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  1. - Top - End - #1
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Default Privateers of Lssthp II [IC]

    Quote Originally Posted by From the LITANY OF KIN, an ancient Tiamatic text rejected from the chromatic canon at the Council of Iznik.
    The flames that scar and do not warm.
    The streams that dissolve and do not quench.
    The winds that freeze and do not refresh.
    The lights that burn and do not reveal.
    The blooms that sting and do not restore.
    The shadows that cut and do not hide.
    The grips that crush and do not build.
    The dead that hunt and do not rest.
    Quote Originally Posted by A letter from the black dragon Negniter to his cousin Tenebrous
    Proud as we are, who can deny that we are less than we once were? Our own mother scoured us from the earth, and we live in exile on these changeable isles. The world that was once ours swarms with hairy bipeds -- solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short. His Viridian Majesty has forbidden us to think of it, and the Storm-Veil'd Queen must not be mentioned. But how can we forget when our dead litter their shores? Our dead... we must always remember our dead.


    Lssthp, home of the Chromatic Empire, is one vast city-state, threaded with mountains and forests and wastes that separate districts but all one island, one continent, one land. To the north of this island lies Grand Hoard, the district of the Royal House and the great ports of the Navy and Merchant fleets. A bay like a vast bite taken out of the shore is fenced off, the Quay of Beasts where serpentships are constructed and sea serpents are bred and trained, adjacent to the miles and miles of docks and the mansions of the Black dragonborn, built out over the water to accomodate their slumbering amphibious masters.

    From along this coast, you can look up along the bulk of the island and see Grand Hoard loom over you. Let lesser dragons hoard gems or gold; the wealth of his Viridian Majesty is in ships and warehouse and banks and temples. The Imperial Residence is that overgrown jungle of gardens there to the east; there to the west lies the Court of the Magistrate Lapis, the highest authority of the law, its marble towers licked by lightning and veiled in thunder. The high peaks in the distance are capped with snow, venting flame; in the magmalight you can sometimes make out the Great Library, where monks guard the gates to the Plane of Law.

    With no sun or moon, life in the Empire is governed by the bells, and they're ringing now. It's Rising, and all over Lssthp laborers and servants are rising, shaping the world for the more leisurely awakening of the upper castes. Along the dock and quay and in the wyvern aeries, the druids come with their goodberries, feeding the waiting beasts. The intricate machinery of the Empire ticks over into a new day.

    At one end of the dock, the warships that patrol the Calm around Lssthp; dreadnoughts constructed over the shells of dragon-turtles and trireme patrol boats rowed by conscripts. At the other, the merchant vessels float, huge and vulnerable, hauled through the Calm until they can raise their sails. In between lie the privateers, empowered by their letters of marque to build serpenthulls and hunt pirates and vikings. Some accompany merchants, frisking around the wind-bound, wallowing galleons; some hunt in packs or alone among the islands of the Hic Sunt.

    This ship is the White Cliff, a decommissioned military ship in service as a privateer these thirty years and serving the navy gods know how long before that. The tall ship mounted on the beast's back has the patchwork hide of an experienced vessel, held together by spit and kobold ingenuity. It's drawn by a thirty-meter plesiosaur, waiting for its breakfast. The crew of thirty was stirring already before Rising bell; everyone knows today they'll be leaving port, back to the hunt, and there's much to do before the Captain returns from her business on shore. Most of the officers are back already from their shore leave, but not all -- so long as they beat the Captain, all will be well.

    First Mate Achelous, by all means already aboard, supervises the crew as they load supplies and swarm over the rigging, and even his sharp tongue finds little to criticize. There are hungover stumblers among them, but no layabouts. Most at least pretend to busy industry.

    Beyond the docks, the sea spreads out in the perfect glass placidity of the Calm, a mirror of the dancing stars. Larger than the stars of the humanoid lands and burning in different colors, some move in stately gavotte and others swirl and leap unpredictably. One white star burns, far to the north, fixed and unmoving and piercing the stormclouds of the Hic Sunt that crowd the horizon. The Lighthouse is shining full on Lssthp; a good day to set out.
    Last edited by TriciaOso; 2023-12-30 at 11:04 AM.

  2. - Top - End - #2
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Privateers of Lssthp II [IC]

    Servius Calventius Pamphilius

    Yuan-ti Evoker
    AC: 12 / 15 (Mage Armor) HP: 22/22
    PPer: 10 PInv: 16 PIst: 10
    Conditions: --

    Servius slithers back and forth on the poop deck [top rear / steering / command deck]. This will be his first time in command of others, possibly for battle. Hed did not sleep well, and has been awake for a couple of hours already. Servius is careful, however, to keep his long tail out of the way of the working sailors. It is tough and muscled, but someone stepping on his tail is still an unpleasant experience.

