Snips, Snails, and Dragon Tales: Now available in PDF format from Gumroad
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    Troll in the Playground
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    Default [3.5 Remix] The shapeshifter


    This is an original base class for characters interested in playing an arcane spellcaster focused on shapeshifting and bodily transformation. The shapeshifter excels at altering his form, and can use his magic to change the forms of others as well. Although a shapeshifter has less raw magical power than many other spellcasters, his ability to mimic so many shapes makes him versatile, mobile, fierce in combat, and adept at infiltration and disguise.

    Change Log:
    1.0 Original version
    1.1 Added Healing Factor, reduced time required to attune augments from one hour to five minutes.

    Designer's Notes:
    Although this class has all the pieces in place, I don't really consider it complete yet. There are some unanswered questions I'm still struggling with.
    • Does the shapeshifter have too many options to ever be balanced?
    • Is its number of spells per day too low, too high, or about right?
    • The augmented shifter mechanic (similar to the augment system used with my summoner and soulcrafter classes) is intended to provide a way to get some of the benefits of an alternate shape all day, without having to cast a spell to do it. Is it significant enough to see play?
    • Is there a was to make the shapeshifter compatible with the various [Wild] feats intended for druids? I'd like to use them but haven't found a neat way to do it.
    • Should the shapeshifter have the ability to throw buffs and SoD effects on others via shapeshifting, or is that too powerful an addition to its core abilities?

    Shapeshifters have the following game statistics.

    Abilities: Intelligence is the most important ability for a shapeshifter, as it determines how powerful a spell she can cast, how many spells she can cast per day, and how hard those spells are to resist. A shapeshifter benefits from high Constitution scores much as a sorcerer or wizard would. Shapeshifters who prefer to enhance their normal shapes in combat will benefit from a good Strength and Dexterity score, while those who prefer to fight in a different shape altogether will often focus on Wisdom and Charisma to enhance their interaction skills instead.

    HIT DIE: d6

    Level Base Attack Fort Ref Will Special Augments -0- -1- -2- -3- -4- -5- -6- -7- -8- -9-
    1st +0 +2 +0 +2 Armored mage, assume senses
    3 1
    2nd +1 +3 +0 +3 Extended shifting
    4 2
    3rd +1 +3 +1 +3 Augmented shifter (least)
    4 3
    4th +2 +4 +1 +4
    4 3 1
    5th +2 +4 +1 +4 Healing factor (fast healing)
    4 4 2
    6th +3 +5 +2 +5 Assume exotic senses
    4 4 3 1
    7th +3 +5 +2 +5 Augmented shifter (lesser)
    4 4 3 2
    8th +4 +6 +2 +6 Augmented shifter (two aspects)
    4 4 4 3 1
    9th +4 +6 +3 +6 Potent shapeshifting +2
    4 4 4 3 2
    10th +5 +7 +3 +7
    4 4 4 4 3 1
    11th +5 +7 +3 +7 Augmented shifter (greater)
    4 4 4 4 3 2
    12th +6/+1 +8 +4 +8
    4 4 4 4 4 3 1
    13th +6/+1 +8 +4 +8 Potent shapeshifting +4
    4 4 4 4 4 3 2
    14th +7/+2 +9 +4 +9 Augmented shifter (three aspects)
    4 4 4 4 4 4 3 1
    15th +7/+2 +9 +5 +9 Augmented shifter (dark)
    4 4 4 4 4 4 3 2
    16th +8/+3 +10 +5 +10
    4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 1
    17th +8/+3 +10 +5 +10 Healing factor (immunities), potent shapeshifting +6
    4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 2
    18th +9/+4 +11 +6 +11
    4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 1
    19th +9/+4 +11 +6 +11 Augmented shifter (fearsome)
    4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 2
    20th +10/+5 +12 +6 +12 Augmented shifter (four aspects)
    4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3
    CLASS SKILLS (2 + Int mod per level, x4 at 1st level)
    A shapeshifter's class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Bluff (Cha), Climb (Str), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Disguise (Cha), Jump (Str), Knowledge (arcana) (Int), Knowledge (dungeoneering), Knowledge (local), Knowledge (nature) (Int), Knowledge (the planes) (Int), Listen (Wis), Profession (Wis), Speak Language (n/a), Spellcraft (Int), Spot (Wis), Survival (Wis), Swim (Str).

    Your spells and class features make you well-suited to a variety of roles depending on the type of creature you shift into, but you often find yourself using flying shapes for mobility, humanoid shapes for infiltration, and large, powerful shapes for combat. You can enhance the capabilities of your allies by altering their shapes. Outside of combat, your cunning and shapeshifting magic makes you a natural spy, and you are a font of knowledge when it comes to discerning the nature and abilities of all manner of creatures.

    Weapon and Armor Proficiency: The shapeshifter gains proficiency with all simple weapons and with light armor, but not with shields.

