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  1. Dread: Sorority Massacre (0 replies)
  2. Saga Edition: Improviser prestige class, Excellent Kit talent (3 replies)
  3. Black Crusade, dealing with corruption (0 replies)
  4. 40k RT (DH) A Tech Priest character (8 replies)
  5. [Starship Troopers] Command Points (3 replies)
  6. Don't Rest Your Head newbie advice thread (0 replies)
  7. Song of Ice and Fire RPG (12 replies)
  8. Twilght Caste! (24 replies)
  9. Cool nWoD campaigns (10 replies)
  10. how good or bad is mage the awakening? (16 replies)
  11. [Exalted] Premises/scenarios for a short God-Blooded game (24 replies)
  12. Help me out with a super hero system. (21 replies)
  13. Star Wars Saga: House rule question? (Multiclassing option) (3 replies)
  14. Edge of the Empire: What are your thoughts on this? (33 replies)
  15. Codex Alera - How the heck do I do this? (12 replies)
  16. New to AD&D, where to look? (10 replies)
  17. Ikrpg (24 replies)
  18. Valley of Eternity: A Game About Heroes, Outcasts and Penguins (10 replies)
  19. Exalted First Time (28 replies)
  20. Houserules [2e] (18 replies)
  21. New to GURPS (3 replies)
  22. Paranoia: Debriefing Questions (15 replies)
  23. What do you think about the dresden Files rpg? (20 replies)
  24. Warrior, Rogue and Mage? (7 replies)
  25. Scion help. (3 replies)
  26. [Dark Heresy] Help me build a more lighthearted world! (2 replies)
  27. Thoughtless Choice in RPGs: First Session (5 replies)
  28. Hackmaster Basic is now Free! (7 replies)
  29. Looking for a buy point system (10 replies)
  30. Planescape Game Idea I Had (9 replies)
  31. Dragon Age RPG: Contacts Talent (1 replies)
  32. The games of D. Vincent Baker discussion (5 replies)
  33. cWoD Merits & Flaws (9 replies)
  34. Monte Cook's new game (57 replies)
  35. Shadowrun (8 replies)
  36. Where's my GURPS? [GURPS Thread] (117 replies)
  37. D&D Reprints or Lamentations of the Flame Princess? (7 replies)
  38. AD&D - Triple-Class Fluff Question. (16 replies)
  39. EXALTED: Please help me make a Night Caste as Min Maxxed as possible. Details Inside. (36 replies)
  40. Palladium character generator (2 replies)
  41. [Dungeon World] - Reviews & Opinions (3 replies)
  42. [NWoD] Changelings in Disney World (26 replies)
  43. Ars Magica (8 replies)
  44. I don't like Exalted (210 replies)
  45. Help making a Shadowrun character (13 replies)
  46. SWSE: Rival Squadron (32 replies)
  47. [EXALTED] Help an Eclipse pick up some Sidereal charms! (12 replies)
  48. [Deathwatch] Building a wolf scout (12 replies)
  49. Pokethulhu (7 replies)
  50. Older D&D systems questions. (40 replies)
  51. Star Wars Saga - Starship Design Help (Rogue Shadow) (2 replies)
  52. SR3: Using Nightingale Security as Villains? (2 replies)
  53. [Exalted] Third Edition announced (44 replies)
  54. M&M 3e Vehicles Question (6 replies)
  55. [VTM-V20 skype game] Wants new players (1 replies)
  56. SWSE MUSH seeking volunteers (1 replies)
  57. Restoration-energy Drain (7 replies)
  58. Exalted General Exalted Discussion Thread XI: Great Job, You Broke the Scale. (1503 replies)
  59. [Exalted] Heresy: I prefer Creation without Solaroids (or Alchemicals) (16 replies)
  60. General WoD Discussion #2: Its time to Celebrate! (1473 replies)
  61. Story help for Changeling: the Lost (6 replies)
  62. If you could build your own Justice League from both Dc & Marvel who would you pick? (1 replies)
