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  1. - Top - End - #1
    Bugbear in the Playground
    TurboGhast's Avatar

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    Default Keep on the Shadowfell IC

    OOC - Battle Map - Rolls

    You each set out towards Winterhaven for your own reasons. After meeting on the road, you began traveling together for safety in numbers. Fortunately, the five of you have gotten most of the way there without incident.

    The wind in your face is cool and comfortable. The road beneath your feet is level except for the occasional bit of ancient cobble peeking through the dirt, indicating decades of neglect. You can see footprints going up and down the road, many of which were made by small, clawed feet.

    Spoiler: OOC - Game Actions

    Place a marker to indicate where your character is on the battle map on a space within the orange square.
    Last edited by TurboGhast; 2020-06-26 at 08:29 PM.
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  2. - Top - End - #2
    Ogre in the Playground
    WaffleLord's Avatar

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    Default Re: Keep on the Shadowfell IC

    Melhved - Goliath Warden

    She enjoys feeling the distance move by beneath her stride, the music of the breeze, and the soft give of the layer of natural earth reclaiming what civilized cobblestone once covered. "A interesting group," she thinks, eyeing those she is traveling with. Dwarves, dragonborn, and humans are common enough to her experience. The dwarf was pleasant if a bit slow. The human, a bit dainty but skilled with the bow. The dragonborn was still an unknown quantity, but a gnoll? He carried himself well, held his blade with confidence, and had made no trouble as of yet, but she still remembered the tales of her youth: demon dogs who would prey those who didn't keep up with their training or chores. Mother's spirits decried respect for all nature's creature for they each have a role to play, even Yeenoghu spawn. "I will keep an open eye on this fellow and listen to his song."

    "Speaking of open eyes..." She glances around at the number of small clawed footprints, trying to identify which of Mother's children may have passed this way.

    Spoiler: Identify footprints
    Nature check (1d20+9)[20]
    No longer active in forums.
    Thank you to all who have brought me joy in game and out.
    Praise be to Dakaran for the elf monk avatar! (at rest)

    Melhved Brombriar, Goliath Warden - Keep of the Shadowfell (retired)
    Aeren Tatallaner, Eladrin Bard - Scales of War (retired)

  3. - Top - End - #3
    Bugbear in the Playground
    TurboGhast's Avatar

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    Default Re: Keep on the Shadowfell IC

    The clawed footprints were made by kobolds. Everything from fresh footprints to barely visible ones can be seen, indicating that kobolds have been walking along this road for at least the last two weeks. The less recent footprints aren't disguised, but someone haphazardly attempted to hide some very recent footprints leading off the road.
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  4. - Top - End - #4
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Default Re: Keep on the Shadowfell IC

    Drang seems delighted with the weather, the new friends, and the discussion of the kobold footprints. He starts to follow the recent ones off the road unless someone calls him back.

  5. - Top - End - #5
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Jun 2011

    Default Re: Keep on the Shadowfell IC

    "We seem to be losing one," Sarathi the gnoll growled nodding toward Drang. Melhved was interesting- she hadnt seen many of the civilized races who could come close to her own stature until the Goliath had joined their merry band.
    Last edited by Rakaydos; 2020-06-27 at 07:48 AM.

  6. - Top - End - #6
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: Keep on the Shadowfell IC

    Regan was the consummate professional whenever she was adventuring. Stoic and no nonsense, always alert and ready for trouble. This did not mean she was not sociable or friendly, she simply took her job seriously. Her rather graceful strides had a purpose to them, as she moved along at a steady pace, eyes roaming around her surroundings looking out for any hidden or obvious dangers.'
    She preferred to stay in the back, not out of cowardice but out of efficiency. While she did know how to use a sword and was quite good at it, her strenght was the bow and its long ranged consequences against foes. Being at the back also made her less vulnerable to attack while she sniped at enemies. Which was why she was annoyed when Drang started to move off.

