. If your check is at least 30, you can recall a secret about the building, such as a secret passage or the location of one room of note, if applicable.

    Willed Control [Mental]
    You can refuse to turn.
    Prerequisite: Control Shape 5 ranks.
    Benefit: If you succeed on a control shape check after an injury attempts to change your form, you can ignore all further injuries for the purposes of changing your form until you rest or your hit points are again full.

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    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Movement Skill Tricks

    Movement Skill Tricks

    Adaptive Stance [Movement]
    You can adjust to blows from an enemy.
    Prerequisite: Perform (Dance) 5 ranks, Tumble 1 rank
    Benefit: After you are struck by an enemy in melee, make a Perform (Dance) check. If you roll higher than the damage their attack dealt, you can start moving your body in time with their attacks to neutralize the damage they can deal. You gain damage reduction 2/- against attacks made by that enemy for the rest of the encounter.

    Backflip [Movement] (Jormengand)
    You can jump out of harm's way quickly.
    Prerequisite: Jump 5 ranks, Tumble 8 ranks.
    Benefit: You can move 5 feet as an immediate action. This movement still provokes attacks of opportunity unless you can tumble out of the way.

    Dashing Swordsman [Movement]
    You’re renowned for your quick swordplay and quicker wits.
    Prerequisite: Intimidate 5 ranks.
    Benefit: When you charge an enemy you’ve intimidated or demoralized this encounter, an enemy against which you’ve successfully feinted this encounter, or an enemy whose attitude you’ve successfully increased through diplomacy, you can increase your move speed during that charge by 5 feet for every 5 ranks in the used skill. You can make any number of turns during this charge and need not have a clear path to them to initiate it.

    Float Like A Butterfly [Movement]
    You can keep opponents off balance with a well timed jump.
    Prerequisite: Jump 8 ranks.
    Benefit: You may ready a jump as a full-round action. When somebody attacks you, you can discharge this readied action to make a jump check and use it in place of your armor class against that attack. If the attack misses you, you may make a free attack against that opponent. They are flat-footed for that attack.

    From Plain Sight [Movement]
    You can vanish into the shadows.
    Prerequisite: Hide 12 ranks.
    Benefit: If you move at least 10 feet and end your movement in a square of at least shadowy illumination, you can make a hide check at the end of that movement, even against people observing you.

    Get Up On Its Back! [Movement]
    You can access weak points of your larger opponents.
    Prerequisite: Climb 5 ranks.
    Benefit: After entering the space of a larger creature, you may attempt to scale its back using any remaining movement. Make a climb check opposed by its dexterity check to avoid you or brush you off. For every 5 by which you exceed its check, you can climb 5 feet up its body, up to your remaining movement for the round. Climbing at least half of its height allows you to access its vitals, if they were previously out of reach. In addition, both of you are flat footed relative to the other so long as you cling to it. A successful attack from that opponent dislodges you, causing you to fall. They get +5 on their touch attacks when starting a grapple with you.

    Momentous Leap [Movement]
    You can leap from the saddle.
    Prerequisite: Ride 8 ranks, Jump 1 rank.
    Benefit: If you successfully fast dismount at the start of a turn, you may charge against an enemy within reach of where you landed. In addition to the bonuses from a charge, assuming they are not larger than your mount, your first attack against them has a +1 bonus from higher ground.

    Multitask [Movement]
    You can walk and chew gum.
    Prerequisite: Tumble 5 ranks.
    Benefit: If you spend a move action to move, you can take your move or standard action during it, such as attacking an enemy, opening a door, or picking up an item.

    Never Even There [Movement]
    Nothing keeps you in place for long.
    Prerequisite: Escape Artist 8 ranks.
    Benefit: If you fail a reflex save against something that restricts your movement, you can attempt to wriggle out of it one round later. As a standard action, roll escape artist against the original DC. Success frees you from the effect.

    Overdrive [Movement]
    Your riding skill extends to more than mounts.
    Prerequisite: Ride 5 ranks.
    Benefit: While driving a vehicle, you can make a ride check. The vehicle moves 5 feet further that round for every 5 points of your check result.

