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    Bugbear in the Playground
    Tawmis's Avatar

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    Mar 2004

    Default Re: Need a character background written up?

    Quote Originally Posted by Jaryn View Post
    Hello, I've got two real live characters for a campaign that I will be playing alongside my other half. Would it be possible to write backgrounds for them and maybe also incorporate how they met and became friends? It's a bit town mouse and country mouse!

    Ander Blackthorn
    Race: Half-elf
    Gender: Male
    Class: Celestial warlock
    Background: Urban bounty hunter

    Personality: Always has a plan for when things go wrong; prefers to make a new friend rather than a new enemy
    Ideal: Protects those who can't protect themselves
    Bond: Someone he loved died because of a mistake he made
    Flaw: It's not stealing if he needs it more than others

    Notes: Grew up on the streets, and hardly even remembers his parents. Highly gregarious, but was caught in the wrong place at the wrong time and nearly killed. Found by his patron and attracted their attention. Somehow managed to make a pact. Spent the next few years learning magic from them, and now works as a bounty hunter going after the worst criminals when they are pointed out by his patron. Will lie, cheat and steal if infiltrating an organisation of bad guys, which can exasperate his patron, but it recognises that he is doing it for the greater good and overall they've grown quite fond of each other.

    Questions: What nearly got him killed? How/why did he attract the attention of his patron and why wasn't he simply healed and left?
    So I had totally forgot when I wrote Tana's backstory that it was supposed to tie in with this one!
    But - fear not! I was easily able to recover from my mistake by adding some fun spice to this one...
    And yet again, tying it all to the Tawmis-Verse! How does his origin help lead to meeting up with Tana? I left that part open - but left the reason they'd meet up very obvious!
    Just as before this one ties to Tolfan Folkor's story as well! But it also re-introduces a character made for Krusk Bonesmasher's backstory! What do a Half-Elf and Kobold have in common? You're about to find out!
    As always looking for feedback - what you liked, didn't like, loved, hated, what works and what didn't!
    Usually my kind doesn’t know either their mother or their father. Me? I grew up knowing neither of them and being forced to live on the streets of Waterdeep. My name is Ander Blackthorn and my life has not turned out the way I thought it would…

    As I said, I grew up on the streets of the Southern Ward of Waterdeep where the “undesirables” were shuffled off to. When you take the unwanted pieces of society and cage them all in one section; there’s no need for the poor to steal from the poor, so what happens is a foundation is built where we begin to rely on one another and form a loosely formed “family” that goes beyond blood. We cover for one another when we steal from the rich or the foolish who happen to stumble into the Southern Ward.

    I formed “The Dire Wolves” – a loosely knit group of loners like myself who helped one another with food, clothing, and basic day to day survival. Some of us found menial jobs throughout Waterdeep, such as shoveling stables, gardening, as well as cooks and cleaners for various establishments. We would bring whatever scraps we could muster for one another; feeding the children and elderly first and foremost.

    The name “The Dire Wolves” was a bit of a spin on irony. The dire portion of the name was from our dire need to survive; while the wolves was a reference to the idea of the lone wolf and the idea that we had all become a pack.

    My closest friend was a Tiefling named Tayven. He was far more reckless with his behavior than I cared for, but he was the one that has stuck with me throughout my life; the very first friend I made in Waterdeep and one of my earliest memories. Tayven believed that the poor were to be robbed from and that’s why the gods had given them money; to have it taken and learn humility.

    He’d never hurt anyone during his robberies since his Tiefling appearance could be frightening enough when he ignited his eyes and spread open his wings with his mouth lined with large fangs.

    Tayven and I used to laugh how we were both “cross-bred mutts” whose parents didn’t want either of us.

    When we were both twenty-one, we took a job protecting a caravan heading south to Dragonspear Castle to deliver weapons, rations and supplies to the guards of Dragonspear Castle who kept watch over the portals located in the castle. I had been the one to convince Tayven to accept the job with me; though Tayven thought I had every intention of seizing control of the caravan wagons to use for The Dire Wolves. I had to spend nearly an hour convincing Tayven that we were not going to rob the caravan. The caravan was headed for guards who kept the land safe. That was off limits.

    This is where things took that drastic turn I’d mentioned.

    The caravan had been traveling south, having just passed Daggerford after a few nights on the road, making its bumpy way down the Trade Way. Just as we neared the Misty Forest, orcs launched an attack from the western side of the road.

    I immediately recognized the symbols they wore – the Red Eye Orc Clan. I knew them from Grumthar in the Southern Ward. His mother had been raped by one of the Orcs and somehow managed to survive the torture she faced at their hands, including branding their symbol on her back as if she were nothing more than a breeding animal to them.

    I fumbled for my weapon but an arrow struck me in the shoulder just as I was drawing my sword (which, admittedly was more for show; I never expected to use it and was certainly not trained to use one). I fell off the wagon clutching my shoulder. Tayven saw me fall and jumped in front of me as three Red Eye Orcs jumped on the wagon. The look in their eyes was crazed beyond anything I’d ever seen; and I’ve seen some people in the Southern Ward on various spices that drugged them out of their mind. These Orcs had that look, only mixed with an insatiable blood thirst that burned in their eyes like a searing Phoenix.

    I watched as one jumped from the wagon and brought their sword cutting deep into Tayven’s shoulder. He screamed in pain as blood sprayed my face, still prone on the floor. Another orc jumped down and ran his blade through Tayven’s stomach while the third one jumped down and decapitated him. I stared in horror around me as my best friend’s body slumped to the floor. All around me the other caravan guards were dead and dying. Fear took over from there and I did what any sane person would have done, living with the shame of my actions later – I ran.

    I ran fearfully and blindly directly into the Misty Forest. Branches slapped and scratched at me, vines seemed to try to trip me up, but I never stopped running, holding up my arms to protect my face and eyes from being clawed out by the very woods that seemed to push against me.

    I finally reached a clearing and stopped dead in my tracks.

    The sensation that gripped me in the clearing was not only one of sheer, mystical power, but one of peace as well. Everything else that had just happened seemed to wash away from me. I could remember the events still; my best friend killed trying to defend me. But the sadness and the worry and the pain, all of it was gone.

    Then they came bursting into the clearing behind me. The Red Eye Orcs had pursued me into the Misty Forest. Several of them looked hesitant, but the one in front was too far crazed to feel what everyone else felt. He salivated, his eyes wide and focused solely on me. He twirled his axe playfully, which was drenched in blood.

    I wanted to run but I felt like there was nowhere safer than where I was right now.

    That’s when I saw something that I swear was not there a moment ago.

    A Unicorn. But this was no ordinary Unicorn. I’d never seen one before; few people have. But a normal Unicorn while remarkable to see was simply a magical horse with a horn on its head. There was something more to this Unicorn. The magic seeping from its body was electrical so that my hair was standing up. It was so pure I felt ashamed in its presence barely able to breathe.

    Its eyes were so blue that it defied any shade or color of blue I’d ever seen before and its mane seemed to be made of flowing strands of silver.

    The Orcs looked at each other; the idea of killing a prized Unicorn blinded them to what they were facing. As they led the charge, forgetting about me, there was a blinding flash. It took a moment to recover my senses but the Unicorn was still standing in the same spot it was before, but the six orcs who had given chase were all dead where they had been standing a moment ago.

    “Why have you brought evil into my woods?” I heard a voice in my head, echoing with such purity it sounded as if the angels were singing.

    “I apologize,” I said aloud, turning to face the Unicorn. “I had no intention of bringing this evil into your woods. I was assisting a caravan when the orcs attacked. They killed everyone; including my best friend.”

    “I sense that pain inside of you,” it whispered inside my head. “You were paid to protect a caravan and you fled?”

    “I am not a skilled swordsman,” I confessed. “I’ve lived my life below the poverty level doing what I could to get by.”

    “I sense purity of intention in your heart when I gaze into your past,” the voice said. After a brief pause, as if flipping through the pages of my soul, it added, “What if I gave you the power to make a difference?” the voice asked. “You will never have to run again.”

    “How?” I asked.

    “You have no family I can see in your past,” the Unicorn whispered in my mind. “No one will come looking for you. The Red Eye Orcs grow bolder every day and I cannot leave these woods. I need someone to keep an eye on them and destroy them when needed.”

    “Destroy them?” I shook my head frantically. “Maybe you didn’t hear me when I said I ran away and my best friend died?”

    “That’s because you, as you said so yourself, are not a skilled swordsman,” the Unicorn spoke directly into my mind. “There is magic in you, perhaps because of your mother’s side.”

    “Was she the elf blood in me?” I asked, having no memory of my mother or father.

    “No, she was human, your father was an Elf, a Wizard,” the Unicorn explained.

    “You know my parents?” I asked, puzzled.

    “I have peered into your past and know everything about you,” the Unicorn stated matter-of-factly.

    “Everything?” I asked.

    “Everything,” the Unicorn repeated.

    “Well that’s a little embarrassing,” I muttered to myself.

    “That’s the impulse from your mother’s side,” the Unicorn explained.

    I shook and cleared my head of my thoughts. “So there’s magic in me?” I stared at my fingertips. “I don’t feel any magic.”

    “Your father being a wizard, he was around it all of the time, and it’s a part of who you are. You never had the opportunity to learn it. I can be the one to teach you. Become my eyes and my weapon for the land beyond the woods.”

    I accepted the Unicorn’s offer – and with a blinding light I learned his name, Truestrike.

    The Unicorn showed me how to manipulate magic and explained that I was bound to it. Any pain I felt, Truestrike would feel as well, as a part of the connection our souls now shared. That bond also allowed me to glimpse into Truestrike’s own past and I could see that he embodied the energy and powers of the Unicorns scattered throughout the land and that he was a Celestial being, which explained the energy I felt originally.

    Truestrike sent me out after some training to take down various rising leaders of the Red Eye clan. I had effectively become a bounty hunter. It started with the Red Eye clan but expanded to bandits and even poachers.

    One day, Truestrike appeared, looking uncomfortable and for the first time, agitated. “I have a new task for you. You must find a Forest Gnome by the name of Tolfan Folkor. It would seem that he has insulted a Queen in the Feywild and her emotional anger is wreaking havoc in the Feywild and it is spilling out into the mortal plane as she continues to send Fey who are entirely too chaotic to be here. Find this Forest Gnome and bring him to me alive, so that I can take him back to the Feywild and have him face trial against Queen Eliysa Deerrunner.”

    As always tell me what you like, didn't like,
    Need a character origin written? Enjoyed what I wrote? How can you help me? Not required, but appreciated! <3

    Check out my 5e The Secret of Havenfall Manor or my character back stories over at! (If you check it out - please rate, comment, and tell others!)

    Subscribe to my D&D Channel on Youtube! (Come by and Sub)

  2. - Top - End - #332
    Pixie in the Playground

    Join Date
    Jul 2019

    Default Re: Need a character background written up?

    Quote Originally Posted by Tawmis View Post
    And now things from the dear sister's point of view...
    I think I changed all the pronouns where they needed to be changed... I might have missed some! But I think I got them all!
    As always, would love to hear any feedback!
    The Gem of the North.

    That is the title many give the city of Silverymoon. Despite the city strongly resembling the Elven City, Myth Drannor, the majority of Silverymoon’s population was human, followed by Elves, then Half-Elves, then Dwarves, and finally Halflings and Gnomes. This mixture of races in Silverymoon made it a place where people would gather for peace and discuss matters of the world.

    Another aspect for which Silverymoon was known for was its tradition of embracing magic. It had been home to many notable wizards, sorcerers and other Mages, with a very long history of Mages being the leaders of the great city.

    One of Silverymoon’s most unique and well known structures is the Moonbridge, which was an invisible bridge that connected the two sections of Silverymoon; the Northbank and Southbank, spanning above River Rauvin.

    This was my home.

    My name is Sylfel Aldaron and I am a Moon Elf who thrived on magic until one day, everything changed.

    I come from a family of four siblings, with myself, and my brother, Carmyar, whom I am the closest with. Even at a young age, I knew my brother would always be there for me. He was always stepping in for me if someone had something ill to say towards me. He possessed no fear that I could see and acted very differently than my parents. My parents, like most Elves would sit and ponder choices and the consequences of each choice for hours on end; my brother was not like that. He acted and acted quickly, which my parents frowned upon saying his behavior was “too human like.” When we were young, my brother had witness the City Guard breaking up a riot and expressed interest in joining, which my parents were against. Though the City Guard had Elves in their numbers, our parents believed that the City Guard would lead to trouble. This naturally did not stop my brother.

