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  1. - Top - End - #1
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Celtic's Curse of Strahd (IC)

    The letter you received was strange, but stranger still was the letters that followed. When your superiors wrote back saying they didn't know where Barovia lay or how to get there, Burgomeister Kolyan Indirovich wrote a series of instructions to meet with a man at the Bear and Board Tavern in the deep south of the Sword Coast. Your group was cobbled together as the best of the expendable members. Your mission remains mostly the same: meet with this contact at the Bear and Board, travel to Barovia wherever it lies, and slay the Vampire who's been harassing the noble's daughter. All very simple, very direct.

    Your group has been traveling for some time. While you may have worked with others in the past, as a mercenary you've had to keep track of faces and cases beyond counting. As you've walked the roads south, the sun is reaching its final hours of the day as it sets to right. The last embers of its light shine on the Bear and Board, easily reachable within the hour.

    Link to the OOC thread

    Spoiler: OOC
    Take the time to describe your characters, and how they've interacted with the situation, and the vaguely recognizable traveling companions that compose the rest of your party.
    Last edited by Celticbear; 2020-11-11 at 01:10 PM.
    "I'M just a guy with a boomerang... I didn't ask for all this flying... and MAGIC!!!" -Sokka

    Avatar by linklele

    Quote Originally Posted by Wuff View Post
    the biggest nerd ever who transforms into BEAR is of course alluring.

  2. - Top - End - #2
    Titan in the Playground

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    Apr 2013

    Default Re: Celtic's Curse of Strahd (IC)

    AC: 17 | HP: 30/30 | HIT DIE: 2/2 d10, 1/1 d8 | INSPIRATION: 0
    Sanity: 9 (+1) | Passive Perception: 11 | Passive Insight: 13
    Conditions: ---

    Wagon wheels rumble along the rough rural roads, a cart trailing behind a sleepy looking grey mule and carrying anything the group does not wish to lug around, including a backpack lying in the corner. A man in bright, meticulously polished chainmail and a white tabard is leading the mule by the reins, traveling on foot. Not to spare the pitiful creature the effort of lugging him around - if he could even convince it to move in such a state. No, he would not be caught dead riding atop a mule.

    His slick, dark hair is hanging free in the air right now, an eagle-faced helmet with a crest of feathers carried his arm. In spite of all the practical issues, he wears a red cape that hangs behind him. Short enough not to drag in the dirt of the road and get all a mess, and with an easy-break clasp to cast it aside should it become a problem.

    It is not Reinaldo's first time going out into the middle of nowhere. Perhaps if the local lord pays well enough, it will be the last. A vampire hunt! That's the sort of thing that makes a name for you. Reinaldo the vampire killer, it has a certain ring to it that he enjoys.

    "There she is," a grin stretching across his face, the armorclad knight raises a hand towards the inn down the road. "Wonder how good the food is. Out here it's either gruel or wonderfully homecooked."

  3. - Top - End - #3
    Troll in the Playground
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    Sep 2017

    Default Re: Celtic's Curse of Strahd (IC)

    Axton, wandering hero & hedge knight
    AC: 16 (18) | HP: 31 | CURRENT: 31 | HIT DIE: 3d10 | INSPIRATION: 0
    Sanity: 11 (+0) | Passive Perception: 10 | Passive Insight: 10
    Active Effects: Sword & Shield (AC 18)
    Conditions: None.

    Baelor, known to his companions as Axton, read the letter for the fifth time, a mysterious letter penned by an unknown hand, that had found it's way to his company, and sought their aid against some unnamed, unnatural tyrant, drawing them to a land that neither he, nor his companions had even heard of. So instead, they travelled south, to the Bear & Boar Tavern to locate some contact who would then escort them to their destination, and allow them to confront some horror which held sway over the region.

