Snips, Snails, and Dragon Tales: Now available in PDF format from Gumroad
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    Jormengand's Avatar

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    Default The Adventurer [3.5 class, PEACH]

    The Adventurer

    "The secret to being an adventurer is simple mathematics: the number of tricks you have up your sleeve is the number of tricks the enemy has up their sleeve, plus one."

    An adventurer is always ready for anything they might encounter on their travels, with the skill, luck and bravado to come up with a solution to almost any problem.

    Adventures: Adventurers go on their adventures not just because it is in the name but because it is in the soul. It is everything to them.

    Characteristics: Adventurers can be built to tackle pretty much any scenario, and can come up with some kind of solution whenever they are called upon to do so.

    Alignment: Adventure appeals most to the true neutrals, with nothing to hide, nothing to give and nothing to lose. However, anyone can become an adventurer.

    Religion: Gods of luck, adventure or the wild are common among adventurers.

    Background: An adventurer can be anyone from a member of a prestigious adventuring guild to a lost wanderer who gets by any way they can.

    Races: Any race can produce adventurers, out of necessity or desire.

    Other Classes: All classes are adventurers in one way or another, although they may not approve of the methods of this particular type of adventurer.

    Role: Adventurers are useful in almost any role, and can fill whatever niche a party needs.

    Adaptation: All worlds have some kind of adventure, even if it isn't discovering anything new. Adventurers can be some kind of undercover operative, for example.

    Adventurers have the following game statistics.
    Abilities: Any combination of ability scores could be important to an adventurer.
    Alignment: Any
    Hit Die: d8
    Starting Age: As bard.
    Starting Gold: As cleric.

    Class Skills
    The adventurer's class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Appraise (Int), Balance (Dex), Bluff (Cha), Climb (Str), Craft (Int), Decipher Script (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Disable Device (Int), Escape Artist (Dex), Gather Information (Cha), Hide (Dex), Jump (Str), Knowledge (All skills, taken individually) (Int), Listen (Wis), Move Silently (Dex), Open Lock (Dex), Perform (Cha), Profession (Wis), Search (Int), Sense Motive (Wis), Sleight of Hand (Dex), Spot (Wis), Swim (Str), Tumble (Dex), Use Magic Device (Cha), and Use Rope (Dex).

    Skill Points at First Level: (6 + Int modifier) x 4
    Skill Points at Each Additional Level: 6 + Int modifier

    Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
    Minor Talents
    Moderate Talents
    Major Talents
    1st +0 +2 +2 +0 Bag of Useful Items
    2nd +1 +3 +3 +0 Lucky Escape 1/Day
    3rd +2 +3 +3 +1 Improvised Item Proficiency
    4th +3 +4 +4 +1 Use Anything
    5th +3 +4 +4 +1
    6th +4 +5 +5 +2 Contact 1/Day
    7th +5 +5 +5 +2
    8th +6/+1 +6 +6 +2 Lucky Escape 1/Hour
    9th +6/+1 +6 +6 +3
    10th +7/+2 +7 +7 +3
    11th +8/+3 +7 +7 +3
    12th +9/+4 +8 +8 +4 Contact 2/Day
    13th +9/+4 +8 +8 +4
    14th +10/+5 +9 +9 +4 Lucky Escape 1/Minute
    15th +11/+6/+1 +9 +9 +5
    16th +12/+7/+2 +10 +10 +5
    17th +12/+7/+2 +10 +10 +5
    18th +13/+8/+3 +11 +11 +6 Contact 3/Day
    19th +14/+9/+4 +11 +11 +6
    20th +15/+10/+5 +12 +12 +6 Lucky Escape 1/Round

    Class Features
    All of the following are class features of the adventurer.

    Weapon and Armor Proficiency
    Adventurers are proficient in light and medium armour, all shields, all simple weapons, the bolas, the hand crossbow, the longbow, the net, the pick (light and heavy), the rapier, the shortbow, the short sword and the whip.

    Talents (Ex)
    An adventurer has a set of abilities called Talents which take three forms: minor, moderate and major. The numbers on Table: The Adventurer give the number of Talents an adventurer has of each type at that level. Talents essentially work in a similar way to feats, and are explained in more depth in their own section.

    Bag of Useful Items (Ex)
    An adventurer is gifted with, steals, inherits or otherwise obtains a special backpack when they attain their first level. This backpack is henceforth a Bag of Useful Items. A replacement Bag of Useful Items can be found within 24 hours of losing the last one.

    Bags of Useful Items can contain normal items much as any other container can, but they also contain some hidden items that needn't be revealed until they are used. Each day, the adventurer can withdraw items from the bag whose value totals no more than the square of the adventurer's level in platinum pieces (Remember that 1pp=10gp=100sp=1000cp). However, these items must be items whose use is in some way limited, or they will break after just three uses (or an hour of continuous use), and they are not of high enough quality to sell or use as spell components (material or focus); money withdrawn from the bag is clearly fake when examined closely but could be used as a distraction. Items that couldn't reasonably fit in the bag can't be withdrawn from it, but items whose total weight could not possibly have been carried between them, or which could not collectively have fit in the bag, can be withdrawn separately. Don't ask how she does it. DMs should be reasonable when deciding what can be drawn from the bag and what can't; flooding a room with 1000 cplv-1/2 (unit cancellation is weird) is probably not acceptable.

    Items withdrawn from the bag invariably sustain some kind of damage or degrade overnight, making them unusable.