    "Drang stay in formation! If you move off and there are kobolds ready for ambush you leave yourself and consequently the rest of us tactically off!", she said with an aura of authority.
    Last edited by onlie2005; 2020-06-27 at 03:39 PM.

  7. - Top - End - #7
    Halfling in the Playground
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    Camp Crystal Lake

    Default Re: Keep on the Shadowfell IC

    Noxtol - Dragonborn Ranger

    Though typically he tended to keep to himself, Noxtol was not one to turn down the clear advantage of traveling among a group when he encountered these other adventurers heading out for Winterhaven as well. In casual conversation he had even learned that they shared similar goals centering upon the ruined keep. Surely he'd be able to complete his assigned task with relative ease, even if there was the chance that someone among this party would stand in his path at procuring any discovered treasure, but he'd cross that bridge later.

    As they continued on their way, the Dragonborn took in their surroundings. He took notice of the footprints as pointed out by their large Goliath, the Dwarf beginning to wander ahead of the group, and the human woman instructing him from pursuing such an action. Noxtol could only dryly retort as he began to stroke one of his clawed fingers upon the end of his short sword, "Perhaps we should let him? It would draw out any attackers lying in wait..."

  8. - Top - End - #8
    Bugbear in the Playground
    TurboGhast's Avatar

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    Default Re: Keep on the Shadowfell IC

    As Drang begins walking forwards, you hear a kobold shouting in draconic followed by the sound of weapons being pulled. In the peripherals of your vision, you see the kobolds who made both these sounds and the fresh, poorly disguised footprints. It seems that they've tried to ambush you, but left too many signs of their presence to do so.

    Regan and Noxtol react to the noise particularly quickly.

    Spoiler: For those who know draconic

    The kobold shouted "There's no point in waiting for them to advance, they're about to see us anyway. Just charge now!"

    Spoiler: Game Actions

    A battle has begun! Link to initiative rolls.

    Regan and Noxtol will each take their turns in the order of their choice. Then, the kobolds will take their turns.
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  9. - Top - End - #9
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: Keep on the Shadowfell IC

    Regan cursed under her breath and reacted immediately. She immediately unleashes three straight arrows at the kobolds to her right(K6,K7 and K8).

    Spoiler: Actions

    Minor Actions: Aspect of the Pouncing Lynx. +2 power bonus to all attacks in first round. Assuming -2 to attack on K6 and K8 due to concealment.
    Standard Actions:Rapid Fire centered on K6. If hit is critical(natural 20 roll) damage is automatically 14.

    Attack on K7: (1d20+8)[27] for (1d10+4)[5] damage if hit.
    Attack on K6: (1d20+6)[11] for (1d10+4)[10] damage if hit.
    Attack on K8: (1d20+6)[21] for (1d10+4)[10] damage if hit.

  10. - Top - End - #10
    Halfling in the Playground
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    Default Re: Keep on the Shadowfell IC

    Noxtol - Dragonborn Ranger

    Having caught on to their position and understanding their attempts to rally their numbers, Noxtol acted quickly to meet the kobolds before they could make their move. With a quick survey he could pick out one of their would-be attackers, hiding behind a boulder and clutching in their hands what looked to be a sling. With his quarry in sight, he charged past his dwarven compatriot for the kobold, drawing his weapons and striking out with a wicked sweep of his longsword.

    Spoiler: Actions
    Minor Actions: Hunter's Quarry on K1.
    Standard Actions: Charge; move six squares to just before K1's place, then attack with Marauder's Rush in place of a melee basic attack.

    Attack on K1: (1d20+9)[16] vs. AC; (1d8+7)[11] damage, plus (1d6)[4] from Hunter's Quarry on a hit

  11. - Top - End - #11
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: Keep on the Shadowfell IC

    The volley Regan fired makes two of the kobolds drop to the ground, but the third kobold manages to take cover.