    Soon, they will find out where they are going.
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  3. - Top - End - #3
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Default Re: Privateers of Lssthp II [IC]

    Ttharg Krixkrux

    Ttharg grumbled and stumbled up the gangplank. He had taken the time to splash water on his face and eat something hearty before leaving the tavern, but there was still a certain sway about him. He hauled with him the medical supplies and reagents he might need for the trip and made straight for the ship's small surgery.

    On his way into the bowels of the ship, he briefly threw a salute towards Achelous.

    After squaring away the medical supplies, Ttharg decided to find Tegu and see what kind of state she was in. Maybe she had some hair of the dog too.
    Last edited by The Commander; 2023-12-16 at 08:35 AM.

  4. - Top - End - #4
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Default Re: Privateers of Lssthp II [IC]

    The ship's purser, quartermaster and cook-by-default is currently on deck, scattering a mixture of grain and bone meal into the cockatrice coop and eyeing the beasts beadily.
    They're handy for eggs and meat on a voyage, but their bites can be nasty.

    She's a vast, sturdy lizardfolk woman, with a face like raw ground meat and two or three teeth missing. (They'll grow back.) She does, by chance, have a flask on her person of the liquor she distills in the noisome galley. Handing it over, she jerks her chin towards the poop deck staggered above and the pacing serpentfolk. "Yon's the new gunnery master," she grunts. "Man of the book, so I hear."

    Most of the gunnery crew are warlocks and sorcerers; unusual to see a wizard in the job.
    Last edited by TriciaOso; 2023-12-16 at 11:14 AM.

  5. - Top - End - #5
    Ogre in the Playground

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    Default Re: Privateers of Lssthp II [IC]

    An ancient copper kobold is busy below deck reapplying a layer of sealant to the hull. His body gnarled and wiry. Eyes clouded over to a degree that you'd expect him blind. His body missing scales here and there as if he were balding but all over his body. He grabs tools from triceratool a mechanical triceratops of his own design. It's horns articulate and versatile enough to facilitate assistance brings him material while Mini cliff, a replica of the ship and fetcher, a tiny multi-tool resembling a pterodactyl, bring him tools and help with any delicate work.

    He's been up for a while already making last minute repairs Dam layabouts. Thats the problem with todays youth. Dont know a real days work he thinks as triceratool brings him another bucket of sealant. It doesn't matter where they are going or what they are doing as long as the ship is in good shape.

  6. - Top - End - #6
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Default Re: Privateers of Lssthp II [IC]

    Ttharg Krixkrux

    "Ahoy, Tegu. How was ye shore leave?" Ttharg greeted her.

    Quote Originally Posted by TriciaOso View Post
    She does, by chance, have a flask on her person of the liquor she distills in the noisome galley. Handing it over, she jerks her chin towards the poop deck staggered above and the pacing serpentfolk. "Yon's the new gunnery master," she grunts. "Man of the book, so I hear."

    Most of the gunnery crew are warlocks and sorcerers; unusual to see a wizard in the job.
    "Thank ye." Said Ttharg as he took a swig from the flask and handed it back to the purser. He looked up to the poopdeck and the new officer. "Of the book, eh? Wonder what misdeeds he did to get lumped with us mangy lot. Landlubber, or did he serve with the Navy before?"

  7. - Top - End - #7
    Dwarf in the Playground

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    Default Re: Privateers of Lssthp II [IC]

    Fork made the final preparations as he shifted some items over from the mahogany desk to the side table in the captains office. The captain liked coming in and sometimes slam books, parchment and maps on the desk, and more than once Fork had to scramble to replace whatever glass or ink jar got caught in the maelstrom of paperwork and fell to the floor.

    Fork was meticulous, he liked being thorough. He stepped back and surveyed the scene. He stepped over to tuck in the curtains a little better and the light hit the office just right as he exited.

    He made his way up the command deck with his back straight and his uniform buttoned up. He breathed in the fresh air and it hit some primal part of his brain just right. As organised as he was, known for strictly following protocol and duty, there was another part of him that enjoyed the unbridled freedom of the sea. It was like hunting, speed and instinct instead of rules and regulations. Perhaps this was the reason he was so comfortable being bound by etiquette and procedure. He needed the balance in order to fully excel during a hunt. To reach his own personal best and transcend he needed to strive after a higher discipline. It was the only way he knew. His way of life, the way of his clan.

