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  1. - Top - End - #211
    Troll in the Playground
    Moranica's Avatar

    Join Date
    Oct 2010

    Default Re: Raam: The City of Anarchy IC

    Faldar Lufi
    Human/Psion (Vitalist) 3
    AC: 13 HP: 27/27
    PP: 13 PIv: 12 PIs: 11
    Conditions: --
    Dwarf/Barbarian 2
    AC: 19 HP: 13/27[
    PP: 14 PIv: 9 PIs: 12
    Conditions: Blinded
    Thri-kreen/Rogue 1
    AC: 17 HP: 10/10
    PP: 13 PIv: 16 PIs: 13
    Conditions: --

    Faldar holds his breath in shock as Bontar is nearly smashed in two. It is only my moving with the blow that he seems to evade some of the terrible damage. Almost out of instinct he calls upon his healing powers and sends some of his healing energy Bontar's way. Then he quickly heads over to Bontar and Ptekme who seem to have gotten some salt in their eyes.

    It is then that he hears Zantos talking to Bontar. "It's no use when he's raging like this. We'll just have to keep him up and fighting." Faldar shouts to Zantos. He then chooses to restore Ptekme's eyesight. "Ptekme, Stay away from the golem for now. Take out one of their leaders."

    Having his eyesight restored, Ptekme rushes to the nearest buidling and jumps on top off it. He then quickly hides.

    Bontar on the otherhand seems to be losing it. He shouts: "Die! You oversized teardrop!" He recklessly swings and tries to hit the golem.

    Spoiler: OOC

    Faldar uses healing light on Bontar (3d8)[8]
    Falder uses lesser restoration on Ptekme
    Ptekme move & stealth (1d20+8)[12]
    Bontar rages and attacks the golem recklessly; disadvantage from blinded, advantage from reckless attack, cancels out.
    Attack plus damage - (1d20+4)[20] - (2d6+5)[10] bludgeoning damage
    Extra damage on crit - (2d6)[10]
    Last edited by Moranica; 2020-08-07 at 03:25 PM.
    "Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one."

  2. - Top - End - #212
    Barbarian in the Playground
    Join Date
    Sep 2007

    Default Re: Raam: The City of Anarchy IC

    Lazaar Dargeth
    Dray Defiler Wizard
    AC: 14 HP: 18/18
    PP: 11 PIv: 15 PIs: 11
    Conditions: --

    Greven Zhov
    Dray Aberrant Mind Sorcerer
    AC: 15 HP: 7/7
    PP: 11 PIv: 11 PIs: 13
    Conditions: --

    Dray Silt Cleric
    AC: 17 HP: 15/15
    PP: 12 PIv: 11 PIs: 14
    Conditions: ---


    Greven called to his master, "It comes for you, Mar Ravoni. Mirage."

    Lazaar understood the call by his emissary, cursed the land under the golem by conjuring dark webs to ensnare and hinder it, and moved into the spiked pillar. Greven stepped into the open as he did, though he now looked like Lazaar. The wilder cast a necrotic hand to break down the salt golem.

    Qoheleth hears Greven’s call and moves to aid against the golem. He struck at the will holding the construct together.

    Spoiler: OOC

    Greven casts Disguise Self, moves out of his pillar as “Lazaar” when Mar Ravoni enters it, and casts Chill Touch as a BA.
    (1d20+5)[9] to hit, (1d8)[6] necrotic damage (crit: (1d8)[3] )

    Lazaar casts Web (DC 13 Dex save): Restrained on a fail. Difficult terrain.
    —distant/sickening raze. If Golem appeared immune last time, the area around the runner elves (near Zantos).

    Qoheleth casts Toll the Dead (Wis 12) or take (1d12)[7] necrotic damage.

  3. - Top - End - #213
    Titan in the Playground

    Join Date
    Apr 2013

    Default Re: Raam: The City of Anarchy IC

    Jiro draws his bow and fires, but his arrow tinks off of the edge of the building above. It seems Qaba has had better luck, as Jiro sees another arrow thud into the raider's chest. He clutches at it as he falls over backwards.

    Underneath, Zantos desperately dodges around the berserker's heavy swings, catching him in a vulnerable position and punishing him for his recklessness with a blade through the side. With a grunt of anger, the huge man slumps to the ground, bleeding. Zantos feels a hand on his back, and his wounds tingle as they begin to knit together. "Thank you for your timely aid, cousin." The wind cleric from before says.

    The sniper around the corner behind Zantos tries to get a bead on the second raider above, who is mostly covered by the corner of the building. The elf hops up onto a table to help get around the cover and looses an arrow, but the missile does not strike true.

    The elven wilder stumbles out of the sudden ashen patch of ground, looking back at it in confusion. However, he turns his gaze to the rival wilder on the roof and lobs a gob of acid, which lands on the raider's fur cloak. He quickly discards the sizzling hide behind him. Just when it seems he's going to get away scott-free, another arrow flies from the tavern roof and sticks into his back. The last of the roof-crawlers falls.

    Faldar quickly rushes over to help Bontar back up, his healing light mending the worst of the dwarf's dire wounds. Bontar keeps flailing recklessly at the golem, chipping away a small chunk. Stepping in, Hand drives a claw into the golem's structure, his light surging into it and sending bits flying - this time, unfortunately, into his own eyes as well. The kreen recoils back, while Torso flails blindly on his back, unable to tell where anything is.

    Spells fall around the golem, but none seem to deter its purposeful march. The webs lash against it, catching individual salt pieces and falling away. Greven's spectral hand reaches out, but ends up caught in the webs itself. And the golem is so single-minded it seems to disregard the tolling of the bell completely.

    Punching Hand out of the way, the golem marches through the webs, slowly, towards Greven disguised as Lazaar.

    Ptekme, still blinded by the salt spray, tries to jump onto the nearest structure his antennae feel. But to his surprise it is not a building at all, but a fabric tent. He lands on top of the cloth and his weight quickly tears through, landing inside. An elven voice shouts in surprise next to him. The kreen finds himself on the business end of a dozen stinging insects, stumbling against the wall of the tent and knocking over some supports as the elf flees. He becomes entangled in the fabric.

    To the southwest, the elves finally seem to manage a breakthrough, bringing down the marauder in their way. More fire shoots out of the alley, but it seems to have dwindled since last time.

    The elves to the southeast begin to surge back, though the bard's entourage proves hardy. The elven gladiator runs at the tall berserker and stabs at him, but fails to land more than a glancing blow as the massive man bats his shortsword away. One of the raiders on the south flank finally falls, and the archer who fell from the roof puts some distance between her and the enemy.

    The wilder who'd been hurling acid at the golem sees his allies in dire straits and lobs some at the bard instead. It lands on the man's cloak, which he discards with a look of annoyance. "That one ruined my mantle. Ensure he suffers," he orders.

    The warrior holding the southern line is suddenly surrounded by a halo of light, as the cleric behind her closes his eyes and prays. The minor miracle complete, he spins around and hurls a sling stone, which flies past the bard.