    River Fish [Movement]
    You can swim quickly through the water.
    Prerequisite: Swim 5 ranks.
    Benefit: If you are swimming as your first non-free, non-swift action in a turn, and you beat the swim DC by 5 or more, you may choose to double move, moving twice your base land speed through the water. You must swim in a straight line to do so.

    Twinkletoes [Movement]
    You can step to the side to evade telegraphed attacks.
    Prerequisite: Balance 12 ranks.
    Benefit: When you are aware of an opponent charging, bull rushing, overrunning or trampling you, you may make a balance check and use it in place of your AC against that attack. If you succeed and they have enough movement to do so, they end their movement on your opposite side.

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    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Submission Requests

    Submission Requests

    I'm also taking skill tricks from the audience. I'm attempting to cultivate a compendium, so if I like your submissions I'll include them (with attribution) above. Otherwise, I may ask to modify your tricks before I include them (still with attribution).

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  8. - Top - End - #8
    Jormengand's Avatar

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    Default Re: Bek11's Skill Trick Compendium: Tricks for every skill!

    Here are a few for truespeak:

    Inner Monologue [Mental]
    You can use recitations faster.
    Prerequisite: Truespeak 4 ranks, Any recitation feat
    Benefit: You can use a recitation as a move action, and you don't need to speak out loud to do so.

    Rebuking Inflection [Manipulation]
    You can use an utterance as a counterspell, even if you're not ready to counter a spell.
    Prerequisite: Truespeak 12 ranks, Spellcraft 5 ranks, Able to speak utterances.
    Benefit: As an immediate action, you can attempt to counter a spell that you identify being cast by speaking a similar utterance. You don't need to ready any actions or make a dispel check, but you are limited by the utterances you know and must successfully speak the utterance on the caster (even if it doesn't normally affect the caster because it's not from the Lexicon of the Evolving Mind).

    Alternatively, you can counterspeak as an immediate action to prevent another truespeak user's utterance from working.

    Either way, the DC of the truespeak check is increased by 20, as you are essentially speaking an utterance as a swift action (except that it's not your turn when you take that action).