    He breathed out and felt that duality of his nature on days like these, just before setting sail, and he felt energised.

    He greeted Servius in a polite way, with an acknowledging nod like one would their peers. As Fork stood there with his back straight, waiting for the arrival of the captain he let out a sharp curt whistle.

    Moments later, as Fork gazed over the deck of the ship to take stock of the crew, a small drake came soaring through the clouds and circled the ship twice before it landed gracefully next to Fork. It was only then that Fork looked sideways and when they made eye contact a smile between friends could be perceived. No words were exchanged. It was but a nod from Fork and the Drake took off again, this time circling the ship with a much wider diameter.

    "A good day to sail." He said finally, to the Yuan-ti Mage.

  8. - Top - End - #8
    Troll in the Playground
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    Default Re: Privateers of Lssthp II [IC]

    Tortle Druid, Circle of Spores
    AC: 19 | HP: 35/35 | Initiative: +0
    Str: -1 | Dex: +0 | Con: +3 | Int: +4 | Wis: +5 | Cha: -1

    Spell Slots: 1st: 4/4 | 2nd: 3/3
    Wildshapes: 2/2
    Active Effects: None
    Conditions: None

    Kabett minded his own business. He wasn't the aloof sort, he just didn't think anyone would be that interested in an old shell like him. Least of all because his shell was a large fungus. Kabett had met many a squeamish sort who worried they might catch something from him. So he spent his days tending to the animal that ferries the ship, as his father had done and his father before him. To the rest of the crew, the animal may not even have passed notice. They might not even know its name, but Kabett does.

    When the bells ring, signifying the start of the day, Kabett has already been tending to his duties and was kneeled precariously atop the neck of the plesiosaur as he kept it clean of barnacles and debris. When he finally returns to the deck, he spots a Yuan-To proclaiming it is a good day to sail. Kabett merely smiles and nods, saying "We are blessed by nature's bounty."
    "Don't think of it as dying," said Death,
    "Just think of it as leaving early to avoid the rush."

  9. - Top - End - #9
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Default Re: Privateers of Lssthp II [IC]

    First Mate Achelous, looking down the quay, spots something and vanishes below deck.

    Spoiler: Passive Perception of 12+
    The slim figure of Captain Magyar, her white-scaled face gleaming above her fresh, dark-green uniform, is approaching; by her side is a Yuan-Ti woman of gorgon heritage, with dark mauve scales and her writhing hair gathered behind her in a bun. She wears spectacles and blue robes with a copper pentagon on the belt, and carries her own bag.

    Spoiler: Servius, or those with a Passive Investigation of 12+
    These robes are identifiable to those in the know as the habit of a senior library monk of the Great Library.

    Quote Originally Posted by The Commander View Post
    Ttharg Krixkrux

    "Ahoy, Tegu. How was ye shore leave?" Ttharg greeted her.

    "Thank ye." Said Ttharg as he took a swig from the flask and handed it back to the purser. He looked up to the poopdeck and the new officer. "Of the book, eh? Wonder what misdeeds he did to get lumped with us mangy lot. Landlubber, or did he serve with the Navy before?"
    "He's not said," grunts the purser. She gazes up on the deck as the familiar shapes of Fork and Kabett join the Yuan-Ti. "Close-mouthed bunch, the lot of you." She gestures with her flask to the loose grouping on the poop deck. "Hello lads, and a merry greeting to our new Gunnery Officer. What brings ye down among us?"

    But he does not get a chance to reply. Her flask vanishes adroitly as Achelous herds any hands remaining below up onto the deck, just in time for the Captain's appearance.

    Captain Bendeguz Magyar is slim for a dragonborn, although as she moves into early middle-age you might be more inclined to use the word spare. Her eyes are bright and attentive as they sweep over the assembled crew, and she tilts her head slightly to take the First Mate's report. "Right," she says once, and then more loudly, projecting to the poop deck.

    "Right! Here we are again. I hope you've enjoyed your leave, because we won't see port again for a spell." She gestures to the snakefolk woman. "This is Siduri Atropae, abbess of the librarian-monks and a professor at Chalcedon University. She'll be our passenger on the voyage. She's a scholar, of course, but her business is on behalf of the Empire and urgent."

    "We're bearing her to the Sunhome Isles, where she has an errand, and along the way and once we've got her there we'll give her every aid and comfort."

