Snips, Snails, and Dragon Tales: Now available in PDF format from Gumroad
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  1. - Top - End - #1
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Megadungeon D (IC) II

    Travelling from far and wide for their own varying reasons, Jeffery Gill, Meera Thoonidae, Julius Bloodstorm, Xander Traal, and Vassilia have found themselves in the great city of Endeesy. Endeesy can't compare in magnificence, wealth, or amenities to the other capitols of the world (although its population is greater by an order of magnitude than the others, its infrastructure is somewhat lacking). It offers only two things: first, almost anyone can find a way to fit in in this city of misfits; and second, even keeping the king's peace is almost beyond the military's ability, so non-violent offenses (and even some violent offenses) that might be crimes in other nations are overlooked here. So Endeesy, like its predecessor the aptly-named Disreputable City, has naturally become a hub for pirates, smugglers, and adventurers alike.

    But Endeesy has even more to offer than even the Disreputable City did in its heyday, for the lands north of the city are peppered with unexplored caves and ruins both ancient and recent, filled with fruits ripe for the plucking by those adventurers brave enough to seek them out.

    That's where this party comes in, finding themselves in the grand Adventurer's Guildhall. Barely more than an oversized tavern, really, the draw of the Adventurer's Guild for adventurers is that here one may encounter like-minded adventurers with whom to form a team, and then one may consult the corkboard by the door for a myriad of opportunities. (The draw for everyone else is, of course, that one may post a bounty on the bulletin board and eventually it will be done, if the reward is high enough.) The bartender is a friendly-looking be-muttonchop'd middle-aged half-elf, and other adventurers and hirelings are scattered at the bar and tables.

    The contents of the corkboard can be found here.

    Bounties may range from the unambiguously good to the rankly evil, offer rewards ranging from piddling to riches beyond your wildest dreams, and mount challenges ranging from child's play to downright unachievable. None of these factors necessarily correlates with any of the others.

    Not every location visited necessarily contains anything of value, and things of value may not present themselves obviously. Not all creatures encountered will necessarily pose a challenge appropriate to your power, or even be hostile. Areas cleared of creatures will not necessarily remain cleared for long.

    This is an organic world, with many options and correspondingly many risks. How you choose to respond is up to you.

    (OOC thread)

  2. - Top - End - #2
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Megadungeon D (IC) II


    "Interesting. Very interesting," mumbles Meera as she peruses the cork board. Having lived in Endeesy for many years, this was the first time she'd ever been into the Adventurer's Guildhall. She'd had no reason to visit before now, but it seemed as good a place as any to begin her quest.

    Having read over a few and found one or two that caught her eye and didn't seem too difficult, she started to look around for a suggestion of where to go or what to do now...

    Last edited by Jeriah; 2017-03-11 at 08:59 PM.
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  3. - Top - End - #3
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Megadungeon D (IC) II


    Perhaps you already met Julius. He had approached you in the bar, offered to buy you a drink, and invited you to meet him here after learning somewhat of your talents and/or desires. Or perhaps you heard that the Grand Adventure's Guild had job offers on their board and took the initaitive. Regardless, as you walk in you see him at the board going through the bounties with an inquisitive look on his face. Tall for a mongrelfolk, clearly wearing a chain shirt underneath sea blue robes of a priest of Hafgufa. Hanging from his neck, a large silver holy symbol for his faith. At his feet is a somewhat larger than normal Elvish Hound (around 40 lbs) who looks around the room in excitement as your smell hits his nose for the first time.

    Presently, however, the dog (Melikki) is growling at Meera, as if there is something about her that he doesn't like. Just a look from her and Melikki whines somewhat and moves to hide behind Julius's legs. Julius looks up at Meera for the first time with a strange look on his face as if experiencing an unsettling feeling before truly sizing her up. "I'm waiting on some friends to pick one of these bounties, you looking for work?"