    Just when things are looking up, a marauder nearly decapitates the gladiator with a dual axe swing, sending him to the ground with a splatter of blood soaking the dirt. With a wild scream of triumph, he begins advancing on the wilder and archer. His berserker companion steps up to the cleric, who cows beneath his massive size. The elf is mercilessly pummeled into the ground, crumpling under the blows.

    The two marauders surrounding the last standing elf swing at her with their axes, plagued by hesitation and yowling in fury as the divine intervention stays their hands. One axe gets through, landing a gash across her arm, and she falls to one knee, trying desperately to cover her vitals. The bard's cleric walks up behind her and clobbers her in the head with a stone club, dropping her to the ground.

    Spoiler: Event Tracking
    Jiro shoots at Raider Wilder, but misses.
    Zantos slashes at Raider Berserker - you forgot advantage for the zerker's Reckless Attack, so I rolled it and got a 14, which is enough to hit! He deals 6 damage, and a KO.
    Qaba shoots at Raider Wilder, dealing 12 damage and a KO.

    Faldar heals Bontar for 8.
    Bontar slams the Salt Golem for 5 damage. Remember Bless bonus as well, though it didn't matter here with his big roll.
    Ptekme jumps on top of the nearby tent, tearing through the fabric and falling inside. He takes 1 fall damage.

    Lazaar casts Web on the Salt Golem, but it passes its Dex save against being stuck.
    Greven casts Chill Touch at the Salt Golem, but misses.
    Qoheleth casts Toll the Dead at the Salt Golem, but it passes its Wis save. (It is not immune, just got a very lucky roll)

    Hand strikes at the Salt Golem for 11 radiant damage, and finally gets Blinded as well.

    Runners Sniper shoots Raider Wilder for 3 damage.
    Wind Cleric heals Zantos for 10.
    Runners Wilder casts Acid Splash on Raider Wilder, but he passes his save.
    Runners Sniper shoots Raider Wilder for 5 damage and a KO.

    Runners Dreamer panics and casts Infestation on Ptekme, dealing 2 poison damage. The forced movement knocks over the already damaged tent, and Ptekme is entangled and Restrained in the mess. It will take an action and a Strength or Dexterity check at DC 10 to work himself out of it.

    Elven Gladiator attacks Raider Marauder and misses. He Action Surges for a second attack, spending a Superiority Die to deal 3 damage.
    Half-elf Warrior attacks Raider Marauder, critically hitting for 4 damage and breaking her shortsword. She draws a dagger and makes a bonus action offhand attack for 2 more damage.
    Runners Elves pelt Raider Marauder for 3 damage total with their slings.
    Runners Dreamer casts Infestation on Raider Marauder, dealing 1 poison damage - just enough to bring him down.
    Runners Sniper shoots Raider Marauder for 3 damage.

    Elven Gladiator attacks Raider Berserker for 5 damage, using a Superiority Die, and uses his Second Wind to heal 13.
    Half-elf Warrior attacks Raider Wilder, but misses. She uses an Action Surge to try again, hitting for 5 damage and a KO. She spends Second Wind to heal for 12.
    Runners Sniper Disengages and moves away.
    Runners Wilder casts Acid Splash at Urvus Bard, but he passes the save.
    Wind Cleric casts Sanctuary on Half-elf Warrior, then attacks the Urvus Bard with a sling, but misses.

    Things happen out of view.

    Raider Wilder casts Firebolt on Half-elf Warrior, but misses terribly.

    Raider Marauder hacks at Elven Gladiator, dealing 13 damage, then a second time for 10 damage and a KO.
    Raider Berserker smashes Wind Cleric twice for 15 and 11 damage, and a KO.
    Raider Marauder hacks at Half-elf Warrior twice. One attack gets past Sanctuary for 8 damage and Bloodies her again.
    Raider Marauder hacks at Half-elf Warrior twice. One attack gets past Sanctuary, but misses.
    Earth Cleric clubs Half-elf Warrior for 6 damage, just enough to KO.
    Urvus Bard tosses a dart at Runners Wilder, but misses.

    Things happen out of view.

    Salt Golem slams Hand for 16 damage.
    Hand and Bontar do not get AoO, due to blindness.

    It is now the party's turns.

    Spoiler: Initiative
    Salt Golem - 18
    Bobthewizard - 16.6
    Torso & The Hand - 13
    Moranica - 12.6
    Theophilus - 11.6
    Night Runners - 8.7
    House Urvus - 8.5

  4. - Top - End - #214
    Troll in the Playground
    Moranica's Avatar

    Join Date
    Oct 2010

    Default Re: Raam: The City of Anarchy IC

    Faldar Lufi
    Human/Psion (Vitalist) 3
    AC: 13 HP: 27/27
    PP: 13 PIv: 12 PIs: 11
    Conditions: --
    Dwarf/Barbarian 2
    AC: 19 HP: 13/27[
    PP: 14 PIv: 9 PIs: 12
    Conditions: Blinded
    Thri-kreen/Rogue 1
    AC: 17 HP: 9/10
    PP: 13 PIv: 16 PIs: 13
    Conditions: --

    Faldar takes a good look at the Hand's attacks and seems to realise something. He lifts his hand and a small halo of flames appears around the golem. As the golem stomps off towards the prophets, Bontar looks around angrily and seems to have trouble hearing the steps over his heavy breathing. Faldar quickly takes his shoulder and pushes him in the right direction. "This way, now he is at your right side! Try and hit the flames!" Bontar feels some of the heat of Faldar's radiant flames coming of the golems position and he swings wildly in an arc, as to increase his chances of hitting the thing. All the while blinking furiously against the salt in his eyes.

    Ptekme isn't doing so well. If thri-khreen could blush he would. When he realises his eyesight isn't reliable he untangles himself and moves towards the sound of Faldar's voice.

    Spoiler: OOC

    Faldar uses sacred flame on the Golem DC 14 dex save or (1d8)[3] radiant damage
    Ptekme moves in the direction of Faldars voice.
    Bontar rages and attacks the golem recklessly; disadvantage from blinded, advantage from reckless attack, cancels out.
    Attack plus damage - (1d20+4)[24] + bless (1d4)[1] - (2d6+5)[14] bludgeoning damage
    Extra damage on crit - (2d6)[8]
    "Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one."

  5. - Top - End - #215
    Ettin in the Playground

    Join Date
    Apr 2019
    Lower Menthis

    Default Re: Raam: The City of Anarchy IC

    Elf Hexblade 3
    AC: 17 HP: 24/26 THP: 0
    PP: 11 PIv: 9 PIs: 9
    Spell Slots, 2nd: 1/2
    Conditions: C Silent Image
    Elf Rain Cleric 1
    AC: 17 HP: 10/10
    PP: 15 PIv: 12 PIs: 13
    Eye of Storm: 3/3
    Spell Slots:
    1st: 1/2

    Conditions: C Bless
    Elf Ranger 2
    AC: 15 HP: 14/21
    PP: 14 PIv: 13 PIs: 14
    Spell Slots:
    1st: 2/2

    Conditions: --

    Zantos thanks the elf cleric, "Go help your friends. We'll hold off the golem." He then runs over to the Runners Wilder and tells him the same thing. "Take out their spell casters and stay away from the ones with melee weapons." He then creates an image of Lazaar that appears to casting a spell, hoping to draw the Golem's attention. Since he is standing directly in line behind the image, he yells at the golem, "Over here you big, dumb oaf!"

