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    Dwarf in the Playground
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    Default Men of Stone [MitP]

    Medium Construct (Earth)
    Hit Dice: 2d10 +20 (31 hp)
    Initiative: +0
    Speed: 30ft, Burrow 15ft
    Armor Class: 12 (+2 natural), touch 10, flat-footed 12
    Base Attack/Grapple: +1/+3
    Attack: Slam +4 melee (2d6+3)
    Full Attack: 2 Slams +4 melee (2d6+3)
    Space/Reach: 5ft/5ft
    Special Attacks: -
    Special Qualities: Construct Traits, Damage Reduction 3/Adamantine, Darkvision 60ft, Soul Gem, Stoneman Traits
    Saves: Fort +0, Ref +0, Will +1
    Abilities: Str 17, Dex 10, Con -, Int 9, Wis 13, Cha 11
    Skills: Hide +1, Listen +2, Spot +2
    Feats: Improved Natural Attack (slam)
    Environment: Underground
    Organization: Solitary, Pair, Squadron (3-5 plus one 3rd level stoneman fighter), Unit (10-35 plus 1-4 3rd level stonemen fighters plus 1 7th level stoneman fighter), or City (see DMG, all combatants)
    Challenge Rating: 3
    Treasure: Standard (75% stone goods, 25% coins or metal goods)
    Alignment: Usually Lawful Neutral
    Advancement: By character class
    Level Adjustment: +3

    As you and your party march through the dark underground passages, you see two small, even, yellow orbs of light not too far out of the range of your torchlight. You anxiously ready yourselves for a fight as the creature steps into the light of your torch. The creature has a humanoid body apparently made of stone with broad shoulders, long arms tipped with sledgehammer like fists that hang down beneath its knees, and a slightly annoyed expression displayed in his crude stone features, including his glowing yellow crystalline eyes.

    The stonemen are a race of sentient constructs that live underground and in the mountains. They claim to be distant predecessors of the dwarves, but because they are constructs, it seems unlikely. Stonemen are well known for their skill in making stone goods and mining. Unlike the dwarves they claim ancestry to; however, they are generally peaceful and emotionally cold. But when threatened they can be a powerful force with fierce tenacity. Though they are all androgynous, most people interpret their broad shoulders and deep gravelly voices as male, and they are typically referred to as “he” and not “it.” Stonemen typically stand at about 6 to 6 ½ feet tall, weigh 550lbs, and usually live to be 1350 years old.

    Soul Gem: A stoneman’s stone body is powered by a glowing yellow crystal called a “soul gem.” As the name implies, the soul gem is the stoneman’s soul, only in crystal form. In order for a stoneman to be raised from the dead, the spell or effect that would normally do so must be cast directly onto the stoneman’s soul gem, which must also be in contact with an amount of stone equivalent to whatever the stoneman weighed when he died. However, if the stoneman died of old age, than a stoneman cleric performs a ritual that shatters the soul gem into 2d6 fragments which are then sewn into the ground like seeds. In ten years, the fragments develop into adult stonemen, which emerge from the ground. Stonemen that are formed from the same soul gem share similar personalities, the same last names, and consider each other “brothers.”
    Stoneman Traits: In addition to their construct traits, stonemen have the following racial traits:
    • +4 Strength, -2 Dexterity, -2 Charisma, - Constitution: Due to the fact that stonemen are made of stone, they are strong and lack constitution that other fleshed races have, but are not very coordinated and tend to be emotionally reserved.
    • Extra HD: Stonemen start play with two levels of Construct
    • Construct Type: As constructs, stonemen are not affected by mind-affecting effects, poison, sleep effects, paralysis, stunning, disease, death effects, and necromancy effects, except that they can still be risen with the normal spells that raise living creatures as long as their soul gem is recovered.
    • Natural Slam attack that deals 1d8 damage.
    • +2 Natural Armor Bonus: Stonemen are made of stone, a naturally resilient material.
    • Damage Reduction 3/Adamantine
    • Medium: As medium creatures, stonemen have no special bonuses or penalties due to their size.
    • Base land speed is 30ft and is unaffected by how much weight a stoneman carries or what armor they wear.
    • Burrow speed of 15ft through loose rock and soil only. The tunnel they create usually collapses immediately.
    • Darkvision: Stonemen can see in the dark up to 60ft, but only in black and white. They see just fine and in color in normal light.
    • Stonecunning: Same as dwarves, but +4 bonus.
    • +4 bonus to Will Saves: Stonemen are stubborn as the rocks they are made of.
    • Stability: Stonemen are exceptionally stable on their feet. A stoneman gains a +4 bonus to all checks made to resist being bull rushed or tripped when standing firmly on the ground (not when flying, riding, or otherwise not on the ground).
    • +4 bonus to Craft and Appraise checks dealing with stone or metal items.
    • Automatic Languages: Common, Terran. Bonus Languages: Dwarven, Giant, Gnome, and Undercommon.
    • Favored class: Fighter. A multiclass stoneman’s fighter class does not count when determining whether he takes an experience point penalty for multiclassing (see XP for Multiclass Character, page 60 of the Players Handbook). Stonemen are physically adapted for melee combat, and following through with those adaptations is easy.
    • Level Adjustment +3