    Noxtol's charge draws quite a bit of blood from the sling-wielding kobold. They leap backwards and fire a pot of glue from their sling at Noxtol, but he deftly evades the attack. The sling-wielder takes cover in the nearby foliage as the two remaining spear wielding kobolds charge at Noxtol, who blocks their attacks.

    Another kobold jumps out from behind the rock closest to Sarathi and hits him with their spear. One of the sword-and-shield wielding kobolds follows, slashes Drang with their blade in a way that demands his attention, and prepares to do the same for anybody who moves forwards. The other takes advantage of the opening the spear wielders provided to slash Noxtol in the back.

    Spoiler: Game Actions

    K1's turn:
    Minor: Uses shifty to move north one space.
    Standard: Uses his sling to fire a gluepot shot at Noxtol.
    To-hit: (1d20+6)[7] vs AC. Miss.
    Hit: (1d6+3)[5] damage. The gluepot immobilizes the target (Skill save ends: Acrobatics DC 15 free action, Athletics DC 15 free action).
    Move: Walk west four spaces. Now has cover because of the lightly obscuring foilage. The foliage tiles are difficult terrain, in addition to the cover they provide.

    K6's turn:
    Move & Standard: Charges at Noxtol with a spear.
    To-hit: (1d20+5)[12] vs AC. Miss.
    Hit: 4 damage.

    K5's turn:
    Move: Moves east one space and south one space.
    Standard: Attacks Noxtol with a spear.
    To-hit: (1d20+4)[13] vs AC. Miss.
    Hit: 4 damage.

    K4's turn:
    Move: Moves west one space, north three spaces, and east one space.
    Standard: Attacks Sarathi with a spear.
    To-hit: (1d20+4)[21] vs AC. Hit.
    Hit: 4 damage.

    K2's turn:
    Move: Moves to flank Noxtol
    Standard: Attacks Noxtol with a short sword.
    To-hit: (1d20+9)[27] vs AC. Hit.
    Hit: (1d6+3)[8] damage. Noxtol is marked until the end of K2's next turn.

    K3's turn:
    Move: Moves in front of Drang
    Standard: Attacks Drang with a short sword.
    To-hit: (1d20+7)[22] vs AC. Hit.
    Hit: (1d6+3)[9] damage. Drang is marked until the end of K3's next turn.
    If anybody moves past him, he'll opportunity attack them.

    Everyone may take their turns in the order of their choice. Then, the kobolds will act again.
    Last edited by TurboGhast; 2020-06-27 at 11:35 PM.
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  12. - Top - End - #12
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Keep on the Shadowfell IC

    Melhved Brombriar

    "Sloppy. Sloppy!" she scolds herself as the dragonlings swarm around them. Drawing her sword, she fills herself with Mother's light and takes a careful step forward, towards the sword-wielding kobold. With her final step, she stomps on the ground, sending ripples through the earth around her. The kobolds seem shaken but uneffected by the energies surging through the ground. Melhved keeps a close watch on both kobolds.

    Spoiler: Game Actions

    Move Action - shift forward 1 square
    Standard Action - Roots of Stone
    Standard Action Close burst 1
    Effect: The burst creates a zone of rippling earth that lasts until the end of your next turn. Make the following attack.
    Target: Each enemy in the burst
    Attack: Strength vs. AC
    Hit: 1[W] + Strength modifier damage. The target is knocked prone when it leaves the zone.

    vs K3 AC - (1d20+8)[12] miss
    vs K4 AC - (1d20+8)[14] miss
    Damage - (1d8+4)[9]

    Free Action - Nature's Wrath, marks adjacent enemies

    If K3 or K4 attacks someone else(whichever first): Warden's Fury
    Immediate Interrupt Melee Weapon
    Trigger: An enemy marked by you makes an attack that does not include you as a target
    Target: the triggering enemy
    Attack: Strength vs Fortitude (+8)
    Hit: 1d8+4 damage, and target grants combat advantage to you and your allies until the end of your next turn.