    Seeing Faldar heal Bontar, Jiro instead makes his way south to help the elves, shooting an arrow at the Raider Maurader next to the bard.

    Qaba stands up, nods to the Runners Sniper on the roof of the building to the south, moves to the south and sees Jiro's target, so he shoots an arrow all the way across the market also at the Raider Marauder next to the Bard.

    Spoiler: OOC
    1. Zantos uses Misty Visions to cast a silent image of Lazaar on the blue circle.

    3. Jiro shoots his short bow at the Raider Marauder.

    (1d20+5)[7], damage (1d6+3)[6]

    2. Qaba shoots at the Raider Marauder (or Bard if Jiro took out the Marauder). I think it's in 150' range but I'll add disadvantage just in case.

    (1d20+6)[26] disadvantage if needed (1d20+6)[11] damage (1d8+4)[10] if no disadvantage, add 6 for the crit (from OOC).

    Edit: using the square root of the sum of the squares of the sides, I think he's 132' away.

    Last edited by Bobthewizard; 2020-08-09 at 04:03 PM.

  6. - Top - End - #216
    Barbarian in the Playground
    Join Date
    Sep 2007

    Default Re: Raam: The City of Anarchy IC

    Lazaar Dargeth
    Dray Defiler Wizard
    AC: 14 HP: 18/18
    PP: 11 PIv: 15 PIs: 11
    Conditions: --

    Greven Zhov
    Dray Aberrant Mind Sorcerer
    AC: 15 HP: 7/7
    PP: 11 PIv: 11 PIs: 13
    Conditions: --

    Dray Silt Cleric
    AC: 17 HP: 15/15
    PP: 12 PIv: 11 PIs: 14
    Conditions: ---


    The trick to the mirage was more than looking like the Mar Ravoni. Greven had trained to time his psionics with his master’s spellcasting. As he raced past the prophet, he listened for the cue and then fired a spectral hand as Lazaar tolled the hymn of the Grey. Ash appeared in a small square within the web. Meanwhile, the emissary dashed into the open to draw the golem back toward the clashing elves and nobles.

    Qoheleth positioned himself to flex with the situation as he saw Greven circle the golem. He sought to assist in bringing down the behemoth before it could slay his brother.

    Spoiler: OOC

    Greven moves past Lazaar, casts Chill Touch as a BA, and dashes as his action.
    (1d20+5)[6] to hit, (1d8)[5] necrotic damage (crit: (1d8)[6])

    Lazaar casts Toll the Dead (DC 13 Wis save): (1d12)[7] necrotic damage
    —distant raze to a square in the web along the golem’s likely path.

    Qoheleth casts Toll the Dead (Wis 12) or take (1d12)[8] necrotic damage.

  7. - Top - End - #217
    Titan in the Playground

    Join Date
    Apr 2013

    Default Re: Raam: The City of Anarchy IC

    The radiant light singes the golem, and Bontar follows the bright spot in his vision, planting a powerful slam of his maul into its center of mass and knocking out a large chunk of its salt. The salt is finally cleared out of his eyes by tears of rage streaming down his face. A skeletal, spectral hand flies past the golem.

    Ptekme manages to untangle himself from the fabric and runs over, leaving the collapsed tent behind. The salt finally clears out of his eyes, and he can see again. Hand is blindly stumbling towards the same light as Bontar, but his claw swipes only at air. Torso finally seems to regain his sight, but is pointed the wrong way to do anything.

    As the golem glides away towards the illusion Zantos conjured, Bontar takes a swing that lands wide. Lazaar can feel the impact shake the ground as the golem slams through his fake decoy, right outside of his illusory hiding place. If he could sweat through his scales, he would surely be drenched, and not just from the hot sun...

    Jiro and Qaba line up shots at the wildly howling marauder. Jiro's arrow flies wide, but Qaba's impacts him right in the side. As Zantos runs off to distract the golem, the cleric nods to him and runs south to his comrades fighting at the southwest flank, calling out a prayer to inspire them. The sniper hops off of the table and takes aim with her bow as she strafes through the ashen area. She releases her shot, her arrow landing next to Qaba's. A third, from the archer on the tavern roof, drops the marauder at last.

    From the sounds beyond the corner of the building, the raiders are starting to fall on that front. But Zantos is soon surprised to hear someone panting and shoving over a table behind him. The berserker is back on his feet, staggering towards Zantos. His wild swing comes close, but Zantos manages to sidestep the tired attacker.

    On the roof, another raider has gotten up to his knees and flings a dagger of ice at Qaba. It stabs into him. As it begins to glow and pulse, the elf instinctively grabs it to throw it away. It explodes in his hand however, and he collapses onto the rooftop.

    As the dreamer seems to realize Ptekme is not one of the attackers, he scuttles south to try and help. A swarm of stinging insects and a gob of acid assail the bard, but he fends them both off confidently. "Continue the fight," he orders the raiders, "I will get reinforcements." He says it with such confidence they seem to believe him, as he slinks away into an alleyway with his cleric.

    The archer continues to back away, sending an arrow to graze the berserker as he turns to find new targets. Her decision proves wise as the berserker advances and knocks out the wilder with two swift swings.

    Spoiler: Event Tracking
    Faldar casts Sacred Flame on the Salt Golem, dealing 3 damage.
    Rolled Ptekme a Dex save, and he got free of the collapsed tent. Blind wears off.
    Bontar critically hits Salt Golem, dealing 11 damage. Blind wears off.

    Zantos casts Silent Image.
    Jiro shoots at Raider Marauder, but misses.
    Qaba critically hits Raider Marauder, for 8 damage, Bloodying him.

    Greven casts Chill Touch, but misses badly.
    Lazaar casts Toll the Dead, dealing 7 necrotic to the golem.
    Qoheleth casts Toll the Dead, but the golem passes its save.

    Hand swings at Salt Golem blindly, but misses due to disadvantage.
    Torso's Blind wears off.

    Wind Cleric casts Bless on some of his allies.
    Runners Sniper shoots Raider Marauder for 4 damage.
    Runners Sniper shoots Raider Marauder for 1 damage, just enough to finish him off.
    Runners Wilder casts Acid Splash at Raider Wilder, dealing 2 acid damage.
    Runners Elf shoots Raider Wilder, dealing 4 damage, Bloodying him.
    Runners Elf shoots Raider Wilder, but misses.
    Runners Sniper shoots Raider Wilder, dealing 7 damage, for a KO.
    Runners Dreamer drops Entangle and casts Infestation on Raider Wilder, but he passes the save.
    Half-elf Warrior attacks Raider Wilder, dealing 4 damage, then uses a bonus action for a punch dealing 1 damage.
    Elven Gladiator attacks Raider Wilder, dealing 4 damage.
    Runners Whisper misses Raider Wilder twice.