    Examples of items which can be withdrawn from the bag include arrows, tools (which will break after 3 uses), weapons (which will break after 3 uses), potions, partially-charged wands, feather tokens, ropes (which break after an hour's use), grappling hooks, sunrods, healers kits, a change of clothes (which will break after an hour wearing them), food or drink, candles, caltrops, blankets, ladders (which break after an hour's use), locks (which will only hold a door for an hour before degrading, but that might still be of use), or a Necklace of Fireballs. This list is by no means exhaustive, and a player who comes up with more inventive ideas ("I pull a sled out of the bag and go sledding down the mountain!") shouldn't be discouraged! Further, just because an item isn't listed in Equipment and Special Materials doesn't mean it can't be pulled out of the bag (or, gods forbid, bought in a town); just be reasonable about the cost.

    Lucky Escape (Ex)
    Adventurers are naturally lucky. Once per day from second level, an adventurer can re-roll a single d20 roll that she just made, or force an enemy to re-roll a d20 roll that enemy just made against her (Such as an attack roll, save or opposed skill check). This doesn't require an action so she can do it when it's not her turn and before anyone gets any chances to activate even immediate actions in response (She can re-roll the die faster than the immediate action, but whatever action she was taking is still slower than it). From 8th level, this can be done once an hour, from 14th, once a minute, and from 20th, once per round.

    Improvised Item Proficiency (Ex)
    Adventurers don't take penalties for the weapon or tool they're using being an improvised one. They treat them as normal items of the same type (although if they get bonuses to using improvised weapons, they can still claim those).

    Use Anything (Ex)
    Adventurers can use almost any item without the required skills to do so. They can take 10 on checks to use items (such as Use Magic Device checks) and can use them untrained. They can use items even if they would normally be barred by class, race, alignment or skill rank restrictions.

    Contact (Ex)
    Adventurers have contacts almost anywhere that they go, and in fact they can almost always count on having someone available for the specific problem that they need solved! From 6th level, they can consult a contact once per day, and they can do so an additional time per day per 6 levels after that.

    A contact is an NPC with up to 1 hit die per full 3 adventurer levels the adventurer has, and the appropriate social status for a character of that many hit dice (hit dice may be limited by settlement size: a hamlet will not randomly produce 3 different level 6 characters in a day), and can be consulted in any location where it is reasonable to find members of their race and class (you should always be able to consult a contact in any kind of settlement). For example, it is reasonable to consult an elf cleric in a shrine to Larethian, even if that shrine is deep in the woods far from a settlement.

    Contacts won't join you on your adventure or do anything with a more than routine chance of causing them harm (A soldier will happily enter a battle he thinks he's prepared for, but a merchant, even one who is uncannily good at combat, won't because they aren't used to putting themselves in harm's way). However, they will happily provide any services they offer, cast spells for you such that their total levels (cantrips count as half) are no more than half your adventurer level, and let you take up to 30 minutes/level of their time.

    Here are some examples of possible contacts and the services they might provide:

    • A thief you once adventured with (Rogue 3 Adventurer 1) agrees to steal an item you need for your quest.
    • The captain of the guard in a small city (Fighter 5) sends a squad of men (8 Warriors 2) to raid a criminal base after you tip him off.
    • A smuggler (Bard 2 Rogue 1) shows you a selection of wares not normally available in this location.
    • A master smith (Factotum 2) agrees to sell you items that other stores aren't stocking at the moment.
    • A powerful wizard (Wizard 6) agrees to show your party's wizard his spellbook to allow his spells to be copied.

    Like the list of items that can be withdrawn from a Bag of Useful Items, this list is by no means exhaustive.

    List of Adventurer Talents

    Adventurer talents work exactly as given in their description. They are formatted just like feats, and can only be taken once unless specified otherwise.

    Minor Talents

    You can destroy objects with acid.
    Prerequisites: None
    Benefit: You can use a flask of acid to deal damage to an object. You can pour a vial of acid on an object such as a lock in a manner which deals 1d6 points of damage per round for 5 rounds. Alternatively, you can throw a vial of acid at a wielded or worn object to Sunder it, in which case you deal splash damage to the wielder and nearby creatures normally.

    Against All Odds
    You can go against dangerous odds and survive.
    Prerequisites: None.
    Benefit: When you are fighting against an encounter with a higher CR than is appropriate for you to fight, you get a +1 bonus to d20 rolls, a +2 bonus to damage rolls and a 5 ft bonus to movement speed for each additional point of CR.
    Special: This is calculated as the sum total of all challenges who have ever been in the encounter so far. So, for example, if a level 4 party with an adventurer has to fight a CR 4 enemy, then another shows up, the encounter is now CR 6 giving a +2/+4/+10 bonus. If the first is killed and a third appears, and then the third is killed and a fourth shows up, the encounter is now CR 8 even though the surviving enemies are only CR 6. The adventurer gets bonuses of +4, +8 and +20.

    Arise, Hero
    You can get up quickly when you fall over.
    Prerequisites: None.
    Benefit: You can get up as a free action as part of your movement, including withdrawal, running or charging.

    Armoured Adventurer
    You can move easily in armour.
    Prerequisites: None.
    Benefit: You ignore the armour check penalty of armour you are proficient in.

    Bag of Additional Items
    Your bag has more stuff in!
    Prerequisites: None
    Benefit: You get a +1 competence bonus to adventurer level when determining how much your Bag of Useful Items can hold.

    Blind Eye
    You are functionally immune to minor laws.
    Prerequisites: None.
    Benefit: You are a recognised adventurer by some global authority, or just by each individual jurisdiction: whatever the case, your reputation precedes you. You and your compatriots are not considered worth dealing with when you commit minor crimes, and you are treated more favourably by the law.

    Bonus Feat
    You eschew the adventurer's specialties in favour of a more common ability.
    Prerequisites: As feat.
    Benefit: You gain a feat of your choice.
    Special: You can take this talent more than once. Each time you do, you can choose a new feat, or one that you already have if it can be taken more than once.

