Snips, Snails, and Dragon Tales: Now available in PDF format from Gumroad
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  1. - Top - End - #1
    Titan in the Playground
    Destro_Yersul's Avatar

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    sector ZZ9 plural-z alpha

    Default Sea of Stars - IC

    Sea of Stars
    +++Episode 1+++

    OOC Thread

    The Manticore's Sting was not a small ship, not at all; it measured a full two kilometres from stem to stern, and was home to over fifteen thousand souls. One could spend years exploring, and never see all of its corridors. The vast, cramped halls snaked their way throughout the ship, some dark, some well-lit, some unseen for decades. This ship was the last vessel of the Absalom dynasty, and its history was one of blood. Now, though, the ship was quiet, as it headed slowly towards Footfall. The passage back through the Maw had been harrowing, but thankfully uneventful: even at warp, the Sting was faster than most. But now they had arrived, back to Koronus, back where things had gone so wrong. Those of the crew who remembered hoped that this time would be different.

    Footfall was a wretched hive of scum and villainy, the worst sort of stellar rat-warren imagineable. It was also the first port of call for everyone headed through the Maw to Koronus. That was true here, even if some would rather it not be, for the simple fact of the message. The astropaths had recieved it only a week ago, an invitation from another Rogue Trader: Lord Captain Kade Jonell, scion of one of the innumerable dynasties that sought to make their fortunes in the expanse. Captain Jonell had sent it with a fairly urgent priority code and, somewhat unusually, he had sent it specifically to them. One of the few people who both knew what the Manticore's Sting was, and didn't seem to mind.

    "Captain Absalom," the message ran. "I've heard of your ship, and I've heard you're an honourable sort. I've something of a business proposition to make, but I'd prefer to make it in person. My ship, the Mailed Fist, will be putting in at Footfall for resupply in eight days time. We'll remain there for several days, and I do hope you'll give me the pleasure of your company during our stay."

    That was all. It wasn't much, but it was an opportunity, and the choice of rendezvous was promising. Footfall was designated neutral ground for voidships. Nobody would be stupid enough to try an ambush there, of all places. There was the slight possibility that it was a trap, but there would be plenty of chances to scout the field beforehand. The Fist wasn't due for another day, Macharius' ship having made exceptional time.
    Last edited by Destro_Yersul; 2018-12-17 at 05:24 AM.
    I used to do LP's. Currently archived here:

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    House of Glass Dark Heresy - Deceased

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    Sea of Stars Rogue Trader - Ongoing

  2. - Top - End - #2
    Titan in the Playground
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    The insane screeching of a dozen Tech-Priests trying to patch a hull breach with debris and binding agent as atmosphere rushed out was going to stay with him forever. As the depressurisation was contained, the cargo bay looked like a bomb-site and standing made the man nauseous. Dizzy and bleeding he hefted the dead boatswain's prized Meltagun and swore loudly as he charged the boarding pirates and unleashed an almighty beam of pyros.

    And then suddenly the world was dark again, filaments of gold and green and blue reforming around the people, objects and architecture of the Manticore's Sting. Pytho sighed slightly as he stood up; Senior Voidsman Jace had served for decades in the Absolom Rogue Trader fleet, and reliving his memories of those endeavours was a favourite past-time of the telepath's. But the ringing bells in the distance indicated a shift change, and the voider had walked out of range to go and collect a well-earned meal.

    But the shift change meant that Pytho was due on the bridge to bear witness to the changing of the watch officer. He had no role to play specifically, but the Sting's machine spirit was temperamental and reacted when senior officers were not present as required by whatever arcane method the schedule was determined. And so he set off, every clang and heartbeat deafening him as he moved through the deck to reach the elevator.
    Piratebold-Bard by Elder Tsofu | Backer #121 of the Giantitp Kickstarter | My homebrew
    Quote Originally Posted by OverlordJ View Post
    New law: Obey me or you'll be crushed by a MOUNTAIN.

  3. - Top - End - #3
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: Sea of Stars - IC

    Anika is in her cabin on the command decks; a cabin that also doubles as her office. It is not the largest or most lavish room and most of the space is taken up by furniture and packing crates that she uses to store most of her possessions. Her desk is in the corner of the room and is covered in stacks of paper and dataslates. Her room is otherwise a mess

    She has been checking purchase orders and receipts before they arrived in the Furibundus system. They had taken on supplies at Port Wander and would take on more at Footfall whatever else they chose to do. Normally she would delegate this work to an underling but she didn’t want them to go into the Expanse at anything less than their best. She is still nursing a glass of amasec to get through it.