    Spoiler: ooc

    My character would have been actively looking for adventurer's to earn a profit with so please feel free to combine backgrounds with me! I'd rather already have a small history than uh... "roleplay out" introductions for the first month. If you already know my Mongrelfolk you know him as very driven individual who is training (somewhat inefficiently) at arms. Depending on how long you've known him he is clearly growing at a rapid rate.

    Also for the hell of it, (1d20+2)[22] Decipher Script on the coded board posting. He's spent some time on it before play started.

    *Got a butt load more of those coming for you Malimar

    Last edited by Jopustopin; 2017-03-11 at 08:56 PM.
    If I could play dungeons & dragons with only four books: MM I, DMG, PHB, & ToB
    Dragon Shaman Handbook. Fighter Fix.
    Camel's Handbook

  4. - Top - End - #4
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: Megadungeon D (IC) II

    Adventurer's Guild

    Julius has been studying the coded message! His efforts have yielded an insight or two!

    Spoiler: Julius
    The last time I tried to give hints on this one, I completely goofed and my hints turned out to be all sorts of wrong and the guy would've been better off not rolling Decipher Script at all, so take anything I tell you with a grain of salt. That said, I'm trying not to lead you astray with this:

    It's pretty clearly a relatively straightforward substitution cipher. The letter that looks sort of like a J rotated 180 degrees, the first letter in the message? Probably an "A" or an "I", letters that usually occur on their own. The letters that occur in pairs are probably things like "as" or "it" or "of" or "to" or "be" or "on", there's only so many combinations of two letters that make functional words.

    If while decoding you come across a word that looks like it might be a day of the week you're familiar with, don't become confused by it. There are also several proper nouns, one of which may not be possible to decipher for sure because I think it contains one of two letters not used elsewhere in the message. But it's not too important to get the gist of the message.
    Last edited by Malimar; 2017-03-11 at 09:14 PM.

  5. - Top - End - #5
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Megadungeon D (IC) II

    Xander Traal

    His purse 25 gold lighter after just paying the adventuring guild dues, Xander wandered to the bounty corkboard and noticed Julius, with whom he'd shared a drink earlier. He walked up just as Julius finished speaking.

    "Why yes, yes I am," he said to the others looking over the board, "any of these strike your fancy? Some of them look dangerous..."

    Xander is a thin man, with wavy black hair and a seemingly everpresent shadow of stubble on his face. He wears simple brown leather armor, with a dagger on one hip and a crossbow on the other. His breeches are also brown, with black leather boots to cap the outfit. His equipment is new, without a scratch or mark on it. Either he recently lost everything and just replaced it, or he's completely inexperienced at the adventuring lifestyle.
    TC for short

    "I like the sense of chaos this game provides. OOC, I like that I cannot know every available avenue, but that I can pursue whatever avenue I so choose. IC, I like that what I am doing has consequences. It's very very real." --Noedig

  6. - Top - End - #6
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Megadungeon D (IC) II


    Having never met either of these two before, Meera is slightly suspicious at first.

    "I was looking at a few of these. Not sure which ones seem best, but I'm getting a few ideas..."

    Spoiler: Appearance, straight from her character sheet
    Meera is fairly average for a mongrelfolk, strong and tough, though she skews more towards a human appearance than many, tainted mainly by the slight purple cast to her skin and bulbous cranium, which she feels self conscious about and hides beneath her thick black hair and ornate headdresses. She dresses for travel and adventuring, wearing thick wool and leather clothing when not garbed in her protective armor.
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  7. - Top - End - #7
    Halfling in the Playground

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    Default Re: Megadungeon D (IC) II


    Vassilia double checks the name on the sign before entering, she'd been expecting something a little more grand. Vassilia orders a drink before meeting Julius at the bounty-board "Friends of yours?" she asks motioning towards the other mongrelfolk and the thin fellow beside her.

    Spoiler: Appearance
    Vassilia is slightly taller than average with a fair complexion, blue eyes, and longblonde hair tied into an elaborate braid.
    Her armor is simple, lacking an decorations except a fair number of scratches. Her sword on the other is well crafted with Celestial runes running down the front and back of the blade and a once red scarf now faded from sun and sea is wrapped around the hilt.

