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  1. - Top - End - #91
    Titan in the Playground

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    Default Re: Is there a 'who should play this character?' thread, and is it necro?

    Quote Originally Posted by Curtis Cook View Post
    How about the recently introduced sister? There are an abundance of young black actresses, such as Camille Hyde (Alexandra Cabot on "Katy Keene") and Ashley Nichole Williams (Abigail Bellweather on "Motherland: Fort Salem").
    Do you mean Roy's sister? She's not a recent addition to the story....
    "Nothing you can't spell will ever work." - Will Rogers

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  2. - Top - End - #92
    Pixie in the Playground

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    redface Re: Is there a 'who should play this character?' thread, and is it necro?

    Quote Originally Posted by KillianHawkeye View Post
    Do you mean Roy's sister? She's not a recent addition to the story....
    Yeah, that was who I meant. Sorry, but I have no memory of her. I suppose with the home confinement I should go back and re-read from the beginning.

  3. - Top - End - #93
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: Is there a 'who should play this character?' thread, and is it necro?

    Quote Originally Posted by Curtis Cook View Post
    Yeah, that was who I meant. Sorry, but I have no memory of her. I suppose with the home confinement I should go back and re-read from the beginning.
    Her first appearance in the comic was here.

  4. - Top - End - #94
    Halfling in the Playground

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    Default Re: Is there a 'who should play this character?' thread, and is it necro?

    Quote Originally Posted by Askthepizzaguy View Post
    I put a lot of thought into some non-actors for this post. Or at least, not Hollywood actors, and acting is not their main gig. More to the point, YouTube personalities!

    Spoiler: Main Cast
    I watch a lot of Youtubers, and I feel there are certain people who are just uncannily good for certain parts.

    It all began while reading Elan's lines in particular. Elan is this slightly irritating, naive, somewhat oblivious, perky / peppy, charismatic, and often loud character. Sometimes so loud that it is actually harmful to those around him.

    There is one youtuber who meets all of these criteria and then some.

    The comparisons continue, Elan is especially knowledgeable in his niche, being a bard and understanding narrative structure, and having unexpected skill points in odd places and talents that aren't particularly combat friendly. But he can also be actually useful in certain combat situations and, especially, helpful in a party, as opposed to on his own.

    The obvious comparison is to one of The Runaway Guys, Chuggaaconroy.

    I have taken to reading literally all of Elan's lines in Chugga's voice. Every memorable moment involving Elan makes absolutely perfect sense if it were being read by this person.

    And because ProtonJon is often in videos bantering with Chugga in The Runaway Guys collaborations, along with other projects they do together, I began thinking of where ProtonJon fits.

    ProtonJon is sarcastic, snarky, worldly, competent, highly experienced in almost all video games (he completes like hundreds a year, and got famous by playing Kaizo mario and other difficult hacks) and very persistent. He is also comically unlucky, as it seems like the gods of random chance are always conspiring against him. But he is also one of the kindest people in real life, as opposed to his character of playing a bit of a jerk in the collaborations they do. He's patient, merciful, tolerant, and protective of his vitriolic best buddy Chugga, and all of his friends, and even people who have been a jerk to him. He instructed people not to doxx or attack someone who lied about having cancer to trick people into playing his Super Mario world romhack, which he only played to satisfy the supposedly dying wish of someone who had cancer, having long since given up on playing romhacks, because he finds them irritating. He deleted all the attempts to doxx this guy and shut off the comments as well. This is far from the only example, he's instructed mods to unban people after they deliberately insulted and trolled him and got him to snap at them, but they were making a valid point as well. That's the sort of guy this is. He's also low-key hilarious almost all of the time, but he never sounds like he's straining or trying to be hilarious.

    I was thinking, due to his sense of humor, if he wouldn't make sense as Belkar, but it just doesn't work. Belkar is a bit too one-dimensional (even Rich has written comics addressing Belkar's lack of depth and character arc, and his arc is basically now pretending to have depth and an arc, leading to actual character growth). So Belkar isn't the right fit, temperamentally, even though Jon can be a playful jerk and a bit of a troll during multiplayer games.

    He makes the most sense as Roy, to me. Because he and Chuggaa have this vitriolic best buddies kind of banter, and they have mirroring opposite kind of personalities. Jon is worldly, knowledgeable, and a veteran of lots and lots of games Chuggaa has never played, and often plays the role of a mentor, even a suffering mentor, for Chuggaa, when they do collaborative projects, showing Chuggaa games that he never finished as a child, and helping guide him through the playthrough and even helping with particularly difficult parts. Elan annoys Roy, Chuggaa annoys Jon. But almost never in a way that makes them actual adversaries. It's just how they play off of one another.

    Jon's cynical and sarcastic side would play well in the webcomic as Roy, being skeptical of the gods' plans, defiant against his father's abuse and selfish wishes, would match up perfectly with all of the scenes where Roy and Elan play off of one another, being a perfect match for that same dynamic with Chugga, and his caring-for-others, even his opponents or enemies, would match up perfectly with all the scenes where Roy doesn't kill someone even though they might be evil. For example, On the Origin of PCs, when he doesn't kill the orcs who are simply camping out for an Iron Golems concert, even though that is their mission.

    Plus all the times Roy was willing to sacrifice himself for others, namely against Durkon-vampire, against Xykon, and even when it might mean dying just to stop the gods from destroying the universe. It just fits with Jon's more heroic and caring for others side of his personality. Jon's willing to endure some **** if it means helping others, which is kind of rare to see in an online internet personality. He's also willing to be merciful to those who do bad things, especially if they have a point or if they try to redeem themselves by apologizing. So he's tough, but not wrathful. And by tough, I mean he will totally crush you if you versus him in just about any video game.