    Stoneman Society
    Stonemen live in a strictly ordered city-state based empire, known simply as the “Stoneman Empire.” Each city state is ruled by a council of elders who are democratically elected by the people every 50 years. All of the elders meet in the capitol of Rogran-Thossak once every 10 years to discuss current issues and debate the stability of the existing law system, though anything rarely ever gets changed, since governmental corruption is incredibly rare amongst such lawful creatures. Inside the massive hand-carved subterranean city complexes there are three main districts. One half of the city is the industrial district, where all the cities goods are manufactured by laborers. The other half is divided into the residential district, which is a series of stone towers honeycombed with simple three to five room apartments, though there are some individual houses for the very wealthy. The final district is the commercial district, which features all of the shops, the museums and historical buildings, and the elder council hall building. A relatively recent addition to most cities is the train station. The Stoneman Empire finalized a trade agreement with the dwarves over 40 years ago, and they usually export processed metal bars to the dwarven lands. As for religion, most stonemen do not worship a patron deity, but instead choose to worship the earth itself that makes up their homes and bodies. A stoneman cleric that chooses to worship the earth can choose two of the following domains: Earth, Protection, or Law. Unlike other clerics, stonemen can choose to spontaneously cast repair/inflict damage spells rather than the usual cure/inflict wounds, which have no effect on constructs.

    And here's a sample stoneman:

    Brohnum Kupferfaust
    Stoneman Fighter 4
    Medium Construct (Earth)
    Hit Dice: 2d10 + 4d10 +20 (55 hp)
    Initiative: +0
    Speed: 30ft, burrow 15ft
    Armor Class: 20 (+2 natural, +8 armor), touch 10, flat footed 20
    Base Attack/Grapple: +5/+9
    Attack: Slam +10 melee (2d6+5)
    Full Attack: 2 Slams +10 melee (2d6+5)
    Space/Reach: 5ft/5ft
    Special Attacks: -
    Special Qualities: Construct Traits, Damage Reduction 3/Adamantine, Darkvision 60ft, Stoneman Traits
    Saves: Fort +4, Ref +1, Will +2
    Abilities: Str 20, Dex 10, Con -, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 9
    Skills: Climb +6, Craft (blacksmithing) +11, Handle Animal +4, Intimidate +6, Jump +7, Ride +1, Swim +5
    Feats: Improved Natural Attack (slam), Improved Sunder, Iron Will, Power Attack, Cleave, Great Cleave
    Environment: Any
    Organization: Unique
    Challenge Rating: 7
    Possessions: Oil of Repair Moderate Damage (3)Grappling Hook, Hemp Rope 50ft, Full plate armor, Backpack, Traveler’s Outfit, 2,985gp
    Alignment: Lawful Neutral

    The approach of this creature is announced by thunderous footfalls, followed by a muffled clang of metal. It stands before you, 6 feet tall and fully clad in blocky, featureless plate armor. The thing's shoulders are far too broad for any normal man, and its huge fisted arms hang all the way to its buckled knees. Its face is completely shadowed except for two glowing yellow eyes that pierce through the darkness of its helmet.

    Brohnum Kupferfaust is a typical wandering stoneman. Several years ago, he was sent on a mission with several of his fellow stonemen soldiers to dispatch a drow scouting party that had been sighted on the edge of stoneman territory. The drow were swiftly defeated, but a devastating explosive spell cast by a drow sorcerer caused a cave-in, separating Brohnum from the rest of his party. Brohnum wandered through the winding tunnels of the Underdark, until he eventually found a dwarven settlement which had tunnels leading to the surface, which Brohnum followed, for at this point he had decided he enjoyed the wandering life. When he reached the surface, he met a party of adventurers and decided to join them, and he has adventured across the surface world ever since. Brohnum is about 6’3” tall, weighs 623 pounds, is 265 years old, and speaks Common and Terran.

