Snips, Snails, and Dragon Tales: Now available in PDF format from Gumroad
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    Titan in the Playground
    DracoDei's Avatar

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    Near Atlanta,GA USA

    Default [Creature]Floating Lungs(PEACH)

    EDIT: This is an old post and, as such, it is against the forum rules to respond to it. If you have comments, then please PM me, or start a new thread with a link in it to this one.

    Still missing a few details, but definitely should be enough her to give the idea pretty clearly.
    One of two more undead that occurred to me to add to my earlier trio of single (or two in the case of the Gus Snakes) organ undead (although this one also uses more than one organ...).
    Floating Lungs
    Open Spoiler below for main stat block for Fine through Small Floating Lungs.

    {table="head"]~|Floating Lungs, Fine|Floating Lungs, Diminutive|Floating Lungs, Tiny|Floating Lungs, Small
    Size and Type | Fine Undead | Diminutive Undead | Tiny Undead | Small Undead |
    Hit Dice | 1/16d12 (1 hp) | 1/8d12 (1 hp) | 1/4d12 (1 hp) | 1/2d12 (3 hp) |
    Speed | Fly 15 ft. (Good) | Fly 20 ft. (Good) |Fly 30 ft. (Good)|Fly 40 ft. (Good)|
    Initiative | +4 | +3 | +2 | +1 |
    AC |22 (+4 Dex, +8 size); touch 22; flat-footed 18|17 (+3 Dex, +4 size); touch 17; flat-footed 14|14 (+2 Dex, +2 size); touch 14; flat-footed 12|13 (+1 Dex, +1 size, +1 natural); touch 12; flat-footed 12
    BAB | +0 | +0 | +0 | +0 |
    Grapple | -21 | -16 | -12 | -7 |
    Attack | None | None | None | None |
    Space/Reach | 1/2 ft./0 ft. | 1 ft./0 ft. | 2 1/2 ft./0 ft. | 5 ft./0 ft. |
    Special Attacks| Shout | Shout | Shout | Shout |
    Special Qualities|Damage Reduction 3/Slashing, Dark Vision 60 ft., Hollowness, Sonic Resistance 10, Turn Resistance +2, Undead Traits|Damage Reduction 5/Slashing, Dark Vision 60 ft., Hollowness, Sonic Resistance 15, Turn Resistance +4, Undead Traits|Damage Reduction 10/Slashing, Dark Vision 60 ft., Hollowness, Sonic Resistance 20, Turn Resistance +6, Undead Traits|Damage Reduction 10/Slashing, Dark Vision 60 ft., Hollowness, Sonic Resistance 20, Turn Resistance +8, Undead Traits
    Saves | Fort +0, Ref +4, Will +2 | Fort +0, Ref +3, Will +2 | Fort +0, Ref +2, Will +2 | Fort +0, Ref +1, Will +2 | Fort +0, Ref +0, Will +2
    Abilities|Str 1, Dex 18, Con --, Int --, Wis 10, Cha 1|Str 2, Dex 17, Con --, Int --, Wis 10, Cha 1|Str 3, Dex 16, Con --, Int --, Wis 10, Cha 1|Str 4, Dex 13, Con --, Int --, Wis 10, Cha 1|Str 5, Dex 10, Con --, Int --, Wis 10, Cha 1
    Skills | Move Silently +14 | Move Silently +13 | Move Silently +12 | Move Silently +11 | Move Silently +10
    Feats | Ability Focus(Shout)(B) | Ability Focus(Shout)(B) | Ability Focus(Shout)(B) | Ability Focus(Shout)(B) | Ability Focus(Shout)(B)
    Environment | Any | Any | Any | Any
    Organization | Any | Any | Any | Any
    Challenge Rating| 1 | 2 | 4 | 7?
    Treasure | None | None | None | None
    Alignment |Always Neutral Evil|Always Neutral Evil|Always Neutral Evil|Always Neutral Evil|Always Neutral Evil||Always Neutral Evil
    Advancement | None | None | 1/3 HD (Tiny) | None
    Level Adjustment| ~ | ~ | ~ | ~ [/table]

    Open Spoiler below for main stat block for Medium through Gargantuan Floating Lungs.

