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  1. - Top - End - #271
    Titan in the Playground

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    Default Re: Curse of Strahd Solo Run (IC)

    "Oh, I suppose we could just put it right here! I never thought of that," Anton walks down in front of Kellon with a bewildered look at his own oversight, as he kneels down and opens his spellbook before the point where the paths converge. With chalk and wand in hand, he begins to trace out the boundary of the spell across the top of the stairway.

  2. - Top - End - #272
    Firbolg in the Playground
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    Default Re: Curse of Strahd Solo Run (IC)

    That was what Kellon thought Anton had meant in the first place... Kellon raises a claw and opens his beak to question the man, but instead clams up. Instead, Kellon merely stands ready in case... well, something happens.

  3. - Top - End - #273
    Titan in the Playground

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    Default Re: Curse of Strahd Solo Run (IC)

    Thankfully, the ritual is carried out with no problem. A scrawling of chalk along the floor wards off the hallway, granted power by Anton's wand motions and chants. The chalk powder shimmers momentarily with a green light, then settles and goes dim once more.

    The wizard stands and brushes off his hands. "Well, that should do it."

  4. - Top - End - #274
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    Default Re: Curse of Strahd Solo Run (IC)

    "Well, in that case, let's get some rest," Kellon replies gratefully. "These past couple of days have been longer than entire weeks at sea... Can't even see the sky down in this muckhole and yet I'm tired enough that I don't care."

  5. - Top - End - #275
    Titan in the Playground

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    Default Re: Curse of Strahd Solo Run (IC)

    Together, they return to the cult quarters. "I cannot disagree. I miss seeing the sun in the sky."

    Their undead companion, Sokol, does not sleep. But even so, Anton volunteers to stay up for first watch while he works on his journal.

    Spoiler: Long Rest
    The party recovers through their long rest, and regains their lost spell slots. Kellon is also able to Attune to magic items, if he wants to.

    Time passes slowly, unknowable down in the dark of the dungeon. But one by one, each of them take their turn on watch, and each of them recover from their wounds. The effects of the Shadows' baleful touch fade and Kellon awakes with the strength restored to his limbs.
    Last edited by RandomWombat; 2020-10-27 at 08:57 PM.

  6. - Top - End - #276
    Firbolg in the Playground
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    Default Re: Curse of Strahd Solo Run (IC)

    Sleep was very much needed. Kellon wakes up feeling completely refreshed, something he would not have thought possible resting in a place such as this. He wakes up feeling full of salt and vinegar, ready to take on the rest of the house's horrors.

    Entering the common area of the bedchambers, Kellon greets Gweyir as she also wakes. "You're looking right as rain, lass." Casting his gaze over the others, Kellon asks, "So, not counting our new friend here that's on death's door, are we all ready to go?"

  7. - Top - End - #277
    Titan in the Playground

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    Default Re: Curse of Strahd Solo Run (IC)

    One by one, the others stir. Spider is first, already eagerly exploring the nooks and crannies of the cult's quarters and having woven a new nest of webbing inside of its chosen room. Next is Gweyir, who joins Kellon in the main chamber and pours herself a splash of water with the alchemy jug, waking herself with it upon her face. "You look well rested, yourself. I reckon we're as ready for this as we're ever going to be."

    "Who is it that's on death's door, ay?" the zombie on the floor asks, grabbing one of the wooden pillars and dragging himself to his feet. "I am as fresh as the day I died. Just need a little perfume." The front of his fur-covered winter coat is open, the chain shirt worn underneath.

    Lastly, Anton pulls himself out of bed with a weary yawn, wiping clean the lenses of his glasses. "I don't suppose that jug can make coffee?"

    "Sorry, already turned on the water. Need a splash?"

    "Hm, no, I'll pass."

  8. - Top - End - #278
    Firbolg in the Playground
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    Default Re: Curse of Strahd Solo Run (IC)

    Kellon is surprised to see that Sokol has recovered so well. He acknowledges the zombie's readiness with a nod.