    I was nothing like my brother, and perhaps that is why we had connected. While my brother was brash and secure in who he was; I was timid, shy, and quiet. My brother enjoyed being outside and wrestling with friends, while I would much rather read about the local history of Silverymoon, which was quite extensive. One thing that had caught my attention reading about the long history of Silverymoon was the predominate mages who were leaders and how Silverymoon was known for its Mage Schools. This naturally got me interested in learning more about magic.

    My mother was proud of me; she’d once trained in Silverymoon as well, before giving up the life of being a Wizard. I was surprised that my own mother had once practiced magic since she never made any signs of displaying it and she never spoke of it. As I looked into the history of my family’s bloodline there had been an odd gap in the history books, missing nearly hundred years on my mother’s side for her bloodline. When I asked her about it, she shrugged it off and said that the documents that detailed that part of her family’s bloodline had been lost in a great fire that burned down the Library that held those documents. I felt like she might be holding something from me but I am not sure why my mother would lie to me.

    With her reputation as formerly being a wizard, she got me in a school held at the Darius Mage Tower, where she had once been a student a long, long, time ago.

    The teacher a female elf by the name of Hawk Windblade immediately recognized me. “You look like your mother. It’s a shame that she discontinued her learning. She had a natural ability to wield magic.”

    I discovered that understanding magic came very easily to me; as it had with my mother. I would study only once and grasp what I needed to learn and quickly excelled in the class. This unfortunately drew ire from some of my fellow classmates, one of them in particular, a human named Garithal Stonemight.

    Thankfully, my brother had been returning from applying with the City Guard when he happened to be walking by. Garithal had cornered me against a wall and yelling at me about how I am making everyone else look bad; abhorring violence I said nothing to him.

    My brother, Carmyar, however enjoyed a good fight. He stepped between us and calmly asked, “Is there a problem here?”

    “This isn’t your fight, Elf,” was Garithal’s retort.

    “On the contrary,” my brother smiled, “this is very much my fight. You see, this is my sister. And if you have a problem with her, you have a problem with me.”

    I watched as Garithal pull back his arm, ready to punch and saw my brother smile. My brother easily side stepped Garithal’s swing and gave a hard punch to the back of his elbow; not enough to break it but enough to make it so he would not be able to bend his elbow for weeks, if not a month a two.

    I let out a gasp, hearing the bone pop loudly.

    Garithal, a student wizard who couldn’t make intricate movements with his arms, was someone who wasn’t going to pass the upcoming test. My brother leaned over and said loud enough for the others who were observing to hear, “I could have sundered your elbow into a thousand pieces with that punch, had I wanted to. This is the first and only lesson I am giving you,” He shot a cold, cruel, sneering look at the others who had been observing Garithal and not stepping up to stop him, “and all of you. If one of you so much as ever threatens my sister again, I will not be so forgiving. I will not ask for confirmation as I know all of you speak Common.”

    He stood and grabbed my hand and we slowly left the scene, leaving them in stunned silence.

    Not surprisingly, Garithal was not at the next few classroom sessions and wisely had not reported what happened to his arm to his parents. He had brushed it off as falling down the stairs at the Darius Mage Tower and banging it against the wall.

    For the final test, we were asked to cast spells – each more intricate than the last, earning more points the more difficult the spell. The moment we did not pull off the spell correctly, that’s where our points ended.

    Most of the students had played it safe, keeping to lower level spells, such as Magic Missile and a few others. I could feel the magic coursing in my body. I went from Magic Missile; to Disguise Self; to Invisibility (which no one had tried), then to Fireball.

    I heard Nafar Bubbletoes behind me, “She’s going for a powerful spell… we haven’t even learned that one in the class yet… what is she doing?”

    That’s when something went wrong.

    As I began weaving the spell for Fireball, my entire body began to burn.

    It became hard to breathe. Sweat began pouring down from my forehead.

    The flames; they were in my eyes… my heart… my soul…

    Then there was an intense white flash and heat.

    A deafening explosion.

    When it was done, I stood in the center of the Darius Mage Training Hall, covered in ash and rubble all around me. I glanced around and the explosion’s center was around me.

    I looked and heard several of my fellow students coughing. I heard Hawk calling out for people.

    What had I done?

    How had this happened?

    A surge of panic filled my soul as I immediately ran up the shattered remains of the stone stairs and forcibly crawled my way out of the rubble. The entire Darius Mage Tower had come crumbling down. Crowds were gathering, people were trying to put out the fire, people were moving the rubble, screaming for survivors; I could hear the City Guard’s alarm and the descending Mages all around me casting spells to try to control the fire and begin using magic to remove the rubble.

    I panicked and began running with no real idea where I was going … Where I would go. Away. Far, far away.

    Then a familiar voice called out. “Sylfel! Stop!”

    My brother – Carmyar! I turned, my eyes brimming with tears.

    He ran up to me and hugged me, thankful I was alive. He pulled back and wiped away the ash on my face. “What happened back there?”

    “I was just practicing a simple fireball spell, when suddenly my whole body felt like it was on fire,” I cried, “and I lost control.” I wept madly. “I can feel it in me… there’s so much magic… but I can’t seem to grasp it… control it… It’s surging in me like an emotional storm.”

    I looked at me, pleading. “They will come for me. They will arrest me.” I pointed at the City Guard crest I wore.

    “No,” he said, shaking his head. “I have always been there to protect you. Tonight is no different. We must get out through the front gates now, before information about what happened makes it to the City Guard. We will leave tonight and make a new life for each other.”

    “What of the family,” I had started to ask.

    “Stop,” he placed his finger on my lips. “It’s always been you and I. It always will be. Now come.”

    In the chaos of the night, we managed to avoid the City Guard patrols, because he knew their patterns, and escaped out a secret passage near the front gate, that the City Guard would use to leave the city and attack those who would rush the front gates from behind.

    Tonight, our lives would be changed forever.

    But one thing will never change. My brother will always be here for me.
    Wow!! Sorry it has taken me so long to respond, life got really busy this week. I love the ambition written into Sylfel's personality. It's awesome! And the connection with her brother like his was dead on with their connection.

  3. - Top - End - #333
    Pixie in the Playground

    Join Date
    Jul 2019

    Default Re: Need a character background written up?

    Quote Originally Posted by Tawmis View Post
    Being familiar with all of the content, I was easily able to write this.
    Vin immediately presented his voice to me as he introduced me to his parents (namely his father).
    And how and why he was so hungry for magic... and then along comes a pretty face and complicates things.
    As always, I love leaving strings for DM's to potentially tug on...
    And Bar'garius makes an appearance (and the notes are a reference to other "Tawmis-Verse" background stories that have been written)...
    As always, please give feedback - I love it all (good or bad!)
    Nothing worth having comes easy.

    It’s something my mother has always said and my father, Donn Bodusk, one of the most reputable wizards in the city of Marsember, reminded me by repeating his stories of endless hours of studying magic to understand how it works.

    “One never controls magic,” he would say. “One simply learns to channel it. Just like one does not control the wind, but can create wind mills to help channel it and use its energy.”

    My father loved his similes. “Channeling magic is all in how you move your hands; your fingers are like little ballerina dancers whose delicate movements are beautiful and deliver a powerful performance.”

    Another one of his favorite sayings was, “Practice does not make perfect. Only the foolish believe we can ever achieve perfection. You must always be willing to learn and push yourself to the next level. You never stop practicing. The moment you do, you have failed.”

    I was expected to not only follow in my father’s steps, but as he suggested with going beyond, I was expected to surpass him. At family gatherings, or even political ones, he would speak of me as if I was already some powerful wizard, when in truth I was barely a student. When I was asked by family and guests to show off some of my “power” my father always said, “Magic is not for tricks and shows. Magic is an art that is not to be trifled with.”

    That was about the only thing I was ever thankful for my father saying.

    In hopes of surpassing my father, he had sent me to Suzail, the capital of Cormyr to study in the Dragon Mage Tower, one of the most prestigious Wizard colleges. It was there I had met a beautiful Elf maiden by the name Áilleacht, though most simply called her “Ally.” She had the most beautiful green eyes I’d ever seen. It reminded me of the endless vibrant trees of the King’s Forest, and her hair, a soft, strawberry blond that tended to remind me of how the Sunset Mountains would capture the setting sun and send its orange, warm rays across the land.

    “Hi,” she extended her hand, “My name is Áilleacht, but everyone calls me Ally.”

    I put my hand in hers and simply got lost staring into her eyes before I realized I’d been awkwardly staring at her for over a minute, still shaking her hand, and still having not introduced myself to her, “Vin,” I finally managed to rush the name from my lips. I cleared my throat and said a little more calmly as I took my hand back as inconspicuously as I could, “Vin Bodusk.”

    “Bodusk,” she smiled. “You’re not related to Donn Bodusk by chance?” Her eyes fluttered, like butterfly wings.

    “I am,” I sighed.

    “Why do you look disappointed that I recognized your name?” Ally asked, as she leaned forward with a broad smile that reminded me of the Tun River.

    I blinked and cursed my father for the endless years of similes that my brain was now programmed to think in.

    I cleared my throat again, something I kept doing around her. “It’s just everyone knows who my father is. And he wants me to be like him, only better.”

    “That’s quite a reputation to try and live up to,” she nodded, playfully curling her hair.

    “I don’t suppose you have some famous wizardly father or mother you’re trying to live up to,” I laughed.

    “No,” she admitted, “I just wanted to get away from my house. Things were… never stable there. I needed out to get away from the toxicity of my home. “

    “Where are you from, if I might ask?”

    “Mistwood,” she replied, matter-of-factly.

    Áilleacht proved to be a wonderful distraction; but her hunger to learn how to channel magic had fed my own desire. It was no longer about ensuring I could impress my father and became more about spending time with Áilleacht, learning magic with her, and impressing her.

    One night, during one of our studies, she looked at me, more seriously than she had ever before. “I found out that in the Great Library there is a Forbidden section. Apparently there are ancient tomes of magic there that detail how to unlock great power. You wouldn’t be interested in going with me and breaking in to look at them would you?”

    “Break in?” I was taken aback. “Can’t we just go when the Great Library is open?”

    “The Forbidden section is only available to Masters of the Order,” she explained. “It’s amazing,” she winked at me, “what my Elven hearing can pick up in a very, very quiet library. So, what about it, Son of Donn Bodusk?”

    She had mentioned my father’s name intentionally to pressure me. “Fine,” I said frowning.

    She had multiple skills. That became very clear once I saw how easily she’d scaled the wall (then helped me over), then managed to pick the lock on the Great Library’s window. “You seem to be a natural at this,” I commented as we climbed through the window.

    “You could say I’ve had some practice,” she admitted.

    “Is that why your home life was unstable?” I whispered.

    “Do you really want to discuss this right now?” she looked at me and smiled.

    I wished I was blind so I wouldn’t be so susceptible to her.

    We moved quietly through the Great Library, avoiding the Eye Sphere that the Wizards employed when they were not present. When we reached the doors to the Forbidden section she reached into her belt and pulled out a thieves pick.

    “What are you really after?” I hissed. “Is there some book you want to steal? Was I just a pawn in this whole thing?” I was both worried about getting caught and a little furious that she’d held back on me when I felt like I was a gushing river of information to her.

    “I just want to learn magic, just like you,” she swore.

    Inside there’d been a shelf where it looks like newly acquired books had been placed. One of the books that looked newly acquired had no dust. A note on it read, “Look for the Amakiir girl. Also a woman who calls herself the Widow of Night. Bar’garius may have escaped to Kaladesh.”

    Áilleacht picked up the book and instantly we both heard, “Go on. Open it. Read it.”

    “This is a bad idea,” I whispered.

    Áilleacht smiled. “We will be fine.”

    Opening the book caused a great smoke to appear, and from within, a thing I could only describe as some kind of horned devil appeared. “Ah,” it seemed to sigh in relief. “I was hoping someone would open the book. I grew tired of Kaladesh. Now, looking at two fine people such as yourselves, let me guess – you want to become powerful in the ways of magic?”

    “Yes,” Áilleacht replied before I could say anything.