    If K3 or K4 attacks someone else out of my weapon's range (whichever first): Warden's Grasp
    Immediate Reaction Close burst 5
    Trigger: An enemy marked by you that is within 5 squares of you makes an attack that does not include you as a target
    Effect: You slide the target 1 square. The target is slowed and cannot shift until the end of its turn.

    Slide them towards me.

    Lot of typing for disappointing results. Hmmm.
    Last edited by WaffleLord; 2020-06-28 at 01:21 AM.
    No longer active in forums.
    Thank you to all who have brought me joy in game and out.
    Praise be to Dakaran for the elf monk avatar! (at rest)

    Melhved Brombriar, Goliath Warden - Keep of the Shadowfell (retired)
    Aeren Tatallaner, Eladrin Bard - Scales of War (retired)

  13. - Top - End - #13
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Default Re: Keep on the Shadowfell IC

    Drang stops abruptly when Regan yells. The kobold charge freezes him in his tracks. (Hence the low initiative) This is his first encounter! Ever!

    The kobold cutting and marking him gets him moving. He opens with a "Gyarg!" and an Invigorating Assault on the kobold who marked him. That will give the Goliath 3 temp hp if it connects.

    Spoiler: First attack ever
    (1d10+4)[10] damage

    He will then move five feet in case flanking is of interest to Melhved.

  14. - Top - End - #14
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Oct 2012

    Default Re: Keep on the Shadowfell IC

    "Sorry guys but Noxtol is vulnerable right now and needs my help.", Regan says as she moves northward to a better position to assist her fellow dragonborn ranger.

    Again her skill with a bow proves fruitful as she once more her ability to unleash more than one arrow and attack multiple targets rings true as the two kobolds north of Noxtol are taken down and the third strikes the dragonshielded kobold seriously.

    Spoiler: Actions

    Move: See Combat Map.
    Minor: Maintain Aspect of the Pouncing Lynx stance.
    Standard Action: Rapid Shot centered on Noxtol(not a target but a point of reference. :)). Targetting K5, K6 and K2. If attack is a critical hit(natural 20) does 14 damage total.

    K5: (1d20+6)[20] for (1d10+4)[8] damage if hit.
    K6: (1d20+6)[20] for (1d10+4)[12] damage if hit.
    K2: (1d20+4)[16] for (1d10+4)[14] damage if hit.(Use Heroic Effort Human Encounter power to add +4 power bonus to this attack making the attack roll total 20 making it a hit.)
    Last edited by onlie2005; 2020-06-28 at 06:04 AM.

  15. - Top - End - #15
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Jun 2011

    Default Re: Keep on the Shadowfell IC

    Reacting to the spear-bold, Sarathi kicked the bottom corner of her shield in the creature's face, before dashing around the rock. Spotting the slinger hanging in the back, the hyena charged across the battlefield, howling.

    Spoiler: crunch (this is a big one)

    Previous round reaction: Shield riposte. (AFTER an ally or I are hit or missed by an attack) (d20+6)[26] vs Fort, (d10+3)[8] damage, and on hit push 1 square and shift 2 to a square adjacent to the body.

    My turn Move: out into the road, within 7 squares of K1. (provoking from K4 if the reaction attack failed) (movement needed is less than 7 even when I go around the rock the long way to avoid provoking from K3. There's enough leeway to make sure I dont provoke from K2 on the charge)

    Action: Ferocious charge- charge attack at +2 damage
    hunting wolf style- Can use Crushing Surge on a charge. (charge moves to point marked on map)
    Crushing surge with charge bonus- (d20+7)[26] vs AC, on hit (d7+6)[8] (that's d8+5 rerolling 1s) and gain 8 temporary HP, and mark the slinger. (-2 to hit anyone except me) On a miss, gain 4 temporary HP, and mark the slinger.

    On a successful charge: Iron wolf charge (no action, close burst 2 only hits the slinger) extra (1d6)[1] damage on the charge, and a followup burst 2 attack- (d20+3)[16] vs will, on hit push target UP TO 2 squares (push 0) and target gets an additional -2 to all attack rolls (fear) until end of my next turn.