    "Well then, let's not waste any time. The longer this takes, the more the house catches on to our presence. I'll take point." Kellon leads the group to the stairs.

  9. - Top - End - #279
    Titan in the Playground

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    Default Re: Curse of Strahd Solo Run (IC)

    "He is the Ancient. He is the Land."

    The now-familiar chanting continues to echo through the halls as they arrive at the intersection, where Gustav Durst awaits, kneeling next to Rose and Thorn. "You understand? As soon as you no longer feel bound to this place, you must fly up and away as far as you can. Do not let this wretched house snare you again."

    Rose nods, and the two of them make the attempt to hug their father's knee, their ghost hands and arms serving poorly. At their father's direction, they move away, offering a wave to Kellon, their faces a mixture of sad and hopeful.

    Gustav stands grimly and faces Kellon. "Come what may, I am ready. Promise me that if things grow dire, you will not interfere with my sacrifice."

  10. - Top - End - #280
    Firbolg in the Playground
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    Default Re: Curse of Strahd Solo Run (IC)

    Kellon gives a grim nod in return to Gustav's request. "Aye, I swear. May lightning puncture through wood and stone and strike me dead if I tell a lie!"

    Realizing that this may be the last time they ever speak, Kellon looks to the two ghostly children and offers them his best approximation of a smile. "Well, little ones, if this is goodbye, I wish you a safe and speedy journey home. May the wind ever be at your back and your skies clear and sunny. Maybe someday the currents of the ocean will bring us together again. Be brave for each other."

  11. - Top - End - #281
    Titan in the Playground

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    Default Re: Curse of Strahd Solo Run (IC)

    "Thank you all for everything," Rose says, as Spider crawls around along the wall to see off its two little friends. She smiles and places a ghostly hand on Spider's head as he nuzzles Thorn and makes him laugh. "I never could have come down here alone... you're all so brave. Stay safe, Kellon."

    "I wilw keep Rose safe, don't worwy Spider," Thorn lisps out, as Spider pulls back and chitters in agreement.

    "Stay safe! Don't let any webs from mean spiders catch you when you fly away!"

    After saying their goodbyes, the group marches forward, down into the ominous depths of this place. Down the last flight of stairs, they enter into a reliquary. Small niches in the walls contain mysterious and dark objects, ominous in the lamp- and spear-light.

    In clockwise order, the reliquaries contain: a small, mummified yellow hand on a short rope, a knife and an aspergillum both carved from bone, a dagger with a rat's skull set into the pommel, an 8-inch wide green varnished orb with a black eye-like pupil staring out into the room, a folded cloak of stitched together ghoul skin, a desiccated frog lashed onto the end of a wand, a bag full of bat guano, a gnarled severed finger the strangest shade of purple, a 6 inch tall wooden figuring of a mummy, an iron pendant adorned with a devil's face, the shriveled shrunken head of a halfling, and a small wooden coffer sitting open, containing a mummified tongue from some kind of abnormally large dog.

    There are two tunnels out of the room. One curves to the right, and the other is a sloped ramp that descends into murky water, blocked by a rusty portcullis. Gustav begins walking down the first tunnel, but stops and waits for the others if they poke around.

  12. - Top - End - #282
    Firbolg in the Playground
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    Default Re: Curse of Strahd Solo Run (IC)

    Strange... Kellon knew the crew of the last voyage longer than these poor souls and yet he finds himself moved near to tears. Perhaps the children's wide-eyed innocence even in the face of death and horror strikes a chord within him, or the tragedy of this place makes him feel protective of souls in need of saving.

    The strong emotions are washed away by grim necessity as they descend into the belly of the beast. Kellon has a brief internal debate whether to inspect the objects in the room, but then reconsiders it. Do they really want to be touching anything in this room unless it's absolutely necessary? Normally, Kellon would jump (albeit not very high) at the prospect of getting into water, but the murky water around the portcullis seems more of a death trap than anything else. They had to stay focused.

    Kellon follows Gustav down the corridor.