    Her eyes flick over Achelous. "Along the way we shall do what hunting we find the chance for. If you've read the papers you know the squids and their orc janissaries have been spotted in the Hic Sunt in unusual numbers. If you don't read the papers, and Erathis knows most of you just flip to the pictures on Page 3, hear this -- we don't want squids around here. We don't want their drugs and we don't want their magical trash. Not at Home and not among the Isles. It may please the metallics to trade with them, but as far as we're concerned there are no legitimate flags of trade among the illithid and we will root them and their operations out of this side of the world."

    "We will keep our wits about us and keep a weather eye for any other legitimate targets -- won't we just, Mr. Frkkk? -- but those are our primary and secondary missions. Take the librarian to the Sunhomes and sink any orcs we meet along the way." She ranges her eyes along her officers and adds, "Professor Atropae will join us at Officers' Mess tonight and those of you in responsible positions will have the chance for further briefing. For now, let's get under way. Cauda, a quick word with you about our heading, yes?"

    As the crew unfreezes and returns to their work, a pale and somewhat ethereal Yuan-Ti of the naga race joins her to discuss navigation out of the Calm, and the First Mate takes Professor Atropae below. The remaining officers -- Tegu, Frrkkk, Servius, Ttharg, Kabett, and Nibum -- find themselves assembled in the general area of the poop deck. The flask makes a re-appearance. Chains begin to rattle as the anchor is lifted.

    Spoiler: OOC
    And we're under way! Feel free to talk briefly among yourselves or otherwise mark a little time before we pick up at exposition o'clock for dinner. Let me know here or on Discord about any checks you'd like to make.
    Last edited by TriciaOso; 2023-12-17 at 02:51 PM.

  10. - Top - End - #10
    Ogre in the Playground

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    Default Re: Privateers of Lssthp II [IC]

    One of the benefits of being an officer is nibum could tell someone to do something and in general they have to do so. He barks one of you layabouts give me your paper. Quick now i aint got time to waste. When one of them pulls out a paper he sends fetcher to grab it and bring it back taking a close look at it. He barely keeps up with anything normally but this time it might have something to do with this ship and he's not about to ignore it this time. While he takes a look he sends triceratool and the other two to search the ship for potential stowaways
    Last edited by zylodrizzt; 2023-12-17 at 04:24 PM.

  11. - Top - End - #11
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Default Re: Privateers of Lssthp II [IC]

    Spoiler: Newspaper (Inv Check 5+)
    There is an article about the increased bounties on the ships of the Kings Over The Sea, the name used by the illithid in their dealings with this world. The KOS trade with the native species of the world via their merchant-marine of orc slaves, selling magical goods and the illlithid drug known as ink. Decades ago, the KOS seized the human city of Spice Harbor as permanent foothold in this world.

    The article recaps a story that has been unfolding over the last few months: some time ago, the black dragon Tenebrous attempted to liberate the city and establish a draconic colony in human lands, despite the law of the Empire. If he had been successful, it might have been forgiven. As it turned out, he fell into the hands of the mind-flayers. The liberation of Spice Harbor has been achieved, but it is back in human hands. The mindflayers have lost their favored port in this world, and seem to be trying to escape back over the ocean.

    The gist of this article is that their only possible route takes them through the Hic Sunt, and thus the new and hefty bounties.

    Spoiler: Inv Check 15+
    A related and minor story discusses the forfeit of Tenebrous's lands and wealth to the Empire for his failure, including the estates and titles of the Achelous, Delethe, and Stygian families.

    Some of the land has been presented to the University of Chalcedon by the Emperor, and the article discusses the necessary relocation of an indigenous bullywug village as the climate dries up from swamp to desert--an inevitable result when land passes from black dragon control to blue.

    Spoiler: Nibum Only
    Nibum, you know that the old Negniter estates devolved onto Tenebrous when the family was wiped out and would be a part of that parcel of land.
    Last edited by TriciaOso; 2023-12-17 at 05:05 PM.

  12. - Top - End - #12
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Privateers of Lssthp II [IC]

    After Nibum is done with the paper, Servius takes it. He's read and helped print plenty of newspapers in his time...

    "It appears that the illithid will be passing through the Hic Sunt in larger numbers than usual. We should have good hunting."
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    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Default Re: Privateers of Lssthp II [IC]

    Ttharg Krixkrux

    As the Captain had boarded the deck and made her announcement, Ttharg had stood at attention dutifully. Once she had finished her announcement, Ttharg whispered to Tegu: "A pair o' wizards joining us at the same time? Ain't that bad luck or somethin'?" He shakes his head. "Aye, but it doesn't matter now; we have our orders and we sail at our Captain's pleasure. I'll see ye at six bells tonight."

