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Thread: Seeking a DM

  1. - Top - End - #571
    Firbolg in the Playground

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    Default Re: Seeking a DM

    Looking for a Star Wars D6 GM.

  2. - Top - End - #572
    Firbolg in the Playground
    Join Date
    Apr 2008

    Default Re: Seeking a DM

    Looking for a DM for a low-level 3.5 game.

    Hello playgrounders. I'm looking for a DM to run a low-level (1-3) game for me and my fiance. Other than that, anything is fair game. It will be her first time tabletop gaming (not mine, obviously), so feel free to use every cliched plot hook there is. This would be a great opportunity for new players/ low optimization characters (though not necessarily low tier). If this interests you, please let me know!!
    "Happiness is the meaning and the purpose of life, the whole aim and end of human existence"

    "Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms—to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s own way."

    "When we are no longer able to change a situation, we are challenged to change ourselves."

  3. - Top - End - #573
    Dwarf in the Playground
    Draco.v9's Avatar

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    Dec 2012

    Default Re: Seeking a DM

    Looking for a GM for a game of Pathfinder. We have some players already interested.

    more info in thread, LINK.

    There is a Big 16 as a basic idea of what I as the thread starter would like but as GM you would be able to move things about.
    Avatar by Cdr-Fallout

  4. - Top - End - #574
    Pixie in the Playground

    Join Date
    Mar 2013

    Default Re: Seeking a DM

    Just looking to join a 3.5 D&D game over Skype, message me if you have an open slot!

    Skype: xxx_aclark_xxx

  5. - Top - End - #575
    Barbarian in the Playground
    Join Date
    Feb 2009

    Default Re: Seeking a DM

    Looking for a gm interested in running a SAO like pathfinder game recruiting like is below

  6. - Top - End - #576
    Pixie in the Playground
    Join Date
    Mar 2013

    Default Re: Seeking a DM

    Back to the site after ages away...

    Want to play a Skull & Shackles campaign (Pathfinder AP)! VERY interested player, familiar with PF rules and setting. I post regularly, many times a day if needed (except for weekends). If you're a DM or know any active group, pm me right now! :D

  7. - Top - End - #577
    Orc in the Playground

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    Little Rock, AR

    Default Re: Seeking a DM

    Quote Originally Posted by Draco.v9 View Post
    Looking for a GM for a game of Pathfinder. We have some players already interested.

    more info in thread, LINK.

    There is a Big 16 as a basic idea of what I as the thread starter would like but as GM you would be able to move things about.
    Still have some openings on a PF startup, see our thread for details...

  8. - Top - End - #578
    Bugbear in the Playground

    Join Date
    Jul 2014

    Default Re: Seeking a DM

    Here's my long shot: (like to the Andromeda galaxy long)

    Looking for an experienced DM to help me world-build a campaign and then Co-DM it.
    System: The unholy offspring of 3.5 and PF.

    Setting: High-fantasy, high-power.

    Story: An epic for the ages. As in levels 4 to 44 epic.
    Something that when finished I'll be able to say, yes, this rivalled the Baldur's Gate saga in scope and Planescape:Torment in story, KotOR in atmosphere and Deus Ex in game design.

  9. - Top - End - #579
    Colossus in the Playground

    Join Date
    Jul 2012

    Default Re: Seeking a DM

    Fun game, seeking DM!
    A description of the game:
    Once, there was good, and then... everything changed. Evil managed to steal the hat of "Cool" from good, and suddenly, instead of everyone wanting to grow up to be heroes, because heroes are awesome, everyone wanted to be villains. However, not all of the villains appreciated this. Some, in fact, became so jaded with being evil that they decided to try out being good.

    We had a DM, who left relatively soon, and the current DM seems to have insufficient time to run games now(RL is being quite vicious to her). And then her replacement moved on, and here we are again!