    Spoiler: For length
    Accelerated Attack counters Divine Power
    Accelerated Attack, Reversed counters Black Tentacles
    Archer's Eye counters True Strike
    Archer's Eye, Reversed counters Blindness
    Breath of Cleansing counters Neutralise Poison
    Breath of Cleansing counters Contagion
    Breath of Recovery counters Heal
    Breath of Recovery, Reversed counters Harm
    Caster Lens counters Death Knell
    Caster Lens, Reversed counters Spell Turning
    Confounding Resistance counters Globe of Invulnerability
    Confounding Resistance, Reversed counters spells which don't allow spell resistance.
    Defensive Edge counters Shield
    Defensive Edge, Reversed counters Magic Missile
    Eldritch Attraction counters Telekinesis
    Eldritch Attraction, Reversed counters Wall of Force
    Energy Negation counters Resist Energy
    Energy Negation, Reversed counters Flaming Sphere
    Energy Negation, Greater counters Protection from Energy
    Energy Negation, Greater, Reversed counters Fireball
    Essence of Lifespark counters Restoration (Including greater)
    Essence of Lifespark, Reversed counters Enervation and Energy Drain
    Ether Reforged counters Ethereal Jaunt and Etherealness
    Ether Reforged, Reversed counters Astral Projection
    Hidden Truth counters Detect Thoughts
    Hidden Truth, Reversed counters Glibness
    Incarnation of Angels counters Protection from Evil
    Incarnation of Angels, Reversed counters Protection from Good
    Inertia Surge counters Freedom of Movement
    Inertia Surge, Reversed counters Dimensional Anchor
    Knight's Puissance counters Heroism
    Knight's Puissance, Reversed counters Crushing Despair
    Knight's Puissance, Greater counters Heroism, Greater
    Knight's Puissance, Greater, Reversed counters Eyebite
    Magic Contraction counters Spell Resistance
    Magic Contraction, Reversed counters Shadow Evocation
    Morale Boost counters Remove Fear
    Morale Boost, Reversed counters Fear
    Mystic Rampart counters Protection from Spells
    Mystic Rampart, Reversed counters Irresistible Dance
    Perceive the Unseen counters Locate Object
    Perceive the Unseen, Reversed counters Blur
    Preternatural Clarity counters Foresight
    Preternatural Clarity, Reversed counters Confusion and Insanity
    Seek the Sky counters Fly
    Seek the Sky, Reversed counters Hold Person
    Seek the Sky, Greater counters Overland Flight
    Seek the Sky, Greater, Reversed counters Hold Monster
    Sensory Focus counters True Seeing
    Sensory Focus, Reversed counters Blindness, Deafness and Bestow Curse
    Silent Caster counters Silence
    Silent Caster, Reversed counters Sound Burst
    Singular Mind counters Freedom
    Singular Mind, Reversed counters Imprisonment
    Speed of the Zephyr counters Spider Climb
    Speed of the Zephyr, Reversed counters Feather Fall
    Speed of the Zephyr, Greater counters Haste
    Speed of the Zephyr, Greater, Reversed counters Slow
    Spell Rebirth counters any spell triggered by Contingency
    Spell Rebirth, Reversed counters Dispel Magic (including greater)
    Strike of Might counters Enlarge Person
    Strike of Might, Reversed counters Reduce Person
    Temporal Spiral counters Celerity (Including greater)
    Temporal Spiral, Reversed counters Power Word Stun
    Temporal Twist counters Celerity, Lesser
    Temporal Twist, Reversed counters Daze and Daze Monster
    Universal Aptitude counters
    Universal Aptitude, Reversed counters
    Vision Sharpened counters See Invisibility
    Vision Sharpened, Reversed counters Invisibility
    Ward of Peace counters Sanctuary
    Ward of Peace, Reversed counters Banishment
    Word of Bolstering counters Lesser Restoration
    Word of Bolstering, Reversed counters Ray of Enfeeblement, Touch of Idiocy and Cloudkill
    Word of Nurturing counters Cure Wounds spells of the same original level.
    Word of Nurturing, Reversed counters Inflict Wounds spells of the same original level.
    Agitate Metal counters Chill Metal and Heat Metal
    Analyse Item counters Analyse Dweomer and Identify
    Fortify Armour counters Mage Armour
    Keen Weapon counters Keen Edge and Weapon of Impact
    Metamagic Catalyst counters any spell with a metamagic effect applied to it.
    Rebuild Item counters Make Whole and Mending
    Seize Item counters Grasping Hand
    Suppress Item counters spells cast from magic items.
    Suppress Weapon counters Mage's Sword
    Transmute Weapon counters Magic Weapon, Greater and Holy Sword
    Anger the Sleeping Earth counters Earthquake
    Conjunctive Gate counters Gate
    Deny Passage counters Resilient Sphere and Telekinetic Sphere
    Energy Vortex counters any spell with "Storm" in its name.
    Fog from the Void counters the spell it emulates.
    Lore of the World counters Stone Tell and Discern Location
    Master the Four Winds counters Control Winds and Control Weather
    Shield of the Landscape counters Hallucinatory Terrain
    Shockwave counters Shout
    Speak Rock to Mud counters Transmute Rock to Mud and Transmute Mud to Rock
    Thwart the Traveller counters Dimensional Lock
    Transform the Landscape counters Mirage Arcana

    Truename Metamagic [Manipulation]
    You can use a creature's personal true name to devastate them with a spell.
    Prerequisite: Truespeak 8 ranks, Knowledge (Arcana) 4 ranks, Any metamagic feat
    Benefit: When using a hostile spell that affects a creature, you can speak that creature's personal true name (if you know it) as an immediate action. If you don't know (or don't want to try speaking) a creature's personal true name, you can speak its ordinary true name instead.

    You may immediately apply a single metamagic feat of up to +4 adjustment if you used a personal true name successfully, or a +1 adjustment if you managed to speak a creature's ordinary true name, to your spell without changing the casting time or spell slot, but the metamagic only affects the target of truename metamagic. For example, an empowered fireball will only deal additional damage to the target of truename metamagic, and other creatures in the area of an irresistible fireball can save as normal. You can't use metamagic abilities such as quicken spell, still spell or silent spell unless they are the only creature to be affected, and if you widen the spell, it will only make a difference if that creature is caught in the extended area (other creatures are only affected if they are within the spell's normal range).

    If you fail the truespeak check, the spell doesn't have the metamagic applied. The spell, and other metamagics applied to it, have their usual effect, but it's too late to try applying the new metamagic some other way.