    Spells: A shapeshifter casts arcane spells, which are drawn from the shapeshifter spell list (below). When you gain access to a new level of spells, you automatically gain access to all the spells for that level on the shapeshifter’s spell list. You can cast any spell you know without preparing it ahead of time. Essentially, your spell list is the same as your spells known list.

    To cast a shapeshifter spell, you must have an Intelligence score of 10 + the spell's level. The Difficulty Class for a saving throw against a shapeshifter’s spell is 10 + the spell's level + the shapeshifter’s Int mod. Like other spellcasters, a shapeshifter can cast only a certain number of spells of each spell level per day. The base daily spell allotment is given in the table above. In addition, you receive bonus spells for a high Intelligence score. If you attempt to cast spells while wearing armor, you suffer an arcane spell failure chance.

    A shapeshifter need not prepare spells in advance. You can cast any spell you know at any time, assuming you have not yet used up your spells per day for that level.

    Armored Mage (Ex): Normally, armor of any type interferes with an arcane spellcaster's gestures, causing an arcane spell failure chance. However, a shapeshifter's limited focus and specialized training allow you to ignore the arcane spell failure chance for light armor. This training does not extend to shields, other forms of armor, or spells gained from other spellcasting classes.

    Assume Senses (Su): When you assume the shape of a creature that possesses darkvision, low-light vision, or scent, you gain that sense. Your eyes now reflect light in the dark, like those of some animals.

    Extended Shifting (Ex): Upon reaching 2nd level, you can remain in your shapeshifted form for longer than usual. All of your [polymorph] spells are automatically Extended as if with the Extend Spell feat, but without any increase in effective spell level.

    Augmented Shifter (Su): At any time after reaching 3rd level, you can declare an alternate shape to be your aspect, attuning the aspect with augments which make you more powerful. You can then assume your aspect and gain the benefit of its augments whenever you wish, even while in a different shape, or in your normal shape (if you assume an aspect while in a different shape, your appearance is a hybrid of your current shape and your aspect).

    Attuning yourself to your aspect requires five minutes of meditation while you are in the aspected shape, during which you choose which augments to attune (much as a wizard prepares spells). If you cannot maintain the shape for at least five minutes, then you cannot select it as an aspect. You can attune a different aspect, or change the augments of your current aspect, as often as you wish, simply by spending another five minutes in meditation while in the appropriate shape. You can assume your aspect at any time as a free action. Likewise, you can suppress your aspect (losing the benefit of its augments and resuming your normal appearance) by concentrating as a standard action.

    Augments come in five grades: least, lesser, greater, dark, and fearsome. At first, you can attune only a single aspect with least augments. As you advance in level, you gain additional aspects and can attune more powerful augments, as shown on Table: The Shapeshifter. However, you can only ever assume a single aspect at a time, and you must suppress your current aspect before you can assume a different one.

    The number of augments you may attune at any one time is shown on Table: The Shapeshifter, above. If you can attune yourself to more than one aspect, you may attune up to your maximum number of augments separately for each one (e.g. a 10th-level shapeshifter can attune four least or lesser augments with his first aspect and four least or lesser augments with his second aspect, but must choose which aspect to assume at any given time).

    Healing Factor (Ex): Upon reaching 5th level, your control of your own form grants you the ability to heal your wounds with exceptional speed. You gain fast healing equal to one-fifth your level. Your appetite also doubles.

    When you reach 17th level, your body control becomes so impressive that you gain immunity to critical hits and stunning -- your system is simply too resilient to be crippled by a lucky strike.
    Assume Exotic Senses (Su): At 6th level and higher, when you assume the shape of a creature that possesses blindsense, blindsight, keen senses, natural cunning, or tremorsense, you gain these senses. Sounds and scents are sharper, crisper and more noticeable to you at all times, and loud sounds or intense odors may be slightly bothersome or distracting for you.

    Potent Shapeshifting (Ex): If you are 9th level or higher, your shape is more potent than normal when you assume the shape of a typical creature of a given type. You gain a +2 enhancement bonus to your Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution scores while using a [polymorph] effect to change your shape.

    This bonus increases to +4 at 13th level, and +6 at 17th level.


    The shapeshifter spell list appears below. All spells are notated with the name and page number of the sourcebook in which they appear.