    Player Character Class
    Archmage1 Violet Druid/Bard
    Gaius Will Ex-Werewolf Brawler
    Alanek2002 Hedratis Jelly Cube
    Troacctid Bartholomew Warlock

    Character creation rules: From the last DM

    Spoiler: The Sweeeeeet 16
    1. What game system are you running (D&D, Call of Cthulu, Palladium, GURPS, etc.), and if applicable what edition (Original, Classic, Revised, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 5th, 10th, etc.)?
    D&D 3.5e.

    2. What 'type' or variant of game will it be (i.e. "Shadow Chasers" or "Agents of Psi" for d20 Modern)? What is the setting for the game (eg. historic period, published or homebrewed campaign setting, alternate reality, modern world, etc.)?
    Homebrew Setting. It will be fleshed out as we go. You may be fairly liberal with making up where you come from, and I'll work it into the setting. All the planes exist, but we'll be having our first adventure on the prime.

    3. How many Players are you looking for? Will you be taking alternates, and if so, how many?
    3-5 Players. Alternates may be accepted, but not guarenteed a spot.

    4. What's the gaming medium (OOTS, chat, e-mail etc.)?
    PbP on these forums.

    5. What is the characters' starting status (i.e. experience level)?
    Level 6 + 3000 xp. No LA buyoff. However, depending on your power level, you may be allowed to shave off an LA or three, or even racial hitdice. Not so much for wizards, but maybe your Drow assassin isn't burdened with excessive LA, or maybe your Bugbear has neither LA nor racial hd.

    6. How much gold or other starting funds will the characters begin with?
    50k gold to spend as you wish, but it may be a while before you get more. Where you got the gold is up to you, but it probably had something to do with you breaking away from your cliché boss villain of dhoom. Who may possibly be an NPC who will come after you at some point, Probably.

    7. Are there any particular character classes, professions, orders, etc. that you want... or do not want? What are your rules on 'prestige' and/or homebrewed classes?
    Alignment restrictions on PrCs are so mainstream.

    Your character should be someone who meddled in Evil when it was cool. Thus having Paladin as your base class is not likely to fit (unless you are a race that isn't known for their compatibility with Pallies), but by all means take the prestige class later if you want. You are unlikely to start as better than Neutral aligned, however. The straight and narrow thing is tricky. Are you supposed to kiss the baby before or after they pay you thousands of gold? You can be any class, but it's probably best if you look obviously evil in some way. Demon Healers and Undead Paladins are, of course, perfectly fine.

    8. What races, subraces, species, etc. are allowed for your game? Will you allow homebrewed races or species? 'Prestige' races or species?
    Just be sure to run it by me, I probably wont care. Lets just try to keep a party mascot to a minimum. We've already got a big jello friend.

    9. By what method should Players generate their attributes/ability scores and Hit Points?
    A choice. You may take this array: 18, 17, 15, 11, 10, 7, or this array: 16, 16, 16, 14, 12, 12, or you may use 36 point buy. Named (former) baddies have high stats.
    HP: Max hp on all levels. Because named (former) baddies have more hp. Obviously.

    10. Does your game use alignment? What are your restrictions, if so?
    You used to be evil. You may still be evil aspiring to be neutral, or neutral aspiring to be good, or whatever else you feel would justify going around killing villains and kissing babies. You are unlikely to 'get' the whole good thing perfectly just yet, but then you are not afraid to try new things before they becomes too mainstream.

    11. Do you allow multi-classing, or have any particular rules in regards to it?
    Multi-classing is allowed with no penalty, but if your application looks like big numbers and no personality, you may not be hip enough for this gig.

    12. Will you be doing all of the die rolling during the course of the game? Will die rolls be altered, or left to the honor system? If players can make die rolls, which ones do they make, how should they make the rolls, and how should they report them?
    Critical Fails on checks will be noted, whether you are or are not aware of the critical fumble may not be noticed. I will roll any rolls you do not specifiy into the public, and secret rolls will be applied to, well, secret things, Like sense motive.

    If you directly want to make a roll, Just say so, and make the roll.

    Example: OOC (I'd like to make a knowledge check 1d20+8=potato)

    Something like that, but if you are struggling on certain parts, I may just throw knowledge checks across the characters and see if any of you remember something important.