    Brohnum is straightforward in combat, as all stonemen are. Charge into combat, sunder some armor and weapons, and beat whatever’s attacking you into a bloody pulp with your fists.
    Soul Gem: A stoneman’s stone body is powered by a glowing yellow crystal called a “soul gem.” As the name implies, the soul gem is the stoneman’s soul, only in crystal form. In order for a stoneman to be raised from the dead, the spell or effect that would normally do so must be cast directly onto the stoneman’s soul gem, which must also be in contact with an amount of stone equivalent to whatever the stoneman weighed when he died. However, if the stoneman died of old age, than a stoneman cleric performs a ritual that shatters the soul gem into 2d6 fragments which are then sewn into the ground like seeds. In ten years, the fragments develop into adult stonemen, which emerge from the ground. Stonemen that are formed from the same soul gem share similar personalities, the same last names, and consider each other “brothers.”
    Stoneman Traits: See above.

    Ok, I know that it's not a very creative name, and a very long post. Oh, and by the way, could somebody please provide me with a link to the MitP thread? Thanks.

    And here are the votes:
    Yes: 8
    No: 0
    Last edited by KingGolem; 2007-08-03 at 01:00 AM.
    Gary Gygax
    June 27, 1938 - March 4, 2008
    Dave Arneson
    October 1, 1947 - April 7, 2009
    Rest in peace.

    Stonemen: My contribution to the MitP project and probably the coolest thing I've ever statted. Votes: Yes 8, No 0
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    (and some other stuff too, but you don't have to look at that)

  2. - Top - End - #2
    Pixie in the Playground

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    Default Re: Men of Stone [MitP]

    I like it. Nice flavour, seems to work mechanically. Only problem might be unusually low hitpoints for a 'fighter' race, considering no constitution modifier, but otherwise seems good. Maybe offer some low damage reduction instead of natural armour?

    Anyway, seems pretty neat. Perhaps 'true golem' or some such as an alternative name?

    EDIT: Oh, and thats a vote for MITP.
    Last edited by TwistedCable; 2007-06-08 at 03:28 AM.

  3. - Top - End - #3
    Dwarf in the Playground
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    Default Re: Men of Stone [MitP]

    What, two days and one reply? Come on people, please, give me some feedback here!

    Oh, and by the way, yes, I think I will lower the natural armor and add some damage reduction. And as for calling them "true golems," I don't think so. Despite their appearance, and my name, the stonemen were not designed anywhere near related to golems, though I can see why you would think so.
    Gary Gygax
    June 27, 1938 - March 4, 2008
    Dave Arneson
    October 1, 1947 - April 7, 2009
    Rest in peace.

    Stonemen: My contribution to the MitP project and probably the coolest thing I've ever statted. Votes: Yes 8, No 0
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  4. - Top - End - #4
    EvilElitest's Avatar

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    Default Re: Men of Stone [MitP]

    1. I love it
    2. Great Fluff
    3. I like the name, them seem like the typles who wouldn't really care about names anyways
    4. You got my Vote, MITP Vote Yes
    5. I'm using it

  5. - Top - End - #5
    Dwarf in the Playground
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    Default Re: Men of Stone [MitP]

    Thanks EvilElitist.

    Ok, but seriously, could somebody please post a link to the MitP thread? I can't find it. (and some feedback while doing so would be nice, too )
    Gary Gygax
    June 27, 1938 - March 4, 2008
    Dave Arneson
    October 1, 1947 - April 7, 2009
    Rest in peace.

    Stonemen: My contribution to the MitP project and probably the coolest thing I've ever statted. Votes: Yes 8, No 0
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  6. - Top - End - #6
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: Men of Stone [MitP]

    Is that what you're looking for?

    Not sure yet on this, i like very much what I've read, but haven't yet had a chance to go through the whole thing.
    Recent Ancient Attempts at homebrewing :

    Daoist(Prc), Kinderhorror (MitP:8-0), Gribble(MitP: 11-1), Shardfiend(MitP:8-0), Sun Tyrant(MitP:6-0), Sunworshiper(MitP: 3-0),Spidaren (MitP: 7-0), Movie Themed Feats

    Any & all advice and opinions, and votes, are welcome

  7. - Top - End - #7
    Dwarf in the Playground
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    Default Re: Men of Stone [MitP]

    Yes, I believe it is. Thank you.
    Gary Gygax
    June 27, 1938 - March 4, 2008
    Dave Arneson
    October 1, 1947 - April 7, 2009
    Rest in peace.