    The demon smiled, “Each of you wishes the same thing. To show your parents you can be something. Become a weapon or me, the mighty Bar’garius, and that power is yours. Áilleacht, you will be able to impress your mother, now that your father has perished that you can protect her. Vin, your father will be impressed as you surpass him in power. Simply make this pact with me and it will be complete.”

    When Áilleacht agreed I found myself agreeing as well, though I knew in my heart this was not right. In the following days, magic seemed to pour out of our veins; and both our fellow students as well as our mentors were impressed by the spike in magical management both Áilleacht and I had acquired.”

    At the celebration of our graduation as students, my father approached me and hugged me tightly. “You are the young seed that has grown roots and whose branches have reached out further than any other! I am so proud of you, son!”

    I clenched my teeth. It was gut wrenching.

    That night I returned to the Great Library, using the same method I had used with Áilleacht, months ago. I was going to go speak with this demon and undo everything that I’ve been given and discovered Áilleacht was there also. Was she doing the same?

    “I thank you for the power,” I heard her say.

    “Ally,” I called out, which startled her. “What are you doing? We have to undo this. Give back this ‘gift’ we’ve been given. We have to send him back. I’ve been studying since we got these powers – and I know how to send him back but it will break us free of these powers!”

    Áilleacht shook her head as Bar’garius, the demon who had bestowed these powers on us smiled. She frowned. “I can’t let you do that, Vin.”

    “What do you mean?” I asked.

    Áilleacht grabbed the book and Bar’garius vanished, his smoke returning to the book. “I need him to finish something. I need this power to get my revenge. I won’t let you take that from me.”

    She put the bag in her backpack and fled. I could have stopped her. She knows I could have stopped her. But she also knew my emotions were too strongly attached. Despite her having hidden so much from me, I felt close to her. I heaved a deep sigh.

    The next morning I confessed what Áilleacht and I had done, and that’s how we had become so powerful. I brought so much shame upon my family, I couldn’t even bare the idea of returning home and seeing the look of disappointment on my father’s face. The Mage’s Guild was furious at what we had done and that a powerful demon was back in the world thanks to us. They threatened to have me exiled to another plane as punishment, but forgave me for my youth and simply expelled me.

    Now I would need to re-earn my father’s trust and honor

    All I could think of was finding Áilleacht and hearing my father’s words repeatedly in my head, “Nothing worth having comes easy.”
    Awesome, I really love Vin's history, it's rich and really tugs on his connection to his family. I love Ally's personality, and her connection with Vin as they both find that darkness. It definitely provides two reoccuring antagonists in Vin's life. It's great.

    Quote Originally Posted by Tawmis View Post
    This was another fun one to write. Being a Drow character, I took the opportunity to tie it into this and this origin that I had previously written; further touching upon and expanding on the "Tawmis-Verse" that continues to grow in this thread.

    The character immediately spoke to me; and I left some DM strings to tug on, if this character is used.

    As always, I'd love to hear ANY feedback you have (whether it be good or bad!)

    In the meantime, enjoy!
    ================================================== =======
    The glass shattered and fell on the floor.

    “You’re awake,” a voice said. As I turned my head, still barely able to stand, a shadowed figure stepped out of the darkness. “I was fearful that Sureena Pyre’sin lieutenant named Mí-úsáid had indeed gotten the best out of you.”

    “Who are you,” I growled, attempting to sound threatening, but truth be told, could barely maintain my balance.

    “My name is Scáth Rith,” the male drow elf replied.

    I tried to recall what my name was to formerly introduce myself while I bought myself to recover from whatever was making my head sway. I stared at Scáth, puzzled. “Why can’t I remember my name?”

    “Mí-úsáid beat you pretty badly,” Scáth replied, “she threw you down in the pit for Hook Horrors to feed on you.”

    Scáth was a Drow, like me. That much was clear. I can remember what Hook Horrors are; aberrations that stood nine feet tall and weighed over three hundred pounds. Their front limbs ended in twelve inch-long razor-sharp, blade-like hooks, for which they got their name.

    “Why did this Mí-úsáid beat me then throw me down the Horror Pit?” I asked, piece of my past like whispering shadows in the back of my mind. Struggling, I knelt down and began to pick up the glass I had knocked over when I had suddenly sat up. Holding the pieces of the shattered vase I realized that the vase was a symbol of my memory. Fractured and destroyed. Piecing it all back together would be impossible and it would never be the same again.

    “If it helps,” Scáth replied, setting his hand on mine, “your name is Maya Talael. You were a part of Sureena’s battalion. When a Drow slave named Draz’ture Tal’shore had tried to escape with a human female whom he had impregnated. You were one of the four who failed to stop the woman from escaping. Sureena gave pursuit up the chamber, but never returned. Mí-úsáid, who is blindly loyal to Sureena, took all of you in her battalion and punished you all.”

    Sureena. The battalion.

    “Lolth,” I managed to whisper seeing my dented armor leaning against the wall, the symbol of the Spider Queen on the front. “We served Lolth.”

    “Correct,” Scáth grabbed a cup of tea and handed it to me.

    “So if I was thrown into the Horror Pit, how did I end up here?” I asked taking the cup and sipping on it.

    “My,” he paused to think of the right word, “organization knows when people are destined for the Horror Pit. And when someone is scheduled to be thrown down the Horror Pit that could prove useful, we poison the Hook Horrors and make them sluggish, so that we can get in there and rescue the doomed soul.”

    “So you find me useful,” I asked eyeing Scáth.

    “I’ve seen you fight,” Scáth confessed openly. “You move like a cat. Unlike Sureena and Mí-úsáid, you used whatever advantage you had at your disposal to win a fight. You were not bound by this ‘sense of honor’ that they felt. I could tell you never truly believed ‘in the cause.’ And truth be told,” he added, “I,” then paused, and amended; “we need more people like you.”

    “What is this ‘organization’ that you speak of,” I asked.

    “It’s called The Saoirse,” he explained. “We may be Drow, but those who are a part of the Saoirse believe that Lolth is deceiving us. She is using us as tools for a greater game for her own cause but will immediately discard us once she’s reached her end goal. We are trying to find those of like mind to join our rebellion.”

    “Does this ‘rebellion’ have a specialty,” I asked, sensing more to what Scáth was sharing.

    “We … acquire information,” Scáth confessed. “If we happen to acquire anything else along the way, then so be it.”

    “So then what use do you have for me? I am no thief,” I said, finishing my cup of tea and setting it down.

    “You’re more than that,” Scáth replied, “or you can be. With your skill and grace, you can be trained to be something more than just a mercenary or a fighter.”

    “Like what?” I asked.

    “Sometimes, removing someone from a seat in an office can be just what we need,” Scáth smiled.

    “You want me to be an assassin?” I had nearly laughed, if not for the spinning sensation still tickling the back of my mind.

    “I’ve seen you fight,” he repeated, “and your grace… Remove the armor from you and you will truly be someone to be fear. The armor protected you against the enemy but it also stopped you from reaching your true potential. The Saoirse will train you to be what you were destined to be.”

    “And who is it you would have me kill?” I asked.

    “A revered priestess of Lolth named Sagart,” Scáth explained, pausing only for a moment to explain, “She is my sister.”

    I raised an eyebrow. I had not expected that. “This Sagart is your sister?”

    “Yes,” he replied solemnly. “As the High Priestess she picks who gets to ascend to Lolth’s honor. Those who ascend are given a test by Lolth herself. One of the people she picked, hoping to bring greater honor to our family was my younger brother. He failed. He was cast back down to the Mortal Realm from Lolth’s domain as one of the cursed Driders. I found him on the outskirts of Rúnda, where we live, and he was … no longer there mentally. Driven mad by what he’d become. He doesn’t even recognize me anymore. I’ve since chained him like a feral animal and go by to feed him so that he does not wander around the Underdark and get him killed. I want my sister killed for what she’s done.”

    I felt like there might be more to this, but I agreed on the account that Scáth had saved my life.

    “Here,” he said, handing me documentation. “I’ve created a new identity for you. You will go by Lorelei Darova. Avoid the battalion and you should be fine. Are you ready for some training?”

    I noticed that I was feeling better after drinking the tea; and the thought crossed my mind that perhaps Scáth had poisoned me and fed me lies and that the cure to the toxin was in the tea itself, so that he could sway me.

    I would accept his proposition to be trained as an assassin; and wondered if I would be coming after him if I learned the truth.
    I really love the DM strings that can be pulled with Maya's back story. She originally wasn't intended for a primary underdark campaign, but I should ha e specified, but this works better because of the potential tie-ins with how the assassination attempt goes, and if she does learn the rest of the story. Its way better than I originally hoped!

    Edit: fixed 1st spoiler
    Last edited by AH0098; 2019-08-10 at 09:24 AM.

  4. - Top - End - #334
    Pixie in the Playground

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    Default Re: Need a character background written up?

    Two more as usual good sir. I hope work becomes less busy, not because of your writing schedule of course. Because life usually isn't awesome when work is extremely busy.


    Name: Dandir Truesword
    Race: Half-Orc
    Gender: Male
    Class: Fighter - Cavalier
    Background: Knight of the Order
    Personality: I will honor my house and my country. I understand that most people distrust me because of my appearance, but I will prove them wrong. My heritage brings destruction, but I am above that and a man of honor.
    Ideals: Life is only worth living through honor and living a life worth respecting. Never judge a book by its cover, appearances are always deceiving. The weak deserve to be protected as long as they are good folk. It's the responsibility of the Noble class to protect those less fortunate.
    Bonds: I owe my life to my adoptive mother and family. My siblings accepted me when they didn't have to.
    Flaws: He is blind to racial prejudice, and is willing to trust anyone
    Notes: He is adventuring on behalf of his family. He was raised in a Noble house of Cormyr, and wishes to join the Purple Dragon Knights, but he still faces the prejudice associated with half of his blood. He doesn’t know his parents and doesn’t care, owing a stronger bond to his adoptive family.


    Name: Aithe Darante
    Race: Human (Variant)
    Gender: Female
    Class: Cleric
    Background: Port Noble
    Personality: I wish to understand the Arcane, it is such a huge part of my nation’s life. I am utterly serene, even in the face of disaster. I am always calm, no matter what the situation. I never raise my voice or let my emotions control me.
    Ideals: Mystra holds the weave together, and the weave holds the world together so both are equally as important as the Toril. Destiny. Nothing and no one can steer me away from my higher calling. Greater Good. My gifts are meant to be shared with all, not used for my own benefit.
    Bonds: Mystra's will is my life, she chose me to not Master the Art, but blessed my soul with the Art and the Power. Mystra’s calling has made me leave my nation since it came back to Toril, I don’t know where my destiny will take me.
    Flaws: Shy in public and doe
    Notes: Feat: Magic Initiate (Druid). She is adventuring away from her home nation because of what she thinks is a vision from Mystra, not sure if it’s a real vision or not.

    I hope you have some fun with them. I assume you've enjoyed writing the histories for the characters I've presented.

  5. - Top - End - #335
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: Need a character background written up?

    Quote Originally Posted by AH0098 View Post
    Wow!! Sorry it has taken me so long to respond, life got really busy this week. I love the ambition written into Sylfel's personality. It's awesome! And the connection with her brother like his was dead on with their connection.
    If anyone understands life (or work!) being busy, good sir, I do! Rest assured, no need to apologize! I always hope that people see what I've tried to do for them, but if it takes them weeks to get to it, so be it!

    Sylfel was very fun to write; especially since I had written her brother's background character. I thought it'd be fun to keep them both very similar to how it's being told, but just flipping the perspective between the two characters!

    Quote Originally Posted by AH0098 View Post
    Awesome, I really love Vin's history, it's rich and really tugs on his connection to his family. I love Ally's personality, and her connection with Vin as they both find that darkness. It definitely provides two reoccuring antagonists in Vin's life. It's great.

    I really love the DM strings that can be pulled with Maya's back story. She originally wasn't intended for a primary underdark campaign, but I should ha e specified, but this works better because of the potential tie-ins with how the assassination attempt goes, and if she does learn the rest of the story. Its way better than I originally hoped!
    Vin was fun to write because I imagined him trying to live up to this amazing reputation his father had, and doing anything to do it... or thinking he'd do anything to do it. And leaving that door open for the DM to decide what becomes of Ally...!

    And Maya was great fun to write as well - I leave it open to the player and the DM - was she being lied to? Had he poisoned her and offered the cure in the tea? Or was she really still recovering from a head wound that rattled her brain? Plenty of strings to tug at!