    Bouncing Strike
    With a simple rubber ball, you can catch a foe off-guard.
    Prerequisites: None.
    Benefit: You can wield a rubber ball as though it were a non-improvised weapon with which you were proficient, and you deal 1d6 points of bludgeoning damage (plus any damage bonuses to thrown weapon attacks, such as a strength bonus) on a successful hit. If you can bounce the ball off a wall and hit someone from the opposite side from which you are standing, roll the attack as though the enemy was flat-footed.

    Burning Desire
    You are good at setting fires, and unlikely to use this ability responsibly.
    Prerequisites: None.
    Benefit: Whenever you set a fire, you may make it up to three times the normal size, and do twice the normal damage.

    Caltrop Thrower
    You are more proficient than normal with caltrops.
    Prerequisites: None.
    Benefit: You can throw caltrops onto a square by making a ranged touch attack (range increment 10 feet). You can also throw caltrops actually at a creature, although it's not a touch attack. If you hit, the enemy takes the effect of the caltrops but your strength modifier is added to the damage. Whether you hit or miss, if you hit the square's DC of 5 the caltrops end up in the square.
    Special: If you miss the square you're aiming into while throwing caltrops, scatter them as a ranged splash weapon.

    You can jump long distances down without injury.
    Prerequisites: None.
    Benefit: You can slow fall like a monk does. You can only slow fall 5 feet per level, but don't need to have a surface nearby.
    Special: If you're a multiclass monk, you can slow fall using your monk ability while next to a wall, and use Catfall while falling not next to a surface.

    Crowbar Wielder
    You can use a crowbar for almost anything.
    Prerequisites: None.
    Benefit: You can use a crowbar to jam a lock so it can't be unlocked. You can also use it like a piton to support your weight, or you can use it like a grappling hook if using it on a target that could reasonably be grappled with a crowbar.

    Endure Environment
    You can run through scorching fire or bitter cold unharmed.
    Prerequisites: None.
    Benefit: You get DR 3/- and resistance to everything 3 against environmental hazards, weather effects and the like.
    Special: You can take this talent more than once. Its effects stack.

    You can get out of harm's way quickly.
    Prerequisites: None.
    Benefit: If you aren't prone, you can move 5 feet as an immediate action and fall prone.

    You can put Alchemist's Fire on a weapon to increase its power.
    Prerequisites: None.
    Benefit: You know how to handle Alchemist's Fire safely so that it doesn't automatically combust on contact with air. This allows you to put it on a weapon, or create a fire. Putting it on a weapon causes the weapon to deal 1d6 extra fire damage on a successful hit (except in the case of projectile weapons, in which case you put it on the ammunition - there is enough for 10 pieces of ammunition - and then the weapon deals extra damage when used with this ammunition). Using it to light a fire can allow up to a 10-foot strip of fire which is essentially nonmagical fire and so deals 1d6 points of damage per round. This fire burns for 10 rounds either way, unless there is additional fuel for the fire.

    You can guess whether something's going to work out or not.
    Prerequisites: None.
    Benefit: You can use Augury once per day as a swift action, but it's an extraordinary ability and has no components.
    Special: Your caster level is equal to your class level.

    In Here Somewhere
    You can grab items out of your Bag of Useful Items on the go.
    Prerequisites: None
    Benefit: Grabbing an item from your Bag of Useful Items doesn't provoke attacks of opportunity.
    Normal: Retrieving an item from a container is a move action which provokes attacks of opportunity.

    Magnetic Disarm
    You can use a simple bar magnet to tear an item from someone's grip.
    Prerequisites: None.
    Benefit: You can throw a bar magnet at someone's metal equipment to drag it out of their hand, allowing you to disarm someone at range and with a +4 bonus on the disarm check.

    Pick a God and Pray
    You can stretch yourself to do impossible things... perhaps.
    Prerequisites: None.
    Benefit: Once per hour, you can give the task you are about to undertake to luck and let the gods decide your fate. Without taking an action, you gain a +10d6 bonus and a -10d6 penalty to a single roll.

    You can apply poison to a weapon safely.
    Prerequisites: None.
    Benefit: You never risk exposing yourself to poison when applying it to a weapon, even when using special equipment such as an oil chamber.

    Remote Contact
    You have contacts in far-out places.
    Prerequisites: Contacts class feature.
    Benefit: The requirement that contacts be in places where they could reasonably appear is relaxed - contacts instead appear in any place where they could have any reason at all to appear. For example, a merchant would only reasonably be expected to appear in a town, but might have reason to visit a dungeon if they knew there would be adventurers afoot in need of supplies.

    You can repair a broken object quickly.
    Prerequisites: None
    Benefit: In one minute, you can repair a broken mechanical object, such as a lock or trap. You can't repair items that have been smashed to pieces, burned to cinders or ground to dust.

    Resilient Gear
    You can pull out sturdier gear from your bag.
    Prerequisites: None.
    Benefit: You can spend a multiple of the normal amount of money to pull out an item that sustains that many times the normal number or time of uses. For example, by spending twice as much on a lock, it lasts 2 hours. By spending 7 times as much on a sword, it lasts 21 uses.

    Rope Master
    You are skilled at using ropes.
    Prerequisites: None.
    Benefit: You get a bonus to Use Rope checks equal to your level. In addition, you can take 1 minute to prepare a rope which can be used to tie a character as a standard action which provokes attacks of opportunity.

    See in the Dark
    Well okay, not quite.
    Prerequisites: None.
    Benefit: You get Low-light vision.

    You're good at breaking stuff.
    Prerequisites: None
    Benefit: You get a +5 bonus on all rolls made to break something (other than a creature!).

    Swift Swipe
    You can grab something and run away quickly.
    Prerequisites: None.
    Benefit: You can take a single sleight of hand check as a free action during your withdraw action to steal an item.