    He folded the paper and placed it inside a worn leather folder, tying it closed, to preserve the document while on the road. He was a tall man, broad shouldered, with a narrow waist, his full helm hung at his side, so it didn't obscure his vision as the group found themselves approaching the tavern at dusk. His short cropped, saddle brown hair fell in limp curls across his brow, damp from the sweat from the day's march, his eyes, though a bright forest green, were narrowed, in suspicion and caution, his face hard angles and planes, a narrow, mouth, with a strong jawline. He wore a cloak of thick cotton and wool, dyed a navy blue, wrapped around his shoulders, concealing much of the well maintained armor he wore, a massive greatsword was strapped to his back, it's hilt though polished, was stained with the patina of age, and rust once cleared, however it's blade was a blueish steel, reforged and newer, a curious contrast to the casual observer. He also had a shield, hanging from his right shoulder, hardwood bound in bands of iron and steel, it's field painted grey and white. A well crafted, but plain hilt of a longsword poked out from his travelling cloak along his left hip.

    He looked to his companions, Reinaldo, a warrior, like Baelor himself, but his armor was made to draw attention to one's self, highly polished it gleamed like silver in the light, dark haired with a well manicured beard, and a broad smile. Baelor didn't like him, he was too loud, too contrived, too ... he shrugged, perhaps he was jealous, but he couldn't help but think that a man that wanted that much attention was, himself, not worthy of it. A proverb came to mind, a man who must declare himself king is no true king. But still, he was stalwart in combat, and fought ferociously when forced to defend himself, or his allies. Liking someone and trusting someone were not mutually exclusive.

    Then there was Jane, a woman of mixed heritage, judging by her fey-touched appearance, perhaps it was her affinity for illusory magicks that cemented this theory in Baelor's mind. However, that was were the similarity ended, unlike the fey from children's tales, the woman was serious and focused, there was a sadness to her as well, but Baelor had never inquired, if she wished to divulge her past, she would. Who was he to begrudge a companion their secrets. Oddly enough, she did keep a familiar, uncharacteristically named Fluffles.

    And finally, the oddly named Sora'Shona, grey haired, ice eyed warrior. She was something of a wild card, possessed of abilities that placed her far beyond the realms of most soldiers he had crossed blades with. She had an uncanny intuition, and ability to penetrate the deceptions of the charlatan's that they had encountered. That alone was enough to give him cause, for, he felt, she could easily see through his deceptions, that he was someone other than who he said he was, that he was a renegade, a rebel, and outlaw, at least according to his Zhentarim overlords. So he had mostly kept the mystic at arms length, interacting with her in a cooly professional manner, while trying not to reveal overmuch about his past or his place of birth.

    So it was, when they arrived closer to the tavern, he looked to his companions, "A flagon of ale will do much good for parched throats, and a warm bath to was the dust of a lonely road from our feet. Given any thought to the identity of our contact? Seems curious to me," and hopefully not a trap by the damnable Zhentarim he thought to himself.

  4. - Top - End - #4
    Barbarian in the Playground

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    Jun 2017

    Default Re: Celtic's Curse of Strahd (IC)

    AC: 15 | HP: 25/25 | HIT DIE: 3d10 | INSPIRATION: 0
    Sanity: 10 (+0) | Passive Perception: 11 | Passive Insight: 10
    Conditions: ---

    Sora'Shana couldn't help but roll her eyes at the self-important man's comment. 'Yes, yes.' She thought. 'We all have eyes. Thank you very much.' She'd traveled with this kind of man a thousand times and already knew he wouldn't miss an opportunity to explain to her things he thought she didn't understand. Inside of her mind, she heard Shana chuckle at her exasperated reaction.

    Nonetheless, the man seemed reliable - someone who can swing such a heavy blade around and who bore such an armor could always prove useful - the words 'meat shield' came to mind - yet Sora'Shana preferred a much subtler form of combat for herself. As for the other two she was traveling with they had been rather silent, which was fine with Sora': there was a rather good looking half-elf and another brawny man.

    This second man caught her attention somewhat: he was always evasive when interacting with her, never wanting, it seemed, to divulge too much. She was used to this kind of manners: someone trying a bit too hard to throw off one's suspicions always seemed to her precisely like the man to be suspicious about. 'Well, everyone has a past, right?' She couldn't help but be amused by the fact he seemed to think of her as a possible threat - and who was to say if he wasn't right on the money?

    Sora'Shana was much too happy to leave her old life behind. Since the death of Keryna she had been a mess, having spent a few weeks in Waking Life - the longest she'd ever been. These strange letters had immediately piqued her interest. Not so much for the mission itself, rather for the fact that no one seemed to know where the Hells was this Barovia in the first place. Which means she was tasked to go somewhere else, far from these memories and all the guilt. Perfect. Going up against a vampire didn't sound like the smartest idea, she knew she was being sent there as an expendable asset, but what did she have left to lose anyways?