    So ProtonJon is basically a near-perfect fit for Roy, and Chuggaa is an absolutely perfect fit for Elan.

    For bonus points, ProtonJon would make a fantastic Thog. He does voices, a lot of them, and when he voiced Big the Cat during their Sonic Adventure playthrough, he was utterly hilarious as he voiced that derpy and dumb character with broken grammar and limited vocabulary (except when it was funny otherwise). Particularly when Big the Cat got deep and talked about Nietzsche, whom he called "Neetches", and encouraged people to buy his audiobook.

    His snarky and sarcastic commentary and voice also lends itself well to playing some of the recurring Demon Roaches parts.

    The only guy I watch online with a Scottish accent that could reasonably fit for Durkon's voice is DDRJake, who does not work with any of the Runaway Guys. So this would be a bit of a cross-over.

    That said, he does fit a bit with Durkon's personality.

    Durkon is usually pretty chill, almost passive, letting others take a leadership role. You probably won't find many people online who are more chill and unemotional than DDRjake. When he's making jokes, playing a game he enjoys, or even playing a game he hates, there's almost no variation to the man's tone. He's the most deadpan snarker ever, you can hardly ever detect that he's making a deliberate joke unless you get the context of it. He's not humorless, but he doesn't emote his humor at all. He has a noticeable Scottish accent, and it is not at all hard on the ears. It's downright musical and chill to listen to. Playing Durkon would actually require DDRJake to emote more than he usually does, and I have no idea if he has any acting chops. But if he could do Durkon's more emotional scenes, he would be perfect for the role, and not just because of the accent.

    In particular, when Durkon becomes vampire Durkon, DDRJake is basically absolutely perfect for the role. When he plays games, DDRJake often takes the most ruthless, brutal, and immoral route to a straight up victory, in grand strategy games or in civilization management games, you can't get a more cruel, ruthless, or cunning leader who is both devastating and terrifyingly effective. Since Vampire Durkon is one of the main antagonists of this atory, Jake would embody that particular character perfectly. Playing the role of a passive and diplomatic persona, but secretly being evil and cruel. All with the proper accent.

    He's downright bone-chilling at times. Just watch him play Frostpunk sometime and you'll understand his reckless disregard for human life and comfort in pursuit of a victory. There is no exaggeration here, when the vampires are almost cartoonishly sadistic and cruel in this webcomic, DDRJake would absolutely nail all of those lines without altering any aspect of his online persona. Such cruelties are trivial for him, and so commonplace as to be banal and rote. He doesn't even play it up like scenery-chewing villains often do, he just callously and coldly does what he does.

    It's not a totally perfect fit, there may be better, but from youtubers I know, there is no one better. The only weakness I see here is when Durkon has to have an emotional scene, or the vampire Durkon gloats. Jake doesn't really do that sort of thing. Maybe if he has hidden acting chops. Otherwise, he's a perfect fit.

    Actually, even though he's a native Scot, he might have to play up his natural Scottish accent a bit more to match Durkon's nearly incomprehensible speech. DDRJake is well spoken, so again, to match how I picture Durkon, he would need to have some acting ability.

    Therefore maybe he isn't quite the perfect fit, but how would I know unless he did an audition? I think he could do it. It's not that much of a stretch. But if he can't act, then we would need a different Scot.

    I picture Durkon as sounding exactly like Gimli, so if we were doing actors, the same actor would get the part. I don't know how well Jake could mimic Gimli. Maybe someone else would be a better voice fit, but Jake is also a fine pick for all of the above reasons.

    Vaarsuvius as a character is loquacious when it is his/her time to speak lines, excessively verbose even, and although s/he is an elf, has been known to emote quite a bit, especially in a threatening manner, such as declaring s/he is about to destroy his/her opponent, or when s/he sold hir soul to the demons in exchange for ultimate arcane power. Vaar is also a bit tsundere in my opinion. Vaar has that same arc with hir familiar, being cold and callous at first, and later, attempting to improve that relationship. And with Belkar, they were initially hot blooded enemies, but at times, the elf was the only one in Belkar's corner, considering his point of view, or coming to his rescue. Come to think of it, Vaar is very tsundere.

    You need someone with a loud and forceful, confident, eloquent voice capable of clear enunciation, who is a powerful personality and capable of playing angry, aggressive, assertive, cold, distant, callous, but also, capable of changing for the better.

    I noticed a voice that often collaborates with The Runaway Guys that meets all of those qualities during the collaborations, as opposed to her own solo projects. Particularly when she works with Chuggaa.

    If you know her work, you obviously know that I am referring to MasaeAnela.

    The aspects of her personality I find that most resemble Vaarsuvius are when she works with Chuggaa, or anyone else that might irritate her or piss her off. She has also been known to reject being called "cute", and reject being "shipped" with anyone. There is a vibe about her that makes it very clear her romantic life is her own business and no one else's, and she is not at all a flirt. Much like Vaarsuvius.

    She has a hair trigger temper and is scary when she gets angry or has an opportunity to torment someone in a playful way. But she is not really a cruel person at all. And she is also definitely not heroic either, in any of their collaborative projects, she is aggressive and defensive, protective of herself above others, and has a very strong independent streak.

    She just fits Vaarsuvius very well, with that neutral with cruel tendencies type of personality, but not cruel for its own sake, only when it serves her interests. She is capable of destroying those who oppose her without mercy, but she is also capable of working in a group with people that irritate her, and even come to their aid when necessary. Just like Vaarsuvius.