  9. - Top - End - #9
    Dwarf in the Playground

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    Default Re: Bek11's Skill Trick Compendium: Tricks for every skill!

    These tricks are great. There was one typo, though. I can't remember it, but it was minor. These give a real reason to make a skill-monkey now! Are there plans to add more?
    EDIT: never mind. No typo.
    Last edited by Elandris Kajar; 2015-11-12 at 04:28 PM.
    Spoiler: Quotes!!
    Quote Originally Posted by Saintheart View Post
    Wouldn't a half-elf/half-orc be a Fork?
    Quote Originally Posted by Chronos View Post
    And besides, it's a ludicrous way of breaking the game by twisting rules beyond all recognition. Kobolds have to be involved in there somewhere.

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    Jormengand's Avatar

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    Default Re: Bek11's Skill Trick Compendium: Tricks for every skill!

    Quote Originally Posted by bekeleven View Post
    Jorm, mind if I include your tricks (with attribution)? I put a note above about it.
    That was the intention, so sure.

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    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Bek11's Skill Trick Compendium: Tricks for every skill!

    (I made slight edits, like bringing the 4 ranks up to 5, since all skill tricks use skill ranks of 1, 5, 8 and 12. I don't know why this is but I stuck to it. Also added the words "you know" to truename metamagic for clarity.)

  13. - Top - End - #13
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: Bek11's Skill Trick Compendium: Tricks for every skill!

    Where is lucid dreaming?

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    Dwarf in the Playground

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    Default Re: Bek11's Skill Trick Compendium: Tricks for every skill!

    Quote Originally Posted by noob View Post
    Where is lucid dreaming?
    What is that?
    Spoiler: Quotes!!
    Quote Originally Posted by Saintheart View Post
    Wouldn't a half-elf/half-orc be a Fork?
    Quote Originally Posted by Chronos View Post
    And besides, it's a ludicrous way of breaking the game by twisting rules beyond all recognition. Kobolds have to be involved in there somewhere.

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    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: Bek11's Skill Trick Compendium: Tricks for every skill!

    It is a skill used when you are in the plane of dreams to alter the landscape, appearances, waking up suddenly, getting at the heart of the plane and other stuff of this kind.

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    Default Re: Bek11's Skill Trick Compendium: Tricks for every skill!

    Hey Bek,

    That's a really impressive amount of original work. All are very well thought out.
    I've got my eyes set on some of these skill tricks (8 to be exact). Can I use them in my overhaul codex?


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    Jormengand's Avatar

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    Default Re: Bek11's Skill Trick Compendium: Tricks for every skill!

    Backflip [Movement]
    You can jump out of harm's way quickly.
    Prerequisite: Jump 5 ranks, Tumble 8 ranks.
    Benefit: You can move 5 feet as an immediate action. This movement still provokes attacks of opportunity unless you can tumble out of the way.

    Deathless Analyst [Interaction]
    You can recognise deathless creatures.
    Prerequisite: Knowledge (Religion) 5 ranks.
    Benefit: You can identify Deathless with a Knowledge (Religion) check, the same way you would if they were undead, even though Deathless can't normally be identified.

    Impossible Sleep [Mental]
    You can sleep almost anywhere, and are undetectable when you do.
    Prerequisite: Lucid Dreaming 12 ranks, Knowledge (Arcana) 5 ranks, Spellcraft 5 ranks.
    Benefit: You gain the ability to use a Sequester effect on yourself as a spell-like ability, except that it only lasts 8 hours and only you are sequestered. This ability can be used once per day, and while under the sequester effect you are considered to be resting. Using this ability requires a DC 25 Lucid Dreaming check; if you fail then you fall into a sequester-like slumber but without any protections from sight or divination.

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    Default Re: Bek11's Skill Trick Compendium: Tricks for every skill!

    Quote Originally Posted by bekeleven View Post
    Thanks for the kind words! Just link back when you do.
    Of course I will.


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    Default Re: Bek11's Skill Trick Compendium: Tricks for every skill!