    She looks ahead to where the armorclad man was pointing and nodded at his remark about the food.

    'Eh, don't get your sword in a knot. It's probably gonna be terrible.' She smiles half-assedly.
    Last edited by NiKkatsu; 2020-11-11 at 06:01 PM.

  5. - Top - End - #5
    Troll in the Playground
    Join Date
    Sep 2017

    Default Re: Celtic's Curse of Strahd (IC)

    Axton, wandering hero & hedge knight
    AC: 16 (18) | HP: 31 | CURRENT: 31 | HIT DIE: 3d10 | INSPIRATION: 0
    Sanity: 11 (+0) | Passive Perception: 10 | Passive Insight: 10
    Active Effects: Sword & Shield (AC 18)
    Conditions: None.

    Baelor barked a laugh, "Ha! I shouldn't have to pay for terrible! Since those damnable drow ambushed us those weeks ago, I had to replace my arms and repair my armor, leaving me with an empty purse!"

  6. - Top - End - #6
    Titan in the Playground

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    Apr 2013

    Default Re: Celtic's Curse of Strahd (IC)

    AC: 17 | HP: 30/30 | HIT DIE: 2/2 d10, 1/1 d8 | INSPIRATION: 0
    Sanity: 9 (+1) | Passive Perception: 11 | Passive Insight: 13
    Conditions: ---

    "Maybe you can negotiate to wash dishes in exchange for a meal?" Reinaldo quips, looking back at Axton with a smug smirk across his face, fully aware of the jingling of his own coinpurse. Far from flush with gold, but healthy enough for a travel budget.

  7. - Top - End - #7
    Barbarian in the Playground

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    Default Re: Celtic's Curse of Strahd (IC)

    AC: 15 | HP: 25/25 | HIT DIE: 3d10 | INSPIRATION: 0
    Sanity: 10 (+0) | Passive Perception: 10 | Passive Insight: 12
    Conditions: ---

    Sora' shrugs.

    'You shouldn't have to. But you have to. Just eat your rations if you're so broke. Taverns are taverns are taverns - not much to do about it. Anyways, which of you louts will spar with me tonight? Better stay on top of my game if we want to go up against a vampire.'

    Spoiler: OoC
    Yay! Beautiful. Thanks a lot

    Last edited by NiKkatsu; 2020-11-11 at 08:07 PM.

  8. - Top - End - #8
    Troll in the Playground
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    May 2015

    Default Re: Celtic's Curse of Strahd (IC)

    As the three bantered, Jane studied the three. Four warrior-mages. Interesting party. In terms of battle, all three were reliable allies she was happy to work with.Just be careful not to get hit too much, none of them specialize in healing.

    No, it wasn't getting through fights that worried Jane. The paladin, while still a paladin, at lest tended more towards self interest than self righteousness. Never can be quite certain what those goody-two shoes are going to do. Personal drive was something she understood, although his drive seemed likely to push him off a cliff someday. Jane would need to make sure he didn't drag her down with him.

    The others didn't have the same issues, thank goodness, but... Jane wasn't entirely sure what to think of them. Both possessed unusual power that Jane didn't fully understand. Power that she wasn't certain she could counteract. Something about them, the knight in particular, that made her feel...vulnerable. Like they could see into her soul. That was probably just in her head (probably), but she needed to be cautious, nonetheless.

    Add all that to a strange request in a land she had never heard of, and it was enough to make Jane wish she hadn't taken up the adventuring life. But none of that mattered. She took the job, oddities and companions aside and it was time to get started.

    "Well, it looks like we're all here. Anything else that needs to be done?"
    Avatar of Lukas Stormlord the Paladin done by the Lovely Ceika!

  9. - Top - End - #9
    Titan in the Playground

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    Default Re: Celtic's Curse of Strahd (IC)

    AC: 17 | HP: 30/30 | HIT DIE: 2/2 d10, 1/1 d8 | INSPIRATION: 0
    Sanity: 9 (+1) | Passive Perception: 11 | Passive Insight: 13
    Conditions: ---

    "I'm always down for a spar!" announces Reinaldo, in a boisterous voice, as he twirls an imaginary sword. "'ve you brought along any practice blades? S'pose if we must, we can pluck some branches from the trees." A thought comes to mind and he eyes the inn down the road with a smile. "Could even get up on stage and give the locals a show."