    {table="head"]~|Floating Lungs, Medium|Floating Lungs, Large |Floating Lungs, Huge|Floating Lungs, Gargantuan
    Size and Type | Medium Undead | Large Undead | Huge Undead |Gargantuan Undead
    Hit Dice | 1d12 (6 hp) | 2d12 (13 hp) | 4d12 (26 hp) | 8d12 (52 hp)
    Speed | Fly 50 ft (Good) |Fly 60 ft (Average)|Fly 60 ft (Average)|Fly 70 ft (Average)
    Initiative | +0 | +0 | -1 | -2
    AC|13 (+1 Dex, +2 natural); touch 11; flat-footed 12|11 (-1 Size, +2 natural); touch 9; flat-footed 11|11 (-2 size, -1 Dex, +3 natural); touch 8; flat-footed 11|7 (-4 size, -2 Dex, +3 natural); touch 4; flat-footed 7
    BAB | +0 | +1 | +2 | +4
    Grapple | -3 | +3 | +11 | +20
    Attack | None | None | None | None
    Space/Reach | 5 ft./0 ft. | 10 ft./0 ft. | 15 ft./0 ft | 20 ft./0 ft
    Special Attacks| Shout | Shout | Shout | Shout
    Special Qualities|Damage Reduction 15/Slashing, Dark Vision 60 ft., Hollowness, Sonic Resistance 30, Turn Resistance +10, Undead Traits|Damage Reduction 15/Slashing, Dark Vision 90 ft., Hollowness, Sonic Resistance 30, Turn Resistance +12, Undead Traits|Damage Reduction 20/Slashing, Dark Vision 120 ft., Hollowness, Sonic Immunity, Turn Resistance +14, Undead Traits|Damage Reduction 20/Slashing, Dark Vision 180 ft., Hollowness, Sonic Immunity, Turn Resistance +16, Undead Traits
    Saves | Fort +0, Ref +0, Will +2 | Fort +0, Ref +0, Will +3 | Fort +1, Ref +1, Will +4 | Fort +2, Ref +2, Will +6
    Abilities|Str 5, Dex 10, Con --, Int --, Wis 10, Cha 1|STR 7, Dex 10, Con --, Int --, Wis 10, Cha 1|STR 9, Dex 8, Con --, Int --, Wis 10, Cha 1|STR 11, Dex 6, Con --, Int --, Wis 10, Cha 1
    Skills | Move Silently +10 | Move Silently +10 | Move Silently +9 | Move Silently +8
    Feats | Ability Focus(Shout)(B) | Ability Focus(Shout)(B) | Ability Focus(Shout)(B) | Ability Focus(Shout)(B) | Ability Focus(Shout)(B) | Ability Focus(Shout)(B), Hover(B) | Ability Focus(Shout)(B), Hover(B) | Ability Focus(Shout)(B), Hover(B)
    Environment | Any | Any | Any | Any
    Organization | Any | Any | Any | Any
    Challenge Rating| 10? | 13? | 13? | 15?
    Treasure | None | None | None | None
    Alignment |Always Neutral Evil|Always Neutral Evil|Always Neutral Evil|Always Neutral Evil
    Advancement | None | 3 HD (Large) | 5-7 HD (Huge) |9+ HD (Gargantuan)
    Level Adjustment| ~ | ~ | ~ | ~ [/table]

    A pair of yellowish, lobed bags covered in an intricate network of blood-vessels hanging from a tube shaped like an inverted "Y" float before you.

    Floating Lungs are the pairs of Lungs of corpses reanimated through dark and sinister magic. (See "Creation" below)

    Because of their utter lack of intelligence, the instructions given to a newly created pair of Floating Lungs must be very simple. They are generally end up simply ???. If they are within the threatened area of an opponent they may (depending on how carefully they were instructed) take a 5 foot float (or for the ones that can do so and still release their pulse) making withdraw action directly away from it before launching their attack for that round.
    Hollowness(Ex): After damage reduction, apply the following further reductions: Halve bludgeoning damage and reduce piercing damage to 1 point per hit.
    Shout(Sn): A pair of Floating Lungs (which is a single creature!) can create something like the effect of a Shout or Shout, Greater spell with the specifics as follows. A Fortitude save is allowed for half damage and to negate the stunning and deafening(except in the case of the Huge and Gargantuan ones in which case it only makes the deafness last the duration listed after the slash rather than being permanent) conditions.
    {table="head"]Size|Range|Damage|Deafness Duration|Stun Duration|DC|Frequency |Size of Source Creature
    Fine | 15 feet | 1d6/2d6 |
    | 12 |Every Round | Diminutive or Tiny
    Diminutive | 20 feet | 3d6/5d6 |
    | 14 |Every Round | Small
    Tiny | 30 feet | 5d6/8d6 |
    | 16 |Every Round | Medium
    Small | 40 feet | 7d6/11d6 |
    | 18 |Every Round | Large
    Medium | 60 feet | 10d6/15d6 |
    | 20 |Every Round | Huge
    Large(2 HD)| 90 feet | 13d6/20d6 |
    | 22 |Every Round | Gargantuan
    Large(3 HD)| 105 feet | 15d6/22d6 |
    | 23 |Every Round | Gargantuan w/ 2 EHD
    Huge(4 HD) | 125 feet | 17d6/25d6 | Permanent / 1d4 |
    | 24 |Every Other Round| Colossal
    Huge(5 HD) | 135 feet | 18d6/26d6 | Permanent / 1d4 |
    | 24 |Every Other Round| Colossal w/ 2 EHD
    Huge(6 HD) | 150 feet | 19d6/27d6 | Permanent / 1d6 |
    | 25 |Every Other Round| Colossal w/ 4 EHD
    Huge(7 HD) | 165 feet | 20d6/28d6 | Permanent / 1d6 |
    | 25 |Every Other Round| Colossal w/ 6 EHD
    Gargantuan | 180 feet | 21d6/30d6 | Permanent / 2d4 |
    | 26 |Every Other Round| Colossal+