    0 Level: detect magic (PH 219), read magic (PH 269), virtue (PH 298).

    1st Level: accelerated movement (SC 7), aquatic escape (CS 95), aspect of the wolf (SC 16), babau slime (SC 22), beast claws (SC 25), beastland ferocity (SC 25), branch to branch (SC 38), camouflage (SC 43), claws of the bear (SC 47), climb walls (SC 47), cobra’s breath (CArc 1010), ease of breath (SC 93), endure elements (PH 226), enlarge person (PH 227), expeditious retreat (PH 228), expeditious retreat, swift (SC 85), feather fall (PH 229), fist of stone (SC 94), jump (PH 246), longstrider (PH 249), magic fang (PH 250), nerveskitter (SC 146), ram’s might (SC 166, rapid burrowing (SC 166), reduce person (PH 269), remove scent (SC 173), scales of the lizard (CArc 121), spider form, lesser (DotU 63), webfoot (Storm 125), winged watcher (CS 106), wings of the sea (SC 240).

    2nd Level: alter self (PH 197), animalistic power (Ph2 101), balancing lorecall (SC 23), balor nimbus (SC 28), barkskin (PH 203), bear’s endurance (PH 203), belker claws (SC 26), blinding spittle (SC 32), body of the sun (SC 35), bull’s strength (PH 207), burrow (SC 41), camouflage, mass (SC 43), cat’s grace (PH 208), discern shapechanger (SC 66), eagle’s splendor (PH 225), extend tentacles (SC 86), false life (PH 229), fearsome grapple (SC 90), fins to feet (SC 92), fox’s cunning (PH 233), fuse arms (SC 100), heart of air (CM 106), jaws of the moray (Storm 117), kuo-toa skin (Storm 118), listening lorecall (SC 133), metal fang (CC 124), owl’s wisdom (PH 259), primal hunter (DrM 71), quickswim (Storm 120), razorfangs (Dr 80), reduce animal (PH 269), scintillating scales (SC 181), spider climb (PH 283), swim (SC 217), tiger’s tooth (SC 221), tojanida sight (Storm 123), urchin’s spines (Storm 124), wings of air (SC 240).

    3rd Level: air breathing (SC 8), amorphous form (SC 8), arcane sight (PH 201), bite of the wererat (SC 28), charge of the triceratops (SC 45), dispel magic (PH 223), dragonskin (SC 73), ferocity of sanguine rage (DrM 67), fire wings (SC 93), forestfold (SC 98), gaseous form (PH 234), girallon’s blessing (SC 106), hamatula barbs (SC 109), heart of water (CM 107), jagged tooth (SC 126), lion’s charge (SC 133), magic fang, greater (PH 250), primal form (SC 161), primal instinct (DrM 72), quill fire (SC 164), scales of the sea lord (Storm 121), shape of the hellspawned stalker (CM 117), sharptooth (SC 187), snakebite (SC 193), spider form (DotU 63), thornskin (SC 219), tremorsense (SC 224), unicorn horn (CM 121), vision of the omniscient eye (DrM 74), water breathing (PH 300).

    4th Level: aboleth curse (Storm 113), aspect of the icy hunter (CM 96), bite of the werewolf (SC 29), burning blood (SC 40), burrow, mass (SC 41), corporeal instability (SC 53), displacer form (SC 67), dragonshape, least (DrM 66), enlarge person, mass (PH 227), essence of the raptor (SC 84), fangs of the vampire king (SC 88), flame whips (SC 95), flight of the dragon (SC 95), giant vermin PH 235), heart of earth (CM 106), magic fang, superior (SC 136), passage of the shifting sands (DrM 70), primal senses (DrM 72), reduce person, mass (PH 269), sandform (Sand 119), skin of the cactus (Sand 120), stoneskin (PH 284), swim, mass (SC 217), tenser’s transformation (PH 294), trollshape (PH2 127), wild runner (SC 239), wind at back (SC 239), wings of air, greater (SC 240).

    5th Level: animal growth (PH 198), baleful polymorph (PH 202), bite of the wereboar (SC 28), blood creepers (PH2 104), break enchantment (PH 207), draconic might (SC 72), dragonsight (SC 73), dridershape (DotU 61), enlarge person, greater (SC 82), flaying tendrils (CM 104), flesh to ice (Frost 94), form of the desert hunter (DrM 67), form of the threefold beast (CM 105), gutsnake (SC 108), heart of fire (CM 107), ice to flesh (Frost 100), metal skin (CArc 115), nightstalker’s transformation (SC 148), plant body (SC 159), poison thorns (SC 159), polymorph (PH 263), quill blast (SC 164), reduce person, greater (SC 171), sirine’s grace (SC 191), spider form, greater (DotU 63), transformation of the deeps (Storm 123), unicorn blood (CM 11).

    6th Level: animalistic power, mass (PH2 101), aspect of the earth hunter (SC 16), bear’s endurance, mass (PH 203), bite of the weretiger (SC 28), bull’s strength, mass (PH 207), cat’s grace, mass (PH 208), chasing perfection (PH2 106), cloak of the sea (SC 48), dispel magic, greater (PH 223), dragonshape, lesser (DrM 66), eagle’s splendor, mass (PH 225), flesh to stone (PH 232), fleshshiver (SC 95), fox’s cunning, mass (PH 233), owl’s wisdom, mass (PH 259), primal speed (DrM 72), stone body (SC 207), stone to flesh (PH 285), tortoise shell (SC 221), true seeing (PH 296), wooden blight (CC 130).