  10. - Top - End - #10
    Troll in the Playground
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    Default Re: Celtic's Curse of Strahd (IC)

    Axton, wandering hero & hedge knight
    AC: 16 (18) | HP: 31 | CURRENT: 31 | HIT DIE: 3d10 | INSPIRATION: 0
    Sanity: 11 (+0) | Passive Perception: 10 | Passive Insight: 10
    Active Effects: Sword & Shield (AC 18)
    Conditions: None.

    Baelor glared at Reinaldo, his green eyes narrowed. "No," he shook his head, "we are not meeting our contact while swinging branches at one another, like boys playing at knights." With that he moved forward, entering the Alehouse, holding the door for the practical one, Jane, leaving Sora'Shana and Reinaldo to secure the wagon and the horses for the night.

  11. - Top - End - #11
    Barbarian in the Playground

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    Default Re: Celtic's Curse of Strahd (IC)

    AC: 15 | HP: 25/25 | HIT DIE: 3d10 | INSPIRATION: 0
    Sanity: 10 (+0) | Passive Perception: 10 | Passive Insight: 12
    Conditions: ---

    As Sora'Shana and Reinaldo are left to take care of the horses and wagon, she turns to the man. A barely perceptible glint flashes through her eyes and when they speak they don't sound as cool and composed as usual:

    ''Well... he's a bit uptight, isn't he?'' At this, they laugh uncharacteristically. ''I, for one, love your idea: I say we put on a show anyways. And if we make a few coins, I'll offer to pay for his dinner! That should smooth things over. Take care of this here and I'll go find some suitable 'training weapons'. I'm sure the patrons will love it. Plus, I mean, why wouldn't our contact want to see our skills showcased in front of him, right?''

    Spoiler: OoC

    Shana will wait for Reinaldo's response, but if he agrees they'll go find a tree to pluck some branches from to use as training weapons. Otherwise, they'll disappointedly walk inside to join the others; but the disappointment will quickly revert to relief as Sora'Shana returns to her normal self (they're channeling Shana right now, which is why they're acting a bit differently)

    Last edited by NiKkatsu; 2020-11-12 at 11:57 AM.

  12. - Top - End - #12
    Ogre in the Playground
    Celticbear's Avatar

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    Aug 2016

    Default Re: Celtic's Curse of Strahd (IC)

    The Bear and Board seems to be near full occupancy for just outside of the tavern are a number of large wagons. Their colors and patterns of drapery might make one think they're from the circus, but your trained adventuring eyes notice at the reigns of each are steeds breed for war. A few shrouded figures stand outside of the tavern, tending to the wagons and warhorses, and they each give you sidelong glances as you pass into the tavern.

    The Tavern, though full with more men and women dressed in the same manner as those who looked at you from outside, is nearly quiet. The hushed whispers these tavern goers speak in have the air of secrecy about them. The conspiratorial nature is broken by a smiling man who approaches you, arms outstretched in greeting, "Ladies, gentlemen, good folk one and all- our heroes have arrived!"

    A quick bout of applause and the clanging of silverware against wooden tables erupt for a few seconds before dissipating. The man who approached you bows deeply, and gestures for you to follow him back at his table, "Forgive my manners, I've done the disservice of introducing you to my compatriots before I even gave my own introduction. I am Arrigal, patron of this merry lot you see around yourselves and your own guide into the bounds of Barovia! A lovely settlement, might I add; even if the weather is just a bit drab. You'll love it, I assure you!"
    "I'M just a guy with a boomerang... I didn't ask for all this flying... and MAGIC!!!" -Sokka

    Avatar by linklele

    Quote Originally Posted by Wuff View Post
    the biggest nerd ever who transforms into BEAR is of course alluring.