    Runners Dreamer casts Infestation on Urvus Bard, but is resisted.
    Runners Wilder casts Acid Splash on Urvus Bard, but is resisted.
    Runners Sniper shoots Raider Berserker for 2 damage.

    Things happen out of view.

    Raider Wilder Disengages and flees, but takes an AoO from Runners Whisper, who misses.

    Raider Berserker strikes Runners Wilder twice for 13 damage total and a KO.
    Urvus Bard and Earth Cleric flee.

    Raider Berserker critically stabilizes and gets back in the fight. He recklessly attacks Zantos, critically hitting for only 8 damage, luckily for Zantos.
    Raider Wilder critically stabilizes and gets back in the fight. He casts Ice Knife on Qaba, dealing 9 piercing damage on hit and 5 cold damage after Qaba halves it with a save, enough to KO.

    Things happen out of view.

    Salt Golem slams the illusion, to no effect. Bontar gets an AoO, but misses.

    It is the party's turn again.

    Spoiler: Initiative
    Salt Golem - 18
    Bobthewizard - 16.6
    Torso & The Hand - 13
    Moranica - 12.6
    Theophilus - 11.6
    Night Runners - 8.7
    House Urvus - 8.5
    Last edited by RandomWombat; 2020-08-10 at 01:19 PM.

  8. - Top - End - #218
    Ettin in the Playground

    Join Date
    Apr 2019
    Lower Menthis

    Default Re: Raam: The City of Anarchy IC

    Elf Hexblade 3
    AC: 17 HP: 16/26 THP: 0
    PP: 11 PIv: 9 PIs: 9
    Spell Slots, 2nd: 1/2
    Conditions: C Silent Image
    Elf Rain Cleric 1
    AC: 17 HP: 10/10
    PP: 15 PIv: 12 PIs: 13
    Eye of Storm: 3/3
    Spell Slots:
    1st: 1/2

    Conditions: C Bless
    Elf Ranger 2
    AC: 15 HP: 0/21
    PP: 14 PIv: 13 PIs: 14
    Spell Slots:
    1st: 2/2

    Conditions: --

    Zantos continues to have the image of Lazaar look like it is casting a spell, but he charges the berserker to take him down again.

    Seeing his friends both go down, Jiro charges to the west and shoots an arrow to help his friends.

    Qaba lies on the roof bleeding.

    Spoiler: OOC
    1. Based on the positioning, I assume the berserker has some sort of reach weapon. Zantos attacks the berserker (1d20+7)[15], advantage (1d20+7)[21] plus bless (1d4)[2], damage (1d8+5)[9], if crit (1d8)[5]

    3. Jiro shoots his short bow. If the berserker on Zantos is still standing, then he attacks it. If Zantos took that one down, then he shoots at the Raider Wilder on the roof. (1d20+5)[15], damage (1d6+3)[7], if crit (1d6)[3]

    2. Qaba rolls a death save (1d20)[18]

    Last edited by Bobthewizard; 2020-08-10 at 01:47 PM.

  9. - Top - End - #219
    Barbarian in the Playground
    Join Date
    Sep 2007

    Default Re: Raam: The City of Anarchy IC

    Lazaar Dargeth
    Dray Defiler Wizard
    AC: 14 HP: 18/18
    PP: 11 PIv: 15 PIs: 11
    Conditions: --

    Greven Zhov
    Dray Aberrant Mind Sorcerer
    AC: 15 HP: 7/7
    PP: 11 PIv: 11 PIs: 13
    Conditions: --

    Dray Silt Cleric
    AC: 17 HP: 15/15
    PP: 12 PIv: 11 PIs: 14
    Conditions: ---


    Lazaar hoped the illusion’s nearness would keep the golem baited as he cast another attack on its form.

    Greven continued to circle, throwing spectral hands at the golem.

    Qoheleth heard the explosion of ice and turned to see Qabba collapse. He summoned a pillar of earth and charged up the table and column to mount the roof. He called to Qabba, ”The Grey uphold your spirit!”

    He then hunkered down behind cover.

    Spoiler: OOC

    Greven moves further around the web, casts Chill Touch as an action and a BA.
    (1d20+5)[10] to hit, (1d8)[6] necrotic damage (crit: (1d8)[3] )
    (1d20+5)[21] to hit, (1d8)[4] necrotic (crit: (1d8)[5] )

    Lazaar casts Toll the Dead (DC 13 Wis save): (1d12)[6] necrotic damage
    —distant raze to a square in the web along the golem’s likely path.

    Qoheleth casts Mold Earth to form a pillar/stair to the room from the table, moves to the roof, and casts Healing Word on Qabba. (1d4+2)[4] healing. He then drops prone.

  10. - Top - End - #220
    Troll in the Playground
    Moranica's Avatar

    Join Date
    Oct 2010

    Default Re: Raam: The City of Anarchy IC

    Faldar Lufi
    Human/Psion (Vitalist) 3
    AC: 13 HP: 27/27
    PP: 13 PIv: 12 PIs: 11
    Conditions: --
    Dwarf/Barbarian 2
    AC: 19 HP: 13/27[
    PP: 14 PIv: 9 PIs: 12
    Conditions: Blinded
    Thri-kreen/Rogue 1
    AC: 17 HP: 9/10
    PP: 13 PIv: 16 PIs: 13
    Conditions: --

    As the salt in his eyes is washed away by a mixture of tears and blood, Bontar grins. Or rather its more of a snarly grinnage of blood thirsty rage. As he gets ready to hammer the thing again, Ptekme darts past him, while going for a flanking maneuver to distract the golem. He chits something to Bontar, but the sounds fade away in the onslaught of violence that fill the area. As Bontar raises his heavy stone maul, Ptekme reaches his position. And Bontar strikes down with all his might.

    Faldar on the other hand takes a bit more distance while launching another sacred flame at the golem. He surveys the battlefield and sees that his friends are keeping up with the pace of the battle, albeit just.

    Spoiler: OOC

    Faldar uses sacred flame on the Golem DC 14 dex save or (1d8)[1] radiant damage
    Ptekme to distract the Golem and dodges.
    Bontar rages and attacks the golem using Ptekme to gain advantage.
    Attack plus damage - (1d20+4)[6] or (1d20+4)[16] + bless (1d4)[1] - (2d6+5)[11] bludgeoning damage
    Extra damage on crit - (2d6)[8]
    Last edited by Moranica; 2020-08-11 at 04:33 PM.

  11. - Top - End - #221
    Titan in the Playground

    Join Date
    Apr 2013

    Default Re: Raam: The City of Anarchy IC

    With swift action, Zantos cuts down the rabid berserker again, and Jiro drops the Wilder on the rooftop with an arrow. Qoheleth runs past, shifting the earth as he hops up onto the table, and then springs himself onto the rooftop. With a word, Qaba finds himself fading back into consciousness.

    The group's spells and attacks mostly seem to slide off of the golem as it begins moving past the illusion, only to be body blocked by Ptekme. The construct has begun to look ragged and struggles to maintain its shape as it lifts its massive arms to smash Ptekme into paste.