  8. - Top - End - #8
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Megadungeon D (IC) II


    "More like acquaintances," Xander replied, "I'm Xander."
    (After the intro reply)
    "Well met. Are you looking for work too?"

    anyone planning to take a crack at that cypher?
    Last edited by Thundercracker; 2017-03-12 at 03:07 AM.
    TC for short

    "I like the sense of chaos this game provides. OOC, I like that I cannot know every available avenue, but that I can pursue whatever avenue I so choose. IC, I like that what I am doing has consequences. It's very very real." --Noedig

  9. - Top - End - #9
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Megadungeon D (IC) II


    "Business associates, friends, fellow guild mates - whatever you prefer. Glad to see you again Xander, Vassilia. I had hoped you would come" Jullius said (although he was looking at Vassilia's greatsword when he said it).

    I came a little early and deciphered this one, he said, pointing at the coded message, then in a much quieter voice he spoke, sliding his finger word by word, "A sponsor who would prefer to remain anonymous has requested the return of a +1 frost dagger, as it bears enormous sentimental value… The dagger is currently in the personal armory of King Terek Rogan the second, who received it from his Father, Terek Rogan the first, Who took it from the body of the pirate Morgram crow, who had borrowed it from the wizard Xuick Ben who had stolen it after murdering its rightful owner Thought of Mirk Jalic Vayal…. Please retrieve the dagger from the King by persuasion, force, trickery, or any means necessary, and bring it to the inn of the blackguards shiv on the night of Freday while wearing a red hat… Reward shall be a plus one tome of clear thoughts.

    "Well there is nothing stopping us from doubling up on these bounties. For example, we could get the frost dagger from the king by finding his bride." Julius pauses a second to read the bride's requirements again and starts laughing to himself. He looks up before getting serious again, "So keep your eyes and ears open for any news of metallic dragons even if we're on another bounty. My vote is on the easy money. Although for obvious reasons I'd enjoy doing the whaling dispute."

    Spoiler: rolls

    Not really sure on the "J" or the "X" so cloistered cleric lore to see if I got anything wrong or any appropriate knowledge check?
    Lore: (1d20+2)[3]
    Knowledge (Local): (1d20+2)[17]
    Knowledge (Arcana): (1d20+2)[5]
    Last edited by Jopustopin; 2017-03-12 at 07:47 AM.
    If I could play dungeons & dragons with only four books: MM I, DMG, PHB, & ToB
    Dragon Shaman Handbook. Fighter Fix.
    Camel's Handbook

  10. - Top - End - #10
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Megadungeon D (IC) II


    "I don't know about the whaling dispute," Xander replied, "I can't breathe under water or speak Triton language... I was thinking the ogres might be a good one to try our hand at... wait, what's this, anarchic water for the mad Druid?"
    isnt anarchic water just holy water blessed by a priest of a chaotic deity? Knowledge religion I guess?

    Take 10 for 17
    TC for short

    "I like the sense of chaos this game provides. OOC, I like that I cannot know every available avenue, but that I can pursue whatever avenue I so choose. IC, I like that what I am doing has consequences. It's very very real." --Noedig

  11. - Top - End - #11
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: Megadungeon D (IC) II

    Adventurer's Guild

    Julius has mostly accurately (accurately enough) deciphered the message! (It's Quick Ben, one name used by the leader of the Defiance, one of the adventurers responsible for the Subsidence, whom he's heard of. He hasn't heard of the Thought of Mirk, though he suspects that's a rank in the church of Mirk, so he doesn't know if that name is spelled correctly.) Julius gains 200XP for this decipherment, and we're off to the races!

    Quote Originally Posted by Thundercracker View Post
    isnt anarchic water just holy water blessed by a priest of a chaotic deity?
    That it is, and Xander knows this! Easy profit, probably, it's cheaper to come by than the reward the Mad Druid offers. No telling why the Mad Druid hasn't just gone out and bought some himself.