    7th Level: adamantine wings (CM 95), arcane sight, greater (PH 201), avasculate (SC 19), bite of the werebear (SC 28), blood to water (SC 33), body of war (SC 35), body outside body (CArc 100), draconic polymorph (Dr 79), giant size (CArc 109), kiss of the vampire (SC 128), nixie’s grace (SC 148), unicorn heart (CM 121).

    8th Level: animal shapes (PH 198), avascular mass (SC 19), bite of the king (SC 28), dreaded form of the eye tyrant (CM 102), elemental body (SC 78), flensing (SC 95), ghostform (SC 103), iron body PH 245), megalodon empowerment (Storm 118), minute form (CArc 115), unyielding form of inevitable death (CM 122).

    9th Level: arboreal transformation (CM 95), cast in stone (SC 43), dragonshape (PH2 111), shapechange (PH 277).
    Last edited by jiriku; 2014-05-29 at 06:26 PM.
    Subclasses for 5E: magus of blades, shadowcraft assassin, spellthief, void disciple
    Guides for 5E: Practical fiend-binding

    D&D Remix for 3.x: balanced base classes and feats, all in the authentic flavor of the originals. Most popular: monk and fighter.

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    Troll in the Playground
    jiriku's Avatar

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    Aug 2009

    Default Re: [3.5 Remix] The shapeshifter


    Least augments:
    attune natural weapon, least
    augment senses, least
    augment natural armor
    augment racial skill, least

    Lesser augments:
    attune extraordinary elemental attack
    attune extraordinary special attack, lesser
    attune extraordinary special quality
    attune feat
    attune natural weapon, lesser
    augment ability score
    augment senses, lesser
    augment racial skill, lesser

    Greater augments:
    attune extraordinary special attack, greater
    attune natural weapon, greater
    attune spell-like ability, greater
    augment senses, greater
    augment racial skill, greater

    Dark augments:
    attune natural weapon, dark
    attune spell-like ability, dark
    augment movement, dark
    augment senses, dark
    augment racial skill, dark

    Fearsome augments:
    attune natural weapon, fearsome
    attune spell-like ability, fearsome
    augment movement, fearsome
    augment senses, fearsome
    augment racial skill, fearsome

    Shapeshifter Augment Descriptions
    Attune Extraordinary Elemental Attack (Lesser)
    You gain one of the following extraordinary elemental attacks that your aspect possesses: air mastery, burn, cold, combustion, drench, earth mastery, fiery aura, or heat. You may attune this augment more than once. Each time you do, it applies to a different extraordinary elemental attack that your aspect possesses.

    Attune Extraordinary Special Attack, Lesser (Lesser)
    You gain one of the following extraordinary special attacks that your aspect possesses, provided you have the proper size, natural weapons or other prerequisites needed to deliver the attack: attach, capsize, constrict, crush, engulf, impale, improved grab, leap, pounce, powerful charge, push, rake, rend, rend armor, rock throwing, snatch, swallow whole, tail sweep, trample, or trip. You may attune this augment more than once. Each time you do, it applies to a different extraordinary special attack that your aspect possesses.

    Attune Extraordinary Special Attack, Greater (Greater)
    You gain one of the following extraordinary special attacks that your aspect possesses, provided you have the proper size, natural weapons or other prerequisites needed to deliver the attack: acid, battle frenzy, berserk, blood drain, corrosive slime, cursed wound, disease, extract, ferocity, frightful presence, howl, light ray, mimicry, moan, paralysis, poison, quills, rage, sneak attack, spit acid, spittle, spores, stench, or web. You may attune this augment more than once. Each time you do, it applies to a different extraordinary special attack that your aspect possesses.

    Attune Extraordinary Special Quality (Lesser)
    You gain one of the following extraordinary special qualities that your aspect possesses: amphibious, immunity to a single type of energy, immunity to poison, fast healing, hold breath, resistance to a single type of energy, rock catching, or water breathing. You may attune this augment more than once. Each time you do, it applies to a different extraordinary special quality that your aspect possesses.

    Attune Feat (Lesser)
    You gain a racial bonus feat that your aspect possesses, ignoring prerequisites. You may attune this augment more than once. Each time you do, it applies to a different racial bonus feat that your aspect possesses. You may only acquire racial bonus feats via this ability, not normal feats or feats gained from templates or class advancement.

