View Full Version : World-Building

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  1. My World Ever had a world stick itself into your head until you wrote it down?
  2. The Four Laws of Undead Physiology
  3. Nomenclative Magic
  4. Project The Clockface Gods - Homebrew Pantheon
  5. Deities Divorced From Alignment
  6. Help with my setting, The Vents.
  7. Name for "Dark Age"/Void Century
  8. My World Aturan of the Thousand Worlds
  9. World Help Worldbuilding a Plane of Chaos
  10. Should fantasy worlds have iceboxes or magical refridgerators?
  11. Artificers in a D&D 3.5 Renaissance-like setting: yay or nay?
  12. Pseudo war ritual
  13. Explaining the races: Influence.
  14. Medieval and ancient views on nature versus modern environmentalism in Fantasy
  15. Pantheon of Champions [Rate, advise, point out gaps, etc] ~~(Pethros
  16. World Help give feedback on how to develop my fantasy world
  17. Brainstorming Trad-fantasy/steampunk world cross idea
  18. My World The Elven Curse
  19. Secret 40k Campaigns
  20. History of magic, thoughts.
  21. World Help Help with population dynamics math for a strange case
  22. Lizardfolk of the Northern River Deltas
  23. My World Some Feedback on what I have so far
  24. Help with Ecological/Political Catastrophe
  25. World Help Ravenloft/Exandria Campaign Brainstorm
  26. Project Archipelago Campaign - The Sirasi Isle
  27. A city of artists
  28. My World Rylanototh -- the World of the Vortex
  29. How ridiculous is my planet?
  30. How long is long, long ago?
  31. What would medieval life be like with electrical lights?
  32. "Never cast ANY spell without a properly-made wand, staff, or tower...