  13. - Top - End - #13
    Titan in the Playground

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    Apr 2013

    Default Re: Celtic's Curse of Strahd (IC)

    AC: 17 | HP: 30/30 | HIT DIE: 2/2 d10, 1/1 d8 | INSPIRATION: 0
    Sanity: 9 (+1) | Passive Perception: 11 | Passive Insight: 13
    Conditions: ---

    Holding up his hands in mock fear as Axton reprimands him and marches inside, Reinaldo turns to Sora'Shana and answers her laugh with a dry chuckle. "My thoughts exactly. I think he's simply forgotten how to have fun." Splitting off from her, he takes the mule and cart around to secure it to something. He slides his pack out of the cart to lug with him, not trusting it around the shrouded backwater bumpkins lurking around outside.

    That done, Reinaldo strolls inside after the others. "Some feed for my mule," he says, directed at whoever seems to be running the inn.

  14. - Top - End - #14
    Troll in the Playground
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    Default Re: Celtic's Curse of Strahd (IC)

    Jane rolled her eyes at the paladin's bravado,hoping it concealed her instinctive tensing at the mention of putting on a show. Jane had long ago learned she belonged in the shadows, not the spotlight.

    Fortunately(?), the Tavern itself was enough of a distraction to bring her into the present. "Laying it on a bit thick, don't you think?"
    Avatar of Lukas Stormlord the Paladin done by the Lovely Ceika!

  15. - Top - End - #15
    Troll in the Playground
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    Sep 2017

    Default Re: Celtic's Curse of Strahd (IC)

    Axton, wandering hero & hedge knight
    AC: 16 (18) | HP: 31 | CURRENT: 31 | HIT DIE: 3d10 | INSPIRATION: 0
    Sanity: 11 (+0) | Passive Perception: 10 | Passive Insight: 10
    Active Effects: Sword & Shield (AC 18)
    Conditions: None.

    Quote Originally Posted by Arrigal View Post
    "Forgive my manners, I've done the disservice of introducing you to my compatriots before I even gave my own introduction. I am Arrigal, patron of this merry lot you see around yourselves and your own guide into the bounds of Barovia! A lovely settlement, might I add; even if the weather is just a bit drab. You'll love it, I assure you!"
    Baelor looked at the man, studying him and his companions, "Yes, yes, quite. I'm Axton, something of road warden round these parts, this here's Jane," he indicated the half elven rogue, "a scout of no small skill, and the others are still stowing our gear and securing the wagon." He shrugged, "We still don't know shyte about this Bavaria you're talking about, but we'd be interested to hear over a meal and a flagon of ale."

  16. - Top - End - #16
    Barbarian in the Playground

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    Jun 2017

    Default Re: Celtic's Curse of Strahd (IC)

    AC: 15 | HP: 25/25 | HIT DIE: 3d10 | INSPIRATION: 0
    Sanity: 10 (+0) | Passive Perception: 10 | Passive Insight: 12
    Conditions: ---

    As the others are settling down around a table, Shana walks in. They look around at the crowd and walk up to the others, handing a large branch to Reinaldo, keeping the smaller one to themselves. Turning toward the unknown man sitting with her group she says:

    ''Ah! You must be our contact. We're Shana. Well, Sora'Shana, but... anyways. 'Tis a pleasure to meet you.'' Then, turning to the crowd they announce: ''Any one up for some entertainment? You see, the big guy here and I were just about to spar, but if anyone here is up to it we would like to use this opportunity put on a little show for you all.''

    At the end of their sentence, beaming, Shana takes a short bow, excitement clearly visible in their eyes as they wait for everyone's reaction.
    Last edited by NiKkatsu; 2020-11-14 at 04:28 PM.

  17. - Top - End - #17
    Ogre in the Playground
    Celticbear's Avatar

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    Default Re: Celtic's Curse of Strahd (IC)

    The man named Arrigal visibly sized up Axton with an intrigued expression before warmly responding, "Barovia, with an o, and I thought as much. It's a collection of villages set along some good woodland and mountains, wonderful climate for fermentation- I believe I brought a few caskets of their vintage Champagne du le Stomp to the tavern here. The stuff is to die for if you ask me, but you said you brought a wagon with you? That won't do, the mountains are horrible for draft horses, if you don't mind I'd suggest having one of my people steer your cart. We've made the trek there and back again so many times that it'll be second nature to us."