  12. - Top - End - #12
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Megadungeon D (IC) II

    Julius nods absentmindedly at Xander but his attention seems focused on the bounties.

    Spoiler: Knowledge Checks

    Just asking for general information. You can roll for me as I'd be asking for a bunch of rolls here. Alternatively you can tell me that I don't know anything on the subject.

    A Bride for the King - Who is the Dowager Queen? Is that the King's mother? What does Dowager mean?

    Dragon Hunt - Are dragons common or rare? Do I know of any half-dragons in town or dragon descendend? How... did they survive the inundation.

    Join the Adventurer's Guild - Would we only need to find one key for the group or all five?

    Quarantine on Doublebridge - What's word on the street here? Lore, Local, Religion etc. Has my character heard anything such as how powerful the undead are or what caused it.

    Slay Sewer Monsters - What do I know about the sewers under crown district? What do I know about these, "Monsters"? What are they?

    Whaling Dispute - Tridents speak common and their diplomats would meet us on the surface? Or does my character think they would need to swim down to talk to them? My character would assume that me being a priest of Hafgufa would have them grant me an audience, correct? Do I think they are attacking them due to, say, them killing whales a MOST sacred animal?

    Vigilante Justice - This one seems doable. Any information about Violet Shadow from a knowledge or lore check?

    Supplies for Repair - Have I ever heard of dragonshards? Are they mined somewhere near here?

    Contact the Mushroom People - This one seems really easy. Any applicable information that Julius would know?

    What is Nerzohexoate?

    If I could play dungeons & dragons with only four books: MM I, DMG, PHB, & ToB
    Dragon Shaman Handbook. Fighter Fix.
    Camel's Handbook

  13. - Top - End - #13
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: Megadungeon D (IC) II

    Adventurer's Guild

    Julius knows things!

    Spoiler: What Julius Knows
    Dowager Queen qurSaan is the widow of the previous King and mother of the current King. That's basically what "dowager" means. She is known to have a lot of influence over her son, but as the teenaged King grows into an adult he is growing more and more independent.

    Dragons are not common! The descendants of dragons are reasonably common, but Julius doesn't know of any specifically off the top of his head. Some dragons survived the Inundation by being aquatic, some survived by dwelling on elven mangals, some survived by travelling to other planes for the duration. A black one conquered Shell early in the Inundation and his child and grandchild ruled it with an iron claw for a couple centuries, until Exith Chippemunk the Valiant drove them out and restored human rule.

    It's probably easier just to ask Tom the bartender about the rules for the Journeyman's Keys. He informs Julius that yes, any group that adventures together can submit a single key and all of them will be promoted.

    He hasn't heard any specifics about Doublebridge!

    He knows much of what traditionally dwells in sewers! Mostly, oozes. Sometimes funguses, sometimes otyughs. Generally anything that feeds on waste (and sewer workers). He heard the last party to venture down into the sewers got in over their heads and lost a guy to an ooze.

    Whales are indeed sacred to Hafgufa, who is generally worshipped by tritons! Whales aren't sacred in such a way that it is an evil to hunt them, they're sacred in the sort of way that you can hunt them and eat them as long as you say the proper prayers and thank them properly. Quite probably the whalers aren't saying the proper prayers and thanking the whales properly, at least as far as the tritons are concerned.

    The tritons would probably be willing to send a delegation to meet with priest of Hafgufa at the surface. Most tritons, especially diplomats, speak both Aquan and Common.

    Julius has heard rumors and legends of the Violet Shadow, a dark stranger who leaves villains strung up in prominent places! Normally the government is pretty much fine with vigilanteism, but perhaps the Violet Shadow has been too public about it, or perhaps the Violet Shadow has killed and strung up somebody with too many friends in high places.