  13. - Top - End - #283
    Titan in the Playground

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    Default Re: Curse of Strahd Solo Run (IC)

    Through the tunnel they progress, Anton looking towards the myriad occult talismans with hesitant curiosity. But Kellon's pressing forth gives him no time to succumb to temptation, as the troupe falls once more into single file. The chanting grows more distant again, seemingly echoing from the wet, murky chamber beyond the portcullis.

    Next they pass through a true dungeon. Cells without even wooden doors lie empty, or holding long dead skeletons. In one, near where Gustav turns off the central corridor, the skeleton's hand holds a glitter of gold in the spearlight. A golden ring around its finger.

    Gustav, however, stares intently at the wall. One clawed hand he lifts up, and sets upon the stone. "Beyond here is the chamber where our most wicked rites were held. Are you ready to enter?"

    Behind Kellon, each of the faces nod their readiness in turn - save Spider, who wiggles an 'arm' up over Anton's shoulder.
    Last edited by RandomWombat; 2020-10-28 at 06:31 PM.

  14. - Top - End - #284
    Firbolg in the Playground
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    Default Re: Curse of Strahd Solo Run (IC)

    The glitter of the ring is a momentary distraction, but it is something that can be investigated later. Kellon grasps the Spear of Light firmly and gives his own nod. "Let the clouds burst!"

  15. - Top - End - #285
    Titan in the Playground

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    Default Re: Curse of Strahd Solo Run (IC)

    The click of a mechanism can be heard, as Gustav slides a stone into the wall. A grinding of stone on stone as the wall begins to pull apart, forming a jagged opening like the jaws of some beast. Beyond is the chamber on the other side of the portcullis. Much of the room is drowned in murky waist-deep water, save for the stone ledge around the edges and a raised stone dais at the center. The moment the screeching of the secret door ends, so too does the ominous chanting from within.

    Featureless stone pillars hold up the ceiling of the large chamber, and its acoustics echo each drop of dripping water. The central dais is decorated with images of hideous, grasping ghouls, reaching up towards a central altar. Stained trails cover the alter and spider across the surface of the dais towards the water, left behind by old blood. Above the altar dangle old rusty chains and manacles.

    To the right, there is a small alcove. Its walls and ceiling are natural earth, rather than shaped stone. Within is a reeking pile of discarded flesh and bone, covered in the fungus and decay that have taken root in it. All that remains of the cult's victims. To the left is the portcullis, and a wooden crank wheel set into the wall to operate it, somewhat akin to a sideways ship's wheel.

    Gustav steps out into the water, approaching the central dais. As he does, figures begin to appear one by one around the edges of the room. They flicker in and out of existence as if by some unknowable pattern, each a tall figure in dark robes, holding what appears to be a tall, staff-sized torch. But where a mundane torch would shed light, these flames are black as void, as if sucking in light itself.

    The chanting resumes, echoing and bouncing from wall to wall. But the words now are different. "One must die. One must die. One must die. One must die!" They begin pounding their torches upon the stone in a rhythmic thump to the tune of their chanting.

  16. - Top - End - #286
    Firbolg in the Playground
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    Default Re: Curse of Strahd Solo Run (IC)

    It seems like the portcullis leads to the same place, after all... This chamber is like a corrupted version of the elements themselves. Soiled water, defiled earth, tainted air, and insatiable flame without light...

    Gustav already has his own plans, but Kellon looks back pleadingly at Anton. "Lad, tell me that there's something in your books about kicking this house in its teeth. I don't feel like feeding the sharks any chum today!"
    Spoiler: OOC
    Religion check to see any way to disrupt the ceremony: (1d20+1)[10]
    Insight check for a gut feeling about whether there is an alternative Gustav's willing sacrifice (or throwing anyone in the party on the chopping block): (1d20+5)[10]

  17. - Top - End - #287
    Titan in the Playground

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    Default Re: Curse of Strahd Solo Run (IC)

    Spoiler: Religion & Insight
    Religion: So far, the ceremony has no entered any stage where it would be beyond stopping. There is a hum of power in the air, but there is no spark.

