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  1. Moving List? (3 replies)
  2. I for one welcome our Robot overlords. (11 replies)
  3. Anyone want to participate in a very cheesy kinda lame 2012 romantic gesture (9 replies)
  4. Dudes with long hair (123 replies)
  5. Perfect night out (32 replies)
  6. Need to find a forum (technical question) (6 replies)
  7. Bullying autistic kids (45 replies)
  8. It looks like I'm dating my DM (32 replies)
  9. Wilderness Programs ITP? (1 replies)
  10. Tech Question: Saving Word to PDF and ToC (7 replies)
  11. Playing multimedia issues (Linux) (0 replies)
  12. Man on Fire's Various Stuff (3 replies)
  13. Can someone explain light accelerating past the speed of light? (25 replies)
  14. Happy Birthday ZX Spectrum! (2 replies)
  15. Business Ideas (14 replies)
  16. CharityitP (6 replies)
  17. The Worst Possible Thing (44 replies)
  18. Shameful Epiphany (19 replies)
  19. How is fluency in a language actually measured? (13 replies)
  20. Europe RPG Players (31 replies)
  21. Customizing shoes and clothes (1 replies)
  22. Vampire invasion...because we've gone full circle on zombies and dragons are easy. (95 replies)
  23. Anyone here use Boxer to run DOS games on a Mac? (2 replies)
  24. $2000 bounty for vampires (51 replies)
  25. Suspense Scene from a Movie (1 replies)
  26. Suspenseful Scenes from Movies (16 replies)
  27. Best Video Thread- looking for suggestions (31 replies)
  28. Best On-Line Auction Site for Toys/Video Games? (9 replies)
  29. Internets and a bet (45 replies)
  30. Internets and a bet (0 replies)
  31. Any good friendly local gaming stores (FLAGS) in Tampa? (2 replies)
  32. School Fire (39 replies)
  33. Motherboard issues? (1 replies)
  34. Living in the Mansion (17 replies)
  35. Support Personal Woes and Advice 2 (1499 replies)
  36. Support Relationship Woes and Advice 22: In Which Two Problems Prevent Each Others' Solution (1503 replies)
  37. Kickstarter:Music Mayhem and Madness! (3 replies)
  38. Please delete. (0 replies)
  39. Can't access certain websites (6 replies)
  40. Shameless self promotions? (3 replies)
  41. It's my birthday today! (9 replies)
  42. LGBTAI+ LGBTAitP Part 23: Et tu, ~Bianca? (1466 replies)
  43. any difference between normap primer and miniature primer? (6 replies)
  44. The Positivity Thread (118 replies)
  45. Big Science.... (48 replies)
  46. Microsoft Office Help (2 replies)
  47. Cheap mp3 players (4 replies)
  48. Need help finding resources for a speech. (10 replies)
  49. Slovakian translation clarification (0 replies)
  50. C2e2 (0 replies)
  51. iPhone vs Android (41 replies)
  52. What's wrong with Netflix? (3 replies)
  53. Indy's Whirlwind U.S. Tour, coming to a city near you? (9 replies)
  54. How to put together a short video? (7 replies)
  55. The robo-graders (10 replies)
  56. Installing Cygwin... (2 replies)
  57. My Brilliant, Relatively Healthy Pumpkin Pie Recipe (3 replies)
  58. It's NHL Playoff Time! (96 replies)
  59. Why are celestial bodies associated with wizards and magic? (9 replies)
  60. Pets in the Playground (119 replies)
  61. Hypothetical Scenario (76 replies)
  62. Ugh, had a nightmare about the forum (48 replies)
  63. An experiment in self discovery. (70 replies)
  64. Identifying a Hat (4 replies)
  65. Saying Hello Again (4 replies)
  66. Please allow me to introduce you too.... (30 replies)
  67. Playground Post Secret (15 replies)
  68. Nude Week (April 15-21)! (617 replies)
  69. ComicMix, Semifinal call to arms! (2 replies)
  70. CollegeitP (91 replies)
  71. Hello! Help me find a campaign please? (1 replies)
  72. So the future mother wants me to throw a list of names at her. Need help! (111 replies)
  73. Need some copyright free images for and assignment (4 replies)
  74. [Charity] A Message From My Wife (11 replies)
  75. Finding Out about Aspergers (Serious) (10 replies)
  76. I'm caving in: What is a good but not too expensive MP3 player? (16 replies)
  77. Who is the one player you wish you still kept in contact with? (15 replies)
  78. amazing baby or april's fools? (12 replies)
  79. Anyone else notice... (22 replies)
  80. Can you solve it? (7 replies)
  81. Chilis and Gardening (20 replies)
  82. Avatars (2 replies)
  83. Mutant Sheep's Post-Septaquintaquinquecentennial ApRiL fOoLs Random Banter #176 (1476 replies)