    Julius has never heard of dragonshards! He's pretty sure htey're not mined near here. The only major mines he's aware of are the Tiv-Beckett Cold Iron Mine to the northwest and the town of Kaboom Mine (mostly copper and regular iron) to the southeast. There are a few other mines scattered about, like Tharock has one and Ironrock has one and there are a few in the Omorashi Empire, but mostly all the ore resources of the continent were pretty much depleted before the Inundation, by the dwarves who lived in the hills. The tritons probably dug some of the remaining ore up during the Inundation, too. Anyhow, all the local mines he's familiar with are for ores, not crystals or anything like that.

    Julius suspects that the mushroom people in question may be myconids, who communicate by spores -- they're the only kind of sapient fungus he can think of. He doesn't know much beyond that, such as how they might have survived the Inundation.

    He's heard of Nerzohexoate, but he's always heard it in Quasxthian contexts. "Ask your cleric" means "ask your cleric of Quasxthe". He doesn't know any details about it himself.

  14. - Top - End - #14
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Megadungeon D (IC) II


    Xander pondered whether he'd heard anything about the ogres or knew where he could secure anarchic holy water.

    ogres: local (1d20+7)[26]
    Water: local (1d20+7)[15]
    Edit:forgot about the quarantine: take 10 for 18 on dungeoneering or 17 on local.

    Guys I have a bunch of knowledges, so if we need to make a check I'm more than happy to scour my character's memory. Just let me know since I'm not so great at realizing when I should be using knowledge checks.
    Last edited by Thundercracker; 2017-03-12 at 11:42 PM.
    TC for short

    "I like the sense of chaos this game provides. OOC, I like that I cannot know every available avenue, but that I can pursue whatever avenue I so choose. IC, I like that what I am doing has consequences. It's very very real." --Noedig

  15. - Top - End - #15
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Megadungeon D (IC) II


    "Maybe instead of thinking about this too hard, should I just pick one and go with it? Yeah, that sounds like a good plan."

    Meera reaches towards the cork board, her fingers flitting nervously across the notices. Unable to make a decision, she closes her eyes and jabs one essentially at random. She takes a deep breath to steady her nerves before opening her eyes.

    "Oliphaunt Snax. Okay. I can do that."

    Meera turns to the others that have gathered around her with newfound confidence.

    "I'm going to do this quest. Since you all seem to be looking for work anyway, I request your accompaniment."

    She waves the Oliphaunt Snax flyer in the general direction of the others to emphasize her request.
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    Firbolg in the Playground
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    Default Re: Megadungeon D (IC) II


    "Not even willing to barter on the guild fee...25 gold...what a's highway robbery..." mumbles a man to himself as he wanders up to the board.

    Giving the board a quick scan, his left eyebrow raises slightly. "..Oliphaunt Snax...they really let people put anything on these boards... he mutters again, seemingly unaware of the mass of others in the room.

    Shock crosses his face, but only briefly, as he sees someone snatch a flier off the board, as if he finally realizes he's not alone in the room.

    "Of all of the fliers, what made you pick that one?" he inquires of the woman, half jokingly (because he realizes she grabbed the Oliphaunt Snax) and half serious (because he's having an extremely hard time deciding).

    Spoiler: Appearance

    Jeffery is a man of middling height, though a little on the skinny side, as if he may have missed a meal or two here and there. He has brown eyes, and black, unruly hair. His eyes have dark circles under them, as if he hasn't slept well in a while, but his demeanor doesn't reflect this. His traveling clothes seem a bit worn, but clean nonetheless, and though he looks as if he hails from Shell, his accent seems to have a hint of Oramashi in it.

  17. - Top - End - #17
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: Megadungeon D (IC) II

    Adventurer's Guild

    Xander knows things, too!

    Spoiler: What Xander Knows
    He's heard all sorts of stories about the ogres! Plus, he's read books about ogres, too. He's gathered that the band between Saint Phil and Nopants is about seven ogres strong (plus or minus a couple), led by an ogre mage.

    Anarchic water can almost certainly be acquired for a donation from the local temple to Inglip, and quite possibly for a donation from the local temple to Dalya. The local temple to the Burning Hate could have supplied it, but got asploded awhile back.