    She also has a softer, contemplative, intellectual, and chill side, which is most often expressed in her own solo projects. When she is by herself, she is almost exactly like Vaarsuvius on a good day, or a calm day, when Vaar is just being a valued and helpful team member, and typically one of the only competent ones in the bunch.

    And like Vaarsuvius, her competence has limits. She struggles in certain games and gets frustrated. Vaar has been known to struggle when direct application of the most powerful magic spells at hir disposal doesn't work. In collaborative projects, Masae is also not typically the one who wins every encounter, game, or versus mode. But she isn't bad either. So the limits to Vaarsuvius' application in every situation are sort of mirrored by Masae not being overpowered either. But when she puts her mind to it, she is also clever and rational and able to outthink, so like Vaarsuvius, even when she is outmatched, you shouldn't count her out. She has depths.

    I think what makes her perfect for the part is how she goes from calm and pleasant in her solo projects to harsh and snappy in collaborative ones. Her voice is also very clear, loud, assertive, and intimidating despite how civilized it sounds. Basically, you'd have to hear her snap off at Chuggaa a few times and irritatedly tolerate him at other times, and you'd see how she would make a perfect Vaarsuvius for all of Vaar's most dramatic scenes.

    She isn't someone who rambles or filibusters, but I feel confident if she was acting and reading lines, she could pull off those lengthy tirades no problem. She talks non-stop during her solo youtube projects, so she has no issue talking at length. She is just probably not as wordy when getting a point across as Vaar. But otherwise, the persona and voice is a perfect match, and I see no issue with the differences in her own personality being set aside to read Vaar's lines.

    When it comes to Belkar, the voice needs to be able to emote well, make lots of dirty jokes and gags, and it needs to be boastful and assertive and aggressive when needed, but it also needs to come across as someone who doesn't take any of this too seriously.

    Belkar's personality is selfish and violent, but otherwise fun to be around as long as you are not on his bad side. The "core" of his voice therefore needs to be someone who is actually pretty chill, and likes to have fun and mess around, but also be capable of a range of emoting. The actual specifics of Belkar being violent aren't that essential to the voice aspect.

    Of the youtubers I know, the unlikely match for Belkar to me is actually still in The Runaway Guys, filling out the roster with NintendoCapriSun.

    Here's the thing, NintendoCapriSun is in some aspects the opposite of Belkar's actual personality. For example, in their collaborative projects, while Tim (NCS) can be competitive and competent (particularly with retro games), he is also known to be quite the teddy bear.

    He's more of a caring and passive, compassionate mentor kind of person, when he works with others. He's been known to give advice to folks that he collaborates with, and is the opposite of ProtonJon's more vitriolic mentor or trickster mentor style. He is usually serious about giving help, and unserious about all the jokes he makes. He doesn't really troll very much, and is usually a paragon as opposed to a renegade when he's on a team.

    So, at his core, he's a knowledgeable, competent, virtuous kitten. Who tells lots and lots and lots of fart jokes, and engages in innuendo and toilet humor at the drop of a hat. Any hat.

    In other words, he matches Belkar's chill and not-serious approach to the OOTS structure and universe. Belkar is not all that seriously invested in the plot, or the NPCs, or anyone else around him, but he does like to make burns and jokes constantly. He's the comic relief of the gang, even though he is competent and dangerous in a pinch.

    What's funny is that, unlike the others, the aspects of Tim's personality that most closely match Belkar's more sadistic, aggressive, violent, loud side, prone to emotional outbursts, are when he does his solo projects away from The Runaway Guys.

    It is in those settings, when the feelings of those around him are no longer being taken into account, and it is just him versus the video game, that all of Belkar's darkest aspects come bubbling up to the surface.

    Tim is known to get enraged (for him) and rant (albeit not at length) about a game screwing him over, and he's been known to get serious, aggressive, and determined when he needs to defeat the challenge in front of him. He is more likely to show irritation, anger, shock, surprise, and otherwise get very loud, when he is on his own, as opposed to how he tends to take a chill backseat during collaborative projects.

    Tim is basically a backwards Belkar from the mirror universe. I'm dead serious.

    Whereas Belkar has been an unreliable, cold, callous, trolly teammate, Tim is the exact opposite. A reliable, virtuous, loyal paragon of a teammate who doesn't troll his friends. But when Belkar is on his own, he is chill, almost passive (except for the violence) not taking things too seriously outside of combat, and just an endless stream of jokes and innuendo and toilet humor. Tim is like that, except when he is in a group.

    And while Belkar is evil, Tim is good. He's mirror universe Belkar, in an uncanny way.

    But all the aspects of Belkar's personality are there, they are just being expressed in the opposite situations, and in the opposite alignment, so to speak.

    And Tim nails both aspects of Belkar's personality, and his voice is exactly the kind of voice I picture when I hear Belkar speak.

    Belkar is a halfling ranger Barbarian with a dim view of humans and non-halfling life forms, or any life forms, and is most definitely not cultured or well-mannered. Tim, while having an appreciation for all life, also kind of has a twisted take on everything, making toilet jokes and sexual jokes and ranting about random stuff that has nothing to do with the plot of what is happening, all the time. He's like an outsider observing either the game that he is currently playing, or society and life in general, and he rips on all of it, doesn't take it seriously, and he doesn't sound anything like the way I picture Vaarsuvius / MasaeAnela talking, or the serious way Durkon / DDRJake talks, or the snarky straight man that Roy / ProtonJon would sound like.

    He's personally cultured, but he speaks in a kind of a mixed southern twang that is indicative of his having grown up in the south but lived in a lot of different states, and he doesn't take himself too seriously, and although Tim himself is incredibly smart and has a deep vocabulary, he talks like a regular person who doesn't really give a darn about the social niceties such as politeness.