    Ttharg splits off from Tegu to approach Nibum and Servius. "Ahoy mates." He nods to Nibum in acknowledgement. "So ye be the new Gunnery Officer then?" He said to Servius. "I hear ye be a wizard? Couldn't get a job aboard a fancy vessel? Harhar! I be Ttharg Krixkrux, ship's sawbones; but as a fellow officer ye can call me Ttharg. What do ye think o' this fine sea vessel?"
    Last edited by The Commander; 2023-12-17 at 10:11 PM.

  14. - Top - End - #14
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Privateers of Lssthp II [IC]

    Servius frowns. It looks like he does that a lot. With a dragonborn nearby, he raises himself slightly higher on his tail, seeking a slight positional dominance. "This...employment... seemed a good way to see some different places, and put some distance between myself and some situations I would prefer not to be around. It seems like an old ship, but perhaps fast. Have you been aboard this ship long?"
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    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Default Re: Privateers of Lssthp II [IC]

    Ttharg Krixkrux

    Ttharg nods, almost sympathetically. "Well, ye picked a good place for it. This here's a fine ship, and a fine crew; but don't tell the scallywags that! It'll go to their scurvy heads! I've been aboard for many a year, but not as long as the Captain; or the Keeper." He pauses thoughtfully. "Ye might be seeing action on ye first voyage, mate. What was ye name?"

  16. - Top - End - #16
    Ogre in the Playground

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    Default Re: Privateers of Lssthp II [IC]

    Absentmindedly as he walks awayyou can have that he says then mumbling and grubling as he leaves.

    Nibum goes and search for the 1st mate

  17. - Top - End - #17
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Privateers of Lssthp II [IC]

    "Servius Calventius Pamphilus. I am new to sea travel and combat, but I believe I have conducted sufficient research to excel at my role. What's the most interesting thing you have seen or learned at sea?"
    Last edited by J-H; 2023-12-18 at 11:03 AM.
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    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Default Re: Privateers of Lssthp II [IC]

    Quote Originally Posted by zylodrizzt View Post
    Absentmindedly as he walks awayyou can have that he says then mumbling and grubling as he leaves.

    Nibum goes and search for the 1st mate
    Having shown the Professor to a cabin below decks, Cocytus Achelous is now by the wheel, grimly watching the Navigator, Cauda, lay in her course. She is making elaborate reference to her Star Chart and taking readings of the dancing stars with strange instruments. At times she dances herself.

    Spoiler: Insight 10+; disadv for anyone not seeking them out
    Cauda is an excellent but idiosyncratic navigator, and her methods are clearly frustrating to the navally-trained Cocytus. It's the way she talks to her astrolabe, primarily.

  19. - Top - End - #19
    Ogre in the Playground

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    Default Re: Privateers of Lssthp II [IC]

    Focused on the matter at hand nibum pays no attention to the navigator as he speaks directly to the first mate I just got done with the paper... i dont understand. How can they do that? Can anythint be done? Does the scholar have anything to do with it? he hisses the last sentence
    Last edited by zylodrizzt; 2023-12-18 at 04:08 PM.

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    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Default Re: Privateers of Lssthp II [IC]

    Quote Originally Posted by zylodrizzt View Post
    Focused on the matter at hand nibum pays no attention to the navigator as he speaks directly to the first mate I just got done with the paper... i dont understand. How can they do that? Can anythint be done? Does the scholar have anything to do with it? he hisses the last sentence
    Cocytus scowls, and pulls Nibum aside. "Tenebrous has offended the Emperor with his presumption. It has been forbidden to take land from the apes for centuries."

    "They can do whatever they want to us now," he snarls.

  21. - Top - End - #21
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Default Re: Privateers of Lssthp II [IC]

    Ttharg Krixkrux

    Quote Originally Posted by J-H View Post
    "Servius Calventius Pamphilus. I am new to sea travel and combat, but I believe I have conducted sufficient research to excel at my role. What's the most interesting thing you have seen or learned at sea?"
    "Aye? Let me give you some advice lad: all the book-learnin' in the world ain't gunna prepare you for the maelstrom that is combat. The shouts, the screams, the splintering of wood, the blood on your boots... or tail...." Ttharg almost seems lost in thought for a moment before resuming. "It ain't something ye should be looking forward to; even with our orders. And then it becomes my job to patch everyone back together. So just ye remember that."