    Quote Originally Posted by Jormengand View Post
    Deathless Analyst [Interaction]
    You can recognise deathless creatures.
    Prerequisite: Knowledge (Religion) 5 ranks.
    Benefit: You can identify Deathless with a Knowledge (Religion) check, the same way you would if they were undead, even though Deathless can't normally be identified.

    Impossible Sleep [Mental]
    You can sleep almost anywhere, and are undetectable when you do.
    Prerequisite: Lucid Dreaming 12 ranks, Knowledge (Arcana) 5 ranks, Spellcraft 5 ranks.
    Benefit: You gain the ability to use a Sequester effect on yourself as a spell-like ability, except that it only lasts 8 hours and only you are sequestered. This ability can be used once per day, and while under the sequester effect you are considered to be resting. Using this ability requires a DC 25 Lucid Dreaming check; if you fail then you fall into a sequester-like slumber but without any protections from sight or divination.
    Absolutely brilliant!
    Last edited by nonsi; 2015-11-14 at 06:09 AM.

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    Default Re: Bek11's Skill Trick Compendium: Tricks for every skill!

    Quote Originally Posted by nonsi View Post
    Absolutely brilliant!

    Feel free to take any of my stuff and use it.

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    Default Re: Bek11's Skill Trick Compendium: Tricks for every skill!

    Quote Originally Posted by Jormengand View Post

    Feel free to take any of my stuff and use it.
    (this reminds me that I owe you credit for Find Planar Rift - will take care of that in the next few days, when I have time to invest to incorporate the skill tricks).

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    Troll in the Playground
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    Default Re: Bek11's Skill Trick Compendium: Tricks for every skill!

    Is there a chance some one can make some perform (dance) tricks?

  24. - Top - End - #24
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: Bek11's Skill Trick Compendium: Tricks for every skill!

    Quote Originally Posted by segtrfyhtfgj View Post
    door is a fake exterior wall
    If you see me try to discuss the nitty-gritty of D&D 5e, kindly point me to my signature and remind me that I shouldn't. Please and thank you!

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    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Bek11's Skill Trick Compendium: Tricks for every skill!

    Quote Originally Posted by Amechra View Post
    Added to my preamble.
    Quote Originally Posted by khadgar567 View Post
    Is there a chance some one can make some perform (dance) tricks?
    There is one in the book Complete Scoundrel (Shrouded Dance, rendered in crude mockery here as hidden dance) but I went ahead and made Adaptive Stance in today's update.
    Quote Originally Posted by Jormengand View Post
    Backflip [Movement]

    Deathless Analyst [Interaction]

    Impossible Sleep [Mental]
    I added all three of these. The first two unchanged. I did a small rewrite on Impossible Sleep, lowering the requirements, making the effects scale, and explicitly excluding possessions. Let me know what you think.

    I also added 3 new tricks of my own: Midair Parry, Debilitating Wound, and Adaptive Stance.

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    Default Re: Bek11's Skill Trick Compendium: Tricks for every skill!

    Volatile Supplication [Manipulation]
    You offer up a quick prayer to whichever god hears you, and take the first answer.
    Prerequisite: Knowledge (Religion) 8 ranks, any nonlawful.
    Benefit: You can roll any number of dice up to half the number of knowledge (religion) ranks you have, and accept whatever result you end up with, on the following chart. All spells are cast at the minimum caster level to cast that spell, plus 2, except for cantrips which are cast at level 1. The save DC is the same as for any other spell-like ability.

    Creatures such as Paladins of Freedom who accidentally use an evil spell in this way are not considered to have broken their vow, but are expected to take their actions seriously in hindsight.