    If the results are immediately obvious, such as suddenly attacking someone because they are a Lawful Evil bureaucrat, then go ahead. Take your surprise round. Initiative is rolled by me, however, just so we have everything in one place.

    13. Are there any homebrewed or optional/variant rules that your Players should know about? If so, list and explain them, or provide relevant links to learn about these new rules.

    Fractional BAB and saves.
    Feats on every odd level instead of every third.
    Homebrew is dealt with on a case by case basis. You may apply with homebrew, and you may ask about homebrew during the game (or even write/work something out with me), but depending on how many people apply... I'm not likely to learn seven different homebrew base classes very thoroughly before making my choice.

    14. Is a character background required? If so, how big? Are you looking for anything in particular (i.e. the backgrounds all ending up with the characters in the same city)?
    Background story is required, but it may be quite short/bullet point for now, as long as you are willing to flesh it out more thoroughly if picked. You may also flesh out now, however, and if I like what you write that of course increases your chances of being picked.

    15. Does your game involve a lot of hack & slash, puzzle solving, roleplaying, or a combination of the above?
    To start with, almost exclusively role playing. There will be battles, there will be random encounters, but to keep things going until I've got you invested, there will be very little grinding to start with. If you are gone for 24 hours, NPCs will react as though you did not say anything. (Yes, even if your teammate did something incredibly stupid and you would obviously have stopped them.) Again, If you do Nothing in 24 hours after the DM's post, You will take no actions. 3 days no post and you will be eaten by some sort of ground... worm... beast... Or something, I'll figure it out.

    16. Are your Players restricted to particular rulebooks and supplements, or will you be allowing access to non-standard material? What sources can Players use for their characters?
    Everything official is allowed by default. But if you make use of anything broken, I will start handing out tailor made power ups to your buddies and not to you, and NPCs will quickly learn that this guy is the bastard who always has some dust of coughing and sneezing on him, and let's save up for a golem.
    Homebrew and fixes on a case by case basis. You are much more likely to be allowed full spell progression for your subpar PrC or a considerable homebrew powerup for the Shadowcaster than you are an extra flaw for your wizard.

    2 flaws and any number of traits are allowed. However, we will not be using the flaws in the books. Instead I want you to suggest a flaw for yourself, and if I decide it's suitable to your power level and personality, you may have it. The flaw must be more noticeable than the standard ones.

    We don't have any issues with you choosing to nerf characters as you see fit, we just don't want to need to redo our characters completely.
    Spoiler: Current Character List:

    John Smith, Playing in the Dollhouse
    Adam of Cyre, Cyre Red
    Grok Magmaforge, Iron Crisis
    ALADIN, Out of the Abyss
    Jace/Elela, Right to Die

  10. - Top - End - #580
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Sep 2012

    Default Re: Seeking a DM

    Quote Originally Posted by Archmage1 View Post
    Fun game, seeking DM!

    Note: We don't mind if you "turn back the clock" so to speak. We just want our characters (and some semblance of the prompt) to remain mostly intact. (We don't expect you to magically know where the last DM was going with the story.)

  11. - Top - End - #581
    Pixie in the Playground

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    Jun 2013

    Default Re: Seeking a DM

    Some friends and I are interested in playing a 5th edition one-shot. We'd like to start at 2:30 P.M. Central Time this Saturday. We're all new, so if a kind GM could coddle us and help teach us 5th edition Shadowrun rules, that'd be awesome. We'd like to use Google Hangouts for the game.

    There are 4 of us looking to play. I'm not sure what ideal group size is for Shadowrun 5e. If the GM wants more players, that's his/her prerogative.

  12. - Top - End - #582
    Titan in the Playground
    Farmerbink's Avatar

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    Texas, again!

    Default Re: Seeking a DM

    Greetings, prospective friends/DMs!

    I'm looking for someone interested in DMing a fast-paced, high-powered Paizo adventure path, which (with any luck) should be a cinch for an experienced DMs (and I think a good opportunity for a starter-DMer). We're looking at 3 or 4 players (my general preference would be 3), tops, with straight up Pathfinder rules- one exception. I'm wanting to import the gestalt concept from the 3.5 Unearthed Arcana. The idea is to have 3 characters with more individual options than 3 characters should have- but still be limited to 3 characters worth of actions per round. Less wasted rounds due to "I don't have anything I can do, here!" should make things balance out nicely- I think.