    Ttharg began to move off before turning back to Servius. "Most interestin' thing I seen? How quickly sailors find and lose their faith out here." Servius sees Ttharg absent-mindedly run a claw over an amulet on his neck. "I'll see ye at six bells in the Mess. And if ye find yourself getting seasick, don't come to me to help ye; ye need to best that condition yeself."

    Ttharg then takes to pacing the deck, trying to wear off the rest of his hangover.

  22. - Top - End - #22
    Ogre in the Playground

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    Default Re: Privateers of Lssthp II [IC]

    Quote Originally Posted by TriciaOso View Post
    Cocytus scowls, and pulls Nibum aside. "Tenebrous has offended the Emperor with his presumption. It has been forbidden to take land from the apes for centuries."

    "They can do whatever they want to us now," he snarls.
    Stomping his foot Thats outragous. How could they cast them down like that. Uproot so many lives so easily. What has university ever done hmm. All because they wanted to help and expand the empire. What sort of message does that send hmm. How day they. Cocytus if there is anything i can do just let me know. Ill be up to my usual duties of course. Not sure how I feel about having this scholar aboard now knowing all this now. You know i barely follow the news and barely leave the ship.. After cocytus response if any nibum turns to the navigator hope im not distracting you but id like to know if we might be setting off soon?

  23. - Top - End - #23
    Dwarf in the Playground

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    Default Re: Privateers of Lssthp II [IC]

    Fork stood straight as usual as the captain made her speech. His stoic demeanor took in the information like a professional. -- won't we just, Mr. Frkkk? -- To this he gave a single confident nod.

    As the captain went below Fork looked out towards the horizon with anticipation. He turned back towards the officers collected around him.

    "It appears that the illithid will be passing through the Hic Sunt in larger numbers than usual. We should have good hunting." Servius said.

    "Good." Fork responded. "But a good hunt is also a practice of moderation.. Then again the captain isn't one to bite off more than she could chew."

    He overheard Ttharg cautioning against glorifying bloodlust and he nodded. "Wise words, to be heeded for sure."

    The young professional kobold named Frkkk (About 35 years of age if he'd have been a human, whatever that translates to for kobolds) made his way past large lizardmen and burly dragonborn and went up the crows nest. He climbed slowly and deliberately, he wanted to save his energy and soak up some sun while contemplating over the coming days.

  24. - Top - End - #24
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Default Re: Privateers of Lssthp II [IC]

    Quote Originally Posted by zylodrizzt View Post
    Stomping his foot Thats outragous. How could they cast them down like that. Uproot so many lives so easily. What has university ever done hmm. All because they wanted to help and expand the empire. What sort of message does that send hmm. How day they. Cocytus if there is anything i can do just let me know. Ill be up to my usual duties of course. Not sure how I feel about having this scholar aboard now knowing all this now. You know i barely follow the news and barely leave the ship..
    "Don't be a bloody fool, Nibum," says the First Mate, and turns away.

    Spoiler: Insight 15+, adv
    It's clear that he's moved by this and doesn't know what to say.

    After cocytus response if any nibum turns to the navigator hope im not distracting you but id like to know if we might be setting off soon?
    "Time is an illusion," Cauda says dreamily. "Did you know that stars are following you? How extraordinary."

    The young professional kobold named Frkkk (About 35 years of age if he'd have been a human, whatever that translates to for kobolds) made his way past large lizardmen and burly dragonborn and went up the crows nest.
    The eerie flat sea of the Calm stretches out around Lssthp in all directions, becalmed by the exponentially-multiplied influence of the hundreds of dragons.

    Spoiler: Perception 10+, adv for your drake
    Fork can see a scattering of ships crossing the Calm, but few heading in this direction; the Sunhome Isles are a less popular hunting ground for privateers than the scattered islands to the north and west, and the merchants rarely head in that direction, either.

    Spoiler: Perception 15+
    There is a faint smudge of ship on the horizon, about a day's travel in the direction of the White Cliff's heading. It's quite hard to make out any details, though.

    Spoiler: Perception 20+
    A very, very keen eye could make out by the light of dancing stars off clouds of steam that it's a goblin steamship puffing laboriously towards Lssthp. It's truly impossible to see from this distance if they're flying a registered flag of trade, but they would be pretty suicidal not to be.
    Last edited by TriciaOso; 2023-12-19 at 10:14 AM.