    Quote Originally Posted by AH0098 View Post
    Two more as usual good sir. I hope work becomes less busy, not because of your writing schedule of course. Because life usually isn't awesome when work is extremely busy.


    Name: Dandir Truesword
    Race: Half-Orc
    Gender: Male
    Class: Fighter - Cavalier
    Background: Knight of the Order
    Personality: I will honor my house and my country. I understand that most people distrust me because of my appearance, but I will prove them wrong. My heritage brings destruction, but I am above that and a man of honor.
    Ideals: Life is only worth living through honor and living a life worth respecting. Never judge a book by its cover, appearances are always deceiving. The weak deserve to be protected as long as they are good folk. It's the responsibility of the Noble class to protect those less fortunate.
    Bonds: I owe my life to my adoptive mother and family. My siblings accepted me when they didn't have to.
    Flaws: He is blind to racial prejudice, and is willing to trust anyone
    Notes: He is adventuring on behalf of his family. He was raised in a Noble house of Cormyr, and wishes to join the Purple Dragon Knights, but he still faces the prejudice associated with half of his blood. He doesn’t know his parents and doesn’t care, owing a stronger bond to his adoptive family.


    Name: Aithe Darante
    Race: Human (Variant)
    Gender: Female
    Class: Cleric
    Background: Port Noble
    Personality: I wish to understand the Arcane, it is such a huge part of my nation’s life. I am utterly serene, even in the face of disaster. I am always calm, no matter what the situation. I never raise my voice or let my emotions control me.
    Ideals: Mystra holds the weave together, and the weave holds the world together so both are equally as important as the Toril. Destiny. Nothing and no one can steer me away from my higher calling. Greater Good. My gifts are meant to be shared with all, not used for my own benefit.
    Bonds: Mystra's will is my life, she chose me to not Master the Art, but blessed my soul with the Art and the Power. Mystra’s calling has made me leave my nation since it came back to Toril, I don’t know where my destiny will take me.
    Flaws: Shy in public and doe
    Notes: Feat: Magic Initiate (Druid). She is adventuring away from her home nation because of what she thinks is a vision from Mystra, not sure if it’s a real vision or not.

    I hope you have some fun with them. I assume you've enjoyed writing the histories for the characters I've presented.
    Consider them added, and yes! I love writing these! Each is different so each is a challenge!
    Need a character origin written? Enjoyed what I wrote? How can you help me? Not required, but appreciated! <3

    Check out my 5e The Secret of Havenfall Manor or my character back stories over at! (If you check it out - please rate, comment, and tell others!)

    Subscribe to my D&D Channel on Youtube! (Come by and Sub)

  6. - Top - End - #336
    Pixie in the Playground

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    Default Re: Need a character background written up?

    What an excellent idea and exercise to write backstories for random people :D Just to see what you would get out of my one-shot character I registered here (even though, I have been a long-time lurker).

    Wollhelm Woolfgangson

    Race: Minotaurus except he isn’t. He is not half-man, half-bull but rather half-man, half-ram.

    Class: Warlock – Hexblade – Pact of the Chain

    Characteristics and rough outline: with 7’ and a massiv build, Wollhelm looks impressive, almost intimidating with his wool covered shoulders, the massive horns (one is covered in rings, spikes and chains) and the scar-rich skin. Nevertheless, his calm, thoughtful and protective manner kind of gives the impression like he had too much weed (being a sheep and all). His protection of the weak and his friends is a strong behaviour and might result in unhealthy decisions.
    I have not yet had a full image of the Hexblade’s origin but it would look like a shepherd’s crook with a massive steel head. Furthermore, his Pact familiar is a dog with wings. The improved, but smaller German Shepherd. You probably get the picture of my twisted Shephard-Idea.
    I kinda perceived him as a failed(?) wizard experiment to explain his non-bull-ishness as a Minotaurus. But feel free to think of something else :)
    Looking forward to your story.
    Last edited by OfficialGott; 2019-08-10 at 02:05 PM.

  7. - Top - End - #337
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: Need a character background written up?

    Quote Originally Posted by OfficialGott View Post
    What an excellent idea and exercise to write backstories for random people :D Just to see what you would get out of my one-shot character I registered here (even though, I have been a long-time lurker).

    Wollhelm Woolfgangson

    Race: Minotaurus except he isn’t. He is not half-man, half-bull but rather half-man, half-ram.

    Class: Warlock – Hexblade – Pact of the Chain

    Characteristics and rough outline: with 7’ and a massiv build, Wollhelm looks impressive, almost intimidating with his wool covered shoulders, the massive horns (one is covered in rings, spikes and chains) and the scar-rich skin. Nevertheless, his calm, thoughtful and protective manner kind of gives the impression like he had too much weed (being a sheep and all). His protection of the weak and his friends is a strong behaviour and might result in unhealthy decisions.
    I have not yet had a full image of the Hexblade’s origin but it would look like a shepherd’s crook with a massive steel head. Furthermore, his Pact familiar is a dog with wings. The improved, but smaller German Shepherd. You probably get the picture of my twisted Shephard-Idea.
    I kinda perceived him as a failed(?) wizard experiment to explain his non-bull-ishness as a Minotaurus. But feel free to think of something else :)
    Looking forward to your story.
    Consider it added to the list! :)
    Need a character origin written? Enjoyed what I wrote? How can you help me? Not required, but appreciated! <3

    Check out my 5e The Secret of Havenfall Manor or my character back stories over at! (If you check it out - please rate, comment, and tell others!)

    Subscribe to my D&D Channel on Youtube! (Come by and Sub)

  8. - Top - End - #338
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Need a character background written up?

    Quote Originally Posted by Tawmis View Post
    I enjoyed writing this... Like I said previously about the Feywild, I have never DMed or played in a game that's touched the Feywild or Shadowfell...
    So it was enjoyable to take a walk through the Shadowfell in these backgrounds, since I've touched the Feywild in previous ones...
    I did what I've been doing lately and tied your background to an existing one I did before...
    But they operate independently, very easily, obviously! I have been enjoying tying backgrounds together to make it all seem like one world where all of these backgrounds are happening.
    It's like an extra challenge for me; especially when it provides a reason for a character to do something!
    That said, please let me know if I did all right! Give me ANY feedback - good or bad - it all helps me!
    ================================================== ========
    Childhood is an interesting thing. It’s a time of innocence and discovery, of love and laughter. My mother loved me endlessly, but there were nights, I could hear her speaking to my father, about being concerned about the “unwanted attention my bloodline” might bring upon them.

    I always felt different than the other children in our village.

    But the age of ten I finally began to understand why I felt different – and the concerns my mother had voiced. I began glowing one night during an energetic game of Karikus and when I had jumped for the ball my feet took off the ground and I began to glide across the crowd. The other kids immediately became frightened as did their parents.

    It wasn’t long after that things got uncomfortable for my parents and they had decided to pack up and leave. Two nights of being on the road, my father saw, what appeared to be some Elves tending to an injured deer. Bringing the wagon to a halt, my father stepped off of the wagon and in that moment learned that these were not normal elves.

    As they stood, their skin was grey and colorless and they had no pupils in their eyes. They ran their sword through my father and put an arrow through my mother’s back as she reached back to try to tell me to run. That’s when they approached the wagon and spoke in a language I’d never heard of before and threw a magical net over me that instantly made me feel as if my life had been drained from me.

    When I woke up, everything felt different. The world was bleak, grey and colorless; there were only shades of grey. For weeks, months, I couldn’t tell how long to be honest, with no sun in sight, I was beat and abused. By the age of sixteen I was bought sold and traded too many times to count, and found myself thrown into a Gladiator ring, where I was trained through brute force, how to use crossbow by one of the Shadar-kai, the people who murdered my mother and father.

    There was no room for emotion here. You could not be upset or be happy. You simply existed and accepted that tonight might be your final night. The amount of abuse I suffered at the hands of the Shadar-kai had broken any hope I had in me.

    Because I was a female Aasimir they assumed I could not fight, so they focused on teaching me how to use a crossbow so that I could be a marksman from a distance. I learned to channel the magic that was in my veins – I wondered, as I discovered this new ability in me – is that the bloodline that my mother feared? I had thought, once I learned I was an Aasimir that that had been what she had meant… but this magic in me that coursed through my veins… it came from somewhere else. It was ancient, but certainly not angelic.

    The life of a Gladiator was typically a short one. It simply took a bad day, one small mistake, and your “career” was over – resulting in death. Somehow, I had thrived as a Gladiator, bringing great attention and reward to my Shadar-kai master, Kayjun’tar.

    After what I assume to roughly be a year of this, Kayjun’tar told me that I had one final fight left. He had earned so much money and attention that he no longer needed me, and that if I could win this final fight, it would mean my freedom.

    What Kayjun’tar did not tell me was that the people I would be fighting in the ring would all be against me, and I would have no one on my side. The odds were stacked against me and I realized, what he had meant by “earning my freedom” was not intended as to go free but to meet an honorable death.

    When the combat had started, the other five were slowly approaching me. They knew that my advantage was distance since I focused primary in the other gladiator combat tournaments using a crossbow. What some of them did not know was the magic that coursed in my veins that seemed to be surging stronger than ever before. I closed my eyes and smiled. When my eyes flew open again they burned with white light and wings sprouted from my back made of light and energy.

    Light. Something that was not common in the Shadowfell and it surprised the attackers as much as it had the onlookers or even my keeper, Kayjun’tar. Gliding into the air, I unleashed a bolt of black magic that struck two of my opponents down. Two well placed crossbow bolts to the eyes of two others dropped them down. As I slowly landed back on the ground, the one in the middle, flanked by four of his dead comrades stared at me. With murderous intent he charged forward and I waited for the last minute to step aside as he thrust his sword carelessly forward and with the full might of my strength brought my fist directly into his throat using his own momentum to crush it so that he collapsed to the ground and died a slow and painful death.

    The crowd was stunned in silence.

    The gate opened and I expected another army of gladiators to rush into the ring, more prepared than the last, to put an end to me. Instead, a woman adorned in black armor with a red raven on his chest entered the gladiator ring.

    I immediately dropped to one knee, as I recognized her immediately as Teenar Un’thrull, the High Cleric of the Raven Queen. She, like the others, was one of the Shadar-kai. She came to stand in front of me, and her hollow voice whispered, “Rise, Aasimir.”

    I left my crossbow on the ground and rose to my feet. “You slayed five of the Raven Queen’s men,” she said, her voice void of any emotion. “You were supposed to die tonight, Aasimir. You bring great shame to Kayjun’tar, your master.”

    An odd silence hung between us for several minutes before she finally said, “The Raven Queen is pleased with your performance tonight. Come child, kiss the lips of the Raven Queen’s Chosen, and know her gift.”

    Oddly, I placed my lips to Teenar’s on mine and felt a sting in my mouth. I stepped back shocked, expected that I had been poisoned. Instead I felt more energy and magic coursing through me. “The Raven Queen has a mission for you, Shir Ko'ev. It would seem an ancient weapon from an old enemy of the Raven Queen has resurfaced. The Raven Queen seeks to get it before it falls into the hands of her enemy once again. Nev Van’shir, an ancient vampire turned by Strahd Von Zarovich was given a blade called Bloodthirst, which allows Strahd to constantly be fed, so long as the blade tastes blood. The Raven Queen would like this weapon, so that we can reverse its magic, and see if there might be a way to killed Strahd. Several wizards will be escorting you back to the Prime Material Plane. Find this dagger and call upon us when the blade has been recovered…”
    I needed to change the last paragraph to this as Strahd made no sense in the campaign.

    I marked the change.

    Oddly, I placed my lips to Teenar’s on mine and felt a sting in my mouth. I stepped back shocked, expected that I had been poisoned. Instead I felt more energy and magic coursing through me. “The Raven Queen has a mission for you, Shir Ko'ev. It would seem an ancient weapon from an old enemy of the Raven Queen has resurfaced. The Raven Queen seeks to get it before it falls into the hands of her enemy once again. A golden adamantine great blade called Daiklave of Conquest. An ancient artifact made out of the idea of the burning hate, an aspect of Pelor the sun god. The Raven Queen would like this weapon, so that we can reverse its magic, and see if there might be a way to use it evil consuming nature to benefit the in the fight against Orcus. Several wizards will be escorting you back to the Prime Material Plane. Find this great blade and call upon us when the blade has been recovered…”.
    Last edited by BloodSnake'sCha; 2019-08-11 at 05:09 AM.