    She is looking forward to getting back to Footfall. As much of the Expanse passed through it at some point there was so much to see, and some of those that had gone before her would have left written records like the ones she had been collecting. Even if there was nothing like that to be found she was content to collect rumours and stories of the Koronus Expanse. Whether they were true or not remained to be seen.

    At the ringing of the bell she will quickly finish up and leave for the bridge. She wasn't sure her being there at the shift change had any real benefit whatever the Tech Priests might say, but she wanted to see the others and hear how they were going to approach the meeting with Captain Jonell.

  4. - Top - End - #4
    Ogre in the Playground

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    Macharius Absalom, eighth of the name and First of the House, was sitting in his parlor before the bells. The couch was as comfortable as it was opulent, and it was very opulent. The gold-threaded silk upholstery was actually the cheap part, as the stuffing came from a now-extinct xeno beast's feathers and few traders knew the world from whence the wood came. He played chess with the Navigator Prime, both of them sipping the good amasec. Capital stuff, that. As good as what we used to have, I'd say.. Liveried servants stood to attention, bringing the captain and his guest food and drink before being asked. Macharius made his last play and smiled in his victory as the bells went off.

    It appears the game is mine, good Navigator! That makes us even this day. Until next we meet upon this field of battle, good sir! He shakes the Navigator's hand and strides towards the door, the Navigator following behind. Williams, his valet, appears at the captain's side. "Sir's Captain's Baton. And I took the liberty of having the staff bring sir's crimson hat and ermine robe." Servants trail the group with Macharius' armaments. One places his hat on his head as another wraps a fur robe around his shoulders.

    Good man, Williams, thank you. These will do nicely.

    When the rest of the group arrive, Macharius is standing at the command deck as he did for every Warp translation and whenever they entered port. The men needed to see their leader, know that he was watching them. Know that they were in capable hands.

    Ah, Anika, Pytho! Looking sharp as ever. Good to see the two of you. Any word on the little wheeze we're getting ourselves into? His servants glide up to the other officers, offering amasec.

  5. - Top - End - #5
    Firbolg in the Playground
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    Default Re: Sea of Stars - IC

    Having spent a good portion of the journey hooked into assorted sensors feeling for any reaction to the howling emptiness outside the shimmering bubble of the Gellar field a Warp Transition was not a thing to be missed so she sent a Servo skull to attend to anything the captain may need.

    The Skull is a mostly bronze and chrome affair with little actual original bone to be seen and is more spherical that what you'd expect a skull to be having had some of its features worn off through use and modular replacement currently sporting a transmission relay and pic capture. It currently is at a steady hover to the side of the Captains throne.
    Last edited by Leon; 2018-02-27 at 01:37 AM.
    Thankyou to NEOPhyte for the Techpriest Engiseer

    Current PC's
    Ravia Del'Karro (Magos Biologis Errant)
    Katarina (Ordo Malleus Interrogator)
    Emberly (Fire Elemental former Chef)

    Quote Originally Posted by Mike_G View Post
    Just play the character you want to play. Don't feel the need to squeeze every point out of the build.
    Quote Originally Posted by Max_Killjoy View Post
    take this virtual +1.
    Peril Planet

  6. - Top - End - #6
    Titan in the Playground
    Kobold-Bard's Avatar

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    Default Re: Sea of Stars - IC


    Extending his arm to collect the offered drink, Pytho evicted the on-duty Astropath from his demi-throne and took a seat for the ceremony. Even if he couldn't have sensed the servant's presence he'd have known where the drink would be regardless; the Captain was fastidious when it came to hospitality for his officers and guests.

    My Astropaths have seen Silver Eagle, the Torrential Grief and your old friends aboard the Third Revelation in orbit, but no Mailed Fist. The name doesn't suggest a particularly stealthy outlook so it appears the Sting has arrived with time to spare.
    Piratebold-Bard by Elder Tsofu | Backer #121 of the Giantitp Kickstarter | My homebrew
    Quote Originally Posted by OverlordJ View Post
    New law: Obey me or you'll be crushed by a MOUNTAIN.

  7. - Top - End - #7
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: Sea of Stars - IC

    As Anika enters the bridge alongside Pytho she will smile at him in a friendly way. She had been comfortable with psykers ever since she was a child and her family had retained an Astropath on their estate. The man had taught her how to play cards. The same could not be said for their resident Tech Priest, and she will avoid acknowledging the presence of the servo skull one way or the other.