    Special: Floating Lungs are occasionally returned to the rib-cages from which they came (tied in place with a network of string or rope in the case of skeletal undead). In such a case the larger undead becomes somewhat subject to critical hits, sneak attack, and other precision based damage provided that they are dealt in the form of piercing damage. In such a case a confirmed critical hit may be elected by the attacker to deal its NORMAL (NOT critical hit!) damage to the Floating Lungs instead of dealing any damage what-so-ever to the larger undead.
    Skills: Floating Lungs move quietly through the air and only breath when using their shout attack, they receive a +10 racial bonus to Move Silently.
    Use them alone or mixed in with other mindless undead. Generally they will be deployed behind ground troops, giving them some measure of protection until they can float upward (still out of range of even reach weapons) and start blasting away without hitting the other troops on their side.
    Creating a pair of Floating Lungs
    First the lungs of one or more creatures of at least small size must be harvested, each pair requiring a Heal check with a DC of 20. The pair of lungs must be reasonably undecayed and mostly whole and the creature must have had a circulatory system that included a pair of lungs (even if decidedly unequally proportioned such as the lungs of a snake). Then Sound Burst (for Fine Floating Lungs) or Shout (for Diminutive or Tiny Floating Lungs), or Shout, Greater (Floating Lungs of Small and larger sizes, for Large and larger ones it must be cast once per HD), and either Fly, or Overland Flight must be cast once over each Pair of Lungs to be animated. Wind Walk may ber substituted for Fly and in such a case it fulfills that requirement for as many pairs of Floating Lungs as the number of targets it could normally affect. Finally, either Animate Dead or Create Undead, Lesser must be cast. The material components for the spell must inserted down the throat past the vocal cords to rest inside each pair of lungs to be animated. Each such casting (regardless of which spell is used) may create up to 2 HD worth of Floating Lungs per caster level (The Desecrate spell doubles this limit). Animate Dead can not create a pair of Floating Lungs of over 20 HD. The size of the Floating Lungs is two size classes smaller than the size of the creature the lungs were taken from (to a minimum Fine Size). Floating Lungs have hit dice equal to the minimum listed for a pair of Floating Lungs of that size, plus extra hit dice equal to 1/2 the number of extra hit dice above the minimum that the creature it was harvested from needed to achieve its size class (up to the maximum listed HD a Floating Lungs of the particular size category it is at may be advanced to).
    The remaining corpse is still suitable for animation into most types of undead. Especially note that with the right skill checks, spells, etc it is possible to generate a Skeleton, a pair of Floating Lungs (which is a single undead), a Hopping Stomach,an Empty Skin, a Gut Snake, a Dark Heart, and a contribution toward a Fat Glob from a single corpse.

    As is usually the case the CR's are pretty much just guesses.

    Add 1 Diminutive Floating Lungs to the list of things that may be summoned with Summon Undead II (and multiples for later spells in the series).
    Add 1 Tiny Floating Lungs to the list of things that may be summoned with Summon Undead IV (and multiples for later spells in the series).