    Attune Natural Weapon, Dark (Dark)
    You gain up to four of the natural weapons that your aspect also possesses, growing additional limbs as necessary to support them (for example, if you attune a tail slap attack, your grow a tail). Your new limbs resemble those of your aspect, but do not provide you with any additional abilities (e.g. if you gain wings, you do not gain the ability to fly). The natural weapons you gain function as a normal natural weapons for you; you can make primary or secondary natural attacks with them (but not iterative attacks), and they deal the same damage as your aspect's natural weapons (adjusted for your size, if you are not the same size). Your natural weapons looks like the natural weapons of your aspect (e.g. you grow a horn for a gore attack, you grow claws for a claw attack, etc.). You may attune this augment more than once. Each time you do, it applies to up to four different natural weapons that your aspect possesses.

    Attune Natural Weapon, Fearsome (Fearsome)
    You gain up to five of the natural weapons that your aspect also possesses, growing additional limbs as necessary to support them (for example, if you attune a tail slap attack, your grow a tail). Your new limbs resemble those of your aspect, but do not provide you with any additional abilities (e.g. if you gain wings, you do not gain the ability to fly). The natural weapons you gain function as a normal natural weapons for you; you can make primary or secondary natural attacks with them (but not iterative attacks), and they deal the same damage as your aspect's natural weapons (adjusted for your size, if you are not the same size). Your natural weapons looks like the natural weapons of your aspect (e.g. you grow a horn for a gore attack, you grow claws for a claw attack, etc.). You may attune this augment more than once. Each time you do, it applies to up to five different natural weapons that your aspect possesses.

    Attune Natural Weapon, Greater (Greater)
    You gain up to three of the natural weapons that your aspect also possesses, growing additional limbs as necessary to support them (for example, if you attune a tail slap attack, your grow a tail). Your new limbs resemble those of your aspect, but do not provide you with any additional abilities (e.g. if you gain wings, you do not gain the ability to fly). The natural weapons you gain function as a normal natural weapons for you; you can make primary or secondary natural attacks with them (but not iterative attacks), and they deal the same damage as your aspect's natural weapons (adjusted for your size, if you are not the same size). Your natural weapons looks like the natural weapons of your aspect (e.g. you grow a horn for a gore attack, you grow claws for a claw attack, etc.). You may attune this augment more than once. Each time you do, it applies to up to three different natural weapons that your aspect possesses.

    Attune Natural Weapon, Least (Least)
    You gain one of the natural weapons that your aspect also possesses, provided you possess the proper limb (for example, you cannot gain a tail slap attack if you do not have a tail). It functions as a normal natural weapon for you; you can make primary or secondary natural attacks with it (but not iterative attacks)., and it deals the same damage as your aspect's natural weapon (adjusted for your size, if you are not the same size). Even if the weapon is one that normally comes in pairs (such as a claw), you gain only a single weapon; you must attune this augment again to gain the second paired natural weapon. Your natural weapon looks like the natural weapon of your aspect (e.g. you grow a horn for a gore attack, you grow claws for a claw attack, etc.). You may attune this augment more than once. Each time you do, it applies to a different natural weapon that your aspect possesses.

    Attune Natural Weapon, Lesser (Lesser)
    You gain up to two of the natural weapons that your aspect also possesses, provided you possess the proper limb (for example, you cannot gain a wing buffet attack if you do not have wings). They function as a normal natural weapons for you; you can make primary or secondary natural attacks with them (but not iterative attacks), and they deal the same damage as your aspect's natural weapons (adjusted for your size, if you are not the same size). Your natural weapons looks like the natural weapons of your aspect (e.g. you grow a horn for a gore attack, you grow claws for a claw attack, etc.). You may attune this augment more than once. Each time you do, it applies to up to two different natural weapons that your aspect possesses.

    Attune Spell-Like Ability, Dark (Dark)
    You gain the ability to use one of your aspect's spell-like abilities three times per day, provided it meets the following three prerequisites: its effective spell level is no greater than half your shapeshifter level, the aspect's caster level for this ability is no greater than your shapeshifter caster level, and the aspect is able to use the ability at least three times per day. You activate the spell-like ability just as your aspect normally would, and must observe the same restrictions that your aspect observes (if any). Your caster level for this ability is equal to your shapeshifter caster level, and you use your Charisma score to determine its save DC (if any). If the spell-like ability has an expensive material component or XP cost, you must provide that component or pay that cost, even if your aspect would not. You may attune this augment more than once. Each time you do, it applies to a different qualifying spell-like ability that your aspect possesses.

    Attune Spell-Like Ability, Fearsome (Fearsome)
    You gain the ability to use one of your aspect's spell-like abilities at will, provided it meets the following two prerequisites: the aspect's caster level for this ability is no greater than your shapeshifter caster level, and the aspect is able to use the ability at will. You activate the spell-like ability just as your aspect normally would, and must observe the same restrictions that your aspect observes (if any). Your caster level for this ability is equal to the your shapeshifter caster level, and you use your Charisma score to determine its save DC (if any). If the spell-like ability has an expensive material component or XP cost, you must provide that component or pay that cost, even if your aspect would not. You may attune this augment more than once. Each time you do, it applies to a different qualifying spell-like ability that your aspect possesses.