    Each member of the brightly dressed crowd turns their heads to listen to Sora'Shana with curious eyes. At the end of her proclamation they all cheer, banging their mugs and silverware in applause at the ensuing show. Arrigal crossed his arms, chuckling at the display before nodding, "We vistani do love a good performance! Why don't the rest of you join me at my table, we can watch your compatriots from a good vantage point?"

    Outside your horses are tended to, and the bartender, a nondescript man who doesn't offer a name, claims that your party's tab is being covered by Arrigal. Should you pay him anyway, he'll happily take your gold.
    Last edited by Celticbear; 2020-11-14 at 07:32 PM.
    "I'M just a guy with a boomerang... I didn't ask for all this flying... and MAGIC!!!" -Sokka

    Avatar by linklele

    Quote Originally Posted by Wuff View Post
    the biggest nerd ever who transforms into BEAR is of course alluring.

  18. - Top - End - #18
    Titan in the Playground

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    Apr 2013

    Default Re: Celtic's Curse of Strahd (IC)

    AC: 17 | HP: 30/30 | HIT DIE: 2/2 d10, 1/1 d8 | INSPIRATION: 0
    Sanity: 9 (+1) | Passive Perception: 11 | Passive Insight: 13
    Conditions: ---

    Accepting the large stick - practically a wooden club on its own, Reinaldo grins up at Sora'Shana. "I'm ready whenever you are - always spar before eating, right? Build up an appetite instead of a stomach ache." He stands up, and Axton could swear he flashes a smug smirk the hedge knight's way at disobeying his attempt to give orders.

    "Then the vistani are men and women of good taste!" he compliments in response to Arrigal's approval, holding up his stick into the air and sweeping a hand out at the crowd, as he joins Sora'Shana going up on stage - if there is a stage. A suitably open floor space will do if not.

  19. - Top - End - #19
    Barbarian in the Playground

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    Default Re: Celtic's Curse of Strahd (IC)

    AC: 15 | HP: 25/25 | HIT DIE: 3d10 | INSPIRATION: 0
    Sanity: 10 (+0) | Passive Perception: 10 | Passive Insight: 12
    Conditions: ---

    Shana steps onto the raised platform in the middle of the tavern. They walk around it's edges, raising arms in defiance, trying to get the crowd riled up. They then proceed to walk to the center of the platform, eyeing Reinaldo in the process, and raises their stick vertically in front of their face, placing their right hand behind their back, waiting for the man to assume his position. As he does, she adopts a side on stance, readying her lunge.

    At this moment, Shana decides to return in the back of Sora'Shana's mind. Coming back to her own, she realizes the position she's in, with the crowd seemingly quite invested in the spectacle to come. She immediately blushes, understanding there is no backing out from this situation now.

    'What kind of a mess did you put us in this time?' She asks inwards. But she is greeted with silence. 'Typical Shana.' She thinks. 'Well, here we are. Let's give it our best.'

    Focusing her mind on the battle, she taps the pool of psychic energy buried deep within her twinned soul, pushing everything else aside. Her pupils dilate, turning her eyes into two black pits, as a cold calm washes over her. The dance begins - she thrusts.
    Last edited by NiKkatsu; 2020-11-14 at 09:13 PM.

  20. - Top - End - #20
    Titan in the Playground

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    Default Re: Celtic's Curse of Strahd (IC)

    AC: 17 | HP: 30/30 | HIT DIE: 2/2 d10, 1/1 d8 | INSPIRATION: 0
    Sanity: 9 (+1) | Passive Perception: 11 | Passive Insight: 13
    Conditions: ---

    Reinaldo hops up onto the stage in one big step, with none of the grace or finesse. He takes a moment to find a suitable grip on the large stick, taking hold of it in both hands and spreading out his stance to better deal with the weight of the backswing. "Aaand... go," he announces, stepping forwards and attempting to back Sora'Shana into a corner to keep her from using her slicker footwork.

    Spoiler: Rolls
    Attack 'Performance':

  21. - Top - End - #21
    Barbarian in the Playground

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    Default Re: Celtic's Curse of Strahd (IC)

    AC: 15 | HP: 25/25 | HIT DIE: 3d10 | INSPIRATION: 0
    Sanity: 10 (+0) | Passive Perception: 10 | Passive Insight: 12
    Conditions: ---

    Maybe due to still being a little shook after the abrupt end of Waking Life - or maybe just because of superior swordsmanship - Sora'Shana is rapidly overrun by the heavily armored man's fighting style. There is no doubt her footwork is superior - the man lacks finesse - but his defense is absolutely flawless. As she dances around him, she manages to get a few thrusts in, but Reinaldo moves to make them bounce inoffensively off of his armor. With a heavy-handed swing, he knocks her off her feet and onto her backside - she must admit defeat, dropping her weapon and raising her hands in the air:

    ''Impressive. I can't find a single opening in your stance.''