    "To the left, Hand! No, my left! Watch out... watch out for the hole!" Under Torso's direction, Hand slips and falls into the hole, only to land on the layer of webbing above it. Torso snaps his jaws at the golem, but it's just out of reach. Hand finally clears the salt out of his eyes, as Ptekme dodge rolls around the golem's heavy slam, which shakes the ground.

    The Night Runners seem to have held off the western front, and move to the east to stop the remaining foes there. A hail of arrows, sling stones, and magic fall upon the Urvus raiders. Even as one of them goes down, the other two charge forward, throwing a pair of axes that embed in the wall of the tavern.

    Spoiler: Event Tracking
    Zantos strikes Raider Berserker for 4 damage, returning him to KO.
    Jiro shoots Raider Wilder for 7 damage, returning him to KO.
    Qaba passes a Death Save.

    Qoheleth heals Qaba for 4.
    Greven casts Chill Touch twice at Salt Golem, hitting once for 4 necrotic damage. Lazaar is blinded by salt spray for 3 rounds.
    Lazaar casts Toll the Dead on Salt Golem, but is resisted.

    Faldar casts Sacred Flame on Salt Golem, but is resisted.
    Ptekme defends.
    Bontar swings at the Salt Golem, hitting thanks to Bless for 5 damage.

    Hand clears Blindness.
    Torso bites at Salt Golem, but misses.

    Runners Snipers pepper Raider Berserker for 18 damage total, Bloodying him.
    Runners Elves sling at Raider Berserker and one of them critically hits for 2 damage - just enough to KO.
    Runners Wilder casts Magic Missile, dealing 13 damage to Raider Marauder, Bloodying him.
    Runners Dreamer casts Shillelagh on his staff.
    Runners Dreamer casts Infestation, dealing 1 damage to Raider Marauder.
    Wind Cleric casts Virtue on Half-elf Warrior, for 3 Temp HP.

    Things happen out of view.

    Raider Marauder throws an axe at Runners Whisper for 9 damage critical.
    Raider Marauder throws an axe at Runners Whisper, but misses.

    Salt Golem attacks Ptekme, but misses.

    Party's turn again. Things are beginning to wind down.

    Spoiler: Initiative
    Salt Golem - 18
    Bobthewizard - 16.6
    Torso & The Hand - 13
    Moranica - 12.6
    Theophilus - 11.6
    Night Runners - 8.7
    House Urvus - 8.5

  12. - Top - End - #222
    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Sep 2007

    Default Re: Raam: The City of Anarchy IC

    Lazaar Dargeth
    Dray Defiler Wizard
    AC: 14 HP: 18/18
    PP: 11 PIv: 15 PIs: 11
    Conditions: --

    Greven Zhov
    Dray Aberrant Mind Sorcerer
    AC: 15 HP: 7/7
    PP: 11 PIv: 11 PIs: 13
    Conditions: --

    Dray Silt Cleric
    AC: 17 HP: 15/15
    PP: 12 PIv: 11 PIs: 14
    Conditions: ---


    Greven fires another volley, accompanied by Lazaar and Qoheleth’s flurry of ringing bells. The priest then dropped low to keep from taking shots from snipers.

    Spoiler: OOC

    Greven moves around the web. Casts chill touch twice.
    (1d20)[16] to hit, (1d8)[5] necrotic damage (crit: (1d8)[1])
    (1d20+5)[18] to hit, (1d8)[8] necrotic damage (crit: (1d8)[6] )

    Lazaar casts Toll the Dead (DC 13 Wis save): [roll]1d12[/roll] necrotic damage
    —distant raze to a square in the web along the golem’s likely path.

    Qoheleth casts Toll the Dead (Wis 12) or take (1d8)[2] necrotic damage.

    Last edited by Theophilus; 2020-08-14 at 12:32 PM.

  13. - Top - End - #223
    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Default Re: Raam: The City of Anarchy IC

    Spoiler: Lazaar damage roll
    Lazaar’s damage roll due to a coding error on my part: (1d12)[10] necrotic

  14. - Top - End - #224
    Ettin in the Playground

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    Default Re: Raam: The City of Anarchy IC

    Elf Hexblade 3
    AC: 17 HP: 16/26 THP: 0
    PP: 11 PIv: 9 PIs: 9
    Spell Slots, 2nd: 1/2
    Conditions: C Silent Image
    Elf Rain Cleric 1
    AC: 17 HP: 10/10
    PP: 15 PIv: 12 PIs: 13
    Eye of Storm: 3/3
    Spell Slots:
    1st: 1/2

    Conditions: C Bless
    Elf Ranger 2
    AC: 15 HP: 4/21
    PP: 14 PIv: 13 PIs: 14
    Spell Slots:
    1st: 2/2

    Conditions: --

    Zantos moves to the east, hoping to pursue the bard before he can reach reinforcements. He dismisses his scimitar and immediately summons his pact weapon as a javelin, throwing it at the marauder. He tries to rally the local elves for a hunt, "Kill these two! Then let's catch the bard before he can get reinforcements!"

    Qaba turns to Qoheleth, "Thanks again. This is becoming a habit for you. Finish off the Wilders over there if you get the chance. We're going after the bard." He then jumps off the roof and moves west, firing an arrow at the closest marauder.

    Seeing his friends move towards him, Jiro turns and fires at the closest marauder, hoping this will help convince the elves to chase after the last raiders.

    Spoiler: OOC
    Zantos javelin to marauder (1d20+7)[17], damage: (1d6+5)[9]

    Qaba arrow to marauder (1d20+8)[15], damage (1d8+4)[10]

    Jiro arrow to marauder (1d20+5)[20], damage (1d6+3)[5]

    Last edited by Bobthewizard; 2020-08-14 at 12:39 PM.

  15. - Top - End - #225
    Troll in the Playground
    Moranica's Avatar

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    Default Re: Raam: The City of Anarchy IC

    Faldar Lufi
    Human/Psion (Vitalist) 3
    AC: 13 HP: 27/27
    PP: 13 PIv: 12 PIs: 11
    Conditions: --
    Dwarf/Barbarian 2
    AC: 19 HP: 13/27[
    PP: 14 PIv: 9 PIs: 12
    Conditions: Blinded
    Thri-kreen/Rogue 1
    AC: 17 HP: 9/10
    PP: 13 PIv: 16 PIs: 13
    Conditions: --

    As the golem is now showing severe cracks in it's salty crust, Faldar decides to take no chances. "Bontar, Ptekme, dodge it's attacks. I think it's about to go down."
    Faldar himself then fires a powerful mindblast at the thing, hoping to finish it off quickly.

    Ptekme withdraws a bit, knowing that Bontar is better at dodging attacks. At the same time, Bontar tries hard to take a defensive position, but fails in the end. He takes another brutal swing at the golem's body, ignoring his own safety.

    Spoiler: OOC

    Ptekme dogdes
    Faldar uses Eldritch blast on the golem
    Attack plus damage - (1d20+6)[14] - (1d10+4)[13] force damage
    Extra damage on crit - (1d10)[7]
    Bontar attacks
    Attack plus damage - (1d20+4)[10] - (2d6+5)[13] bludgeoning damage
    Extra damage on crit - (2d6)[4]
    "Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one."