    Torch Master
    You can wield a torch as an effective weapon.
    Prerequisites: None.
    Benefit: You can wield a torch just like a club, and you deal 1d6 fire damage and set the target ablaze when you hit.

    You can find traps with that trusty piece of equipment, the 10-foot pole.
    Prerequisites: None.
    Benefit: When you use a 10-foot pole, you can search the area in front of you so long as you move no more than 5 feet per round as a full-round action. You trigger traps when you are 10 feet away from the normal trigger location. Traps that are not triggered, such as pit traps, are still uncovered by your unashamed poking.

    Trap Sense
    You notice traps and get out of their way quickly.
    Prerequisites: None
    Benefit: You gain the Trap Sense ability of a rogue of your level.
    Special: Trap sense bonuses gained from multiple classes stack.

    Use More Things
    You are even more adept at using things you probably shouldn't.
    Prerequisites: Use Anything class feature.
    Benefit: You get a +5 bonus to rolls to use things. You get a +5 bonus on saves against traps on things you're trying to use.
    Special: You get no bonus on ancillary rolls if you actually want to achieve anything by using a thing, such as attack and damage rolls to smack someone around the face with it.

    Wand User
    You have a chance to use a wand without expending a charge.
    Prerequisites: None
    Benefit: Whenever you use a wand, you have a 2% chance per level (up to 60% at 30th level) chance to avoid using a charge on the wand.

    Weather the Storm
    You are used to adverse conditions
    Prerequisites: None.
    Benefit: You get a +5 bonus to all rolls made against any type of weather effects.

    Moderate Talents

    Bag of Many Items
    Your bag has a lot of stuff in. Like, a hell of a lot of stuff.
    Prerequisites: Bag of Additional Items talent.
    Benefit: You get a +2 competence bonus to adventurer level when determining how much your Bag of Useful Items can hold.
    Special: Remember that competence bonuses don't stack.

    Bag Trap
    You can trap your bag so that anyone who reaches into it without your say-so is harmed.
    Prerequisites: None.
    Benefit: Your Bag of Useful Items is trapped. Whenever an enemy attempts to draw an item from your bag, they suffer the effect of a random trap depending on your level. Roll 1d6, plus 1d6/4 levels (Maximum 6d6 at 20th level) to determine the effect of the trap:

    Spoiler: Table: Bag Traps
    Roll Trap CR
    1 Basic Arrow 1
    2 Fusillade of Darts 1
    3 Poison Dart 1
    4 Poison Needle 1
    5 Scything Blade 1
    6 Spear 1
    7 Box of Brown Mold 2
    8 Burning Hands 2
    9 Inflict Light Wounds 2
    10 Javelin 2
    11 Large Net 2
    12 Posion Needle 2
    13 Burning Hands 3
    14 Fire Trap 3
    15 Ghoul Touch 3
    16 Hail of Needles 3
    17 Acid Arrow 3
    18 Poisoned Arrow 3
    19 Bestow Curse 4
    20 Glyph of Warding (Blast) 4
    21 Lightning Bolt 4
    22 Poisoned Dart 4
    23 Sepia Snake Sigil 4
    24 Wall Scythe 4
    25 Contact Poison (As doorknob smeared with) 5
    26 Fire Trap 5
    27 Fireball 5
    28 Phantasmal Killer 5
    29 Poison Wall Spikes 5
    30 Ungol Dust Vapour 5
    31 Flame Strike 6
    32 Fusillade of Spears 6
    33 Glyph of Warding (Blast) 6
    34 Lightning Bolt 6
    35 Whirling Poison Blades 6
    36 Wyvern Arrow 6

    When checking the effects of a trap, be sure to check the trap of the correct CR, as given on Table: Bag Traps. These traps ignore the normal trigger condition and are invariably unsalvageable after they are used. The bag can produce any number of traps per day, afflicting any creature so bold or so foolish as to continue to attempt to draw from it.

    Bouncing Bomb
    You can use a rubber ball to make touch attacks.
    Prerequisites: Bouncing Strike talent.
    Benefit: When you cast a touch spell (probably from a wand or scroll), you can designate a bouncing ball as the toucher and throw it at an enemy as part of the same action. If the ball beats the enemy's touch AC but not their non-touch AC, the spell is discharged on them even though the ball itself deals no damage.

    Curses have no effect on you.
    Prerequisites: None.
    Benefit: Curses and cursed items don't affect you and you can use cursed items as the item they appear to be.

    Diplomatic Immunity
    You have official protections from certain laws.
    Prerequisites: Blind Eye talent.
    Benefit: You have some kind of de jure protection from legal consequences of your, and your compatriots', actions. You can get away with ignoring most jurisdiction-specific laws, as well as unlawfully entering areas without damaging anything, getting involved in fights, and possessing restricted or banned items.

    Dynamic Entry
    Nothing is better than impacting someone at high speed.
    Prerequisites: Catfall talent.
    Benefit: You can Catfall twice the normal distance. Additionally, you can jump down on someone to deal twice the damage they would have taken for falling the same distance and knock them prone. If you otherwise impact someone at high speed (such as while sledding down a mountain), they take damage based on how far you moved that round and are knocked prone. Creatures two or more size categories larger than you avoid falling prone in this way.

    Fast Learner
    You'll try anything once.
    Prerequisites: None.
    Benefit: Once per day you can use a minor talent that you don't have.

    Flame Launcher
    You are adept at throwing flames using torches
    Prerequisites: Torch master
    Benefit: You can use a torch to launch a shower of embers with a range increment of 5 feet, which deals 2d6 fire damage and sets the target ablaze when it hits.

    Friends in High Places
    You know some important people!
    Prerequisites: Contacts class feature.
    Benefit: Once per day, you can call upon a contact with a social standing and prestige that would be expected of someone double their level. This still uses a use of your Contacts ability.