    She extends a hand so the man will help her get back on her feet. She has taken mental note of the man's style and will no doubt have to challenge him again for even though she plays it cool, she is a little hurt in her pride.
    Last edited by NiKkatsu; 2020-11-14 at 09:39 PM.

  22. - Top - End - #22
    Titan in the Playground

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    Default Re: Celtic's Curse of Strahd (IC)

    AC: 17 | HP: 30/30 | HIT DIE: 2/2 d10, 1/1 d8 | INSPIRATION: 0
    Sanity: 9 (+1) | Passive Perception: 11 | Passive Insight: 13
    Conditions: ---

    With every inevitable step forwards, Reinaldo's self-assured grin widens. He repels each strike, moving like a wall. Afraid the show will be over too soon, he allows a few strikes to get through - a point here or there. No glory in a complete bulldozer of a match.

    But Reinaldo is not the type to let another win. Seizing a moment at last, he overwhelms his opponent and topples her like a piece on a dragonchess board. Out of the corner of his eyes he glances at the crowd to see their reactions. Twirling the large branch around into a back grip, he sets it against the stage to free up one hand. "Well struck," he declares, reaching down to take her hand and pull her back to her feet. "The armor is a little like cheating," he humble brags in a stage whisper, patting her on the back.

  23. - Top - End - #23
    Troll in the Playground
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    Sep 2017

    Default Re: Celtic's Curse of Strahd (IC)

    Axton, wandering hero & hedge knight
    AC: 16 (18) | HP: 31 | CURRENT: 31 | HIT DIE: 3d10 | INSPIRATION: 0
    Sanity: 11 (+0) | Passive Perception: 10 | Passive Insight: 10
    Active Effects: Sword & Shield (AC 18)
    Conditions: None.

    Baelor watched his companions take the stage, and then largely ignored them, focusing his attention on their host, Arrigal. When the unnamed barkeep came to the table, he went with his host's suggestion, a bottle of Champagne du le Stomp, a wheel of cheese, baked apples, and a crust of bread served in thick onion stew. "So, Barovia, and there a noble, of sorts, oppressing the common folk, stealing away with our employer's daughter? Is that the task with which our services are required?" Baelor, himself, was no stranger to the tyranny of lesser men, but he would know more before he passed judgement on the situation. "And yourself? A self-professed, vistani? Is that what the residents of Barovia refer to themselves as?"

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    Troll in the Playground
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    Upon seeing that yes, her comrades were serious about getting up and making a fool of themselves on stage, Jane rolled her eyes and pulled her hood as far down as she could, and distancing herself from the pair. Once this critical task was accomplished, Jane sat down at the table with her contact. The Knight, at least, seemed to have his head on straight, asking questions about the mission. She had a few of her own as well, but hearing the answers to the first questions before asking couldn't hurt.
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    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Celtic's Curse of Strahd (IC)

    The crowd watches Reinaldo and Sora'Shana's duel with delighted expressions and cheering faces. You can see that bets are being made on the sidelines, and at the spar's conclusion, a series of begrudging coin exchanges are made. They still enjoyed the show, but some enjoyed it a bit more than others.

    Arrigal didn't bet, instead conversing with Axton and Jane. He laughed at Axton's assumption, and responded, "We aren't Barovians, no. We Vistani are travelers, but Barovia is one of our frequent stops. My people are very close friends of Kolyan, who I see directed his letter towards your company. You've mostly got the facts straight, but do not underestimate the power possessed by your foe. He is no mere vampire spawn, he is a creature of immense cunning and savagery masked behind a veneer of beautiful flesh. But, I have confidence that you have the skill required to root him out and destroy him! We may set off for Barovia after dinner or in the morning, the choice is yours. It is not far, and we Vistani know a few shortcuts most folk wouldn't even think to take!"
    "I'M just a guy with a boomerang... I didn't ask for all this flying... and MAGIC!!!" -Sokka

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    Quote Originally Posted by Wuff View Post
    the biggest nerd ever who transforms into BEAR is of course alluring.