  16. - Top - End - #226
    Titan in the Playground

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    Default Re: Raam: The City of Anarchy IC

    Faldar unleashes a blast of psionic force at the golem, which doesn't seem to slow it down at all. Bontar's hammer glances off of its roiling treads as it advances forward, threatening to simply crawl over Ptekme to get to its target. But two skeletal hands reach out from Greven and wrap around its broad 'neck', squeezing. The salt seems to shrivel and flake, before a light shines from inside the golem's chest, and then burns out.

    Piles of salt collapse from around the structure of the construct, settling on the ground around an obsidian orb with a large crack across it, the golem's core - no longer able to sustain the golem's damaged shape, the core was fractured and escaped by the spirit inside. Hand climbs out of the webbed pit and brushes the stray strands off of himself and Torso. "It... it seems the Beast has been vanquished!" The old man wheezes in triumph. "Bring me, Hand... bring me... to the injured!"

    The kreen and his charge begin making their way towards the pile of injured elves to the southeast.

    More elven slingers emerge from inside. Against the barrage of arrows, javelins and slings, the two marauders are brought low. Immediately, the elves turn their weapons towards Faldar and his crew, but they do not open fire. Before anyone can do anything rash, the sniper on the tavern roof calls down, "Hold." She looks across the way at Qaba. "You, sniper. You are wounded. Remain with us, and the human...'s entourage," she eyes the strange assortment of people accompanying Faldar. "Our kin will pursue the raiders."

    An elf in dark leathers, accompanied by a slinger and the mage from the tent, motion for Zantos to come with them in pursuit of the fleeing Urvus.

    The line of elven slingers initially try to halt Hand, but are brushed aside and seem to recoil in fear from the thri-kreen, who shows no signs of fear or hesitation. To their surprise the insect bends down and places his claws on the worst of the injured, who emerge from death's door and begin to groan and stir awake.

    "The raider called you a noble,"the sniper declares, an arrow ready but bow not drawn as she addresses Faldar across the field, her voice carrying down from above. "Who are you? Why do you fight your own?"

    Spoiler: Event Tracking
    Zantos strikes Raider Marauder with a javelin, dealing 4 damage.
    Jiro shoots Raider Marauder, dealing 2 damage and a KO.
    Qaba shoots Raider Marauder, dealing 5 damage.

    Faldar Eldritch Blasts Salt Golem, but misses.
    Bontar strikes Salt Golem, but misses.
    Ptekme defends.

    Greven casts Chill Touch twice on Salt Golem, the second hitting for 8 necrotic damage and destroying it.
    Qoheleth casts Toll the Dead, draining the struggling life of Raider Wilder. He takes 2 failed death saves.
    Lazaar casts Toll the Dead, ending the life of Raider Berserker.

    The Raider Marauders get turned into swiss cheese, and we exit Initiative for now.
    Last edited by RandomWombat; 2020-08-14 at 06:40 PM.

  17. - Top - End - #227
    Ettin in the Playground

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    Default Re: Raam: The City of Anarchy IC

    Elf Hexblade 3
    AC: 17 HP: 16/26 THP: 0
    PP: 11 PIv: 9 PIs: 9
    Spell Slots, 2nd: 1/2
    Conditions: C Silent Image
    Elf Rain Cleric 1
    AC: 17 HP: 10/10
    PP: 15 PIv: 12 PIs: 13
    Eye of Storm: 3/3
    Spell Slots:
    1st: 0/2

    Conditions: C Bless
    Elf Ranger 2
    AC: 15 HP: 16/21
    PP: 14 PIv: 13 PIs: 14
    Spell Slots:
    1st: 1/2

    Conditions: --

    Zantos runs along with the other elves, letting out elvish war cries and howls to celebrate running, thrilled to be on the hunt with his own kind.

    Qaba follows after them, enjoying the run but staying more serious. "Not without me, Zantos."

    Jiro stays with Faldar to help with negotiations but casts healing word on Qaba as he passes. "May the water wash your wounds." Jiro then moves around to the injured, sparing the elves and slitting the throats of the raiders.

    Spoiler: OOC
    Jiro healing word on Qaba (1d4+3)[6]

    Qaba casts Goodberry and starts to eat the berries as he runs. He eats 6 berries and saves 4.

    Last edited by Bobthewizard; 2020-08-14 at 07:56 PM.

  18. - Top - End - #228
    Troll in the Playground
    Moranica's Avatar

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    Default Re: Raam: The City of Anarchy IC

    Faldar Lufi
    Human/Psion (Vitalist) 3
    AC: 13 HP: 27/27
    PP: 13 PIv: 12 PIs: 11
    Conditions: --
    Dwarf/Barbarian 2
    AC: 19 HP: 13/27[
    PP: 14 PIv: 9 PIs: 12
    Conditions: Blinded
    Thri-kreen/Rogue 1
    AC: 17 HP: 9/10
    PP: 13 PIv: 16 PIs: 13
    Conditions: --

    As most of the battle shifts away from the area Faldar asks Ptekme to take a look at the leftovers from the golem and collect proof of it's destruction. Ptekme goes and checks it out thoroughly. After that Faldar and Bontar head over to to some of the wounded to aid the Hand and Torso with their help.

    When the Elf addresses Faldar he responds with a clear, but friendly voice. "Greetings to you. And congratulations on winning the battle. I am sorry for your losses and damage done by those raiders from House Urvus. My name is Faldar Luvi, and as you deducted, I am of the noble house Luvi. This is Bontar and over there, near the golem is my other bodyguard Ptekme. The elves and the prophets are travelling with me. I'll let them introduce themselves."

    Faldar then looks around, eyeing up the elves, before speaking again. "We came here to stop the golem. Nothing more, but it seems like we were able to help you at the same time. The fact that our actions may have opposed those of House Urvus are purely coincidental from our part. Should anybody come asking I will decline any involvement of House Luvi in this battle. Even though my Elven friends may have been a bit overzealous with their aggression. That's what I hire them for after all."

    "At the same time, I, or rather we from House Luvi, do not condone raiding. We are working hard to create a more stable situation in the city and this is not helping. By helping you, I hope we have helped restore some measure of peace here. Please tell your leaders that if their goals match mine in the future, like they did today, that I would like to work together again. And if our long term goals align as well, that we may speak of further collaboration."

    "But enough about politics. If you don't mind me asking. Have these Urvus raiders troubled you before?"

    Spoiler: OOC
    Ptekme investigation check on the golem (1d20+6)[17]
    "Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one."

  19. - Top - End - #229
    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Default Re: Raam: The City of Anarchy IC

    Lazaar Dargeth
    Dray Defiler Wizard
    AC: 14 HP: 18/18
    PP: 11 PIv: 15 PIs: 11
    Conditions: --

    Greven Zhov
    Dray Aberrant Mind Sorcerer
    AC: 15 HP: 7/7
    PP: 11 PIv: 11 PIs: 13
    Conditions: --

    Dray Silt Cleric
    AC: 17 HP: 15/15
    PP: 12 PIv: 11 PIs: 14
    Conditions: ---


    Greven returned toward the pillar, extending his mind back to the Mar Ravoni. Lazaar whispered, "Success came on a knife's edge. Next time we encounter these constructs, we should devise tools to ensnare one for our purposes."