    Grapple Down
    A grappling hook is not really a weapon, but it was inevitable that someone would try to use it as one.
    Prerequisites: None.
    Benefit: If you can hit someone with a grappling hook (with a rope attached), you can attempt to start a free grapple with them even though they're not in your square. Rather than moving in a grapple, you have the opportunity to move them towards you. You can't pin them until they reach your square.

    Grab on the Go
    You can very quickly retrieve items from your bag.
    Prerequisites: In Here Somewhere talent.
    Benefit: Taking an item from your Bag of Useful Items is achievable as a swift action.
    Normal: Retrieving an item from a container is a move action.

    I Know You!
    You know so many people that sometimes, it just so happens that one of them is your contact!
    Prerequisites: Contacts class feature.
    Benefit: You can expend a use of your Contacts class feature to declare someone who has already appeared to be your contact. However, you must be able to make someone of that level your contact.

    You know instinctively what you're looking for or what to do.
    Prerequisites: Hunch talent.
    Benefit: You can use Divination in the same way that Hunch allows you to use Augury, in addition to the use of Augury.

    Jack of All Raids
    You get more minor talents, rather than a moderate one.
    Prerequisites: None.
    Benefits: You get two new minor talents immediately.
    Special: You can take this talent more than once.

    Really Use Anything
    You can use practically anything you come across.
    Prerequisites: Use More Things talent.
    Benefit: You no longer need to roll to use things, and traps that would trigger when you try to use things don't.
    Special: You still need to make ancillary rolls if you actually want to achieve anything by using a thing, such as attack and damage rolls to smack someone around the face with it.

    Skilled Combatant
    You are capable of holding your own in a fight.
    Prerequisites: None
    Benefit: You treat the adventurer, retroactively and forevermore, as having the fighter's base attack bonus progression when determining your base attack bonus.

    Specific Knowledge
    You remember specific pieces of information about monsters.
    Prerequisites: Knowledge (Any one) 8 ranks.
    Benefit: Whenever you pass a knowledge check to identify a monster, you can choose a single item from the following list: Hit dice, Initiative, Land speed, Fly speed and maneuverability, Swim Speed, Burrow Speed, Climb Speed, Armour Class, Touch Armour Class, Flat-footed Armour Class, Base Attack Bonus, Grapple Bonus, Attack Bonus (for a specific weapon or natural attack you can see), Damage roll (for a specific weapon or natural attack you can see), Reach, Fortitude Save Bonus, Reflex Save Bonus, Will Save Bonus, Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence, Wisdom, Charisma, Skill bonus (Any one of your choice), Feats (Any one random that you haven't revealed yet), or Alignment (General, eg Always Good (Any), Usually Lawful Evil or Always True Neutral). The chosen characteristic of that creature is revealed to you.

    You get an extra knowledge check each round to find out additional characteristics.

    Major Talents

    Above the Law
    You can do practically anything without being arrested.
    Prerequisites: Diplomatic Immunity talent.
    Benefit: Your mission is deemed more important than even the law. You can literally get away with murder, along with breaking and entering, burglary, and many other criminal offences so long as you do not abuse this privilege.
    Special: Not even this authority will allow you to get away with certain crimes: Damaging or destroying someone's soul, arson on a large scale, rape or sexual assault of any type under any circumstances, and extremely cruel torture are the types of crimes for which you will still be tried. Some societies may have different priorities (An evil theocracy may decide that you are cleared for torture but not for blasphemy), however.

    Adventurer's Artifact
    Your bag contains an item of great importance to adventurers.
    Prerequisites: None.
    Benefit: You can take out of your Bag of Useful Items a special item known as an Adventurer's Artifact once per day. While not actually truly artifacts, these items are not commonly available. They follow the same rules as other items pulled from the bag, but cost nothing. You can take out a different adventurer's artifact each day. They are as follows:

    Alaine's Forcecutter: This +5 adamantine dagger destroys magical barriers when it strikes them. Magical barriers include walls of force, prismatic spheres and antilife shells. Because they are inanimate objects, magical barriers have an AC of 0+size, meaning their AC is usually negative and you can't miss them. Alaine's Forcecutter doesn't automatically miss on the roll of a natural 1.
    Jonah's Wallbreaker: This small spherical object can be primed so that it explodes 1 round later as a free action, and can be thrown as a splash weapon. It deals 20d6 points of sonic damage, ignoring hardness, to each object or construct within 20 feet when it explodes.
    Morgan's Spontaneous Scroll: This scroll contains every wizard/sorcerer spell of 4th level or below, but can only be used once.

    Bag of Superfluous Items
    Your bag has way too much stuff in it. Like seriously.
    Prerequisites: Bag of Many Items talent.
    Benefit: You get a +3 competence bonus to adventurer level when determining how much your Bag of Useful Items can hold.
    Special: Remember that competence bonuses don't stack.

    Feats of Glory
    You have many different abilities that you can call on... if only you could remember them all!
    Prerequisites: None.
    Benefit: Choose a feat for which you meet the prerequisite and mark it as a Feat of Glory. You can use this feat. The Feat of Glory can be changed to another feat that you qualify for when you awake after 8 hours' rest.

    Left for Dead
    You can get up after apparently dying.
    Prerequisites: None.
    Benefit: When an effect would kill you, you are revealed not to be dead three hours later, and wake up with a single hit point. This only works once per day; if you are killed within twenty-one hours of your awakening (or you are destroyed by the attack that killed you) you are dead for good.

    Legend Keeper
    You know a lot of legends.
    Prerequisites: None
    Benefit: You can use Legend Lore once per day as a swift action as though it were a spell-like ability, but it's extraordinary.

    Master of Fun
    You do everything in moderation, including talents.
    Prerequisites: None.
    Benefits: You get two new moderate talents immediately.
    Special: You can take this talent more than once.