    Quote Originally Posted by PotatoGolem View Post
    Ah, Anika, Pytho! Looking sharp as ever. Good to see the two of you. Any word on the little wheeze we're getting ourselves into? His servants glide up to the other officers, offering amasec.
    She will take the offered drink with a nod of thanks to the servant. Macharius usually had the good stuff.

    'Well the Navy doesn't have a bad word to say about Jonell. Which either means that he's a decent sort or he at least keeps his bad side hidden if he has one. Whatever the case it's probably ok to listen to his offer.'

    'Where do we want to meet him?' If they had the time, Anika would prefer to have a look round the meeting place first.

  8. - Top - End - #8
    Titan in the Playground
    Destro_Yersul's Avatar

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    Default Re: Sea of Stars - IC

    The bridge was designed for combat, not unusual in a ship of this class. Banks of monitoring stations lined both walls, and an armoured viewport at the far end looked out into the void. A raised walkway ran the length of the room, and more cogitators and crew stations were sunk into pits on either side of it. It featured a command throne befitting the captain's station as a Rogue Trader, set with crystalline microcircuitry and a holo-emitter that could be used to call up vast amounts of information regarding the ship's current status. Ravia's servo-skull hovered nearby, the Magos herself currently not present.

    While the officers talked, the crew took care of the docking formalities, expertly piloting the ship to its assigned station near one of Footfall's many shuttle bays. Currently, the ship's figurehead was set in configuration three, disguising its history as a pirate vessel. Three was the one most commonly used around settlements that could be considered mostly polite company, and through Calixis. Configuration One was the original, belonging to the Manticore's Sting of the feared Reaver fleets. The crew had learned to leave C-1 alone.
    I used to do LP's. Currently archived here:

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    The Great Divide Dark Heresy - Finished
    They All Uprose Dark Heresy - Finished
    Dead in the Water Dark Heresy - Finished
    House of Glass Dark Heresy - Deceased

    We All Fall Down Dark Heresy - Finished

    Sea of Stars Rogue Trader - Ongoing

  9. - Top - End - #9
    Firbolg in the Playground
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    Default Re: Sea of Stars - IC

    The Skull chimes and a bobs a little and floats around to the front of the throne and inclines as if bowing #Disappointing, being the Maw and all. Output of all Drive systems is inline with expected outcomes. This Ship... i still need to chart more of its wonders#

    With that its wafts out of the bridge back down the long passages ways to the suite of rooms somewhere near the Medicae Deck. While the ship did have its own trained crew and servitors staffing the area the Magos somewhat cowed them into submission and had organized a great deal of cabling and machinery installed in the rooms and linking with systems in the medical area's for unknown reasons.
    Thankyou to NEOPhyte for the Techpriest Engiseer

    Current PC's
    Ravia Del'Karro (Magos Biologis Errant)
    Katarina (Ordo Malleus Interrogator)
    Emberly (Fire Elemental former Chef)

    Quote Originally Posted by Mike_G View Post
    Just play the character you want to play. Don't feel the need to squeeze every point out of the build.
    Quote Originally Posted by Max_Killjoy View Post
    take this virtual +1.
    Peril Planet

  10. - Top - End - #10
    Ettin in the Playground

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    Default Re: Sea of Stars - IC

    Accompanied by a small group of heavies from her favourite gunnery sept, Hannabel steps gaily onto the Footfall longshore, sniffing the foul air beyond the airlock with undisguised pleasure. Unlike many who come to Footfall, Hannabel is happy to be back. Few places she has visited offer such a variety of sight, sounds and sensations, as well as the opportunity to meet travellers of every stripe - perhaps even xenos!

    Making her way off the docks, she threads her way through the crowded alleys and tunnels of the settlement, stopping occasionally to listen to a ranting preacher or to join in a game of chance. She grabs a bite to eat - some suspicious-looking, wriggling thing on spit - while inspecting the wares on offer at the various merchanter stalls clustered around a small plaza. The pickings were good here last time. Who knows what might turn up today? she thinks, humming happily to herself...while keeping one hand lightly on the butt of her laspistol.
    Last edited by rax; 2018-02-28 at 05:15 PM.

  11. - Top - End - #11
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: Sea of Stars - IC

    Anika goes out into Footfall with her bolter lazily carried in one hand, and with only a pair of her more experienced subordinates to back her up. The two were told to keep their distance unless she needed them, but otherwise she tries to blend in as much as possible. In her view, standing out only made you look like someone who was worth trying to rob, or else it advertised her connection to the Sting and it's regrettable past. Even on Footfall there were those who might take offence at the ship's reputation, and so might refuse to talk to her or worse. In her view as long as she stayed away from some of the more dangerous areas, such as where the slaver gangs operated, she should be safe enough.