    Next round POTENTIAL Interrupt: if slinger attacks anyone else, or shifts away (even with racial power), Combat challange provokes melee basic attack. (if they just move away, opportunity attack is same rolls but +1 to hit from combat superiority, and also stops the movement)
    (d20+6)[8] vs AC, on hit (d8+5)[10] damage and if my temp HP is under 4, reset temp HP to 4.

  16. - Top - End - #16
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: Keep on the Shadowfell IC

    Spoiler: Sarathi status
    27/31 HP, 8 temp HP. Assuming I get the scale/chainmail problem fixed...
    Battlerager damage bonus active
    AC 18 fort 15 ref 15 will 13

  17. - Top - End - #17
    Halfling in the Playground
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    Camp Crystal Lake

    Default Re: Keep on the Shadowfell IC

    Noxtol - Dragonborn Ranger

    While able to aptly defend himself against the two spear-wielding kobolds that faced him, Noxtol did not see the third that charged his flank and struck him with a short sword. Now wounded and facing three opponents, he thought certainly he would be forced to fight his way to freedom. Luckily for him, Regan second volley proved to be to his benefit, dropping the two he was facing and striking the third. Seeing the shield-wielder staggering from the arrow in their side, Noxtol followed it up with a quick slash of his short sword as he turned to face the kobold, and laying into them with both blades.

    Spoiler: Actions
    Minor Actions: Off-Hand Strike on K2
    Standard Actions: Twin Strike on K2

    Off-Hand Strike: (1d20+7)[25] vs. AC; (1d6+5)[7] damage on a hit
    Twin Strike: (1d20+8)[12] vs. AC, (1d20+7)[21] vs. AC; (1d8+7)[14], (1d6+7)[11] damage
    Last edited by InAction; 2020-06-28 at 08:56 AM.

  18. - Top - End - #18
    Bugbear in the Playground
    TurboGhast's Avatar

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    Default Re: Keep on the Shadowfell IC

    Sarathi's charge mows down the slinger as the kobold next to Noxotl reels in pain. After saying something to his teammate, he charges Drang.

    Spoiler: For those who know draconic

    "If we retreat Irontooth will have our heads! Maybe we can at least take down the small one?"

    His ally follows suit, slashing at him with their sword, but both of these attacks are deflected by his armor. After seeing the attacks fail, the kobold further to the east puts his back to a boulder to make himself harder to flank.

    Spoiler: Game Actions

    K2's turn:
    Minor: Use shifty to shift south 1 space, out of Notxol's reach.
    Move & Standard: Charges Drang, attacking with a short sword.
    Attack Roll: (1d20+9)[12] vs AC (+7 base, +1 via charge, +1 via Mob Attack ability). Miss.
    Hit: (1d6+3)[9] damage, and Drang is marked until the start of K2's next turn.

    K3's turn:
    Standard: Attacks Drang with a short sword.
    Attack Roll: (1d20+8)[17] vs AC (+7 base, +1 via Mob Attack ability). Miss.
    Hit: (1d6+3)[7] damage, and Drang is marked until the start of K3's next turn.
    Minor: Shifts southeast one space.

    Everyone may take their turns in the order of their choice. The kobolds will act again if they survive.

    Please update the battle map according to the effects of your turn, including changing the enemy's HP values, noting any status conditions you inflicted, and removing the tokens of defeated enemies to make my job as DM easier. Since google drive saves every change to the map, I can easily track the results of each turn over time, and don't need to worry about losing information to a change.
    Last edited by TurboGhast; 2020-06-28 at 04:37 PM.
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  19. - Top - End - #19
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: Keep on the Shadowfell IC

    Regan moves southward to a position where she could easily target the remaining two kobolds. She immediately unleashes two quick arrows.