  84. 8 bit April Fools! (15 replies)
  85. What's Your Desktop Wallpaper? (77 replies)
  86. Anyone here speak Russian? (10 replies)
  87. Only for the Babylon 5 fans in the house. ; ) (6 replies)
  88. Nerdiness and Geekiness: Is there a difference? (58 replies)
  89. Attempting to Write and Publish a Novel...Tips and Advice? (7 replies)
  90. Appalachians in the Playground (0 replies)
  91. R.I.P. Edd Gould, Creative Genius and All-Round Great Guy (4 replies)
  92. dancing with a taller woman (22 replies)
  93. Mama and Papa bird (25 replies)
  94. paintball Questions. (5 replies)
  95. Need help deciding upon computer parts (18 replies)
  96. Looking for a new laptop rtoo (12 replies)
  97. historical fact: the brits..they are crazy (20 replies)
  98. Free RPG Day 2012 - Saturday, June 16 2012 (36 replies)
  99. Schrodinger's Cat. (59 replies)
  100. Looking for a new lappy (13 replies)
  101. Trying to find a pink/purple haired Video Game character... (11 replies)
  102. Happy Birthday, Curly! (21 replies)
  103. New guy, looking for advice in general. (5 replies)
  104. Paizo down? (14 replies)
  105. Dork Dreams (34 replies)
  106. Happy Birthday, Raistlin1040 (8 replies)
  107. Computer lockup issues - Help! (6 replies)
  108. LGBTAI+ LGBTAitP - Part 22: The Best There Is (1481 replies)
  109. The International Space Apps Challenge (9 replies)
  110. Does anyone know a word for... (3 replies)
  111. Happy Pappy Birthday Qaera! (8 replies)
  112. Returner's FFRPG site is closed (4 replies)
  113. Mimosa: Brut or Spumante? (2 replies)
  114. Opinions on a song (5 replies)
  115. Happy St. Patrick's day! (58 replies)
  116. Where do you think we'll be in 1000 years? (192 replies)
  117. On failure (16 replies)
  118. Russian History for Dummies (36 replies)
  119. Divine Cakes..... (18 replies)
  120. who needs Fantasy when real life beats the crap out of it? (13 replies)
  121. Internet problems? Please take a look... (9 replies)
  122. Beware the Ides of March! (2 replies)
  123. Please delete (0 replies)
  124. Happy Pi day (21 replies)
  125. Just potentially interacting with a woman makes men dumber (20 replies)
  126. Noisy Dorm (41 replies)
  127. Pineapple on pizza: what's wrong with it? (219 replies)
  128. Dear Professor, (107 replies)
  129. Dolphin Brains (68 replies)
  130. Speech Topic(Highschool) (9 replies)
  131. Change is Hard (9 replies)
  132. Tech question (laptop with no CD trap) (5 replies)
  133. Daylight savings time (32 replies)
  134. Dark Elf Bard's Random Banter #175:Playin' Underdark Jazz since the Drow went dark! (1489 replies)
  135. Sabrecon, Leicester, UK! (0 replies)
  136. Laptop Power Adapter Issues (4 replies)
  137. Infernal Week! (March 18-24) (208 replies)
  138. Finding players. (3 replies)
  139. Help! I'm starving and have no one to talk to! (19 replies)
  140. Waitstaff horror/funny stories (95 replies)
  141. Welp... (7 replies)
  142. Happy Birthday Trixie! (25 replies)
  143. For the Longest Time, I Tought it Woulda Been the Hard Drive... (7 replies)
  144. Law vs. Chaos (16 replies)
  145. What would a language based on binary code be like? (38 replies)
  146. Hair and head care-itp (36 replies)
  147. Subjunctive help, please (14 replies)
  148. New phone! Now what? (0 replies)
  149. What is being a server at a restaurant like? (70 replies)
  150. Well this is a nice thing to find out. (22 replies)
  151. Getting videos onto an Ipod touch. (3 replies)
  152. Recommendations on non-iPad tablets? (10 replies)
  153. I think the building I am in is on fire... (56 replies)
  154. Pink Slime (96 replies)
  155. i'm a giant dork and i make dice. (7 replies)
  156. Anyone else at GDC this week? (1 replies)
  157. Bollywood font? (5 replies)
  158. Best joke (132 replies)
  159. A question about foruming (7 replies)
  160. Greetings (3 replies)
  161. What should I do about the Rattus Norvegicus? (67 replies)
  162. Happy Birthday onasuma! (5 replies)
  163. Hello there (2 replies)
  164. Happy Birthday, Ruki (18 replies)
  165. Happy Birthday Cassie (resident UKitP roach) (16 replies)
  166. Spare Materials: An ambition to create. (6 replies)
  167. Canada Adventure, it's an Adventure in Canada! (9 replies)
  168. Tourists in your hometown (140 replies)