    Regretfully, as she was working, she will stay away from the markets for the moment. There might be time enough for that later. Instead she is looking for a bar for their meet-up with Captain Jonell if they needed to propose a venue. Somewhere public, or at least somewhere that might take offence if a meeting between two Rogue Traders turned to violence on their property. She had no reason to distrust Jonell, but she didn't think it was worth taking chances either.

    Spoiler: ooc

    Inquiry test if a roll is needed
    vs. Fel 47

  12. - Top - End - #12
    Titan in the Playground
    Kobold-Bard's Avatar

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    Default Re: Sea of Stars - IC


    Pytho smoked a lho stick as he escorted the Navigator's cohort though a large, covered street of shops. He didn't particularly enjoy them, but the smell was better than the port's streets. As the palanquin stopped and a servant examined the warp charts and void maps to see if any would interest his master, Pytho would sneak into the minds of nearby ships officers and probable smugglers, looking for dealings with Jonell or rumours on new colony worlds (assuming Anika shared that info).

    Pytho will make his usual offer to have one of his picter servo-skulls accompany each disembarking officer as an extra pair of eyes and link back to the ship. He has a small cadre of picters and translators with him as usual when off the ship; several gun skulls orbiting irregularly at higher altitude amongst the pollution and other drones.

    I'm going to roll a bunch of Focus Power tests for Mind Probe, with Mind's Eye active that gives me a range of 20m. Based on what I said above, if I find someone with something potentially relevant, Pytho will dig down to level 5 and get the full scoop.
    Spoiler: Mind Probe
    Mind Probe requires a single successful Focus power test and for me to win an opposed Willpower Test. To do it without people knowing I'm doing it requires I use it Fettered and with a -20 penalty. There's no penalty for sustaining 2 powers thanks to Familiar.

    I suffer a level of Fatigue/degree of failure if I manifest the power but lose the opposed WP. Pytho can sustain 2 Fatigue without collapsing, so he will take the time to recover before trying again. If he takes 3 at once and collapses a medicae skull will come revive him, and a servant will make an excuse about their drunk astropath, forcing Pytho to abandon the plan.

    Since we're in narrative time I've rolled 30 on the basis of 3/hour for 10 hours. Please amend accordingly.

    Focus vs 48: (d100)[30] | My WP vs 58: (d100)[45] | Target WP vs ??: (d100)[71] - Manifest, win WP
    Focus vs 48: (d100)[33] | My WP vs 58: (d100)[82] | Target WP vs ??: (d100)[41] - Manifest, lose WP
    Focus vs 48: (d100)[60] | My WP vs 58: (d100)[8] | Target WP vs ??: (d100)[85] - No Manifest
    Focus vs 48: (d100)[63] | My WP vs 58: (d100)[19] | Target WP vs ??: (d100)[87] - No Manifest
    Focus vs 48: (d100)[27] | My WP vs 58: (d100)[12] | Target WP vs ??: (d100)[26] - Manifest, win WP

    Focus vs 48: (d100)[95] | My WP vs 58: (d100)[93] | Target WP vs ??: (d100)[80] - No Manifest
    Focus vs 48: (d100)[65] | My WP vs 58: (d100)[17] | Target WP vs ??: (d100)[68] - No Manifest
    Focus vs 48: (d100)[68] | My WP vs 58: (d100)[20] | Target WP vs ??: (d100)[6] - No Manifest
    Focus vs 48: (d100)[35] | My WP vs 58: (d100)[93] | Target WP vs ??: (d100)[92] - Manifest, lose WP
    Focus vs 48: (d100)[41] | My WP vs 58: (d100)[80] | Target WP vs ??: (d100)[58] - Manifest, lose WP

    Focus vs 48: (d100)[52] | My WP vs 58: (d100)[10] | Target WP vs ??: (d100)[2] - No Manifest
    Focus vs 48: (d100)[22] | My WP vs 58: (d100)[42] | Target WP vs ??: (d100)[83] - Manifest, win WP
    Focus vs 48: (d100)[62] | My WP vs 58: (d100)[2] | Target WP vs ??: (d100)[90] - No Manifest
    Focus vs 48: (d100)[47] | My WP vs 58: (d100)[65] | Target WP vs ??: (d100)[9] - Manifest, lose WP
    Focus vs 48: (d100)[33] | My WP vs 58: (d100)[92] | Target WP vs ??: (d100)[20] - Manifest, lose WP