  25. - Top - End - #25
    Ogre in the Playground

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    Default Re: Privateers of Lssthp II [IC]

    Quote Originally Posted by TriciaOso View Post
    "Don't be a bloody fool, Nibum," says the First Mate, and turns away.

    "Time is an illusion," Cauda says dreamily. "Did you know that stars are following you? How extraordinary."
    Shocked at the scolding nibum lowers his eyes and says in a whisper Sorry sir.... wont happen again he salutes the back of the first mate then turns to cauda.

    In response nibum lets out a raspy chuckleWell i could use some more illusion never have enough honestly. he jests. What do you mean the stars are following me?No diffrently then everyone else right? he asks full of confusion

  26. - Top - End - #26
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Default Re: Privateers of Lssthp II [IC]

    "Your loyalty has made a galaxy of you," she says, which turns out to be the most coherent thing you can get out of her on this topic.

    Some hours later, Officer's Mess convenes in the Officer's Wardroom; smaller desk are folded up into the walls and a long banquet table is lowered on chains from above to convert the room from a shared study and library to a dining room. Chairs are rearranged and food a cut above the crew's meals is produced; at the beginning of the voyage, at least, there are still fresh vegetables and meat to enjoy. Soon it will be salt flesh and dubious potatoes for everyone, or the occasional cockatrice that has had the misfortune to stop laying eggs.

    Cabin boys serve at the Officer's Table, and cabin boys gossip, so the Captain does not turn to matters of business until the plates are cleared and an excellent wine from a lesser Imperial vineyard is served. She pours herself, having turned out the curious lads after dessert, and passes the goblets to Frrkkk to hand around.

    She settles back into her chair and looks pointedly to Professor Atropae. As a naga, she does not have a chair but coils her tail beneath herself; now she expands her coils to shift to a standing posture. Her blue monk's habit is as crisp as it was when she came aboard. The living serpents of her hair are released from the rigid bun she came aboard with, and although she does not drink from her wine, occasionally one of them will dip its head and flicker a tongue into the goblet.

    "As the Captain has told you, I am Professor Siduri Atropae. I invite you to call me Siduri," she says. I am not a sailor or an experienced voyager, and I must ask you to excuse my ignorance in your particular area of specialty. It is... uneasy ground for me, as it is usually my job to be an expert."

    "My field of study is theological, and that is the subject I teach at Chalcedon University. I specialize in the early scriptures of the Pentiarchal faith. In the Library, I hold a position a greater responsibility, as the Keeper of certain dangerous and heretical texts that pre-date, or only shortly follow, the Cataclysm. I am considered an expert of the cults of Tiamat, Apophis, Umberlee and several other minor heresies."

    Spoiler: History or Religion Check - baseline
    All of you would know that the dragons of Lssthp became the dragons of Lssthp after the Cataclym -- when Tiamat took offense at the independence of her children and tore the heart from the Plane of Fire, using it as a weapon to wipe out reptilian life in the continent of Daesic. The metallic survivors were those who had followed the prophet Bahamut out to sea some decades earlier; the chromatic survivors those who followed the Five Chromatic Gods to Lssthp just before the Cataclysm, in a betrayal of their vengeful tyrant mother. After the Cataclysm she was bound in the Fire Plane, beneath the central volcano of Sunhome Isle.

    In the millennia that followed, the dragons and their servitor races took root in Lssthp, while the giants and their humanoid descendants claimed the wasteland that had been Daesic. The Five Gods were worshipped, not just in Lssthp, but in the human lands disguised as human gods.

    Spoiler: Cult of Tiamat (5+)
    Many of you also would be aware of the Tiamatic cult that claims that the Five were obeying the will of their mother, or are in fact faces she wears, and that the long history of Lssthp and Daesic has all been according to her plan. The cult is illegal, but not precisely unheard of. There is much distance, however, between those who worship the Mother of Dragons, and those who would actively seek to free her.

    Spoiler: Cult of Apophis (10+, or baseline for Yuan-Ti.)
    Fewer would be aware of the cult of Apophis, the snake god worshipped by the free Yuan-Ti of the Hic Sunt. Technically, only those serpentfolk who follow Apophis should claim the name Yuan-Ti. This faith is absolutely forbidden, as it is in many ways opposed to the Five Gods, but even in Lssthp, there are serpentfolk who serve Apophis by working against their draconic rulers in secret.

    Spoiler: 15+
    These are far from the only secretive or forbidden religions of Lssthp. The most vile and mysterious are the worshippers of the Slaadi who ruled Lssthp before the dragons came.

