Snips, Snails, and Dragon Tales: Now available in PDF format from Gumroad
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    Titan in the Playground
    Lord Raziere's Avatar

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    Mar 2010

    Default Naruto Sound ITP OOC 1

    While not the first Naruto ITP here, this is the first to be set in the Sound village of Igordragonian's and I's design.

    This roleplay is about an alternate world where the Sound Village that has procured their independence during the Third Ninja War by defeating the Hidden Leaf to secure the independence of the Land of Rice.
    The village uses sound jutsu, as well as various experimental jutsu such as curse seals to power themselves up. While there are noble bloodlines among them, the village does not care much for blood, valuing sacrifice over such tradition. Indeed, it is a place of sad tragic tales and the village secured their independence at great cost, with many giving their lives using last resort jutsu to win. Indeed, such martyrdom is held the ideal in Sound and like everywhere else in this world, shinobi are weapons and tools of the powerful. While there is happiness, heroism and humor to be found, this world of espionage, deadly unequal warfare and assassination is where they live.

    If there is any hope for change it is in a new generation of shinobi that has grew up in this new time of peace. But as most experienced ninja know, peace is only war by other means and a prelude to the next.

    Technological expectations are Naruto-era stuff, so expect schizo tech but nothing from Boruto. While we don't expect more players and focus on a plot, more players who find this fun are welcome.

    Preliminary rules, stolen copied over from other Anime-inspired RPs:

    Spoiler: THE RULES
    Rule the first, no godmodding. A far better explanation of godmodding than I can give is here.

    Rule the second, please remember that we plan to have a far more directed plot than Nexus. Please run any major spanners in the works past guys on this thread first.

    Rule the third, don't ruin anyone else's fun. I can't stress this enough.

    Rule the fourth, have fun! (Failure to abide by this rule is subject to immediate banishment. )

    Spoiler: New and Improved (but Loose) Rules v.1.1!
    These "rules" are more loose guidelines that serve another FFRPG very well so we adopted them into this one, because they work.

    1. Consider asking to join in fights before jumping in. Please respect that not all plots might be open. Alternatively, if you yourself want to keep a fight cordoned off from other participants, say so in the OOC, at the beginning of your post, or both.
    2. Talk major fights over with your opponent! This is to keep arguments about who's the better fighter, who should win, blablablablabla, out of the OOC. Of course, talk these things over in PM, or some kind of IM service. While arguments might break out over said PM/IM ... it keeps it out of the OOC. Which is what we're trying to do here. (This part is currently under review.) On that note ...
    3. Don't argue in the OOC! They make the atmosphere oppressive, they make things less fun, and generally unpleasant and maybe even make the arguments larger than they need be. So, if you have a problem with someone, try to talk it out in PM or IM before using the OOC. That said ...
    4. COMMUNICATE! This is the most important rule. We have had issues in the past with people not communicating properly, leading to arguments and hurt feelings, and even several people leaving for good. So please communicate your plans, if they affect everyone else.

    Spoiler: Rules Specific To This Roleplay

    The "Just A Clone" Rule:
    The world of Naruto is one of assassination and ambush, therefore ninjas have come up with a variety of ways to kill someone instantly and easily. Obviously this doesn't gel well with the PCs living. So we've made a rule that when a character does an instant kill move, its perfectly fair to say that your PC retroactively planned for it and used the replacement technique or made a clone or whatever to survive it. an instant kill move is defined as anything that would kill your character in one hit. This is to prevent godmodding without slowing down the action and thus keeping combat interesting.

    The "Xanatos Speed Chess" Rule:
    While some ninjas are clearly more powerful than others, keep in mind that this is a world of tactics, strategy and not playing fair at all. while there are some situations where raw power is clearly the deciding factor (such as Tailed Beasts or Kage when they're going all out), the assumption should be that the outcome of shinobi battles depend more upon out-thinking your opponent, creativity and what surprises you can pull out of left field than whether your Genin or Jounin as the original show often showed people using creative applications of their abilities to defeat people far more powerful than them. and even in raw power situations, there should be some way of cobbling together a plan to defeat the foe or think your way out of it, even its just to evade or escape the predicament. consider how many surprises and plots you can come up with as a soft power level in a sense. This is so that we focus on fighting smarter than harder, and while Rock Lee is cool, we've decided that pure strength alone only gets you so far in this world.

    Remember for both of these rules, that you can cheat and just say your character is smart enough to do this without you actually anticipating anything in advance- thats what these rules are for! Are characters may be ninja geniuses, but we certainly are not.

    If you want to join, read up on the last few pages of the main IC thread, or even better, ask one of us here what's currently happening. We will figure out a good place to introduce your character. After that, make an introductory post telling where your characters are and what they're doing, and we'll continue from there.

    Spoiler: List of Village Military Positions

    Second Otokage: Nozojo (created by igordragonian)
    Anbu Commander: Ameoku Nekazuko
    The Three Junins: The Thunders Of The Sound:
    1) Jonin Commander Ameoku
    2) Samayo Majutsu
    3) Shinpi

    ANBU Units:
    Nezumi (Mitsuko)

    Assorted Chuunin:
    Jirou Ishikawa
    Mitsuko Ishikawa
    Musumu Ishikawa
    Kikenna Masuku
    Tatebaru, Yumi and Rahei

    Normal Shinobi Units:
    Squad 1:
    Sensei: Nekazuko (by igordragonian)
    1. Mayuwo Fukaimi
    2. Gurasu Komoro
    3. Yoroi

    Squad 2:
    Sensei: Mubona Inazuma
    1. Miho Kaguya
    2. Naneko Masuku
    3. Kazuo Tanaka

    Squad 3
    Sensei: Odayama ( by igordragonian)
    1: Kimiko Ishikawa (by Lord Raziere)
    2: Usagi (by igordragonian)
    3: Yuuna Yuuki Yukimura Aka "Yuyuyu" (By Lord Raziere)

    Squad 4
    Sensei: Tatebaru Nobomi
    1: Hashiba Fuma (by somerando)
    2: Itsusuji Uzumaki (by somerando)
    3: Hizuka Okukaga (By Lord raziere)

    Squad 5
    -Ryone and Tetsumi

    Unpromoted Genin:

    Special Genin:
    1.Senko (By Rater202)

    1-Menko (By Rater202)

    open slots always available

    Spoiler: List of Shinobi Clans:

    1. Clan Komoro (By igordragonian)
    2.Clan Fukaimi (By igordragonian)
    3. Clan Ishikawa (By Lord Raziere)
    4. Clan Kaguya (By Lord Raziere)

    Spoiler: Lists of Common jutsu and other write ups

    1. Common Assassination jutsu (By Lord Raziere)
    2. common Genjutsu (By Lord Raziere)
    3. Common utility jutsu (By Lord Raziere)
    4. Forbidden Jutsu (By Lord Raziere)
    5. fire jutsu list (By Lord Raziere0

    Rater202 Stuff:
    1-His Treatise on Chakra Control
    2-The Power of the White Snake
    4-Ninja-Drug Integration Pill
    5-On Senjutsu
    6-Senko's Research

    Igor's Stuff:
    1-Igor/Raziere United Sand Village
    2-Igor's Iwagakure
    3-Kurokaze Inc
    4-The Legend of Odukuro
    5-Elementary education

    Village Overviews: (Raziere)
    1. Kirigakure (By Lord Raziere)
    2. Kumogakure (By Lord Raziere)
    3. Iwagakure (By Lord Raziere)
    4-Konohagakure (By Lord Raziere)
    5-Amegakure (By Lord Raziere)
    6. Raziere's Sand Village
    7. Buffer States/Various Minor Villages

    The World Outside Shinobi: (Raziere)
    1-Samurai and Ashigaru Overview
    2-Shinobi and the Judicial System
    3-Crime and Media in the Shinobi Nations
    4-On The Tailed Beasts
    5-Known Philosophies

    Clans (Raziere)
    1-Senju Clan


    Spoiler: Empty Character template

    <Your Character's Name Here>
    Name: Self-explanatory.
    Age: Exact number or rough estimation.
    Gender: Male, female, etc.
    Height: Centimeters and/or feet and inches.
    Weight: Kilograms and/or pounds.
    Species: What kind of creature your character is?
    Station: Your character's current lot in life.

    What does your character look, feel, smell and sound like?

    How does your character think? What drives him and what kind of a fellow is he?

    What has happened to your character before the game and made them who they are?

    Story So Far:
    You can summarize and update here what has happened to your character during the game.

    What is your character good or bad at? What special things can he do or knows?

    These could include anything from martial arts to ki blasts to magic and shapeshifting abilities.

    Other information:
    Anything you can't fit to the brackets above, such as equipment or property your character owns.
    Last edited by Lord Raziere; 2022-06-23 at 04:59 PM.