    Sixth Sense
    You have a powerful sixth sense that protects you from harm.
    Prerequisites: None
    Benefit: You can use Foresight once per day as a swift action, as though it were a spell-like ability except that it's extraordinary. The duration is only 10 minutes, though.

    Use Absolutely Anything in the Whole World
    You are a fanatic user of things, allowing you to use things that you should by rights be completely unable to use. This is probably unhealthy.
    Prerequisites: Really Use Anything talent.
    Benefit: You can use things that you should, by rights, be physically unable to use. You can sail a ship on your own, turn a handle designed for giants, or open a locked door, casually shattering the lock in the process. You can use magic items specifically designed to prevent you from using them, even without having a clue what the command word is.
    Special: You can't wield oversized weapons like this.

    The Epic Adventurer

    Level Special
    Minor Talents
    Moderate Talents
    Major Talents
    Mythic Talents
    23rd Lucky Escape 2/round
    24th Contact 4/day
    25th Overwhelming Luck 1/day
    26th Swift to Act 1/day
    29th Lucky Escape 3/round
    30th Contact 5/day
    31st Overwhelming Luck 2/day
    32nd Swift to Act 2/day
    35th Lucky Escape 4/round
    36th Contact 6/day
    37th Overwhelming Luck 3/day
    38th Swift to Act 3/day

    Contact, Lucky Escape

    These class features advance at a rate of one use per six levels, as given on Table: The Epic Adventurer.

    Overwhelming Luck (Ex)

    The adventurer's luck doesn't fail her. Once per day at 25th level and every 6th level thereafter, the adventurer can automatically succeed at a single roll which is marked by success or failure, or have an opponent fail one such roll against her. This can be done at any time when she has uses of this ability left, and takes no actions or effort to achieve. She can't use it to succeed at an impossible task, or have an enemy fail a task if they otherwise could not.

    Swift to Act (Ex)

    Once per day at 26th level, and another time per day every 6th level after that, an adventurer can take an extra round of actions. She can do this only when it's her turn to act, but she doesn't need any actions to do so. Even if she has more than one use of this ability, she can't take a third round of actions in a row (unless she has some other way of taking more actions).

    Mythic Talents

    Bag of Literally Many Items
    You should probably look into this whole bag malarkey. It's probably got a gate to the astral hidden in there.
    Prerequisites: Bag of Superfluous Items
    Benefit: You get a +5 competence bonus to adventurer level when determining how much your Bag of Useful Items can hold.
    Special: Look, I don't want to sound like a broken record, but you did know that competence bonuses don't stack, didn't you?

    Better Than a Master of Fun
    You don't have time for mythicness.
    Prerequisites: None.
    Benefit: You get two new major talents immediately.
    Special: You can take this talent more than once.

    You can use a bouncing ball to cast a spell again, and again, and again...
    Prerequisites: Bouncing Bomb talent.
    Benefit: You can designate a bouncing ball as a toucher for an area spell instead of a touch spell, even though they usually don't have a toucher. When you throw the bouncing ball normally (not at a creature), the spell takes effect once for each time the ball bounces, over the location of the bounce each time. The ball manages to bounce out of the way fast enough to avoid being hit.

    Champion of Usage
    Look, this thing you've got going on with using things... I think you should get that checked out.
    Prerequisites: Use Absolutely Anything in the Whole World talent.
    Benefit: Not only can you use anything you like, but you also get a +10 bonus to any ancillary rolls to use that thing.

    Grapple Master
    You are a master of wielding grappling hooks.
    Prerequisites: Grapple Down
    Benefit: You can wield a grappling hook in each hand and use both as a single standard action. When you hit a creature and grapple it successfully, you can fling that creature around you and slam it into the ground, which deals double the normal falling damage if the creature moves down in this way and drops a creature prone. The creature must be able to move without the distance between you and it changing, and you can't move it upwards in this way. When you drop it, you are no longer grappling it.

    Purge with Flames
    You can use a torch and some oil to set whole areas ablaze.
    Prerequisites: Flame Launcher
    Benefit: Using a lit torch and some oil, you can as a standard action set an area of 30 foot radius ablaze. You fire the burning oil as though it were a ranged splash weapon, and then it explodes in an eruption of flame that does 5d6 points of fire damage to everything in the area and sets a flame that burns through the area for another 2d6 rounds, dealing 5d6 more fire damage per round to creatures in the area. Also, anyone and anything in the area that is flammable catches fire.

    You are a master of using wands.
    Prerequisites: None.
    Benefit: You can wield a wand in each hand and cast a spell from each as the same standard action.
    Last edited by Jormengand; 2016-03-28 at 01:17 PM.

  2. - Top - End - #2
    Orc in the Playground

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    Default Re: The Adventurer [3.5 class, PEACH]

    I love everything you make. At the moment I can't think of anything to add for those talents, but I shall send some shall I think of them.

  3. - Top - End - #3
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: The Adventurer [3.5 class, PEACH]

    This seems like a toned down hypermundane, I like it.

    You left the default special line in for Trap Sense.
    Currently Playing:
    Qianal Ai the Dragonborn Paladin/Barbarian in Sentinels of Houshen

    Doderic Took the Halfling Kensei in Falling Stars

  4. - Top - End - #4
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: The Adventurer [3.5 class, PEACH]

    I feel like both of us keep iterating on the same class designs.

    4 years until the singularity, when we make the exact same class at the exact same time. It will have 3 different special powers it can take from 3 different lists at different rates, it will have access to anything cheap, it will have a large emphasis on skills (and perhaps skill tricks), probably some source of rerolls, and it won't have a spell list. More than that I can't tell you.

  5. - Top - End - #5
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: The Adventurer [3.5 class, PEACH]

    This? This is amazing. I love it. No idea what tier it would come out to be though.