    I also picture him as the guy who could attend a corporate board meeting, dressed completely wrong, like a slob, and making actual farts and fart jokes during the whole meeting, going off-topic, not taking it seriously, and generally taking a dump on the entire concept of being prim and proper.

    He just has that Belkar vibe. Their personalities in real life are like mirror universe opposites, like if there were a Linear Guild where Belkar's nearly identical opposite was Good instead of evil, but they are also somehow an entirely perfect match.

    I can't think of a better person to play Belkar.

    Tim would laugh at everything in the OOTS universe, not take it seriously, not pay close attention, be competent in any fight, and emote perfectly. And he has the chops to be able to play the team troll, even if that's not how he would personally behave. He can do it. He would nail every scene where Belkar is a large ham, and he would also nail every scene where Belkar has to emote for a change. He would nail every burn and joke. And his voice and general attitude are a perfect match.

    I know, it's funny that all of the Runaway Guys perfectly fit someone in the OOTS universe. Seems like quite a coincidence, as if the only people I watch on Youtube are these guys, and thus, I forced these matches. But no, I am subscribed to probably 50 other channels and watch others regularly. These guys just so happen to all have personalities that fit extremely well in the Order of the Stick.

    Haley is a little bit more difficult for me to place. She has a tendency to make wisecracks, and have her own selfish agenda about things (in the beginning, a bit, but that faded drastically over time to become the near-perfect teammate), and be a bit greedy. She is a rogue, and thus, chaotic. She's also one of the OOTS' more lusty characters, more worldly in the matters of romance, and more likely to be involved with innuendo. She can be serious, but unless the situation is dire, she tends to take a more carefree attitude about things, and crack wise. She is also a skilled liar, able to talk her way out of a lot of situations, so she is cunning and charismatic. That said, she had her shot at being the leader of the team, and while she rose to the occasion, she also was greatly relieved to not have that responsibility put on her. She is better at doing her own thing than leading a team, and better at following direction than doing her own thing sometimes. With Roy around, Haley becomes more competent, I think. There have been many times that she improved or became more combat-effective by following Roy's lead than simply acting on her own initiative. Roy has been a mentor of sorts to her. And she has been romantically paired with the team's bard, who is naive and oblivious to her affections at first, and not especially knowledgeable about subtext.

    You might be able to see where this is going, especially if you remember who I cast as Roy, and as Elan.

    In a lot of ways, Lucahjin can match Haley's personality.

    She's been known to have to explain sexual innuendo to Chuggaaconroy on dozens of occasions where they have done crossover projects. Her worldliness and tendency to make raunchy jokes or innuendo perfectly matches Haley's greater adult-oriented nature when compared with Elan, who also perfectly matches Chuggaa's own naivete and obliviousness. She's done many crossover projects with ProtonJon, wherein Jon plays the mentor figure who helps her improve her skills, most notably in the Banjo-Kazooie playthrough on her channel, or the Fortune Street episode where she first joins The Runaway Guys as they play that. Jon was very much a mentor and teacher figure there, explaining how to play.

    Jon also happens to be one of the inspirations for Lucahjin to get into Youtube playthroughs of video games to begin with, much like Roy was the one who recruited Haley.

    Although she and Jon are romantically involved and she and Chugga are very much not, this is acting and she could play that role.

    Not just her own voice and personality, but the strong similarities between her and Jon's relationship and Haley and Roy's relationship, and the personality dynamic between her and Chugga and Haley and Elan, makes her kind of a natural fit for the cast.

    If she did multiple voices, I could also see her playing one hell of a Sabine.

    Which makes sense, since Nale would be played by Chugga still, and Sabine is Haley's evil opposite. Lucah might even be an even more perfect match for Sabine than she is as Haley.

    Haley might mean more acting on her part, whereas Sabine is literally perfect for her. I can't picture anyone else as Sabine, the lusty temptress. (No one makes more perverted jokes than Lucahjin, not even NCS)

    Lucahjin is also gifted at dozens of voices, and her Old Man voice that she uses often, particularly for the judge in the Phoenix Wright series, would be perfect for Lord Shojo, since he's a wacky old guy who acts a bit mental and delusional.

    Speaking of other voices, MasaeAnela would also make for one heck of a Miko Miyazaki, and no, I definitely don't think so just because of her ethnicity being an exact match. It is Miko's assertiveness and aggressive, bold, and terrifying aspects that make Masae a good match for the voice. Much for the same reason she would make an excellent Vaarsuvius.

    I am sure there may be some others who could deliver a performance that is approximately as good, as Miko is kind of an easy and one-note character to voice, but Masae would wreck the part.

    For the main villains, their speaking time is typically limited, and you need a badass voice to carry their scenes which are either full of gravitas, or are comedy relief.

    Xykon needs someone who can do a deep voice, but is also charismatic and funny. I can't think of a Youtuber more charismatic or funnier than Patty, aka Pcull44444. His couch commentaries during AGDQ are legendary. He snarks, he sings, he cracks endless jokes, he does a thousand voices, and his natural voice is pretty deep, and he can go deeper and do impressive ranges.

    Redcloak needs someone who can voice a goblin, one that can sound threatening when needed for the emotionally dramatic scenes, and otherwise just sound like a villain the rest of the time. I think Tom Fawkes as Lord Donator in the TRG streams does a perfect overlord villain voice.

    There's probably more I can add to this cast but this is running long for now. I also haven't had time to proofread this, so more editing for me later.


    So, that fills out the main cast.