    As he passed through, Lazaar stepped out with him. The twins then waited for Qoheleth to rejoin them. The triad moved as one to rally behind Faldar.

    When an opportunity arose Greven spoke on behalf of the Prophets, "We have accomplished our ambitions for this area. We brought no special wrath for your clan, nor did we intend to engage house Urvus. Yet, our labor spared many of your kindred, and perhaps that may come into consideration in the near future."

    Without turning to Faldar, Greven extended his psyche to the noble and mind-whispered, "The Mar Ravoni would like to study this core before we return it. The device could prove useful to other endeavors."

  20. - Top - End - #230
    Ettin in the Playground

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    Lower Menthis

    Default Re: Raam: The City of Anarchy IC

    Elf Rain Cleric 1
    AC: 17 HP: 10/10
    PP: 15 PIv: 12 PIs: 13
    Eye of Storm: 3/3
    Spell Slots:
    1st: 0/2

    Conditions: C Bless

    Jiro helps with introductions, "My name is Jiro. I was raised a slave and have no clan of my own but now run with the last of the Atoja-dai. We are working with House Luvi to bring peace and order to Raam. Faldar Luvi is an honorable man and will keep his word. Any promises he makes are true. We are also working with Mar Ravoni and the Prophets who have treated us well. We would hope to consider you friends after the joint fight today."

    He stops there, leaving any specific requests to be worked out between Faldar and the elves. He continues to help care for any of the wounded elves.

    Spoiler: OOC

    Last edited by Bobthewizard; 2020-08-16 at 07:51 AM.

  21. - Top - End - #231
    Titan in the Playground

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    Default Re: Raam: The City of Anarchy IC

    "I am Etain," the sniper says, as Faldar and the others introduce themselves. She watches Zantos and Qaba run off with the other elves, before returning her attention to the noble. Faldar's sales pitch doesn't seem to hold her interest much and she eventually interrupts, "There are too many words to say a simple thing, human."

    Yet she makes a point of withdrawing the arrow from its ready position and returning it to her quiver, as she turns and lowers herself from the roof, then drops to the dirt below. A few more elves exit the building, accompanied by an older elf, with the stretched, gaunt skin that his kind develop with age. His hair is dark, and streaked with flecks of grey.

    "Etain, who're they? Not enemies?" the older elf asks, in a gravelly, but not yet decrepit voice.

    "They come hunting the golem. Saved us a heap of trouble, and their elves helped in the fight," the sniper says, as she walks over to the elder elf. She nods past him to where Faldar's entourage are treating the wounded. "Treat the wounded too. Don't seem schemey. Says his named Faldar Lufi."

    He nods and walks over to Faldar, among the triage. "Then you have my thanks, Faldar." There is a bronze dagger in the elf's hand, which he twirls and slips back into a sheath in his sleeve, before offering a handshake. "Griff. An Elder of the Night Runners."

    While he addresses Faldar, Etain eyes the Prophets with a bit of suspicion. "I saw one of your spells catch one of ours'," she says, coldly. "Somehow don't think you helped outta the kindness of your hearts."

    Meanwhile, Zantos and Qaba pursue the bard and his priest, who fled east. Accompanying them are a few of the other elves, led by the one in black, who seems to be a higher up. "What brought you to work with humans?" he asks, while squatting down to take a look at the kicked up dirt and trace its path.

    Spoiler: OOC
    Qaba and Zantos can make Survival tracking checks.

  22. - Top - End - #232
    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Default Re: Raam: The City of Anarchy IC

    Lazaar Dargeth
    Dray Defiler Wizard
    AC: 14 HP: 18/18
    PP: 11 PIv: 15 PIs: 11
    Conditions: --

    Greven Zhov
    Dray Aberrant Mind Sorcerer
    AC: 15 HP: 7/7
    PP: 11 PIv: 11 PIs: 13
    Conditions: --

    Dray Silt Cleric
    AC: 17 HP: 15/15
    PP: 12 PIv: 11 PIs: 14
    Conditions: ---


    "Lazaar" answered in a polite tone without remorse, "As we said, we came for the golem. We arrived in the height of your chaos. Any effect that happened to touch your men merely persuaded them to focus on your true foe." He gestured to the other elves moving about the market square, "None of your men fell from our work, and many more live because of our efforts."

    Qoheleth added, "Whether or not you suspect kindness, mercy came to the elves, and some of the noble's men nearly paid the blood price for assisting you."

    Mar Ravoni stood and listened, watching to see how his double and Faldar handled the elves. These he knew would be merely pawns to arrange upon the board.
    Last edited by Theophilus; 2020-08-16 at 03:55 PM.

  23. - Top - End - #233
    Ettin in the Playground

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    Default Re: Raam: The City of Anarchy IC

    Elf Hexblade 3
    AC: 17 HP: 16/26 THP: 0
    PP: 11 PIv: 9 PIs: 9
    Spell Slots, 2nd: 1/2
    Elf Ranger 2
    AC: 15 HP: 16/21
    PP: 14 PIv: 13 PIs: 14
    Spell Slots:
    1st: 1/2

    Conditions: --

    Zantos replies to the elves, "At first, hunger and poverty. It was a way to make some money. But now I see that Master Lufi is the best chance this city has for peace and security. And not the security of a tyrant either. The security of freedom. I will introduce you to all of my companions once we return. For now, let's track these last two raiders."

    Qaba runs silently with them, looking for tracks.

    Spoiler: OOC
    Zantos' survival roll (1d20-1)[14]

    Qaba's (1d20+4)[21]

  24. - Top - End - #234
    Troll in the Playground
    Moranica's Avatar

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    Oct 2010

    Default Re: Raam: The City of Anarchy IC

    Faldar Lufi
    Human/Psion (Vitalist) 3
    AC: 13 HP: 27/27
    PP: 13 PIv: 12 PIs: 11
    Conditions: --
    Dwarf/Barbarian 2
    AC: 19 HP: 13/27[
    PP: 14 PIv: 9 PIs: 12
    Conditions: Blinded
    Thri-kreen/Rogue 1
    AC: 17 HP: 9/10
    PP: 13 PIv: 16 PIs: 13
    Conditions: --

    Faldar nods at the sniper and turns to the elder. He looks him in the eyes as he shakes his hand.

    "Well met, Griff. I am Faldar of house Luvi. You know, as well as I do, that very little is done out of kindness these days. Happenstance brought our goals together and we took the opportunity. And you benefited of course. So I don't believe judging us is in order. Perhaps we can help each other in the future like we did today. What do you think of this?"
    "Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one."

  25. - Top - End - #235
    Titan in the Playground

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    Default Re: Raam: The City of Anarchy IC

    "It is so," Griff agrees, as he shakes Faldar's hand. "Few can say what the future will bring. But I don't leave debts unpaid." The elf turns to some of the slingers and nods to the tavern door. "Bring the nobleman a cask of fresh waspwine." Two of the elves retreat inside.