    EDIT: Linking these for cross-referencing purposes, although I am not sure if the Spell is a good idea at all since it reduces the flavor by bypassing the skill checks.
    Gut spell by The Vorpal Tribble
    Cat Skinning Blade by DM-Ninja
    Last edited by DracoDei; 2010-08-28 at 05:43 PM. Reason: Put in Anti-threadomancy header.
    [Public Service Announcement]P.E.A.C.H stands for Please Examine And Critique Honestly[/Public Service Announcement]
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    EvilElitest's Avatar

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    Oh gods i wish i knew

    Default Re: [Creature]Floating Lungs(PEACH)

    Quote Originally Posted by DracoDei View Post
    Still missing a few details, but definitely should be enough her to give the idea pretty clearly.
    One of two more undead that occurred to me to add to my earlier trio of single (or two in the case of the Gus Snakes) organ undead (although this one also uses more than one organ...).
    Floating Lungs
    Open Spoiler below for main stat block for Fine through Small Floating Lungs.

    {table="head"]~|Floating Lungs, Fine|Floating Lungs, Diminutive|Floating Lungs, Tiny|Floating Lungs, Small
    Size and Type | Fine Undead | Diminutive Undead | Tiny Undead | Small Undead |
    Hit Dice | 1/16d12 (1 hp) | 1/8d12 (1 hp) | 1/4d12 (1 hp) | 1/2d12 (3 hp) |
    Speed | Fly 15 ft. (Good) | Fly 20 ft. (Good) |Fly 30 ft. (Good)|Fly 40 ft. (Good)|
    Initiative | +4 | +3 | +2 | +1 |
    AC |22 (+4 Dex, +8 size); touch 22; flat-footed 18|17 (+3 Dex, +4 size); touch 17; flat-footed 14|14 (+2 Dex, +2 size); touch 14; flat-footed 12|13 (+1 Dex, +1 size, +1 natural); touch 12; flat-footed 12
    BAB | +0 | +0 | +0 | +0 |
    Grapple | -21 | -16 | -12 | -7 |
    Attack | None | None | None | None |
    Space/Reach | 1/2 ft./0 ft. | 1 ft./0 ft. | 2 1/2 ft./0 ft. | 5 ft./0 ft. |
    Special Attacks| Shout | Shout | Shout | Shout |
    Special Qualities|Damage Reduction 5/Slashing, Dark Vision 60 ft., Hollowness, Sonic Resistance 10, Turn Resistance +2, Undead Traits|Damage Reduction 5/Slashing, Dark Vision 60 ft., Hollowness, Sonic Resistance 15, Turn Resistance +4, Undead Traits|Damage Reduction 10/Slashing, Dark Vision 60 ft., Hollowness, Sonic Resistance 20, Turn Resistance +6, Undead Traits|Damage Reduction 10/Slashing, Dark Vision 60 ft., Hollowness, Sonic Resistance 20, Turn Resistance +8, Undead Traits
    Saves | Fort +0, Ref +4, Will +2 | Fort +0, Ref +3, Will +2 | Fort +0, Ref +2, Will +2 | Fort +0, Ref +1, Will +2 | Fort +0, Ref +0, Will +2
    Abilities|Str 1, Dex 18, Con --, Int --, Wis 10, Cha 1|Str 2, Dex 17, Con --, Int --, Wis 10, Cha 1|Str 3, Dex 16, Con --, Int --, Wis 10, Cha 1|Str 4, Dex 13, Con --, Int --, Wis 10, Cha 1|Str 5, Dex 10, Con --, Int --, Wis 10, Cha 1
    Skills | Move Silently +14 | Move Silently +13 | Move Silently +12 | Move Silently +11 | Move Silently +10
    Feats | Ability Focus(Shout)(B) | Ability Focus(Shout)(B) | Ability Focus(Shout)(B) | Ability Focus(Shout)(B) | Ability Focus(Shout)(B)
    Environment | Any | Any | Any | Any
    Organization | Any | Any | Any | Any
    Challenge Rating| 1 | 2 | 4 | 7?
    Treasure | None | None | None | None
    Alignment |Always Neutral Evil|Always Neutral Evil|Always Neutral Evil|Always Neutral Evil|Always Neutral Evil||Always Neutral Evil
    Advancement | None | None | 1/3 HD (Tiny) | None
    Level Adjustment| ~ | ~ | ~ | ~ [/table]

    Open Spoiler below for main stat block for Medium through Gargantuan Floating Lungs.