  2. - Top - End - #2
    Titan in the Playground
    igordragonian's Avatar

    Join Date
    Jul 2014

    Default Re: Naruto Sound ITP OOC 1

    Thank you Raziere, you are a life saver!
    I wasn't sure how to present the setting without being too mouthful.
    So few things we should add-
    Battles rules for Naruto, are diffrent from other anime roleplays. Because deception and surprise are such intrigial part of the ninja warfare, you may reply that your character was prepared for the other character's action.
    "Power Level" is mostly how many deceptions in one battle a character can pull off.

    Also, I plan on making map of the village.

    Character sheet of Usagi

    Name: Usagi. Just Usagi. She doesn't remember her last name. And maybe even Usagi isn't her real name.
    Age: 13
    Height 3.2 ft (3.8 ft with crutches, 7 ft with Yojimbo)
    Weight 72 lbs.
    Specie Human. For now.
    Station War orphan. Fresh Genin
    Usagi has red hair, usually collected in ponytails, her eyes are brown and her skin a bit tanned and her face is freckled. Slim, almost slinky. Her legs are cut above the knees
    She wear a scarf with a military camouflage, her arms covered in bandages and wear fingerless gloves, olive green sleevless undershirt, bandouler with tools and small weaponary of kunais, talismans and bells. And short camouflaged pants on her remains of legs. Usagi also carry a long bow with eight strings which is actually also a harp and of course a quiver with a rabbit emblem

    Usagi is hot tempered and determined. Feelings of inferiority making her to jump into conflict over anything she view as threat on her honor. But she just as quick to forgive and forget. Despite her loud and "colorful" attitude, she can be very cunning and tactical. (Even if with much less tact, than tactics...)

    Usagi was a nobody girl, from a nobody peasanr family of the Land Of Rice. Mundane people has exprienced the war as bad weather or natural calamity- they didn't had any engagment with any side, and didn't had any way to influence the war one way or another.
    Usagi remember calm life, and playing with her siblings in the wet rice fields, and a bunny plushie.
    And then a war broke out. Dragons of water have emerged from the fields rainings death.
    A pale man, with pale eyes, a symbol of leaf on his forehead. He has wishpered but was heard so well. The vile rebels were using this village for supplies- so this village must be erased.
    Usagi remembered the terror, the realiztion this is the end. She remember people she once knew falling before the pale man who has simply poked them.
    A shinobi with a musical note symbol rolled into their hut dieing, holding an open scroll. Usagi finished the drawing, beliving this might do something to save them.
    She was torn from her legs, and remembered seeing those people.. her siblings torn to pieces. She woke up in other dimension- the dimension of the animals. The scroll was supposed to summon a rabbit warrior, but instead it summoned most of her and pieces of the people around her to the animal dimension.
    The rabbits were generouse, yet demanding: she paid back with labour, and even supported their fighters. Her body was trained, and also she sworn to never to be helpless again. The Rabbit Queen-Naggaishi was impressed and after two years helped her to get back, and threw her off, by the Sound Village. People who tried to pity got attacked, but eventually calmed her down.
    An eldery woman named Tsuru, took her home. Tsuru was one armed and poor, by lived by working in one of the factories. The Sound Village didn't had any social programs- but anyone who were prepared to work hard, the factory managers would find him or her down.
    Though, it wasn't good for Tsuru's health. She and Usagi grew closer, and Usagi has attended the Ninja Academy, and joined the Hope Generation students.
    She passed the final exams and now determined to never to be helpless again, and protect her loved ones. (Currently Tsuru).

    Rabbit Dimension Nobility- Usagi gotten respect and credit from the rabbits, and can summon them with unnatural ease.

    Yojimbo, human sized rabbit Samurai always prepared to serve as her legs and sword.

    Basic Jutsu: Transformation, Clone, replacment Jutsus.

    Taijutsu: C
    Her expertise lie in her archery and tactics. Despite her lack of legs, she is a formidable fighter, usually accompanied by the swordmanship of Yojimbo.
    She also use gadgets to aid her archery.
    Usagi has sets of special Taijutsu Combos.
    Also her canes are very heavy for training reasons.

    Ninjutsu: C

    Usagi isn't very talented in Ninjutsu, but in summoning, she has monstrouse potential.
    So far she has free access to three kinds of sunmons:
    Yojimbo The Samurai Rabbit In Training
    Yojimbo is a young Samurai, and swore to serve Usagi after she has proven her worth.
    He work to be the greatest rabbit fighter. He serve as Usagi's legs and protect from close range with his katana.

    Watership Squad
    She can summon squad of small bunny miners who can dig tunnels with top speed, enough to imitiate Earth control to some degree, allowing Usagi sneak underground, or to collapse the ground uner her enemies, or simply sneak below walls.

    Siju The Ranger
    A curiouse rabbit who always getting late for his summons. He super fast and observant, but rarely join fights. It's not part of his contract.

    Usagi also use sound based techniques.

    With her harp she can cause sleep/numbing tune and with arrow-bells to cause sonic damage.

    Usagi hot temper weigh her down, against things that require calm and cold attitude.

    Harpbow, arrows, two telescopic walking canes, talismans, kunai, shurikens bells

    Clan Komoro

    Komoro- "the children of the bats", one of the two noble clans of Otogare. Easily regongnized with their pointy fuzzy ears which seems to move by their own will, fangs and also all of them have glasses. Quite often shades.

    Komoro are originated from the Land Of Rice, and through history didn't tied themaelves to a specific village, despite many attempts to recruit them, wether by diplomacy or by force.
    During the Third Ninja World War, they were slowly and steadily weakened to almost complete collapse.
    Their ability has inspired the First Ottokage to devolp sound techniques. They were the first to ally him at the Rice Indepedence War, relativly intact they gained fame and respect in the village, parrallel to Hyuga in the Leaf Village.

    Tend to be soft spoken.
    Weak eyed, require them glasses. Some of them has eyes sensitive to light and require shades. (More often then not, this means improved listening abilities)
    Small fangs.
    Clothes with clear colors.
    Have musical holiday at 25th april singing together a long poem which include the heroic acts of their clan. The newest part is about the Rice Indepdence War.
    Have secret subsonic launguage

    Known Members

    Head Clan: Tsukimaru Komoro:
    54 years old. Ninja tech expert, working in devolpment and also giving technical support to the Radio Station.
    Short, almost dwarf with aura of nice grandpa.

    Izi Komoro: 30 One of the "Three Thunders Of The Sound"- the Junin trio. Completly blind, and were known during the indepdence war as the "Butcher Singer". Hate cheaters, and also known for his connection to the bats from the Animal Realm. When ever he visit the village he make a rock metal concert.

    Komoro Bloodline Abilties

    Komoro has many batlike genetic features which are extended.
    Generaly, extended listening abilities and sound based techniques. Many of them are sound tech experts.


    Clear Listen: D Ranked: Ability to listen to a chosen sound, without disturbance no matter what noise is in the background. The range varies depend on the level of the Shinobi, but the "Singer Butcher" is told to be able to single out a voice anywhere in the Rice Land.

    Sound Mimic Displacment: D ranked Genjutsu. This technique allow the user to mimic a voice or sound, and make it sound to appear from anywhere the user choose. For example- false commands of the leader's target.

    [Sound Scythe- C Ranked- Creating powerful sound wave from the user's mouth which is powerful enough to cut a tree in two. The throat is very soar afterward, and using sound techniques or even talking, difficult and sometimes impossible.

    Heart's Voice- C Ranked Genjutsu. By sending vibrating sub sonic wave, the user vibrating the heart and nerves of the target to mimic a certain emotion. Attraction, fear, sleepiness and etc. Some of the Sound Village tech weaponery record those subsonic waves to create certain emotions.

    Hearing Thoughts- B Ranked The listening ability enhance to the level, the user can hear the thoughts of the target.

    Brain's Voice- B Ranked Genjutsu. Ability to send soundwaves into the brain of the target, which translated to the voice of the target, creating artifical thoughts. It can be used at pseudo telepathy, if the user choose to keep the voice foriegn to the brain.

    Heart Clenching Concert-A ranked: After a certain subsonic tune, people touched by the sound waves, can have their hearts stopped, and even at survival, their cardiolodic system suffer a trauma.

    Sonic Movement- A Ranked - The user has such deep understanding of the sound and sonic waves, that for a short moment the user can "surf" on sound waves.

    Thanks for the OOTSkage of OOTS art, Lord Raziere.

    My previouse Avater

    Bazzilion legions of thanks to his highness Emperor Ing for the awesome avatar!

    Who want to join some freeform Naruto Rp?

  3. - Top - End - #3
    Titan in the Playground
    Lord Raziere's Avatar

    Join Date
    Mar 2010

    Default Re: Naruto Sound ITP OOC 1

    Added the "Just A Clone" and "Xanatos Speed chess" Rules. will now get to linking. Yuyuyu will be made next post.