    Roy Greenhilt, Thog, Demon Roaches: ProtonJon

    Elan the Bard, Nale: Chuggaaconroy

    Haley Starshine, Sabine, Lord Shojo: Lucahjin

    Vaarsuvius, Miko Miyazaki: MasaeAnela

    Belkar Bitterleaf, Zz'dtri: NintendoCapriSun (AKA Tim)

    Durkon Thundershield: DDRJake

    Xykon the Lich: Pcull44444 (AKA Patty)

    Redcloak: Tom Fawkes (as his Lord Donator voice)

    I kind of want to link to examples of each of these, so it will make more sense, but I have to step away and I don't want to lose the above post since I spent like an hour on it. So, maybe I might edit them in later. Plus they're trivial to find on Youtube or twitch so it's no big if I forget. And I will probably be the only person who is this enthusiastic about casting this particular group, so... this might mostly be a post for myself. If someone quote-replies to this post, make sure to keep the spoiler tags so it's not a giant wall for people to have to scroll past, please.
    So you watched the recent TRG Coliseum, eh?

    As for more traditional actors: How about Emma Watson for Haley?
    Check out the guys at MitD's thread!
    Quote Originally Posted by DaggerPen View Post
    I still need to trim it down based on publication date, etc., but for now, it's a start.
    It has almost 21k monsters at the moment.
    ... who says we've run out of monsters to check?

  5. - Top - End - #95
    Pixie in the Playground

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    Default Re: Is there a 'who should play this character?' thread, and is it necro?

    Honestly, I can't think of anyone (who wasn't already mentioned) for the main cast..

    But some of my picks for some side characters:

    Constance Wu - Miko
    Awkwafina - Tsukiko
    Jeff Bridges - Odin
    Eva Green - Hel
    Danny Devito - Oracle

    If Christopher Lee was still alive, I'd slot him in for Tarquin.

  6. - Top - End - #96
    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Default Re: Is there a 'who should play this character?' thread, and is it necro?

    Quote Originally Posted by Draconian View Post
    Honestly, I can't think of anyone (who wasn't already mentioned) for the main cast..

    But some of my picks for some side characters:

    Constance Wu - Miko
    Awkwafina - Tsukiko
    Jeff Bridges - Odin
    Eva Green - Hel
    Danny Devito - Oracle

    If Christopher Lee was still alive, I'd slot him in for Tarquin.
    Awkwafina for Tsukiko sounds great.

    If DeVito was younger, I think he'd be great for Belkar Bitterleaf. The cranky, pugnacious comic relief is sort of his whole shtick.
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  7. - Top - End - #97
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Is there a 'who should play this character?' thread, and is it necro?

    Is there any reason Roy needs to be a stacked like a bodybuilder? I thought part of his thing was that he had unusually average physical attributes for a fighter.

    For the purposes of casting I think the manner is much more important than build, provided the actor's in reasonable shape. Roy's a bit of a challenge because while a comedic character he's also prematurely world-weary and a straight man for most purposes. I'm not sure any of Samuel L. Jackson, Terry Crews or the Rock fit the part, age notwithstanding.

    Andre Braugher is too old, but I see him playing Roy rather more convincingly. Among more realistically aged actors who've been mentioned already, I think John Boyega is a decent call.

    It's hard to picture live-action individuals playing the characters though for the same reason that Rich decided against an art upgrade for the Julio Scoundrél comic: when you've got used to the characters as stick figures, nothing else will look right.
    Last edited by Aedilred; 2020-04-23 at 06:49 PM.
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  8. - Top - End - #98
    Dragon in the Playground Moderator
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    Default Re: Is there a 'who should play this character?' thread, and is it necro?

    Quote Originally Posted by Aedilred View Post
    Is there any reason Roy needs to be a stacked like a bodybuilder?
    No reason other than he's incredibly strong, even without the belt.
    Quote Originally Posted by Aedilred View Post
    I thought part of his thing was that he had unusually average physical attributes for a fighter.
    Not that I'm shooting it down, but where was that implied?
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rater202 View Post
    roof dad got laid

  9. - Top - End - #99
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Default Re: Is there a 'who should play this character?' thread, and is it necro?

    Roy has good physical and mental stats and is implied to be incredibly strong and the strongest in the party. Characters with mediocre physical stats are probably some of the casters and maybe Elan especially since he needed that cha based prestige class to be good.

  10. - Top - End - #100
    Pixie in the Playground

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    Thumbs up Re: Is there a 'who should play this character?' thread, and is it necro?

    Quote Originally Posted by RatElemental View Post
    Her first appearance in the comic was here.
    Thank you for the reference. There's a lot I've forgotten.

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    Default Re: Is there a 'who should play this character?' thread, and is it necro?

    Tbh, I don't think having a high strength doesn't really affect your body size all that much, I mean you can have a human being stronger than a half-dragon who is all muscles and double their size, technically. DnD seems to operate in comic book/anime logic, meaning even characters that are supposed to be normal really have some matter of superhuman attributes. If muscle mass was that big of a factor in determining strength, humans would be comparably one of the worst races possible for fighters. I feel that if Roy is played by a bodybuilder, he'll be way more imposing than most other cast members, when he isn't supposed to be someone that seems all that special from a glance.

    Heck, even characters like Nale or Elan are probably stronger than any commoner at this point. I feel that casting based on physical stats would just be a really hard rule to maintain and keep consistent.

    As for Roy's strength compared to other fighters, that may be an extrapolation of Xykon and Thog's comment on his build, saying that his investment on not-primary stats wasn't optimal or that he should try for a stronger build. Although just cause of level alone there isn't much in the way of fighters that would make it for a fair comparison with him at this point in time.
    Last edited by ebarde; 2020-04-24 at 02:49 AM.

