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  1. Heavenly Sword (2 replies)
  2. Dumbledore is gay. (277 replies)
  3. Long Feng and the Dai Li versus Anhk-Morpork's finest and most lethal. (14 replies)
  4. Rate the concept for my fantasy book (39 replies)
  5. I Am GiantITP (And So Can You!) (3 replies)
  6. Fraggles VS Smurfs (8 replies)
  7. Stardust (21 replies)
  8. The Orc King: R.A. Salvatore's latest (12 replies)
  9. Tyranids vs. Zerg (12 replies)
  10. Favorite Final Fantasy (79 replies)
  11. For Otaku: Top 100 Animé 2006 (35 replies)
  12. Things I Don't Understand (28 replies)
  13. "Emo" vs just sad? (8 replies)
  14. Ender Wiggin vs Honor Harrington (31 replies)
  15. Ender vs. Thrawn (52 replies)
  16. hypothetical Star Wars:Infinities...Thrawn vs.. (4 replies)
  17. Pixar's WALL-E (4 replies)
  18. Xel'Naga vs. the Forerunners (34 replies)
  19. Thrawn vs. Honor Harrington (97 replies)
  20. Nip/Tuck (0 replies)
  21. Autobots vs. Veritechs (4 replies)
  22. Nightmare City (0 replies)
  23. Gold Compass - New Movie (41 replies)
  24. Vs Honor Harrington (22 replies)
  25. MIDICRONICA - Samurai Champloo Help (0 replies)
  26. Voldemort and Bellatrix Lestrange vs. Archchancellor Mustrum Ridcully and the Busur. (32 replies)
  27. Oh My God Atomic Robo (2 replies)
  28. Der Erlkönig vs Maxwell's Silver Hammer? (0 replies)
  29. Ancient Greek Heroes/Gods vs Thread. (97 replies)
  30. Spooooky Tunes (45 replies)
  31. Tolkien Quiz Thread (297 replies)
  32. Supernatural: New Season (1 replies)
  33. A quote I can't place (7 replies)
  34. Epic Conditions/Weatherventures (0 replies)
  35. OOTS, superhero-style!! (42 replies)
  36. 300, the PG version (18 replies)
  37. Introduction to Hellblazer (4 replies)
  38. Flash animations (3 replies)
  39. They're making an anime out of Maplestory... (11 replies)
  40. Michael Clayton, blah blah BLAH... [Spoiled] (6 replies)
  41. This is Halloween (18 replies)
  42. The Galactic Empire vs the Imperium of Man (457 replies)
  43. Linux (19 replies)
  44. Alucard vs. Dante (8 replies)
  45. Fonejacker. (4 replies)
  46. DragonForce (60 replies)
  47. Boondocks Series 2 (1 replies)
  48. No more Cable & Deadpool (26 replies)
  49. Need comp. help (3 replies)
  50. Most broken game (40 replies)
  51. Your Montage Song (3 replies)
  52. Futurama: The Movie (22 replies)
  53. What about CN? (18 replies)
  54. Andromeda Ascendant vs. The Covenant (10 replies)
  55. Cloud strife v.s. squall lionheart (41 replies)
  56. Second season for the melancholy of haruhi suzumiya (3 replies)
  57. zerg v.s. flood (36 replies)
  58. Serenity sequel (???) (26 replies)
  59. The Prog Rock Discussion Thread (49 replies)
  60. What happened to the OOTS mini-banners? (2 replies)
  61. Series on DVD (2 replies)
  62. Havelock Vetinari Vs. V (13 replies)
  63. Sweeney Todd - the trailer is out! (18 replies)
  64. No Star Trek vs Star Wars threads? (78 replies)
  65. I don't really understand the OG2 clips... (0 replies)
  66. Gundam 00 (14 replies)
  67. Halo 3 (4 replies)
  68. Naruto v.s Inyuashsa (44 replies)
  69. creepiest anime intro? (24 replies)
  70. Could 90s Music suck any more? (94 replies)
  71. StarCraft Terrans vs. Babylon 5 Earth Alliance (48 replies)
  72. Doom 3 (3 replies)
  73. New South Park (34 replies)
  74. The Seeker: The Dark is Rising (13 replies)
  75. Pushing Daisies (13 replies)
  76. Across the Universe... (5 replies)
  77. Animorphs empires VS Star Wars (28 replies)
  78. Grunge appreciation thread (16 replies)
  79. The Elenium! (19 replies)
  80. Finally, a versus thread worth reading: (17 replies)
  81. Villain as a Hero (17 replies)
  82. Godzilla charecters (1 replies)
  83. "Hero as a Villian" (58 replies)
  84. Godzilla (6 replies)
  85. Epic team-up of Empires VS Epic team-up of Empires. (80 replies)