    Attune Spell-Like Ability, Greater (Greater)
    You gain the ability to use one of your aspect's spell-like abilities once per day, provided it meets the following three prerequisites: its effective spell level is no greater than half your shapeshifter level, the aspect's caster level for this ability is no greater than your shapeshifter caster level, and the aspect is able to use the ability at least once per day. You activate the spell-like ability just as your aspect normally would, and must observe the same restrictions that your aspect observes (if any). Your caster level for this ability is equal to the your shapeshifter caster level, and you use your Charisma score to determine its save DC (if any). If the spell-like ability has an expensive material component or XP cost, you must provide that component or pay that cost, even if your aspect would not. You may attune this augment more than once. Each time you do, it applies to a different qualifying spell-like ability that your aspect possesses.

    Augment Ability Score (Lesser)
    You gain a racial bonus to one ability score for which your aspect also has a racial bonus. This bonus does not stack with any racial ability score bonuses you may already have. Your maximum bonus is limited to the lesser of your aspect's racial ability score bonus or half your shapeshifter level. Your mass, build, proportions, or other characteristics change to look more like those of your aspect while this augment is in effect (the exact effect depends on the ability bonus copied and the appearance of the aspect). You may attune this augment more than once. Each time you do, it applies to a different ability score for which your aspect possesses a racial bonus.

    Augment Movement, Dark (Dark)
    You gain one of the following movement modes your aspect possesses, with a base speed equal to your aspect's base speed in that mode. If you already have movement mode, your base speed increases to your aspect's base speed, if your aspect is faster than you. To attune a climb speed or swim speed, you must first augment yourself with your aspect's Climb or Swim racial skill bonuses. If you attune a fly speed, your maneuverability class is the same as that of your aspect. If the movement mode requires additional limbs or physical adaptations, you manifest those limbs or adaptations, growing to resemble your aspect. These modifications don't give you any of the other benefits they would normally provide, such as increased number of attacks or natural weapons. You may attune this augment more than once. Each time you do, it applies to a different movement mode your aspect possesses.

    Augment Movement, Fearsome (Fearsome)
    You gain all of the following movement modes your aspect possesses, with base speeds equal to your aspect's base speeds in those modes. If you already have any of your aspect's movement modes, your base speed increases to your aspect's base speed in that mode, if your aspect is faster than you. To attune a climb speed or swim speed, you must first augment yourself with your aspect's Climb or Swim racial skill bonuses. If you attune a fly speed, your maneuverability class is the same as that of your aspect. If a movement mode requires additional limbs or physical adaptations, you manifest those limbs or adaptations, growing to resemble your aspect. These modifications don't give you any of the other benefits they would normally provide, such as increased number of attacks or natural weapons.

    Augment Senses, Dark (Dark)
    You gain any and all of the following senses that your aspect also possesses: blindsense, blindsight, keen senses, natural cunning, tremorsense. Your eyes or other appropriate sensory organ undergo a significant change to look more like those of your aspect while this augment is in effect. You may attune this augment more than once. Each time you do, it applies to a different sense that your aspect possesses.

    Augment Senses, Fearsome (Fearsome)
    You gain any and all of the following senses that your aspect also possesses: blindsense, blindsight, darkvision, keen senses, low-light vision, natural cunning, scent, tremorsense. Your eyes or other appropriate sensory organ undergo a dramatic change to look more like those of your aspect while this augment is in effect.

    Augment Senses, Greater (Greater)
    You gain any and all of the following senses that your aspect also possesses: darkvision, low-light vision, scent. Your eyes or other appropriate sensory organ undergo a noticeable change to look more like those of your aspect while this augment is in effect.

    Augment Senses, Least (Least)
    You gain one of the following senses that your aspect also possesses: darkvision, low-light vision, scent. Your eyes or other appropriate sensory organ may change subtly to look more like those of your aspect while this augment is in effect. You may attune this augment more than once. Each time you do, it applies to a different sense that your aspect possesses.

    Augment Senses, Lesser (Lesser)
    You gain one of the following senses that your aspect also possesses: blindsense, blindsight, keen senses, natural cunning, tremorsense. Your eyes or other appropriate sensory organ change to look more like those of your aspect while this augment is in effect. You may attune this augment more than once. Each time you do, it applies to a different sense that your aspect possesses.

    Augment Natural Armor (Least)
    You gain a natural armor bonus that your aspect also possesses, replacing your own natural armor bonus (if any). Your maximum bonus is limited to the lesser of your aspect's natural armor bonus or half your shapeshifter level. Your skin changes subtly to look more like that of your aspect while this augment is in effect.