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    Default Re: Is there a 'who should play this character?' thread, and is it necro?

    A lot of interesting suggestions for many characters. By far my favorite has been Winston Duke as Roy (the guy from black panther), just look at some pictures of him, he would be great.

    I could see Terry Crews being Thog, big and energetic.

    Kelsey Grammer as Red Cloak.

    Gogo Yubari (axe crazy school girl in Kill Bill) as Miko.

    James Hong as Sojo.

    Daniel Radcliffe as Belkar.

    Have to think about the rest a bit more.

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    Default Re: Is there a 'who should play this character?' thread, and is it necro?

    I don't know why but I always read Roy's lines with Dulé Hill's voice, but idk. As for Kelsey Grammer he's a bit too old, since Redcloak is supposed to be at least biologically a young goblin
    Last edited by ebarde; 2020-04-24 at 05:00 AM.

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    Default Re: Is there a 'who should play this character?' thread, and is it necro?

    Quote Originally Posted by CriticalFailure View Post
    Roy has good physical and mental stats and is implied to be incredibly strong and the strongest in the party. Characters with mediocre physical stats are probably some of the casters and maybe Elan especially since he needed that cha based prestige class to be good.
    We know that his highest attribute is Intelligence, as of his arena fight with Thog. That's even after having the opportunity to buff his Strength score three or four times, assuming his level is mid-teens. He's also got good enough Wisdom that he could have gone into cleric-ing, and he has a Charisma bonus too.

    In the albeit non-canonical Snips, Snails 4e comic (but featuring the same version of 3.5e Roy) it's implied he'd be better off multi/prestige-classing into a warrior class that allows him to bring his INT into play than sticking it out as a pure fighter.

    We'd normally expect a fighter to have their best stats in STR/CON. By implication, unless Roy has unusually high stats right across the board, his STR/CON are likely to be on the lower end of the scale for a fighter. He's undoubtedly got higher STR/CON than the average person, but that doesn't necessarily make him as stacked as a professional body-builder.

    Having the highest STR score in the party doesn't necessarily mean a lot, because other than Belkar I wouldn't expect any of the others to have above-average STR anyway.

    I think there might even be a word-of-god comment from Rich on the subject.
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    Default Re: Is there a 'who should play this character?' thread, and is it necro?

    Quote Originally Posted by Aedilred View Post
    We know that his highest attribute is Intelligence, as of his arena fight with Thog.
    His Str (with all upgrades including belt) is 29, whereas his Int is only 17-odd.

    He might have begun at 1st level with Str 16 Int 17, or so - but now, it's fairly safe to say that, even unequipped, he's stronger than Str 17.
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    Default Re: Is there a 'who should play this character?' thread, and is it necro?

    If Int was Roy's highest stat, he'd have more than V. He has a pretty good int but that's it, that being said it's pretty clear to me that his strength could be a whole lot higher if his stats weren't so spread out. We don't really know how stats are decided upon, but considering how much his spread out array is called into question, I'd say his primary stats suffer cause of the whole jack of all trades thing he's got going for

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    Default Re: Is there a 'who should play this character?' thread, and is it necro?

    Quote Originally Posted by Aedilred View Post
    We know that his highest attribute is Intelligence, as of his arena fight with Thog.
    Ignoring the actual numbers, I came away from that fight thinking, "aha, in addition to being strong, he is also smart." I did not come away thinking, "aha, his intelligence far exceeds his strength."
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    Default Re: Is there a 'who should play this character?' thread, and is it necro?

    Quote Originally Posted by ebarde View Post
    If Int was Roy's highest stat, he'd have more than V. He has a pretty good int but that's it, that being said it's pretty clear to me that his strength could be a whole lot higher if his stats weren't so spread out. We don't really know how stats are decided upon, but considering how much his spread out array is called into question, I'd say his primary stats suffer cause of the whole jack of all trades thing he's got going for
    I was misremembering some exact wording in the Thog fight. It's this strip where Thog and Roy discuss how Roy can use his Int score in combat and Thog implies it's Roy's highest. Later, following the win, Roy says "that's how I use my Int score", which I had misremembered as "best score".

    There is however this post from Rich where he says that both Roy's INT and WIS are "very good" and his CHA is "decent".

    Roy's INT score is at the very least high enough for a career in wizardry to have been viable.

    My interpretation of the comic has always been that Roy's strength is decent naturally, but is boosted to superhuman levels by the belt. When other characters say for instance that he's "as strong as a giant" they're referring to his strength as modified by the belt (of giant strength).
    Last edited by Aedilred; 2020-04-24 at 08:03 AM.
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    Default Re: Is there a 'who should play this character?' thread, and is it necro?

    Quote Originally Posted by ebarde View Post
    I don't know why but I always read Roy's lines with Dulé Hill's voice, but idk. As for Kelsey Grammer he's a bit too old, since Redcloak is supposed to be at least biologically a young goblin
    Yeah, but in the case of goblins, orcs, undead etc we can't really use human standards, so Grammers age is irrelevant, his voice and body language is what matters.

    Also, Red Cloak looks quite young, and to a certain extent act quite young. But he is in fact quite old and very wise (high wisdom), and I feel that Kelsey Grammer could make it work.

    Mikael Fassbender is also a good choice.

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    Default Re: Is there a 'who should play this character?' thread, and is it necro?