    {table="head"]~|Floating Lungs, Medium|Floating Lungs, Large |Floating Lungs, Huge|Floating Lungs, Gargantuan
    Size and Type | Medium Undead | Large Undead | Huge Undead |Gargantuan Undead
    Hit Dice | 1d12 (6 hp) | 2d12 (13 hp) | 4d12 (26 hp) | 8d12 (52 hp)
    Speed | Fly 50 ft (Good) |Fly 60 ft (Average)|Fly 60 ft (Average)|Fly 70 ft (Average)
    Initiative | +0 | +0 | -1 | -2
    AC|13 (+1 Dex, +2 natural); touch 11; flat-footed 12|11 (-1 Size, +2 natural); touch 9; flat-footed 11|11 (-2 size, -1 Dex, +3 natural); touch 8; flat-footed 11|7 (-4 size, -2 Dex, +3 natural); touch 4; flat-footed 7
    BAB | +0 | +1 | +2 | +4
    Grapple | -3 | +3 | +11 | +20
    Attack | None | None | None | None
    Space/Reach | 5 ft./0 ft. | 10 ft./0 ft. | 15 ft./0 ft | 20 ft./0 ft
    Special Attacks| Shout | Shout | Shout | Shout
    Special Qualities|Damage Reduction 15/Slashing, Dark Vision 60 ft., Hollowness, Sonic Resistance 30, Turn Resistance +10, Undead Traits|Damage Reduction 15/Slashing, Dark Vision 90 ft., Hollowness, Sonic Resistance 30, Turn Resistance +12, Undead Traits|Damage Reduction 20/Slashing, Dark Vision 120 ft., Hollowness, Sonic Immunity, Turn Resistance +14, Undead Traits|Damage Reduction 20/Slashing, Dark Vision 120 ft., Hollowness, Sonic Immunity, Turn Resistance +16, Undead Traits
    Saves | Fort +0, Ref +0, Will +2 | Fort +0, Ref +0, Will +3 | Fort +1, Ref +1, Will +4 | Fort +2, Ref +2, Will +6
    Abilities|Str 5, Dex 10, Con --, Int --, Wis 10, Cha 1|STR 7, Dex 10, Con --, Int --, Wis 10, Cha 1|STR 9, Dex 8, Con --, Int --, Wis 10, Cha 1|STR 11, Dex 6, Con --, Int --, Wis 10, Cha 1
    Skills | Move Silently +10 | Move Silently +10 | Move Silently +9 | Move Silently +8
    Feats | Ability Focus(Shout)(B) | Ability Focus(Shout)(B) | Ability Focus(Shout)(B) | Ability Focus(Shout)(B) | Ability Focus(Shout)(B) | Ability Focus(Shout)(B), Hover(B) | Ability Focus(Shout)(B), Hover(B) | Ability Focus(Shout)(B), Hover(B)
    Environment | Any | Any | Any | Any
    Organization | Any | Any | Any | Any
    Challenge Rating| 10? | 13? | 13? | 15?
    Treasure | None | None | None | None
    Alignment |Always Neutral Evil|Always Neutral Evil|Always Neutral Evil|Always Neutral Evil
    Advancement | None | 3 HD (Large) | 5-7 HD (Huge) |9+ HD (Gargantuan)
    Level Adjustment| ~ | ~ | ~ | ~ [/table]

    A pair of yellowish, lobed bags covered in an intricate network of blood-vessels hanging from a tube shaped like an inverted "Y" float before you.

    Floating Lungs are the pairs of Lungs of corpses reanimated through dark and sinister magic. (See "Creation" below)

    Because of their utter lack of intelligence, the instructions given to a newly created pair of Floating Lungs must be very simple. They are generally end up simply ???. If they are within the threatened area of an opponent they may (depending on how carefully they were instructed) take a 5 foot float (or for the ones that can do so and still release their pulse) making withdraw action directly away from it before launching their attack for that round.
    Hollowness(Ex): After apply the following further reductions: Halve bludgeoning damage and reduce peircing damage to 1 point per hit.
    Shout(Sn): A pair of Floating Lungs (which is a single creature!) can create something like the effect of a Shout or Shout, Greater spell with the specifics as follows. A Fortitude save is allowed for half damage and to negate the stunning and deafening(except in the case of the Huge and Gargantuan ones in which case it only makes the deafness last the duration listed after the slash rather than being permanent) conditions.
    {table="head"]Size|Range|Damage|Deafness Duration|Stun Duration|DC|Frequency |Size of Source Creature
    Fine | 15 feet | 1d6/2d6 |
    | 12 |Every Round | Diminutive or Tiny
    Diminutive | 20 feet | 3d6/5d6 |
    | 14 |Every Round | Small
    Tiny | 30 feet | 5d6/8d6 |
    | 16 |Every Round | Medium
    Small | 40 feet | 7d6/11d6 |
    | 18 |Every Round | Large
    Medium | 60 feet | 10d6/15d6 |
    | 20 |Every Round | Huge
    Large(2 HD)| 90 feet | 13d6/20d6 |
    | 22 |Every Round | Gargantuan
    Large(3 HD)| 105 feet | 15d6/22d6 |
    | 23 |Every Round | Gargantuan w/ 2 EHD
    Huge(4 HD) | 125 feet | 17d6/25d6 | Permanent / 1d4 |
    | 24 |Every Other Round| Colossal
    Huge(5 HD) | 135 feet | 18d6/26d6 | Permanent / 1d4 |
    | 24 |Every Other Round| Colossal w/ 2 EHD
    Huge(6 HD) | 150 feet | 19d6/27d6 | Permanent / 1d6 |
    | 25 |Every Other Round| Colossal w/ 4 EHD
    Huge(7 HD) | 165 feet | 20d6/28d6 | Permanent / 1d6 |
    | 25 |Every Other Round| Colossal w/ 6 EHD
    Gargantuan | 180 feet | 21d6/30d6 | Permanent / 2d4 |
    | 26 |Every Other Round| Colossal+