    Spoiler: Kimiko Ishikawa,Clan Heiress

    Name: Kimiko Ishikawa
    Age: 13
    Gender: female
    Height: 4 ft tall
    Weight: 80 lb
    Species: Sharklike Human
    Station: Heiress of the Ishikawa Clan

    Kimiko has blue hair in a frayed pony tail, amber eyes, shark teeth, fair skin. Her clothing in her usual appearance is black pants and sandals, blue shirt and fishnet underneath designed for freedom of movement, the Origami No Tsurugi sheathed on her back.

    She is calm, rational and level-headed due to shinobi upbringing, having taught her how to keep calm and in control for the sake of killing your foes and completing the job they have been hired for. To the point of being cold. Being taught in the art of deception, she is also polite and well-mannered for the sake of infiltrating high society and killing important targets, but is socially inept otherwise, having a certain amount of arrogance from being told she is a prodigy all her life. However a part of her feels crushed by the expectations of her family to marry and lead the clan and to always put 100%, while she mostly wanting to pursue knowledge and learn all jutsu for its own sake, having an unquenchable passion for learning.

    Born to the Ishikawa Clan of Mist Nation descent, Kimiko is a prodigy scion. From birth she has been taught the shinobi way, and she has proven a genius of her clans techniques, of using Paper to kill possessing both the chakra natures to make full use of them. She is a genius of Ninjutsu and proved capable of doing every basic technique she was taught. However she is also inventive, and thought: why not improve upon this? Sealing techniques were always written on scrolls and paper, so why figure out how to incorporate that into her fight style?

    She therefore delved into the basic techniques of Sealing Techniques: Explosive tags and Enclosing technique, the technique to store anything into a seal, including ninjutsu. Then after months of experimentation she figured out how to manipulate ink and thus invented technique to instantly put explosive tag seals on any paper she wished, instantly. As a demonstration she made a paper shuriken, threw it then used this technique to form a explosive tag seal on the shuriken while it was in flight so that when it hit the target, it exploded. It took a lot of memorization, discipline and chakra control to pull it off but she did it. The clan's expectations of her rose greatly.

    Finally she was given her first test by her family to see if she was a true shinobi, given to her after she passed the academy: to kill someone. She locked inside with a bandit they captured, a known murder and both were given a kunai. But at the moment of seeing the bandit she was struck with sudden doubt: what had this person done to her? What reason was there to kill them? What family did they have? This would be her first kill, despite all her training she knew she would be crossing a line and becoming a weapon. A threshold. But nevertheless she summoned up her discipline and leaped forward and killed the bandit to prove her conviction.

    When she got back to her family they congratulated her and her mother, head of the clan, handed her the Origami No Tsurugi, proclaiming she will be a great heir, and giving the weapon for her to wield as she saw fit. Kimiko was proud to serve her family as a true shinobi and wore the sword, but now doubts claw in her head, about how her family expects the world of her, about whether she really wants to be a leader of their clan about being held to increasingly high standards, while her true desire to continue experimenting and developing her techniques for their own sake interests and fascinates her.

    Story So Far:

    Taijutsu: C-rank
    Ninjutsu: C-rank
    Genjutsu: C-rank

    Isolated Prodigy: She excels in all her jutsu studies, but her social skills suffer because of it.

    Basic Jutsu: Transformation Jutsu, Clone Jutsu, Replacement Jutsu, Body flicker technique

    Water- and Tree-Walking:
    The technique for walking across water and up trees.

    Sealed Black Kama:
    Black Kama of Kaguya Otsusuki. Sealed by White Oni, it currently does little to nothing. Effects may change depending on plot.

    Kenjutsu: C Rank
    has been taught how to wield a sword so as to use the Origami No Tsurugi to its full potential and fight well with it.

    Kimiko's Chakra Flow Basics: C-rank
    Due to her genius Kimiko can enhance any part of her body with chakra to enhance its performance, such as her punches can hit harder, or legs can make her run faster, her arms block punches or even blades by being as hard as steel, able to fight taijutsu users higher ranked than herself. Over time this may evolve into applications such as enhancing her senses as well.

    Water Release: Hidden Mist Jutsu, D-Rank
    Can use Water Release to cover the battlefield in mist, obscuring vision. Useful for countering dojutsu, making and ambush or an escape.

    Paper Release Ninjutsu: C+ Rank
    This is her strongest area. She has both Water and Earth natures, and has been taught Paper Release Jutsu through which most of her techniques revolve around:

    Paper Edge Jutsu:-D Rank
    Channels her Chakra through the Origami No Tsurugi to harden it to be as hard as steel and to be razor sharp, allowing her to use as a normal sword but with less weight making it faster and much sharper than any real sword.

    Unsheathing Paper Claw Jutsu:-D Rank
    Channels her chakra to extend the paper blade of the Origami No Tsurugi straight up to 50 feet as long as she focuses through it, allowing her to swipe at her foes with the blade from range, when she ends it, it returns to normal length.

    Paper Whip Jutsu:- D Rank
    Extends the paper blade while making it strong yet flexible like a chain to use it as a whip so as to lash at or grab her foes with it.

    Paper Shuriken Jutsu:- D Rank
    Creates a flurry of razor-sharp paper shuriken from the Origami No Tsurugi or paper source that goes flying at the foe, just as sharp as any other shuriken.

    Ink Explosion Tag Formation Jutsu:- C Rank
    Uses a combination of mostly water and some earth Chakra to form and dry ink on some paper in the form of an explosive tag of the users choosing.

    Paper Forgery Jutsu:- D Rank
    A non combat technique used for forging official looking papers using water and earth chakra. The technique of course only works if the user knows what they are trying to forge and their skill at forgery, but is still faster and more convenient than just doing it yourself.

    Confetti Assassination Jutsu:- C Rank
    Her most powerful technique, she breaks off a small piece of paper from her blade or a paper source and imbues it with a lot of chakra. She then sends it zooming towards her target from afar at super-sonic speeds like a bullet, essentially firing a small, silent razor-sharp bullet at her enemy that is hard to see and react to at one of their vital points

    Paper Clone: B-rank
    Kimiko can make up to one paper clone per fight.

    Genjutsu: C Rank
    While she shows understanding of Genjutsu as expected of a prodigy, she doesn't know any specific ones aside from “Kai” as a defense against it.

    Invisibility Genjutsu: C-rank
    Makes her invisible for stealth, doesn't silence her however.

    Suggestion Genjutsu: C-rank
    A hypnotic suggestion Genjutsu that allows one to influence the weak-minded or individuals who are weaker than you and unused to covering Genjutsu by looking them in the eye. Almost useless on people who within similar power ranges who are aware of the possibility and with a modicum of will power or on people who are stronger than the user.

    Sealing Techniques: C Rank
    Can make her own explosive tags at pretty much any time, and always has a supply of it. Also knows the Enclosing Technique for storage.

    Sealing Tag: C-rank
    The user can place a sealing tag to suppress the target's chakra

    Cloned Shuriken Tag: C-rank
    A fuinjutsu tag with stored chakra that when released shapes the chakra into clones of shuriken to fire at the foe. Replicable using Paper Release, unlike storage tags

    Water Bullet Tag: C-rank
    A fuinjutsu tag with stored chakra that when released fires a jet of water at the target. Replicable using Paper Release, unlike storage tags.

    Jujutsu: Doll of Harm, B Rank
    An improvement over Jashinists normal jutsu, Kimiko takes a life-sized featureless doll out of storage with a seal on it then spreads the victims blood across it, allowing her to harm the target through the doll as long as its in an ink version of a jashinist circle.

    Other Information:
    Origami No Tsurugi:
    This sword, the legendary Origami No Tsurugi or “Paper-Folding Blade” is a straight jian-like sword with a paper blade and a brush at the end of the handle. Its been in the Ishikawa family long before the Villages existed. Its properties are simple: the user store Earth and Water Chakra from their own reserves like a battery and combines them to create more paper for the blade and the wielder can create more paper faster by focusing Earth and Water nature Chakra through it. In the hands of people who don't have the right combined natures and techniques however it is useless.

    Ishikawa Ninja Toolkit:
    -Backup scrolls of blank paper
    -explosive tags
    -wire strings
    -brush and ink

    and my clan:
    Spoiler: Ishikawa Clan
    The Ishikawa Clan first joined with Kirigakure when it was founded. For the first two Ninja Wars they served Kiri loyally, growing strong from their combination of Paper Release jutsu and fuinjutsu, growing to about 150-300 members. But then during the Third Ninja War Kiri began the blood purges of their clans. The Ishikawa clan during this time lost much of its clan members and knowledge of the techniques they stole from others. They escaped and ran until they came to the Land of rice where they allied with the Sound Ninja, making a deal with them to be part of their village in return for their assistance against the Leaf.
    Now the Ishikawa Clan in its new home is only 20 members total. It has fallen far from the heights it once enjoyed. Now it looks to its newer generation to begin rebuilding and forge a bright new future for them all, beginning with Kimiko Ishikawa the young prodigy who has been given the Clan's legendary sword the Origami-No-Tsurugi in hopes that she will lead the way.