  33. University of Magic setting (for Fantasy Craft)
  34. The Guardians of Kalan-Adar
  35. Poetry as a Magic System
  36. Adventuring is illegal + sentient dungeons?
  37. My World Navigating the seas of Quartus
  38. Kruthik Kingdoms
  39. Cooperative Worldbuilding - A Promised Necromancy
  40. Brainstorming The Full Implications of Class Levels and PC Power Levels
  41. Medieval/steampunk island inside a permanent hurricane
  42. How would a dragon cuss?
  43. Vargach: A card game for your campaign
  44. A Song of Scale and Claw: World-Building for A Reptilian Campaign
  45. Brainstorming What's Your Most Off-Beat Setting Detail?
  46. The world of Meridiania a homebrewed setting with a decade long evolution
  47. Lets Build a Setting: Back to the Classics
  48. My World Explorers of the Great River (West Marches campaign setting)
  49. Culde Crossing: A Piece of Bottom-Up Worldbuilding
  50. How do I distinguish dwarven clans from each other?
  51. Smallest population able to maintain regular sacrifices?
  52. Do captivating Fair Folk stories require a soft magic system to work?
  53. Brainstorming Changing up monster descriptions
  54. Gentik Academy Of The Arts
  55. A collection of recommended name changes to make the Great Wheel more cohesive.
  56. Hyperspace Opera: Retro-Futuristic Swashbuckling and Gunslinging
  57. World Help Figuring out when an event took place: National Founding Myth
  58. Orcs, Hobgoblins, and other Walking Stereotypes
  59. Future of a Low Magic Setting
  60. Divinosis Campaign Setting
  61. Project Heralds of Armageddon (campaign)
  62. Random Encounters
  63. Charities in a mid-high magic world?
  64. Developing monastic orders in a high fantasy world WITHOUT kung fu monks
  65. Spells that Exist, but are not in the game
  66. Opposite of Undead
  67. Brainstorming All Psionics Campaign Setting -- Ideas + Brainstorming
  68. How do you use the Boogeyman archetype with adult adventurers.
  69. Balancing spiral campaign and world building
  70. What do Merfolk do to get drunk in their pubs in place of drinking wine and ale?
  71. Project Dark Magical School Setting - Commentary Welcomed
  72. World/Element/Mind/Body Combinations
  73. Kalsema: The Lands of the Long Light (Isekai Homebrew Setting)
  74. The River of Sand
  75. Leeches for magic – a world of organic blood suckers
  76. All About Slimes!
  77. World Help Bottom-Up Worldbuilding
  78. Worldbuilding As History
  79. Ruins of the Shattered Empire
  80. Trying to find GiantITP setting (misplaced bookmark), author unknown
  81. The Fires of Mōnoiʻaimomo: Polynesian Setting
  82. World Help Favorite Guides & Outlines?
  83. Cooperative Worldbuilding - Adventures on the Abandoned Frontier
  84. World Help Making a barbarian homeland
  85. World Help Fatacor at large
  86. A Realm of Monsters.
  87. The Goblin of the Grotto
  88. Illegal sentient dungeons!
  89. A world where HP is meat
  90. The Lost Sea
  91. Clan Chieftainship
  92. Dark implications of healing, enabling brutal corporal punishment
  93. Creation myth for my setting - PEACH
  94. Curses!
  95. Would tree people (ents, dryads, trents, etc) really be extra vulnerable to fire?
  96. Project Post-Apocalyptic Anime-Derived setting(System Neutral, feedback Welcome)
  97. Is there a point in detailing extinct races if they did not build dungeons?
  98. Empire!7 - Into the Depths: Waters of the World (CWBG)
  99. Brainstorming Macabre races/species
  100. Brainstorming Collaborative Worldbuilding: Creating a Starter Region through a list of questions
  101. Feelings regarding a very Chauvinistic and somewhat racist world
  102. Scale Mechanics
  103. Worldbuilding a Martial Campaign
  104. World Help How to make a timeline?
  105. Giant's Walk
  106. Fleshing out vehicles for the world(s)
  107. World Help How can I fix the problem of scale in a Sword and Planet fantasy setting?
  108. My World The Legend of Esarlon Design Thread
  109. Island plateaus above monster-infested foggy wilderness
  110. Ritual ideas for an irascible evil storm goddess
  111. Native American Pantheon and the Great Wheel
  112. My World Daystor
  113. Humans and Elves of my World for Pathfinder
  114. Rock-Paper-Scissors Magic
  115. Brainstorming How would Humans be the most numerous race?
  116. Would wrathful nature gods logically lead to more ecofriendly culture?
  117. Notes on a world I'm brewing
  118. A tool I created for creating fleshed out noble NPCs quickly
  119. A World where Order vs Chaos is more important than Good vs Evil
  120. What’s a culture neutral name for a Sha’ir?
  121. How are they related?
  122. World Hunter's Tournament
  123. Dungeons the Dragoning 40k 7e campaign setting goes to heck
  124. Looking for ideas for an 'exodus' campaign
  125. What do Fair Folk want and need? Why do they interact with humans at all?
  126. My World Port Demesne: A Safe Harbor in a Shattered World