    Special: Floating Lungs are occasionally returned to the rib-cages from which they came (tied in place with a network of string or rope in the case of skeletal undead). In such a case the larger undead becomes somewhat subject to critical hits, sneak attack, and other precision based damage provided that they are dealt in the form of piercing damage. In such a case a confirmed critical hit may be elected by the attacker to deal its NORMAL (NOT critical hit!) damage to the Floating Lungs instead of dealing any damage what-so-ever to the larger undead.
    Skills: Floating Lungs move quietly through the air and only breath when using their shout attack, they receive a +10 racial bonus to Move Silently.
    Use them alone or mixed in with other mindless undead. Generally they will be deployed behind ground troops, giving them some measure of protection until they can float upward (still out of range of even reach weapons) and start blasting away without hitting the other troops on their side.
    Creating a pair of Floating Lungs
    First the lungs of one or more creatures of at least small size must be harvested, each pair requiring a Heal check with a DC of 20. The pair of lungs must be reasonably undecayed and mostly whole and the creature must have had a circulatory system that included a pair of lungs (even if decidedly unequally proportioned such as the lungs of a snake). Then Sound Burst (for Fine Floating Lungs) or Shout (for Diminutive or Tiny Floating Lungs), or Shout, Greater (Floating Lungs of Small and larger sizes, for Large and larger ones it must be cast once per HD), and either Fly, or Overland Flight must be cast once over each Pair of Lungs to be animated. Wind Walk may ber substituted for Fly and in such a case it fulfills that requirement for as many pairs of Floating Lungs as the number of targets it could normally affect. Finally, either Animate Dead or Create Undead, Lesser must be cast. The material components for the spell must inserted down the throat past the vocal cords to rest inside each pair of lungs to be animated. Each such casting (regardless of which spell is used) may create up to 2 HD worth of Floating Lungs per caster level (The Desecrate spell doubles this limit). Animate Dead can not create a pair of Floating Lungs of over 20 HD. The size of the Floating Lungs is two size classes smaller than the size of the creature the lungs were taken from (to a minimum Fine Size). Floating Lungs have hit dice equal to the minimum listed for a pair of Floating Lungs of that size, plus extra hit dice equal to 1/2 the number of extra hit dice above the minimum that the creature it was harvested from needed to achieve its size class (up to the maximum listed HD a Floating Lungs of the particular size catagory it is at may be advanced to).
    The remaining corpse is still suitable for animation into most types of undead. Especially note that with the right skill checks, spells, etc it is possible to generate a Skeleton, a pair of Floating Lungs (which is a single undead), a Hopping Stomach,an Empty Skin, a Gut Snake, and a Dark Heart (forthcoming) from a single corpse.

    As is usually the case the CR's are pretty much just guesses.
    Firstly, ewwwwwwwwwww

    Secondly, two things
    1. So a skelention could have a pair of floating lungs in it to make it more effective?
    2. Would the floating lung be smaller than the creature it came from. So a large creature would had meduim lungs ect?
    Other than cool, if gross idead

  3. - Top - End - #3
    Titan in the Playground
    DracoDei's Avatar

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    Default Re: [Creature]Floating Lungs(PEACH)

    Quote Originally Posted by EvilElitest View Post
    Firstly, ewwwwwwwwwww

    Secondly, two things
    1. So a skeleton could have a pair of floating lungs in it to make it more effective?
    2. Would the floating lung be smaller than the creature it came from. So a large creature would had medium lungs etc?
    Other than cool, if gross undead
    First, what ever possessed you to quote my entire entry???