    Clan Traditions and Characteristics:
    -Real Ninjas Wear Blue
    -Real Ninjas Are Killers, the initiation ceremony upon becoming genin is to kill someone to prove that you can do even the darkest part of being a shinobi.
    -Real Ishikawa learn Paper Release, those who can't are disappointments.
    -The clan has long standing hatred of the Uchiha Clan. Screw those red eyed bastards for copying jutsu by seeing them, they don't do the work like we do
    -The clan has long standing hatred of any remaining members of the destroyed Uzumaki clan. Screw those red haired bastards for making the fuinjutsu seals to bind the tailed beasts first.
    -The clan has a newfound hatred of Kirigakure and the Fourth Mizukage for enacting the bloodline purge upon them, and some members want revenge for their fallen state. Eventually.
    -Clan crest is the head of a paintbrush with blue ink.
    -The Third Sunday Of May every year is the holy day of Origami Kami-Sama in this clan. Celebrate it by folding a paper lotus flower lantern and setting it adrift to float onto a body of water in honor of them no matter the circumstance.
    -Seafood is best food.

    Known Members:
    -Mitsuko Ishikawa, Clan Head:
    Kimiko's mother of 38 years old she knows purely paper jutsu techniques and is Chunnin level. She cannot advance farther in skill, due to being the current Clan Head and therefore too involved in politics both internal and external to try for Jounin or to learn fuinjutsu. She places great expectations on her daughter and none on her son.

    -Jirou Ishikawa, Clan Disappointment.
    Kimiko's 18 year old brother that did not inherit the paper release bloodline. Chuunin level. Therefore he has devoted his entire life to learning fuinjutsu to make up for his failure of birth and is now one of Oto's fuinjutsu researchers. He also is a constant flirt, trying to find a girl to marry so that he can father someone with paper release, he has yet to succeed. He wields the Five Seals Tachi, a sword he made himself that switches between all five basic elements. Despite it all, he has a good relationship with Kimiko.

    -Kimiko Ishikawa, Clan Heiress
    The first child of the clan to graduate the academy after the war, she is a shining prodigy among the clan. With her excellent grades in the academy, her ease in picking up paper release jutsu and her goal to learn all jutsu as fuinjutsu, the clan has high hopes and many expectations of her. But she personally feels their expectations as a crushing grip and has no interest in marriage or relationships, despite knowing full well her duty as heiress, putting her at odds with the plans the clan has for her.

    -Others to be detailed later as needed.

    The Origami No Tsurugi:
    This sword, the legendary Origami No Tsurugi or “Paper-Folding Blade” is a straight jian-like sword with a paper blade and a brush at the end of the handle. Its been in the Ishikawa family long before the Villages existed. Its properties are simple: the user store Earth and Water Chakra from their own reserves like a battery and combines them to create more paper for the blade and the wielder can create more paper faster by focusing Earth and Water nature Chakra through it. In the hands of people who don't have the right combined natures and techniques however it is useless.

    Example Techniques of the Clan:
    Paper Edge Jutsu:-D Rank
    Channels her Chakra through a paper blade to harden it to be as hard as steel and to be razor sharp, allowing her to use as a normal sword but with less weight making it faster and much sharper than any real sword.

    Unsheathing Paper Claw Jutsu:-D Rank
    Channels her chakra to extend a paper blade straight up to 50 feet as long as she focuses through it, allowing her to swipe at her foes with the blade from range, when she ends it, it returns to normal length.

    Paper Whip Jutsu:- D Rank
    Extends the paper blade while making it strong yet flexible like a chain to use it as a whip so as to lash at or grab her foes with it.

    Paper Shuriken Jutsu:- D Rank
    Creates a flurry of razor-sharp paper shuriken from the Origami No Tsurugi or paper source that goes flying at the foe, just as sharp as any other shuriken.

    Paper Forgery Jutsu:- D Rank
    A non combat technique used for forging official looking papers using water and earth chakra. The technique of course only works if the user knows what they are trying to forge and their skill at forgery, but is still faster and more convenient than just doing it yourself.

    Confetti Assassination Jutsu:- C Rank
    Her most powerful technique, she breaks off a small piece of paper from her blade or a paper source and imbues it with a lot of chakra. She then sends it zooming towards her target from afar at super-sonic speeds like a bullet, essentially firing a small, silent razor-sharp bullet at her enemy that is hard to see and react to at one of their vital points

    Paper Octopus Jutsu:-C Rank
    Can make multiple paper whips from a paper source and control them all at once.

    Paper Airplane Spear Jutsu:- B Rank
    Forms a large paper airplane then sends it zooming towards the foe, razor sharp and piercing through most defenses before impact.

    Paper Release: Scatter, Senbon Confetti:- B Rank
    A maintained ninjutsu where a paper source rips into thousands of sharp confetti and flies at the opponent, but unlike Confetti Storm it can be controlled to follow the target all across the battle field and shaped to attack multiple foes and directed over a period of time.

    Paper Clone Jutsu: -A Rank
    Can create a maximum of one paper clone with solidity and capable of fighting well on their own.

    Paper Body Jutsu: -A Rank
    Turns her body into paper, becoming immune to normal attacks and allowing herself to reshape her body however she wants, scatter to evade attacks and use ink to remake her appearance without needing the transformation jutsu. However she becomes vulnerable to oil and fire techniques. This jutsu is also a source of paper for all her other jutsu

    Spoiler: Low Level Practical Genjutsu

    False Scream Jutsu:
    Makes an illusory woman scream suddenly sound off in the distance in the targets mind, making them run towards it to see what the commotion is

    Fool's Poison Jutsu:
    An illusion that convinces the target they smell or taste some kind of poison in their drink or food. Often used during tense political negotiations to sabotage them by a third party.

    Wrong Way Trail Jutsu:
    Convinces the target that they see a set of tracks that isn't there leading off into the distance. Often used to throw off pursuers. an enhanced version also provides illusory scent, thus fooling dogs and other trackers as well.

    Red Herring Clue Jutsu:
    This isn't really one jutsu, but really a variety of minor visual genjutsu that plants false clues at the scene of a crime depending on how you want people to think the person died. good for framing people.

    Scrambled Words Jutsu:
    Messes with the targets sense of hearing so that all the words spoken to him sound like pure gibberish, making it hard to communicate to him in battle, often cast on commanders.

    Sudden Insult Jutsu:
    Makes an illusory insult suddenly sound out in the target's mind, often in a comrades voice. Used to help turn people against each other, and can also sabotage negotiations or a high class party.

    Legitimate Supplies Jutsu:
    Casts an illusion to make goods you don't want found out look like ordinary rice, vegetables or other things. higher levels also fool touch, smell and sound. good for smuggling.

    Proper ID Jutsu:
    Fools someone into thinking you have the proper identification for whatever your doing when you show them a blank piece of paper Doctor who style. requires updating from time to time as bureaucracies change their papers to counter this every few years.

    False Conversation Jutsu:
    This genjutsu is actually a counter-intelligence measure. It convinces the target, often an eavesdropper that two or more people are having a completely different conversation than they actually are. Often used when suspecting a spy to feed them false information. Though its a little more high ranking due to the complexity and length of sound involved.

    False Letter Fuinjutsu:
    A fuinjutsu seal that when placed on a letter casts itself on the victim when opened, making them see different contents than the real letter that the user composes when they put the seal upon it.

    Fool's Bribe Jutsu:
    Some ninja are not made of money. This illusion convinces the person that the bribe they give them is bigger than it actually is, making them feel as if they're given many coins by replicating the feel of the one actually given to them, or making a bill look like one that is much higher in value. Many guards and bureaucrats have lied awake at night in anger and shame knowing that they sold out their loyalty for a single yen.

    Hidden Object Jutsu:
    A simple illusion to turn a single object invisible. Often used to hide traps or weapons, but has many applications depending on your creativity.

    Slower Than Myself Jutsu:
    A genjusu to make a foe see you as moving slower than you actually are, throwing their reactions off.

    Spoiler: Raziere's Friendly List Of Disturbingly Simple And Commonplace Instant Kill Moves

    Earth Release: Pebble Assassination Jutsu:
    The user charges a pebble with chakra so that it levitates and shoots forward at the targets head like a bullet, killing them instantly. also comes in Candle for fire release and Droplet for water release

    Water Release: Suffocation Jutsu
    The user makes the liquid of their targets drink leap out and strangle their victims neck. Also comes in Wind release and earth release versions. Need concentration to maintain.

    Wind Release: Slit Throat Jutsu
    The user makes the air around a targets neck into an invisible blade to slice through their neck in an instant.

    Water Release: Drowning Jutsu
    The user forces the water they are in down their throat and nose to drown them, works best underwater. Also has sand and dirt versions.