    Focus vs 48: (d100)[59] | My WP vs 58: (d100)[87] | Target WP vs ??: (d100)[13] - No Manifest
    Focus vs 48: (d100)[38] | My WP vs 58: (d100)[51] | Target WP vs ??: (d100)[29] - Manifest, lose WP
    Focus vs 48: (d100)[6] | My WP vs 58: (d100)[19] | Target WP vs ??: (d100)[49] - Manifest, win WP
    Focus vs 48: (d100)[12] | My WP vs 58: (d100)[54] | Target WP vs ??: (d100)[41] - Manifest, lose WP
    Focus vs 48: (d100)[3] | My WP vs 58: (d100)[95] | Target WP vs ??: (d100)[21] - Manifest, lose WP

    Focus vs 48: (d100)[61] | My WP vs 58: (d100)[46] | Target WP vs ??: (d100)[30] - No Manifest
    Focus vs 48: (d100)[62] | My WP vs 58: (d100)[68] | Target WP vs ??: (d100)[72] - No Manifest
    Focus vs 48: (d100)[44] | My WP vs 58: (d100)[30] | Target WP vs ??: (d100)[73] - Manifest, win WP
    Focus vs 48: (d100)[34] | My WP vs 58: (d100)[76] | Target WP vs ??: (d100)[37] - Manifest, lose WP
    Focus vs 48: (d100)[42] | My WP vs 58: (d100)[9] | Target WP vs ??: (d100)[29] - Manifest, lose WP

    Focus vs 48: (d100)[62] | My WP vs 58: (d100)[67] | Target WP vs ??: (d100)[15] - No Manifest
    Focus vs 48: (d100)[74] | My WP vs 58: (d100)[5] | Target WP vs ??: (d100)[66] - No Manifest
    Focus vs 48: (d100)[3] | My WP vs 58: (d100)[11] | Target WP vs ??: (d100)[84] - Manifest, win WP
    Focus vs 48: (d100)[51] | My WP vs 58: (d100)[22] | Target WP vs ??: (d100)[38] - No Manifest
    Focus vs 48: (d100)[92] | My WP vs 58: (d100)[25] | Target WP vs ??: (d100)[32] - No Manifest

    Since I don't know the target's WP I can't determine if/when I black out.
    Last edited by Kobold-Bard; 2018-03-02 at 01:38 AM.
    Piratebold-Bard by Elder Tsofu | Backer #121 of the Giantitp Kickstarter | My homebrew
    Quote Originally Posted by OverlordJ View Post
    New law: Obey me or you'll be crushed by a MOUNTAIN.

  13. - Top - End - #13
    Titan in the Playground
    Destro_Yersul's Avatar

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    sector ZZ9 plural-z alpha

    Default Re: Sea of Stars - IC

    Footfall's markets were a sight to behold, teeming with the goods and relics of a thousand worlds. People of all sorts met, bargained and traded here; there were hunters, mercenaries, Rogue Traders... In one hall, an itenerant preacher stood on a crate and proclaimed the evils of the Xenos, while next door a curiosity shop was neck deep in the cold trade. A sanctioned Kroot kindred, under the watchful eye of their handler, ate and squawked in a market cafe. There were other Xenos, here and there, and a short hooded hawker of suspect wares who was probably Xenos. All manner of goods and trouble were to be found here, as well as any number of clandestine meeting places. Some of the higher-end meeting areas offered privacy fields at every table, and top security in case of 'disagreements.' What was not to be found here was a residence in Jonell's name. The other captain apparently spent little time staying here, or at least little enough that the quarters on his ship were sufficient when he was here.

    Spoiler: Pytho Only
    While Anika and Hannabel roamed the markets making inquiries, Pytho went digging for the information that people were less inclined to share. Most of what he got was surface thoughts of little relevance, but here and there he found an interesting tidbit. From the mind of a chart seller, he found that Jonell had arranged a meeting to offload some warp charts he had made, to get them to the seller's contacts with the Mechanicus. From a pair of officers on the Dire Portent, that Jonell had run into trouble recently with a trader named Tristan Quinn trying to claims-jump a number of planets. Digging deeper, that Quinn was the wealthier of the two, with a small fleet at his back. There were a few other rumours that were unrelated, but interesting, and could be filed away for later: Sightings of a large derelict, in the treacherous asteroids of a planet somewhere in the Foundling Worlds; An astropathic relay, long abandoned, that had started sending out messages again; Sarvus Trask making seemingly pointless expeditions to the cauldron... It was a lot of information to sift through, but he had time on his side.
    I used to do LP's. Currently archived here:

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    The rest of my Sig:
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    My Games:
    The Great Divide Dark Heresy - Finished
    They All Uprose Dark Heresy - Finished
    Dead in the Water Dark Heresy - Finished
    House of Glass Dark Heresy - Deceased

    We All Fall Down Dark Heresy - Finished

    Sea of Stars Rogue Trader - Ongoing

  14. - Top - End - #14
    Ogre in the Playground

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    Default Re: Sea of Stars - IC

    Macharius, unlike his officers, made no attempt at concealing his identity. To do so would be craven, unworthy of his house. Besides, the arrival of a Rogue Trader was rarely unnoticed; the other houses' spies would have found him anyway. Why make it difficult on himself? He disembarks with his Absalom Praetorians, a squad of the best and most loyal of the ship's armsmen, bedecked in Absalom's black-and-gold, and a cloud of servants. He makes the social rounds, chatting with the local dignitaries and other Rogue Traders. While he's out, he tries to pick up on rumors and knowledge about Jonell and his recent doings (or anything else that might be profitable and interesting).

    Spoiler: Roll
    Inquiry (1d100)[21], target 72
    Last edited by PotatoGolem; 2018-03-01 at 09:58 PM. Reason: Added target number

  15. - Top - End - #15
    Firbolg in the Playground
    Leon's Avatar

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    Default Re: Sea of Stars - IC

    Consider the human form, then consider a female human who from a distance looks fairly normal until you get closer and realize she has what first appeared to be a large bust is actually a sinuous bundle of cables with a horrific assortment of blades and other affects on the end neatly coiled in such a way to make you think...

    Then there are the what looks like proto claws but of a metal hue on her right hand with oddly long fingers and what looks to be a long twin braid that is on closer inspection a pair of dendrites that if left to their own devices will writhe about looking for something connect with. Above that sits a compact mess of tool and apparatus on its own lengthy coil of cable.

    In deference to other people a dark red greatcoat with a white cog trim covers the Medicaldendrite most often unless she is past caring about soft sensibilities or when in the vicinity of the church, matched with gunmetal leggings of durability and heavy black boots. Such is how Magos Del'karro sets out into the heaving mess of Footfall accompanied by a Medical Servitor that had the misfortune of being near the door when she left and her ever-faithful Skull.

    Her destination is the Medical supply facilities and parts markets... Both flesh and machine
    Thankyou to NEOPhyte for the Techpriest Engiseer

    Current PC's
    Ravia Del'Karro (Magos Biologis Errant)
    Katarina (Ordo Malleus Interrogator)
    Emberly (Fire Elemental former Chef)

    Quote Originally Posted by Mike_G View Post
    Just play the character you want to play. Don't feel the need to squeeze every point out of the build.
    Quote Originally Posted by Max_Killjoy View Post
    take this virtual +1.
    Peril Planet

  16. - Top - End - #16
    Titan in the Playground
    Kobold-Bard's Avatar

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    Default Re: Sea of Stars - IC


    Reaching through the immaterium, Pytho locates the shimmering ethereal representations of his comrade's souls and relays to them that Jonell will be selling several new Warp charts to a Footfall trader with Mechanicus connections.

    He also passes along the name Tristan Quinn, a Rogue Trader with a small fleet and somewhat wealthier than Jonell, with whom Jonell seems to have had recent bad blood over claims-jumping on several planets.

    Pytho himself isn't yet well versed in the politics of the expanse, but he hopes the others can make use of this information in their own investigations

    Using Mind Link to connect myself with Absolom, Anika, Hannabel and Ravia, people can reply and talk to each other psychically if desired. This operates at 20km radius from me with Mind's Eye, and since it must be used at Fettered strength I can't invoke Psychic Phenomena/Perils. As such and because we're not in combat time I haven't rolled, but I can if you'd prefer.
    Last edited by Kobold-Bard; 2018-03-02 at 04:39 AM.
    Piratebold-Bard by Elder Tsofu | Backer #121 of the Giantitp Kickstarter | My homebrew
    Quote Originally Posted by OverlordJ View Post
    New law: Obey me or you'll be crushed by a MOUNTAIN.

  17. - Top - End - #17
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Anika is surprised to hear from Pytho in her mind, but will cover her startlement with a brief coughing fit. She is still unuse to talking like this but will try to think back at the Astropath. I have a microbead you know. I'll ask around about Quinn.