  169. Ex girlfriends/boyfriend. Is staying friends a good idea? (32 replies)
  170. World's Oldest "Yo' Mama" Joke Discovered (8 replies)
  171. Programming Challenge (7 replies)
  172. The Argument Thread (22 replies)
  173. The Poignant guide to Ruby (5 replies)
  174. There's someone outside my window with a chainsaw...at 2am (26 replies)
  175. Student loans (28 replies)
  176. If you could make a fairy-tale come true... (14 replies)
  177. Building a breakable lance (6 replies)
  178. Kids - Are they worth it? (64 replies)
  179. I have Cossak Blood: Share your oen lineage! (105 replies)
  180. Evil Day (12 replies)
  181. Take a look at my writing skills? (6 replies)
  182. Help Me Choose a Cosplay! (5 replies)
  183. Yes! Grad School Here I Come! (1 replies)
  184. Looking for throwing knives (21 replies)
  185. Physics In the Playground (499 replies)
  186. Retrofuturism in the playground - Dude, where's my jetpack? (5 replies)
  187. tl;dr (33 replies)
  188. Keymapping in Windows 7/OpenOffice (2 replies)
  189. Post-zombie organization (47 replies)
  190. I'm Back... (4 replies)
  191. Math thread (122 replies)
  192. Help me with my project! Art and Memory (9 replies)
  193. It's....Not ...Possible! O.o HOW?! (39 replies)
  194. God i feel geeky for doing this (24 replies)
  195. Treadmill and roller skates physic problem (33 replies)
  196. Meetup forum-wide online board gaming meetup, w/ webcams: Tuesday 2/28 @ 8PM EST (7 replies)
  197. Old School Issue: VHS Tape Stuck... (1 replies)
  198. why does nobody post on my threads... (38 replies)
  199. Looking at buying an Ocarina (2 replies)
  200. Darn it Jim, I'm not a lawyer! (3 replies)
  201. Moving on Back... (4 replies)
  202. Apple (74 replies)
  203. Should I auction myself at a date auction? (63 replies)
  204. Facebook question from a non-Facebook user (12 replies)
  205. Not a Zombie Apocalypse this time. This time we are being killed by Dragons. (77 replies)
  206. Happy Birthday Yesterday Chums (3 replies)
  207. Remember: It's always a cabling problem (11 replies)
  208. LGBTAI+ LGBTAitP - Part 21: BLACKJACK! (1464 replies)
  209. What can cause sudden blind spot?! (24 replies)
  210. In a zombie apocalpyse (641 replies)
  211. Name titles - Bored of being a pixie? (10 replies)
  212. Geeky Cities With Nice Weather (62 replies)
  213. Guess what today is? (13 replies)
  214. Goodbye, Wisdom Teeth! (18 replies)
  215. Mythweavers (3 replies)
  216. Gender Bender Week? (103 replies)
  217. Haters Gonna Hate (32 replies)
  218. Looking for help with C (3 replies)
  219. Help me pick out a shirt... uh, please (2 replies)
  220. Have you Gotten the "Kickstarter Account Under Review" message (2 replies)
  221. Original Videogame Music (9 replies)
  222. Sightseeing suggestions for eastern Canada? (12 replies)
  223. Quick note (72 replies)
  224. Birthday Miracles (12 replies)
  225. Dreamt the weirdest were-creature (18 replies)
  226. Program to download and read PM (2 replies)
  227. A Petition: Hasbro, WE WANT ACCURATE FiM PLUSHIES! (5 replies)
  228. Password managers - opinions? (22 replies)
  229. How do I disable AVG? (9 replies)
  230. Literary gift ideas (20 replies)
  231. I Have INTERNET! (15 replies)
  232. LARPs-How to? (5 replies)
  233. He dumped me! Then he kicked me from the D&D group!! (117 replies)
  234. The Chinese-American dual-naming habbit. Why don't more minority groups practice it? (66 replies)
  235. Bus dropping kids off in snow, help? (17 replies)
  236. Help me find a wallet (16 replies)
  237. Dealing with apartment people (60 replies)
  238. I am lawful good (28 replies)
  239. What makes a guy a creep? (182 replies)
  240. This post brought to you by the word "Kerning" (37 replies)
  241. Norwegians are crazy... (37 replies)
  242. Norwegianz are crazy... (0 replies)
  243. Meetup Trogland Meetup Episode VI: The Return of the Forumites (845 replies)
  244. What would you make your phylactery? (60 replies)
  245. R.I.P. Whitney Houston (33 replies)
  246. Got me a little freaked out! (1 replies)
  247. Does anyone know of a 3rd Edition Baldur's Gate? (9 replies)
  248. Just had a complete computing mindblank (4 replies)
  249. Is it shallow to reject someone because they're stupid? (127 replies)
  250. Applying to US graduate program (15 replies)