    One caveat- the DM must be willing to join us on the Google+ Hangouts application. It will facilitate text-speed communication for handling those annoying one-off questions before we can post our actions. Furthermore, I have found that inviting people to hang out and chat with us nearly universally turns them into friends of ours- which is always cool.

    At any rate, the original post is here, for details. Alternatively, feel free to PM me!

  13. - Top - End - #583
    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Default Re: Seeking a DM

    Seeking a DM patient enough to work with players that might not fully understand the rules. A great deal of flexibility left to the DM in determining the presence or lack of presence for different races and classes. Recruitment thread can be found here. System is D&D 3.5.
    Last edited by 101jir; 2015-08-13 at 10:05 AM.
    Long Sig (now with nonsense riddles).

    Squadron leader of =Knights of Wolf= in War Thunder either learn to laugh, or you go insane. I prefer to laugh.
    -Ee'char STDS9: Hard Time

  14. - Top - End - #584
    Titan in the Playground
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    Feb 2010

    Default Re: Seeking a DM

    Looking for a GM for Pathfinder that's open to 3rd party content (mostly DSP and Spheres of Power) to run a game for a party that knows each other and has good synergy. Preferably an urban game (or something like Kingmaker) but honestly we'll take anything. Most details can be worked out later.

    Lilith Avatar by AsteriskAmp

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    . . . . . .
    Setsuna by Kymme | Desril by Wolfshonor | Eruvia (no background) by Oneris

  15. - Top - End - #585
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Aug 2014

    Default Re: Seeking a DM

    Looking for a DM willing to run a low/mid-power party through Rise of the Runelords. Current recruitment thread is here; there's already seven interested players, so you should have no trouble getting a group together. Also, if you want to run RotRL but don't have the books, well... that won't be an issue. I mean that I have digital copies of the books and *cough* might be willing to help you get your hands on some as well
    Last edited by Extra Anchovies; 2015-08-14 at 11:25 PM.
    Please use they/them/theirs when referring to me in the third person.
    My Homebrew (PF, 3.5)
    Awesome Bone Knight avatar by Chd.
    Spoiler: Current Characters
    Cassidy Halloran, Human Scout
    William Gamache, Human Relic Channeler Medium
    Spoiler: Quotes
    Quote Originally Posted by AGrinningCat View Post
    Lay on hands? More like Lay your Eyes on this sick elbow drop!

  16. - Top - End - #586
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Resting upon my hoard

    Default Re: Seeking a DM

    Looking for a DM for a 3.5 D&D game at mid-level. Thread can be found here. Right now, we're just looking at a "generic" game, with the exact story up to the DM.
    Dark Red, the Voice of the Dragon

    Extended Signature Link

    Quote Originally Posted by Quiver View Post
    How much terrain does the forty foot long, flying, fire breathing lizard which may or may not have magic consider its domain?

    As much as it god damn wants.
    Avatar by thoroughlyS

  17. - Top - End - #587
    Pixie in the Playground
    Join Date
    Aug 2015

    Default Re: Seeking a DM

    We're looking for a DM who can run a low-level D&D Next.
    Thread here.
    Open to pretty much anything.

  18. - Top - End - #588
    Ettin in the Playground
    Join Date
    Aug 2014

    Default Re: Seeking a DM

    Looking for a DM willing to run a Pathfinder game for some very enthusiastic newbies (and an experienced player or two, to help answer rules questions and keep the game moving along. Recruitment thread is here; although some players have already made character sheets (because we met in a recruitment thread that has since died), they are willing to conform to a new set of character creation rules, and there is no specific preference for the style of game.