    Augment Racial Skill, Dark (Dark)
    You gain up to four racial skill bonuses that your aspect also possesses. Your maximum bonus is limited to the lesser of your aspect's skill bonus or your shapeshifter level. Your build, skin, and other salient characteristics change significantly to look more like those of your aspect while this augment is in effect. You may attune this augment more than once. Each time you do, it applies to up to four different racial skill bonus that your aspect possesses.

    Augment Racial Skill, Fearsome (Fearsome)
    You gain up to five racial skill bonuses that your aspect also possesses. Your maximum bonus is limited to the lesser of your aspect's skill bonus or your shapeshifter level. Your build, skin, and other salient characteristics change dramatically to look more like those of your aspect while this augment is in effect. You may attune this augment more than once. Each time you do, it applies to up to five different racial skill bonus that your aspect possesses.

    Augment Racial Skill, Greater (Greater)
    You gain up to three racial skill bonuses that your aspect also possesses. Your maximum bonus is limited to the lesser of your aspect's skill bonus or your shapeshifter level. Your build, skin, and other salient characteristics change to look more like those of your aspect while this augment is in effect. You may attune this augment more than once. Each time you do, it applies to up to three different racial skill bonus that your aspect possesses.

    Augment Racial Skill, Least (Least)
    You gain a racial skill bonus that your aspect also possesses. Your maximum bonus is limited to the lesser of your aspect's skill bonus or your shapeshifter level. Your build, skin, or other salient characteristics may change subtly to look more like those of your aspect while this augment is in effect. You may attune this augment more than once. Each time you do, it applies to a different racial skill bonus that your aspect possesses.

    Augment Racial Skill, Lesser (Lesser)
    You gain up to two racial skill bonuses that your aspect also possesses. Your maximum bonus is limited to the lesser of your aspect's skill bonus or your shapeshifter level. Your build, skin, or other salient characteristics change subtly to look more like those of your aspect while this augment is in effect. You may attune this augment more than once. Each time you do, it applies to up to two different racial skill bonus that your aspect possesses.
    Last edited by jiriku; 2012-04-08 at 07:23 PM.
    Subclasses for 5E: magus of blades, shadowcraft assassin, spellthief, void disciple
    Guides for 5E: Practical fiend-binding

    D&D Remix for 3.x: balanced base classes and feats, all in the authentic flavor of the originals. Most popular: monk and fighter.

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    Troll in the Playground
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    Default Re: [3.5 Remix] The shapeshifter


    You can use your magic to create a breath weapon like that of a dragon.
    Prerequisite: Shapeshifter 3
    Benefit: Add the following spells to your shapeshifter class spell list.
    2nd|frost breath (SC 100): you can breathe a cone of frost.
    3rd|acid breath (SC 7): you can breathe a cone of acid.
    3rd|nauseating breath (SC 146): your breath weapon nauseates foes.
    4th|dragon breath (SC 73): you can breathe one of a variety of draconic breath weapons.
    5th|fire breath (CA 106): you can breathe a cone of fire.
    7th|channel the dragon (DrM 65): you gain a breath weapon that you can use repeatedly.[/table]

    You can enhance your magical breath weapons.
    Prerequisite: Shapeshifter 3, Dragonbreath Shifter feat or a natural breath weapon.
    Benefit: Add the following spells to your shapeshifter class spell list.
    1st|breath flare (SC 38)): your breath weapon dazzles foes.
    4th|blinding breath (SC 31): your breath weapon blinds foes.
    5th|dispelling breath (SC 67): your breath weapon dispels magic.
    5th|breath weapon substitution (SC 39): your breath weapon deals a different type of energy damage.
    5th|ethereal breath (SC 84): your breath weapon affects ethereal foes.
    5th|stunning breath (SC 211): your breath weapon stuns foes.
    8th|stunning breath, greater (SC 211): your breath weapon stuns foes for even longer.
    9th|breath weapon admixture (SC 39): your breath weapon deals extra damage of a different type of energy.
    9th|enervating breath (SC 82): your breath weapon inflicts a negative level on foes.[/table]

    EXTRA ASPECT [General]
    You can assume more aspects than other shifters.
    Prerequisites: Shapeshifter 3, Augmented Shifter (least)
    Benefit: Your maximum number of aspects increases by one. You can still only assume one aspect at a time. You can take this feat more than once. Its effects stack.

    You may augment yourself with more of the characteristics of your aspects.
    Prerequisites: Shapeshifter 3, Augmented Shifter (least)
    Benefit: The maximum number of augments you can attune with each of your aspects increases by one. You may take this feat more than once. Its effects stack.

    Recommended Nerfs to [polymorph] spells from the Player's Handbook

    Alter Self (PH 197)
    Level: Bard 2, Sorcerer/Wizard 3, Shapeshifter 2
    Duration: 1 min./level
    The maximum hit dice of an assumed form is equal to one-half your caster level, to a maximum of 5 HD at 10th level.