    As for the monsters at Doublebridge: he's heard they're terrible creatures that feed on your life essence and make you into one of them once they've killed you! Which describes a lot of undead, but these are probably wights.

  18. - Top - End - #18
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Megadungeon D (IC) II

    Melikki starts growling again as if sensing his master's displeasure but quiets down with nothing more than a look from Julius.

    "Ma'am, my gut says you have talent. I know you have gusto and I applaud your boldness. Sometimes it's better to just enter actions with boldness; hesitation can mean death. This is not one of those times. A moment's thought now will save you weeks of wasteful action. You are free to do as you wish as I don't know you, but my advice is this:

    That elephant owes its existence to Hafgufa. We all do. For five hundred years Hafgufa, the Leviathan God, allowed us to reside in his domain. It was within his power to crush our parents and grandparents, our families, indeed our very race; he did not. Hafgufa did not take us in out of benevolence. I assure you.

    He created all the seafolk. The Triton's, the Locathah, and the Merfolk. I like your drive and your moral flexibility; normally I'd have no qualms about taking a life if the payment is right. But immortal Hafgufa will remember the races who lived under his roof and then who spit in his face the moment their feet hit dry land. I'll not in any way feed one of his chosen people to an elephant.

    If someone completes that bounty. I'll find them, tie them to a pyre, and float them out to meet Hafgufa with something to keep them warm."

    Julius turns back to Vasillia and Xander. "It would be silly not to get the druid his anarchaic water. That's just a straight profit for the group. After that I think that the whaling dispute would be easy to resolve. We don't need to swim down there Xander and they speak common and I, of course, speak aquan. We will get some sea blue sailing clothes, nothing formal, just so they know we're speaking as worshippers of Hafgufa. The problem is almost certainly the whaling ships. Should be easy to solve; they are the ones who want to stop being attacked. Maybe all they need to do is present Hafgufa with a good old fashioned sacrifice before setting sail. I know of an elephant that Hafgufa would appreciate. Vasillia you're our tie breaker. I think Ogre's are too much risk but I haven't seen you fight. Have either of you heard anything about Doubleridge?"

    "If either of you are interested in work
    (he says referring to Meera and Jeffery) we split our profits equitably when possible. When not possible, such as a rare item, I'll keep an accountant book to track your balance to the group. My plan is to be profitable enough so betrayal isn't in our best interest". Julius turns his attention to everyone and continues with a diplomatic smile (and his tusk make this look somewhat threatening), "But if you do betray me, don't leave me alive.
    Last edited by Jopustopin; 2017-03-13 at 06:07 PM.
    If I could play dungeons & dragons with only four books: MM I, DMG, PHB, & ToB
    Dragon Shaman Handbook. Fighter Fix.
    Camel's Handbook

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    Firbolg in the Playground
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    "Wait...what? The Oliphaunt eats what exactly?" sputters Jeffery. The writing of that particular bounty was so horrendous that he honestly had not made it past 'Oliphaunt Snax' before chuckling and continuing on.

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    Halfling in the Playground

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    Default Re: Megadungeon D (IC) II

    Spoiler: Knowledge check
    Check to see if Vasillia knows anything about what's at double-bridgeReligion - (1d20+2)[13]

  21. - Top - End - #21
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Adventurer's Guild

    Vassilia has heard rumors about the creatures at Doublebridge eating people and turning more people into them, but that could be all sorts of undead.

  22. - Top - End - #22
    Halfling in the Playground

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    "I agree, I feel we could handle an ogre but from the sound of it there is at least half a dozen, with a mage to back them up. So I vote we investigate the matter at Doublebridge, after we take care of the whaling dispute and get the druid his water of course"
    Last edited by BaratheonFury; 2017-03-13 at 05:57 PM.

  23. - Top - End - #23
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Megadungeon D (IC) II


    He shuddered at the thought of wraiths, after conveying what he suspected.