    Insight: Kellon wracks his mind, but no sudden bursts of inspiration emerge.

    Anton looks around at the chamber through the hidden doorway. "The house's 'eyes' are on us now. We need to cause damage to it somehow, tire it out to make it weak. Like destroying manifestations of its power."

    Stopping on the stairs, Gustav looks back at Kellon, awaiting his play before he takes the last steps up to the corrupt altar.

  18. - Top - End - #288
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    Default Re: Curse of Strahd Solo Run (IC)

    Growing more frantic, Kellon asks, "What about the artifacts in the other room? If we destroy them, would that weaken this place's power?"

  19. - Top - End - #289
    Titan in the Playground

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    Default Re: Curse of Strahd Solo Run (IC)

    "I don't know... we can try," Anton looks back over his shoulder. Thin something lights up in his eyes. "Thirteen artifacts, thirteen figures in the room. You could be onto something." He points at the portcullis. "Someone get that thing up, I'll get started!" Lamp in hand, the writer turns and steps carefully around Spider, starting to make his way back the way they came.

  20. - Top - End - #290
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    Kellon tries to forestall the disgraced father. "Weigh anchor for a moment, sailor! Want to try a little something before you walk the plank." Kellon hustles through the water and puts work into raising the portcullis.
    Spoiler: OOC
    Don't know if this needs a Strength check, but: (1d20+4)[12]

  21. - Top - End - #291
    Titan in the Playground

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    Default Re: Curse of Strahd Solo Run (IC)

    The old wheel catches for but a moment on years of rust, before it begins to raise the portcullis with a grating grinding noise of uneven metal against uneven stone. But raise it does. The shadowy figure nearest Kellon glares down at him with blazing eyes of fury beneath its dark hood. "One must die!"

    As one, the figures slam the butts of their torches into the ground. Dark flame shoots up, flicking across the room in crisscrossing lines and patterns to coalesce around the pile of detritus in the small natural alcove. The mound of tainted flesh, bone and fungus shudders, as the dark flame suffuses it from within, 'glowing' through holes in its mass as it rises up and glides out into the foul water. "One must die!"

    The clattering of bones echoes from the prison, alongside the rattling of chains. "The bones are walking!" Turning on his heel, Sokol steps inside and swings at the (other) animated dead.

    Spoiler: Initiative
    Combat Begins

    Skeleton B - 22
    Sokol - 14
    Skeleton A - 12
    Kellon - 11
    Spider - 10
    Gustav Durst - 8
    Skeleton C - 8
    Eldritch Manifestations - 8
    Anton - 5
    Gweyir - 3
    Skeleton D - 3
    Corpse Mound - 1

    Spoiler: Combat Log
    The Portcullis is open (marked by white rectangle).

    Skeleton B animates and attacks Spider with its chains, but misses.

    Sokol attacks Skeleton B with his silver shortsword, but misses; he follows up with his bone club, dealing 6 super effective damage!

    Skeleton A animates and chases after Anton and attacks with its chains, but misses.

    It is Kellon's turn!

  22. - Top - End - #292
    Firbolg in the Playground
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    Default Re: Curse of Strahd Solo Run (IC)

    As chaos ensues, all Kellon can see is the massive threat rising on the other side of the room. Such a monstrosity would surely crush any caught within its reach. Yes, destroying the artifacts was important, but so was not having everyone die down here. Kellon grasps at his holy symbol and points at the mound. "Heartseeker!"
    Spoiler: OOC
    Kellon casts Guiding Bolt at the mound.
    Spell Attack: (1d20+5)[21]
    Damage: (4d6)[17] Radiant
    If it hits, the next attack roll against it gains Advantage.

  23. - Top - End - #293
    Titan in the Playground

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    Default Re: Curse of Strahd Solo Run (IC)

    From the aloft trident, white light gathers in the prongs. It launches into the air across the room, spearing towards the pile of refuse, like a memory of the spear of Poseidon's brother pulled from the aether. It pierces true, the massive collection of rot making no effort to evade, and surging forward as inevitably as the tide.