  63. A walk in the sun. (Vampire: Requiem) (38 replies)
  64. [VtM]Help a newbie (21 replies)
  65. TSR's Marvel Super Heroes (6 replies)
  66. Good systems for Rocketship Empires 1936 (1 replies)
  67. Mutants and Masterminds 3e Attack vs Damage (10 replies)
  68. Six Sided DnD? (15 replies)
  69. Running an unfamiliar system--help! (5 replies)
  70. Historical tactical combat module... for FATE (5 replies)
  71. Star Wars (Saga Edition) - durable Protocol Droid (10 replies)
  72. Many Mechanized Devices (1 replies)
  73. Flaw like trade offs in 2nd edition? (3 replies)
  74. nWoD Fighting Styles (3 replies)
  75. New to Exalted (45 replies)
  76. [Saga]Did Pit Droids get published? (3 replies)
  77. GMing my first Shadowrun 4e campaign....help! (2 replies)
  78. White Wolf? (45 replies)
  79. Mutants and Masterminds 3e Regeneration issu (3 replies)
  80. Gestalt Characters for D20 Modern/Besm Supers (5 replies)
  81. HELP - Mutants and Masterminds Hero (15 replies)
  82. 2e Question: Loot for characters starting beyond level 1 (12 replies)
  83. [2E] Destroy Water on Acid (14 replies)
  84. GURPS vs FATE or FUDGE (6 replies)
  85. Uh...whoops. (12 replies)
  86. So I went to a thrift store yesterday.. (1 replies)
  87. Star Wars Saga - Scoundrel Equipment/ Ship Advice? (12 replies)
  88. A 2nd ed Fire wall use. (2 replies)
  89. AD&D 2nd Edition Character Sheet? (4 replies)
  90. Men in Black RPG - Pretty simple and Easy (3 replies)
  91. Eclipse Phase "Hard Sci-Fi" Question (6 replies)
  92. Birthright/Sigil question (5 replies)
  93. Stupid 1E D&D question (11 replies)
  94. Map revealing program (2 replies)
  95. Marvel Heroic RPG: Civil War (10 replies)
  96. DC Adventures/M&M 3e (8 replies)
  97. Shadows of Esteren (3 replies)
  98. M&M 3e/Icons/Silver Age Sentinels, etc.. Your Avengers team (0 replies)
  99. M&M 2nd edition: Made of Energy (4 replies)
  100. Valley of Eternity (4 replies)
  101. Please delete (0 replies)
  102. Vampire the Masquerade "20th Anniversary" edition" Question (7 replies)
  103. Can someone explain sidereals to me please? (4 replies)
  104. Curious... (3 replies)
  105. Playing hybrid D&D - hoping for help or advice (4 replies)
  106. Looking for ADEva tips (1 replies)
  107. Anima: Beyond Fantasy (0 replies)
  108. Mongoose Traveller Mass Effect (0 replies)
  109. Preparing for new Genius: The Transgression chronicle, need rules help (3 replies)
  110. Paranoia for the first time (15 replies)
  111. [Rogue Trader] Balancing Psykers (15 replies)
  112. Duplicate thread - Please delete... (0 replies)
  113. [nWoD] Blood Tenebrous - What can I do with it? (20 replies)
  114. Is there an OGL skill-based system out there? (14 replies)
  115. Shadowrun 4E Chemistry skill question (0 replies)
  116. Magical Weapons and Monsters (7 replies)
  117. nWoD Vampire with oWoD Clans (4 replies)
  118. M&M 2nd edition: Need a Leigon (3 replies)
  119. Shadowrun 4th ed. Questions (371 replies)
  120. Scion Character Aid Request (9 replies)
  121. A new GURPS app for Android (3 replies)
  122. If you could generate a character for a Prometheus-like game? (9 replies)
  123. [Savage Worlds] Real World Disease Related Hinderance (4 replies)
  124. Graceful Nobilis Discussion Thread (59 replies)
  125. Shadowrun 4e vehicles: bus fort (18 replies)
  126. nWoD Dream/Oneiros (2 replies)