  9. - Top - End - #339
    Pixie in the Playground

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    Default Re: Need a character background written up?

    Alright... well, when it comes to Willow, it's not too high fantasy for the setting - it's definitely a good read - but it is a bit too heroic, too epic. These are NPCs, after all; this story threatens to eclipse the players'. I might ask you to reduce the scope, not make it so world-shattering. I do like this story, but it's not what I was looking for. However, something like this has happened in-world, on a more micro-scale.

    There is a group that preceded the current players (though larger than the Four, there's a reason for that) - that is called the Seven Stars. The Stars were founded over twenty years ago and disbanded when a mission into the Feywild went horribly wrong - one of their members didn't come back out. If we replace the Spirit Fountain/Rainbow bridge with something less important than the literal Fey Reincarnation Place, the Order of Life and Light with the Seven Stars, and this lich with perhaps a less intelligent, though still deadly, threat that will drastically affect the surrounding area, if nothing else, then it could work. It would also give me a good trigger point for Willow to start remembering things; if she ever meets one of the six surviving members of the Stars, which is very likely, given that one of them is their recruitable ranger, one of them is the father of one and one of them is the mother of another (though this is a secret to most).
    Spoiler: The Seven Stars
    I don't know if you need this, but if you need to know their details for the rewrite, they are;

    1. Endithas Duren, the gnome ranger. Mid-teens at that point, even though he was about 30.

    2. Orion Nailo, a high elf and draconic sorcerer, the leader of the group. He is the one who 'died' - though I reckon he's been magically sealed or somesuch. Elves are ambiguous in age.

    3. Natasha Saggitae, a human fighter, blacksmith's daughter. She and Orion are the parents of one of my players (she is largely unaware of the story of the Seven Stars, and believes both her parents are dead). Back then would've been late teens/early 20s.

    4. Rimshade McHerald, a human rogue. A past rival for Natasha's affection. He is godfather to their daughter, though the said daughter wasn't born at the point this happened. Late teens/early 20s.

    5. June, tiefling cleric. Rimshade eventually 'settled' for her, though in reality, he loves her dearly (she suffers from Second Choice Syndrome, as I call it). At that point, they would've been together, and their son newly born. Late teens/early 20s

    6. Orchid Evenwood, a noble barbarian (literally; noble background). Orchid was Natasha's best friend, though they have since drifted apart, in opposing roles to the ones they were born into - Natasha now serves the crown as a knight, Orchid is the second-in-command for the Blackthorn Mercenaries. Late teens/early 20s

    7. Calming Skies of the Keen-Eyes Clan, a tabaxi of no particular battle prowess (though might change him to a bard?). He's a lawyer by trade, father of another one of my players, and was essentially their agent, negotiated jobs for them and things like that. Early/mid/late 20s.

    As for Fiona, that one works quite nicely. I might reduce the length of her time with Suiamhneas, but this is a good catalyst for her to start changing.

  10. - Top - End - #340
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: Need a character background written up?

    Quote Originally Posted by BloodSnake'sCha View Post
    I needed to change the last paragraph to this as Strahd made no sense in the campaign.
    I marked the change.
    Oddly, I placed my lips to Teenar’s on mine and felt a sting in my mouth. I stepped back shocked, expected that I had been poisoned. Instead I felt more energy and magic coursing through me. “The Raven Queen has a mission for you, Shir Ko'ev. It would seem an ancient weapon from an old enemy of the Raven Queen has resurfaced. The Raven Queen seeks to get it before it falls into the hands of her enemy once again. A golden adamantine great blade called Daiklave of Conquest. An ancient artifact made out of the idea of the burning hate, an aspect of Pelor the sun god. The Raven Queen would like this weapon, so that we can reverse its magic, and see if there might be a way to use it evil consuming nature to benefit the in the fight against Orcus. Several wizards will be escorting you back to the Prime Material Plane. Find this great blade and call upon us when the blade has been recovered…”.
    No worries - I used Strahd because he's a known figure. Change it up as needed to fit the campaign!

    Quote Originally Posted by CollectorOfMyst View Post
    Alright... well, when it comes to Willow, it's not too high fantasy for the setting - it's definitely a good read - but it is a bit too heroic, too epic. These are NPCs, after all; this story threatens to eclipse the players'. I might ask you to reduce the scope, not make it so world-shattering. I do like this story, but it's not what I was looking for. However, something like this has happened in-world, on a more micro-scale.

    There is a group that preceded the current players (though larger than the Four, there's a reason for that) - that is called the Seven Stars. The Stars were founded over twenty years ago and disbanded when a mission into the Feywild went horribly wrong - one of their members didn't come back out. If we replace the Spirit Fountain/Rainbow bridge with something less important than the literal Fey Reincarnation Place, the Order of Life and Light with the Seven Stars, and this lich with perhaps a less intelligent, though still deadly, threat that will drastically affect the surrounding area, if nothing else, then it could work. It would also give me a good trigger point for Willow to start remembering things; if she ever meets one of the six surviving members of the Stars, which is very likely, given that one of them is their recruitable ranger, one of them is the father of one and one of them is the mother of another (though this is a secret to most).
    Spoiler: The Seven Stars
    I don't know if you need this, but if you need to know their details for the rewrite, they are;

    1. Endithas Duren, the gnome ranger. Mid-teens at that point, even though he was about 30.

    2. Orion Nailo, a high elf and draconic sorcerer, the leader of the group. He is the one who 'died' - though I reckon he's been magically sealed or somesuch. Elves are ambiguous in age.

    3. Natasha Saggitae, a human fighter, blacksmith's daughter. She and Orion are the parents of one of my players (she is largely unaware of the story of the Seven Stars, and believes both her parents are dead). Back then would've been late teens/early 20s.

    4. Rimshade McHerald, a human rogue. A past rival for Natasha's affection. He is godfather to their daughter, though the said daughter wasn't born at the point this happened. Late teens/early 20s.

    5. June, tiefling cleric. Rimshade eventually 'settled' for her, though in reality, he loves her dearly (she suffers from Second Choice Syndrome, as I call it). At that point, they would've been together, and their son newly born. Late teens/early 20s

    6. Orchid Evenwood, a noble barbarian (literally; noble background). Orchid was Natasha's best friend, though they have since drifted apart, in opposing roles to the ones they were born into - Natasha now serves the crown as a knight, Orchid is the second-in-command for the Blackthorn Mercenaries. Late teens/early 20s

    7. Calming Skies of the Keen-Eyes Clan, a tabaxi of no particular battle prowess (though might change him to a bard?). He's a lawyer by trade, father of another one of my players, and was essentially their agent, negotiated jobs for them and things like that. Early/mid/late 20s.

    As for Fiona, that one works quite nicely. I might reduce the length of her time with Suiamhneas, but this is a good catalyst for her to start changing.
    Sure! For re-writes I typically do them after I've caught up to writing other people's requests!

    With Willow's loss of memory and such and the "butterfly" (the only person who knows the truth about Willow) having no way to effectively communicate with her; I never expected you to use Willow to overshadow the party. If anything, I was thinking later on down the campaign, if you wanted (and it's not even needed to be done - because it only effects the souls of Fey), you could have Willow recover her memory, and ask the party to help her rebuild the bridge (maybe some ancient magic somewhere lies in waiting to be found and is what's needed).

    But I will try to make my way back around to Willow and see if I can come up with something less.
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    Regarding Tana Daergel: absolutely spot on. I showed this to my wife and she was delighted with it. She really likes the idea of distrusting larger races due to previous experience, which will be roleplayed as awkwardness / abruptness (and a low charisma) outside of her village, while still being pleasant to other PCs once she gets to know them. And the drive to find a missing friend is a good motivator to get out away from the community.

    And then to Ander Blackthorn: I must confess, this was quite different from what was going through my brain, but I really liked it!

  12. - Top - End - #342
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    Default Re: Need a character background written up?

    Quote Originally Posted by Jaryn View Post
    Regarding Tana Daergel: absolutely spot on. I showed this to my wife and she was delighted with it. She really likes the idea of distrusting larger races due to previous experience, which will be roleplayed as awkwardness / abruptness (and a low charisma) outside of her village, while still being pleasant to other PCs once she gets to know them. And the drive to find a missing friend is a good motivator to get out away from the community.

    And then to Ander Blackthorn: I must confess, this was quite different from what was going through my brain, but I really liked it!
    For Ander - do you have anything specific you had in mind if it doesn't fit? I can try to come back to doing a re-write when I catch up to doing the other new submissions first.
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    Default Re: Need a character background written up?

    Quote Originally Posted by Naknakthebedshe View Post
    Name: naknak the bedshe...
    Race:undead or cursed w/invisibility kobold*
    Class:spook, distraction, sorcerer? Your free to choose
    *Looks like it's a kobold under/shaped a bedsheet with two holes where eyes should be
    Since you left the class to me, I allude that he's a sorcerer (easiest thing with Kobolds; Dragonblood somewhere in their bloodline).
    Since this one seems less serious, I tried to write it with a funny bit of tone and humor!
    Hopefully that comes across!
    As always I look forward to any feedback you might have! (Or anyone reading this, has!)
    “You realize I can see you right?” Naknak’s brother, TicTok said, raising an eyebrow.

    Naknak sighed. “I was certain I got it right that time!”

    The Kobold stared at each other as their mother entered the room. “You’re trying that invisibility nonsense still, Naknak?”

    “Yes mother,” Naknak sighed, knowing she would scorn him again.

    “One of these days you’re going to figure it out and you know what’s going to happen?” she asked, tapping her foot on the cold, cavern floor.

    “I will become the greatest shaman in all the land!” Naknak jumped up and down excited that his mother seemed to finally believe in him.

    “No,” she said firmly, “you’re going to get stuck like that because you’re not going to know how to undo it!”

    “Nonsense, mother,” Naknak laughed. “Turning visible is the easiest part. Turning invisible is the hard part.”

    “Where do you get these crazy ideas from, boy?” their mother asked. “Is it those fish brained Kuo-toa? Because you know not a single one of them is remotely sane!”

    “No,” Naknak confessed. “I know to stay away from them. You’ve told me that too many times to count.”

    “Then where?” his mother asked pressing the issue.

    “From the Illithid,” Naknak shrugged.

    “The Illithid? Son, what is wrong with you! I tell you to leave the fish for brains alone so you go to the squid-face-brain eating people?” His mother waved herself with a rag, as if she was about to faint.

    “I don’t talk to them,” he assured her. “One of their shamans – she has a hole in the back of her hut that is perfect eye level for me. So I can see inside her hut and watch her casting spells. I’ve been practicing her words and her gestures, but still haven’t gotten it mastered.” Naknak always felt different; his darker blue skin hinted that perhaps somewhere in his bloodline there was Blue Dragon blood and that perhaps was the cause for his insatiable hunger for magic.

    The next night, Naknak snuck through the caverns, passed the Kuo-toa, into the small vent that led to where the Illithid had set up a small base of operations. He snuck to the backside of the Illithid Mage as he had always done; but this time he did not wait to watch her cast and practice spells. This time, he sat patiently eating on a slug-sandwich that his mother had packed for him (she was unaware he was going back to the Illithid encampment) and waited until he no longer heard her voice. Once he no longer heard the Illithid he peeked through the hole and saw that she was not in her hut.

    Using a bush for cover that he’d ripped out of the ground, Naknak slowly moved his way towards the entrance of the hut before quickly running in, grabbing the ancient spell book tome, and running behind the bush again, which he used as cover to return back to the vent.

    As he climbed into the vent he heard an alarm ring behind him. She’d returned to her hut and found her spell book gone. He peered behind him for only a split second and saw Illithid racing around the camp looking for an intruder. Naknak smiled to himself. The Illithid eat brains, he told himself, absorbing everyone’s knowledge and here he was, outwitting the second most intelligent (second to dragons, naturally) creatures in the entire world.

    Naknak hid away in his room reading as much of the tome as he could; most of it seemed to be written in common with notes scribbled all over in what was undoubtedly Illithid tongue. More than likely this Illithid had acquired it from a human who had – and yes, on page twelve, blood all over – so yes, probably acquired it from a human wizard trying to cast some last minute spell to save themselves and failed miserably.

    Naknak figured he’d focus on one of the earlier spells. He read it over and over, repeatedly without making the gestures, just so he would know the words; next came the gestures, without the words. And finally, two weeks after stealing the book, Naknak felt he was ready.