    Spoiler: For length
    Roll Effect
    1 Create Water over your own head
    2 Light a random piece of your equipment.
    3 Inflict Minor Wounds on a random creature within 30 feet.
    4 Mending on the nearest damaged object.
    5 Guidance on yourself
    6 Resistance on yourself
    7 Virtue on yourself
    8 Bane
    9 Bless
    10 Divine Favour on yourself
    11 Cure Light Wounds on a random creature within 30 ft.
    12 Hide From Undead on closest 3 creatures.
    13 Obscuring Mist
    14 Cause Fear in random creature within 30 feet.
    15 Aid yourself.
    16 Death Knell nearest dying creature within 60 feet.
    17 Align Weapon you're wielding with yourself, or Flame Blade if you're neutral.
    18 Silence yourself.
    19 Consecrate your location if good, Desecrate your location if evil, Darkness the floor you're standing on if neither.
    20 Enthrall everyone in range.
    21 Augury
    22 Prayer
    23 Searing Light the nearest undead, or a random creature in range if there aren't any.
    24 Invisibility Purge
    25 Dispel Magic in a burst.
    26 Magic Circle Against your opposed alignment(s) on yourself, Deeper Darkness the floor if neutral.
    27 Wind Wall in the 8 squares around you (Blocking you into a 15-foot square).
    28 Protection from Energy yourself (1d4: 1 fire, 2 cold, 3 acid, 4 electricity).
    29 Dimensional Anchor a random creature in range.
    30 Divine Power yourself.
    31 Divination
    32 Freedom of Movement a random creature in range.
    33 Dismissal and Giant Vermin on each viable creature in range.
    34 Tongues all creatures within 30 feet.
    35 Cure Critical Wounds or Inflict Critical Wounds (1d2) on a random creature in range.
    36 Flame Strike yourself but you're immune (even to divine power damage).
    37 Righteous Might.
    38 Plane Shift yourself and creatures within 30 feet to plane of (1d6: 1 Earth 2 Air 3 Fire 4 Water 5 Positive Energy 6 Negative Energy). If you're on one of those planes and try to shift to it, shift to the material instead.
    39 True Seeing
    40 Mass Cure Light Wounds each creature in range.
    41 Mass Inflict Light Wounds each creature in range
    42 Dispel opposite alignments or Greater Dispel Magic if neutral.
    43 Heal a random creature within 30 feet.
    44 Harm a random creature within 30 feet.
    45 Animate Objects on your own equipment and then nearest objects in range (Ignore usual restriction against animating worn/carried objects for yourself only).
    46 Word of Recall to where you were an hour ago.
    47 Antilife Shell
    48 Wind Walk yourself
    49 Blasphemy, Holy Word, Word of Chaos or Arbitrament as appropriate (If multiple, choose one)
    50 Mass Cure Serious Wounds all in range.
    51 Mass Inflict Serious Wounds all in range.
    52 Ethereal Jaunt
    53 Regenerate yourself.
    54 Repulsion
    55 Cloak of Chaos, Holy Aura, Unholy Aura as appropriate, otherwise Antimagic Field.
    56 Dimensional Lock your location.
    57 Fire Storm your location but you're immune.
    58 Earthquake your location but you're immune.
    59 Mass Cure Critical Wounds all within 30 feet.
    60 Mass Inflict Critical Wounds all within 30 feet.
    61 Astral Projection yourself.
    62 Etherealness yourself.
    63 Implosion a single random creature in range.
    64 Storm of Vengeance yourself but you're immune.
    65 Open a Gate in front of you to a random plane (See 38)
    66+ Use a Gate to call a Solar Angel, Balor Demon or Paragon Grey Render as appropriate
    Last edited by Jormengand; 2015-11-17 at 01:35 PM.

  27. - Top - End - #27
    Troll in the Playground
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    Default Re: Bek11's Skill Trick Compendium: Tricks for every skill!

    Quote Originally Posted by Jormengand View Post
    Volatile Supplication [Manipulation]
    You offer up a quick prayer to whichever god hears you, and take the first answer.
    Prerequisite: Knowledge (Religion) 8 ranks, any nonlawful.
    Benefit: You can roll any number of dice up to half the number of knowledge (religion) ranks you have, and accept whatever result you end up with, on the following chart. All spells are cast at the minimum caster level to cast that spell, plus 2, except for cantrips which are cast at level 1. The save DC is the same as for any other spell-like ability.

    Creatures such as Paladins of Freedom who accidentally use an evil spell in this way are not considered to have broken their vow, but are expected to take their actions seriously in hindsight.