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    Jane nodded. She had a feeling this task wasn't as simple as it was initially presented."What can you tell us about this vampire? It would be too much to ask about any blatant weaknesses, but general intel is still useful.In addition, what can you tell us about Barovia itself?"
    Avatar of Lukas Stormlord the Paladin done by the Lovely Ceika!

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    AC: 17 | HP: 30/30 | HIT DIE: 2/2 d10, 1/1 d8 | INSPIRATION: 0
    Sanity: 9 (+1) | Passive Perception: 11 | Passive Insight: 13
    Conditions: ---

    Striding back to the table with a swagger in his step, Reinaldo takes a seat and a mug to celebrate his performance. "So, what's the plan fearless leader?" he asks Axton, with a grin.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Estralita View Post

    Jane nodded. She had a feeling this task wasn't as simple as it was initially presented."What can you tell us about this vampire? It would be too much to ask about any blatant weaknesses, but general intel is still useful. In addition, what can you tell us about Barovia itself?"
    "The vampire is known by many names around Barovia, but most think that he might be Strahd von Zarovich, the ruler of Barovia that supposedly died over a century ago. I'm not that much of a buff on history, I'm afraid, but I do know that Strahd has weaknesses that any other vampire suffers from. The sunlight can destroy him, as can running water or a stake to the heart, and unless you invite him into a building he cannot enter it," Arrigal began, "As for Barovia itself, it's like I said. It's practically a natural fortress surrounded by woodlands and mountain ranges. It has a few settlements, those being the original township of Barovia, which the rest of the land was named after; the city of Vallaki, a sizable locale and a frequent stop along my caravan's path; a few other smaller settlements like Berez and Krezk; and of course Castle Ravenloft itself. It is a defunct place, haunted if you ask me, but a wonder to behold. A marvel of engineering, you'll be able to see it once we pass through the woods, it is often times the first sight travelers see in Barovia."
    "I'M just a guy with a boomerang... I didn't ask for all this flying... and MAGIC!!!" -Sokka

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    Quote Originally Posted by Wuff View Post
    the biggest nerd ever who transforms into BEAR is of course alluring.

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    AC: 17 | HP: 30/30 | HIT DIE: 2/2 d10, 1/1 d8 | INSPIRATION: 0
    Sanity: 9 (+1) | Passive Perception: 11 | Passive Insight: 13
    Conditions: ---

    "With all this in mind," Reinaldo taps a finger on the table and looks around at the others, "I say we leave this evening, after a good meal. That way we shall arrive come morn, when the vampire must lurk in its lair. We can investigate without being watched."

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    Troll in the Playground
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    Axton, wandering hero & hedge knight
    AC: 16 (18) | HP: 31 | CURRENT: 31 | HIT DIE: 3d10 | INSPIRATION: 0
    Sanity: 11 (+0) | Passive Perception: 10 | Passive Insight: 10
    Active Effects: Sword & Shield (AC 18)
    Conditions: None.

    Baelor listened carefully, and was mildly concerned that a vampire, a *true* vampire would be far out of his companions capability to handle in any sort of direct conflict. One cunning enough to have survived a century? The thought concerned him, and he felt a shudder run down his spine, as the short hairs along his neck stood on edge. He could only hope it was something far less dreadful, masquerading as this Strahd von Zarovich. "If our adversary is half as cunning as our host explains, he is fully aware that Indirovich has hired outsiders to return his daughter to him." He paused, surveying those at the table, "To travel at night, into an unknown region, with the intent to investigate and infiltrate a vampire's domain, rescue a mortal he has captured for unknown purpose, under the cover of night, in which the adversary is at his most potent, is surely a fool's errand."

    He shrugged his shoulder, "A belly full of warm food, a good night's rest, would allow us to arrive without needlessly exposing ourselves to our adversary, this Strahd von Zarovich." Another pause, "However, I will abide by my companion's decision, what say the rest of you, a night in a bed, and start fresh after we break our fast, or a night sat astride a saddle, with a long march through a dark night?"

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