    1.) Yeah, it would independently target via the wind pipe sticking up along the spine and then bending 90 degrees and swiveling just below the skull (probably remove the mandible before animating the skeleton.) any you have to be careful about the instructions given to the lungs so they don't blast the skeleton apart around it... or hit other troops on the same side. Basically you get a slightly faster movement rate for the lungs in most cases (even if they do lose flight) and some protection for the lungs.

    2.) OF COURSE they would be smaller... a persons lungs are about... what... 1 foot? 1.5 feet tall?... much shorter than they are... more exactly, I specified TWO size classes smaller in this case... so a Large creature yields a Small pair of lungs.
    [Public Service Announcement]P.E.A.C.H stands for Please Examine And Critique Honestly[/Public Service Announcement]
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    My Homebrew is meant to be used, but, if you do, PLEASE tell me how it goes.

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    Halfling in the Playground
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    Default Re: [Creature]Floating Lungs(PEACH)

    How do you get gargantuan lungs?

    But overall I must say it looks awesome, I'm lost on the whole frequency thing, explain?
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    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: [Creature]Floating Lungs(PEACH)

    Epic colossal + monsters, I'd think.

    Especially since it says colossal + on the table.
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  6. - Top - End - #6
    Troll in the Playground

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    Default Re: [Creature]Floating Lungs(PEACH)

    I think when this is all done someone should make a spell that allows you to make one of each of the types out of a body in one casting...

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    Halfling in the Playground
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    Default Re: [Creature]Floating Lungs(PEACH)

    Ooooh that sounds awesome, so like an arm, head, eyes, mouth, stomach, legs, heart, liver, etc... anyone up for a challenge?
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    Default Re: [Creature]Floating Lungs(PEACH)

    Quote Originally Posted by Shoyliguad View Post
    How do you get gargantuan lungs?
    You kill a Colossal+ dragon, remove its lungs, and animate them... Colossal+ is a special concept. I have only seen it applied to Epic level dragons (either the Prismatic and Force dragons that are made for Epic levels, or Great Wyrms with lots of extra hit dice on top of that...) and to one or two things posted on the forums here maybe. And one of those creatures is actually Colossal+++ and doesn't even have lungs... don't know what size class was given for the other creature I saw on the boards, but it is big enough that each of its 4 legs is recommend to have a separate counter on the battle map if anyone ever gets into a fight with it... but I digress...

    Quote Originally Posted by Shoyliguad View Post
    But overall I must say it looks awesome, I'm lost on the whole frequency thing, explain?
    The really big ones can't use their Shout if they used it the previous round. That was my way of weakening the attack to reduce the disparity between the offensive and defensive capabilities... (I had to give them really low HD because they are made from one of the most physically delicate organs in the body). Besides really big creatures breath very slowly... I think elephants breath like... every other minute on average or something? So even hyper ventilating it makes some sense that they take a bit to fill up... that is my excuse and I am sticking to it (although I might move the effect down, and maybe even make the Gargantuan ones only able to Shout every 3rd round...).... what do people think?
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    Default Re: [Creature]Floating Lungs(PEACH)

    Quote Originally Posted by jindra34 View Post
    I think when this is all done someone should make a spell that allows you to make one of each of the types out of a body in one casting...
    That was already on my "to-do" list... the lower grade version is probably going to be called "Corpse Ripper" and won't give you an Empty Skin... the better version is going to be called "Corpse Peeler" I think, and WILL give you an Empty Skin... and all without any skill checks, long curing times, or multiple spells required per organ to be animated. Probably going to be an XP cost, especially for the Peeler... Might put a version in there that allows you to start with a LIVING target instead of a corpse... allows a save, of course...

    Quote Originally Posted by Shoyliguad View Post
    Ooooh that sounds awesome, so like an arm, head, eyes, mouth, stomach, legs, heart, liver, etc... anyone up for a challenge?
    I already have the stomachs statted out and posted (although they still might need tweaking...)...

    The Stats for the Dark Hearts are on my computer... going to get them cleaned up and double-checked a bit more before I post them...
    (Edit: Dark Hearts now posted.)
    Head would leave you without a skull for the basic animated skeleton... which I wanted to keep as a part of the package deal... Note also that I am including "Skin" as one of the organs (see Empty Skin).

    Eyes that scout and then report back via "Silent Image" are an idea I already had (no combat abilities probably... except maybe a variant that allows you do do stuff with beholder eyes and things with gaze attacks... or MAYBE let you build gaze attack spells into them at creation).

    For intestines I have the Gut Snakes...