    Some ideas for talents:

    1 - One or more talents building on the "contacts" class ability. This class reminds me a lot of video game tropes, so maybe you could make the classic random magic item merchant in the middle of the dungeon into one? A straight upgrade to contacts with more limited uses would also be cool - sometimes, you just happen to know the crown prince or a high-ranking priest.

    2 - Talent(s) that let you spend extra gold to extend the time limit of an item from your bag. Sometimes you need that rope to stick around until you come back tomorrow night, or you don't have clothes for the ball and won't be able to duck out every hour.

    3 - Speaking of video game tropes, the sidequest for powerful weapons is one of my favorites. A major talent that lets you know the location of a legendary magic item would be cool. Actually, wait, legend keeper has that covered. Never mind.

  6. - Top - End - #6
    Jormengand's Avatar

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    Default Re: The Adventurer [3.5 class, PEACH]

    Quote Originally Posted by nikkoli View Post
    I love everything you make. At the moment I can't think of anything to add for those talents, but I shall send some shall I think of them.
    Thank you.

    Quote Originally Posted by UrsusArctos View Post
    This seems like a toned down hypermundane, I like it.

    You left the default special line in for Trap Sense.
    Yeah, though the fact that it's missing Righteous Desperation and can pull random magic items out of the BoUI tones it right back up again!

    Oh, yeah. Ficks'd.

    Quote Originally Posted by bekeleven View Post
    I feel like both of us keep iterating on the same class designs.

    4 years until the singularity, when we make the exact same class at the exact same time. It will have 3 different special powers it can take from 3 different lists at different rates, it will have access to anything cheap, it will have a large emphasis on skills (and perhaps skill tricks), probably some source of rerolls, and it won't have a spell list. More than that I can't tell you.

    Wanna make a collaborative class some time, Bek?

    Quote Originally Posted by ImperatorV View Post
    This? This is amazing. I love it. No idea what tier it would come out to be though.

    Some ideas for talents:
    Probably 3? It's no sorcerer, but it always has some trick up its sleeve in its bag that can help it.

    Ooh, ideas, me likey.

    1 - One or more talents building on the "contacts" class ability. This class reminds me a lot of video game tropes, so maybe you could make the classic random magic item merchant in the middle of the dungeon into one?
    See the new Remote Contact talent.

    A straight upgrade to contacts with more limited uses would also be cool - sometimes, you just happen to know the crown prince or a high-ranking priest.
    See the new I Know You! and Friends in High Places talents.

    2 - Talent(s) that let you spend extra gold to extend the time limit of an item from your bag. Sometimes you need that rope to stick around until you come back tomorrow night, or you don't have clothes for the ball and won't be able to duck out every hour.
    Never fear, Resilient Gear is here!

    Please, do come back if you think of more...

  7. - Top - End - #7
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: The Adventurer [3.5 class, PEACH]

    Quote Originally Posted by Jormengand View Post
    Probably 3? It's no sorcerer, but it always has some trick up its sleeve in its bag that can help it.
    The class depends a lot on player skill and knowledge. If you've memorized obscure alchemical items and spell lists (trapsmith anyone?) it can compete pretty well with a factotum. Given that only experienced players will likely get their hands on this, tier three seems likely.

    Quote Originally Posted by Jormengand View Post
    Please, do come back if you think of more...
    Well ok then.

    - You have minor talents for many of the common mundane items like torches, caltrops, rope ect. Maybe add some for alchemical thrown items and the 10-foot pole? Perhaps the pole could be allowed to trigger traps at a distance - this class seems like it would have either trapfinding or an unorthodox method of dealing with traps.

    - Talent for pulling stuff out of your bag more quickly.

    - Something related to knowledge checks. Can't go delving dungeons without being familiar with the kind of creepy crawlies you'll run across!

    - Upgrade to evade? Maybe make it not take an immediate action? That would let people with the Back on Your Feet skill trick not have to get up from prone on their own turn, or even let them use it twice. Or just straight up let people get up from prone as a free action at the start of their turn.

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    Jormengand's Avatar

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    Default Re: The Adventurer [3.5 class, PEACH]

    Quote Originally Posted by ImperatorV View Post
    - You have minor talents for many of the common mundane items like torches, caltrops, rope ect. Maybe add some for alchemical thrown items and the 10-foot pole? Perhaps the pole could be allowed to trigger traps at a distance - this class seems like it would have either trapfinding or an unorthodox method of dealing with traps.
    Ooh, let's see... Acidburn, Firewielder, Smoke Bomber, Sunstrike and Trapfinder are now things.

    Talent for pulling stuff out of your bag more quickly.
    In Here Somewhere and Grab on the Go already do this.

    Something related to knowledge checks. Can't go delving dungeons without being familiar with the kind of creepy crawlies you'll run across!
    Specific Knowledge is a new moderate talent.

    Upgrade to evade? Maybe make it not take an immediate action? That would let people with the Back on Your Feet skill trick not have to get up from prone on their own turn, or even let them use it twice. Or just straight up let people get up from prone as a free action at the start of their turn.
    Arise, Hero!

    Quote Originally Posted by bekeleven View Post
    Maybe a moderate talent for 2 minor and a major for 2 moderates?
    Added Jack of All Raids and Master of Fun as talents.

  10. - Top - End - #10
    Dwarf in the Playground

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    Default Re: The Adventurer [3.5 class, PEACH]

    Couple of ideas for Talents:

    • A "floating" feat that can be changed every day, or as an action taking a minute, etc.
    • Something involving the rubber ball from Dungeonscape. Just imagine the possibilities.
    • A way to trap your bag and/or the items you get from it. After all, paranoia is an adventurer's greatest weapon.