    Lightning Release: Wire Death Jutsu
    Simply get a metal wire around your foe and channel a thousand volts into their body through it and most people will probably be dead from that.

    Wind Release: Poison Cloud Movement Jutsu
    Uses wind to move poisonous gas in the direction you want it to go, choking people to death who breathe it in

    Fire Release: Smoke Choker Jutsu
    Creates smoke to control and force down the foes throat to choke them to death.

    Wind Release: Neck Snap Jutsu
    Solidifies the air around someone's head into invisible hand then snaps the targets neck. Also comes in Earth and water versions.

    Rarer, But Still Deadly:
    Wood Release: Grass Assassination Jutsu
    The wood user sharpens a blade of grass and fires its upwards into their foes skull. Also comes in random fallen leaf, bits of chipped off bark, splinters, random seeds...

    Spoiler: Other low level practical jutsu I came up with

    Water Release: Evidence-Washing Jutsu:
    Uses water to wash away any jutsu from a crime scene, also has a fire version that requires more control to not burn everything

    Earth Release: Corpse-Hiding Jutsu
    Uses earth to make a hollow pocket in it then sink a corpse into it and smooths the earth over so no one knows where it is.

    Fire Release: Smokescreen Jutsu
    Blasts smoke out of your mouth to hide you and blind your enemies.

    Fire Release: Flashbang Jutsu
    Fires a little flame into a crowd of enemies that flashes into a bright light to blind foes

    Earth Release: Knee Burying Jutsu
    Forces the foe to sink into the earth up to their knees to immobilize them

    Lightning Release: Stun Touch Jutsu
    The user fills their hand with a few hundred volts then touches a target to channel those volts to stun them

    Fire Release: Heat Metal
    Heats the metal of a weapon or armor to make the foe drop it or make the foe panic while they wear it.

    Last edited by Lord Raziere; 2023-01-21 at 06:08 PM.

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    Default Re: Naruto Sound ITP OOC 1

    Cool cool.
    so beside adding some lore, what else do we need to get started?
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    Default Re: Naruto Sound ITP OOC 1

    a plot direction, I'd say. something small and manageable to start us off.

    like the first day of our team and the test the sensei gives us. the bell test is one of the most famous and well-known parts of Naruto, and sets up many of the themes and lessons that the series is about, its message of teamwork, the team's dynamics and foreshadows Kakashi's backstory.

    it may not be exactly like this, but its one of the most important episodes and moments for a reason.

    also, here is my second character, Yuyuyu, a more non-combat, face like role who is more of a noncombat spy than one who fights, given that her two team mates, Usagi and Kimiko both have those roles covered.

    Spoiler: Yuyuyu

    Yuuna Yuuki Yukimura
    Name: Yuuna Yuuki Yukimura or "Yuyuyu" as a nickname
    Age: 13
    Gender: Female
    Height: four feet
    Weight: 90 pounds
    Species: Human
    Station: Genin


    She has black silky straight hair in a long ponytail, her eyes are green, she wears whatever fashion is popular at the time modified for practicality and is constantly changing outfits, but has a preference for kimonos when she really wants to show off, and always carries a red umbrella around with her.

    She is incredibly sociable, deceptive, and wily. Her books smarts aren't great, but she is the best at being a people person and gathering practical information. Her smile is ever present, she hides her true feelings about everyone and she insists that everyone just calls her "Yuyuyu" or "Yuyu-chan". She loves finding secrets and keeping up to date with current events, she knows she is a support role and is happy with it.


    Yuuna comes from a normal civilian family, but she has always been good at persuading and she persuaded her parents to allow her to become a ninja to move up in the world, knowing that in a ninja village becoming a ninja is the way to move up in the world and make more money, supported her so that she can have a better paycheck. She has become adept at connecting and making friends most if not all the classmates even if her grades are only middle of the road. As she delves more into the ninja world, she become and more fascinated with secrets and the manipulation involved and wishes to build a spy network

    Story So Far:
    You can summarize and update here what has happened to your character during the game.


    Basic Jutsu: Transformation Jutsu, Clone Jutsu, Replacement Jutsu

    Social Butterfly Spy:
    Yuyuyu is less of an assassin and more of a spy who deals in finding and manipulating information, and thus her talents lie more in noncombat roles like socializing, disguises, stealth, information gathering, sabotage and other miscellaneous skills.

    Taijutsu: C Rank
    She is competent at this for self-defenses, particularly when wielding her umbrella

    Umbrella Techniques:
    She can channel chakra through her umbrella to act as a shield as well as a weapon, and can even hide behind it as camouflage by channeling chakra through it to project a camouflage illusion.

    Snake Dancer Taijutsu: C+-rank
    With this, her combat potential for dance-like taijutsu is unlocked. As long her movements are dancer-like, she can fight competently at taijutsu and pull off fancy tricks and stunts involving it

    Snake Dancer's Dodge: C-rank
    Yuyuyu can dodge a lethal attack up one time, her movements being confusing and hard to aim at.

    Ninjutsu: C-Rank
    Yuyuyu's Chakra Flow Strikes: C-rank
    Yuyuyu can enhance her strikes and weaponry with chakra to enhance their striking power. Over time this may evolve to Kimiko's level.

    Sharpened Ear Jutsu: D-rank
    The user can sharpen their hearing with chakra to hear things better, often used to hear through walls as a basic spying jutsu to overhear conversation

    Wind Release: Wind Bullet, C-rank
    Knows this basic wind release attack

    Dual Summoner Contracts: C-rank
    Can summon foxes and snakes, having a talent for convincing people to be her allies and sign on with her.

    Mai The Fox: C-rank
    Her new fox consistent companion. Is mischievous and makes fun of authority figures often. Capable of C-rank Fire Release Ninjutsu and Genjutsu as well being a scout for her.

    Genjutsu: C Rank
    Proper ID Jutsu:
    Fools someone into thinking you have the proper identification for whatever your doing when you show them a blank piece of paper Doctor who style. requires updating from time to time as bureaucracies change their papers to counter this every few years.

    Fool's Bribe Jutsu:
    Some ninja are not made of money. This illusion convinces the person that the bribe they give them is bigger than it actually is, making them feel as if they're given many coins by replicating the feel of the one actually given to them, or making a bill look like one that is much higher in value. Many guards and bureaucrats have lied awake at night in anger and shame knowing that they sold out their loyalty for a single yen.

    Hidden Object Jutsu:
    A simple illusion to turn a single object invisible. Often used to hide traps or weapons, but has many applications depending on your creativity.

    False Letter Fuinjutsu:
    A fuinjutsu seal that when placed on a letter casts itself on the victim when opened, making them see different contents than the real letter that the user composes when they put the seal upon it.

    Legitimate Supplies Jutsu:
    Casts an illusion to make goods you don't want found out look like ordinary rice, vegetables or other things. higher levels also fool touch, smell and sound. good for smuggling.

    Invisibility Genjutsu: C-rank
    Makes her invisible for stealth, doesn't silence her however.

    Suggestion Genjutsu: C-rank
    A hypnotic suggestion Genjutsu that allows one to influence the weak-minded or individuals who are weaker than you and unused to covering Genjutsu by looking them in the eye. Almost useless on people who within similar power ranges who are aware of the possibility and with a modicum of will power or on people who are stronger than the user.

    Other information:

    basic ninja kit: shuriken, kunai, explosive tags and so on.

    Ninja umbrella: is reinforced to a secret weapon she wields

    Various Outfits: she has lots of outfits and even more with disguise jutsu.

    Basically, she is like this genjutsu side character who does various useful noncombat/support things to help Kimiko and Usagi. while is capable of contributing to combat, it is not her focus and basically just there to be a help for whatever you need of her. thats my idea for a third squad member.
    Last edited by Lord Raziere; 2023-01-21 at 09:05 PM.

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    Default Re: Naruto Sound ITP OOC 1

    Yuuna. XD
    I can't get over it. XD. Remind me of a funny character from a K drama my wife is obssesed about.
    And funnily enough she has a smiliar concept.

    Anyway. I like the idea: no tragic backstory, yet very functionL motivation.

    I guess my idea for a Sensei could complete them all- he isn't a badass. He mature and has daddy jokes, and for a test I actually had an idea: he want them to show as musical band at certain club. The catch, is this is a closed kind of club with specific set of bands, with very violent selectors.
    They need to succesfully to do one song.
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    Default Re: Naruto Sound ITP OOC 1

    Perfect, I got a perfect one for Kimiko to sing.

    do you want me to start the IC thread, or should I? I'm all prepared.

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    If you can. then yes, please.
    it's very late here. ^^'

    Also about the Sensei, I am thinking to make him having animal curse, or mayne even pseudo Jinchurki, though I imagine him something like Huges from FMA, goffy fatherly figure, but smart and maybe secretly a badass
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    Default Re: Naruto Sound ITP OOC 1

    okay, cool. seems fine as long as its not as powerful as a real jinchuuriki.

    thread up, hope you don't mind that Kimiko intro. just establishing that ninjas are killers and are screwed up people. the rest of this doesn't have to be as dark.
    Last edited by Lord Raziere; 2019-03-23 at 09:32 PM.