    While Anika in the market she is mostly looking for anything that she hasn't previously heard of and will watch any of the xenos with curiosity.

    Spoiler: ooc

    Forbidden Lore (Xenos) to have heard of the race of the trader in the hood
    vs. Int 53

  18. - Top - End - #18
    Ettin in the Playground

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    Default Re: Sea of Stars - IC

    "Really, Varro? I'm away for months and you still haven't managed to lay your hands on those Orthlack Redeyes I asked for? I'm beginning to think you don't love me any more," Hannabel pouts. "Although, if you happen to have a box of tracking cogitators lying about to gift me with, I might take that as a token of your undying affection," she whispers sweetly in Varro's calloused ear. But Varro's mumbled reply does nothing to improve Hannabel's mood. "No? How very disappointing..."

    Signalling her heavies that she's ready to leave, Hannabel stalks out of Varro's booth and into the relative openness of the marketplace at the same time as Pytho's telepathic sending invades her mind. From what I've heard, Jonell usually sticks to more explored areas of the Expanse, at least when he's out planting colonies. I suppose that makes it a mite interesting that he's got new Warp charts to sell to the Mechanicus. If they're from his own travels, that would mean he's been straying off the beaten path for a change. And now I need a drink. Call me if anything interesting happens. Shanx out.

    Her mood soured by Varro's inability to scrounge up new sights for her guns, Hannabel decides to head over to the market cafe for something to drink and a closer look at the Kroot. On the way, she passes by the hooded xenos hawker, sparing a glance to see if she can identify it.

    Spoiler: OOC
    Forbidden Lore (Xenos) test to see if she can identify what sort of xenos the hawker is. (d100)[92] vs. Int 40.

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    Titan in the Playground
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    Macharius picked up much the same information as his officers, in making his rounds, with a few extra pieces added on. The Rogue Traders he spoke with tended to be ambivalent towards Jonell; some thought his focus on colonisation blinded him to better opportunities, but for the most part they agreed he was polite enough company. They chatted a little bit about local rumours, sightings of odd phenomena, that sort of thing. Sarvus Trask was apparently up to his usual tricks, scarpering off to who knows where for no particular reason that anyone could tell. Jonell had started a few new colonies, lately, having happened upon a system full of mineral-rich worlds. While he was doing that, one of the older ones had recieved a visit from Tristan Quinn. The other Rogue Trader had happily set up a small blockade and set about claiming various things on the planet as his.

    Anika couldn't be sure, but the hooded thing might have been a Stryxis. It kept its face and hands largely hidden, which made it much harder to tell. It would be a little unusual to see one here, away from the caravans of ships they usually inhabited, but not unheard of. WHatever it was, it no doubt had a number of holes to vanish into if any authorities showed up to question it.

    Asking around about Quinn produced only the information that Macharius already had, and the general sentiment that he was successful but not overly popular.
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    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: Sea of Stars - IC

    Anika will stop for a moment and watch the Stryxis working. She had seen very little of live Xenos until recently, and even then it tended to be the more commonly seen races. She wanted to ask it what it was doing here beyond the obvious, but wasn't sure if she would get a straight answer out of it. Despite it's appearance it was still a merchant though. She understood that easily enough.

    Scanning the Stryxis' wares, she will look for something she vaguely recognises and try to buy it.

    Spoiler: ooc
    Going to buy something pointless for the hell of it

    Egerian Geode Grenade (Core)

    Commerce + 10 vs. Fel 47

    PF 33
    -30 for Extremley Rare
    +30 for single item

  21. - Top - End - #21
    Firbolg in the Playground
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    Default Re: Sea of Stars - IC

    After some time a suitable Pharmaceutical vendor is selected and pricing of the two items Ravia wanted began


    PF 33

    Stimm (Average +10), (5 Units +20) 30+33 = 66 (d100)[98]
    De-Tox (Rare -10), (5 Units +20) 10+33 = 43 (d100)[35]

    Last edited by Leon; 2018-03-04 at 09:04 AM.
    Thankyou to NEOPhyte for the Techpriest Engiseer

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    Quote Originally Posted by Mike_G View Post
    Just play the character you want to play. Don't feel the need to squeeze every point out of the build.
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    Titan in the Playground
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    With their shopping done, the group returns to the ship to sleep and prepare. The next day, they're greeted by the sight of another ship settling in near theirs. The Mailed Fist is small for a light cruiser, but still dwarfs the Sting. Captain Jonell keeps his ship at a respectful distance, likely not wanting to be seen as looming. By the time Macharius has finished breakfast, there's a vox message waiting on the bridge.