    Spoiler: Actions

    Move: See Map.
    Minor: Maintain Aspect of the Pouncing Lynx.
    Standard Action:Rapid Shot centered on adjacent square west of Melhved. It critical hit, damage if 14 total.

    K2: (1d20+6)[11] for (1d10+4)[8] if hit.
    K3: (1d20+6)[18] for (1d10+4)[11] if hit.

  20. - Top - End - #20
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: Keep on the Shadowfell IC

    Having missed the first shot Regan tries again.

    Spoiler: Actions

    Spend Action Point to use Rapid Shot on same spot. Again if critical hit does 14 max damage.

    K2: (1d20+6)[9] for (1d10+4)[12] if hit.
    K3: (1d20+6)[9] for (1d10+4)[10] if hit.

  21. - Top - End - #21
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: Keep on the Shadowfell IC

    The slinger going down remarkably quckly, Sarathi turned to the remaining brigands. leaving herself open, she moved brashly to the more wounded one, throwing a haymaker that it could not possibly survive, if it hit.

    Spoiler: stats
    Move to point on map
    Action: brash strike with flank. Sarathi grants combat advantage. (d20+10)[15] vs AC, (1d8+8)[15] damage on hit.

    If it's still up: Action point-Action: brash strike with flank. Sarathi grants combat advantage. (d20+10)[11] vs AC, (1d8+8)[9] damage on hit.

    Edit: double miss. Kobold is marked.
    Last edited by Rakaydos; 2020-06-28 at 05:23 PM.

  22. - Top - End - #22
    Halfling in the Playground
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    Default Re: Keep on the Shadowfell IC

    Noxtol - Dragonborn Ranger

    "Irontooth? Now I wonder who that is?"

    Seeing the two remaining kobolds seemingly on the retreat, Noxtol acted to answer that question. As his compatriots attempted to bring down the shield-wielder he had previously been squaring off with, the Dragonborn swiftly moved in beside Sarathi to his target. He struck with the flat of his longsword, knocking the defending kobold to the ground unconscious.

    "Perhaps you can tell us later, eh?"

    Spoiler: Actions
    Move Actions: Move to beside Sarathi; see map
    Minor Actions: Hunter's Quarry on K2
    Standard Actions: Twin Strike on K2

    (1d20+8)[21] vs. AC, (1d20+7)[10] vs. AC; (1d8+5)[10] plus (1d6)[3] from Hunter's Quarry, (1d6+5)[8]

    If any of these attacks drop the target, I choose to knock them out rather than kill them outright.
    Last edited by InAction; 2020-06-28 at 05:38 PM.

  23. - Top - End - #23
    Ogre in the Playground
    WaffleLord's Avatar

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    Default Re: Keep on the Shadowfell IC

    Melhved Brombriar

    Finding the other kobolds dropping quickly, she focuses her attention on the dragonling next to her. With a low growl, she sends Mother's light through her blade and swings a low cut, trying to find her way past the shield of scales. Her blade slices the legs of the kobold. Energy flows into the kobold, making its movements slow and sluggish. A grin plays across her mottled face. "That's more to my liking," she grumbles. She keeps her fighting posture, ready to pounce should her opponent misstep.

    Spoiler: Game Actions

    Standard Action: Weight of Earth
    At-Will Primal, Weapon
    Standard Action Melee weapon
    Target: One creature
    Attack: Strength vs AC
    Hit:1[W] + Str mod and target slowed until end of my next turn

    vs K3 AC - (1d20+8)[24]
    damage - (1d8+4)[12] and target is slowed until end of M's next turn

    Free Action: Warden's Fury - mark K3

    If she attacks, it will be for non-lethal damage.
    Last edited by WaffleLord; 2020-06-28 at 09:16 PM.
    No longer active in forums.
    Thank you to all who have brought me joy in game and out.
    Praise be to Dakaran for the elf monk avatar! (at rest)

    Melhved Brombriar, Goliath Warden - Keep of the Shadowfell (retired)
    Aeren Tatallaner, Eladrin Bard - Scales of War (retired)

  24. - Top - End - #24
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Default Re: Keep on the Shadowfell IC

    With K2 no longer marking him and having missed badly in his first swing, Drang whirls around and swings at K3 with a Healing Strike.