    Spoiler: For length
    Roll Effect
    1 Create Water over your own head
    2 Light a random piece of your equipment.
    3 Inflict Minor Wounds on a random creature within 30 feet.
    4 Mending on the nearest damaged object.
    5 Guidance on yourself
    6 Resistance on yourself
    7 Virtue on yourself
    8 Bane
    9 Bless
    10 Divine Favour on yourself
    11 Cure Light Wounds on a random creature within 30 ft.
    12 Hide From Undead on closest 3 creatures.
    13 Obscuring Mist
    14 Cause Fear in random creature within 30 feet.
    15 Aid yourself.
    16 Death Knell nearest dying creature within 60 feet.
    17 Align Weapon you're wielding with yourself, or Flame Blade if you're neutral.
    18 Silence yourself.
    19 Consecrate your location if good, Desecrate your location if evil, Darkness the floor you're standing on if neither.
    20 Enthrall everyone in range.
    21 Augury
    22 Prayer
    23 Searing Light the nearest undead, or a random creature in range if there aren't any.
    24 Invisibility Purge
    25 Dispel Magic in a burst.
    26 Magic Circle Against your opposed alignment(s) on yourself, Deeper Darkness the floor if neutral.
    27 Wind Wall in the 8 squares around you (Blocking you into a 15-foot square).
    28 Protection from Energy yourself (1d4: 1 fire, 2 cold, 3 acid, 4 electricity).
    29 Dimensional Anchor a random creature in range.
    30 Divine Power yourself.
    31 Divination
    32 Freedom of Movement a random creature in range.
    33 Dismissal and Giant Vermin on each viable creature in range.
    34 Tongues all creatures within 30 feet.
    35 Cure Critical Wounds or Inflict Critical Wounds (1d2) on a random creature in range.
    36 Flame Strike yourself but you're immune (even to divine power damage).
    37 Righteous Might.
    38 Plane Shift yourself and creatures within 30 feet to plane of (1d6: 1 Earth 2 Air 3 Fire 4 Water 5 Positive Energy 6 Negative Energy). If you're on one of those planes and try to shift to it, shift to the material instead.
    39 True Seeing
    40 Mass Cure Light Wounds each creature in range.
    41 Mass Inflict Light Wounds each creature in range
    42 Dispel opposite alignments or Greater Dispel Magic if neutral.
    43 Heal a random creature within 30 feet.
    44 Harm a random creature within 30 feet.
    45 Animate Objects on your own equipment and then nearest objects in range (Ignore usual restriction against animating worn/carried objects for yourself only).
    46 Word of Recall to where you were an hour ago.
    47 Antilife Shell
    48 Wind Walk yourself
    49 Blasphemy, Holy Word, Word of Chaos or Arbitrament as appropriate (If multiple, choose one)
    50 Mass Cure Serious Wounds all in range.
    51 Mass Inflict Serious Wounds all in range.
    52 Ethereal Jaunt
    53 Regenerate yourself.
    54 Repulsion
    55 Cloak of Chaos, Holy Aura, Unholy Aura as appropriate, otherwise Antimagic Field.
    56 Dimensional Lock your location.
    57 Fire Storm your location but you're immune.
    58 Earthquake your location but you're immune.
    59 Mass Cure Critical Wounds all within 30 feet.
    60 Mass Inflict Critical Wounds all within 30 feet.
    61 Astral Projection yourself.
    62 Etherealness yourself.
    63 Implosion a single random creature in range.
    64 Storm of Vengeance yourself but you're immune.
    65 Open a Gate in front of you to a random plane (See 38)
    66+ Miracle. You choose the effect but are limited to no-XP no-GP effects.
    is there any chance lawful evil gets this trick

  28. - Top - End - #28
    Jormengand's Avatar

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    Default Re: Bek11's Skill Trick Compendium: Tricks for every skill!

    Quote Originally Posted by khadgar567 View Post
    is there any chance lawful evil gets this trick
    The trick is inherently chaotic, and good/evil doesn't really come into it.

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    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Bek11's Skill Trick Compendium: Tricks for every skill!

    Jorm, cool trick, but I am inherently frightened of tricks that cast Miracle. On the bright side, you may be happy to know I write your name enough that I added it to my browser dictionary.

    Added 10 skill tricks. Some are boring, some are silly, some might be perfectly goldilocks.

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    Default Re: Bek11's Skill Trick Compendium: Tricks for every skill!

    Quote Originally Posted by bekeleven View Post
    Jorm, cool trick, but I am inherently frightened of tricks that cast Miracle. On the bright side, you may be happy to know I write your name enough that I added it to my browser dictionary.
    I've changed it so it doesn't.

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