    Quote Originally Posted by Aedilred View Post
    My interpretation of the comic has always been that Roy's strength is decent naturally, but is boosted to superhuman levels by the belt. When other characters say for instance that he's "as strong as a giant" they're referring to his strength as modified by the belt (of giant strength).
    No magic items and a wooden sword would seem to disagree.
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    Default Re: Is there a 'who should play this character?' thread, and is it necro?

    Quote Originally Posted by ebarde View Post
    Tbh, I don't think having a high strength doesn't really affect your body size all that much, I mean you can have a human being stronger than a half-dragon who is all muscles and double their size, technically. DnD seems to operate in comic book/anime logic, meaning even characters that are supposed to be normal really have some matter of superhuman attributes. If muscle mass was that big of a factor in determining strength, humans would be comparably one of the worst races possible for fighters. I feel that if Roy is played by a bodybuilder, he'll be way more imposing than most other cast members, when he isn't supposed to be someone that seems all that special from a glance.

    Heck, even characters like Nale or Elan are probably stronger than any commoner at this point. I feel that casting based on physical stats would just be a really hard rule to maintain and keep consistent.

    As for Roy's strength compared to other fighters, that may be an extrapolation of Xykon and Thog's comment on his build, saying that his investment on not-primary stats wasn't optimal or that he should try for a stronger build. Although just cause of level alone there isn't much in the way of fighters that would make it for a fair comparison with him at this point in time.

    I don't think you've got that right. Half dragons are the same size as the race they're mixed with. The are also significantly stronger than humans. People who are stronger than ogres or bears or creatures who are stronger than humans in real life, are generally stronger because they have some magical enhancement (like a belt).

    Within size categories (like medium for humans) the rules don't specify whether stronger people are toward the upper end of that range or anything. I expect different people and gaming groups probably imagine it different ways.

    In real life it simply doesn't happen that small people are at the upper echelon of human strength. There are weight classes fighting sports and weight lifting etc for a reason - if there weren't the bigger people would blow the smaller people away.

    Roy is (even without his belt) at the upper echelon of human strength. Personally, I find it difficult to imagine him as anything other than a big strong guy even in cartoon form. I think the incongruity would be much worse (for me) if it were a film acted by real people. This is a pet peeve of mine, but I don't think I am alone - see the outcry over Tom Cruise playing Jack Reacher.

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    Default Re: Is there a 'who should play this character?' thread, and is it necro?

    Quote Originally Posted by Liquor Box View Post
    I don't think you've got that right. Half dragons are the same size as the race they're mixed with. The are also significantly stronger than humans. People who are stronger than ogres or bears or creatures who are stronger than humans in real life, are generally stronger because they have some magical enhancement (like a belt).

    Within size categories (like medium for humans) the rules don't specify whether stronger people are toward the upper end of that range or anything. I expect different people and gaming groups probably imagine it different ways.

    In real life it simply doesn't happen that small people are at the upper echelon of human strength. There are weight classes fighting sports and weight lifting etc for a reason - if there weren't the bigger people would blow the smaller people away.

    Roy is (even without his belt) at the upper echelon of human strength. Personally, I find it difficult to imagine him as anything other than a big strong guy even in cartoon form. I think the incongruity would be much worse (for me) if it were a film acted by real people. This is a pet peeve of mine, but I don't think I am alone - see the outcry over Tom Cruise playing Jack Reacher.
    In addition to all this, visuals help convey implications. When an artist wants to convey a strong character, making them muscular is an easy way to visually grasp that this character will probably be stronger than most. Even in worlds where that can be enhanced by magic, or worlds where a lanky character has super-strength, a muscular character still conveys that they are supposed to be very strong. In anime's case, the lanky-but-strong character is playing against type, and it's surprising that they are strong. That's not the case with Roy, nobody is really surprised at his strength.
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    Default Re: Is there a 'who should play this character?' thread, and is it necro?

    Quote Originally Posted by Aedilred View Post
    I was misremembering some exact wording in the Thog fight. It's this strip where Thog and Roy discuss how Roy can use his Int score in combat and Thog implies it's Roy's highest. Later, following the win, Roy says "that's how I use my Int score", which I had misremembered as "best score".

    There is however this post from Rich where he says that both Roy's INT and WIS are "very good" and his CHA is "decent".

    Roy's INT score is at the very least high enough for a career in wizardry to have been viable.

    My interpretation of the comic has always been that Roy's strength is decent naturally, but is boosted to superhuman levels by the belt. When other characters say for instance that he's "as strong as a giant" they're referring to his strength as modified by the belt (of giant strength).
    I don't think anyone would disagree with you that Roy is intelligent, but that in no way implies that he is not extremely strong.

    He is. The class level geekery thread notes his strength is 29 (with a belt). I think belts only go up to +8. That is consistent with him either starting with 17 str and improving it four times, or starting with 18 str and improving it three times. So that puts his starting strength at either the 99.6th percentile or the 98.1st percentile. Either way he is very strong.

    Quote Originally Posted by Peelee View Post
    In addition to all this, visuals help convey implications. When an artist wants to convey a strong character, making them muscular is an easy way to visually grasp that this character will probably be stronger than most. Even in worlds where that can be enhanced by magic, or worlds where a lanky character has super-strength, a muscular character still conveys that they are supposed to be very strong. In anime's case, the lanky-but-strong character is playing against type, and it's surprising that they are strong. That's not the case with Roy, nobody is really surprised at his strength.
    Couldn't agree more

    Examples bear it out. Nobody doubts that Conan or the Mountain is strong - you know from the sight of them. But characters like Robert Baratheon who are written as being super strong, but is portrayed by an actor who look not out of the ordinary - so the audience doesn't know he's strong without reading the books.