    ETA: GM found.
    Last edited by Extra Anchovies; 2015-08-27 at 01:52 PM.
    Please use they/them/theirs when referring to me in the third person.
    My Homebrew (PF, 3.5)
    Awesome Bone Knight avatar by Chd.
    Spoiler: Current Characters
    Cassidy Halloran, Human Scout
    William Gamache, Human Relic Channeler Medium
    Spoiler: Quotes
    Quote Originally Posted by AGrinningCat View Post
    Lay on hands? More like Lay your Eyes on this sick elbow drop!

  19. - Top - End - #589
    Troll in the Playground
    Debatra's Avatar

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    Mar 2010

    Default Re: Seeking a DM

    We are looking for someone skilled enough, someone brave enough, someone crazy enough to run a 3.5e Epic-Level Gestalt game.
    Kaedanis Pyran, tai faernae.

    The LA Assignment Threads: Attempting to Make Monsters Playable Since 2016

    My Homebrewer's Extended Signature
    Spoiler: Quotes
    Quote Originally Posted by Lycan 01 View Post
    Roland just endorsed a crack pairing?

    Did... did we break the universe?
    Quote Originally Posted by SassyQuatch View Post
    It is a major flaw in the game. Destroy a moon? Sure. Talk to somebody a hundred miles away, that's going to be difficult.
    Quote Originally Posted by Rizban View Post
    Realistically speaking... D&D style magic doesn't exist, so... let's ignore reality.

  20. - Top - End - #590
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: Seeking a DM

    To whom it may concern.

    A small band of intrepid players in search of a DM. Only the truly insane need apply as we are filled with a desire to play in the truly stupid levels of high epic. If you have the bravery and story to unite us on a path of amazing power then we are your group.

    I summon you DM of power to the realm of insanity.

    Thank you for your consideration.
    Avatar by serpentine

    Extended Homebrew Signature

    78% of DM's started their first campaign in a tavern. If you're one of the 22% that didn't, copy and paste this into your signature.

    Everyone asleep in their beds in the middle of an attack on the city.

  21. - Top - End - #591
    Pixie in the Playground
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    Aug 2015

    Default Re: Seeking a DM

    I am new to this site but no to a rp lifestyle. I rarely get to see any action so I would love to get into a campaign.

  22. - Top - End - #592
    Orc in the Playground

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    Mar 2008

    Default Re: Seeking a DM

    Hello. I am part of a group of 5 players with 1 DM who is interested in trying to run a new campaign for us in about a month. While we've had fun with his games in the past, mostly with the story and RP side of things, his knowledge of the mechanics isn't as solid(especially encounter-building). So, we're interested in seeing if we can find someone to help co-DM the campaign and help with/handle the mechanical side of things.

    No system has been decided yet, but we are most comfortable with DnD 4e, with some experience playing DnD 3.5(knowledge of the system varies heavily between players though). We typically played via a combination of Skype and Maptools, though have also used Teamspeak and Roll20 as well. We tend to run late night on Fridays at roughly 10PM EST, though we may be open for some minor adjustments. If anyone is interested, please drop a PM.

  23. - Top - End - #593
    Bugbear in the Playground
    dream's Avatar

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    Het Heru

    Default Re: Seeking a DM

    Hello GMs!

    After many failed attempts, a group of dedicated players are (still) seeking a GM to run the Pathfinder AP Skulls and Shackles. The recruitment thread is here and while some players have PCs carried over from the previous AP attempts, PCs can be revised to accommodate the GM's guidelines.

    Thank you!
    Wrath of the Righteous! (Alpha)
    Wrath of the Righteous! (Bravo)
    Emerald City Nightmare!
    The Blood Answers
    Emerald City ICONS
    Seven of Spades
    All my games are on hiatus. I need to (per my editor) take some time for my book. I will return - hopefully in 2-4 weeks.

  24. - Top - End - #594
    Troll in the Playground
    ~Corvus~'s Avatar

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    Perched in a tree

    Default Re: Seeking a DM

    Many players seeking a DM for a 3.5 Monstrous creature game. Thanks for signing up~
    GreedLing avatar by Ceika
    Playing Thorn in Knee Breakers


  25. - Top - End - #595
    Pixie in the Playground

    Join Date
    Aug 2015

    Default Re: Seeking a DM

    My friend and I are looking for a DM and some more players. We have no experience with 4th edition and would like an experienced DM. 16 questions answered below.