    Draconic Polymorph (Dr 79)
    Level: Sor/Wiz 7, Shapeshifter 7

    Polymorph (PH 263)
    Level: Sor/Wiz 5, Shapeshifter 5
    The assumed form can't have more hit dice than one-half your caster level (or the subject's HD, whichever is lower), to a maximum of 10 HD at 20th level.

    Polymorph Any Object (PH 263)
    The spell is limited to transforming one sort of object into another, and cannot target creatures or turn an object into a creature.

    Shapechange (PH 277)
    Duration: 1 min./level
    The assumed form cannot have more than your caster level in HD, to a maximum of 25 HD at 25th level.
    Last edited by jiriku; 2012-04-10 at 08:37 PM.
    Subclasses for 5E: magus of blades, shadowcraft assassin, spellthief, void disciple
    Guides for 5E: Practical fiend-binding

    D&D Remix for 3.x: balanced base classes and feats, all in the authentic flavor of the originals. Most popular: monk and fighter.

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    Colossus in the Playground
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    Default Re: [3.5 Remix] The shapeshifter

    I approve of the spell nerfs. I never really got the idea behind "draconic polymorph". Apparently, you transform yourself into a black pudding with dragonlike features, thus giving you a +8 Str bonus? I dunno. It's definitely way too powerful to be just one spell level above polymorph though.

    You have Potent Shapeshifting capping at level 17 on the table, but level 19 in the text. Which is it?

    Also, I think mixing in some warshaper abilities would be appropriate here. You've already got Morphic Body (or whichever one gives you Str and Con), but Morphic Immunities and Morphic Healing would both be pretty strong and very flavorful. Morphic Weapons is pretty much taken care of in spades by the Augments, but the other two I could see being true class features, rather than just augments.

    Also, I find it just a little odd that your emberhaunt et. al are the ones who get Wild Shape as a class feature, while the actual class based around shapeshifting still has to use spells to change its form all day.

    Edit: Sorry, just realized I totally sounded like a douche right now. Where was all that praise in my head! I didn't get around to typing it because I was in proofread mode. Ahem.

    Jiriku, this class is both powerful and needed. It fills a niche that casters have long wanted, and it does it without the burdening flavor and alignment restrictions of the druid. (Also you get to be arcane, so that's pretty sweet).

    Any chance for some changeling/shifter Racial Substitution Levels?
    Last edited by NeoSeraphi; 2012-04-09 at 04:48 PM.

  5. - Top - End - #5
    Pixie in the Playground
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    Default Re: [3.5 Remix] The shapeshifter

    I'd be tempted to allow augments to give regeneration and perhaps a few other more powerful special qualities as later level and maybe also the ability at or around level 20 to take on two aspects at once. I'm unsure on how this would play out balance wise (100%). I am admittedly looking at the class with only a glance at the spell-casting how ever I doubt even both of those upgrades would add too much more in the way of power compared to the high-level spells you'll also have at those levels.

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    Troll in the Playground
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    Default Re: [3.5 Remix] The shapeshifter

    Added Healing Factor, reduced the prep time for attuning augments from one hour to five minutes, and added two augment-related feats. I like the idea of racial sub levels and more augments, but I'll need more time to gather ideas for those.
    Subclasses for 5E: magus of blades, shadowcraft assassin, spellthief, void disciple
    Guides for 5E: Practical fiend-binding

    D&D Remix for 3.x: balanced base classes and feats, all in the authentic flavor of the originals. Most popular: monk and fighter.

  7. - Top - End - #7

    Default Re: [3.5 Remix] The shapeshifter

    our group used this, and found we sort of wished it was more inherited melee fighting versus a spell boosting style of it.

    so we gave it medium bab and attument at first level, was kind of pointless to have the feats that had no value until 3rd
    Last edited by silverwolfer; 2012-09-14 at 09:38 PM.

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    Troll in the Playground
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    Default Re: [3.5 Remix] The shapeshifter

    Hmm, I can see where you're coming from with that. Which abilities were most useful? Which were never used?
    Subclasses for 5E: magus of blades, shadowcraft assassin, spellthief, void disciple
    Guides for 5E: Practical fiend-binding

    D&D Remix for 3.x: balanced base classes and feats, all in the authentic flavor of the originals. Most popular: monk and fighter.

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    Troll in the Playground
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    Default Re: [3.5 Remix] The shapeshifter

    Tables updated. This class is currently undergoing revision; changes may be posted within the next few weeks.
    Subclasses for 5E: magus of blades, shadowcraft assassin, spellthief, void disciple
    Guides for 5E: Practical fiend-binding

    D&D Remix for 3.x: balanced base classes and feats, all in the authentic flavor of the originals. Most popular: monk and fighter.

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