  11. - Top - End - #11
    Jormengand's Avatar

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    Default Re: The Adventurer [3.5 class, PEACH]

    Quote Originally Posted by Eno Remnant View Post
    A "floating" feat that can be changed every day, or as an action taking a minute, etc.
    Feats of Glory now takes up a prestigious major talent slot.

    Something involving the rubber ball from Dungeonscape. Just imagine the possibilities.
    Bouncing Strike and Bouncing Bomb are now things. As a bonus, check out Magnetic Disarm.

    A way to trap your bag and/or the items you get from it. After all, paranoia is an adventurer's greatest weapon.
    Check out Bag Trap.

    In addition, new talents have been added:

    Minor: Poisoner, Weather the Storm
    Moderate: Cursebearer
    Major: Adventurer's Artifact.
    Last edited by Jormengand; 2015-12-19 at 07:44 AM.

  12. - Top - End - #12
    Dwarf in the Playground

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    Default Re: The Adventurer [3.5 class, PEACH]

    Those are all very cool. Kudos.

    How about a moderate Talent that lets you use a minor Talent you don't have 1/day? The fluff being that improvisation is essential to survival or something like that.

  13. - Top - End - #13
    Jormengand's Avatar

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    Default Re: The Adventurer [3.5 class, PEACH]

    Quote Originally Posted by Eno Remnant View Post
    Those are all very cool. Kudos.

    How about a moderate Talent that lets you use a minor Talent you don't have 1/day? The fluff being that improvisation is essential to survival or something like that.
    Check out the Fast Learner talent.

    Also check out my cool new epic progression, because why not?

  14. - Top - End - #14
    Dwarf in the Playground

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    Default Re: The Adventurer [3.5 class, PEACH]

    This is really nice!!
    What about some soulmelds or maneuvers granted? There are feats, but maybe with minor modifications.
    Also, what about a couple other class features to copy- whether the standard mettle and evasion, or the more interesting stuff like minor sneak attack, or favored enemy?

    Edit: what about slightly more extreme versions of skill tricks?
    Last edited by Elandris Kajar; 2015-12-22 at 10:14 PM.
    Spoiler: Quotes!!
    Quote Originally Posted by Saintheart View Post
    Wouldn't a half-elf/half-orc be a Fork?
    Quote Originally Posted by Chronos View Post
    And besides, it's a ludicrous way of breaking the game by twisting rules beyond all recognition. Kobolds have to be involved in there somewhere.

  15. - Top - End - #15
    Halfling in the Playground

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    Default Re: The Adventurer [3.5 class, PEACH]

    Henry Stickmin definitely took this class. A lot of times. The entire webseries is basically choosing items from the Bag of Useful Things, and some of the talents are seen in it too!
    From a mechanics perspective, this class seems really fun, especially with the hyper item breakage, which is hilarious.

  16. - Top - End - #16
    Jormengand's Avatar

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    Default Re: The Adventurer [3.5 class, PEACH]

    Quote Originally Posted by liooil2000 View Post
    Henry Stickmin definitely took this class. A lot of times. The entire webseries is basically choosing items from the Bag of Useful Things, and some of the talents are seen in it too!
    From a mechanics perspective, this class seems really fun, especially with the hyper item breakage, which is hilarious.
    Clearly, his contacts include Phoenix Wright, Charles and the entire Toppat Clan.

  17. - Top - End - #17
    Ogre in the Playground

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    Default Re: The Adventurer [3.5 class, PEACH]

    Quote Originally Posted by nikkoli View Post
    I love everything you make. At the moment I can't think of anything to add for those talents, but I shall send some shall I think of them.
    I DON'T like everything Jormengand makes, but this class looks like a ton of fun.

  18. - Top - End - #18
    Barbarian in the Playground

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    Default Re: The Adventurer [3.5 class, PEACH]

    Heh. The funny thing is I was working on an equipment oriented class myself, though with more of a focus on extraordinary items over being adept at many items.

    Overall it looks good. A nice blend of connections, gear tricks, and lucky that gives it character while having solid customization.

    One thing that did occur to me is you could have items that persist count against the next days allotment if not abandoned or broken down. After all, there's nothing stopping them from making the same days in a row. Alternately, you could play up the jury-rigged, second hand, or scavenged nature of the goods as part of the class' flavor.

  19. - Top - End - #19
    Dwarf in the Playground

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    Default Re: The Adventurer [3.5 class, PEACH]

    Kinda glad this came back up, because I forgot to tell you when the Adventurer was new: I ran one through the Tomb of Horrors.

    It was level-appropriate and had exactly zero cheese. It mainly just took Talents to help with traps.

    And it beat the Tomb solo. Without too much trouble, might I add.

    So this is, at the least, a tier 4 class. It can be made to excel in one area. I'd even say tier 3, because it can dabble in so much and still be good at it.

  20. - Top - End - #20
    Pixie in the Playground

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    Default Re: The Adventurer [3.5 class, PEACH]

    You took a feat and turned it into a totally awesome class. Good Job! Edit:Being serious, sorry I re-read that and it sounded sarcastic, it's not.

    Although I have to ask now did you take inspiration from the wedded to history feat chain. It was in dragon magazine 354, I think.

    It was something like

    prerequisites = wedded to history(wanderer background), appraise 1 rank
    You can carry max 10gp/lvl of unspecified items, but of specified weight, these unspecified items can become any equipment desired within gp and weight limit. You must shop for 8 hours to replenish this unspecified stash after using it.

    Or was this something you came up with independently?
    Last edited by Newbosauras; 2016-03-05 at 12:49 PM.

  21. - Top - End - #21
    Jormengand's Avatar

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    Default Re: The Adventurer [3.5 class, PEACH]

    The bag of useful items is the rule equivalent of the assumption I usually make when DMing: if you need rope, you bought rope. I'm not surprised there are other variants on the same idea: apparently Pathfinder Chronicler is another one I think?

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