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    Default Re: Naruto Sound ITP OOC 1

    Actually I planned on mutated monkey to lurk there, and attack once they try the insturments
    This was supposed to be the trick.

    Mmmm.. should we skip it?
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    Default Re: Naruto Sound ITP OOC 1

    Quote Originally Posted by igordragonian View Post
    Actually I planned on mutated monkey to lurk there, and attack once they try the insturments
    This was supposed to be the trick.

    Mmmm.. should we skip it?
    Yes, I can see how this can get complicated with ninja stuff because there is supposed to be traps and surprises but the ninja are supposed to be focused on a goal that has nothing to do with them, thus I timeskipped.


    how about this, we do the monkey thing and in the future we tell each other how many surprises without actually telling me what those surprises are until some other event happens. like "three surprises until you go to the music club" would work better, and just go ahead with the monkey ambush, we just save Yuyuyu's action with the club until after that. that cool?

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    Default Re: Naruto Sound ITP OOC 1

    yeah, good idea.
    Ninja story telling is actually diffrent from other Shunen kind of stories.
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    Default Re: Naruto Sound ITP OOC 1

    Yeah, DBZ and One Piece are just strong people having adventures really. MHA is a superhero high school so it doesn't have consistent powers. Bleach is boring. Naruto is one that actually has systems and logic to its power and a social system based on secrecy rather than being celebrities. the only other show that I'd say has traits like Naruto is Hunter x Hunter, in that HxH does the cerebral deadly stuff far better and is more cynical to boot. like forget Chuunin exams, the test of getting the Hunter's license in HxH is far more unfair and full of deception than anything ever devised in Naruto, full stop. (its the kind of thing where you can find out that you already lost just by following the written directions they give you at the beginning to get to the test because those directions are lies and apart of the test because they lead into a trap) and things only get more unfair, twisted and evil as the show progresses

    speaking of ninja stuff, I've been thinking of how ninja missions work and here are my thoughts:

    Spoiler: D-Rank: “Silliness, and Surprise Training”
    The lowest ranks are the D-Ranks. They are any job that is non-harmful and non-threatening in nature, often being made up of chores from various citizens from the ninja's own village. Their pay is of course the lowest, but they are some of the most numerous jobs available- however often they get done mostly by Genin or the less fortunate Chuunin. While the pay adds up, most ninja past Genin avoid doing these jobs as much as they can as there is a big pay jump with C-Ranks, and no village would waste a lone Jounin on doing D's unless they really want to punish them for something.

    Furthermore, D-Rank missions have a limit on their time scale: they can't be more than a day in total length. This prevents one citizen from just doing their chores for them their entire week or something when they should be training. The purpose of the D-Ranks is not to make a genin a permanent servant of a citizen, it is to prepare the Genin for adapting to various circumstances, blending in with and understanding the people they protect, and making money for the ninja village that is training and supporting them. The time scale is also to make sure you don't send people off on a “D-Rank” mission that takes place in another nation, any mission that occurs outside the village is at least C-Rank or higher and thus requires C-Rank or higher pay.

    The purpose of D-Ranks in roleplaying terms is to provide light-heartedness, comedy and a break from more serious missions. The stakes are low, so ninjas often spice it up in their boredom, from genin challenging each other to complete a minor task faster than each other using their ninja moves to do it, to sadistic Jounin using the opportunity to make mock simulations of actual shinobi scenarios they can encounter of it or surprise attack them as a form of training to teach them to be as paranoid as possible, to rival restaurants hiring two rival genin teams to help them beat their competitor in selling ramen or something. Its also an opportunity for character reflection and development as the team mates talk to each other while doing some menial chore.

    Worry not about any citizens complaining of ninjas and their antics spicing up the jobs they pay for. If the citizens don't like living in a ninja village they are always free to leave, and all who don't like it have already left. The citizens who work in hidden villages are seen as odd by other towns for their smiling acceptance of “shinobi eccentricity”.

    Spoiler: C-Rank: “Minor, But Serious”
    This is the dream of every newly made Genin team. C-Ranks are any job that involve harm or danger, but has no enemy ninja involved or at least none that are expected to be involved. Such jobs include things like dealing with bandits, catching robbers, rooting out yakuza, solving a murder mystery, routine escort missions, guarding some place in or outside the village, going undercover to catch a criminal, information gathering, solving the problem of some isolated town, or investigating a dangerous landmark- generally any job involving law enforcement, fights with mundane thugs or general adventure plots.

    C-Ranks are probably the jobs most ninjas actually do in their day to day lives when they're no longer Genin. The pay is a little low for Jounin tastes but it is steady income and they will not turn these down. They are what many people see ninja doing out in the world most of the time and what makes most people think ninja are worth putting up with, as they prefer ninjas dealing with rowdy thugs and cleaning the place up even if they disagree with the often deadly methods they employ. Thus its a great way for your characters to interact with normal people beyond the village and show off how powerful even your Genin are in comparison to some foolish bandits who get beaten up in groups using their cool action moves.

    It is also a good place for action-adventure missions where you go to some random part of the world to investigate a problem and act out a plot inspired by folklore or adventure stories. You might encounter a local village cursed in some manner that you must fix, or investigate why strange ghostly noises come from a graveyard, or find yourself fighting skeletons in an old temple, animated by worn decaying fuinjutsu or investigate claims of some people about seeing a demon.

    C-Ranks in general are also great for more investigative, low key types of stories where a fight or two might break out, but the focus is on figuring out what is going on, or what some criminals are up to, or where all these people are disappearing to. Things like that. You can play ninja noir, a buddy cop ninja movie, or just be a ninja superhero beating up robbers because you can.

    However the Land of Wave mission shows, the system isn't perfect. A C-Rank has more than once turned into a B or A-Rank as a result of what the shinobi discover in the process of carrying out their mission and the jounin leading the squad are expected to take charge of the situation and assess it appropriately on their own initiative to determine the best course of action- headquarters cannot respond in time to the changing conditions of the field and it is the responsibility of every squad captain to make the judgment call themselves.

    Spoiler: B-Rank: “Ninjas and Military”

    These missions are when you are actually expected to face other ninja in the field. Sure you may face other shinobi during training or the Chuunin Exams, but these are in controlled observed circumstances. B-Ranks are when you are truly facing other shinobi for real. There are no rules other than what your squad leader instructs, no holding back, no guarantee that you'll live through the ordeal.
    The difference between this and A-ranks is one of importance and publicity: B-ranks are more normal but risky shinobi military work such as helping win a minor battle or reconnaissance, or facing a chuunin-level missing nin or ronin, or taking out important resources of the enemy, or protecting a figure of minor to middling level of importance, serving a diplomat to another hidden village or solving a murder mystery when other shinobi are involved, things like that.

    Essentially, while risky and has some information control to it since its military operations, there is still some publicity to it. B-Ranks are all the stuff people know ninja do at times, but aren't pretty and often are assigned during war time. It is also the missions where you take down things like drug cartels, wealthy but illegal businessmen, protect or help a town from a natural disaster such a flood, hurricane drought and so on. During peace time these B-Rank missions are often involving proxy wars between smaller nations while larger elemental nations send ninjas to “assist” without actually declaring war on each other.

    Also taking part as an instructor or other non-genin role in the Chuunin exams counts as a B-Rank mission due to the number of foreign shinobi around and the need for security and proper instruction.
    B-ranks in general are any military operation involving other shinobi that Shinobi are expected to do without it being secret or an emergency. It the mission level for playing out war stories and groups of Chuunin doing stuff that they reminisce about later in life and things Jounin consider acceptable and fun, but only the shallow end of the pool in terms of the shinobi world. In these missions ninjas often start to suspect that the higher ups are hiding things from them, but are not in any position to call them out on it and becomes clear that there is something greater afoot- but they have no idea what that is.

    Spoiler: A-Rank: “ANBU and Secrets”

    The A-Rank is where things really start getting heating up. These missions are often top secret and involve elite Jounin, ANBU and Kages. Most Chuunin don't ever get assigned to A-Ranks and Genin are kept far away from these. These are THE Jounin missions. At this rank, your infiltrating other shinobi nations to spy on them, committing sabotage, killing jounin level ninja or samurai missing or not, assassinating or protecting an important political figure, eliminating a shinobi terrorist group, stealing bloodlines or techniques from other nations, torture and interrogation, playing an important role in a major battle, just in general, secret, dirty dangerous things that you don't talk about with anyone except your commanding officer.