  127. Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay: 2nd or 3rd edition? (6 replies)
  128. so... I read some shadowrun novels and.. (18 replies)
  129. 7th Sea Toughness & Large (2 replies)
  130. Forsooth! the Shakesperean RPG is now available! (7 replies)
  131. AD&D 2E sixth level spell help needed (24 replies)
  132. [Exalted+] Talk to me of running a God-Blooded game (15 replies)
  133. M&M 2nd edition: Alternate Powers and Power Feats (6 replies)
  134. [Exalted+] Outcastes of the East (8 replies)
  135. [V:TM] Playing a Giovanni. (9 replies)
  136. Question about the various headquarters merits in the nWoD... (9 replies)
  137. [Star Wars SAGA] Need Help for Five Builds (3 replies)
  138. old runequest secnario wanted (0 replies)
  139. nwod buildign scar from fma (10 replies)
  140. Traveller 2300AD (5 replies)
  141. SAGA Jedi Class question (18 replies)
  142. Favorite Dungeon Magazine Adventures (3 replies)
  143. Desperate to play a Wild West RPG... (12 replies)
  144. SR4 Bow question (12 replies)
  145. Deadlands Classic Question (2 replies)
  146. Don't Rest Your Head (4 replies)
  147. [Exalted] My first/greatest limitbreak (0 replies)
  148. Getting into nWOD, does it matter where? (102 replies)
  149. RPG Review Sites (1 replies)
  150. D20 Future (5 replies)
  151. How to play Genius the Transgression? (9 replies)
  152. [Marvel Heroic Roleplaying] Pretty cool. (10 replies)
  153. [Black Crusade] Summer Campaign - critique and advise please! (5 replies)
  154. NWOD: Any advice for Spirit Mage (8 replies)
  155. A Query regarding M&M 3e/DC Adventures Campaign Idea (9 replies)
  156. [nWoD Genius/Hunter] Stealing from Task Force: VALKYRIE (7 replies)
  157. Shadowrun 4: A Load of Questions (68 replies)
  158. [WFRPG 2nd] Creation Questions (4 replies)
  159. Mage: the Awakening Encounters (0 replies)
  160. nWoD Hunter: SCP Foundation (4 replies)
  161. [SW SAGA] Anti-Jedi build thread (5 replies)
  162. [SW Saga] Equipment Customization Questions (3 replies)
  163. [Rogue Trader] Navigator Optimization (4 replies)
  164. [SW Saga] Rodian Soldier optimization (9 replies)
  165. [Everway] A Planescape Campaign (0 replies)
  166. Shadowrun 3e Questions (4 replies)
  167. SW Saga mixed party: how to handle it (3 replies)
  168. Blackmoor 3.5 vs. Blackmoor-the differences if they exist? (0 replies)
  169. [BX/Lab Lord] Catching a Will o Wisp with Web (0 replies)
  170. Can someone explain this to me? (3 replies)
  171. [DH] Unique "Blessed Tattoo" ideas? (1 replies)
  172. Want to try to get into 2e (41 replies)
  173. NWOD Mage the Awakening Merits help (5 replies)
  174. OSRIC Question, 400 Goblins!? (42 replies)
  175. [Star Wars d20] I need help creating an Ewok (6 replies)
  176. 3e L5R Character Help (6 replies)
  177. [Dark Heresy/Black Crusade] Prototype, 40k-style (1 replies)
  178. [Exalted] Is my character to strong for my group (33 replies)
  179. Deadlands Questions, Again. (8 replies)
  180. Freelancer FATE system (3 replies)
  181. A robot, an octopus, and a thought walk into a bar...[Eclipse Phase] (16 replies)
  182. Help with 4e L5R Character (6 replies)
  183. [MERP] Winter in the Shire, T.A. 1640 (3 replies)
  184. Stars Without Number (2 replies)
  185. How might one play BW PbP? (0 replies)
  186. How might one play BW PbP? (2 replies)
  187. 2e Tomb of Horrors (5 replies)
  188. Gantz RPG? (11 replies)
  189. Fatescape! FATE meets D&D (8 replies)