  127. My World Contemplating Races and Cultural Effects
  128. Please Help: Creating Circle Magic
  129. My World The Lords of Umadra: 'Masters of the Universe' PF/3.5 Planetary Adventure Setting
  130. Iridium Moons - A retro-futuristic industrial Space Opera
  131. Merfolk allegory to the real world Silk Road?
  132. Brainstorming A D&D Mirror Universe (Thread Rehash)
  133. Building Fantasy Constantinople
  134. Low-Combat Adventure: The Vanished
  135. World Help I finally have something; Cooperative world-building
  136. A chance to put together the Ultimate pantheon
  137. My World Skydia; Ask me anything!
  138. Wild, Wild Post-Apocalyptic Arcadia: Building the Perfect D&D Setting
  139. A god collection
  140. Thoughts on superpowered peace-keepers and festering issues
  141. Brainstorming Ebonwood: Race List Foundations
  142. Deriving Population
  143. Some Specific Warlock Patrons
  144. World Help Representation of Power Through Experience Levels
  145. World Help Top of the food chain
  146. My World The Western Reaches - Sorcerers and Barbarians of the Great Wilds
  147. The Orcs Among Us
  148. Family Dynamics
  149. Project Adding to the Lower Planes
  150. Worldbuilding and setting up the two big bad guys for it. D&D 3.5
  151. World Help Ebonwood: Stormharbor and the People of the Sea
  152. Brainstorming Expanding on Orcish Culture (PEACH)
  153. Party Hard, Train Harder
  154. Worldbuilding Tools?
  155. Kingdom Under the Sun (Setting Brainstorm)
  156. Looking for info on ghosts and ghost lore
  157. Strange Worlds
  158. What exactly is a dungeon core?
  159. How Do Ships Sail Off Of The World?
  160. The Dragon Crisis Lore
  161. The Gold Dragon's Diary
  162. Willowdale - A Starting Village in Progress - Feedback and ideas welcome!
  163. Brainstorming Dungeons are Demiplanes
  164. World War in DnD
  165. Alternative planes of insanity
  166. Gravity anomalies in a fantasy setting
  167. Reborn as a bunch of crows - Looking for crow myth/folklore to mine for ideas
  168. Then, from the Deep, They came, and found the Light of Lords within the rain
  169. Brainstorming Emotional Campaign System
  170. Thoughts on Running a Political Intrigue Focused Game in Eberron
  171. Brainstorming Post-apocalyptic ecological catastrophe spiritual successor setting, system-neutral
  172. Brainstorming [Worldbuilding Game] Random Table World Generation
  173. Non-Euclidean Node-Based World
  174. How do centaurs figuratively and literally fit into fantasy worlds?
  175. Project Pathfinder/D&D, Final Fantasty, Dragon Quest Crossover Setting
  176. Equus, The City On A Hill
  177. Is weather too much to seriously track?
  178. Building on the ruins of dead civilizations, what would vampires leave behind?
  179. My World Lokadia - WiP - Love to hear feedback!
  180. Dungeons as a key cosmological concept
  181. Starter Quest
  182. Doors to the Underground
  183. A metaphysics of magic as the deformation of the boundary of the self
  184. Diverse droves of different demons
  185. Help Designing my Pantheon
  186. The Real World, The Mirror World, and the Real Real World
  187. Law vs. Chaos Multiverse
  188. Prices of Goods & Services
  189. Motivating a BBEG
  190. New Takes On Common Fantasy Races
  191. Brainstorming Help coming up with an apocalypse no one could have predicted
  192. Orcs and Goblins
  193. My World Corsairs of the Celestial Sea: Wuxia Space Fantasy, OSR Style
  194. Project [HELP NEEDED] Russian-speaking pre-reader for 3.5 campaign book needed. Badly.
  195. Sageunay Fjord
  196. Brainstorming Sci-Fi Musings
  197. Need help with building Tabaxi Japan
  198. Lizardfolk idioms
  199. Creating A Fighting Game Roster
  200. [Worldbuilding] Some thoughts on noble attire
  201. Pyramidal societies and demographic weights
  202. Death of an Idea: What else may have happened? And how did the planet recover?
  203. (Crusades Worldbuilding) Shadowlands?
  204. Shattered Worlds
  205. A Playable Utopia
  206. Anyone have any Weird Fiction/Cosmic Horror ideas for disturbing revelations?
  207. Brainstorming Undead Plants
  208. Moral philosophies as an alternative to alignments
  209. Elves of the Dunes
  210. Abovebright. Brainstorimng the opposite of Underdark. Join in.
  211. The Greenships
  212. Blood Pines
  213. Divine Implements, tools of the gods
  214. Additional Specific Warlock Patrons
  215. Airships
  216. The Book Of Kinda Evil Darkness (A Book Of Modestly Evil Gods)
  217. Help with a Custom Setting- Choma, a Ancient Greece Inspired World for PF2e
  218. Empire! 8 - The Planets of Tekhum
  219. Dungeon Drops
  220. "Generic" Setting: Fake geology, real feelings
  221. Elven Ghost Ships
  222. Looking for Mutants and Mastermins original settings
  223. The Matter of Glenwyr
  224. On The Origin Of (Demihuman) Species
  225. The Steel City
  226. Szebarz, the Island In The Evernight
  227. Map edges
  228. Brainstorming Reincarnation Wars Setting Vote(s)?