  86. Stargate Replicators vs. Star Wars Empire (63 replies)
  87. The Old Republic vs The UNSC (50 replies)
  88. Rush: Why They Own All (3 replies)
  89. Help needed naming this movie (3 replies)
  90. Smallville Season Seven (7 replies)
  91. star wars new republic v.s protoss (156 replies)
  92. Jonathan Strange+Mr Norrel Vs. Ged, the Wizard of Earthsea (10 replies)
  93. Doc Strange movie/video (7 replies)
  94. Comic Newcomer (22 replies)
  95. New Radiohead Album: In Rainbows (8 replies)
  96. Sauron vs Voldemort (1272 replies)
  97. The Rule of Four (1 replies)
  98. Madness (14 replies)
  99. What is Discworld? (56 replies)
  100. Stargate: Atlantis begins today ! (13 replies)
  101. Moon Light Last only one show? (0 replies)
  102. Where's D.A.V.E? (11 replies)
  103. Chasers war on everything (9 replies)
  104. How about this villain team? The Order of Perfection. (99 replies)
  105. Little Shop of Horrors (Mean green mother from outer space) (4 replies)
  106. Rest in Peace, Robert Jordan. (3 replies)
  107. I give in... Versus Galore! (61 replies)
  108. The Girls of Naruto = Overpowered? (30 replies)
  109. Backmask (Raistlin's Magazine) (7 replies)
  110. The Last Dragon Magazine (7 replies)
  111. She hulk (12 replies)
  112. Monkey (9 replies)
  113. Chuck (15 replies)
  114. And now for something completely appropriate (10 replies)
  115. NBC Shows (8 replies)
  116. Some things I learned about animes (74 replies)
  117. Star Wars Specials (8 replies)
  118. LotR in Engrish (3 replies)
  119. Family Guy: Blue Harvest (19 replies)
  120. A question on Batman:DKR (9 replies)
  121. A rant about encores (and stuff on gigs in general) (17 replies)
  122. Dark Tower Movie: Who would you cast? (15 replies)
  123. Death note in English (54 replies)
  124. The Bride of the Bat! (27 replies)
  125. Novel #1 (6 replies)
  126. shocker: legit (12 replies)
  127. Halo: The Future of Gaming(Video) (7 replies)
  128. The Twelve Colonies vs The UNSC (50 replies)
  129. I just... (BSG spoilers) (3 replies)
  130. LoadingReadyRun presents: Halo: the Future of Gaming (14 replies)
  131. Watership Down (57 replies)
  132. super-films, the horror (84 replies)
  133. the hollow men (0 replies)
  134. IT Crowd (3 replies)
  135. The Scrubs (Dis)Appreciation Thread. (27 replies)
  136. For those of us that do movie reviews on youtube... ect (0 replies)
  137. Yay! Doug Stanhope Tickets! (0 replies)
  138. The Age-Old Nerd Question (28 replies)
  139. doctor who season 4, new companion? (10 replies)
  140. (Not a versus Thread) Watchmen! (Spoilers) (26 replies)
  141. A Non-Cheesed Foe for Batman (yes, another versus thread) (18 replies)
  142. Coolest Movie Soundtrack (43 replies)
  143. Red Hand of Doom: The Movie (9 replies)
  144. Yu-Gi-oh! The Abridged Series (81 replies)
  145. Deathproof (15 replies)
  146. Did you cried when... (23 replies)
  147. Goners, Joss Whedon's new film (18 replies)
  148. Playground Mix Tapes (0 replies)
  149. Best Hero Lines (94 replies)
  150. Superman: Doomsday (7 replies)
  151. Fray / Buffy Season 8 (12 replies)
  152. Hey There All You Converts! (12 replies)
  153. the .vs. Threads (5 replies)
  154. Can you help me remember this comicbook series? (3 replies)
  155. Mila 18 (3 replies)
  156. The Skrull card (25 replies)
  157. Resident Evil (anger) (35 replies)
  158. Ya know those bits at the end of the last track on albums? (30 replies)
  159. The one fair Batman-verses-someone thread: Bats verses Black Panther (24 replies)
  160. The Battlestar Galactica (modern) Appreciation Thread. (34 replies)
  161. The Runaways Appreciation Thread (26 replies)
  162. Aliens versus Predator: Requiem (7 replies)
  163. Robert Jordan (the Wheel of Time) just died. (48 replies)
  164. Rage Against the Machine (36 replies)