    Stonemen: My contribution to the MitP project and probably the coolest thing I've ever statted. Votes: Yes 8, No 0
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  8. - Top - End - #8
    Halfling in the Playground

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    Default Re: Men of Stone [MitP]

    I like, I like. definately going to be used

    Mitp vote: yes

  9. - Top - End - #9
    Dwarf in the Playground
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    Default Re: Men of Stone [MitP]

    Good monster. One question. Don't constructs get pluses to their hit points due to size?
    Last edited by DragonTounge; 2007-06-12 at 10:58 AM.
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  10. - Top - End - #10
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: Men of Stone [MitP]

    I'll vote yes. Some of the mechanics could be worked out slightly differently, but that's just preference. I like the concept of the creatures and feel they would add to any setting they were placed in.

    MitP vote: yes
    Recent Ancient Attempts at homebrewing :

    Daoist(Prc), Kinderhorror (MitP:8-0), Gribble(MitP: 11-1), Shardfiend(MitP:8-0), Sun Tyrant(MitP:6-0), Sunworshiper(MitP: 3-0),Spidaren (MitP: 7-0), Movie Themed Feats

    Any & all advice and opinions, and votes, are welcome

  11. - Top - End - #11
    Dwarf in the Playground
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    Default Re: Men of Stone [MitP]

    Quote Originally Posted by DragonTounge View Post
    Good monster. One question. Don't constructs get pluses to their hit points due to size?
    Oops, I missed that. I'll get that fixed right away. Thanks for reminding me.
    Gary Gygax
    June 27, 1938 - March 4, 2008
    Dave Arneson
    October 1, 1947 - April 7, 2009
    Rest in peace.

    Stonemen: My contribution to the MitP project and probably the coolest thing I've ever statted. Votes: Yes 8, No 0
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  12. - Top - End - #12
    Dwarf in the Playground
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    Default Re: Men of Stone [MitP]


    Gary Gygax
    June 27, 1938 - March 4, 2008
    Dave Arneson
    October 1, 1947 - April 7, 2009
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    Stonemen: My contribution to the MitP project and probably the coolest thing I've ever statted. Votes: Yes 8, No 0
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  13. - Top - End - #13
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Men of Stone [MitP]

    Should be 31 Hit Points. Fortitude and Reflexes should both be 0(0), I think. Skill Points are [5 x (2 -1)] 5. I'm not clear how that translates into Hide 3(3), Listen 5(7) and Spot 5(9). Even without Skill Points you would need a Racial Bonus of Listen +1 and Spot +3. What am I missing?
    It is a joyful thing indeed to hold intimate converse with a man after one’s own heart, chatting without reserve about things of interest or the fleeting topics of the world; but such, alas, are few and far between.

    – Yoshida Kenko (1283-1350), Tsurezure-Gusa (1340)

  14. - Top - End - #14
    EvilElitest's Avatar

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    Default Re: Men of Stone [MitP]

    Just one peeve question, do they have joints persay that are made of stone, or does the stone in that general area just morph along with the arm when the stone man wishes to move?

  15. - Top - End - #15
    Dwarf in the Playground
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    Default Re: Men of Stone [MitP]

    Quote Originally Posted by Matthew
    Should be 31 Hit Points. Fortitude and Reflexes should both be 0(0), I think. Skill Points are [5 x (2 -1)] 5. I'm not clear how that translates into Hide 3(3), Listen 5(7) and Spot 5(9). Even without Skill Points you would need a Racial Bonus of Listen +1 and Spot +3. What am I missing?
    Hmm, I'm not sure, but I'll take a more in-depth look at it when I get home. I'm travelling right now, and the computer I'm on doesn't have my D&D files on it.

    Quote Originally Posted by EvilElitest
    Just one peeve question, do they have joints persay that are made of stone, or does the stone in that general area just morph along with the arm when the stone man wishes to move?
    Well, both, actually. Most of its body has segmented joints (similar to those in humans, i.e. knees, elbows, wrists, etc.), but the stone that forms its mouth does morph into different shapes when they speak so they can produce the vast range of sounds required to speak a language.
    Gary Gygax
    June 27, 1938 - March 4, 2008
    Dave Arneson
    October 1, 1947 - April 7, 2009
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    Stonemen: My contribution to the MitP project and probably the coolest thing I've ever statted. Votes: Yes 8, No 0
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  16. - Top - End - #16
    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Default Re: Men of Stone [MitP]

    Do they have a reason for existence or a goal?