    "Well, sounds like you know what you're talking about with the Tritons Julius, why don't we take that on?" Xander said, "I'm not in a rush to try to face an octet of ogres. Shall we drop off the anarchic water first though? It could pay for our robes and any other material we'd need."

    He explained where he thought they could acquire the water.
    Last edited by Thundercracker; 2017-03-13 at 07:26 PM.
    TC for short

    "I like the sense of chaos this game provides. OOC, I like that I cannot know every available avenue, but that I can pursue whatever avenue I so choose. IC, I like that what I am doing has consequences. It's very very real." --Noedig

  24. - Top - End - #24
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Megadungeon D (IC) II

    Quote Originally Posted by Jopustopin View Post
    Melikki starts growling again as if sensing his master's displeasure but quiets down with nothing more than a look from Julius.

    "Ma'am, my gut says you have talent. I know you have gusto and I applaud your boldness. Sometimes it's better to just enter actions with boldness; hesitation can mean death. This is not one of those times. A moment's thought now will save you weeks of wasteful action. You are free to do as you wish as I don't know you, but my advice is this:

    That elephant owes its existence to Hafgufa. We all do. For five hundred years Hafgufa, the Leviathan God, allowed us to reside in his domain. It was within his power to crush our parents and grandparents, our families, indeed our very race; he did not. Hafgufa did not take us in out of benevolence. I assure you.

    He created all the seafolk. The Triton's, the Locathah, and the Merfolk. I like your drive and your moral flexibility; normally I'd have no qualms about taking a life if the payment is right. But immortal Hafgufa will remember the races who lived under his roof and then who spit in his face the moment their feet hit dry land. I'll not in any way feed one of his chosen people to an elephant.

    If someone completes that bounty. I'll find them, tie them to a pyre, and float them out to meet Hafgufa with something to keep them warm."

    Julius turns back to Vasillia and Xander. "It would be silly not to get the druid his anarchaic water. That's just a straight profit for the group. After that I think that the whaling dispute would be easy to resolve. We don't need to swim down there Xander and they speak common and I, of course, speak aquan. We will get some sea blue sailing clothes, nothing formal, just so they know we're speaking as worshippers of Hafgufa. The problem is almost certainly the whaling ships. Should be easy to solve; they are the ones who want to stop being attacked. Maybe all they need to do is present Hafgufa with a good old fashioned sacrifice before setting sail. I know of an elephant that Hafgufa would appreciate. Vasillia you're our tie breaker. I think Ogre's are too much risk but I haven't seen you fight. Have either of you heard anything about Doubleridge?"

    "If either of you are interested in work
    (he says referring to Meera and Jeffery) we split our profits equitably when possible. When not possible, such as a rare item, I'll keep an accountant book to track your balance to the group. My plan is to be profitable enough so betrayal isn't in our best interest". Julius turns his attention to everyone and continues with a diplomatic smile (and his tusk make this look somewhat threatening), "But if you do betray me, don't leave me alive.
    Meera waves the flyer at Julius dismissively.

    "You sound pretty devout, but if you were really so devout, then wouldn't you be pursuing this now? I mean, clearly, this isn't the first time this..."

    She stumbles for a second and glances down the flyer again.

    "... this Sir Bigglesworth has fed merfolk to his oliphaunt. I mean, obviously he's had experience doing it, or he wouldn't know that his pet likes them. Perhaps you should go ahead and introduce this Sir Bigglesworth to Hafgufa to keep anyone from completing the bounty. Much more efficient that way, and you can put your money where your mouth is."

    She huffs once at the suggestion of Doublebridge and adds, "Undead are disgusting. There's nothing worthwhile in meddling with them. I say we avoid them at all costs, unless, that is, you're planning to join their ranks..."
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  25. - Top - End - #25
    Firbolg in the Playground
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    Jeffery smirks at the woman's (Meera's) comment. Though he's slightly irked that she ignored his inquiry completely, he's used to being ignored, so he shakes it off, as he always does. Personally he had never even thought about eating merfolk, and wondered if it was considered a delicacy here, or somewhere in the world, like an odd type of seafood...