    Gustav turns on the stair just above the water, staring down the abomination. He holds out his arms to either side, as if taunting it to come to him. Yet Kellon can see his feet shift, poised to lunge or to leap. Not surrender. No more suicidal than a bull fighter. Gweyir lays her hand on the stone and utters, "Ignitum!" There is some sputtering at first, as a fire begins to form atop the water. But the corpse mound divides in two, diverging and beginning to slither around it.

    As its mass alights upon the steps with him, Gustav steps swiftly, lashing out with a claw before it can attack. But he fails to do more than tear off some of the mossy coating upon its form.

    One of the figures standing on the edge of the chamber taps its dark torch upon the stone. "One must die!" And alongside its cry, Kellon can hear a gurgling and growling inside the reliquary, like some wretched beast awakening; followed by a disgusting horking noise.

    "Eugh! Suffosio!" Anton's disgusted tone can be heard, alongside his footsteps on stone and the clank and scratch of bones scrabbling against the floor after him.

    Spoiler: Combat Log
    Kellon casts Guiding Bolt on the Corpse Mound, dealing 17 radiant damage and marking it.
    Spider bites Skeleton B for a 10 damage Sneak Attack, destroying it.
    Gustav Durst readies an action to attack when the mound approaches.

    Skeleton C lashes Sokol with its chains, hitting for 3 damage.
    Sick Jimmy's Head manifests. It spits bile at Anton, but he avoids it.

    Anton casts Suffosio on Skeleton A, dealing 2 necrotic damage and Prone. He runs past Jimmy's head, but it has no AoO viable attacks to make.
    Gweyir casts Create Bonfire on the Corpse Mound, but it avoids the damage.

    Skeleton D lashes Sokol, dealing 5 damage.
    Corpse Mound Dashes to reach Gustav. Gustav takes his readied action, but misses.

    Sokol strikes Skeleton D for 3 damage with his shortsword; then misses with his club.

    Skeleton A gets up and pursues Anton, Dashing to corner him.

    It is Kellon's turn!

    Spoiler: Initiative
    Sokol - 14
    Skeleton A - 12
    Kellon - 11
    Spider - 10
    Gustav Durst - 8
    Skeleton C - 8
    Eldritch Manifestations - 8
    Anton - 5
    Gweyir - 3
    Skeleton D - 3
    Corpse Mound - 1

  24. - Top - End - #294
    Firbolg in the Playground
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    Default Re: Curse of Strahd Solo Run (IC)

    It seems a titanic task, but the horrid thing must fall. Holy light is their best weapon. Kellon repeats his invocation. "Heartseeker!"
    Spoiler: OOC
    Kellon casts Guiding Bolt again.
    Spell Attack: (1d20+5)[23]
    Damage: (4d6)[14] Radiant
    Hit, Advantage, yadda yadda.

  25. - Top - End - #295
    Titan in the Playground

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    Default Re: Curse of Strahd Solo Run (IC)

    Another bolt from the blue pierces its writhing form, searing unclean flesh and bone. Kellon can feel waves in the water, can feel the foundations tremble. It felt that. Gustav lunges forwards, practically diving into the thing as he thrusts his claws in deep, yanking out piece after piece. But two hands, even ghoulish ones, can only do so much. Gweyir lowers herself down to the ground and changes shape, taking on an arachnid form much like Spider's, but somewhat smaller. She crawls down and half-walks half-floats through the water to flank the mound from behind, if indeed it has sides at all.

    Like the primitive methods of a slime, two masses rising up and slamming into Gustav from either side. Before they can pull him into its embrace, he tugs away, breaking free.

    "They're coming to life!" a pained cry from Anton announces trouble in the reliquary. "Laven Byon Seek!" His incantation is followed by the sound of several impacts and a loud whip-crack of metal chains against bone. A glass lamp shatters against stone and Anton goes silent.