    I picture them sort of like Hephaestus's Cyclops.

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  17. - Top - End - #17
    Dwarf in the Playground
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    Default Re: Men of Stone [MitP]

    Quote Originally Posted by sigurd View Post
    Do they have a reason for existence or a goal?

    I picture them sort of like Hephaestus's Cyclops.
    A reason for existence/goal? If you mean as a race, then no. Then again, what reason does a race need to exist other than for their own sake?

    And secondly, what makes you picture them sort of like the Cyclopes? The only similarity I see is the relationship with earth (and the stoneman's relationship with it is much more obvious).
    Gary Gygax
    June 27, 1938 - March 4, 2008
    Dave Arneson
    October 1, 1947 - April 7, 2009
    Rest in peace.

    Stonemen: My contribution to the MitP project and probably the coolest thing I've ever statted. Votes: Yes 8, No 0
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  18. - Top - End - #18
    Pixie in the Playground
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    Default Re: Men of Stone [MitP]

    Liked these.
    I'll probaly use them in some future adventure.

    MitP Vote: Yes

  19. - Top - End - #19
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Men of Stone [MitP]

    This one is good. No complaints at all. It even transfers to a PC easily. Good job. Mitp: Yes

  20. - Top - End - #20
    Dwarf in the Playground
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    Default Re: Men of Stone [MitP]

    Yay, replies! And good ones at that!

    Thanks you guys!
    Gary Gygax
    June 27, 1938 - March 4, 2008
    Dave Arneson
    October 1, 1947 - April 7, 2009
    Rest in peace.

    Stonemen: My contribution to the MitP project and probably the coolest thing I've ever statted. Votes: Yes 8, No 0
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  21. - Top - End - #21
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Men of Stone [MitP]

    Did you ever look into the Hit Point, Saves and Skill issues?
    It is a joyful thing indeed to hold intimate converse with a man after one’s own heart, chatting without reserve about things of interest or the fleeting topics of the world; but such, alas, are few and far between.

    – Yoshida Kenko (1283-1350), Tsurezure-Gusa (1340)

  22. - Top - End - #22
    Lord Iames Osari's Avatar

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    Default Re: Men of Stone [MitP]

    You know, I might be tempted to make these guys vulnerable to critical hits because of their soul gem.

  23. - Top - End - #23
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: Men of Stone [MitP]

    MitP Vote: YES.

    Very interesting race; they remind me of an alien race I wrote up once for a design contest. I didn't win, but I'm still proud of the Liths.

  24. - Top - End - #24
    Dwarf in the Playground
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    Default Re: Men of Stone [MitP]

    Hooray! The seventh vote! Thank you all, for your votes and your critiquing.

    Oh, and by the way Matthew, no I forgot to look into those mechanics issues, but I'll start right now.

    And Lord Iames Osari, I can understand why you might make them vulnerable to critical hits because of the soul gem, but if you do, I would think that you should make it harder to confirm a hit somehow, since they only have a single weak spot.

    Edit: Ok, I looked back over it and I think I worked out some of the minor bugs in the stats. The issue with the hit points is simply because of my preference. In the RAW, it says that the hit points equal a roll of 5.5 for each d10, and I never understood that, so I just used 5 for a d10 roll. So technically, it should be 31 hp by RAW, which I changed it to. And about the skill points and saves issue, I believe those were minor errors caused by me converting it to the monster format from the race format (because that's what it was when I originally statted it up). So, yeah, there you have it, after a little bit of tweaking.
    Last edited by KingGolem; 2007-07-31 at 08:40 PM.
    Gary Gygax
    June 27, 1938 - March 4, 2008
    Dave Arneson
    October 1, 1947 - April 7, 2009
    Rest in peace.

    Stonemen: My contribution to the MitP project and probably the coolest thing I've ever statted. Votes: Yes 8, No 0
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  25. - Top - End - #25
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Men of Stone [MitP]

    Looks good.

    MitP: Yes
    It is a joyful thing indeed to hold intimate converse with a man after one’s own heart, chatting without reserve about things of interest or the fleeting topics of the world; but such, alas, are few and far between.

    – Yoshida Kenko (1283-1350), Tsurezure-Gusa (1340)

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