    Its not all bad though. At its best, A-Ranks are your opportunity to be Ninja James Bond and stop some evil mastermind from blowing up something big with their stolen ninja technique, or overthrow some dictator in another nation, or influence politics in the direction you want so that some prejudiced idiot doesn't get into power- often by killing them in some plausibly deniable manner but still.

    But at its worst, A-Ranks are something out of Jason Bourne or Metal Gear Solid. You delve into the dark world of shinobi and its psychological turmoil that it wreaks upon those who live in it, your actions might not always be unambiguously morally right, you might encounter some screwed up things that missing nin do in secret or what other nations have done behind closed doors- or are still doing. At the same time, your on the in-group as far as secrets go. If your doing these missions, your seeing the real internal world of ninjas and how they work behind the scenes- and can influence the workings to get what you want.

    Backdoor dealings, trading secrets and favors, blackmail, abusing bureaucratic rules abound and the stuff you do, the things you decide in A-Ranks will leave a scar on you. These missions are high risk, high reward and also fewer in number. Often such missions are assigned to specific shinobi or squad for their specific talents matching the job needed to be done and the shinobi are ordered to accept the mission often by their kage to do it. However once they are on the mission, how they complete it is often up to them- as long as they do it competently and with discretion, they are given free reign. These missions often involve high stakes and secrecy, so communication with headquarters is to be very limited to important things if at all.

    Spoiler: S-Rank: “The World Is At Stake”

    These missions generally comes in two flavors. The first flavor is “A+ Rank” which are like A Rank missions but even more so in how secret and delicate the mission is. If your on this type of S-Rank, you've been assigned it by the Kage or someone temporarily acting as one and you and maybe the rest of your team are the only ones that know about it. This is when your dealing with a secret so terrible that it could change everything if it got out to anyone. This is the rank where your dealing with Tailed Beasts and similar overpowered monsters and jutsus, people with the powers of kages and super-weapons that can change how warfare is waged. Even Jounin must tread carefully when doing these types of missions, as they might protect a young jinchuuriki, break into a kage's office, or deal with an outside context problem that they caught wind of before it caused damage.

    The other flavor is “Emergency”. These S-Ranks are assigned on the fly when things are already going deeply south. These aren't secret at all, these are crisis situations that need all hands on deck to deal with the problem at hand, desperation is the key word and any solution will be tried in search of the one that works. These types of S-Rank are basically the godzilla threshold of “try anything to get rid of this problem NOW” type of situations. Ninja will bust out secret techniques, jinchuuriki will unleash their tailed beasts, kage will step in to fight at full strength, nothing is off limits, because nothing is considered as bad as letting this situation continue.

    These are the missions that rarely come up- and when they do, the ninjas involved have to push themselves to the limit. Genin can participate but only because the alternative is most likely everything being ruined if they don't help. Its the kind of ranking you give to outside context problems, apocalypses, ninja of untold power, a tailed beast running loose, otsusuki clan members showing up, anything involving time or space manipulation, anything involving the rinnegan, crossovers with other media, gods coming to screw things up- anything that could completely ruin the shinobi world as we know it is S-Rank.

    S-Rank missions can be campaign defining ones, because they often encompass the unthinkable and the extreme edge cases. When Naruto goes to fight Gaara, its an S-Rank mission to make sure the One-Tails doesn't destroy the village. When Pain invades, its an S-Rank mission to defeat him. When the Kage says not to reveal Naruto holds the nine-tailed fox,its an S-rank order. You could build an entire Naruto campaign around a single S-Rank mission being assigned and watching everyone deal with it and the consequences. Portal to another world? S-Rank mission. Aliens invading? S-Rank mission. New tailed beast found? S-Rank mission. Zombie apocalypse? S-Rank mission. This is stuff that ninjas have little to no context or plans for, and thus need to come up with entirely new methods to defeat it.

    Spoiler: The System Isn't Perfect:

    However, this is all making the assumptions that they live in a perfect world. In a perfect world, mission ranks define the mission in its entirety, ninjas do the mission and only the mission and nothing else. But in reality, information is imperfect and what ninjas are hired to do aren't always what they end up doing.

    Anbu agents end up sorting through the Kage's mail, a seemingly D-Rank task that is rated as A-Rank for the possibility of some fuinjutsu seal or chemical weapon being put into a letter sent to kill the kage remotely. Genin squads go out to investigate a string of disappearances only to find that the cause is some crazy jounin-level missing nin doing jutsu experiments on people. Chuunin or Genin end up being assigned missions beyond their expected abilities because of desperate or dire straits, sometimes a ninja is ordered to take a mission that doesn't agree with their morality, sometimes you come to a town on a C-Rank and find it has far more problems than just what they've been paid to solve, and sometimes a ninja gets assigned missions like a suicide mission or the Uchiha Massacre, that are just horrible in general.

    The expectation of your superiors when assigned such unfitting missions is almost always “your a shinobi, deal with it.”. Shinobi are not valued for their emotions, moral judgment or whatever else. They are valued because they are flexible tools and soldiers to get the job done, no matter what that job is. And sometimes that means giving your life for your village or nation, sometimes that means dealing with tedium that you think is beneath you, sometimes it means doing a horrible atrocity on orders from somebody else. It sucks. Sometimes its enough to make a shinobi turn missing-nin or nuke-nin as some call them, run away and hide for the rest of their days, preferring to live a life on the run in paranoia just so they can be free of the militaristic lifestyle that demands their body, mind and soul- and if people do find them? Such missing-nin would rather go down fighting than be taken back to become a tool of a state or people that doesn't care for them and wants them to do more of the same horrible acts that caused them to run.

    Of course darker examples of missing-nin are mad dogs who revel in the power that jutsu gives them. While the system isn't perfect it still controls the shinobi themselves and channels them to useful ends for society, and once some are free of that system, such mad dogs can become greater monsters than any shady kage or Anbu. The hidden villages don't make any distinction between these cases of morality. A rogue shinobi no matter how good or bad they are is a threat for various reasons that have nothing to do with their morality:
    -a missing-nin could potentially teach other people shinobi techniques and start their own little fighting force which can get out of control, as hidden villages keep shinobi techniques carefully managed and only taught to those they want as if people know of them too much it can compromise some of their usefulness.
    -A missing-nin spreads out the power that is supposed to be concentrated in hidden villages. Those in power naturally want to make sure that they keep their power, if a bunch of peasants suddenly start fighting like Rock Lee thats something that could be problematic for staying in power
    -Missing-Nins are a black mark on a hidden village's reputation as it implies there is a good reason why the missing-nin left or that they chose the wrong person to hand the power they wield and thus if they don't deal with them it will look bad on them for letting a rogue shinobi roam about
    -shinobi criminals are harder to catch and control than normal ones and if the techniques shinobi use spread to the underworld, law enforcement can get a lot harder
    -missing-nin could potentially join another hidden village and tell them secrets that could put their original village at a disadvantage.
    -Before the village system, people fought in clans and warfare was thus far more frequent, enough rogue shinobi starting their own things could mean the rise of a similar warring states period and no one wants that.

    Of course even to this, there are exceptions. Sometimes like in the case of Tsunade, while technically a missing-nin isn't hunted because most ninja going after her would be suicide and getting her back would mean dealing with her gambling debts. Kages have villages to run and can't leave them behind to hunt some really powerful rogue ninja, jounin have their genin teams to worry about, and shinobi in general are engaged in a constant political dance between hidden villages and nations that take up their time. Thus a rogue shinobi can remain missing for years if they keep their head down and don't cause trouble. And there is almost certainly times where ninja have had secret peaceful dealings with missing-nin for some other goal or mission, or times when a village intentionally gave a ninja a mission that officially involves becoming missing nin while unofficially remaining loyal to their village as a form of infiltration or to give them free reign to do something with plausible deniability on the hidden villages part.

    However this often makes missing-nin distrustful and cautious, for they never know if their criminal allies are a plant on some long term secret mission. Being a missing-nin often is a mix of some of the most paranoid dark parts of A-Rank missions and the traveling potential of C-Ranks, and any missing-nin who hopes to survive long has to be a very competent ninja indeed. Chuunin and Genin rogue shinobi are either practically unheard of or quickly killed.

    However as times change and move on, the shinobi village system may become outdated as people change. The shinobi in power seeing their control beginning to slip from their grasp, may become oppressive police states willing to do anything to keep things as they are by producing propaganda and quietly silencing anyone that dares to speak out, the very system built to keep shinobi under control may become a system to oppress those under them. In such times, missing-nin who have escaped from their grasp may become the peoples only hope for positive change against powerful ninjutsu that they otherwise cannot do anything against and thus a new revolution to change the power structure that the shinobi nations run on would happen once again.

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    I really liked your taking on the system, shame we don't have more players here
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    Default Re: Naruto Sound ITP OOC 1

    Congrats on the Av is this a specific character?
    Also.. mmmmm.. I screwed up again...
    How should we handle it next time?