    I don't think anyone is saying Roy shouldn't be played as being intelligent. It's just that strength is something that can be gauged (to an extent) by looking at a person, whereas intelligence generally cannot.
    Last edited by Liquor Box; 2020-04-24 at 08:58 AM.

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    Lightbulb Re: Is there a 'who should play this character?' thread, and is it necro?

    Quote Originally Posted by The Patterner View Post
    Daniel Radcliffe as Belkar.
    This is interesting, and I really admire Radcliffe, but I've never seen him play a borderline psychotic character. In that vein I think I prefer Elijah Wood who not only has already been pre-shrunk to Hobbit size (thus saving the production company a bunch of money), but has already done a delicious turn as a guy who wants to cut everybody up in "Sin City". Thanks for the inspiration, as up until now I haven't been able to visualize anyone as Beltar.

    Quote Originally Posted by Peelee View Post
    In addition to all this, visuals help convey implications. When an artist wants to convey a strong character, making them muscular is an easy way to visually grasp that this character will probably be stronger than most. Even in worlds where that can be enhanced by magic, or worlds where a lanky character has super-strength, a muscular character still conveys that they are supposed to be very strong.
    To support your point I submit: Superman and (the original Fawcett) Captain Marvel. I've always thought that there was no reason on Earth for these two characters to be depicted as over-muscled, since they rarely have to strain themselves and therefore their muscles would never have the opportunity to become damaged and repair themselves, which is what creates muscle bulk.

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    Default Re: Is there a 'who should play this character?' thread, and is it necro?

    Quote Originally Posted by Liquor Box View Post
    I don't think anyone is saying Roy shouldn't be played as being intelligent. It's just that strength is something that can be gauged (to an extent) by looking at a person, whereas intelligence generally cannot.
    Just to flog my own horse, to me this is another arguement for Dwayne Johnson as Roy, as Dwayne nearly always portrays a very intelligent character (Maui withstanding).
    Last edited by Curtis Cook; 2020-04-24 at 09:12 AM.

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    Default Re: Is there a 'who should play this character?' thread, and is it necro?

    Quote Originally Posted by Curtis Cook View Post
    Just to flog my own horse, to me this is another arguement for Dwayne Johnson as Roy, as Dwayne nearly always portrays a very intelligent character (Maui withstanding).
    About as often as Terry Crews. The "brawns and brains both" character is popular these days.
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    Default Re: Is there a 'who should play this character?' thread, and is it necro?

    Quote Originally Posted by Peelee View Post
    No magic items and a wooden sword would seem to disagree.
    I don't see how that demonstrates that his strength is superhuman? Yes, he can beat up Belkar, but that's not in dispute.
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    I see Roy more as a younger Denzel Washington. What he does well is playing the most civilized man on Earth, more grounded characters where you'll really feel the impact when they do finally flip out and get angry. To me that's pretty much Roy.

    What Dwayne Johnson does well is play exaggerated main characters. The moment he appears on screen you know that he's just much better than anybody else. He's so bankable because he can do it in a very likable way. You'll still think of him as a nice guy. Arnold Schwarzenegger pulls this off too, while someone like Vin Diesel* or especially Steven Seagal always comes across as a bit of an ******* when they (try to) pull this routine. This is not how I imagine Roy though, he's not clearly the best super main character you should be rooting for around, he's more of a Bruce Willis type man up against impossible odds.

    *The great thing about Vin Diesel is that there are actors like Sylvester Stallone who are completely serious about their characters and can give it their all and there are actors like Samual L Jackson who are in on the joke and play things up for fun. Great actors can switch between both depending on the project they're in. Vin Diesel somehow manages to continuously be both types of actor at the same time. It's a mixed bag as far as making good movies is concerned, but it sure is interesting to see.
    Last edited by Lvl 2 Expert; 2020-04-24 at 09:28 AM.
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    Default Re: Is there a 'who should play this character?' thread, and is it necro?

    Quote Originally Posted by Liquor Box View Post
    I think belts only go up to +8. That is consistent with him either starting with 17 str and improving it four times, or starting with 18 str and improving it three times.
    They only go up to +6 (outside of Epic items), hence the question being asked "is it +4 or +6". Plus, being only level 14 or so, he cannot have more than 3 stat improvements - his strength cannot be more than 3 points higher than he started out with.

    However, Roy also read a Manual of Gainful Exercise, and they go up to +5.

    Because the two bonuses are different (one is Inherent, one is Enhancement) they stack.

    Inherent bonuses, once gained, cannot be negated or dispelled - they're permanent, not going away in antimagic fields.

    So we know that, without the belt, Roy's Str will be 23 or 25.

    If it's the best belt, and the best Manual, Roy's starting Strength could be as low as 15.
    Last edited by hamishspence; 2020-04-24 at 09:59 AM.
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    Default Re: Is there a 'who should play this character?' thread, and is it necro?

    Quote Originally Posted by Aedilred View Post
    I don't see how that demonstrates that his strength is superhuman? Yes, he can beat up Belkar, but that's not in dispute.
    He gets hit multiple times by Belkar he hits Belkar once, which enough to completely disorient and stun Belkar. Again, I'm not going by numbers; I'm going by how this appears to the average reader of the strip. And that appears as if Roy is massively strong, even without any magical items.

    This can be done with non-strong characters - off the top of my head, George McFly landing that punch on Biff. But almost every time it's done with a thin, lanky, or otherwise non-muscular person, it's for a narrative purpose. In George's case, that was the culmination of his entire character arc. For others, it would be a way to introduce them as a strong character without appearing as such. For Roy, it's neither. It's just him being freakishly strong, which we have come to expect.
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