  190. WoD - Vampire: Koldunic Sorcery Fix (0 replies)
  191. Mutants and masterminds 3e (32 replies)
  192. Dragonlance (War of the Lance) (2 replies)
  193. The Various Lovecraft Roleplaying Games: a Comparison (8 replies)
  194. My Review of GURPS (3 replies)
  195. [Multiple systems] I need horrific alien beasties. (1 replies)
  196. [D20 Modern] Do non-proficiency penalties stack? (2 replies)
  197. Heroes Unlimited Beginner/Stage Magician Tips (2 replies)
  198. [L5R 4E] Just how good is the meishodo shugenja? (5 replies)
  199. An attempt at a game log (Exalted) (13 replies)
  200. [AD&D] Stances? Maneuvers? (5 replies)
  201. [nWoD] - Sooooo who wants to build me a viking? (16 replies)
  202. Warhammer 40,000 Supercampaign (11 replies)
  203. [SR3] A GM's Error Log (1 replies)
  204. Iron Heroes hype (18 replies)
  205. "Favorite" Bad Advice from the 2E DMG? (5 replies)
  206. Roleplaying amnesia? (10 replies)
  207. My Review of Mouseguard RPG (1 replies)
  208. Psuedo-Star Wars GURPS campaign (4 replies)
  209. Making a new WoD character sheet (Oblivion, Now Complete) (2 replies)
  210. Deadlands HoE: Whatever Happened to Throckmorton? (0 replies)
  211. So if you were a superpower what creative powers would you have? (59 replies)
  212. OD&D books - pricecheck (6 replies)
  213. I want AD&D 2nd Edition with cleaned up math (118 replies)
  214. [SR3] SINful Living (1 replies)
  215. Dang You Original Shadowrun!!!!!! (5 replies)
  216. going to play in a Deathwatch game... (20 replies)
  217. Action-Horror/Urban Fantasy [NWoD/Others] (12 replies)
  218. [deadlands revised] Where terror meets humor. (4 replies)
  219. [1ed] Wow, I wasn't even close! (21 replies)
  220. [Exalted] Dragon-Blooded (wood) - anything I should know? (21 replies)
  221. AD&D 1e Cleric/Magic-User question (7 replies)
  222. DH: Between Full Flak and Carapace (2 replies)
  223. [TRoS] What do I need to solve The Riddle of Steel? (1 replies)
  224. Exalted Webcomic? (58 replies)
  225. GURPS Gun combat streamlining/balancing (4 replies)
  226. Metro 2033 RPG system recommendations (3 replies)
  227. Against the grain (2 replies)
  228. Help with Setting! It will be appreciated! (0 replies)
  229. [SR4] Mystic Adept Improved Ability (19 replies)
  230. [1ed] So I just pre-ordered the rerelase of the 1ed AD&D core books... (27 replies)
  231. A few Shadowrun questions- (23 replies)
  232. Building a sin-eater! (8 replies)
  233. Exalted General Exalted Discussion Thread X: Playground Cosmic Principle (1502 replies)
  234. Character builds by order(PF, SWSE,SR 4E) (29 replies)
  235. Deadlands [classic] Fannin' (1 replies)
  236. [SR] Possession in non-Possession Traditions (6 replies)
  237. Green Lantern, but not quite. *M&M 3rd edition.* (1 replies)
  238. NWOD/Mage: Help me design a Thyrsus rote! (29 replies)
  239. Dark Heresy: Evicerator (6 replies)
  240. 2nd Edition ADND - Items to boost dex (26 replies)
  241. Exalted: Eclipse Caste Help (30 replies)
  242. Mage: The Ascension Help (9 replies)
  243. FRCS AD&D 2E Map Font (4 replies)
  244. Gaming in the wastes of Barsoom (13 replies)
  245. A running review of L5R 4E (11 replies)
  246. Legend of the Five Rings 4th: ? on Stances (5 replies)
  247. The Veil? (5 replies)
  248. (NWoD) Variant Firearms rule (9 replies)
  249. Rogue Trader? (39 replies)
  250. [Moldvay Old-School Play] Mappers and Callers (12 replies)