    Or should I simply retcon-
    "You have killed the monkey, but this was a clone?" Thing?
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    Just say it was a clone. I was just acting on information I feel that my characters would reasonably know.

    but I don't blame you for getting shadow clone and normal Clone jutsu getting mixed up, because outside the first episode Basic Clone Jutsu is never used and its not as good Shadow Clone Jutsu. Naruto can only use Shadow Clone so much because he is basically a super chakra reactor in a world of chakra batteries, because he is a Jinchuuriki. thats their main advantage in this world, they can use chakra in crazy amounts that no one can else do, they're hammers in a world of knives. thats why they're so important, because they're basically nuclear weapons that if taught right can be godly with their techniques and put a lot of power into them that no one else can. its basically Naruto's bypass into bull**** power so that he can face threats and do things no one else can, a well-designed bypass at that as its well integrated into the world and its politics.

    generally, most shonen protagonists aren't good examples of a normal hero or warrior in that world, because they often have some characteristic or trait that sets them apart and thus screws up how they'd normally act and operate. often the presence of the protagonist is the only thing that makes their worlds light-hearted because of how much of an exception to the rule they are! (for proof just look at any scene not involving the protagonist in a shonen show.)

    as for my avatar, I was like "I feel like having a new avatar. ronin samurai are cool. katanas are cool, I'm on a Sekiro kick after beating Lord Genichiro, lets make a ronin avatar" and here it is. I just change my avatar every so often because I like to do so. its not a specific character, the closest I'd come to such a thing for an avatar like her, is this character I have called "Ensara" who goes around videogame worlds where customization is a thing being a hero and is basically just me but female and having adventures, so if the avatar is anyone its Ensara.
    (Jade Refera technically was once a version of her, but these days she has become her own character, so an alternate character the avatar might be is a Jade Refera in Ronin cosplay.)

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    Default Re: Naruto Sound ITP OOC 1

    I see.
    mmmmmmmmmmm...... to be honest, I am stuck. Maybe reading the whole manga isn't enough. I am starting to think of possible post, but everything I come up, with looking dumb to me in the end... I really don't know what to do
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    Default Re: Naruto Sound ITP OOC 1

    Quote Originally Posted by igordragonian View Post
    I see.
    mmmmmmmmmmm...... to be honest, I am stuck. Maybe reading the whole manga isn't enough. I am starting to think of possible post, but everything I come up, with looking dumb to me in the end... I really don't know what to do
    well if you can't figure out how to draw out a conflict and make it meaningful, don't bother. let it be solved so that you can introduce another one later down the line that CAN be made more drawn out and meaningful. that way we move on and not get stuck.

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    I am hope you are ok with it, I like the learning the need for team work as process
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    Quote Originally Posted by igordragonian View Post
    I am hope you are ok with it, I like the learning the need for team work as process
    Yeah, these are 13 year old characters, I don't expect them to get everything right the first time, it would in fact be kind of weird if they did, because I've seen fan fics where people turn teenagers into hyper competent adult-like people and it just breaks my suspension of disbelief instantly more than anything fantastical.

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    Was my update ok?
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    Quote Originally Posted by igordragonian View Post
    Was my update ok?
    It was good. don't worry about individual posts, thats small stuff. hesitate every post, you'll get nothing done. better to make mistakes and realize them quickly, do better next post until you stop making mistakes. slower to do anything means slower to realize your flaws.

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    Default Re: Naruto Sound ITP OOC 1

    while googling "bye bye kitty" found this

    damn internt.
    and I thought I am so geniouse with the idea of "bye bye kitty"
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    Quote Originally Posted by igordragonian View Post
    while googling "bye bye kitty" found this

    damn internt.
    and I thought I am so geniouse with the idea of "bye bye kitty"
    yeah, yeah. I kind of have to work with smaller more intricate blocks to come up with original things. there are things that make up successful things, you see, so I often have to figure out what thing underneath a character or element really makes it work and how to apply it to other things without making that thing obvious? and often that involves comparing what commonalities it has with other things, and how I can put your spin on the thing and I'm going to eventually agree or be similar to somebody, thats just inevitable. so really its all about finding what you like, then doing what you like really well until it becomes something original.

    and to be fair, while the concept has name similarities, its more different than not, because those guys are making it a space marine chapter and your like doing something completely else with it. I wouldn't be surprised if they were doing it more out of genuine hatred of hello kitty than actual creativity and parody, because the internet can be very spiteful and sometimes the line between mean-spirited trashing and a parody of something can be blurred.

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    My reasoning for large amounts of unshaped chakra being dangerous to handle with your own body is thus, through the following evidence I can remember:

    -Naruto and Tsunade's ability to regenerate (both shorten lifespan)
    -Naruto's rasenshuriken technique (has little blades that fly into Naruto's own hand and screws up his chakra path ways)
    -Rock Lee's eight Gates (injures or kills the user by basically open the stream of chakra into a food that their own muscle can't handle)
    -Mangekyou Sharingan's eventual blindness (also shown to cause you to bleed from the eyes)
    -Sage mode (too much natural energy turns you into an animal)

    basically in all the cases I can think of, it seems that too much raw chakra is dangerous to your health and most ninjas use ways to keep their own abilities from hurting themselves. so I'm assuming that raw high amounts of chakra is like raw high amounts of electricity in how dangerous it can be.

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    I am sorry, hopefully I could reply soon.
    Mmmm... Naruto-ish battles need more thought, so they will be fair and intresting.
    You know, to write something more "they block you"

    By the way, stuff like the identity of their stalker.. it's stuff you preffer to learn ICly, or would you preffer to make sure his concept is "kosher"?
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    Quote Originally Posted by igordragonian View Post
    I am sorry, hopefully I could reply soon.
    Mmmm... Naruto-ish battles need more thought, so they will be fair and intresting.
    You know, to write something more "they block you"

    By the way, stuff like the identity of their stalker.. it's stuff you preffer to learn ICly, or would you preffer to make sure his concept is "kosher"?
    I'd prefer to learn ICly.

    however lets make a few general assumptions or rules as to what is kosher:
    -Naruto had their Genins facing Jounin. It possible for Genins to beat them but only at great risk and pulling out their best plans and techniques. I'm assuming that they're on this level.
    -the general feel of each ninja themselves is that despite the unified system on which they run, there is a lot of variance and exceptions to the rules due to trick engineered to make them so, but none of it comes free, every modification a ninja has gives them a downside that hurts them or is exploitable, so generally make sure whatever thing they do has some downside that makes sure not EVERYONE does it. like the Mangekyo Sharingan rendering you blind if you overuse it. something painful and kind of impractical for more universal usage.
    -at the same time anything involving the rinnegan, otsusuki clan, Flying Thunder God Technique, kote, Edo Tensei, hashirama cells, reincarnating heroes, or the tailed beasts should be used with great care as when they get involved, that starts getting into S-Class stuff, so hard no on those unless we want to seriously renegotiate the roleplay.

    Sharigan: is generally allowed, but subject to certain roleplaying requirements:
    1. have this curse of hatred that when they experience negative emotions, it gives them the sharingan, while its possible the Uchihas can activate with other emotions, hate seems to be emotion that most often activates it and the one that develops their eyes the most
    2. anything beyond Three Tomoe Sharingan requires you to experience the loss of a loved or close friend as a major part of your backstory, whether by someone elses hand or your own to get the Mangekyo Sharingan. your are expected to be truly damaged by the grief and psychological problems this would cause.
    3. keep in mind that most of what we know about the Sharingan is kept secret to very few and most people aren't willing to murder their loved ones for power, probably not even most of the Uchiha clan
    4. kotoamatsukami, susanoo, black fire or kamui are not allowed until higher levels of power though. Izanagi however is allowed, because most people can only use it twice in their life, one for each eye blinded.

    there is probably stuff I'm not considering, but thats probably most of the problematic stuff? anything else is like, Akatsuki stuff, and Akatsuki is sort of hax while kind of NOT being hax enough to really overcome Chuunin/Jounin protagonists so they're some weird ground between Jounin and godlike level antagonists so to be on the safe side nothing like Akatsuki or above?

    anything else is probably not prominent enough to get stupidly overpowered? like I think your okay as long as their is a clear downside to an otherwise very powerful technique, and causing harm to its own user is generally a good flaw to use when in doubt. the form of harm depends on the specific jutsu or ability, but that is up your own creativity. like getting burned by your really powerful fire jutsu and leaving you open to a counter-attack if the opponent survives.

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    My attempt to draw "Futility"-San.
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    I like how the mask is detailed and how the sleeves are actually too long for him.

    today is my birthday, gone to see Dark Phoenix, bought American Gods which I've heard is really good, and as for sharing drawings, I'll see if I can get around to making art of Kimiko, Yuyu, and others of the Ishikawa family.

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    Tnx. I am not hapoy with the legs, though.
    And congraltions! Or Sdnyom razdenye, as we say here!and american gods is an amazing and it's sequel even better
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