    “Abin tunar shalak defawn tumar,” he began to speak the words and weave his hands intricately, when suddenly Tictok kicked down the door.

    “What are you doing?” he shouted.

    This had alarmed Naknak who was at the end of the spell, but changed the gesture of his hands, to spin around and face his brother who startled him and then felt a tingling sensation.

    His brother, Tictok dropped his bag and his eyes went wide.

    “Mother, I think Naknak just teleported away!” he screamed running out of the room.

    “Nonsense! I am right here!” Naknak chased after his brother and passed a mirror and did not see himself reflected. “Oh my,” he whispered.

    For weeks he tried to reverse the spell with his mother, frequently pointing in the wrong direction, yelling at him that she had told him he was going to be stuck like that. Naknak knew at this point that he was going to need some additional help undoing what he’d done. In the meantime his mother used a sheet and cut out the eyes so everyone could see where he was… as well as he could see where he was, because he was also invisible to himself!
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    Quote Originally Posted by ertools View Post
    Here's one I have been trying to make interesting
    Robert Pattan
    Aasimar divine soul sorcerer. Fights almost exclusively with short range magic. Typically pretty lazy and doesn't like to get involved but can lay down the hurt when he really needs to.

    Wait a minute. Did you get a new user name?
    Because... that's literally this request...? Same name, race and all of that...
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    Quote Originally Posted by Naknakthebedshe View Post
    Name: Sindear the hothead
    Race: kobold
    Class:divine soul sorcerer 2/cleric of life 1 that has magic Initiate in druid spells.
    Neutral good. Someday she will get feather wings and she will be a laughing stock for not getting dragon wings.
    Sindear has the hermit back ground and is currently being hunted by drow in the underdark. Think more of a shaman instead of a mixed class. And wants back to the surface so she can see the moon again. Also her head catches fire everytime she casts a spell hence the rest her name. She is a bit panicky she has tried unlocking the cell door with her tail and tko herself because she was recaptured and wanted to be a burden even though she weights about the same as a fat house cat. is that enough info?
    I was a little confused by your details of her using her tail to unlock the cell door like she was already captured?
    But she was wanted by the Drow?
    So I rather than write a point of view of already captured; I wrote what may lead up to her capture instead.
    As always would love feedback!
    ================================================== ==================
    “This is not what I thought you meant when you said we can no longer see each other,” Sindear confessed.

    Naknak peered from beneath the cut out sheet. “I was always envious how you were able to use magic. I got jealous. Wanted to show you I could do it too. Then this happened,” he removed the sheet and there was nothing beneath it. “Worse part – I can’t even see myself! Like I don’t know where my hand is. It’s like being blind to my own body!”

    “Maybe I can do something,” Sindear offered. “But since you broke up with me, why would I?”

    “Sindear!” Naknak pleaded, “This isn’t funny!”

    “Maybe not to you, but it is to me,” Sindear giggled, which sounded like a pack of hyenas after some prey. “Now you know how I felt!”

    “What do you mean?” Naknak asked as he pulled the sheet over his head again.

    “All those times we were in the Kobold Square and you were too busy noticing others rather than paying attention to me. I felt invisible next to you,” Sindear grinned. “It would seem the gods have chosen you to show what it feels like.”

    “Are you going to help me or not?” Sindear asked.

    “I will, I will,” she assured him, “just calm down.”

    “Calm down? Half the time I miss my own mouth when I am eating slug stew and spill it everywhere,” Naknak signed. “It’s embarrassing.”

    “I’m sure it is,” Sindear grinned.

    Sindear had been one of the few Kobolds “called upon” and ascended into sorcery magic due to an ancient bloodline than ran deep in her family. An unfortunate consequence of her casting spells was that her head typically caught on fire. Not that it seemed to bother her, it was more a crown of flames that she would wear while casting and a few moments after the spell was complete. The downside was that she was not sure how to undo what Naknak had done to himself.

    He had explained what he had done and she had looked over the book he had stolen from the Illithid Mage, but nothing in it proved useful. That night she prayed to the Great Winged One, and in her mind a vision of an ancient green dragon emerged.

    “Emereth,” Sindear whispered. “A good friend of mine has gotten himself into some trouble. I need a way to undo the magic that’s befallen him. Can you grant me such power?”

    “I never simply give,” Emereth’s voice boomed. “I will however tell you how it can be done. Not far from where you live there are Drow – The Shadow Council. In their possession is a staff with a green crystal on top of it. Find it and tap your friend on the heart three times and he shall be free of the curse that’s befallen him.”

    “The Shadow Council,” Sindear let her concern show in her voice. The Shadow Council had long been at war with the Illithid who lived nearby, fighting over the same area of land.

    “Take your friend’s book that he stole from the Illithid and leave it with the Shadow Council. They will see the writing of the Illithid and believe one of them is responsible for the theft of the staff. They will seek their revenge against the Illithid and will be none the wiser that you’ve taken it.”

    Sindear returned to Naknak’s room the next day and demanded the tome of spells, which he handed over when she explained she had a plan to undo his curse. Sliding the tome into her backpack Sindear made her way through the caverns. She skimmed along the cavern wall near the underwater lake that she knew an Aboleth dwelled.

    She narrowly avoided an Intellect Devourer that had been patrolling a specific portion of the halls that forced her down the tunnel where various oozes dwelled. Her touch kept most of them at bay.

    She finally reached the Drow encampment and saw the main tent – the same place Emereth had shown her in the vision. She carefully made her way down; using spells to hide her presence. The Drow had been in the center celebrating a Drow Priestess’ ascension to Lolth’s order. Sindear slipped in and grabbed the staff that had been sitting on the table in the main tent and threw down the book in such a fashion that it looked dropped rather than obviously placed. Quickly she shoved the staff into her bag and made her way back up the side wall.

    Going through the cavern with the oozes she unfortunately realized she’d dropped her torch back at the Drow cavern. She turned around to go back but there was already a commotion in the Drow camp. The staff had been spotted as being gone and the Drow were yelling at one another and pointing at the book. She decided to chance running through the ooze tunnel and paid for it. Her bag caught on a nook of stone poking out just as green slime dripped on it, barely missing her and eating through the strap. The bag dropped on the ground. She reached for it and more green slime dripped and barely missed it. She looked up and could see the ceiling glistening. It was a massive colony. She was forced to leave the bag behind and run for her life.

    When she returned home she paid Naknak a visit to tell him the news.

    That’s when Naknak’s mother kicked in the bedroom door and shouted, “There’s reports of the Drow and Illithid going to war! We may need to evacuate if the war spills into our area!”
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    Quote Originally Posted by Avista View Post
    I have another request for you!!
    This is an old character of mine, whom I would like to refurbish for a future campaign. Let's see what you can come up with:

    Name: Alcot Del Thressal (male)
    Race: Half-elf
    Alignment: Chaotic Good
    Background: Noble
    Class: Sorcerer - Dragonborn (Brass Dragon/Fire)
    Age: 20ish

    Background: Born out of wedlock to a human aristocratic father and nouveau-riche (upper middle class) elf mother. He was the father's favorite, even over his legitimate siblings. To secure a position among nobility the father arranges a marriage for Alcot, but Alcot refuses to go along with it and runs away from home.

    Why did he refuse? Was he in love with someone else? Did he fear for his safety from his step-mother? Did he feel dissatisfied with his noble duties? Did he want to earn his place in nobility through heroic deeds, and not through marriage? I don't know, you tell me!
    I enjoyed writing this and seeing just why Alcot would run away from a wealthy family...
    Almost instantly Alcot began telling me his story and how it all played out...
    I simply transcribed his words!
    Hopefully it's to your liking!
    As always I look forward to feedback! What you liked, loved and hated!
    What worked and what didn't work!
    Until then - enjoy!
    Her name was Mealladh and with her bouncing blond curls, thin, frail figure, and alluring green eyes, she had swayed my father from a marriage he had been loyal to all of his life. For Mealladh, she was interested in my father, because of how passionate he had spoken during one of the Council meetings. If her kind – other elves – had known she had lain with a human, they would be furious, because Mealladh came from a well off family who would be shamed by her impulsive action.

    For my father, a human named Saol Del Thressal, Mealladh represented a youthful hunger for passion that had died out in his wife, Ceansa Del Thressal. Mealladh knew that it would be one night, brief, quick, fast, furious and passionate; the way humans lived their lives compared to Elves who lingered on every decision.

    Something Mealladh had not considered however is that one passionate night would be all that it took to become pregnant. Mealladh quickly married another Elf of wealth and importance and slept with him to make it appear that it had been him who had gotten her pregnant. But she knew when it came to deliver the child the truth would be revealed. But Mealladh was an intelligent woman. Just before the birth, she booked a travel and during the second stop, near a lake she’d gone for a walk. She created a scene that appeared a struggle took place and once that was done, she screamed for help but immediately fled deeper into the woods. When they arrived it had appeared she’d been taken, but she knew how to lose them in the woods.

    While on the road, fleeing from her own kind, Mealladh buckled and went into labor. Several travelers found her and assisted her with the childbirth. She named me “Alcot” meaning ‘born of passion’ in the ancient Slyvan tongue. She tracked down my father and waited until he was alone, walking back from one of his political debates. She whispered his name and he immediately recognized her voice and ran to meet her in the alley. He had thought of her often and the night of passion they shared; and for the briefest of moments he thought that he would have that again tonight. What he was not ready for was to have me thrust in his arms, and Mealladh saying that he must take care of me. She immediately turned and left my father standing there, stunned, infant in his arms as he watched Mealladh run away.

    He returned home with me and told his loving wife that he had found me, abandoned near one of the Churches. He introduced me to his wife Ceansa and recalled Mealladh whispering, “He is our son. His name is Alcot” and introduced me as such.

    I never knew Ceansa was not my mother, for many, many years. She raised me as if I had been born from her. When I turned ten, she took notice to something. My half-elven features were far more noticeable and I began to bear a striking resemblance to Saol, my father. This had made Ceansa begin to question her husband and led to a series of endless fights between them. Saol finally confessed his adultery and surprisingly Ceansa took it calmly, once he confirmed it. For her, it was not that he had cheated on her, but rather that he lied to her. She understood that she was older now, no longer to bare children, though having six with him. She knew that taking care of six children had worn her down and made her less passionate in the bedroom. She was remarkably understanding.

    Even after learning the truth, she never treated me differently. By the age of thirteen I could feel the magic coursing through my blood. I had believed this might have been because of my Elven mother, but my father explained to me that it should not have made me ‘magically aware’ just because my mother was Elven. My father believed that somewhere in his own, or perhaps his mother’s bloodline, some form of ancient magic bloodline had been introduced and was now making itself known in me.

    Ceansa was concerned as I grew older and spent time with others outside the family, that some may take notice to my ears which were pointed like an Elf’s, but hidden under my long locks of hair. My father agreed and began looking for suitable women to arrange a marriage to. By the age of twenty, a very beautiful human named Móra Cíoch was introduced to me. I enjoyed Móra’s company quite a bit. She was beautiful, with ample breasts, wide hips, and lips so thick that they were irresistible to kiss.

    But the idea of marriage and settling down was not one I was interested in. Not yet anyway. But I could never find the time or courage to tell my father or mother.

    So I did the next best thing. I ran away.

    The night before the wedding I crept out my window and fled. I wanted to find my real mother, Mealladh, whom my father had finally told me about when I was sixteen years old and learn more about my family from her side… and see if she knew about this ancient bloodline that allowed me to manipulate magic so easily.
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    Default Re: Need a character background written up?

    Quote Originally Posted by Tawmis View Post
    Since you left the class to me, I allude that he's a sorcerer (easiest thing with Kobolds; Dragonblood somewhere in their bloodline).
    Since this one seems less serious, I tried to write it with a funny bit of tone and humor!
    Hopefully that comes across!
    As always I look forward to any feedback you might have! (Or anyone reading this, has!)
    “You realize I can see you right?” Naknak’s brother, TicTok said, raising an eyebrow.

    Naknak sighed. “I was certain I got it right that time!”

    The Kobold stared at each other as their mother entered the room. “You’re trying that invisibility nonsense still, Naknak?”

    “Yes mother,” Naknak sighed, knowing she would scorn him again.

    “One of these days you’re going to figure it out and you know what’s going to happen?” she asked, tapping her foot on the cold, cavern floor.