    (2d10+8)[16] and a healing surge if successful.

  25. - Top - End - #25
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: Keep on the Shadowfell IC

    The last conscious kobold considers running away to the east, but gives up upon feeling how sluggish their steps are. He drops his sword and shield, then says something to Noxtol in a crestfallen tone.

    Spoiler: For those who know draconic
    "Just finish me off, it'd be a better fate than what awaits if I return."

    Spoiler: OOC

    Because the last enemy surrendered, combat has concluded. You each get 95 experience points (475 total divided evenly between 5 characters).
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  26. - Top - End - #26
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Keep on the Shadowfell IC

    Melhved Brombriar

    The goliath gives the dragonling a foot or two breathing room but does not lower her guard."A vanquish foe with something to say. Hmmm." "Does anyone speak 'squeak'?"
    Last edited by WaffleLord; 2020-06-29 at 03:45 PM.
    No longer active in forums.
    Thank you to all who have brought me joy in game and out.
    Praise be to Dakaran for the elf monk avatar! (at rest)

    Melhved Brombriar, Goliath Warden - Keep of the Shadowfell (retired)
    Aeren Tatallaner, Eladrin Bard - Scales of War (retired)

  27. - Top - End - #27
    Halfling in the Playground
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    Mar 2017
    Camp Crystal Lake

    Default Re: Keep on the Shadowfell IC

    Noxtol - Dragonborn Ranger

    Seeing the last remaining kobold drop his weapons to the ground in surrender, Noxtol sheathed his short sword, keeping his longsword in hand. At Melhved's question, he stepped forward to answer. "I believe I have the proper... tongue?"

    The dragonborn approached the cowed kobold and hissed out a response to his pitiful plea. "You're in a poor position to make requests, but I might humor yours, provided you answer my questions. Starting with this; who is 'Irontooth'?"

  28. - Top - End - #28
    Bugbear in the Playground
    TurboGhast's Avatar

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    Apr 2015

    Default Re: Keep on the Shadowfell IC

    The kobold replies after a few nervous breaths.

    Spoiler: For those who know draconic
    "A lunatic who barged into our den and started barking orders at us about a year ago. When someone asked why we should bother following those orders, he decapitated them. We haven't been brave enough to stop answering to him since."

    As he speaks, his words grow steadier and more confident. He's clearly wanted to say this for a while, only stopped by the lack of a safe opportunity to do so.

    Spoiler: OOC
    If someone narrates that their character starts translating the kobold's words for party members that don't know draconic, I'll leave those words outside spoilers for improved game flow. This also goes vice-versa, if a someone states that they'll translate the words of party members who don't know draconic into draconic I'll abstract the task of translating into my narration of the kobold's response. This will go for future conversations where you're speaking to someone across a language barrier part of party can't cross.
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  29. - Top - End - #29
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Jun 2011

    Default Re: Keep on the Shadowfell IC

    Sarathi finds a rock to sit on, and starts cleaning her weapon and shield. Interrogations wernt her specialty- she was big and scary, sure, but without a common language, that just wasnt useful. Better to wait until the experts called for her.
    Last edited by Rakaydos; 2020-06-29 at 06:36 PM.

  30. - Top - End - #30
    Halfling in the Playground
    Join Date
    Mar 2017
    Camp Crystal Lake

    Default Re: Keep on the Shadowfell IC

    Noxtol - Dragonborn Ranger

    The kobold answered, and rather more forthcoming than Noxtol had been expecting. He turned to the rest of the group, speaking plainly in common to them as to what he had learned. "He says that their den has had an uninvited guest as of late that forced them to organize this little ambush. Someone called Irontooth. He sounds very pleasant."

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