    Spoiler: Combat Log
    Kellon strikes Corpse Mound with Guiding Bolt for 14 radiant damage, and marks it.
    Spider climbs onto the wall and bites Skeleton D for a 19 damage sneak attack critical hit, destroying it!
    Gustav takes a swipe at the Corpse Mound, dealing 5 damage.

    Skeleton C lashes at Spider, but misses.
    Sick Jimmy's head spits bile at Anton, but he avoids it.
    Flesheating Cloak manifests. It grapples Anton, dealing 1 damage.

    Anton casts (Kellon Arcana: Magic Missile), dealing 7 damage to the Flesheating Cloak and 2 damage to Skeleton A.
    Gweyir Wild Shapes into a Giant Wolf Spider.

    Corpse Mound slams Gustav, missing once and hitting once for 12 damage.

    Sokol attacks Skeleton C, missing with his sword but landing a 9 damage critical hit with his bone club, breaking the improvised weapon!

    Skeleton A lashes Anton, for a 7 damage critical hit and knocking him out.

    It is Kellon's turn!

    Spoiler: Initiative
    Sokol - 14
    Skeleton A - 12
    Kellon - 11
    Spider - 10
    Gustav Durst - 8
    Skeleton C - 8
    Eldritch Manifestations - 8
    Anton - 5
    Gweyir - 3
    Corpse Mound - 1

  26. - Top - End - #296
    Firbolg in the Playground
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    Default Re: Curse of Strahd Solo Run (IC)

    "Ha ha," Kellon exults as the very house itself quakes in pain at divine retribution. Anton's warning and the sound of shattering glass, however, have Kellon realize the man's dire straits. He tells the pair engaging the mound, "Keep it busy! I need to help our wizard!" Kellon rushes through the portcullis, immediately seeing a life-or-death ultimatum. Kellon cannot close the distance all the way, but he casts the Spear of Light at the skeleton in a fit of desperation.
    Spoiler: OOC
    I am assuming that the water does not impose a movement penalty.
    Ranged attack against the skeleton with the spear: (1d20+6)[22]
    Damage: (1d6+4)[7] Magic Piercing

  27. - Top - End - #297
    Titan in the Playground

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    Default Re: Curse of Strahd Solo Run (IC)

    Spoiler: OOC
    Definitely not for Kellon.

    The Spear of Light sails through the air, piercing through the skeleton's ribcage and shattering several bones along its path. It remains lodged in there, suspended, as the skeleton turns to face Kellon with empty eye sockets that burn with dark fire. It is wielding the heavy metal chains that once bound it to the wall, hanging from its manacles like primitive flails.

    From the side hallway into the prison, Spider leaps off of the wall and lands next to the floating shrunken halfling head, green bile dripping from its open mouth and sizzling against the floor. With a disgusting belch it vomits the liquid all over Kellon's shell, sending burning sensations through his body as it sizzles and pops. On the other side of Spider, the mummified hand hops down from its pedestal and crawls towards the arachnid in a sickeningly similar mockery of its movement. With two sharpened claws it slashes at Spider's side, leaving a few small marks.

    While Kellon is distracted by the acid, the skeleton slaps him across the side of the head with its chain flail.

    The ghoulskin cloak wraps itself around Anton's fallen body, to the tune of sickening munching sounds.

    Behind him, inside the room, Gweyir and Gustav continue their struggle against the mound. There is a squelching sound as something is dragged inside of it.

    "Never fear, Sokol is here!" announces the zombie's arrival on the scene.

    Spoiler: Combat Log
    Kellon throws his spear at Skeleton A, dealing 7 damage.
    Spider Dashes into the reliquary.
    Gustav slashes Corpse Mound for 10 damage.

    Skeleton C lashes at Sokol, but misses.
    Sick Jimmy's Head uses (Kellon Arcana: Acid Splash) on Kellon, hitting for 4 acid damage.
    Flesheating Cloak feasts on Anton, dealing 1 failed Death Save.
    Goblin's Paw manifests. It crawls to Spider and scratches at it, dealing 2 damage.