    Etain doesn't look assuaged by the Prophet's careful political words and continues to watch him carefully. "Jiro, was your name?" she asks, without taking her eyes off of the hooded figures. "Who were you slaved to?"

    The elf hums at Zantos' reply, taking his words in and silently continuing the hunt as he and Qaba both pick up a trail. It leads to the wall of a nearby building, seemingly stopping. The elves do a quick perimeter check, and find no doors or windows in the small hovel.

    Qaba notices that some of the earthen wall looks fresher and not as smooth as the rest.

  26. - Top - End - #236
    Ettin in the Playground

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    Default Re: Raam: The City of Anarchy IC

    Elf Hexblade 3
    AC: 17 HP: 16/26 THP: 0
    PP: 11 PIv: 9 PIs: 9
    Spell Slots, 2nd: 1/2
    Conditions: C Silent Image
    Elf Rain Cleric 1
    AC: 17 HP: 10/10
    PP: 15 PIv: 12 PIs: 13
    Eye of Storm: 3/3
    Spell Slots:
    1st: 0/2

    Conditions: C Bless
    Elf Ranger 2
    AC: 15 HP: 16/21
    PP: 14 PIv: 13 PIs: 14
    Spell Slots:
    1st: 1/2

    Conditions: --

    Qaba looks to the other elves, "Can any of you break through this earth wall? If not let's go back. I will remember the location and we'll take care of it later." knowing that Qoheleth can take down the wall.

    Jiro answers the question about his background assuming they know that Hamanu is the sorcerer-king of Urik, "I was a slave of the templar of Hamanu. I escaped to the desert where I met Zantos and Qaba. What tribe are you with?"

    Spoiler: OOC

    Last edited by Bobthewizard; 2020-08-18 at 01:52 PM.

  27. - Top - End - #237
    Troll in the Playground
    Moranica's Avatar

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    Default Re: Raam: The City of Anarchy IC

    Faldar Lufi
    Human/Psion (Vitalist) 3
    AC: 13 HP: 27/27
    PP: 13 PIv: 12 PIs: 11
    Conditions: --
    Dwarf/Barbarian 2
    AC: 19 HP: 13/27[
    PP: 14 PIv: 9 PIs: 12
    Conditions: Blinded
    Thri-kreen/Rogue 1
    AC: 17 HP: 9/10
    PP: 13 PIv: 16 PIs: 13
    Conditions: --

    Faldar breaks a small smile as Griff talks about debts. "Thank you, it is becoming rare to find honor in people these days. Perhaps you could help us with some information. Besides the golem we are also looking into some psions that have gone missing. Possible such troubles have found your people as well. If you have any information on this, we may be able to help out."

    He then waits for an answer.
    "Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one."

  28. - Top - End - #238
    Titan in the Playground

    Join Date
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    Default Re: Raam: The City of Anarchy IC

    The black-clad elf reaches out and touches the wall of earth, taking a handful just to confirm it is no illusion. "They covered the door, but it's only a pile of dirt. We should be able to dig through." He tosses the handful aside and takes another, the other elves joining in.

    It only takes a bit of work to pull away enough dirt to reach the door, and it becomes clear there's another pile on the other side. The elf spits, "Bah. Fine, go get your mage. We'll stick here and make sure they don't make a run for it soon as we walk away."

    "Whichever clans we were before, we are all Night Runners now," Etain answers Jiro, looking to the other elves. She looks back to him and speaks in elven, "We want to see Raam become the first true elven city in an age. I'm not so sure your employer's kin would feel the same."

    Griff folds his arms in front of him and closes his eyes, brow wrinkling in thought. "Missing psions? Some of our sensitives have gone missing as well. Only chalked it up to the city being the city." He drops his arms and looks to the east. "The missing ones not confirmed killed, were to the east."

    The tavern being situated in the middle of the southwest part of the city, that would line up with the Psiumarkh's report of psions going missing to the south, just west of the noble district and east of the elven district, in the no-man's land between. It would be a far more chaotic place if not for the Peacebinders policing it.

    The two elves that went inside carry out a clay cask of liquid, with a tap on the top and some stands on one side to set it on a table. Griff nods to it. "Your cask of waspwine. We will put it on your cart?"

  29. - Top - End - #239
    Ettin in the Playground

    Join Date
    Apr 2019
    Lower Menthis

    Default Re: Raam: The City of Anarchy IC

    Elf Hexblade 3
    AC: 17 HP: 16/26 THP: 0
    PP: 11 PIv: 9 PIs: 9
    Spell Slots, 2nd: 1/2
    Conditions: C Silent Image
    Elf Rain Cleric 1
    AC: 17 HP: 10/10
    PP: 15 PIv: 12 PIs: 13
    Eye of Storm: 3/3
    Spell Slots:
    1st: 0/2

    Conditions: C Bless
    Elf Ranger 2
    AC: 15 HP: 16/21
    PP: 14 PIv: 13 PIs: 14
    Spell Slots:
    1st: 1/2

    Conditions: --

    Qaba looks to Zantos and nods. He can see that his boss is going to stay here to watch the hideout. "I'll run back and get the prophets." He leaves to go tell the others what they've found.

    Santos looks to the other elves, "I'll stay here in case there's any trouble. Maybe I can help."

    Jiro continues his conversation with Etain, "You are right, my employer would not agree to an elven city where other races are excluded. But he would like to see a city where humans and elves alike are free to live without fear of raiders or discrimination. Just as there are bad elves, there are good humans and even Thri-Kreen. If your goal is to eliminate or subjugate the other races, then we will likely stand against you. If your goal is freedom for all good people, we will gladly stand by your side, and we include elves in our vision. We think we can make Raam a prosperous, peaceful city for humans and elves." He realizes this may be more his vision for the city than Faldar's, but for now he'd rather propose a higher purpose. There will be time to sort out the details later.

    Spoiler: OOC

    Last edited by Bobthewizard; 2020-08-19 at 08:03 AM.

  30. - Top - End - #240
    Troll in the Playground
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    Oct 2010

    Default Re: Raam: The City of Anarchy IC

    Faldar Lufi
    Human/Psion (Vitalist) 3
    AC: 13 HP: 27/27
    PP: 13 PIv: 12 PIs: 11
    Conditions: --
    Dwarf/Barbarian 2
    AC: 19 HP: 13/27[
    PP: 14 PIv: 9 PIs: 12
    Conditions: Blinded
    Thri-kreen/Rogue 1
    AC: 17 HP: 9/10
    PP: 13 PIv: 16 PIs: 13
    Conditions: --

    Faldar nods seriously as Griff explains that they've had similar trouble. "Yeah, this seems to be a broader problem. I might call upon your help in case we figure out where the psions are, or who has been responsible. And thank you for the waspwine. On the cart is fine indeed. Do you mind if we wait here for my Elven friends to return?" Faldar asks.

    Ptekme is still rummaging through the remains of the golem and Bontar seems a little on edge.
    "Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one."

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