    "Recently, the Library came into possession of some new texts--well. Not new. Very, very ancient versions of other texts that were merely old. But new to us; different. Certain passages that had been altered or removed entirely in the Diet of Iznik. Passages dealing with relationships between the gods long hidden, and certain rituals of binding and releasing."

    The leather face of First Mate Achelous reacts, very slightly, to this by creasing further.

    Spoiler: Insight 10+, adv for Nobim
    You suspect the texts came from the Achelous family estate that was transferred to the University.

    "These texts had been kept in a private collection for millennia, and now, they are loose in the world. The Library preserves and treasures all knowledge, but some knowledge is not for all eyes. This knowledge was seen by eyes that should not have seen it. By a traitor within the Grand Library."

    "The Captain has told you our destination is the Sunhome Isles. This is not entirely accurate... I still hope we can catch up to the traitor before he reaches the volcano. I hope so very much."

    The Captain grimaces.

    Spoiler: Insight 10+, adv for Fork
    She seems to think this hope is feeble.
    Last edited by TriciaOso; 2023-12-20 at 05:57 PM.

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    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Privateers of Lssthp II [IC]

    Servius Calventius Pamphilius
    Yuan-ti Evoker
    AC: 12 / 15 (Mage Armor) HP: 22/22
    PPer: 10 PInv: 16 PIst: 10
    Conditions: --

    "Professor Siduri" (Servius falls back on old habits) "Does this traitor have a name? It sounds as though you are hinting at a goal of releasing Herself (or is it Herselves?) from her prison. That would be catastrophic! What kind of fool would seek that?"

    Does this traitor have a name and a face, and perhaps a magical signature that can be traced? Is the ship and departure date known? Is this a mission of imprisonment to face justice, or are we seeking to bring back only a head?"
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    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Default Re: Privateers of Lssthp II [IC]

    Quote Originally Posted by J-H View Post
    "Professor Siduri" (Servius falls back on old habits) "Does this traitor have a name? It sounds as though you are hinting at a goal of releasing Herself (or is it Herselves?) from her prison. That would be catastrophic! What kind of fool would seek that?"

    Does this traitor have a name and a face, and perhaps a magical signature that can be traced? Is the ship and departure date known? Is this a mission of imprisonment to face justice, or are we seeking to bring back only a head?"
    "His name is Trionyx, a young tortle monk of my order. As a child, his lifeforce became bound to an artifact of Shetyw, one of the ancient and obscure deities we study in my part of the Library. He joined us because he burned with curiosity about the god that preserved him, but despite his best efforts, it seemed only fragments remained. He has been in the unusual position of the prophet of a god whose will is a mystery... a god who may not even exist outside the shard embedded in Trionyx."

    "And now, we believe, he has become convinced that Shetyw is merely one more mask of Tiamat. All of that frustration and zeal, converted in a moment into an ambition to... well, an ambition to seek out the Sunhome, first and foremost. "

    "We cannot be entirely sure what he intends there, but what you have spoken is indeed what we fear. In any case, he has stolen the text and taken ship for the Sunhome Isles. It is a book of dark magic and the foulest heresies. No good can come of it being loose in the world. Our primary mission must be to retrieve it; what becomes of Trionyx, I'm afraid, is of secondary importance."

    Her face is grim as she says this; it seems as if she regrets it, but has no doubt.

    "As for his ship... that is another little mystery. The frigate Broad Fin was in dock while the mount recovered from injuries sustained in battle. Her crew was ashore. Yet it seems he stole it--alone--and broke out of dock. It took some time to put the two disappearances together; we are a week behind him, or a little less."
    Last edited by TriciaOso; 2023-12-21 at 01:32 AM.

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    Ttharg Krixkrux

    "Would removing the artifact kill him? Or has it become part of him entirely?" Ttharg mused for a second. "He may be a week ahead, aye, but his ship's mount be crippled, and he be just one man. He must eat and sleep like the rest o' us. We'll catch up with him." Ttharg says the last part whilst looking at the Captain, almost trying to assuage her fears. "Why not simply destroy the book, if it drives men mad?"

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    Titan in the Playground
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    "Destroy it? But then how would we learn from it? Or consider this: There could be another copy out there, somewhere. If we are ignorant of the contents, how would we know when someone else got the other copy and tried to do the same foolish thing with it? Only by knowing what we face can it be opposed properly." Servius seems offended at the idea of destroying books.
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