    No good inspiration for what to do with pancreai(sp), gall bladders or any-thing like that...(Edit: Got ideas for bladder+2 kidneys and for livers and for spinal cords but haven't written them up yet.)

    There is a sinew golem you can make out of muscles stated out in "Dreadmire" by Spellbinder Games.
    Last edited by DracoDei; 2010-08-28 at 05:25 PM. Reason: Correct name of source book for Sinew golem
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    Default Re: [Creature]Floating Lungs(PEACH)

    I gotta say I really enjoy your whole organ zombie project, and honestly a room full of animated organs hopping/walking/floating about really entertains me.

    "Charge my legion of undead!!! Unleash your stomachy evil!!!
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    i don't know if you ever watched the nickelodeon show angry beavers, but if you did, you HAVE to make the crawling spleen!!!!!

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    Default Re: [Creature]Floating Lungs(PEACH)

    Quote Originally Posted by lothofkalroth View Post
    i don't know if you ever watched the nickelodeon show angry beavers, but if you did, you HAVE to make the crawling spleen!!!!!
    I think someone did on the wizards board. Cincidentally he is also called The Crawling Spleen.
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    Default Re: [Creature]Floating Lungs(PEACH)

    Never heard of it... well maybe a passing mention of the name... but no more than that... Description please?
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    Default Re: [Creature]Floating Lungs(PEACH)

    Maybe for the miscellaneous organs like kidneys bladders spleens and stomachs you could make some sort of swarm template? Or maybe it'd be more like an ooze.....
    I've just got an image of lots of pale multicolored organs slopping their way across the floor towards a group of terrified PCs.
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    A possibility, but not nearly as thematic as having each organ having its own abilities based on its shape and/or function in the body.
    Although I guess a swarm of "Miscellanious Glands" could one way to go for some stuff.
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    Default Re: [Creature]Floating Lungs(PEACH)

    You know, if these weren't undead, they'd be great for my Elemental Plane of Flesh. It's not terribly dissimilar from the monster Respero Organelle, found there.
    Last edited by Zeta Kai; 2008-04-14 at 09:51 AM. Reason: typo

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    Given the natures of the projects some similarities are inevitable. I may have even been subconciously inspired by your work in places when making these undead. If you wanted to use this as a basis for different sizes of Respero Organelles that would be ok for free online stuff if that is what you are saying.
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    Default Re: [Creature]Floating Lungs(PEACH)

    I don't think damage reduction slashing should apply in as great a quantity as a zombie of size small and upwards. Doing less than 5 damage with a knife is still enough to probably smash fine or diminutive lungs into a fine paste, since technically what kills undead in the case of a slashing weapon is dividing (partially or otherwise) them from other parts of their body, no?

    The damage reduction applies, because the zombie is assumed to only suffer gashes and deep lacerations each time it gets rushed by a sword, ie. (slashing weapon), which does nothing to hinder it. Even a cut up arm won't affect it if it can still swing with the arm. Because the zombie has a stock number of attacks provided by core, the SRD assumes that it is never damaged until things start getting mutilated, until it gets to the point where you make it enough of an unrecognizable what-it-was-previously to 'kill' it and the magic that held it together wears off.

    In realistic terms of course.

    For reference, tiny would be your lungs and/or kidneys bleeding and withering on the ground, diminutive would the ball point pen on my desk and fine would be the mosquito that is hovering at my ear and twitching ever so irritably, as mosquitos often do.

    Anything less is practically invisible and probably requires a check to even see them from anything small or larger (or tiny or larger as the size category goes even further down the table, etc.).
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    Default Re: [Creature]Floating Lungs(PEACH)

    I have one question, could you take a corpse, animate every single part of it, and then reassemble it?

    I know the gut snake wouldn't accomplish much inside the corpse again, but how horrifying would that be. To have a single undead monstrosity where every piece of it is animated seperately, and they all get their own actions.

    That's be one messed up creature. What would you call it?

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    The diminutive and fine versions DO have less DR than the others... note that they also have 1 hp each. They are magic missile/almost any AoE bait... I guess I could drop the DR for Tiny to 5/slashing if people really think I should... I will go ahead and drop the one for the Fine one to 3/slashing.

    As for putting a corpse back together, I already thought of that. I specifically mention putting a gut-snake back in a skeleton, and having it attack when the skeleton does. In some place I mentioned doing lungs and stomach (but I think I implied not both), the dark heart, and the gut-snake built around the original skeleton. Empty Skin is not particularly useful to include with these things in my opinion... MAYBE for visual disguise from a distance... but the smell would tend to give things away...
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