    “I will become the greatest shaman in all the land!” Naknak jumped up and down excited that his mother seemed to finally believe in him.

    “No,” she said firmly, “you’re going to get stuck like that because you’re not going to know how to undo it!”

    “Nonsense, mother,” Naknak laughed. “Turning visible is the easiest part. Turning invisible is the hard part.”

    “Where do you get these crazy ideas from, boy?” their mother asked. “Is it those fish brained Kuo-toa? Because you know not a single one of them is remotely sane!”

    “No,” Naknak confessed. “I know to stay away from them. You’ve told me that too many times to count.”

    “Then where?” his mother asked pressing the issue.

    “From the Illithid,” Naknak shrugged.

    “The Illithid? Son, what is wrong with you! I tell you to leave the fish for brains alone so you go to the squid-face-brain eating people?” His mother waved herself with a rag, as if she was about to faint.

    “I don’t talk to them,” he assured her. “One of their shamans – she has a hole in the back of her hut that is perfect eye level for me. So I can see inside her hut and watch her casting spells. I’ve been practicing her words and her gestures, but still haven’t gotten it mastered.” Naknak always felt different; his darker blue skin hinted that perhaps somewhere in his bloodline there was Blue Dragon blood and that perhaps was the cause for his insatiable hunger for magic.

    The next night, Naknak snuck through the caverns, passed the Kuo-toa, into the small vent that led to where the Illithid had set up a small base of operations. He snuck to the backside of the Illithid Mage as he had always done; but this time he did not wait to watch her cast and practice spells. This time, he sat patiently eating on a slug-sandwich that his mother had packed for him (she was unaware he was going back to the Illithid encampment) and waited until he no longer heard her voice. Once he no longer heard the Illithid he peeked through the hole and saw that she was not in her hut.

    Using a bush for cover that he’d ripped out of the ground, Naknak slowly moved his way towards the entrance of the hut before quickly running in, grabbing the ancient spell book tome, and running behind the bush again, which he used as cover to return back to the vent.

    As he climbed into the vent he heard an alarm ring behind him. She’d returned to her hut and found her spell book gone. He peered behind him for only a split second and saw Illithid racing around the camp looking for an intruder. Naknak smiled to himself. The Illithid eat brains, he told himself, absorbing everyone’s knowledge and here he was, outwitting the second most intelligent (second to dragons, naturally) creatures in the entire world.

    Naknak hid away in his room reading as much of the tome as he could; most of it seemed to be written in common with notes scribbled all over in what was undoubtedly Illithid tongue. More than likely this Illithid had acquired it from a human who had – and yes, on page twelve, blood all over – so yes, probably acquired it from a human wizard trying to cast some last minute spell to save themselves and failed miserably.

    Naknak figured he’d focus on one of the earlier spells. He read it over and over, repeatedly without making the gestures, just so he would know the words; next came the gestures, without the words. And finally, two weeks after stealing the book, Naknak felt he was ready.

    “Abin tunar shalak defawn tumar,” he began to speak the words and weave his hands intricately, when suddenly Tictok kicked down the door.

    “What are you doing?” he shouted.

    This had alarmed Naknak who was at the end of the spell, but changed the gesture of his hands, to spin around and face his brother who startled him and then felt a tingling sensation.

    His brother, Tictok dropped his bag and his eyes went wide.

    “Mother, I think Naknak just teleported away!” he screamed running out of the room.

    “Nonsense! I am right here!” Naknak chased after his brother and passed a mirror and did not see himself reflected. “Oh my,” he whispered.

    For weeks he tried to reverse the spell with his mother, frequently pointing in the wrong direction, yelling at him that she had told him he was going to be stuck like that. Naknak knew at this point that he was going to need some additional help undoing what he’d done. In the meantime his mother used a sheet and cut out the eyes so everyone could see where he was… as well as he could see where he was, because he was also invisible to himself!
    Ha! That's great! And easy to chew through. >.> I mean read. Shame you can't sign it.

  18. - Top - End - #348
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    Quote Originally Posted by Naknakthebedshe View Post
    Ha! That's great! And easy to chew through. >.> I mean read. Shame you can't sign it.
    I need to do those things Street Poets that have sprung up all over New Orleans. Except do one outside gaming shops for writing character backgrounds!

    I also tied Sindear's origin to his since they were both Kobolds and a bit silly!
    Last edited by Tawmis; 2019-08-12 at 01:27 AM.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tawmis View Post
    I was a little confused by your details of her using her tail to unlock the cell door like she was already captured?
    But she was wanted by the Drow?
    So I rather than write a point of view of already captured; I wrote what may lead up to her capture instead.
    As always would love feedback!
    ================================================== ==================
    “This is not what I thought you meant when you said we can no longer see each other,” Sindear confessed.

    Naknak peered from beneath the cut out sheet. “I was always envious how you were able to use magic. I got jealous. Wanted to show you I could do it too. Then this happened,” he removed the sheet and there was nothing beneath it. “Worse part – I can’t even see myself! Like I don’t know where my hand is. It’s like being blind to my own body!”

    “Maybe I can do something,” Sindear offered. “But since you broke up with me, why would I?”

    “Sindear!” Naknak pleaded, “This isn’t funny!”

    “Maybe not to you, but it is to me,” Sindear giggled, which sounded like a pack of hyenas after some prey. “Now you know how I felt!”

    “What do you mean?” Naknak asked as he pulled the sheet over his head again.

    “All those times we were in the Kobold Square and you were too busy noticing others rather than paying attention to me. I felt invisible next to you,” Sindear grinned. “It would seem the gods have chosen you to show what it feels like.”

    “Are you going to help me or not?” Sindear asked.

    “I will, I will,” she assured him, “just calm down.”

    “Calm down? Half the time I miss my own mouth when I am eating slug stew and spill it everywhere,” Naknak signed. “It’s embarrassing.”

    “I’m sure it is,” Sindear grinned.

    Sindear had been one of the few Kobolds “called upon” and ascended into sorcery magic due to an ancient bloodline than ran deep in her family. An unfortunate consequence of her casting spells was that her head typically caught on fire. Not that it seemed to bother her, it was more a crown of flames that she would wear while casting and a few moments after the spell was complete. The downside was that she was not sure how to undo what Naknak had done to himself.

    He had explained what he had done and she had looked over the book he had stolen from the Illithid Mage, but nothing in it proved useful. That night she prayed to the Great Winged One, and in her mind a vision of an ancient green dragon emerged.

    “Emereth,” Sindear whispered. “A good friend of mine has gotten himself into some trouble. I need a way to undo the magic that’s befallen him. Can you grant me such power?”

    “I never simply give,” Emereth’s voice boomed. “I will however tell you how it can be done. Not far from where you live there are Drow – The Shadow Council. In their possession is a staff with a green crystal on top of it. Find it and tap your friend on the heart three times and he shall be free of the curse that’s befallen him.”

    “The Shadow Council,” Sindear let her concern show in her voice. The Shadow Council had long been at war with the Illithid who lived nearby, fighting over the same area of land.

    “Take your friend’s book that he stole from the Illithid and leave it with the Shadow Council. They will see the writing of the Illithid and believe one of them is responsible for the theft of the staff. They will seek their revenge against the Illithid and will be none the wiser that you’ve taken it.”

    Sindear returned to Naknak’s room the next day and demanded the tome of spells, which he handed over when she explained she had a plan to undo his curse. Sliding the tome into her backpack Sindear made her way through the caverns. She skimmed along the cavern wall near the underwater lake that she knew an Aboleth dwelled.

    She narrowly avoided an Intellect Devourer that had been patrolling a specific portion of the halls that forced her down the tunnel where various oozes dwelled. Her touch kept most of them at bay.

    She finally reached the Drow encampment and saw the main tent – the same place Emereth had shown her in the vision. She carefully made her way down; using spells to hide her presence. The Drow had been in the center celebrating a Drow Priestess’ ascension to Lolth’s order. Sindear slipped in and grabbed the staff that had been sitting on the table in the main tent and threw down the book in such a fashion that it looked dropped rather than obviously placed. Quickly she shoved the staff into her bag and made her way back up the side wall.

    Going through the cavern with the oozes she unfortunately realized she’d dropped her torch back at the Drow cavern. She turned around to go back but there was already a commotion in the Drow camp. The staff had been spotted as being gone and the Drow were yelling at one another and pointing at the book. She decided to chance running through the ooze tunnel and paid for it. Her bag caught on a nook of stone poking out just as green slime dripped on it, barely missing her and eating through the strap. The bag dropped on the ground. She reached for it and more green slime dripped and barely missed it. She looked up and could see the ceiling glistening. It was a massive colony. She was forced to leave the bag behind and run for her life.

    When she returned home she paid Naknak a visit to tell him the news.

    That’s when Naknak’s mother kicked in the bedroom door and shouted, “There’s reports of the Drow and Illithid going to war! We may need to evacuate if the war spills into our area!”
    Ahh yes sorry. She was already captured by the drow when we started the adventure. I play her as panicky and not the sharpest cookie in the sock drawer. She panicked and tried to unlock the door with the tip of her tail. Failed miserably and bruised her tail. No she wasn't wanted by the drow persay but they are always looking to snag new slave stock. Ahh. That's something I can work with. And thank you now sindear has a goal. Sindear must survive til the end and return to the surface so she can go back and retreave the staff and stab naknak in the chest three times to break his curse. Here is hopeingshe makes it back powerful enough to retreave the staff of power.

  20. - Top - End - #350
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    Quote Originally Posted by Naknakthebedshe View Post
    Ahh yes sorry. She was already captured by the drow when we started the adventure. I play her as panicky and not the sharpest cookie in the sock drawer. She panicked and tried to unlock the door with the tip of her tail. Failed miserably and bruised her tail. No she wasn't wanted by the drow persay but they are always looking to snag new slave stock. Ahh. That's something I can work with. And thank you now sindear has a goal. Sindear must survive til the end and return to the surface so she can go back and retreave the staff and stab naknak in the chest three times to break his curse. Here is hopeingshe makes it back powerful enough to retreave the staff of power.
    Time line wise, you can do it so what I wrote happened...
    The war between Drow and Illithid DOES spill over into the Kobold home, so they're forced to flee.
    Naknak easily escapes (just takes off the sheet and is invisible), gets separated from Sindear.
    Sindear gets captured by the Drow who are looking for slaves to help in the war with the Illithid.
    That's when she tries to escape using her tail and such...
    And knows one day she will need to return home to find that staff if she wants to help her (ex?) boyfriend Naknak!
    Need a character origin written? Enjoyed what I wrote? How can you help me? Not required, but appreciated! <3

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  21. - Top - End - #351
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    I’m noticing that there seems to be a increasing level of undead. I’m glad that I don’t have to track them down we all seem to be going to the same place. Also I am happy that there is more war forged than just me.

  22. - Top - End - #352
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    Quote Originally Posted by dragonearth View Post
    I’m noticing that there seems to be a increasing level of undead. I’m glad that I don’t have to track them down we all seem to be going to the same place. Also I am happy that there is more war forged than just me.
    By doing this thread, I've come to truly appreciate and enjoy the idea of Warforged. I never played Ebberon (sp?) because the general concept of the world wasn't one that spoke to me. I did play DDO (D&D Online the MMO) which is apparently based on Ebberon for a little while (don't think I got a character higher than Level 8). But by doing this thread - I've had to research the things I am not familiar with to better understand how to write them - and the Warforged have definitely grown on me! So I thank all of you who have helped expand my horizons one way or another!
    Need a character origin written? Enjoyed what I wrote? How can you help me? Not required, but appreciated! <3

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  23. - Top - End - #353
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    Default Re: Need a character background written up?

    Quote Originally Posted by Tawmis View Post
    Sure! For re-writes I typically do them after I've caught up to writing other people's requests!

    With Willow's loss of memory and such and the "butterfly" (the only person who knows the truth about Willow) having no way to effectively communicate with her; I never expected you to use Willow to overshadow the party. If anything, I was thinking later on down the campaign, if you wanted (and it's not even needed to be done - because it only effects the souls of Fey), you could have Willow recover her memory, and ask the party to help her rebuild the bridge (maybe some ancient magic somewhere lies in waiting to be found and is what's needed).

    But I will try to make my way back around to Willow and see if I can come up with something less.
    I'm fine with that, no worries! I wouldn't ask anything more of you, at least.

  24. - Top - End - #354
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    @ Tawmis: Here's one to ponder, when you get around to it.