    Anton passes a Death Save.
    Gweyir bites Corpse Mound, dealing 6 damage.

    Corpse Mound slams Gustav, dealing 9 damage and then 12 damage. He is grappled and engulfed by the mound.

    Sokol attacks Skeleton C, dealing 7 damage and destroying it. He moves into the main room and uses Second Wind to heal for 4.

    Skeleton A lashes at Kellon, hitting for 3 damage.

    It is Kellon's turn!

    Spoiler: Initiative
    Sokol - 14
    Skeleton A - 12
    Kellon - 11
    Spider - 10
    Gustav Durst - 8
    Skeleton C - 8
    Eldritch Manifestations - 8
    Anton - 5
    Gweyir - 3
    Corpse Mound - 1
    Last edited by RandomWombat; 2020-10-29 at 09:57 PM.

  28. - Top - End - #298
    Firbolg in the Playground
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    Default Re: Curse of Strahd Solo Run (IC)

    The pain of the searing acid and the slap from the chain incite Kellon into a rage. He steps forward with a war cry, drawing forth his warhammer and aiming for the skeleton's smug skeletal smirk.
    Spoiler: OOC
    Drawing a weapon as part of a move action.
    Attack: (1d20+6)[24]
    Damage: (1d8+4)[11] Bludgeoning (aka Get Rekt Skeleton) damage

  29. - Top - End - #299
    Titan in the Playground

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    Default Re: Curse of Strahd Solo Run (IC)

    The warhammer smashes through the skeleton like a porcelain vase, sending bones and fragments scattering across the floor. The Spear of Light drops to the ground with a clatter.

    Spider rears up and pulls the floating head into its mouth with a sickening crunch. The house shakes again, trembling as a fragment of its power is lost - if only for a time. Kellon could swear that one of the voices in the chant has been silenced. But no sooner has one been vanquished, than the blade set with the rat skull in its pommel rises from its pedestal and flies across the room to embed itself in Spider's leg. The rat's jaw clacks together as if laughing.

    There is another crunch from the cloak as it tears into Anton's throat, and his blood pools on the floor. A final gasp escapes the wizard's mouth.

    The house trembles again, dust falling from the ceiling and the walls as those in the room continue to fight against its mighty avatar.

    Spoiler: Combat Logs
    Kellon smashes Skeleton A, dealing 16 damage and obliterating it.
    Spider bites Sick Jimmy's Head for 10 damage, destroying it. Corpse Mound takes damage as the Manifestation is destroyed.
    Gustav breaks free of the Corpse Mound's grapple.

    Flesheating Cloak feasts on Anton, dealing 1 failed Death Save. One more and he will perish.
    Goblin's Paw scratches at Spider, but misses.
    Rat Blade manifests and slashes at Spider, hitting for 5 damage.

    Anton fails his third Death Save, and has perished.
    Gweyir bites the Corpse Mound, dealing 5 damage.

    Corpse Mound slams Gustav, missing both times.

    Sokol attacks Corpse Mound, hitting for 6 and 4 damage.

    It is Kellon's turn!

    Spoiler: Initiative
    Sokol - 14
    Kellon - 11
    Spider - 10
    Gustav Durst - 8
    Eldritch Manifestations - 8
    Gweyir - 3
    Corpse Mound - 1

  30. - Top - End - #300
    Firbolg in the Playground
    Prehysterical's Avatar

    Join Date
    Jan 2014
    Lawton, OK

    Default Re: Curse of Strahd Solo Run (IC)

    The moment of exultation Kellon feels as the skeleton fades into powder dies in his throat as he hears Anton's deathrattle. Too late... The storm bursts into lightning and thunder in Kellon's heart as his warhammer goes to his other hand and he picks up the Spear of Light, stabbing it at the ghoul-skin cloak in a petty act of retribution for his own failure.
    Spoiler: OOC
    Kellon picks up the Spear of Light as part of his move action.
    Attack against the cloak: (1d20+6)[18]
    Damage: (1d6+4)[5] Magic Piercing damage

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