    1. D&D 4e
    2. Standard fantasy mediaeval Europe.
    3. We have two players and are looking for a DM and one to three more players.
    4. Probably Google drive to easily access character sheets and a game map.
    5. Level 1
    6. Up to DM
    7. We would like a defender and a leader but preferably no paladins.
    8. Anything in the player's handbooks.
    9. Up to DM
    10. Yes. No restrictions and you are not required to tell other players your alignment.
    11. Allowed.
    12. The DM will make all the roles to ensure fair play.
    13. No.
    14. No, but it would be good to have some idea of a backstory.
    15. Preferably mostly roleplaying, but we are both flexible.
    16. At DM's discretion.

  26. - Top - End - #596
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Jul 2007

    Default Re: Seeking a DM

    Looking for members (GMs and players) for the One-Shot Club: think book club but a different RPG every month.

    Games will be chosen by vote, and the process for everything (PbP or Skype or both?) will be decided as a group. If there's a game you've been dying to play/learn, this can be your chance. No long-term commitment required.

    Tentative Game List*
    Games will be marked as "Yes" in the "Interest?" column once two or more people recommend the same title.

    *Editions and games are always subject to change.
    **Some games are small enough that maybe a whole month can be dedicated to these quick one-shots.
    ***Found a Jenga simulator we can use.
    Last edited by The Unborne; 2015-09-07 at 09:31 PM.

  27. - Top - End - #597
    Halfling in the Playground
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    Jul 2007

    Default Re: Seeking a DM

    I'm looking for a GM for a game of PTU (Pokemon Tabletop United), not to be confused with PTA (Pokemon Tabletop Adventures). Here is a link to download the PDF if you need it. Anyways, I'm new to this game, and as a result am looking for something that has at least the same basic premise of a common Pokemon game to help me dip my toes in. It doesn't have to be 100% vanilla though. In fact, I encourage a little change. Some things I'd at least be ok with being different are twists to the villainous scheme, the league functioning different, and the mood of the game just being darker. I don't want the mood pitch black mind you. Basically, if the common Pokemon game were pure white, I'd want light to mid grey. In other words,there may be dramatic and scary times, but there's also laughable moments, and if the GM is confident in his (or her) ability, maybe even moments that bring out tears, from joy or sorrow.

    Finally, while a one player campaign isn't necessary, I have no problems with such. Max of four players otherwise. I also feel play by post style would be wise with my availability, but you might be able to change my mind if you want to set up a meeting time. That would be it.
    Last edited by stopwatch; 2015-09-08 at 11:49 AM.

  28. - Top - End - #598
    Barbarian in the Playground

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    Aug 2014

    Default Re: Seeking a DM

    I'm just looking for a 3.5e D&D game with a balance at some level between Hack 'n Slash and Roleplay.
    Your friendly neighbourhood sniperman.
    My controversial opinions:
    • I like blue souls.
    • Alignment isn't terrible.

    My Homebrew: Feng Shui; Magic in Zones, Plus others I'm not particularly proud of rn.

  29. - Top - End - #599
    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Dec 2010
    Ohio, mostly.

    Default Re: Seeking a DM

    We've got some people interested in a 3.5 Dark Sun game in need of a GM! Details/Recruiting here!

    DM found.
    Last edited by Drynwyn; 2015-10-19 at 11:26 PM.

  30. - Top - End - #600
    Ogre in the Playground
    Bad Wolf's Avatar

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    Jun 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by Raven777 View Post
    Sorcerers are also based on Charisma. If a Wizard studies the cheat codes to reality, the Sorcerer literally just glares or winks at the universe. And the universe listens.
    Quote Originally Posted by foobar1969 View Post
    Flexibility is awesome, but I'd sacrifice that spellbook in a heartbeat to be a 24-7 flying hentai apocalypse demon.

    First Eternal foe of the Draconic Lord, battling him across the multiverse in whatever shapes and forms he may take.

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