    Spoiler: For a Friend

    5e FR, and Skullport in DotMM start for Introduction to Campaign.
    Before that - have fun!

    Name: Vippi Padkookkra Gender: Female (serves Silverstream Ancient Silver Dragon)
    Race Kobold. +2 Dex and -2 Str
    Ht 3'4" * Wt 26 * Eyes: Topaz * Scales: Emerald.

    Str 06 Dex 20 Con 16 Int 10 Wis 14 Cha 12
    ASIs (4) Dungeon Delver (8) Crossbow Expert (10) Skulker

    Background: Survivor: Insight and Survival

    Trait: Gossip-monger

    Ideal: Spread Love and Joy!

    Bond: Will never betray a true friend.

    Flaw: Loves to prove themselves superior to everyone.

    Class: Arcane Trickster Rogue level 11

    Skills: Perception, Investigation (Ex), Stealth (Ex), and Persuasion( Ex)

    Tools: Thieves Tools (Ex), Poison Kit. Tinker Tools
    Languages: Draconic, Undercommon; Common (250 gp), Elvis (250 gp) Drow Sign (250 gp).
    Dwarven (250 gp), and Duergar (250 gp) Gnomish (250 gp)

    Quote Originally Posted by Great Dragon View Post
    Don't forget to check Character Development.
    "Noble NPC"
    Last edited by Great Dragon; 2019-08-12 at 06:24 PM.
    My Knowledge, Understanding, and Opinion on things can be changed
    No offense is intended by anything I post.
    *Limited Playtest Group - I'm mostly Stuck in the White Room.
    *I am learning valuable things, here. So thanks, everyone!

  25. - Top - End - #355
    Dwarf in the Playground

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    Default Re: Need a character background written up?

    Quote Originally Posted by Tawmis View Post
    I enjoyed writing this and seeing just why Alcot would run away from a wealthy family...
    Almost instantly Alcot began telling me his story and how it all played out...
    I simply transcribed his words!
    Hopefully it's to your liking!
    As always I look forward to feedback! What you liked, loved and hated!
    What worked and what didn't work!
    Until then - enjoy!

    Quote Originally Posted by Tawmis View Post
    For my father, a human named Saol Del Thressal, Mealladh represented a youthful hunger for passion that had died out in his wife, Ceansa Del Thressal. Mealladh knew that it would be one night, brief, quick, fast, furious and passionate; the way humans lived their lives compared to Elves who lingered on every decision.
    Off the bat, already a lot better than what I came up with. All I put was "They met, fell in love, and had a secret affair. to bring about Alcot." It never crossed my mind that the mother would be captivated by a human's swift nature, and their reckless approach to life.

    Quote Originally Posted by Tawmis View Post
    ...Just before the birth, she booked a travel and during the second stop, near a lake she’d gone for a walk. She created a scene that appeared a struggle took place and once that was done, she screamed for help but immediately fled deeper into the woods. When they arrived it had appeared she’d been taken, but she knew how to lose them in the woods.
    This is beautiful, but I am left wondering how she explained herself to her family. What tale did she give? How does she explain that she's no longer being pregnant? What does she say when asked where's her baby?

    Quote Originally Posted by Tawmis View Post
    ...Saol finally confessed his adultery and surprisingly Ceansa took it calmly, once he confirmed it. For her, it was not that he had cheated on her, but rather that he lied to her. She understood that she was older now, no longer to bare children, though having six with him. She knew that taking care of six children had worn her down and made her less passionate in the bedroom. She was remarkably understanding.
    The stepmother is surprisingly forgiving! In my own story the stepmother despised Alcot. It could swing either way, if there needs to be an antagonist. But I personally can't see how Ceansa can forgive Saol so easily.

    And six kids...Saol's been busy.

    Quote Originally Posted by Tawmis View Post
    ...I had believed this might have been because of my Elven mother, but my father explained to me that it should not have made me ‘magically aware’ just because my mother was Elven. My father believed that somewhere in his own, or perhaps his mother’s bloodline, some form of ancient magic bloodline had been introduced and was now making itself known in me...
    My first thought was 'why wouldn't they notice the draconic traits'? But then I checked the PHB and saw they don't become visible until level 2. What a lost opportunity! This could have open up a very, very interesting side story when Alcot hits puberty...

    "Father? Is it normal to start developing scales?"

    Quote Originally Posted by Tawmis View Post
    ...a very beautiful human named Móra Cíoch was introduced to me. I enjoyed Móra’s company quite a bit. She was beautiful, with ample breasts, wide hips, and lips so thick that they were irresistible to kiss.
    Ahaha! Oh my! I played Alcot as a charmer archetype (a bard wannabe) but he's never been that articulate under my control. I think you gave more justice to Alcot than I did.

    Quote Originally Posted by Tawmis View Post
    ...So I did the next best thing. I ran away.
    Classic Alcot logic. Can't charm your way out of trouble? Run away!

    Overall, very good! I think I like this backstory better than my ranger's. One of these days I'm going to have to sit down and read all the tales you've got for 'Tawmis Verse'
    Last edited by Avista; 2019-08-12 at 08:02 PM.

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    Default Re: Need a character background written up?

    Quote Originally Posted by Avista View Post
    Yes! Yes you are!

    Quote Originally Posted by Avista View Post
    Off the bat, already a lot better than what I came up with. All I put was "They met, fell in love, and had a secret affair. to bring about Alcot." It never crossed my mind that the mother would be captivated by a human's swift nature, and their reckless approach to life.
    When it comes to Half-Elves I always want to delve into how they came to be, and try to avoid the typical "she was raped by a male human" - so if I get a chance to dive into a Half-Elf's origin of birth I love to explore it!

    Quote Originally Posted by Avista View Post
    This is beautiful, but I am left wondering how she explained herself to her family. What tale did she give? How does she explain that she's no longer being pregnant? What does she say when asked where's her baby?
    I would leave that up to you (or the DM) - but in my head, it would be excused that she lost the child "during captivity" at the hands of the Red Eye Orcs. (Which we know is a lie, but you're an Elf captured by Orcs, you're going to get quite a bit of abuse, and could logically miscarry a child). So she's a wise little cookie to be able to talk her way out of things. She's quick and impulsive, but also very well prepared to explain her actions away, if need be.

    Quote Originally Posted by Avista View Post
    The stepmother is surprisingly forgiving! In my own story the stepmother despised Alcot. It could swing either way, if there needs to be an antagonist. But I personally can't see how Ceansa can forgive Saol so easily.
    And six kids...Saol's been busy.
    So, we typically see step mothers being the more abusive side... especially when it comes to an affair. But I wanted to give his mother more depth than just being angry. I wanted her to be forgiving and embracing, because as an older woman, she can no longer bear young; and her own kids are getting older and don't need their mother as much; so the opportunity to take care of another infant was something she welcomed. Despite how it came to be.

    Quote Originally Posted by Avista View Post
    My first thought was 'why wouldn't they notice the draconic traits'? But then I checked the PHB and saw they don't become visible until level 2. What a lost opportunity! This could have open up a very, very interesting side story when Alcot hits puberty...
    "Father? Is it normal to start developing scales?"
    Heh - that would have been fun!

    Quote Originally Posted by Avista View Post
    Ahaha! Oh my! I played Alcot as a charmer archetype (a bard wannabe) but he's never been that articulate under my control. I think you gave more justice to Alcot than I did.
    Hah! Well, I tried to show that despite the idea of being with a beautiful woman; he chose to run away because that was more important to find his real mother and find out about himself, rather than surrender to his urges.

    Quote Originally Posted by Avista View Post
    Classic Alcot logic. Can't charm your way out of trouble? Run away!
    Overall, very good! I think I like this backstory better than my ranger's. One of these days I'm going to have to sit down and read all the tales you've got for 'Tawmis Verse'
    I would love to hear your thoughts on the other stories! So many of them have begun weaving into one another, but still standing on their own as well. It's been such an incredible, fun experience!

    So if you have more characters, by all means - post them here!
    Last edited by Tawmis; 2019-08-12 at 10:34 PM.
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    Got a bit of a doozy for you.

    This is the one I've tried my best to flesh out on my own, but I'd still love your spin on it.

    Shui Leigong, Human from the far-off land of Kara-Tur. Chosen at birth by the destroyer-storm-God Talos to be his servant on earth, he is a Storm Sorcerer/Paladin multiclass. He was born as a potential heir to the Jade Throne, and has been sent out, along with all of the other potential heirs to bring back "something of value" to prove that he'd be an acceptable Emperor. He's gone to Faerun, with three retainers; his personal majordomo, an Emperor's scribe to record his findings, and a cartographer to map the unfamiliar lands.

    He misses his home dearly, and he attempts to learn what is needed to become Emperor, find something "valuable" to bring back, and serve his God faithfully - with the mindset of "If I'm an avatar of destruction, surely there are always things that need to be destroyed."

    Think you can work with this amount of restrictions, mon amie?
    Last edited by Falcos; 2019-08-13 at 10:29 AM.
    Quote Originally Posted by Milodiah View Post
    I have one PC in my campaign who constantly tries to force his enemies to yield (by shrieking "JUSTICE!" in a high-pitched shrill voice, since he's a freaking Tiny-size fairy cleric of St. Cuthbert).
    Quote Originally Posted by LTwerewolf View Post
    We're horrible people and are waiting for you to let your guard down before we pounce and feast upon your flesh.
    My friend's Sun-Themed Discipline! PEACH!

    My Ice-Themed Martial Discipline! Also PEACH!

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    Quote Originally Posted by Tawmis View Post
    For Ander - do you have anything specific you had in mind if it doesn't fit? I can try to come back to doing a re-write when I catch up to doing the other new submissions first.
    I loved the first bit; I guess I was expecting it to stay in a more urban setting. In my brain, James Bond was a fairly large source of inspiration for this one.

    But the idea of the unicorn celestial in a grove that they couldn't leave does feel like it makes more logical sense...

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    Quote Originally Posted by Falcos View Post
    Got a bit of a doozy for you.
    This is the one I've tried my best to flesh out on my own, but I'd still love your spin on it.
    Shui Leigong, Human from the far-off land of Kara-Tur. Chosen at birth by the destroyer-storm-God Talos to be his servant on earth, he is a Storm Sorcerer/Paladin multiclass. He was born as a potential heir to the Jade Throne, and has been sent out, along with all of the other potential heirs to bring back "something of value" to prove that he'd be an acceptable Emperor. He's gone to Faerun, with three retainers; his personal majordomo, an Emperor's scribe to record his findings, and a cartographer to map the unfamiliar lands.
    He misses his home dearly, and he attempts to learn what is needed to become Emperor, find something "valuable" to bring back, and serve his God faithfully - with the mindset of "If I'm an avatar of destruction, surely there are always things that need to be destroyed."
    Think you can work with this amount of restrictions, mon amie?
    Hah! You always try to kill me with my one hour limit to write this with dropping some crazy stuff down! But I'd love to accept the challenge!

    Quote Originally Posted by Jaryn View Post
    I loved the first bit; I guess I was expecting it to stay in a more urban setting. In my brain, James Bond was a fairly large source of inspiration for this one.
    But the idea of the unicorn celestial in a grove that they couldn't leave does feel like it makes more logical sense...
    Let me catch up to the open requests - and I will try to make my way back around to write something more urban/James Bond'esque if that's what you're looking for!
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    Default Re: Need a character background written up?

    Quote Originally Posted by Tawmis View Post
    I would love to hear your thoughts on the other stories! So many of them have begun weaving into one another, but still standing on their own as well. It's been such an incredible, fun experience!

    So if you have more characters, by all means - post them here!
    Well, since you ask, why not do one of my old oneshot characters?

    Name: Shidiri (Female)
    Race: Tiefling
    Class: Thief
    Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
    Background: Criminal -or- Charlatan

    Since she was created for a short campaign, she never had her own solid backstory. She's a spitfire archetype, and prefers intimidation rolls over persuasion. She's loyal to herself, but will assist other downtrodden tieflings. She also despises the aristocrats.

    [I did use her again in another short campaign where a friend played a tiefling warlock (male). We made them siblings, abandoned at the church orphanage run by a friendly old priest. The priest tried to turn them toward religion, but failed to protect them from the local denizens, so instead they turned to the dark arts and a life of crime.]

    You can use that snippet as a cornerstone, or create something completely new and different! (I encourage you to make something new and exciting!)

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