  165. The Languages of Tolkien (9 replies)
  166. Protoss vs. Covenant (265 replies)
  167. The Buffy Appreciation Thread (79 replies)
  168. Crème de la crème. (8 replies)
  169. #1 complete Anime (99 replies)
  170. Garfield (34 replies)
  171. Who would win? (33 replies)
  172. your friendly neightborhood Spiderman vs Bats (37 replies)
  173. Favorite Book/Series? (42 replies)
  174. Squirrel girl vs the living tribunal with all the infinity gems vs Batman (18 replies)
  175. A Consumer Warning for D-War: Dragon Wars (31 replies)
  176. Doctor Who: Blink (50 replies)
  177. Wanted: Comic Stip for Monthly Publication (1 replies)
  178. Iron Man V. Thor (Spoilers) (8 replies)
  179. A True Jedi Knight (9 replies)
  180. Borg vs. Replicators (8 replies)
  181. The Zerg vs. Star Trek (44 replies)
  182. The Radiohead Appreciation Thread (11 replies)
  183. Wow... how did the media miss this one? (9 replies)
  184. The Protoss vs the Empire (23 replies)
  185. The Guild (1 replies)
  186. Ironman VS Batman (152 replies)
  187. New Vs. Thread Idea (6 replies)
  188. Going to the cinema tonight, what should i see? (5 replies)
  189. The Inheritance Trilogy (4 replies)
  190. 300 Techno Remix Vid. (1 replies)
  191. What cross-fiction team ups would you like to see (71 replies)
  192. Hobbit Vocabulary (8 replies)
  193. The Protoss vs The Federation (350 replies)
  194. Dnd PSA (16 replies)
  195. Avatar: The Last Airbender...The Movie? (64 replies)
  196. Coming in 2008? Possible greatness? You decide. (4 replies)
  197. Warriors (0 replies)
  198. Sad books? (40 replies)
  199. Crime Fighting Superheroes (31 replies)
  200. A thread about the awesomest action movie in the universe. (32 replies)
  201. Your Favourite Beatle (25 replies)
  202. Demotivators! (8 replies)
  203. + Anima (4 replies)
  204. Favorite cartoon short? (6 replies)
  205. Super Strength (12 replies)
  206. Iron Man - The Movie (42 replies)
  207. GeekGirl TV (0 replies)
  208. Rasputina / Cruxshadows (6 replies)
  209. I Am Legend (13 replies)
  210. Ever feel nostalgic? (8 replies)
  211. Smallville. (21 replies)
  212. Things I've learned from comics (116 replies)
  213. Nashtastic! (9 replies)
  214. Novel with pirates, suggestions? (9 replies)
  215. R.I.P. Pavarotti (11 replies)
  216. Death Note (7 replies)
  217. Madeleine L'Engle (7 replies)
  218. Captain America as Dante Hicks (2 replies)
  219. The IT Crowd [spoilers] (8 replies)
  220. Led Zeppelin Reforming!! (38 replies)
  221. Band Names!! (17 replies)
  222. Necronauts (1 replies)
  223. Reaper (0 replies)
  224. Favourite Album Cover (26 replies)
  225. Favorite Movie (60 replies)
  226. Dan In Real Life (2 replies)
  227. Rising Stars (0 replies)
  228. Your League of Extraordinary Gentlemen! (133 replies)
  229. A request (7 replies)
  230. James bond discussion Thread (73 replies)
  231. Playground Music Directory (18 replies)
  232. Marvel War (Speculation) (11 replies)
  233. Your Justice League! (28 replies)
  234. Fantasy author looking for some feedback (20 replies)
  235. If Monty Python went to Hogwarts... (20 replies)
  236. Hisako/Armour (33 replies)
  237. Kid Nation. (79 replies)
  238. bleach (46 replies)
  239. Not-so-Epic Battle, Mihawk vs. Griffith [Spoilers] (0 replies)
  240. Epic Battle Galactus vs. Pheonix vs. Paralax (36 replies)
  241. LOTR The Two Towers- In Stick Figures (1 replies)
  242. d20-based roguelike, in case anyone cares (8 replies)
  243. songs with a purpose (15 replies)
  244. The Heavy Metal Thread! :rawk: (87 replies)
  245. The "Stormtrooper Effect" (103 replies)
  246. The Dark Knight (Batman Begins sequel) (34 replies)
  247. On singers and accents (23 replies)
  248. Waring Empires, Protoss vs The Empire (49 replies)
  249. Zombies: Action or Survival? (62 replies)
  250. Feedback Movie (26 replies)