    "Good morning, Captain Absalom!" Jonell isn't visible, having sent the message voice only on a low frequency where it's less likely to be detected. People will inevitably gossip anyways, if they're seen talking anywhere on Footfall, but for now it appears that the other Rogue Trader wishes to keep a low profile. "By the Throne you're punctual. Just what I like to see. Anywhere in particular you'd like to chat? The Fist has a fantastic chef, capital fellow, but I've no objections to more neutral ground."
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    Anika is up uncharacteristically early for this meeting. She looks bleary eyed and is drinking recaf, but seems alert enough.

    She will lean over and speak to Macharius in a low voice so that the vox can't pick it up. 'In truth I don't have any problem with meeting them on their ship, but finding a bar is obviously safer. Do we trust him?'

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    Macharius is, somehow, more dressed up than usual. He's wearing enough gold and precious fabrics to feed a hive for months. Nothing but the best for a meeting with their new employer. He replies to Anika in a low voice.

    Well, no sense in insulting him early. Meeting on his ship is a sign of good faith. And, galling as it is, we need him more than he needs us. From what we've uncovered, he seems like a good enough sort. Colony builder, cautious but successful, nothing I've heard indicating that he's a heretic or a pirate. Any warning signs?

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    Ravia arrives on the bridge looking more or less the same as the previous days trip ashore and acknowledges the other two before wandering off to plug into the external auspexes to get a better look at the Light Cruiser
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mike_G View Post
    Just play the character you want to play. Don't feel the need to squeeze every point out of the build.
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    Following the excursion into Footfall, Pytho had spent part of the evening in Ravia's increasingly incomprehensible section of the medical wing. His distaste for the Navigator (filthy mutant that he was) was matched by how fond he was of the Explorator. Pytho was native to a Forge World, and the smell of grease and sound of quiet but incessant binary prayers were comforting as he had his evening meal.

    The next day he is cloistered within his choir chambers, leading the daily hymns recieving information of nearby warp storms or xenos fleets, and broadcasting any information they'd received in return. Per Trader crew's unwritten protocol, should Macharius decide to board the Mailed Fist then Pytho will also astrally alert his counterpart there of the Captain's preferences in food, liquor and company. No doubt Jonell's officers will have done their research, but the wrong bottle of wine had been known to start generational feuds amongst Trader houses, so better to be sure.

    His tasks complete he will await a signal on whether to depart, returning to a data-slate containing an old novel he'd bought planetside.
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    Hannabel has sauntered onto the bridge and dropped into the main gunnery pit. Now she watches the Mailed Fist through the targeting scopes as the cruiser approaches. You're a lumbering old tub, aren't you? Lots of guns and lots of armour, but I bet the Sting could take you. Ghost up right behind that flabby arse, put a full volley into the thrusters, then hit the bridge with a salvo of sunbeams. Cut off the legs, cut off the head, then pick you apart while you drift. A shiver of excitement runs down her spine as she contemplates the various ways in which the Manticore's Sting might win an engagement with the larger ship.

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    Quote Originally Posted by PotatoGolem View Post
    Any warning signs?
    'None that anyone wanted to tell me about. As long as we can all make some money out of this he's probably trustworthy enough, and even if he's not it should at least be interesting.'

    It was hard to tell with Rogue Traders, as it was always possible that there was some hidden agenda. Yet without any evidence of that Anika is content to let Macharius decide.

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    While the others talked, Ravia plugged herself into the datafeeds from the augur arrays. The Manticore's Sting had W-240 pattern arrays, which meant there was little chance anyone would notice them looking a little more closely at Jonell's ship.

    The machine spirits were being cooperative, today: Ravia was able to get a very good look at what the Fist was packing. A lot of the components were very standard, and were probably left over from the ship's days in the navy. It was a solidly built, very reliable ship that, apart from the torpedoes, would only be effective at fairly close range. Notably, the spur jutting out just under the prow housed a massive power field generator, meaning anything the ship could successfully ram would be devastated. The scan hadn't picked up everything, but whatever was left wasn't drawing enough power to be combat relevant.
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    ++Very nice, very nice in deed, not as mechanically interesting as this one but a fine ship++
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mike_G View Post
    Just play the character you want to play. Don't feel the need to squeeze every point out of the build.
    Quote Originally Posted by Max_Killjoy View Post
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