    Jeffery shakes his head slightly to try and clear his head of the thought. His musings always seem to go further than he's comfortable with. Once his head is clear, he addresses the man who's adamantly against feeding merfolk to oliphaunts (Julius)
    Spoiler: OOC
    that is just really fun to type, and every time I type it I hear how Samwise says it in the LoTR movies.

    "I'll tag along." he says glancing at the board again. "Might have better success on some of these if I'm not going it alone. The water one seems straightforward enough, though with the variety of oddities on the board, one that' straightforward gives me slight pause..."

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    Ogre in the Playground
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    Julius furrows his brow somewhat at Meera's comments and looks momentarily mad. Then he breaks into a toothy grin, "You remind me of my little sister. Annoying and endearing. Introduce yourself already to the group. I'll be right back.

    Withought waiting for her to speak, Julius walks over to Tom, "Where is the mad druid, Seye Ipivi located to complete the bounty?"
    If I could play dungeons & dragons with only four books: MM I, DMG, PHB, & ToB
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  27. - Top - End - #27
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Tom the bartender tells Julius, "The Mad Druid spends most of his time in a small park in the Butterfly Ward. Look for the bison, he's usually not far."

  28. - Top - End - #28
    Firbolg in the Playground
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    Jeffery sighs, then holds his hand in front of his face and waves it at himself.

    Spoiler: Thoughts

    ...nope...still visible.
    ...still...maybe I'm only visible to me...
    ...maybe it's a plot...
    ...a conspiracy against the bard...

    Jeffery puts his hand down and looks himself over.

    Spoiler: More Thoughts

    ...I don't look like a bard...I don't think... how would they know...
    ...they're not deaf...they talk to each other...
    ...maybe I'm mute...
    ...but I heard myself talk...
    ...I could be crazy...well maybe only slightly...
    ...still...I may be the most easily ignored bard in history...
    ...not a good trait in this profession...

    Jeffery shakes his head, to clear his thoughts.

    Spoiler: Even More Thoughts

    ...well that's a rabbit hole I don't want to go down...again...
    ...concentrate outwardly...not inwardly...
    ...then maybe someone will talk to you...

    Last edited by theterran; 2017-03-15 at 07:12 AM.

  29. - Top - End - #29
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Julius kept his ears open so as to catch the names of the two new comers but the sound of dead silence finally turned his head and watches Jefferey's odd hand motion. Since he was still leaned casually over the bar towards Tom he says under his breath (but where Tom can hear him), "What is he doing?"

    Julius gives Tom a somewhat not-optimistic look and slides him a silver with a polite smile.

    Walking back to the group with a much more confident face he says, "Alright mates don't be shy." he says putting his big ol hand on Jefferey's shoulder, "M'names Julius D.M. Bloodstorm humble servant of Hafgufa, the lady with the exceptional greatsword is Vasillia and, to my right, Xander Traal; arcane firepower." Julius has a polite smile and is obviously waiting to hear them say, out loud, with their words, their names.

    Spoiler: OOC

    After they say their names (and assuming that people are done role playing introductions) Julius is going to compliment Xander on catching the anarchic water bounty and ask him to lead the way (to whichever temple he wants to go to).
    Last edited by Jopustopin; 2017-03-15 at 07:26 PM.
    If I could play dungeons & dragons with only four books: MM I, DMG, PHB, & ToB
    Dragon Shaman Handbook. Fighter Fix.
    Camel's Handbook

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    Ogre in the Playground
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    The Julius person was going to be trouble. Never trusted those who claimed to serve the gods. They were always up to something, or so her father always told her. She would have to watch him if he was going to tag along with her.

    "Whatsyourname," Meera says as she turns to Jeffery while waving the flyer towards him, "I think this is not an unreasonable request. Don't you agree? Perfectly reasonable for an oliphaunt to eat merfolk. Quite delicious, so I hear. I say we do this, no matter what that religious nut says. You're with me. Right?

    Wait... what is your name? You haven't introduced yourself..."
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